Dom structure

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Disclaimer: This presentation is prepared by trainees ofbaabtra as a part of mentoring program. This is not officialdocument of baabtra –Mentoring PartnerBaabtra-Mentoring Partner is the mentoring division of baabte System Technologies Pvt .Ltd

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Document Object Model (DOM)

• The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming API for HTML and XML documents.

• Defines the logical structure of documents and the way a document is accessed and manipulated.

• An interface to allow programs and scripts to update content, structure, and style of documents dynamically.

• The DOM is not HTML nor is it JavaScript.

• It is something like the glue that binds them together.

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DOM Objects

• DOM components are accessible as objects or

collections of objects.


o The entire document is a document node.

o Every HTML element is an element node.

o The Every HTML attribute is an attribute node

o text inside HTML elements are text nodes.

o Comments are comment nodes.

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• DOM components form a tree of nodes called Node


• nodes in the node tree have a hierarchical relationship to each other.

i.e, Parent node, child node and siblings

Fig : HTML DOM tree example.

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Fig : image illustrates a part of the node tree and the relationship between the nodes.

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Programming Interface

• All HTML elements are defined as objects.

• the programming interface is the object methods and object properties.

• A method is an action you can do.

• A property is a value that you can get or set.

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getElementById(id) get the node (element) with a specified id

appendChild(node) insert a new child node (element)

removeChild(node) remove a child node (element)

•HTML DOM methods:

•HTML DOM properties:

innerHTML the text value of a node (element)

parentNode the parent node of a node (element)

childNodes the child nodes of a node (element)

attributes the attributes nodes of a node (element)

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Accessing Nodes by id

• Access to elements by their id

– document.getElementById(<id>)

• returns the element with id <id>

– id attribute can be defined in each start tag.

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Other Access Methods

• Access by elements' tag

– there are typically several elements with the same tag

– document.getElementsByTagName(<tag>)

– e.g. • var li = document.getElementsByTagName(“li")[0];

//to get first li of ul.

• Access by elements' name attribute

– several elements can have the same name

– document.getElementsByName(<name>)

• returns the collection of elements with name <name>

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Traversing DOM tree

• Traversal through node properties

– childNodes property

• the value is a collection of nodes

– has a length attribute

– an item can be reached by its index

• e.g. var body = html.childNodes[1];

– firstChild, lastChild properties

– nextSibling, previousSibling properties

– parentNode property

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Document Object Model













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Eg :JavaScript program to add two numbers.( Numbers are input using textbox )

<html><head><script language="javascript">function calculateNumbers(){var FirstNumber = document.getElementById("txtFirst").value;FirstNumber = Number(FirstNumber);var SecondNumber = document.getElementById("txtSecond").value;SecondNumber = Number(SecondNumber);var Total = (FirstNumber+SecondNumber);document.frmCalculate.txtTotal.value = Total;}</script></head><body><form name="frmCalculate"><input type="text" size="2" id="txtFirst" maxlength="2">+</input> <input type="text" size="2" id="txtSecond" maxlength="2">=</input><input type="text" size="2" name="txtTotal" ></input><br><input type="button" value="Add" name="buttonCalculate" onClick="calculateNumbers()"></input><input type="reset" value="Reset" name="buttonReset"></input></form></body></html>

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