POPIS VALJANO PRIJAVLJENIH RADOVA ZA AK. GOD. 2012./2013. INTERDISCIPLINARNO PODRUČJE KINEZIOLOŠKI FAKULTET 1. Petar Gluhak Postoje li razlike u antropološkom statusu i sportskom uspjehu između zdravih dječaka hrvača i dječaka hrvača oboljelih od astme i alergijskog rinitisa? Astma, alergijski rinitis i druge kronične bolesti dišnog sustava najrasprostranjenije su nezarazne kronične bolesti kod djece. Cilj ovog istraživanja je odgovoriti koliki je među hrvačima udio djece koja boluju od astme i alergijskog rinitisa, utječe li njihova bolest na antropološki status i mogu li se jednako uspješno baviti hrvanjem kao zdrava djeca. Istraživanje je provedeno na 138 dječaka hrvača starosti 11 i 12 godina. Testirani su kompletom testova za procjenu antropološkog statusa te im je izračunat indeks tjelesne mase (eng. BMI). Sportski uspjeh je procijenjen prema rezultatima ostvarenim na prvenstvu Hrvatske. Procjena zdravstvenog statusa provedena je putem strukturiranog medicinskog intervjua temeljenog na ISAAC (International Study of Allergy and Asthma in Children) upitniku. Astma je utvrđena kod 12 (8.7%), a alergijski rinitis kod 22 (15.9%) ispitanika, što čini ukupno 34 (24.6%) ispitanika. U ukupnom uzorku (N=138) utvrđeno je 39% ispitanika sa prekomjernom tjelesnom težinom. Kožni nabor nadlaktice bio je značajno veći u ispitanika s rinitisom nego u zdravih ispitanika (19,95mm: 14,11 mm; p= 0,002), kao i BMI (21,64: 19,64; p= 0,038), dok je izdržaj u visu bio značajno kraći kod rinitičara nego kod zdravih ispitanika (26,58 s: 16,97 s; p= 0,019). Ovim interdisciplinarnim istraživanjem zaključili smo da u skupini dječaka hrvača postoji veći udio djece sa prekomjernom tjelesnom težinom u odnosu na opću populaciju. Dječaci hrvači sa alergijskim rinitisom češće imaju prekomjernu tjelesnu težinu u odnosu na zdrave hrvače, te imaju značajno više potkožnog masnog tkiva i manju statičku snagu ruku i ramenog pojasa od zdravih hrvača. Razlike u antropološkom statusu između zdravih hrvača i hrvača s astmom nisu utvrđene, a dokazano je da se djeca oboljela od astme i alergijskog rinitisa mogu baviti hrvanjem jednako uspješno kao zdrava djeca. Daljnjim istraživanjima trebamo proširiti znanja u ovom području te usmjeriti pažnju roditeljima i zdravstvenim institucijama da i kod djece s alergijskim rinitisom postoji potreba za boljom prevencijom i liječenjem simptoma, te kontroliranim uključenjem u sustavnu tjelesnu aktivnost. Ključne riječi: astma, alergijski rinitis, hrvanje, djeca, antropološki status SUMMARY Asthma, allergic rhinitis and other chronic respiratory diseases are the most prevalent non-communicable chronic diseases in children. The aim of this research was to define the prevalence of children with asthma and allergic rhinits among boy wrestlers, to define whether these diseases affect anthropological status and whether wrestlers with asthma and allergic rhinitis can be equally successful in wrestling as healthy children. The study was conducted on 138 boys wrestlers aged 11 and 12 years. They were tested with a set of tests to evaluate their anthropological status, and their body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Success in sport was assessed according to the results achieved in the Croatian championship. Assessment of health status was conducted through a structured medical interview based on ISAAC (International Study of Allergy and Asthma in Children) questionnaire. Asthma was found in 12 (8.7%), and allergic rhinitis in 22 (15.9%) boy wrestlers, making a total of 34 (24.6%) subjects with chronic respiratory disease. In the total sample (N = 138), 39% of overweight subjects was found. Upper arm skinfold was significantly greater in subjects with allergic rhinitis than in healthy subjects (19.95 mm 14.11 mm, p = 0.002), as well as BMI (21.64: 19.64, p = 0.038), while Flexed Arm Hang (FAH) was significantly shorter in subjects with allergic rhinitis than in healthy subjects (26.58 to: 16.97 s, p = 0.019). Results of this interdisciplinary research showed that in a group of boy wrestlers there is a greater proportion of overweight children compared to the general population. Boy wrestlers with allergic rhinitis are more often overweight compared to healthy wrestlers, and have significantly more body fat and less static strength in arm and shoulder area than healthy wrestlers. Differences in the anthropological status between healthy wrestlers and wrestlers with asthma have not been established, and it has been proven that children with asthma and allergic rhinitis can be involved in wrestling as successfully as healthy children. Further research is needed to expand knowledge in this area, and focus attention of parents and health institutions that for children with allergic rhinitis there is a need for better prevention and treatment of symptoms, as well as for their controlled and systematic involvement in physical activity. Key words: asthma, allergic rhinitis, wrestling, children, anthropological status

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