Dont Be Fooled by Me

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  • 8/21/2019 Dont Be Fooled by Me


    Don’t Be Fooled By Me

    by Charles C. Finn, As read by Roscoe on WBAI, April 1967

    Please don't be ooled by !e. "on't be ooled by the ace I#ear, or I #ear a !as$. I #ear a tho%sand !as$s, !as$s

    that I'! araid to ta$e o& and none o the! are !e.

    Pretendin is an art that is second nat%re to !e, b%t don't be

    ooled, or (od's sa$e don't be ooled.

    I i)e yo% the i!pression I'! sec%re and that all is s%nny

    and %nr%*ed #ith !e, #ithin as #ell as #itho%t, that

    con+dence is !y na!e, coolness !y a!e, that #ater iscal! and I'! in co!!and and that I need no one, b%t don't

    belie)e !e, please don't belie)e !e.

    y s%race !ay be s!ooth, b%t !y s%race is a !as$--!y

    e)ery )aryin and e)er concealin !as$. Beneath it d#ells

    the real con%sion, ear and aloneness. Beneath lies !y

    s!%ness, !y co!placently, b%t I hide this--I don't #ant

    anyone to $no# it.

    I panic at the tho%ht o !y #ea$ness and ear bein

    eposed. /hat's #hy I rantically created a !as$ to hide

    behind-- nonchalant sophisticated acades to help !e

    pretend-- to shield !e ro! the lance that $no#s-- b%t s%ch

    a lance is precisely !y sal)ation, !y only sal)ation and I

    $no# it. /hat is i it's ollo#ed by acceptance. I it's ollo#ed

    by lo)e, it's the only thin that can liberate !e ro! !ysel,

    ro! !y o#n sel b%ilt prison #alls and ro! the barriersthat I so painsta$inly erect. It's the only thin that #ill

    ass%re !e o #hat I cannot ass%re !ysel, that I'! really

    #orth #hile, b%t I don't tell yo% this, I don't dare--I'! araid


    I'! araid that yo%r lance #ill not be ollo#ed by

    acceptance and lo)e. I'! araid yo%'ll thin$ less o !e and

    yo%'ll la%h and yo%r la%h #ill $ill !e. I'! araid that deep

  • 8/21/2019 Dont Be Fooled by Me


    do#n, I'! nothin and that I'! 0%st no ood and that yo%'ll

    see this and re0ect !e.

    o I play !y a!e2 !y desperate pretendin2 #ith the

    acade o ass%rance #itho%t and a tre!blin child #ithin.And so beins the parade o !as$s, the litterin, b%t e!pty

    parade o !as$s and !y lie beco!es a ront. I idle chatter

    to yo% in s%a)e tones o s%race tal$. I tell yo% e)erythin

    that's really nothin and nothin o #hat's e)erythin and

    #hat's cryin #ithin !e.

    o #hen I'! thro%h oin thro%h !y ro%tine, do not be

    ooled by #hat I'! sayin. Please listen care%lly and try to

    hear #hat I'! not sayin--#hat I'd li$e to be able to say, b%t

    or s%r)i)al I need to say, b%t #hat I can't say.

    I disli$e hidin, honestly, I disli$e the s%per+cial a!e I'!

    playin, the s%per+cial phony a!e. I'd really li$e to be

    en%ine, spontaneo%s and !e, b%t yo%')e ot to help !e,

    yo%')e ot to hold o%t yo%r hand, e)en #hen it's the last

    thin I see! to #ant or need.

     3o% can help #ipe a#ay ro! !y eyes--the blan$ stare o

    rie)in dead. 3o% can help call !e into ali)eness each ti!e

    yo%'re $ind, entle and enco%rain. 4ach ti!e yo% try to

    %nderstand beca%se yo% really care, !y heart beins to

    ro# #ins, )ery s!all #ins, )ery eeble #ins, b%t #ins.

    Ii yo% choose to, please choose to. 3o% can help brea$ do#n

    the #all behind #hich I tre!ble. 3o% can enco%rae !e to

    re!o)e !y !as$. 3o% can help release !e ro! !y

    shado#ed #orld o panic and %ncertainty. Fro! !y lonely


    o do not pass !e by-- please don't pass !e by. It #ill not be

    easy or yo%. A lone con)iction o #orthlessness b%ilds

    stron #alls. /he nearer yo% approach !e, the blinder I !ay

    stri$e bac$.

  • 8/21/2019 Dont Be Fooled by Me


    It's irrational, b%t despite #hat boo$s say abo%t !an, I a!

    irrational, I +ht aainst the )ery thins that I cry o%t or, b%t

    I a! told lo)e is stroner than stron #alls. In this lies !y

    hope, !y only hope, please help beat do#n those #alls #ith

    +r! hands, b%t #ith entle hands--or a child is )erysensiti)e.

    Who a! I, yo% !ay #onder5 I a! so!eone yo% $no# )ery

    #ell. For I a! e)ery !an yo% !eet and I a! e)ery #o!en

    yo% !eet.