Dominican Cookbook

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  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


    Mountain ChickenMountain Chicken or frog legs, colloquially

    referred to as crapaud, pronounced - crappo,

    is heavily seasoned and stewed, boiled or

    fried until golden brown and then served withwhite rice, rice & peas, or provisions Pre-

    pared as a main entree. So tastily done, you

    won't believe it wasn't chicken.

  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


    Welcome to the Nature Island. We are happy to present to you a

    collection of tasty as well as local delicacies. It is not by accident

    we have attempted to de-emphasize the role of meats and meat

    products providing more nutritious alternatives using our local root

    crops, vegetables and beans.

    We encourage you to sample and enjoy the range of exotic fruits

    available on the islandthey are packed with much needed com-

    plex carbohydrates, fiber and potassium to control blood pressure.Mangoes, papayas, guavas, avocados, cherries and sweet peppers

    are exceptionally high in antioxidant vitamin A,E, and C which pro-

    tect the body from cancers and heart disease.

    Take a closer look at the soybeanhigh in phyto- chemicals and is

    important in the prevention of osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease

    and severe menopause symptoms. Make sure you try the local co-

    coa as it is good for the heart and blood vessels.

    Fat has been kept to a minimum in all the recipes, so be adventur-

    ous, but watch you waistline, go easy on sugar in those juices and

    remember, you are in the island of Ma Pampo. She died at 126

    years the oldest lady in the world!

    Nutrition Committee

    Veronica EvansSharon RolleDelia Grell

    Eleonore LambertNatalie AndrewsAnne SeverinMarynise Titre

    For more information on the preparation

    and availability of local foods and dietary


    Contact:Mrs. Eleonore LambertDieticianBiochemistry DepartmentCampus extension: 6249Cell phone: 614-1871E-mail: [email protected]

  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


    CALLALOO SOUPIngredients:Dasheen leaves (cleaned washed and chopped)Green papaya (cubed) or leftover chicken (optional)

    Coconut milk (1 Cup) TaniaGreen Figs Sweet potatoes, yam or dasheenCelery ParsleyGarlic Onion1 tablespoon oil Salt to taste

    Method:Peel, wash and cut up root crops and put to boil with leftover meat.

    Saut dasheen leaves and green papaya with seasoning in oil. Addcoconut milk and allow to cook. Add vegetables to covered provisionand continue to cook on low fire.

    This soup is very nutritious, high in iron, calcium and vitamin A andshould be used once per week. Ideally crabs can be stewed andadded to it if available.

    N.B.: To prepare dasheen leavesthe outer thin skin of the

    stalk must be carefully removed while wearing gloves to pre-vent itchy reaction. Then wash.

    CALLALOO DIPIngredients:Dasheen leaves Onions

    Garlic CeleryParsley Salt

    Method:Peel dasheen leaves and then wash. Put them in a pot of hot water tocook until tender. Remove from pot. Put into blender or swizzle to asmooth paste. Add coconut milk, with all other seasoning to taste.Simmer for ten minutes. This dip has high iron content. It also has anabundance of fiber, vitamin A and Potassium. Use as an accompani-ment to dasheeen rolls.

  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook



    * This is a high calorie dessert


    Cassava enough to give 2 pints when grated1/2 pint water 1 lb Sugar2 teaspoon cinnamon 1 grated nutmegGrated rind of lime 1 teaspoon vanilla essence2 tablespoon sugar singed banana leaves

    Method:Squeeze out bitter water from grated cassava. Mix all other ingredients to syrupmade with sugar and water. Add to grated cassava. Mix thoroughly; then roll

    into lengths about 4 inches. Place each roll on a singed banana leaf and fold intoa neat parcel. Place parcels in a pot of water that is sufficient to cover all parcels.Allow to simmer for one hour and fifteen minutes.

    SCALLOPED FISH* tuna, marlin, maye maye are available at the farmers market on Saturday

    mornings in Portsmouth. Also listen for the fisherman blowing a conche shell to an-

    nounce they have fish to sell.

    Ingredients:(450g) cooked fish 4 tablespoon breadcrumbs Cup souffl sauce 1 tablespoon sunflower margarinePepper and salt to taste

    Method:Grease a pie dish. Sprinkle a layer of the crumbs in the dish. Flake the fish and

    crumbs with souffl sauce. Arrange fish and crumbs in alternate layers finishingwith crumbs on the top. Dot with little knobs of margarine. Bake in a moderatelyhot oven for 10- 15 minutes until crumbs are brown.


    It is low in saturated fats and cholesterol, excellent source of protein,iodine, calcium in some species, and essential minerals rich in vitaminA, D and B. Low in calories.

    High in Omega-3 fatty acids, which protect against Cancer and HeartDisease.

  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


    SOUFFLE SAUCEIngredients:

    2 tablespoon margarine4 tablespoon flour teaspoon salt1 cup skimmed milk

    Method:Melt margarine in saucepan over low heat. Using a wooden spoon, blend inflour and salt. Add milk stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. Cookfor about two minutes. Variations: Add 1 bundle steamed spinach; 1 lb

    cooked diced pumpkin to increase vitamin A, C, E, and iron content.

    SCALLOPED DOLPHIN (maye maye)Ingredients:1lb cooked fish2 cups milk1 tablespoon flour1 beaten egg cup grated cheese1-1/2 cups diced cooked potatoes (sweet potatoes would be ideal)1 tablespoon chopped parsley, celery and chives


    Flake cooked fish (set aside). Mix flour, milk and egg together, and cook insaucepan until thick. Grease a baking pan. Put fish at the bottom of thedish, then half the potatoes and seasonings. Sprinkle cheese on the top. Poutover milk, egg and flour sauce. Bake in a moderate oven for 15 minutes.

    A High Protein Dish. It makes a good change for the kids. This makes a quicklunch with some grated carrots and some breadfruit chips. A good weaningfood with avocado pear.

  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


    BREADFRUIT SALADIngredients:1 breadfruitLeft meat or fish2 hard-boiled eggs grated

    2 oz cheese grated1 oz beans per personPumpkin or carrotsChopped parsley, celery, onion, oil and vinegar for salad dressing

    Method:Cut breadfruit into quarters, wash and put to boil with skins. Remove fromfire; peel and dice cook beans and pumpkin. Make salad dressing with vinegar,oil, garlic and salt. Mix breadfruit with peas and pumpkin and chopped season-ing. Add sauce and mix well then add grated egg and cheese. This recipe canbe done with breadfruit using Avocado dressing with stewed beans as a sidedish.

    BREAD FRUIT AND SWEET CORNIN CHEESE SAUCEIngredient:1 bread fruit 1 pint milk (skimmed)2 tablespoons sunflower margarine 2 tablespoon flourSalt pepper to taste1 onion seasoning pepper3 ozs grated cheese

    Method:Wash and peel breadfruit. Cut into four quarters and remove heart. Steambreadfruit in a little salt. When cooked, slice thinly. Prepare cheese sauce withmargarine, flour, milk, cheese and seasonings. Grease pie dish, and assemblethe sliced bread fruit in the dish. Pour sauce over the breadfruit and sprinklethe top with the grated cheese. Bake until golden brown.

    OCAL HERBAL REMEDIESSea-moss .... Energy and Vigour

    Mamizu, Tabac Zombie, Japana.... Colds, Cough

    Vervain ...... Asthma, Hypertension

    Green Papaya, Noni ..... Fights Cancer, Diabetes,

    Rheumatism, Hyperten-

    sion, Allergies, inflam-


    Bergamot, Basilique, Guava Bush Diarrhea

    Sour-sop Leaves....... Sedative

    Mint and Ginger ...... Gas, Indigestion

    Zeb Couwess ......... Dieuretic Cleanser

    Semecotwa.... Worm Medicine

    Shadonbeni...... Dieuretic for indigestion

  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


    VOCADO SAUCEIngredients:1 large rip avocado 1 clove garlic, finely grated

    1 tsp parsley 2 tsp lime/lemon juiceSalt and pepper to taste

    Method:Mash avocado and mix in garlic and lemon/lime juice. Add salt andpepper to taste. Garnish with parsley. High in Vitamin A and E

    SPINACH AU GRATINIngredients:

    4 cups spinach leaves 1 cup cheese sauce1/2 cupthinly chopped onions 1 table spoon oil


    1 table spoon grated cheese1 tablespoon sauce

    Method:Wash and steam spinach in covered pan for about 10 minutes. (Savestock) saut onions in oil and mix in the spinach. Place in dish.

    Make cheese sauce using spinach stock. Pour sauce over spinach. Topwith grated cheese and breadcrumbs.

    Serve with fruit juice. Excellent source of protein.

    STUFFED BREADFRUIT BALLS*Make dough with breadfruit and stuff with left over meat, fish or beans.

    To make dough, use the following ingredient:1 breadfruit (cooked, peeled, grated or minced)2 oz margarine teaspoon white pepper

    6 oz skimmed milk mixed thick or/ 1 small can evaporated milk

    Method:In a large bowl mix together al ingredients until well blended. Knead for 3minutes until smooth. It is very important to grate or mince breadfruit andmix dough while the breadfruit is still hot to prevent lumps.

    Ingredients for stuffing:

    Breadcrumbs and oil for frying. Minced smoked herring, mashed fish ormeat. To stuff, roll dough into balls the size of a small lime. Make a deep holein each ball with finger and fill hole with teaspoon filling. Close over androll again. Roll into crumbs and fry in smoking hot oil.

    PUMPKIN ACCRASIngredients:2 lbs pumpkin 1 onionCelery, thyme, parsley 1 cup flour1 teaspoon baking powder 2 eggs1 teaspoon lime juice 2 teaspoon salt1 tablespoon margarine

    Method:Wash and peel and cut into slices. Put to boil in salt water. Crush with a forkin a bowl. Mince all seasoning and saut in margarine. Mix together pump-kin, seasoning, flour and baking powder, salt and lime. Beat eggs and foldinto the mixture. Then fry. Drain on tissue paper. Ideal supper dish. Filledwith vitamin A, D, Calories and Protein. For weaning babies mix cookedpumpkin with milk and margarine.

  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


    PLANTAIN AND SWEET POTATO PIEIngredients:10 green large plantains 2 large sweet potatoes (cooked) lb onions 1 lb tomatoSalt 2 cloves garlicWhite pepper 1 tbsp tomato paste1 tbsp oil

    Method:Boil plantain and set aside. Saut onions. Add pepper and tomato paste tomake a sauce. Grease dish. Place plantain slices lengthwise. Alternate withsliced pepper, sweet potato and onion. Top with tomato sauce and gratedcheese. Bake for 30to 40 minutes. When baked, decorate with slices of toma-

    toes, parsley red and green sweet peppers.

    PLANTAIN AND CODFISH AU GRATINIngredients:8half ripe plantain 1 tablespoon salts

    1 lb codfish 1 soupspoon chopped parsley1 onion 1 cup grated cheese2 green onions 1 cup breadcrumbs2 cloves garlic grated pepper and salt

    Juice of half a lime

    Method:Soak codfish overnight to decrease salt content. Flake boiled codfish and

    stew with seasonings and limejuice until smooth and tender (not too dry).Parboil plantain, peel and cut into one inch cylinders. Arrange in baking dishand spoon codfish mixture over plantain. Sprinkle with grated cheese andbreadcrumbs and bake in hot oven for 10 to 15 minutes. Serve hot with freshgreen salad, fresh bread, and your favorite fruit juice. Use fresh fish and moz-zarella cheese to reduce sodium and fat. Serves eight (8) persons.

    (this recipe is from the Fort Young Hotel)

    UMPKIN LOAFIngredients:2 1/4 cups white sugar

    1 2/3 cups pumpkin (cooked and crushed)3 1/2 cups of flour1/2 teaspoon salt1/2 teaspoon bicarb of soda1 cup vegetable oil1/2 salt1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence1/2 grated nutmeg4 eggs3 teaspoon baking powdercinnamon powder* if hypertensive, use yeast instead of baking soda

    Method:Beat eggs until fluffy. Add sugar oil, and cooked pumpkin. Mixwell. Sift all dry ingredients and fold into mixture. Stir to mix thor-oughly. Add vanilla essence and pour into wee greased and floured

    loaf pan. Bake in 1 hour at 325 0F. slice and serve warm or cold.

    Comment:Could omit Bicarb to reduce sodium content. Very nutritious snack.Can even be used as a quick lunch with fruit juice. High in VitaminA

  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


    BANANA FRITTERS * a snack foodIngredients:4 ripe bananas oil for frying1 egg cup milk

    1 cup flour 1/8 teaspoon nutmegI tablespoon sugar

    Method:Peel and mash the bananas. Add sugar, nutmeg and 1 beaten egg. Stir well. Addmilk and flour. Drop spoonfuls in hot fat and fry on both sides. Sprinkle withsugar and serve. Good snack for the Toddler!!!

    Quick and easy to prepare

    GREEN BANANA PIE (with tuna, cheese or meat)Ingredients:10 green bananas 1 teaspoon salt

    2 tablespoon margarine 1/4 teaspoon pepper cup milk 2 tablespoon breadcrumbs1 teaspoon limejuice2 tablespoon chopped chives and thyme2 oz grated cheese or meat (optional)

    Method:Peel and wash the bananas. Cook in boiling salt water. Add the limejuice to thewater. This prevents the bananas form turning dark. When the bananas are ten-der, remove from heat and mash smoothly. Add the margarine seasonings andmilk. Mix well. Place the mixture in a greased baking dish, and sprinkle withbreadcrumbs. Bake in a moderate oven for twenty minutes. For Variety, addgrated cheese or chopped leftover meat.

    DASHEEN CROCQUETTESIngredients:1 medium dasheen 2 cloves garlic crushed1 onion 1 cup breadcrumbs

    2 sweet/seasoning peppers (chopped) cup flour2 teaspoon finely chopped parsley 2 eggsSalt and pepper to taste

    Method:Boil the dasheen and crush while hot. Add chopped pepper, onion, garlic, saltand black pepper. Mix everything well and shape into a ball. On a floured sur-face, roll into 12 inch cylinder. Cut into 3 pieces. To make an egg wash, mix theeggs and milk. Beat well and coat pieces first with flour, then wash and finallywith breadcrumbs. Fry or bake until golden brown.

    DASHEEN PUFFSIngredients:

    2 lbs dasheen 1 egg, beaten tsp salt cup mixture or bread crumbs2 tbsp butter/margarine and flour cup oil cup milk

    Method:Wash and peel dasheen. Place in pot with water to cover dasheen. Add salt andcook until soft. Drain water and crush dasheen finely. Add butter, milk, and eggs

    to form soft mixture. Roll with floured hands into balls. Roll balls in mixture ofbreadcrumbs and flour. Fry in hot oil to golden brown color.

  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


    DASHEEN SALADIngredients:3 lbs cooked dasheen 2 medium onions

    2 tbs. mayonnaise 1 dash seasoning powder3 tbs. vegetable oil 2 cloves garlic3 tbs. vinegar 3 sprigs parsley10 green/red sweet bell 6 seasoning peppers, green & red


    Method:Dasheen should have been very well cooked, and chilled to make dicingeasier. Dice in small cubes. Garlic should be crushed fine and all other sea-

    soning cut very fine. Combine all seasoning in oil and vinegar and spooninto dasheen mixing very well. Add mayonnaise and mix. Spoon into serv-ing platter adding bell peppers as you go along.

    SCALLOP DASHEENIngredients:2 lbs cooked dasheen 5 slices bacon lb grated cheese 1 egg1 cup milk pinch of nutmegSalt & pepper to taste 2 onions, sliced

    Method:Put one layer of sliced dasheen in a greased baking pan. Add some

    chopped bacon, slices of onion, and cheese. Repeat process until there is afinal layer of dasheen. Mix egg, pepper, salt and nutmeg. Pour mixture overdasheen. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for 45 minutes until goldenbrown.

    ANANA CRUNCHIngredients:1 teaspoon brown sugar 6 ripen bananas

    2 teaspoon vanilla essence cup nuts (almond or peanut)2 teaspoon brown flour 3 ozs melted margarine3 teaspoon cinnamon spice 3 teaspoons waterGrated lime skin

    Method:Heat oven 350 0. Grease shallow pan. Slice bananas. Mix cinnamon with teaspoon of sugar. Place banana slices in grease pan. Sprinkle spice and sugarmixture over pan. Then 1 teaspoon sprinkle water. Mix reminder sugar, flour,2 teaspoon of water, and nuts with melted margarine and spread over bananaand cinnamon. Bake until brown. Serve hot or warm.

    Excellent snack or dessert

    WINDWARD ISLANDS BANANA BOATIngredients:4 large or small Windward Island Banana 2 ozs Castor sugar2 ozs butter

    Method:Make a split in each banana. Cream the butter and sugar together and fill thebananas with the butter cream. Take four separate pieces of foil, lay a banana in

    the center of each and join the edges on the top. Bake in moderate oven forabout 30 minutes. Open the foil and serve in foil boats. Serves four.

    If you have the tendency to gain weight leave this recipe alone!!!

  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


    YAM AND CHEESE PIEIngredients:2 lbs yams 1 cup milk egg optional2 oz margarine sprinkling of breadcrumbs8 oz cheese 2 tbsp toloma instead of flour1 tablespoon mustard celery, parsley and onions

    Method:Wash and peel yams. Cut and put to boil. Grate cheese. Make a cheese sauce withbutter, toloma, cheese, milk and seasonings. Dice yams into a bowl, pour oncheese sauce, mix with a fork and put in a greased oven proof dish. Sprinkle withbreadcrumbs. Garnish by piping all around dish. Bake for about 30 minutes.

    STUFFED YAMSIngredients:1 medium-size ladies yam (3lbs) 1 head chive1 onion cp milk2 ozs bacon-chopped 2 tablespoon margarine2 ozs chicken liver


    Peel yam and cut lengthwise. Boil in salt water until tender. Drain carefully toavoid breaking and let cool. Scoop out yam leaving a shell of 1 inch in depth.Mash scooped yam. Chop bacon, liver and onion. Saut in margarine. Addcrushed yam and milk. Mix thoroughly. Fill in cavity of yam. Place under untilbrown. Serve as main dish. Serves 6.


    Ideal for supper. Use instead of macaroni and cheese.Green bananas can be prepared in like manner.

    Boost your Haem Iron Intake

    ANANA JALOUSIEIngredients:1 small hand of green bananas (approximately 10 fingers)

    Garlic for taste 2 cups of watercress2 medium size christophene 2 cups of coconut milkParsley thyme2 parcels of spinach salt and black pepper3 seasoning pepper 2 medium onions1 egg

    Method:Cook green bananas (cut in cubes), set aside. Crush and cook codfish and

    christophenes, with coconut milk, then pour and mix bananas, until mix

    liquid disappears. Clean spinach and watercress, then boil with onion, gar-

    lic, parsley, black pepper, thyme, seasoning peppers, hot peppers

    (optional), and salt for taste. Mix in watercress. In a 9 flat deep baking

    pan, place banana mixture in one layer followed by a layer of spinach. Bake

    at 350 0 for 215 minutes.

    A well-balanced meal.

    Serve with fresh salad and fruit juice.


    That one tablespoon of coconut milk has only 38 calo-ries and 4 grams of fat as compared to milk with onetablespoon of margarine which has 11.5 grams of fatand 111 calories plus transfats!

  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


    REEN FIG VINAIGRETTEIngredients:24 green bananas 8 cloves minced garlic

    2 onions 4 seasoning peppers,seeded, finely chopped

    1 red sweet pepper 1 green pepperJuice of 2 limes 1/2 tsp. Dijon mustard1/2 cup wine vinegar 1 tbsp. olive oilSalt and freshly ground pepper

    Method:Cook green bananas about 15 minutes until tender. Drain bananas and

    cool. Cut into thick slices and set aside, cover. In food processor, combinegarlic, pepper, vinegar, lime juice, mustard, salt and pepper and pureeuntil smooth. Toss green bananas with vinaigrette. Add onion, tossagain. Sprinkle on fresh herbs and serve immediately.

    CURRIED GREEN BANANAIngredients:8 green bananas 2 tbsp curry1 bundle dasheen leaves sweet potato leaves1 tbsp margarine 1/2 lb codfishCoconut milk (1/2 grated coconut)Pepper sauce, salt, oil, vinegarCelery and tomatoes if availableAdd 1 tbsp. milk powder per person if the codfish is not sufficient.

    Method:Clean codfish, and soak overnight if possible, then shred it. Cut up greenbananas and put to soak in lime juice. Fry onions and seasonings in mar-garine. Add chopped green leaves. Work in curry and cook. Add coco-nut milk and codfish. Then add your bananas. Cover and cook until soft.Serve with Tania fish cakes or breadfruit foofoo or just beans. A deliciousand balanced meal.

    CHILILI BIBBIIngredients:1 cup dried corn

    4 ozs sugar

    Method:Roast corn and grind. Sift. Add sugar, mixing thoroughly. Put into paper par-cels.

    VEGETARIAN BURGER/ SAUSAGESIngredients:A mixture of 2 bundles of green leafy vegetables

    (sweet potato, callaloo and spinach)1 cup whole wheat flour12 ozs coconut milk lb lentils (cooked)2 cups grated paw and parsley, celery, chives

    1 head garlic2 seasoning peppers (finely chopped)3 cups cooked green bananas or other root crops

    Method:Steam green vegetables for 7 minutes with little water. Add coconut milkand seasoning; mix well. Cook lentils in just enough water and when cookedadd seasoning and the balance of coconut milk and seasoning, mix well. Boil

    provision, mash, and add to lentils. Mix green vegetables into lentils/provision. Mix and bind with whole wheat flour. Add salt to taste

    This mixture must firm enough, but not too soft, to flatten into a burger orusing a little flour. Roll into a sausage. Grease a baking pan and bake or fry.

  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


    SWEET POTATO DIPIngredients:3 lbs potatoes 2tbsp olive oil4 stalks chives , finely chopped 1/2 cup chopped sweet pepper

    1/4 tsp salt 2 tbsp vinegar1/3 cup fresh chopped pineapple2 ripened tomatoes, seeded and finely chopped1 large clove garlic, minced and mashed to a paste1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper, or to taste1/2 fresh hot pepper, seeded, finely chopped1/4 to 1/2 cup Water/pineapple juice if necessary

    Accompaniment:Baked plantain chips, toasted cassava bread. Vegetable sticks. Pre-heatoven to 400 degrees.

    Method:Prick potatoes with a fork and place on a baking sheet. Bake in middleof over for 1 1/2 hours, or until very soft. Cool potatoes slightly andscoop flesh into a bowl. In a food processor puree potatoes with remain-ing ingredients, adding enough water/pineapple juice to reach desired

    consistency. Serve dip with chips, toasted cassava bread, carrots or celerysticks.


    That one guava hasfour times more fiber and potas-sium and nineteen times more vitamin C than one ap-ple?

    ANANA PORRIDGEIngredients:

    3 green bananas1 cup coconut cream (optional)

    or 1 cup evaporated milk

    1 teaspoon grated nutmeg

    tablespoon flour

    tablespoon vanilla

    Sugar for taste

    3 cups boiling waterCinnamon


    Grate bananas. Add coconut cream and beat until mixture is free

    from lumps. Add water, salt, and cinnamon, continue beating.

    Simmer for twenty minutes. Mix flour with about 2 tablespoon

    water in a smooth paste, strain. Add mixture, stirring well. Cookfor ten more minutes. Add evaporated milk, stirring until properly

    mixed. Remove form heat when thoroughly hot but not boiling.

    Add vanilla and nutmeg. Sweeten for taste. Serve garnish with thin

    slices of ripe bananas if desired.

    Serve 6

    Nutritious Local Breakfast!!!

  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


  • 8/2/2019 Dominican Cookbook


    SWEET POTATO PUDDINGIngredients:1 small piece of pumpkin (cooked or uncooked)

    2 lbs sweet potato grated1 coconut (grate & add water to extract milk)1 small tin of evaporated milk2 oz margarine1 piece ginger grated2 cups grated sugar, grated nutmeg, cinnamon, essence1/4 lb flour3 cups water

    Method:Mix all ingredients and bake for 45 minutes in oven at low tempera-ture.

    COCONUT BREADIngredients:2 lbs whole wheat flour2 teaspoon skim milk powder in 2 pints water and essence2 tablespoons baking powder2 grated coconuts1 lb sugarNutmeg, cinnamon

    Method:Put all dry ingredients in a basin that is: flour, coconut, sugar,baking powder, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

    Mix milk and add essence. Mix liquid into dry ingredients. Con-sistency must be a bit soft, not like dough

    Grease and flour pan. Makes about 15