Does Mcdonald hv anytg to offer to businesses.doc

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  • 8/19/2019 Does Mcdonald hv anytg to offer to businesses.doc


    Does Mcdonald’S Ofer A Model Which Other Businesses

    Should Follow?

    Does McDonald’s ofer a model which other businesses should ollow? At rst, most

    people must have laughed at the idea o a chain o restaurants selling identical

    products all over the country, but little did they know that the genius idea that they

    had mocked would go on to revolutionise the business environment o the uture

    McDonald’s is now the international market leader or ast ood, and has been ever

    since its pioneering rst restaurant was launched in !an "ernardino, #aliornia in

    $%&' (istorical "ackground )he original ounders o McDonald’s, and the ast*ood

    concept, were brothers Dick and Mac McDonald +n $%&', they modied their drive*

    in restaurant, creating the standard or the contemporary ast*ood restaurant o 

    modern times rom the introduction o a limited menu o -ust nine items, and by

    ocusing on e.cient production and service, the brothers were able to halve theprice o their hamburgers to $/ cents 0ay 1roc, who, at this time was a /2*year*old

    milkshake machine salesman, heard o the brothers’ generation o around 34/5,555

    in annual revenues, and instantly became convinced that its concept could work in

    other cities 1roc became the rst ranchisee appointed by the McDonald brothers,

    and opened his rst restaurant the ollowing year in Des 6laines, +llinois +n $%7$,

    1roc bought all the rights to the McDonald’s concept rom the McDonald brothers or

    328 million 1roc was somewhat o an obsessive individual, 9ated with rules,

    regulations, procedures, and obedience to his strict rules o discipline 1roc was

    especially concerned with maintaining McDonald:s clean image, as well as that o 

    lie in general, and could regularly be seen picking up litter outside o his

    restaurants in order to maintain the high standard o cleanliness upon which many

    o his principles were based During the $%75s, McDonald’s invested a great deal o 

    capital into advertising and marketing campaigns +n $%72, the golden arches were

    adopted as its corporate logo, with the introduction o 0onald McDonald as its

    mascot arriving the ollowing year +n $%7/, McDonald’s #orporation went public,

    and by $%77 was listed on the ;ew nited !tates were opened in #anada and 6uerto 0ico

    $%7' saw the introduction o the company’s agship product, the "ig Mac

     )hroughout the $%85’s, McDonald’s became involved with a lot o charity work,

    establishing its own charity called the 0onald McDonald (ouse, providing temporary

    housing or the amilies o seriously ill children 1roc had always believed in givingsomething back to the community in order to make the world a better place +n

    $%84, McDonald’s added breakast items to its menu )he @uarter 6ounder was

    introduced in the subseuent year, as sales reached 3$ billion $%8& saw the

    opening o the rst restaurant in the >1, in Boolwich, !outh Condon +n $%8/,

    McDonald’s introduced drive*thruE window service, which allowed motorists to

    order and receive ood rom their cars ;owadays, this type o business accounts or

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    around hal o all McDonald’s sales in the >nited !tates +n $%'4, #hicken

    Mc;uggets were added to the menu, giving customers an alternative to bee

    ounder 0ay 1roc died in $%'& 0onald McDonald #hildren’s #harities was ounded

    in his remembrance to raise unds in support o child welare +n $%'%, McDonald:s

    became listed on the rankurt, Munich, 6aris, and )okyo stock e9changes )hroughthe $%%5s smaller outlets known as =9pressE stores were opened in hospitals,

    Foos, airports, and even on erries )hese outlets served a limited menu and lacked

    some o the amenities o larger stores +n $%%7, McDonalds signed a $5*year

    agreement with )he Balt Disney #ompany )his agreement has led to the

    introduction o restaurants at Disney theme parks, and the promotion o Disney

    lms through McDonald:s 6ackaging is the primary source o advertising, along with

    the addition o limited edition products added to the menu =9amples include

    6ocahontas and )he Cion 1ing ranchises )he McDonald’s #orporation is the largest

    worldwide ranchised ood service organisation +n the $%75’s, 0ay 1roc ranchised

    restaurants or the low sum o 3%/5, demanding $%G o sales As the success o 1roc and his organisation depended on the prosperity o the ranchisees, this

    mutual interest was a key actor in McDonald’s success +n the >!A, '8G o 

    restaurants are owned and operated by ranchisees +n the >1, this gure lies at -ust

    over 25G, with $$% o the /88 restaurants being ranchised +t is McDonald’s’

    intention that by the end o this year, ranchised restaurants will represent over

    45G o the total >1 business McDonald’s charge ranchisees a levy on sales )his

    levy consists o a service ee o &G, and a rent charge o 8G #learly, an increase in

    the number o ranchised restaurants leads to the direct efect o an increase in

    McDonald’s’ revenues McDonald’s can also boast that it is the largest retail

    property owner in the world @uality, !ervice, #leanliness McDonald’s use the nest

    available products and careully developed ormulae )hey also encourage their

    employees to check products that they prepare or serve McDonald’s believe that

    cleanliness is a magnet drawing customers to their restaurantsE HMcDonald:s #rew

    (andbook $%%7I, and thereore aim to ensure that their restaurants are spotless at

    all times, both inside and out @uality and cleanliness, however, are wasted without

    ast, courteous service McDonald’s rmly believe that a smile does as much to

    bring a customer back as does the best ood in the world McDonald’s always

    reminds its employees that the customer is the most important single actor in their

    business )hey also train their employees to treat everyone, especially the

    customer, in the way that they would want to be treated themselves Mystery

    Diners, employed by the company, visit each store once a month checking thatoverall customer service reuirements are met McDonald’s believe that through

    delivering great levels o @!#, H@uality, !ervice, #leanlinessI, $55G customer

    satisaction can be achieved, enabling them to become the >1’s avourite uick

    service restaurant )reatment o Borkorce McDonald’s state that they value people

    most by beingJ 0eliable K +n doing what they say they’ll do !ae K +n operating

    practices which protect their customers, employees, and reputation 0esponsible K

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    +n making decisions which balance short, medium, and long term aspirations

    #onsistent K +n their delivery o uality, service, cleanliness, and value )rustworthy

    K +n their dealings with each other, their customers and their business partners )he

    Ceader K +n advancing their position by being innovative, e9ible and goal

    orientated #ustomer driven K +n listening and responding to their customer needs=thical K +n their internal and e9ternal policies and practices Bell 0un K )hrough

    visionary leadership and ocused management A Lood =mployer K +n recognising

    that their employees are the key to customer satisaction !ourceJ McDonald:s #rew

    (andbook $%%7 )raining +t is the aim o McDonald’s to create a learning

    environment, which acilitates the development o the highest level o skill among

    all employees )heir training programmes have been designed to enable all

    employees to achieve the company’s goals o $55G customer satisaction,

    increased market share, and increased protability An ongoing programme o 

    training evaluation enables McDonald’s to keep training procedures up to date, and

    relevant to the needs o the business McDonald’s believe that training is theoundation o their success, and that it is an ongoing process that belongs to all o 

    their employees )he uniorm is an e9ample o standardisation, as there is little

    variation throughout the world Diferent colours are used in certain countries due to

    religious circumstances 0ules and 0egulations About & times each year, each

    restaurant He9cluding ranchisesI is checked rigorously by Area Managers, who

    make sure the crew and managers are carrying out operations correctly, as well as

    other general checks nce a year, a restaurant e9periences what is known as a Null

    eld’, where area managers, other restaurant managers, and trainee managers

    perorm a comprehensive check on the whole operation )he results o these

    inspections are put into tables, and there is always erce competition between

    stores with regard to scores received =mployee 0elations +t is McDonald’s policy to

    actively promote rom within 6romotion is ofered to employees who show initiative

    and a desire to advance Many o McDonald’s’ nest managers and senior company

    personnel have been promoted rom crew )his way, skills are kept in the rm, with

    training costs minimised McDonald’s believe that people are their most important

    asset Coyalty and dedication are the oundation o every successul business, and

    McDonald’s eel that they are especially ortunate in having so many highly skilled

    and motivated people Coyalty points are awarded to employees who reach certain

    service milestones )here is a catalogue called MaritF rom which employees can

    redeem their accrued points in e9change or goods )his scheme gives employees

    an incentive to remain loyal to McDonald’s, reducing training costs, and alsoimproving e.ciency #rew meetings are held about once a month to discuss policy,

    procedures, products, and problems in the restaurant !maller sessions are also

    held a ew times each year or the purpose o discussing ideas, suggestions and

    problems )hese sessions give employees the opportunity to make their views

    known to the company 6rivate medical care is provided to employees who have

    worked in the company or 4 continuous years Cie Assurance is provided to

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    employees who have completed one year’s continuous service )o try and improve

    team*working skills and reduce the 75G staf turnover, McDonald’s organise regular

    nights out and activities or its employees McDonald’s supports its employees

    through university, giving grants o up to O$/55 per year depending on the type o 

    course +t also runs its own Punior "usiness Management 6rogramme or $'*2$ yearolds, with a starting salary o O$7,/55 per year +t also ofers its employees the

    opportunity to become part o the corporation through buying McDirect shares

    !tandardisation A key eature o the McDonald:s model is the manner in which all o 

    their operations are standardised 6roduction line techniues are implemented in

    restaurants to achieve the ast preparation o uniorm uality products Bith a

    limited menu and patented ormulas, the corporation ensures that products remain

    homogenous over distance and time )he 9tures and ttings o restaurants are

    largely identical throughout the world, with minor variations to account or cultural

    diferences )he McDonalds model e9erts an enormous amount o control over its

    ranchisees and customers, orming the undamental basis o the business=mployees respond to customers’ reuests with scripted uestions, ensuring the

    ast delivery o service, and same e9perience time and time again #ontrol over

    employees has been increased over the last decade due to technological

    advancements, such as =6! H=lectronic 6oint o !aleI systems, which eliminates

    the need or the operator to use arithmetic, or remember prices #ustomers are

    subtly controlled by the uncomortable seating and standardised menus )his

    reects the uantitative aspects o the uick*service ood industry, increasing the

    number o customers by reducing idle time !tandardisation within the McDonalds

    model is apparent in both the restaurants and their suppliers #ontractors are

    reuired to share knowledge o ood processing techniues, allowing the corporation

    to retain consistency and control o all aspects o the business )he +nuence o 

    McDonalds McDonald:s ob-ective is to become the >1’s avourite @uick !ervice

    0estaurant )o do this, the company has set the ollowing ob-ectivesJ $ )o provide

    total customer satisaction 2 )o increase market share 4 )o increase protability

    =very day, McDonald’s supplies ood and drink to over 2' million people worldwide,

    o which $2 million are "ritons Despite the limited choice 8G o Americans choose

    to eat there every day )he Lolden Arches have become the best*known logo in the

    world ;owadays, ew children ail to notice the amboyant red and yellow

    rontages that are located in most shopping centres and high streets throughout the

    country McDonald’s have realised that most people succumb to this convenient way

    o keeping children happy McDonald’s target the young As their 8/5 pageperations Manual states, #hildren are oten the key decision*makers concerning

    where a amily goes to eatE And, o McDonald’s chie 60 strategy, the clown 0onald

    McDonald, it said, 0onald loves McDonald’s and McDonald’s ood And so do

    children, because they love 0onald #hildren e9ert a phenomenal inuence when it

    comes to restaurant selectionE McDonald’s advised their marketing and advertising

    department to do everything they can to appeal to children’s love or 0onald and

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    McDonald’s McDonald:s have very close relationships with their suppliers, even

    making sure that their diferent suppliers communicate with one another regarding

    procedures, and the introduction o new technology, in order or the McDonald:s

    corporation to ma9imise its prots through e.cient operations nly the largest

    corporations can e9ert this amount o power over its suppliers, and thereore mostcompanies could not adopt the McDonald:s model regarding its relationship with

    suppliers #ulture ne o McDonald’s ma-or achievements was breaking through the

    ood culture barrier Most countries are eager to preserve their own specic culinary

    culture, however through successul global advertising, McDonald’s operates 2&,'55

    outlets in $$/ countries =gypt, 1uwait, 0ussia, and #hina have all been developed

    with the worlds largest restaurant situated in "ei-ing, which has over 855 seats and

    $255 staf McDonalds has worked e9tensively on establishing ranchises on a

    multinational scale +n both Moscow and !A, drive in dentists, which deal

    with minor problems, are known as McDentists )his shows that McDonald’s has a

    reputation or speed, though it also gives evidence that McDonald’s is thought o as

    a basic, simple service, which admittedly isn’t too ar rom the truth )his is an

    e9ample o the McDonaldisation o society )he success o McDonald’s can be

    attributed to e.ciency, calculability, predictability, and control McDonald’s uses

    optimum methods o production, and also has an efective body o rules and

    regulations, which ensure highly e.cient work McDonald’s also states it provides

    the best available way to get rom hungry to ullE HL 0itFer2555 )he

    McDonaldiFation o !ociety 6g 47I #alculability can be measured by McDonald’s

    emphasis on the uantitative aspects o the products sold As a culture, we tend to

    believe that bigger is betterE HLeorge0itFer2555 )he McDonaldiFation o !ociety6g%I #ustomers are made to eel that they are getting a bargain, are thereore can

     -ustiy spending their money on a particular item 6redictability is a undamental

    aspect o McDonald’s’ success +t gives the public assurance that products and

    services will be the same over time and in all vicinities McDonald’s have discovered

    that people have come to preer a world o no surprises, and thereore try to make

    the McDonald’s e9perience as similar as possible, in terms o service and ood

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     )here are numerous advantages o adopting the McDonald’s model ;owadays,

    there is a wider availability o goods and services, which have a greater sphere o 

    inuence +t is ar more convenient or the public to obtain products and services,

    due to the increased number o outlets, and uniorm uality o goods and services

     )he McDonald’s model has also brought about the availability to more economicalternatives to high priced customised goods )he introduction o uantication now

    enables comparison to be made between goods and services, in terms o siFe )his

    society has adopted a Nbigger is better’ attitude inally, this new model has helped

    the establishment o eual treatment, regardless o race, class, or gender ;aturally,

    there are disadvantages to this rational system employed by McDonald’s )he rst

    oversight being that this type o system constantly generates irrational

    conseuences )he environment is becoming afected by chemicals, which are

    essential in order or the standardisation, uniorm shape, siFe and uality o the

    products desired in this modern society Developing countries are also being put at

    risk by the efects o deorestation and deoliation Disasters in !udan and =thiopiacan be attributed at least partly by the uncontrolled deorestation that is taking

    place +t is also uite ironic that some less developed countries, where most children

    are undernourished, are actually e9porting their staple crops as animal eed )his

    eed is then used to atten cattle or the production o burgers or sale in developed

    countries Millions o acres o the best armland in underprivileged, developing

    countries are being used or developed countries benet McDonald:s has a direct

    involvement in this economic imperialism, which keeps most indigenous people

    deprived and hungry, while many whites become overweight )hirty*si9 out o orty

    o the world’s poorest countries e9port ood to the >!A, the most prosperous

    country McDonald:s has also been condemned concerning misuse o resources

    McDonald:s !outh American #attle consume $5 times the amount o grain and soy

    that humans do the $&/ million tons o grain and soy that is ed to livestock,

    only 2$ million tons o meat and by*products are used )he waste is thereore $2&

    million tons per year, which has a monetary value o 325 billion )his amount o 

    money could be better used to eed, clothe, and house the entire world population

    or one year #onclusion )his essay has e9plained how the McDonald:s model has

    become a characteristic o the contemporary international economy, and has

    helped create thousands o -obs and improve many economies (owever, each

    benet has brought with it a drawback 6eople in developing countries are starving,

    purely so that our developed society can be provided with e9cess ood #hemicals,

    necessary or the uniormity o its products, are destroying the environment andputting lives at risk due to increased nitrate levels McDonald:s have also

    brainwashed a great number o people, including vulnerable young children, into

    believing that the McDonald:s e9perience is pain*ree + eel that i other businesses

    decide to ollow this model, the world could become too standardised, causing

    losses in national identities and cultural diferences )he nest element o the

    McDonald:s model lies in its rationality, and + strongly eel that this aspect should be

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    considered by businesses looking or a model to ollow (owever, as stated earlier,

    rational systems tend to generate irrational conseuences, and it is the impact on

    society as a whole that a business must consider beore adopting a similar code o 

    practice + eel that i too many businesses ollow this model, it wouldn’t make the

    world a better place, but simply a bigger breeding ground or e9ploitation, pollution,and concealment


    !hook, # R !hook, 0 H$%%4I K ranchisingJ the business strategy that changed the

    worldE Condon 6rentice (all 0itFer, L H$%%7I K )he McDonaldisation o !ocietyE

    #aliorniaJ 6ineorge 6ress Daniels, P C H$%%4I K McDonaldisation revisited #ritical

    essays on consumer cultureE BestportJ 6raeger 6ublishers McDonald:s #orporation

    H$%%7I K #rew (andbookE Condon MicrosotS =ncartaS H$%%%I Microsot

    #orporation wwwmcspotlightorg

    Bord #ountJ 4$88