Donor-Advised Storytelling for Fundraising Success Deborah Miller Central Illinois Development Day

Donor-Advised Storytelling for Fundraising Success...Let’s talk about your organizations’ story… We will be using slido.com today To join and participate: 1. Open a browser on

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Donor-Advised Storytellingfor Fundraising Success

Deborah MillerCentral Illinois Development Day

Professionally, I am stronger through story:

Personally, I am stronger through story:

“story crosses boundaries between the personal, the professional; the primary knowledge, the secondary knowledge. It draws all of these things

together into a cosmos…”

Our organizations are stronger through story.Our donors are stronger through their personal stories. Organizational stories are stronger with donor stories.

Quote from oral history interview with Betsy Hearne, storyteller

Let’s talk about your organizations’ story…

We will be using slido.com todayTo join and participate:

1. Open a browser on any laptop, tablet or smartphone

2. Go to slido.com3. Enter the event code #story

If you have a question or topic to discuss today –please type it in now and we will discuss later.

Story from A Narrative Compass: Stories that Guide Women’s Lives by Besty Hearne and Roberta Seelinger Tri tes

“The Storyteller” by Evan Turk http://blogs.slj.com/afuse8production/files/2016/03/Storyteller3.jpg

“The storyteller paused and thought.Finally, she said, They were born.

They lived. They knew sorrow.

They knew joy. They died. We learn.”

Story from A Narrative Compass: Stories that Guide Women’s Lives by Besty Hearne and Roberta Seelinger Tri tes

“The storyteller paused and thought.Finally, she said, They were born.

They lived. They knew sorrow.

They knew joy. They died. We learn.”

“Story, as it turns out, was crucial to our evolution –more so than opposable thumbs. Opposable thumbs let us hang on; story told us what to hang on to.”

https ://blog.hubspot.com/hs-fs/hubfs/storytelling-quotes-Lisa-Cron-Wired-for-Story.png?width=600&name=storytelling-quotes-Lisa-Cron-Wired-for-Story.png

I have been working with Interim Associate Dean/Associate ProfessorKate McDowell at the University of Illinoishttps://storytellingscholar.blogspot.com

We have been conducting interviews about storytelling at work.

What type of stories does your non-profit tell internally? What type of stories does your non-profit tell externally?How do you use storytelling in your advancement (marketing and development) work?

Storytelling at Work Research Questions

On Slido.com

Let’s try this at slido.com

You will be prompted through these questions on your screen:

What words describe the purpose of stories at your organization?Who tells the stories for your organizations?Do you think your storytelling is effective?

https://www.sandler.com/blog/6-benefits-of-teamwork-in-the-workplaceCredit:Rawpixel - Fotolia Copyright:PHOTOMORPHIC PTE. LTD.

organizations share impact and inspire donors through many

story platforms

“Simply telling a story for the sake of telling a story is not going to catapult your organization to fame, nor will it result in a flood of donations from new donors.”

McDowell, Kate. 2018. “Tell me a story: Why advancement professionals need to not just relate stories but listen for them, too.” CASE Currents. (Sep/Oct).

Kate McDowell



https ://storytellingscholar.blogspot.com/

Every conversation with a donor is an opportunity to hear their story and understand

how they want to impact your organization.

Development Officer begins to tell org story by asking for story

Donor tells story about relationship

with org

Development officers listens,

adjusts, and states org story with

donor in narrative

https ://storytellingscholar.blogspot.com/

https ://storytellingscholar.blogspot.com/

P1 The Person. Who is affected, specifically? connect individuals whom the organization serves.

P2 The Peril. Facing what? Define, vividly, the problem that the person is facing.

P3 The Potential. If only ...? Show how donors can help meet the human dilemma head on.

P4 The Promise. Achieving what? Invoke the larger cause that donors will help advance.

P5 The Pulse. Exhilarate the donor. Why? Be emotion brings the heart to beat and creates an urgency

for action.

Source: Pete Mackey, President, Mackey Strategies. www.mackeystrategies.com

The Five P’sTo inform the strategic storytelling process

The Story Spine: Pixar’s 4th Rule of Storytelling

Once upon a time there was….

Every day …….

One day….

Because of that….

Because of that….

Until Finally….

“As for the hero of your story, well… it’s you! Your non-profit, and your team, and especially the donors who fund your work.

What makes you uniquely qualified to fight this fight, and win? Why should your donors care? Why should they get caught up in your story, your mission, your vision?”

Garecht, Joe. 2014. “How to Collect Compelling Stories to Use in Your Fundraising Work.” Thefundraisingauthority.com

“If the lion doesn’t tell his story, the hunter (or competitor) will.”

The moral of the

$1 Million Story

The Lion and the Mouse by Jerry Pinkney

Make an Ask at Every visit

…for a donor story

Tell me about your interactions with our organization?

What is the most meaningful aspect of our work?

Why do you give? What do you hope for the future of our organization?

Listening is everything.

“Long before I wrote stories, I listened for stories. Listening for them is something more acute than listening to them. I suppose it’s an early form of participation in what goes on. Listening children know stories are there. When their elders sit and begin, children are just waiting and hoping for one to come out, like a mouse from its hole.”

Eudora Welty, short story writer

Donor-advised story


Stories of Memory

Stories of Dreams

One Story at a Time



https://www.case.org/currents (sept/oct 2018)








Deborah [email protected]