Dear Hazel Class, I hope you are all well and enjoying this lovely weather. Thank you to all the children who have been sending me their work. It has put a big smile of my face seeing how amazing you are all doing. Don’t forget to check the school website for this weeks video! Here is your learning for this week. Please don’t feel like you have to complete every task in this pack but if mums and dads ask you to, it is really important that you do because I have asked you to! The key tasks I would like you to complete are: Daily Spellings (we love spelling!!) Daily maths (White Rose, times tables or arithmetic) I have written your writing activities for this week in the writing section! Ive been enjoying teaching Mission Possible. I hope you are enjoying learning about it. Reading there is a passage for you to read and questions for you to answer. Science! Teeth and digestion. Think about where your food comes from. This is important as over the next few weeks we will be thinking about what happens when we eat food! A key priority is still your well-being. In uncertain times like this, it is so important to look after your mental health and well- being. Take time with your family to play games, watch films or go for walks together. You could even use your learning to inspire different cooking activities and make exciting meals. A well-being challenge: Ive been trying to change my negative thoughts and think more positively about lockdown and what I have gained from it! Some examples are: Spending more time with family and becoming closer. We play more games and have more meals together Being thankful for all the nature around us and the beautiful city we live in. Ive enjoyed going on long walks and enjoyed listening to the birds chirping. Ive done lots of tidying up, organising and rearranging as you all know this is MY FAVOURITE THING!! I have done lots of laundry and I really like the smell of clean clothes, haha! Missing you all lots and hoping you are all safe and well, Miss Storey [email protected]

Don’t forget to check the school website for this …...smile of my face seeing how amazing you are all doing. Don’t forget to check the school website for this weeks video! Here

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Page 1: Don’t forget to check the school website for this …...smile of my face seeing how amazing you are all doing. Don’t forget to check the school website for this weeks video! Here

Dear Hazel Class,

I hope you are all well and enjoying this lovely weather. Thank you to all the children who have been sending me their work. It has put a big

smile of my face seeing how amazing you are all doing. Don’t forget to check the school website for this weeks video! Here is your learning for

this week. Please don’t feel like you have to complete every task in this pack but if mums and dads ask you to, it is really important that you do

because I have asked you to!

The key tasks I would like you to complete are:

Daily Spellings (we love spelling!!)

Daily maths (White Rose, times tables or arithmetic)

I have written your writing activities for this week in the writing section! I’ve been enjoying teaching ‘Mission Possible’.

I hope you are enjoying learning about it.

Reading – there is a passage for you to read and questions for you to answer.

Science! Teeth and digestion. Think about where your food comes from. This is important as over the next few weeks

we will be thinking about what happens when we eat food!

A key priority is still your well-being. In uncertain times like this, it is so important to look after your mental health and well-

being. Take time with your family to play games, watch films or go for walks together. You could even use your learning to

inspire different cooking activities and make exciting meals.

A well-being challenge: I’ve been trying to change my negative thoughts and think more positively about lockdown and what I have gained from

it! Some examples are:

Spending more time with family and becoming closer. We play more games and have more meals together

Being thankful for all the nature around us and the beautiful city we live in. I’ve enjoyed going on long walks and enjoyed listening to the

birds chirping.

I’ve done lots of tidying up, organising and rearranging – as you all know this is MY FAVOURITE THING!! I have done lots of laundry

and I really like the smell of clean clothes, haha!

Missing you all lots and hoping you are all safe and well,

Miss Storey [email protected]

Page 2: Don’t forget to check the school website for this …...smile of my face seeing how amazing you are all doing. Don’t forget to check the school website for this weeks video! Here

Year 4 Home Learning Menu Week beginning 18.5.20

P.E. Creative (Music, Art, Drama)

Joe Wicks has become the UK’s PE teacher. Go on you tube at 9.00am every day to follow along.

If you have not access to You tube, can your child make up their own workout for you and the rest of the family to have a go at.

The Daily Mile – 1 mile or 15 minutes of exercise a day!! I’ve been

going on a daily walk of 5km – 3miles! I wonder if you can record your walking/running/hopping/jumping

distance and covert them?

Become a family cheerleading squad! Make letter shapes with your bodies spelling out the word ACTIVE. Call out together ‘Give me an

A’- all then perform a shape to represent an A. ‘Give me a C‘- all show a shape to represent a C etc… Shout ‘Put it all together and what have you got?’ ACTIVE! Do this with other words – You could use it to learn your spellings for this week!

There are some online classes being offered for example Emma Scott runs an art session online at 2pm every day.


Food art


Create an animal/plant out of different

fruits and vegetables! Bonus points if you

read the packaging to find out where

they are come from!

Or, arrange and complete a still life

drawing of different fruits and


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Another Idea: Cross the River

Music: Charanga – Hazel Class Music Assignment. Complete 1

activity a week.

Drama: Imagine that you have

just walked into your kitchen to

find this. Choose:

Role play the

conversation you might

have with the octopus.

Role play the telephone

call you might have with a

friend or family member

to tell them what you

have found.

You can only ask 3 questions to the octopus. What would you

ask and why?

You decide to let the octopus stay here, but the next morning

you come into your kitchen to find it joined by another

creature. What might it be?

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Weekly Subject Focused Project: FOOD GLORIOUS FOOD

Science – Is it right or wrong to eat meat?

LO: Describe the simple functions of the basic parts of the digestive system in humans.

Chn to complete a ‘body map’ showing the parts of the digestive system that they are aware of. Respond to BIG Q and identify key questions

that the children what to learn. Begin to look at the functions and names of different parts of the digestive system. Show children

images/models of the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine.

Design and Technology - Is Spanish food the best food in the world?

LO: To understand seasonality and know where ingredients are grown, reared, caught and processed.

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Look at the ingredients for a Spanish omelette.

• 500g waxy potato , such as Charlotte

• knob of butter

• 2 small onions, finely sliced

• 1 red pepper, finely chopped

• 8-9 eggs

• 1 x 25g pack chives

Have a go at cooking one! Taste it and see what you think. There are lots of different recipes online and cooking instructions.

Complete task: Where does my food come from? Research a chosen food and create a fact file about it.

Modern Foreign Languages – Spanish

Practise your Spanish! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zxsvr82

Spelling and Grammar

This week’s focus is words adding the prefix (anti) meaning against










Key Grammar Videos and Quiz

Fronted Adverbials: Video and Quiz


Co-ordinating conjunctions:


Subordinating conjunctions:




Modal Verbs:


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Activities: Look, see, cover, write and check every day Draw a picture using the word to show its meaning:

Rainbow writing to show sounds or parts of the word:

Challenge: Using a fronted adverbial, write a sentence with the word anti-clockwise in.

Grammar work:

Onomatopoeia is the creation of a words that imitate natural sounds,

such as swish and splash.

Is it possible to begin a sentence with an example of onomatopoeia?

Can you end a sentence with an example of onomatopoeia?

What about trying to start and end a sentence with an example of onomatopoeia?

Sick sentences!

These sentences are

‘sick’ and need your help to get better. Can you help?

the men dug their oars into the sea. The boat moved forwards. The

baby screamed.


Read for 15 minutes a day. Then use some of the sentences stems below to come up with questions about what you have read. Select a different focus for each day.

Alternatively, if you would like a change from coming up with your own questions go to www.pobble365.com and there are pictures and a story starter with questions to answer.

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Skill Focus: Retrieving information: BIG BEN GETS A BATH!

People from all over the world come to London and visit Big Ben but one week this August, they would have seen an unusual sight!

Five highly-trained abseiling experts started cleaning all four clock faces on 18th August. It will be the clock’s first scrub for 4 years.

Experts think it will take a week to complete the cleaning so long as the weather stays fine.

The Houses of Parliament clock (nicknamed Big Ben), which was built in 1859, will also be checked

for damage to the dials. Each clock face is made up of 312 pieces of opal glass, which must be

treated carefully. The hands of the clock were made in copper because it is lighter than other


To keep the climbing cleaners safe, the clock’s hands have been frozen in the midday position.

1. Where is Big Ben?

2. What year was Big Ben last cleaned in?

3. Over 250 pieces of glass are used in Big Ben. True or false?

4. What material was chosen to make the hands of the clock and why?

5. How have they made sure the cleaners will not be in danger?

6. How many days will it take to finish the job?

7. What is the correct name for the building the clock is at the

top of?

Some suggested texts: Want to listen to a book? Check out this link!! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEA3D5C281A1511A3


Big Ben’s real name is the

Great Clock of Westminster

which is at the top of the

Elizabeth Tower (named

after the Queen). The

Elizabeth Tower is part of

the Houses of Parliament.

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Promoting Reading at home: Set a good example by letting your children see you read. Listening to you summarize your book teaches your children how to take

what they've read, absorb it and condense it.

Use pre-reading comprehension techniques. Before reading a book, have your child look at the cover and the inside pictures and

predict what the story is about.

Play board games with your children. Board games require putting into action everything that is read, and can help increase reading

comprehension. Help your children read the instructions to a new board game or review the rules of an old favourite. Ask if they'd like

to change the rules or game play slightly and implement their suggestions.

Play Hangman. The simple word game is a good way to build your child's vocabulary. It only requires a pencil and paper and can

easily be played

Use the book club discussion questions in the back of books. Many chapter books include discussion questions for book clubs, which

provide good discussion points for at home book talks.

Play with inflection. Try this with your young child: Read a line from a book and have your child repeat it back to you with dramatic

expression, inflection and phrasing.

Sam GR found these ways:

T-shirt logos

washing instructions on clothes

ingredients labels

tracks on CDs credits on movies


Can anyone think of a different way to read at home? Please email me if you find yourself reading without realising and I’ll put

your ideas on next week’s sheet for everyone to see.

If you read any good books, email me their cover and I’ll put them on next week’s sheet with your name and why you

recommended it!

Vocabulary Explain

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The word/phrase ______________ shows that… A synonym for __________ is… The word(s) ______________________ suggest that the character is feeling... A definition for the word ___________ is…

The most interesting/exciting part was... because… I think the text is arranged in this way because... The best structural/literacy feature was ... because... The author engages the reader by...

Inference Retrieve

The description of (character) shows that they are... The following word(s)/phrase makes the reader feel... My overall impression of this text is... because… I can tell that... because.... The character behaved in this way because....

The key characters in the text are… The story takes place in a/near to a … The genre of this text is horror/fantasy/ historical fiction/adventure. I know this because… With adult support, consider appropriate responses to: How did...? How often...? How ... is ...? Who had...? Who is...? Who did....?What happened to...? What does ... do? Where did ... go?

Prediction Summarise

Based on the front cover, I think this text will be about... I think this story will be about...because… In the next chapter, I think (character) will... because.... The story is set in.... this makes me think that... I think (character) will change their mood/behaviour/feelings in the future because…

The first thing that happened in this chapter was... The main theme of this story/chapter/page is… The key events in chronological order are… A Heading for this chapter could be... because... At the beginning... In the middle… At the end...

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Mission Possible This half term, we are going to do lots of writing by following our talk for writing structure. Our story is called ‘Mission Possible’. Activities you must do:

1. Complete the story mountain by putting the story in the correct order. Stupendous: Can you identify the underlying theme? E.g. problem/solution/build up etc

2. Matching the words to the correct definition. 3. Create the character profiles for the characters in the story 4. Have a go at rewriting your least favourite part of the story. How could you

improve it and make it better? Other suggested activities:

1. Compare mission possible to another spy story/movie. 2. Create top trump cards for each character. 3. Design another character that could fit into the story.


Weekly Arithmetic

1. 48 + 20 = 2. 247 + 409 =

3. 3

7 +


7 =

4. 7 x 7 =

If you have access to a computer, use: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/

Here you will be able to access a lesson a day of maths, there is a

video of what to do. They are no longer supplying worksheets. I have attached the sheets to the bottom of this document. There are 2 for each day (Mon-Friday).White Rose have a separate challenge for a

Page 11: Don’t forget to check the school website for this …...smile of my face seeing how amazing you are all doing. Don’t forget to check the school website for this weeks video! Here

5. 672 – 349 = 6. ______ = 3,064 + 1,000 7. 1,564 + 1,327 =

8. 6

9 -


9 =

9. _______ = 36 x 8 10. 62 ÷ 10 =

How many ways can you write the number 75? Name these shapes:

Friday. I would advise the children complete the lesson (left) and times tables on a Friday.

Use these link to access the maths worksheets for each day. I have not included them in the pack as they appear blurry and difficult to read. Links to maths sheets: Monday: https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Lesson-1-Tenths-as-decimals-2019-1.pdf Tuesday: https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Lesson-2-Dividing-2-digits-by-10-2019.pdf Wednesday: https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Lesson-3-Hundredths-as-decimals-2019.pdf Thursday: https://resources.whiterosemaths.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Lesson-4-Dividing-1-and-2-digits-by-a-hundred-2019.pdf


https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/z63tt39/year-4-and-p5-lessons/1 Daily maths lessons are available from BBC Bitesize that supply a daily maths lesson and worksheets.

Addiontional Suggested Activities

- BBC Bitesze: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zjmj92p. Daily lessons will be available for English, maths and the wider curriculum.

- Twinkl – Free for 1 month. www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS - Letterjoin (handwriting) - Purple Mash – your children have their logins. - LCF is making available its online resources for Primary FREE for the next 3 months. Simply use the master promo code LCF2020sch

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to create a single user login at Babelzone (French/Spanish) Englishzone (games/Phonics) or MathsZone for any pupil or teacher. www.lcfclubs.com

- Pixl times tables app

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Mission Possible

You can listen to an audio version of the story here:


Pete and Polly were completely ordinary, totally normal and utterly boring twins

– or so everyone thought. They wore ordinary clothes, took part in normal,

everyday activities and were, in fact, boring – or so everyone thought.

You see, Pete and Polly Powers had a secret. It wasn’t an ordinary, normal or

boring secret and it was a secret that lived just between them (and you, in a

moment, if you keep on reading!) Not even their teachers, parents or Scout

Leader knew about their secret. No one ... until now. Now, this secret can only

be entrusted to the most daring, brave and adventurous of children – do you

think you can be trusted? Okay then ... well ... here we go ... Pete and Polly are


It all began last summer when they

saw an article in the local newspaper

advertising for two undercover agents

to help fight global crime. Pete and

Polly wasted no time in applying and,

after a rigorous induction process,

they were accepted into the

governments’ secret Spy Programme.

Their assignments have involved the

most daring of adventures like

rescuing the Prime Minister from a

sudden volcanic eruption and

preventing the kidnap of the Queen’s

corgis from Buckingham Palace! Pete

and Polly were very good at their job

and very good at keeping their

identity a secret.

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One spring morning, while having breakfast, Pete’s watch lit up – it was a

message from the Government’s top chief of security, Cyril Secret, and it


Pete and Polly looked at each other and, in unison, smirked: “No problem.” Pete,

quickly switched his phone off and threw it into his school bag.

The day soon passed and, at precisely midnight, the sharp shrill of an alarm

woke the twins. Instantly, they jumped out of bed, grabbed their spy bags and

flew down the stairs, closing the front door quietly behind them so as to not

wake anyone else.

Ten minutes later, they found themselves on the edge of the Thames staring at

the abandoned riverboat. Outside the cold wind howled and bit at their ears,

street lights flickered and an uncomfortable mist slithered across the

dangerously deep water.

Inside the boat, Pete and Polly saw the silhouette of two large men sitting

hunched across a table from one another with the only light coming from an old

oil lantern. They seemed to be arguing. With hearts pounding and hands

trembling, Pete and Polly

snuck into the boat and

hid behind the broken


On the table, they could

see the

Emperor’s mirror.

“What now?” asked

Pete in trepidation.

“You distract ‘em and I

will grab the mirror,” replied Polly confidently.

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They both nodded. They knew what they had to do.

Without hesitation, Pete dropped a small green capsule which filled the boat

with a fine green mist. At the same time, Polly ran towards the table where the

men sat, grabbed the mirror, flung it into her rucksack and then they both

sprinted back up onto the deck.

Suddenly, coming from the cabin, they heard the unmistakable sound of fast-

paced, heavy footsteps and loud angry voices.

“Quick!” Shouted Polly and, on that command, they fled. They didn’t look back.

They didn’t stumble. They were trained for moments like this. Fast, focused and

determined they continued sprinting until eventually the angry footsteps and

loud shouting faded.

On the way to school the next morning, Polly and Pete made a small detour to

a beautiful Victorian building in Piccadilly, Mayfair, that had a large Japanese

flag blowing gentle in the breeze. On the doorstep they carefully placed an

object concealed in brown cloth and gave each other a high five and knowing

wink. “Mission possible!”

Polly chuckled.

Just then, Pete stopped

suddenly. Slowly, he looked

down at his wrist to see his

watch flashing once more.

It was another message

from Cyril

Secret …

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Skill Focus: Retrieving information


People from all over the world come to London and visit Big Ben but one week this

August, they would have seen an unusual sight!

Five highly-trained abseiling experts started cleaning all four clock faces on 18th

August. It will be the clock’s first scrub for 4 years. Experts think it will take a week

to complete the cleaning so long as the weather stays fine.

The Houses of Parliament clock (nicknamed Big Ben), which was

built in 1859, will also be checked for damage to the dials. Each

clock face is made up of 312 pieces of opal glass, which must

be treated carefully. The hands of the clock were made in

copper because it is lighter than other metals.

To keep the climbing cleaners safe, the clock’s hands have been

frozen in the midday position.

8. Where is Big Ben?

9. What year was Big Ben last cleaned in?

10. Over 250 pieces of glass are used in Big Ben. True or false?

11. What material was chosen to make the hands of the clock and why?

12. How have they made sure the cleaners will not be in danger?

13. How many days will it take to finish the job?

14. What is the correct name for the building the clock is at the top of?

Write in full sentences.














Big Ben’s real name is the

Great Clock of Westminster

which is at the top of the

Elizabeth Tower (named

after the Queen). The

Elizabeth Tower is part of

the Houses of Parliament.

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What happened when?

Use the story mountain to help you put the events in the right order:

Pete and Polly are given a

mission to rescue the Yata no


The twins venture out into the

night and find the riverboat

with the mirror.

They snatch the mirror from the

thieves by distracting them but they

are then chased.

Pete and Polly run away from

the thieves and escape. Pete and Polly drop an item

wrapped in brown cloth to the

Japanese Embassy the next day.

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Wonderful Words

Often in stories there are some words which we do not know the meaning of.

Can you match these words to their correct definition? Psst … the answers

are at the back of this booklet but try not to look unless you get stuck.

ordinary a feeling of fear, worry or anxiety


nothing really special about it – quite



the building where an ambassador of a

country lives or works

Japan a boat designed to be used on rivers

embassy the river that flows through London

River Thames

a sort of smile that says you are

pleased with yourself, or smug, or

being silly

oil lantern a country in East Asia


a container holding oil that can be

used as a light


being given something to take care of

and really look after

riverboat hidden


describing something connected to

God or religion

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Are there any other words you are not sure of? Record them here and ask an

adult if you can or use the internet or look in a dictionary if you have one.

Characters in Stories

What is your favourite story character? What makes them your favourite

character? Draw a picture of them here:

There are lots that we do not know about our characters in the story Mission

Possible. Can you complete the character profiles below? Make up any

information that you do not know.

I have done an example for you.

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Name: Willy Wonka Age: 54 Where they live: In a town ( unknown name) and inside a huge

chocolate factory Siblings ( brothers and sisters): None but lives with lots of Oompa

Lumpas Appearance ( what they look like): Likes to dress in unusual, brightly

coloured. Often wears purple, a top hat and white gloves. Carries a

black cane and always has black shiny shoes. Personality ( what they are l ike): Very generous, creative, adventurous

and eccentric ( slightly strange). Likes to play tricks on others and be

silly. Loves chocolate and very talented at inventing.

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Name: Polly Powers


Where they live:

Siblings ( brothers and sisters):

Appearance ( what they look like):

Personality ( what they are like):

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Name: Pete Powers


Where they live:

Siblings ( brothers and sisters):

Appearance ( what they look like):

Personality ( what they are like):

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Name: Dodgy Rodger


Where they live:

Siblings brothers ( and sisters):

Appearance ( what they look like):

Personality ( what they are like):

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Name: Raucus Reggie


Where they live:

Siblings ( brothers and sisters):

Appearance ( what they look like):

Personality ( what they are like):

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What’s on my plate?

Where does our food come from?

Choose from one of the following:




Chocolate (cocoa)







Do some research on your chosen food. Write a fact file about the food. Think about the

following questions:

Where does it grow today?

What kind of climate does it need to grow well?

Is it seasonal or does it grow all year around?

Where did it originally come from?

When did it become a popular food around the world?

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Page 29: Don’t forget to check the school website for this …...smile of my face seeing how amazing you are all doing. Don’t forget to check the school website for this weeks video! Here