Dog Training - Teaching Your Dog the Sit Command

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Dog Training - Teaching Your Dog the Sit Command http://howtohousetraindog.com/go/dog-training http://howtohousetraindog.com/go/theonlinedogtrainer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Dog Training - Teaching Your Dog the Sit Command
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Dog Training:

Teaching Your Dog

the Sit Command

Page 3: Dog Training - Teaching Your Dog the Sit Command

Teaching your dog the "sit" command could be one of

the most useful commands you ever teach him. A

poorly trained dog is a direct reflection on you the

pet owner and how much care about your dog. In

fact an untrained dog becomes a nuisance to its

owner therefore the dog and owner become

unhappy. Whether it's a puppy or a fully grown dog

you can teach them to sit with a little effort on your


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Have you been putting it off because you think your

dog will never be able to learn a new 'trick'? Don't

put it off any longer. Start teaching your dog how to

sit today.

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Use some of these tips to teach your dog to sit:

You are going to need some treats; unfortunately

this is always the best way to get a dog to do

something you want! You can use anything you

know your dog enjoys: biscuits, chewy treats or

household items.

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The main goal is to get your dog to sit when

you use the word. One way you can gradually

get your dog used to the word is by saying the word

when the dog is sitting anyway. Dog sits down - you

say "sit" and praise them.

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You will also need to practice this every day by doing the following:- Call your dog and offer them the treat. Let them sniff the treat and get excited first! - Slowly move the treat until it's over the dogs head. The dog will naturally move into the sitting position. - It's important that the dog associates the activity of sitting with the treat, the p raise and the action of sitting. Try to get your timing right. - Keep bribing the dog and gradually decrease the size of the treat. Keep enthusiastically praising the dog.

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- Repeat this exercise a few times a day. Don't overdo it - you want your pet to think of it as fun. - Try to practice around mealtimes when your dog is hungry; this will make him keener for the treats. - Have the treats easily accessible, don't fumble around - the treat needs to happen as the dog is sitting. - Don't push your dog’s bottom down; this won't work because your pet will associate the action of sitting with having you push his bottom to the ground. If this really isn't working you might want to consider obedience classes with other dogs. - End each training session on a positive note.

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Teaching your dog to sit using these positive

reinforcement techniques will strengthen the bond

between you. Consider it time well spent.

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Once you have mastered the basic command 'sit' it

should be quite easy to train your dog the other

basic commands. "Sit-stay", "down" 'heel' and 'come

are some of the most useful commands. Use the

treats in a similar way. Training your dog is an

ongoing process. You want to keep praising your dog

regularly and never associate anger with the dog’s

reaction to your command.

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Make use of every new situation to train or put your

training into practice. The most important part

about learning how to sit - is that the dog sits

under a variety of conditions. Sitting in new

environments, around other dogs, around new

people, when the doorbell rings etc.

Page 12: Dog Training - Teaching Your Dog the Sit Command

Training your dog well is one of the most important

things you can do for your dog. Besides having a well

behaved dog you will also have an obedient dog.

Dogs function as part of a pack - and you are the

leader. Your dog will be better adjusted and happier

if they know their place in the pack. Your dog is by

nature keen to please you. Be a great pack leader

and start teaching your puppy to sit today!

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To Learn More About Dog Training, go to





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