Siok Khoon Caregiver & International Coordinator Our Place International [email protected] 1 Ray Kent Caregiver & Founder Our Place International [email protected] Our Place International “Truly the University of Life” www.ourplaceinternational.com THE UNIVERSAL APPLICATION OF DOING-NOTHING-INTELLIGENTLY (Reprinted from Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review) "Life cannot repudiate itself." This fact is so patent that the veriest fool in Christendom should quickly realize it. Yet our whole social fabric is built on the absurd doctrine of the total depravity of man. Man is regarded as sinful by nature. He must be trained, disciplined, restrained, coerced, brow-beaten, subverted and cajoled by all manners of means to force him to behave in a manner that becomes a man. The "let-alone" or "do-nothing" principle in morals and education is as abhorrent to the average man and woman as it is to the Heteropath in medicine. Human beings, being depraved by nature, cannot be permitted to grow and develop normally. Man's activities must be "guided", "directed", "modified" and "suppressed". Materialists who theoretically reject the total depravity doctrine, believe in man's innate brutality, which amounts to the same thing. The author of Why We Behave Like Human Beings finds that we act human because we are descended from monkeys. All the evil in the world today is the outcome of this very attitude and the practices that grow out of it. As a result of this anti-natural doctrine we are suffering from: 1. A false system of ethics or morals. 2. A false system of training miscalled education. 3. A false system of government. 4. A false system of hygiene. 5. A false system of medicine. The very systems, regulations and methods we have set up to prevent vice, crime, disease and evil in general are the greatest causes of these evils.


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Siok Khoon Caregiver & International Coordinator

Our Place International [email protected]


Ray Kent Caregiver & Founder Our Place International [email protected]

Our Place International “Truly the University of Life”



(Reprinted from Dr. Shelton's Hygienic Review)

"Life cannot repudiate itself."

This fact is so patent that the veriest fool in Christendom should quickly realize it.

Yet our whole social fabric is built on the absurd doctrine of the total depravity of man.

Man is regarded as sinful by nature. He must be trained, disciplined, restrained, coerced, brow-beaten, subverted and cajoled by all manners of means to force him to behave in a manner that becomes a man.

The "let-alone" or "do-nothing" principle in morals and education is as abhorrent to the average man and woman as it is to the Heteropath in medicine.

Human beings, being depraved by nature, cannot be permitted to grow and develop normally. Man's activities must be "guided", "directed", "modified" and "suppressed".

Materialists who theoretically reject the total depravity doctrine, believe in man's innate brutality, which amounts to the same thing. The author of Why We Behave Like Human Beings finds that we act human because we are descended from monkeys.

All the evil in the world today is the outcome of this very attitude and the practices that grow out of it.

As a result of this anti-natural doctrine we are suffering from:

1. A false system of ethics or morals. 2. A false system of training miscalled education. 3. A false system of government. 4. A false system of hygiene. 5. A false system of medicine. The very systems, regulations and methods we have set up to prevent vice, crime, disease and evil in general are the greatest causes of these evils.

Siok Khoon Caregiver & International Coordinator

Our Place International [email protected]


Ray Kent Caregiver & Founder Our Place International [email protected]

Our Place International “Truly the University of Life”


Children are not naturally thieves --- although they are naturally communists. They have but little conception of private property at first. If left alone to develop naturally and normally these children, would never develop a conception of private property that extends to private ownership of the earth. They would only recognize private property rights in personal necessities or personal products. Children are not naturally liars. They have been accused of being liars by nature. This is a blasphemy against childhood and against the creator. They often appear to lie because of some defect of conception or because of some dead point in memory or an empty space in consciousness, or because the products of their vivid imaginations seem real to them. As they grow and develop naturally, these elements of mental incompleteness are filled in and the apparent lying ceases. Due to our lack of faith in life in general and human nature, in particular, children have to be "made good". The growing child is shunted off in another direction from that which his own character and instincts lead him. He has to be shaped and molded into a complete example in a model series --- a copy of a common pattern. There is an old adage applied to child training which says: "As the twig is bent the tree is inclined." "BENT" is the proper word. Every child that comes up under our modern system is bent --- bent in will, in character, in mind, in body. Often he is so bent that he breaks. He is then an invalid or a criminal --- it is all the same. A criminal is a moral invalid. Children, if left alone and not coerced and disciplined by external authority, learn self-control.

Siok Khoon Caregiver & International Coordinator

Our Place International [email protected]


Ray Kent Caregiver & Founder Our Place International [email protected]

Our Place International “Truly the University of Life”


Life teaches them the virtues and graces of life. Contact with others and the natural inevitable reactions of their own acts teach them respect for the rights of others. This teaching does not fill their heads with suggestions of evil. It does not cause them to rebel against autocratic external control and become evil. Ellen Kev truly remarks: "the ways of injuring the child are infinite, while the ways of being useful to him are few." All the necessary functions of government are exercised by the people themselves without the aid of courts, jails, police, etc., where people are let alone. And where this condition obtains, vice and crime are practically non-existent. If left to nature man cannot be other than good. Man has brought all his evils upon himself by his vain attempt to improve upon nature. The let-alone principle should extend to all departments of life and society. The tendency of life is upward. For it to tend in any other direction would break a law of nature. Life cannot violate the laws of being. Dwarfed, twisted and perverted human life, is not the result of the normal operations of life under normal conditions, but the result of forces and influences that hinder, impair and prevent its normal expressions. Perverted minds, instincts and morals do not result from normal unfoldment. Normal development cannot produce criminals. But we have not faith in normal development --- we lack faith in life. We fear that if life is not coerced, "guided", "disciplined" and "directed" by external authority it will go off on a tangent and never return to its normal course. Yet tangential life is always the result of these extraneous forces. Parents, teachers, preachers, lawyers, politicians, social and economic institutions and all other pretended improvements upon nature are responsible for the wreckage of human life.

Siok Khoon Caregiver & International Coordinator

Our Place International [email protected]


Ray Kent Caregiver & Founder Our Place International [email protected]

Our Place International “Truly the University of Life”


Man, not an imaginary devil, is man's arch foe. Crime, evil, disease --- these will be easily eradicated and prevented as soon as their causes are recognized and corrected. When education is not thought of as training --- when education is conceived of as life --- then will man arrange for civilized children to grow and unfold in a normal manner under natural conditions. Then, will children come to adulthood, true men and women as God and Nature intended they should. Intelligent men consider that civilization is wrecking man. Scientists talk of the "Decline and Fall of Man." They attempt to be optimistic; but the careful student soon realizes that their proposed solutions are not radical. They are abortive. Scientists are still Allopathic in practice. Civilization can be made safe. Man can be freed from its blighting influence. This will require the mixing of intelligence with our social and moral structure. Intelligence will have to enter into our educational system --- rather, intelligence will have to supplant the present system. Medicine in all its diabolical and multitudinous forms will have to give way to intelligence and a hygiene based on the Laws of Nature rather than upon the fallacies of bacteriology. Politics must be displaced by an intelligent statesmanship. The rent, interest and profit system and the inculcated profit motive that keeps these alive will have to give way before the primitive cooperative instinct and its normal expressions.

Siok Khoon Caregiver & International Coordinator

Our Place International [email protected]


Ray Kent Caregiver & Founder Our Place International [email protected]

Our Place International “Truly the University of Life”


To gain social and economic advantages over your fellow men and use these advantages to exploit these same fellow men is now the highest social ideal implanted in the growing mind. Service and cooperation must supplant exploitation and predatory institutions. BROTHERHOOD must overcome SELFISHNESS. The development of personality and individuality must supplant the present methods of making minds into carbon copies of the conventional style. Religion must cease to be the handmaiden of exploitation and teach truth. Science, too, must abandon her paramount --- the forces of evil and exploitation, and teach truth. Health of mind and body must be a constant ideal to which all shall attain. Goodness flows from mental and physical health and wholeness as naturally as water flows downhill. All these things will come as rapidly as man learns HOW to LIVE.
