Dolores Lebron (The story of Lolita) By Edwin A. Lugo INT. A crowded active School Auditorium in Lares, Puerto Rico, (Borinquen), late 1930’s -Early Evening, 1 A beauty contest is in full swing. Five young contestants stand in front of the audience. Two are asked to step up. We see her black patent leather shoes and white socks as we glide up slowly onto her face. The announcer finally calls… Announcer Your new winner and Queen of the Flowers of May beauty pageant… Dolores Lebron! She steps up. The audience reacts in her favor. Easily she has won first place. Her father Gonzalo, a coffee plantation foreman and proud father of five is especially so of Lolita on this day. As he applauds we close in on his eyes. A flash back. Ext. Mountainside home –Day A hurricane descending on the island, Lolita, nine years old. Playing on the ground is interrupted by a dark ominous sky and whipping winds. A crack of thunderous lightning and finally a loud boom. She runs into the house. Int. Mountainside home –Day 2

Dolores Lebron (the Story of Lolita)

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Page 1: Dolores Lebron (the Story of Lolita)

Dolores Lebron (The story of Lolita)

By Edwin A. Lugo

INT. A crowded active School Auditorium in Lares, Puerto Rico, (Borinquen), late 1930’s -Early Evening,

1A beauty contest is in full swing. Five young contestants stand in front of the audience. Two are asked to step up. We see her black patent leather shoes and white socks as we glide up slowly onto her face. The announcer finally calls…

AnnouncerYour new winner and Queen of the Flowers of May beauty pageant… Dolores Lebron!

She steps up. The audience reacts in her favor. Easily she has won first place. Her father Gonzalo, a coffee plantation foreman and proud father of five is especially so of Lolita on this day. As he applauds we close in on his eyes. A flash back.

Ext. Mountainside home –Day A hurricane descending on the island, Lolita, nine years old. Playing on the ground is interrupted by a dark ominous sky and whipping winds. A crack of thunderous lightning and finally a loud boom. She runs into the house.

Int. Mountainside home –Day 2

From the kitchen Lolita’s mother cries out to her.

Mother Nena!

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Young Lolita appears instantly startling her mother.

LolitaVamonos ya. Mami, ya.

Her family determined to ride out the storm soon change their minds. They now hurriedly decide to move into a more secure location near the city center.

Ext. City Center, A School -Day Hurricane

PrincipalEntra, Entra

The family enters. The Storm whirls.

Int. Mountainside home – Next Day

The family returns to total devastation. Their original home is ruined by the storm subjecting them further into Island poverty but listening to the young Lolita had saved them. As the family returns home and stands in the middle of the devastation we zoom in on Lolita’s bright beautiful face, which then dissolves back into the proud applauding father in the beauty contest Auditorium.

EXT. –Country road -Night 3

Calm Caribbean night as the Lebron family arrives home after the beauty contest. They could not be more joyous and proud. The sound of the Coqi is heard. They each file into the small house all but for our queen who remains out doors eagerly awaiting her boyfriend.


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“Don’t wait too long Lolita, you know how these boys are.”

They exchange a smile. Mother disappears into the house. Paco Mendez (a factory engineer) rolls up in his shinny new car. He approaches her and lunges into her as she sits on the stoop, and they kiss.

LolitaGanne, Look, I won.

She picks up the crown and shows him.

PacoYou’re my princess. Why don’t you come with me, I’m leaving for San Turce manana. I want you to come with me.

They hug excitedly and kiss. She is over the moon. They get up and go. Lolita leaves her crown on the stoop.

INT –Apt. Santurce –Day (Montage Benny More “Y tu como estas”)

Domestic life together in Santurce. Lolita and Don Paco enter the Apt. together. He picks her up spins her around and they kiss.

INT –Hospital, Santurce –Day (Montage)

Lolita is handed her first baby Gladys.

INT –Apt. Santurce –Night (Montage)

Don Paco walks in drunk.

INT –Apt. Santurce –Night (Montage)

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Don Paco barely walks in drunk once again Lolita looks out the front door this time and sees a woman running away and into her car.

INT –Apt. Santurce –Day (Montage) 4

Luis (a family friend) stands in front of Lolita who hands him a letter. She sends him of to Don Pacos office. He knods and exits.

INT –Don Paco’s office, Santurce –Day (Montage)

Don Paco automatically hands over two hundred dollars to Luis for Lolita and asks Louis,

Don PacoWhat’s wrong with her?

INT. Apt. Santurce –Day5

Lolita receives the money and asks Louis very annoyed

LolitaOnly two hundred dollars? What’s wrong with him?

Ext. Lares, Lolita’s Parents home –Day6

Lolita returns home to Lares with her child, a beautiful baby girl named Gladys. The reunion is warm and busy. After a while they settle on the porch. Grandmother holds the child.

Mother“What will you do mi hija?”

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LolitaI will go to America, Mami, New York! I will work and send you money to take care of Tatita for me.

Mother looks up at Lolita and knows there is no compromise. Lolita’s Father comes home for lunch from the plant and finds his wife, daughter and grandchild proudly decided. He has no idea.

EXT. San Juan Ship yard -Day 7

The line of men women and children stretches along the dock. Lolita in cue holds a flyer that reads, “Come work in America”. Saying goodbye to her young daughter and family Lolita boards fast.

INT. to EXT. Ship Cabin and Deck –Night8

Lolita prepares herself to arrive. There is a commotion, a buzz outside. She investigates and follows the crowd up on deck and there she is Lady Liberty. A young girl pulls at her mother.

Young girlMira Mami, La estatua de libertad!

Lolita smiles down on the young girl.

EXT. New York City tenement Vestibule –Night9

Lolita enters and climbs the stairs of her older brother Gonzalo’s Apartment. Children are seen stomping, scream, laughing through the halls She checks the paper, looks at the door number and finally knocks. Gonzalo a military man in his mid 20’s opens the door. He is so happy to see his younger sister.


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Pero mira quen esta aqui, Im so sorry I could not meet you downtown, but I had to work. Come in, come in. (Behind his shoulder as he helps her with the luggage he yells to his wife) Nena, Lolita is here!

He finds room in their small ghetto tenement where Padded grey noise constantly seeps in through the walls caused by the neighbors either fighting, fucking or playing music. Welcome to America. She sits on the edge of the guest bed.

Int. Factory –Day10

The Factory is noisy, hot and muggy. A fat Caucasian foreman is shouting obesities and is seen yelling pushing and pulling on a thin deliveryman. Lolita squints down the endless rows of sewing machines. A long procession of women sewing and sweating, each fused as if surgically by hands and feet on to their machines, transforming into one giant beast of burden. The foreman walks her through shouting over the noise.

FormanWe work ten-hour shifts and get one half hour break, no more than that. Lateness will not be tolerated. The bathrooms are to the left and…

He continues to check off items off his clipboard and hands her a small piece of paper.

FormanThis is your station.

She sits.

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FormanIf you have any questions ask Julia.

He points to a young mulatto next to her. He exits. They exchange weary smiles.

JuliaWhere are you from?

LolitaI’m from Lares, y tu?

JuliaYo soy de Carolina, my father’s from Rio piedras and my moms from Farhardo. You just got here didn’t you? Don’t worry. I’ve been here for two and a half years now and no problems.

Int. Factory Cafeteria –Day11

Julia and Lolita sit at lunch. Rosa a middle-aged woman approaches them. She is a burly Garment workers union representative. Julia introduces her to Lolita.

JuliaRosa is our Union rep.


Pleasure to meet you Lolita. If you have any problems make sure to speak with me first. I’m sure you’ll do fine. You speak some English right? Good. Listen, if you want to know more we all get together once a week on Thursdays. And once a month Fridays we meet with the Nationalist party in

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the Bronx. We throw dances, you know to do fund raising. You’re more than welcome to join us.

LolitaI’d like that.

RosaGood. Next week Thursday after the first shift. See you then.

She exits

JuliaShe is a great woman, But be careful.


JuliaShe’s a Nationalist, Nationolista de Puerto Rico. Radical, you know? They want Puerto Rico to be free from the United States and I don’t agree with all that, but she’s also a wonderful union rep and a hell of a seamstress.

Int. Loud Bronx Dance hall –Friday Night 12

Anderson Perez a handsome sailor dressed in uniform enters the hall. Lolita’s eyes meet his in silence.

Ext. Bronx Dance hall –Night

Lolita and Anderson Exit the Dance Hall Arm in arm.

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EXT. Bronx Church –Day 13

Newlyweds Lolita and Anderson are pelted with rice by loved ones. They bob and weave into their get away car. They kiss. The crowd cheers as they zoom away.

Int. Car –Day 14


She nods.

AndersonYou look so beautiful up there.I am so proud today sometimes I don’t know if you really know.

LolitaI’m a woman of few words. I know.

They Laugh and Kiss.

Int. Bronx Apt. –Day 15

(Montague) Pregnant Lolita sits in the living room and waves to Anderson to come. She is in Labor. Anderson runs in a panic from left to right and Lolita Laughs.

Int. Bronx Hospital –Day 16

The nurse hands Lolita her baby boy. Anderson and Lolita smile.

Int. Bronx Apt. –Day 17

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Lolita is preparing to leave for a meeting. Lolita now more involved with the Nationalist movement. She goes more and more frequently to Union and Nationalist meetings. She is seen zipping back and forth while putting finishing touches on her outfit.

Lolita The meeting may go over, I’ll be home

late.The baby’s milk is in the fridge.

She kisses the baby standing in the play pen.

AndersonWhy must you go to every meeting? If the party decided to baptize a cat you’d be right up there. It’s not fair, we need you too, here. you know?

Anderson gets up from the lazy boy and wraps himself around her from behind.

LolitaI have to go.

Int. A Nationalist fundraiser in The Bronx. –Night 18

Griselio Torressola is a dangerous gun specialist and fervent Nationalist, but tonight he is a bartender. Lolita is taking tickets and hosting the nights festivities. From behind the bar they share a moment.

GriselioThe tickets are in the register.

Hi, Im Griselio.

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LolitaLolita Delores

Tito Puente is heard in the background. As the evening progresses we see a the life span of the party play out high speed. At the end of the night. Lolita finishes counting the recipts. Griselio swoops down on Lolita.

GriselioOye, Ven con migo.

I have something for you.

LolitaOk, where?

GriselioCome with me.

The room is Dark but for one light shining down on a cashe of weapons. German lugers, machine guns and Amo. A few members are seen cleaning and taking inventory. He picks up a gun and hands it to her.

Griselio This one is yours. You will learn to use it.

Grisello hovers over her just as Anderson had with the same lustful inention, to posses her.

Int. Bronx Apt. –Night 19

Anderson opens the door and in walks in a young girl babysitter.

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AndersonSorry about the short notice.

He grabs his coat and hat, slips her some cash and zooms out the door.

Int. A Nationalist fundraiser in The Bronx. –Night 20

Lolita and Griselio are seen exiting the back room by Anderson who arrives exacerbated. He confronts them. Celia Cruz plays in the background.

AndersonGet your things, were leaving right now.

He grabs her by the arm.

GriselioNow wait a minute.

AndersonNo, you wait a minute, This is my wife!

Ext. Outside Nationalist fundraiser in The Bronx. –Night


Anderson is seen flying out the club on his ass punched out by Griselio Torressola. Lolita runs to his side.Her purse falls on to the ground and her gun spills out clanking on the concrete. He sees it. They recover together but stand apart.

Anderson I cant do this mi cielo.

I just cant.

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Ext. San Juan Airport, Puerto Rico. –Day

Lolita arrives with her five year old son. The wind whips them around. Her father meets her. They get in the car.

Ext. Lares Puerto Rico. –Day 22

Lolita and son Felito exit the car. 1948, Lolita’s mother appears from out of their home in Lares with Lolita’s daughter Gladys who is now eight years old peeping from behind her grandmother’s dress. Lolita spots her.

Lolita“Come here little girl. Come meet your little brother.” “Yo soy tu mama, come here!”

Gladys lets out a slow moan that grows into a cry of infant horror and sadness.

LolitaNo, no, no. Don’t cry. Now look. Mira.”

Lolita says with open arms, they finally embrace.

Mother(to Lolita)She’s grown up to be just like you.

Ven aqui. Come inside, and who is this?

She hugs and kisses Felito.

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Int. Lares House Kitchen. –Day 23

Brother and sister get to know one another in the living room quietly playing on the floor.

LolitaMami, I hate to do this to you again but I honestly have no one else to look after him while I’m at work. Can I just leave him with you? I can trust you. And of course I’ll send money.

MotherWhat will your father say?... (Beat)Leave him up to me. Don’t you worry nena.

Lolita’s father enters with a white shaving towel hanging over his left shoulder and that same blank face.

Int. New York, A Noisy Factory –Day24

Lolita is sewing military insignia on armed forces uniforms for government servicemen. She is patching by hand a sergeant’s badge. Distracted by a picture of her family on her worktable Lolita pricks her finger. She pulls back a cool spurt of blood that catches the light. (We zoom in on the sergeant’s badge she is sewing and then out on a similar badge worn by an active duty solider Firing in on Puerto Ricans.)

Ext. Ponce, Puerto Rico –Day

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Palm Sunday March 21, 1037, Ponce, Puerto Rico, The Ponce massacre. Young students and cadets marching peacefully, unarmed and lawfully demonstrating the arrest of their National party leader Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos arrested in 1935. Carrying flags and banners defenseless and unarmed young men, women and children are summarily machine gunned down by American soldiers and plain clothes rouge U.S mercenaries in the street. 21 dead and 200 wounded later flags of independent Puerto Rico covered in blood lie in the street. Bodies riddled with bullets lay both alone and in heaps as their warm blood traces the cracks on the street. A nine year old girl in a white dress running into a church is shot in the back. We follow the Girl, the bullet, the gun up to the badge of the solider bringing us back to badge Lolita is Sewing.

Int. Factory –Day26

Sitting in this factory Lolita now realizes that she was now part of the Empire that was so oppressing and murdering her people. She begins to hyperventilate. She nurses her finger and bolts towards the bathroom.

Int. Formal Assembly Nationalist meeting Bronx –Night

27The President of the New York branch of the Nationalist Party Oscar Collazo addresses the crowd.

Oscar Collazo Patria o muerte!

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EveryonePatria o muerte!

Oscar CollazoWe all must do our part to insure that this Act by the United Nations does not go unpunished. We did not choose to “freely associate” with anyone! And we are most certainly not sharing any “common wealth!” Make no mistake, We are an occupied colony in the modern Twentieth century.

The crowd goes wild.

Ext. Factory Sidewalk, New York –Day28

Lolita sees a sign that reads “No blacks, no dogs, no Puerto Ricans”. She stops to understand it’s profoundness.

Int. Apt. -Night 29

One night after a particular party meeting she begins a one on one correspondence with Dr. Campos. She writes from the edge of her bed.

Int. Dr. Campos Prison Cell –Night 30

(V.O and montage begins in prison cell as he writes)

Dr. CamposAmerican Doctors from the Rockefeller institute at San Juan’s Presbyterian Hospital are injecting patients with cancer cells as part of their research and are killing many of us, most are being sterilized, our sugar plantation workers

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are exploited as slaves fighting against US monopolies.

Ext. Puerto Rico Ship yard -Day (montage cont.) 31

Released from Prison Dr. Campos is well received by family and fellow Nationalists.

Dr. Campos (V.0 Cont.)

Lolita you must organize and quietly mobilize three men into an action. Wait for my orders. There will be a clear and specific time and place for a significant strike on the Imperialists. Organize without fear or trepidation. Lolita, it is no accident that you will be the one who will lead the assault on the oppressor, the one who will liberate our mother country. You are the chosen one Lolita, the one who will lead the assault.

Int. Apt. –Night32

Lolita continues to read in amazement and awe.

Dr. Campos (V.0 Cont. and End montage on Lolita’s face)

There is no one but you who can do what God and Country demand.

Int. Nationalist meeting Bronx –Night33

Oscar Collazo and Lolita sit in the hall after a group meeting.


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I am ready to do whatever it takes.


You got another letter from him didn’t you? We must be patient and wait for our orders Lolita, and when they come we all will be ready. LolitaWhat is it were supposed to do? I’m tired of just waiting around.

OscarWere going out on a special mission this

week.I cant tell you where but we must go first, then you. I promise you will be notified.

Rafael Cancel Miranda walks up to them. He is a dark wiry young man who never hid his hatred for Imperialism. The words “Pittie Yankee” were never far from his lips.

OscarRafael here will go with you.

Irving Flores and Andres Figueroa Cordero immediately follow.

AndresThe hall is swept and were the only ones left.

He hands Oscar keys.Oscar

If you are the chosen one Lolita, Like Dr. Campos said? Then, these are your men.

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Int. Apt. Bedroom -Night 33

Lolita sits on the bed of her studio apt. She reads Dr. Campos’s letters.

Dr. Campos (V.0)You are the one who will lead the assault on Imperialism, the one who will liberate your mother country. It was certainly no accident you came from Lares. (Where on September 23rd 1868, a revolt for independence against Spain occurred known as El Grito de Lares). .

Int. United Nations –Day

A gavel cracks on a wooden platform. A resolution passes.

Dr. Campos (V.O)cont.It is no surprise that our colonized status is with help from the United Nations being renamed and disguised by that of commonwealth. Permitting this horror to continue forever. Puerto Rico must be free. Free of Yankee oppressors and invaders who kill and rape our land. Free from torture and cruelty.

Int. Apt. Bedroom -Night She organizes all his letters then stores the them quietly under her bed in a shinny tin box where she also kept her black luger pistol and her Puerto Rican Flag which was against the law to carry or display from 1898 to 1952. She lies down and turns off the lights.

Ext. Jayuya, Puerto Rico, 1950 –Day

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Nationalists unsuccessfully charge the governor's mansion. Six men charge with guns but are shot down dead.

Ext. Washington, DC -Day35

Puerto Rican Nationals Griselio Torresola and Oscar Collazo attempt to assassinate the American President Harry s. Truman. They try to force their way into the front of Blair house residence but are both gunned down. Torresola is killed and Oscar Collaso is apprehended.

Int. Puerto Rico Apt –Night 36

Dr. Albizu Campos is arrested for the assassination attempt on Truman and paraded in front of the Press.

Int. Federal Prison –Day37

Dr. Albizu Campos is tortured with radiation and thrown in his cell and forced to use an electrocuted mattress. He struggles to write a letter to Lolita. He writes angrily.

Dr. CamposNow! Lolita, Now is the time. You are ready now. Let us be swift and fearless. Do not let the Yankee invade our mothers and daughters. Our Country. Our Borinquen. Its all up to you.

Int. New York Apt. –Day38

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Lolita sits and writes as she builds herself up to leave.

Lolita (V.0)Before God and the world, my blood claims for the independence of Puerto Rico. My life I give for the freedom of my country. This is a cry for victory in our struggle for independence . . . The United States of America are betraying the sacred principles of mankind in their continuous subjugation of my country . . . I take responsible for all."

During the (V.O)She folds the note into her purse, Checks the safety on the gun, puts that in her purse, Checks her make up and pillbox hat in the mirror, adjusts her suit and skirt one final time then exits. End of (V.0)

Int. Train -Day39

Lolita sits facing the oncoming traffic on the train. Light and shadows dance on her face. She sits alone then is joined in silence first by Anders Figueroa then Irving Flores. Their eyes meet and heads bow in acknowledgment.

Int. Union Station Washington –Day40

Lolita and the two men arrive at the station.

LolitaI am starved. How about you guys?Let’s find Cancel Miranda who should be here by now then go get something to eat.

IrvingThere he is.

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Cancel Miranda was a small wirery man full of fire who immediately recognized the three and wisked them into a the station cafeteria booth.

CancelThe idea is to go in fast and hit them hard.

LolitaThe idea is to bring attention to the clamor for our country. Puerto Rico must be free. We are all of us, here for Torresola and for all the other Puerto Ricans who each fight and die.

Ext. Capitol steps –Day 41

They arrive on the steps of congress. Majestically she climbs the capitol steps with three armed men in tow. Impeccably dressed she approaches the guard at the door

Lolita“Good afternoon”

she almost flirts.


Do you have a camera mam?

She looks back at Miranda then back at the guard.


As they approach the open gallery above the representatives, she removes the green kerchief that covers her head while protecting her from the grey and gloom of the rain and I’ll temperate day.

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They sit quietly with cold black heavy hand pistols beneath their coats. They exchange glances and breathe collectively. Slowly Lolita reveals a beautiful but Illegal Puerto Rican flag, she drapes it around her, Pistol in hand. She Stands.

LolitaFreedom for Puerto Rico! Que Viva Puerto Rico Libre.

She declares as the men also spring to their feet. Instantly the chamber is sprayed with bullets. They each fire pausing only to reload. The congressmen are violently interrupted while debating a Mexican immigration Bill. They fly over tables and chairs. Five congressmen are wounded but none mortally. The podium and marble are split and splintered by bullets. Screams are heard. The four are finally apprehended by congressional guards and from the help of a brave overzealous American tourist as they try to exit. A Congressional guard rips Lolita's flag from her. Two men are on the ground Irving Flores escapes capture and makes it as far as the Bus Terminal.

GuardWhat the hell is this?

LolitaIt's the flag of my country. Give it

to me!

Ext. White house lawn -Day42

The Press corps is waiting for some scheduled appearance or speech when in comes a Jr. Reporter.

ReporterThere’s been a shooting in Congress.

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All the reporters quickly begin to mobilize to get to the better breaking story.

Ext Congress Steps –Day 43

Congress is flooded with ambulances, police wagons, Cameras and news reporters. Wounded congressmen are loaded on to ambulances. The three Nationalists are loaded on to a waggon. Rafael notices Irving is missing.

Rafael (to Lolita)Irving got away. He got away. I hope he makes it.

Int. Precint Holding room. –Day 44

Seargent (to Captain)We got a positive ID on all four of them. The third suspect made it as far as the terminal. Hes on the way here… So called Puerto Rican Nationals.

Captain (to Lolita)You understand English?

LolitaI speak it too.

CaptainGood. Then we should get along just fine. Now what is a young woman like yourself doing mixed up with a bunch of criminals?


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We are here, not as criminals but all of us… here to die for our country. We want freedom for Puerto Rico.

The Press Secretary bobs his head into the room and alerts the captain.

Press SecretaryThe boys want a statement.

CaptainGive me a minute. (To Rafael)Five plus men are in the hospital and may die. Aren’t you sorry?

RafaelI am not sorry… Not sorry.

Captain (to Press Secreary)There all yours.

Int. Precient Press Conference -Day 45

Reporter 1Did you shoot to kill the persons in congres?

LolitaNot to kill.

Reporter 2What was the purpose of this shooting?

LolitaThe purpose of this shooting was the clamor of freedom for my country.

Reporter 2

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Well miss, can you tell us who’s idea this was?

LolitaNo sir, It’s my idea and our idea, the four of us idea.

Reporter 2 (To Rafael)How long were you in planning this sir? Can you tell us?

RafaelEh, I saw its… I don’t know… Its not too necessary to answer. To my country. To gain something for my country I saw that not necessary to answer.

Lolita adjusts her earring.

Reporter 3Are you sorry that you shot at least five congressmen?

RafaelI’m not sorry of what I did. I’m not sorry.

Reporter 3How bout you Miss Lebron?

LolitaI am not sorry

Reporter 2What’d you say miss?


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I’m not sorry to come and ask freedom for my country any place. I did not come here to kill, I came here to die.

The press begins to stir and fight over the next question.

CaptainGentlemen, there will be no more questions.

The captain and two officers begin to escort them into the next room. Where Irving is sitting quietly he bows his head. They sit and wait.

Int. July 1,1954 Washington Federal District Court room -Day


On the day of the trial Lolitas’ brother Gonzalo, an in-listed man in full uniform testifies against her.

GonzaloI as involved in the party, but never to this extent. Nothing like this. Yes she was very important in the movement. She was a leader. People looked up to her.

He steps down.Judge Holzoff

Mr. Lynn, your witness.

Lolita’s Lawyer is Mr. Conrad Lynn one of the first African American Civil Rights Lawyers, Stands up.

Mr. LynnI would call to the stand Ms Dolores Lebron.

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Prosecutor, Mr. J. Edward Lumbard bolts from his chair.

Mr. LumbardYou honor, The people object!

Judge HolzoffDenied, I will allow it.

Lolita carries a bible she has been reading all this time. She is sworn in with her own bible.

BailifPlease say your name for the record.

LolitaDolores Lebron.

Mr. LynnAnd how did this all happen? A young, beautiful smart woman as yourself? How did you become involved?


I was raised in a beautiful country my country until the United States came and enslaved us and took our freedom. When my daughter Gladys was born we were so poor and hungry that we’d walk the road for miles in order to pick coins from fountains in town. I would never accept public assistance welfare from the oppressor nation. With no husband and no support. It was just me and my baby. My baby Gladys would say. “Don’t worry Momma. Some day I’ll turn myself into a bird and tuck you under my wing and we’ll fly far, far away.” The hardest decision I had to make was to leave her behind. There

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was work in New York and a promise for a new life. But all I found there was hate, misery and oppression. Our bosses in the factories were all Racists and bigots who compared us with dogs and worked us till we dropped. I joined the Garment workers Union which I found so amazing to see women standing up for themselves. That was also when I joined my fellow patriots in the Puerto Rican Nationalist Movement. I learned many things about this country and mine. I learned that I could defend myself against oppression and tyranny. My life became for a moment, bearable. Soon after I met Anderson my one and only husband. I had a beautiful baby boy, Felix. We were happy for a time until Anderson became jealous of all my time at Union and Nationalist activities. He became suspicious of me with other men and I was again alone abandoned with a small child. There was no way I could work the long hours in the factory and take care of him alone with no help and no family alone in New York. I had to return to my Country and beg my mother and relatives to care for my only son. He was quiet on the airplane and bothered no one, he didn’t cry at all. My only daughter was eight now and when I saw her at the airport she took my breath away. So tall and so beautiful. I wanted more for my children, a better life free from oppression free for them to choose their own destiny. That is when I decided to fight for them and for my Country.

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Mr. LynnNo further questions your honor.

Judge HolzoffMr. Lumbard, would you like to cross examine?

Mr. LumbardMs. Lebron, Are you or have you ever been a member of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party?

Lolita Yes.

The court room is a buzz with voices. Disorder in the court.

Ext. Washington Federal District Court steps -Day


The crowd is gathered with various signs and are protesting angrily. Ricans go home, Die wet back spicks die and Death to the traitors are a few of the signs.

Int: Washington Federal District Court room -Day 48

The Judge and reads his sentence handed by the bailiff.

Judge HolzoffIn the Case of the People of the United States VS Ms. Dolores Lebron on the charge of Attempted murder the verdict is Guilty

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on all counts and on the charge of Conspiracy to overthrow the US Government the verdict is also Guilty.

Applause is heard in the courtroom as Judge HolzoffIs interrupted. He slams the gavel for order but goes unheard.

Judge HolzoffDue to the nature of this case it is important that sentencing be swift and immediate. Ms. Lebron Please stand. You

are hereby sentenced to Death. Which is he maximum allowable in this case. You will be moved to a federal facility where you

will await your execution.

Judge Holzoff slams the gavel and gets up to exit.

BalifAll rise.

Lolita’s face is fixed.

Ext: Dept Store front Establishing shot Puerto Rico -Day 49

Int: Dept Store Puerto Rico -Day 50

Lolitas mother is buying clothes with young Gladys and Felix. She hears two women talking.

Lady 1Que terrible.

Lady 2Hay si

Lady 1

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Tiene que estar loca, A quen se le occure?

Lady 2How can anyone be so stupid? This is only going to make it harder for us here and over there. Especially over there. Oh my God my son, my son over there like he doesn’t have it hard enough. God damn that stupid ass Lolita Lebron! Hay que bruta esa so estupida…

Lolita’s Mother and kids file out of the store.

Int: Alderson Prison -Night 51

VO) Lolita(Recites the lords prayer.)

As she prays standing Her prison cell morphs. Visions flash before her of Armageddon, fire and Jesus being trampled by the white horse of the apocalypse. Bloodied and battered as if crucified again he points to an atomic mushroom cloud. Tears in his eyes. The fire of religiosity enwraps her. The vision disappears as fast as they come leaving her standing.

Int: Warden’s office Alderson Prison -Day 52

WardenMs Lebron, I have some very good news.

Your sentence has been changed. President Truman himself has commuted our sentence

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to life in prison instead of death. It seems the US government wants you around

for something.

Lolita shows no reaction. She sits knumb.

Int: Alderson Prison -Night 53

Lolita writes poetry on toilet paper and a personal letter to president Truman relaying Gods message of Atomic danger.

Lolita (VO)Dear President Dwight D Eisenhower, please do whatever can to stop nuclear weapons. God wants me to work to make this a reality. I call it A message from God in the Atomic age…

The camera pans on her back writing to show a passing of time. She proudly holds up a finished manuscript.

Int: Alderson Prison -Night 54

Lolita is being dragged to a mental hospital.

Int: Washington Asylum -Day 55

Lolita sits in a window. Still.

Ext: Puerto Rico, River bank -Day 56

Felix, her 9 year old son falls into the river chasing a yo yo, slips on a rock and drowns. Children gather, cry and scream. His body lifeless floats in the river.

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Ext: Alderson Prison -Night 57

A Scream echoes through the prison yard.

Int: Alderson Prison -Night 58

Lolita prays

LolitaGood Lord please let it be your will, let it be your will. Take my will from me and replace it with yours. Show me the way, show me how to love. Punish me if I have offended you, but please don’t take my boy. I you want him with you, if you want him, take him if that is your will so be it, fine but please show me what to do from here. Please lord what shall I do?

Int: Alderson Prison -Day 59

Her eldest daughter Glaydys comes to visit.

LolitaMi hija. My girl, oh my God How you have grown. God bless you.

As she hugs her Lolita notices a bruise on Glady’s face.

Glady’sMami, how are you? Mami, Im so sory. Felix.

Gladys begins to weep.Lolita

Que? No llores. Don’t cry

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Dios sabe lo que hace. God knows what is right. Y eso?

She holds her face in her hands exposing the bruise.

GladysMa no es na. I fell and hit my face.

Lolita searches for the truth in her eyes, does not find it and decides to change the topic.

LolitaCome. Lets sit.

Ext: Puerto Rico, highway -Day 60

Gladys, her husband and her daughter are on their way home from a wedding. Gladys looks at her husband, he shakes his head no and rolls his eyes at her in disgust.

She grabs the door Handel opens the door and throws herself from the car meanwhile her own daughter Irene is watching from the backseat.


Ext: Alderson Prison -Day 61

The warden visits Lolita. He stands in front of her closed cell and hands her the news. She reads and falls into a transcendental dissorientaion.

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WardenIm truly sorry Ms Lebron. Of course you will be able to go home for the funeral.

LolitaThank you.

Ext: Puerto Rico, Airport -Day 62

Lolita is then allowed to attend Gladys’s funeral in Puerto Rico and receives a hero’s welcome at the airport. When she lands accompanied by federal agents,

Spectator 1Que viva Lolita! Que viva Puerto Rico Libre!

The bells of the church in San Juan ring out to everyone’s amazed because it was not time for them to ring yet.

Spectator 2 Those bells are not supposed to be ringing.

He marks his watch while everyome listens in amazement.

Ext: Puerto Rico, Cemetery -Day

63The mob at the airport soon joins the mob at cemetery.

Spectator 3Que viva Puerto Rico Libre!

They envelop her down to Glady’s grave.

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Int: Alderson Prison Warden’s office -Day 64

Lolita 25 years later she is pardoned by president Carter and moves back to Puerto Rico. In her Silver years (80’s) she does not stop protesting. She is again arrested twice on the Island of Viequez, Puerto Rico along with many other prominent and celebrity protesters. They all protested the US military’s occupation of the small Viequez Island. On trial she said I had the honor  of leading the act against the U.S. Congress on March 1,  1954, when we demanded freedom for Puerto Rico and we told  the world that we are an invaded nation, occupied and abused  by the United States of America. I feel very proud of having  performed my duty, of having answered the call of the  motherland. She is sentenced to 60 days. She said I did twenty years I can do 60 days.

Freed on August 24, 2001 along with actor Edward James Olmos they both walk out together hand in hand. In 2005 the military finally exits Viequez and she does not stop celebrating and protesting to this day.