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1 Project Presentation

2 Our Experience

3 Historical Research

4 Design Methodology

5 The Patache Replica: Technical specifications

5.1 Building Technique

5.2 Materials

6 Constructive Spirit and Project Attributes

7 Working Areas

7. 1 Museum Field

7. 2 Technological Field

8 Potencial Aplications

8. 1 The Patache under Construction

8. 2 The Patache in Route

8. 3 The Patache at Port

8. 4 Sponsorship




The idea is to build in the Philippines, one of the most relevant and symbolic vessels of the history of the archipelago: a sailing, real-scale replica of a Patache.

Since the 16th century, this kind of vessel circumnavigated and explored the Philippine islands mapping its coast and geography. They participated in ambitious expeditions that covered the immensity of the Paci�c Ocean, and communicating continents with the discovery of the “torna-viaje” (the way back) setting the starting point of centuries of cultural and trade relationships amongst Asia, America and Europe.

The Pataches were speedy, exploring ships that were used as supporting vessels, mail deliverers or just guardians of bigger boats that were involved in geographic expeditions and commercial relations. The Patache keeps an undisputed place in the maritime history of the Philippines, in navegating among its islands and its cultural inter-oceanic identity.

The Project objective is the building of an accurate, sailing replica of one of these vessels in the Philippines; a symbol of the maritime history of the islands and its rich cultural heritage, undoubtedly linked to navigation. A very detailed research process that guarantees the historic rigor in designing, shapes and details, the replica of this outstanding ship.

And after being built, the idea is to sail the Patache around the Philippine archipelago, spreading the knowledge about the history of navigation, stopping over in many di�erent ports and cities along the way. In the ports, the ship would be open to the public, receiving on board visitors and o�ering many kinds of activities and promotional events.

1 Presentation



NAVEGACIÓN Y OCIO holds the largest experience of its kind in the world, in the �eld of research and designing of historic vessels, building of sailing replicas, and planning and execution of sailing projects with ships.

More than a dozen historical sailing and non-sailing ships have been built; more than 70.000 travelled miles to 25 countries on 4 conti-nents; and more than 9 million visitors received, clear evidence of the professionalism, rigor and guaranteed success that you can get from Navegacion y Ocio in these kind of projects.

This work is done by professionals and experts in a variety of di�erent and essential �elds like, researchers and historians, ship engineers, craftsmen of all kinds -Wood, chandlery, sail; And also making good use of a number of historical sources and technological resources like: historical �les, museum background, computer-aided design and simulation, applying the latest technologies and materials in the ship-building industry.

Apart from designing, building and carrying sailing projects around the world, Navegacion y ocio, within its wide experience, has designed and built non-sailing, real-scale ships for museums, expositions and theme parks of all kinds.

In order to give a better idea of the work done, here is a short summary of some of the projects that the professional sta� of Navegacion y Ocio has participated:



Nao Santa María and the Carabela Pinta, from the National Commission of the Fifth Centenary of the Discovery of America . Sailing replicas of two of the three ships that Christopher Columbus used in 1492. After undertaking the required historic research, design and construc-tion of the vessels, a voyage was carried out across the Atlantic Ocean and almost 20.000 miles were sailed while stopping over in 24 Spanish and 20 American ports.

The Replica Nao Victoria, made for the Expo 92 in Seville, was the �rst ship in history to circumnavigate the globe, commanded by Magellan and Elcano from 1519 to 1522. Historical research, design, and building of its replica was carried out, followed by an Earth circumnaviga-tion along 29.500 miles visiting 17 countries, and being the itinerant pavilion of Spain in the Aichi Expo in Japan in 2004.

ships of THE Fifth centenary

9 Countries44 Ports20.000 Miles8,130.000 Visitors


17 Countries28 Ports29.500 Miles1,000.000 Visitors




15 Countries26 Ports23.000 Miles300.000 Visitors

The Galleon Andalucía built for Nao Victoria Foundation, is a sailing replica of a Manila galleon, a 500-ton ship, 3 decks, 1. 000 m2 of sail surface, and 12 cannons. Historical research, design and building were executed. Later a sailing Project was organized to visit 15 countries, 26 cities and achieved 23.000 miles.



“The commisioned Captain of the Patache San Lucas, Mr. Alonso de Arellano, together with the people onboardI, Miguel Lopez de Legaspi, governor and general captain of the People and the Army, appointed by His Majesty to

discover the Western islands...”.(A.G.I. Governing Board 23, R19. Description of the Legazpi Armada´s voyage and course, 1564)

“In the major patax…in which soldiers and sailors will be placed according to needs. For the minor patax, which is due to serve the major vessels and discover ports and rivers, and other needed and suitable elements for the sake of

the aforesaid army. (The first ones in the Philippines, 1559)

From the 16th to the 19th century, the pataches sailed across the Philippines and the Paci�c Ocean. These fast and versatile ships were used to guard and explore the coasts of many islands of the archipelago. They were also part of the �eets bound for Acapulco to discover the endless Paci�c Ocean or take part in defensive expeditions of the Philippine islands.

Undoubtedly, San Lucas is the most popular of the pataches that make up the Philippine navigation history. It has a capacity of hardly 40 barrels and it played a leading role in one of the most extraordi-nary maritime adventures in the exploration of the Paci�c: San Lucas took part in Legazpi’s expedition, whose main mission was to discover a return route from the Philippines to Mexico, the so-called torna-viaje. The �eet was made up of �ve ships, one of which was a patache: San Lucas.

After an exceptional cruise, San Lucas was the �rst ship that managed to cross the Paci�c Ocean from West to East. It departed Mindanao and arrived to Acapulco on 9th November, 1565. Thus, San Lucas opened the tornaviaje route, which was the only route that connected The Philippines, the Americas and Spain for many centuries.

There is no worthier patache that can de�ne itself to be Filipino and to have played a leading role in one of the most important deeds of the maritime history.


4 Historical research and design methodology

The rationale behind the main features of the original Patache that sailed across the Philippinian islands for centuries, a �rst-stage historical research has been carried out. Historians and documen-talists have worked together with naval engineers in order to design its shape and details.

At the aim of keeping the historical accuracy regarding shape, sizes and equipment, the work meth-odology consists of a research stage; analysis of documental, iconographic and bibliographic resources; collection of data, as well as the application of the conclusions drawn from the research to the ship blueprint.

At this stage, we have turned to primary and iconographic resources �led in the General Archive of the Indies and the Madrid Naval Museum. Modern-era naval construction treaties as well as historical chronicles and contemporary bibliography have also been used.

• Nautical Instruction for sailing. Diego García de Palacio. 1587

• Conquest of The Philippines. Gaspar de San Agustín. 1565-1615

• Skills to build, fortify and rig war and merchant naos.. Thome Cano. 1611

• “Livro de Traças de Carpintería”. Manoel Fernandez. 1616

• Dialogue between a Biscayan and a highlander about the factory of ships. S XVII

• Baxeles factory. Francisco Antonio Garrote. 1691

• Skills to build Reales. Antonio de Gaztañeta Yturribalzaga. 1688

• Ancient and modern naval architecture. J. J. Navarro. Marqués de la Victoria. 1719-1756

• Naval constructions. Rafael Monleón. 1890

• Collection of the Spaniards’ trips and discoveries by sea. Martín Fernandez de Navarrete. 1964


4 Historical research and design methodology

• Collection of logs and relations for the history of trips and discoveries. Historical Marine Institute. 1974- 1975

• The first ones in the Philippines. Patricio Hidalgo Núchera. 1559• Spaniards’ discoveries in the Southern Sea. Several authors. 1991

Ancient measure units have been converted into the current metric system to outline the shapes and calculate the dimensions. The proportions represented in the historical iconography have been studied in relation to the average dimensions provided by the naval construction treaties and other documental resources.

After measuring the shapes, measures and proportions, the collected data are represented on the constructive shapes blueprint, which embody the conclusions drawn from the historical research and the techniques and concepts of the naval engineer together with the support of the informa-tion technologies used to convert into real data the main features of the patache.



Length : 20,00 m

Depth: 3,50 m

Main mast (from deck): 18,00 m

Beam: 5,77 m

Displacement : 60 GT

Foremast (from deck): 18,00 m

Draft: 2,00 m

Sail area : 335 m2

Bowsprit (from deck): 7,22 m

Pataches were agile and fast due to the hull’s design and their masting.

The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail between any of the Philippine’s ports.

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed up to 12 knots.

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including making landfall in shallow ports.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition. rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition. rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition. rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition. rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition. rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail between any of the Philippine’s ports. between any of the Philippine’s ports.

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including making landfall in shallow ports.Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including making landfall in shallow ports.Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition. rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition. rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition. rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition. rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition. rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition. rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition. rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

between any of the Philippine’s ports.

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail between any of the Philippine’s ports.

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail between any of the Philippine’s ports.

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail between any of the Philippine’s ports. between any of the Philippine’s ports. The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail between any of the Philippine’s ports. between any of the Philippine’s ports.

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail between any of the Philippine’s ports.

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition. The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition. rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

between any of the Philippine’s ports. between any of the Philippine’s ports. between any of the Philippine’s ports.

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including making landfall in shallow ports.

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

rigging and jibs, which will allow her to sail on almost any wind condition.

The engine, as a secondary propulsion system, provides her with a range of 700 nautical miles. Enough to sail between any of the Philippine’s ports.

The patache will have more than 300m2 of sail area, combining –like her predecessors- square sails with ga� sail

between any of the Philippine’s ports.

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

between any of the Philippine’s ports.

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including making landfall in shallow ports.

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including making landfall in shallow ports.

Thanks to the ratio beam-length and her only 60 tons of displacement, the ship will be able to achieve a speed

Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including making landfall in shallow ports.Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including making landfall in shallow ports.Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including making landfall in shallow ports.Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including making landfall in shallow ports.Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including making landfall in shallow ports.making landfall in shallow ports.Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including making landfall in shallow ports.making landfall in shallow ports.Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including Her reduced draught and long sailing range will make her suitable for any kind of sailing maneuvers, including



She will have living facilities for 20 people. Regardless of the great sail area, a team of just 10 crew members will be enough to operate the sails, which will allow the ship to travel holding overnight guests, clients, pupils, etc… Making it possible for them to enjoy the sailing trip.

The design provides her with the latest Technologies and modern on-board Navigation Systems: Radar, GMDSS Systems, electronic charts…

The combination of these systems with the use of the sails makes the Patache a sustainability platform with a reduced ecological footprint, sea and environmental friendly, and working with the aim of self-su�ciency. The ship has installed a desalination plant to obtain drinking water, power units from renewable energies like photovoltaic, wind power, etc.











PETIFOQUESup. 32.97 m2










The hull will be built as a whole, in one piece of polyester resin reinforced with �berglass, covered with wood on all the upper works and all visible areas.

This new building method has already been proven successful with the construction of “Galeón Andalucia” (Andalucia Galleon). The Galleon, a ship with 500 tons of dead weight (8 times the volume of the Patache), has already travelled more than 23.000 miles without a problem after being built using this method, and her image is in no way di�erent from that of a ship made entirely of wood.

This mixed technique using �ber and wood shows numerous advantages:

- Reduction of maintenance and operation costs- Greater durability and resistance - Better technical features on resistance to impacts, torsion, and �exibility of the hull- Immunity of the hull’s bottom towards the Teredos Navalis and other wood parasites usually found on tropical waters like those of the Philippines

- Immunity towards the usual rusting found on steel hulls

The exterior appearance of the ship covered with wood on all its visible areas is undistinguishable from that of a ship made entirely of wood.



The structure will be built by strati�ed layers of polyester resin reinforced with �berglass, applying naval construction best practices.

For the laminate we will be using polyester resin approved for marine applications isophthalic and orthophthalic, reinforced with “Mat” �berglass strands and “Roving” suitable fabrics, as well as unidi-rectional �bers in areas where needed, until we achieve the required strength.

The minimal mechanical properties of the laminate based on Mat, with a weight content of 0.30 by �berglass by layer, will be:

Tensile Strength 85 N/mm2 Tensile Module 6500 N/mm2 Compression Strength 117 N/mm2 Strength Module 6000 N/mm2 Bending Strength 152 N/mm2 Bending Module 5206 N/mm2 Shear Strength 62 N/mm2 Shear Module 2750 N/mm2 Interlaminar-shear Strength 17.95 N/mm2 Maximal water absorption 70 mg

The overlay panels will be formed by coating the central or core material by manual lamination on both sides, or by adhesion of a dry laminate against both sides of the core material.

In the case of polyurethane because it is the most used material in the manufacture of reinforce-ments, will have the following minimum requirements:

Tensile Strength 0.85 N/mm2 Compression Strength 0.60 N/mm2 Shear Strength 0.50 N/mm2 Strength Module 17.20 N/mm2 Shear Strength 8.50 N/mm2



In general, the technical characteristics of principal construction materials will be:


Isophthalic Gel-Coats will be used for the resistance against abrasions, with incorporation of inor-ganic �llers of very high hardness.

Density - 25 ºC 1.4 g/cm3

Gel - Time (2% PMEK) 10 - 20 min Tensile Strenght 30 - 40 N/mm2 Bending Module 3000-4000 N/mm2 Barcol Hardness 35 – 45 Degrees

Resins and Fiberglass

They are unsaturated polyester resins, orthophthalic base and isophthalic, thixotropic, pre-accelerated and low viscosity.

Resins Density - 25 ºC 1.13 g/cm3

Brook�eld Viscosity - 25ºC 4.8 – 6.0 Poise Acid Value 15 – 21 mgKOH/g Styrene Content 39 – 43 % Gel - Time(1% of PMEK): 18.5 – 21.5 min


Speci�c Weight 2.56 g/cm3 Tension Module 69000 N/mm2 Shear Module 28000 N/mm2 Poissons 0.36


After a technical study in the Philippines on the available autochthonous timber and their charac-teristics, we will select those that present best properties. They should match at least the follow-ing criteria:






Average Density [ kg/

m3 ] 715 720 650 650 450 450

Sapwood Light Yellow Light gray to

pale red Yellowish white

Yellowish white to grayish

Yellowish white

Yellowish white

Heartwood Yellowish

brown to brown

Pale pinkish tolight brown

Yellowish brown to pale red

Yellowish Brown to dark brown with dark

gray grains Reddish brown

Amarillo rojizo

Fiber Straight Straight Straight slightly

interlocking Straight Straight Straight

Grain Medium Thick Medium to coarse Medium to coarse Medium Thick to medium

Durability Durable Durable to

less durable Very durable Very durable

From mediumdurable tosensitive


Bending Strength

1070 960 955 1020 975 795

Elasticity Module

115000 113000 105000 110000 130000 74000

Compression Strength

580 450 540 630 492 400

Parallel Tensile

Strenght 1070 1600 800 - - -



BUILT IN THE PHILIPPINESMaterial suppliers, services and labour work

force will be Filipinos

NEW TECHNOLOGIESWork system innovation and construc-

tive design methods


Numerical control. New building and lining processes. Power self-su�ciency

Systems from renewable energy sources: photovoltaic, wind power

TRADITIONAL TRADESCraft elements and procedures:

traditional boat-building, caulkers, work on the lines and riggings

UNIQUEThe only sailing replica of a 16th

century Patache from the maritime history of The Philippines.

VISUAL IMPACTIt is a very attractive and appealing lure for the visitors, and has a large

media reach.

ITINERANT PLATFORM Able to sail and make stops along

the islands of the Philippines, enlarging the reach in time and space of the potential projects.

VERSATILEThe facilities on the ship and her

di�erent areas will allow to carry out a great variety of projects .

SUSTAINABLEThe modern equipment and the use

of sails make her a sustainability platform with a reduced ecological

footprint and environmental friendly.


7 working AREAS

This ship will be the biggest sailing replica of a 16th century historical Patache built in the Philippines.


HOLD: 40 m2

Both, the upper deck, and the hold will comprise of exhibition areas and live-aboard compartments: galley, crew and service quarters.

These spaces are unique, functional and adaptable to a huge range of events and activities: shows, cocktails, professional meetings, exhibitions, among others.

During the events, it can hold up to 60 people onboard.It can be widened according to the needs with other installations

on the quayside.

Capacity to receive up to 3.000 daily visitors at ports.

It o�ers an exhibition surface of more than 120 m2.




Together with the design and shape of the Patache, an idea is developed to turn the boat into a museum, a real �oating gallery, a product to spread the historical maritime heritage of the Philippines, which has a worldwide unique capability of attraction.

When aboard the decks, which will be accessible to the audience, the visitors will be able to see the rigging, cordage, sails, artillery, pulleys, and other live aboard elements. Therefore, visitors can learn how these ships sailed and get an insight into what the conditions were like for the crew.

Ancient furnishings, navigational aids, food and packaging samples will be showcased in the hold and they will include explanation tags to take the visitors back in time to evoke an atmosphere of sailing in the XVI century.

Thus, the Patache turns into a museum-like product, which is unique in the Philippines, and an excep-tional means to spread the knowledge about its history.

The basic equipment of the Patache is compatible with the installations needed to manage a cutting-edge research platform with elements of energetic support, computer infrastructures, telematic capacities for land connections, data collection tools and general storage.

- Computer and telematic systems on board- Communication systems: INMARSAT satellite, LAN-WAN, SOLAS-GMDSS compatibility.- Measure, telemetry and data acquisition systems.- Sample collection and storage systems.

During the design and construction stage, tools and equipment will be included at the aim of develop-ing projects and speci�c activities for the protection of the environment.



The Patache provides an itinerant platform and a unique, �exible resource for great social activi-ties.

The di�erent phases of the project could allow the implementation of the potential applications to be de�ned and classi�ed according to the time and venue of execution.


GUIDED TOURS. After �nishing the lining of the hull and with the structural elements still visible, the construction of the Patache can be viewed by a large number of groups: schools, public and private institutions, cultural associations, universities, and the general public.

Visitors will be accompanied by specialized instructors, who will explain the di�erent stages of construction, its characteristics and history, both as a XVI century vessel and of its activities in the Paci�c in later times. Posters and models will be used to represent, planning, building, drawing, and routes followed by these types of ships for maintaining trade and commerce, also period clothing of the o�cers and crew that lived-aboard.

SCHOOL/ COLLEGE ACTIVITIES In order that the construction of the Patache can be followed closely, young people will be o�ered an academic program implemented by courses, seminars, workshops, conferences and debates in schools and universities, which will be designed to have multiple activities with a view to awaken new interest in knowledge areas: History and shipbuilding in the Philippines, environmental awareness, shore line shipbuilding carpentry yards...

MEDIA COVERAGE The construction of Patache will be an attractive advertising showcase given the many events that can be held during its various building construction:

- A press conference for the presentation of the shipbuilding project.- Presentation of the project on those scenarios most appropriate: Boat Shows, Universities,

Museums. - Keel laying, hull sheathing, launching and �xing of the last sail, sea trials.- Signing of cooperation agreements on research programs with universities and museums.


8. 2 the PATACHE IN route

Once the ship is built, di�erent journeys and voyages will be designed between ports of interest linking the di�erent islands, for which di�erent programs can be developed.

FIELD TRIPS FOR PUPILS Designed for young people who will have the opportunity to attend a full academic program in order to guide them and awake in them vocations that may be useful in their professional development. An education set in values to strengthen student links with the sea and nature. While on the sea, the instructors will develop a training program com-posed of workshops on history, astronomy, biology, new technologies, music, photography, scuba diving ...

Also, special attention will be paid to sports activities, to encourage team building to strengthen-ing ties between participants.After each trip, award diplomas will be awarded to students in a closing ceremony attended by the Media.

COMMEMORATION OF HISTORIC AND SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITIONS Many famous historical expeditions, such as Elcano, Magellan, Legazpi, Malaspina, Juan de Cuellar and the famous Balmis medical expedition, toured the islands of the Philippines during the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries, exploring the islands and its natural resources to expand and complete the geographical and scienti�c knowledge at the time. Routes will be proposed to simulate those followed by these vessels linked to an academic program.

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PLATFORM The Patache may end up having facilities capable of managing a platform for cutting-edge research with elements of backup power, infrastructure, telematics capabilities, shore communication links, tools for data collection and general storage. On this platform we could develop a multitude of projects related to environmental agreements with universities and leading scienti�c institutions.

REAL TIME FOLLOW-UPS Through a central monitoring and ground logistics control, you can have direct communication with the vessel while at sea. All this information will update the Web log book which can be accessed online by any follower of the project.

COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA ACTIVITIES To be held for the Media in order to �lm documentaries, commercials, interviews, live connections ... on board the Patache.

MORE ACTIVITIES As a multifunctional resource, the Patache will also allow a wide variety of activities:

- Participation in the selection of crew and guests (VIPs, technical, media, ...)- Training in leadership and team building for companies- Platform for underwater activities- Publicity and promotional( commercials)



PATACHE MUSEUM With their 120 square meters of wooden decks, visitors and guests will enjoy the historical aspect of their ropes, sails, artillery ... They will feel the same way as those men and women who embarked as the crew of a ocean going ship belonging to the brighter era in the history of maritime trade under sail.The interior spaces, such as the warehouse, the o�cers' mess, the quarter deck, with its looks so di�erent to those of our time and their range of characteristic odors, will impress both the special-ist and the general public.

Docked at port, the Patache becomes a powerful attraction and a vehicle for the cultural dissemination and development of various kinds of actions:

EXHIBITION ACTIVITIES Upon arrival in port all the space will be enabled for hosting shows and exhibitions which will be a further claim for the public to visit the boat.

EXHIBITION OF SCIENTIFIC RESULTS After completing scienti�c research projects carried on board. Its results will present to disseminate this knowledge among the academic com-munity, media and general public.

EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES The presence of schools and universities in port is secured through an academic program designed to have multiple activities wich will help to raise their vocation in new areas of knowledge: new technologies, renewable energy, envi-ronmental awareness, ancient history, sports, languages , education, procedural and ethical values , remembrance of signi�cant ephemeris in Philippine history.

MEDIA AND PRESS There will be press and media conferences on arrival at the ports. These press conferences will be attended by the professional crew and the authorities and / or local businessmen.

INDUSTRY EVENTS Can be organized speci�c days of business meetings and professional forums work, participate in trade fairs, trade missions ...

PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES The Patache will be adapted to the needs of the sponsors, turning the boat in its traveling advertising platform.

MORE ACTIVITIES As a multifunctional resource, the Patache will also allow a wide variety of activities:

- Diplomatic and O�cial events- Ceremonies, performances and entertaining and general interest activities - VIP events


8. 4 benefits of SPONSORSHIP

Sponsor logos will be displayed in a powerful and eye catching manner in various locations throughout the ship during boat activities and other events covered by the media

Logos will be visible in areas of high visitor tra�c and in the VIP zone during the opening ceremony.

Static advertising will be placed in all ports that the ship visits. Logos will be placed on �ags, pen-nants, stepladders, and around the patache’s entry side.


- O�cial communication of the project (in the form of banners, brochures, posters, etc.) will include the sponsor’s logo.

- A direct link to the sponsor’s website will be placed on the project’s web page.

- A press release will be issued covering the signing of the sponsorship agreement.

8. 4 benefits of SPONSORSHIP

The sponsor’s logo will be present in all audiovisual material released to the media. Copies of this material will be given to the sponsor upon request.

Extensive advertisement will take place during the following signi�cant events:

- Keel set up- Launching- Arrivals to and departures from ports during the ship’s journeys through The Philippines- On-board receptions held in the patache- Press conferences and media coverage- Television appearances

The sponsor’s logo will appear on all crew uniforms. Members of the organization will wear these uniforms during all o�cial events, including but not limited to receptions, interviews and dockings.
