Does being trustworthy make sense?

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  • 8/9/2019 Does being trustworthy make sense?


     Article appeared Friday, May 15th, 2015 in The News Today, Bangladesh

    The Revelation (!"# yo$s$% &ah'$'$l sla&, )h*

    +hat is a tr$st To answer this -$estion, let $s loo. at partic$lar e/a&ples For e/a&ple, is any o' a tr$st onsider the o' o% a 'a'y3sitter +hen one is given the o' to loo. a%ter a 'a'y, isthe person tr$sted to loo. a%ter the 'a'y properly, so that all the needs are ta.en care o% and nohar& co&es to the 'a'y 4ne &ay say that the o' entails a responsi'ility The -$estion is the'a'y3sitter trusted  to 'e responsi'le

    +hat a'o$t other types o% o's *oes an e&ployer tr$st the e&ployee to 'e responsi'le 6 thathe7she wo$ld loo. a%ter the tools given to do the o' and e/ec$te the responsi'ilities o% the o'properly 8et9s &ove on to the o' o% a teacher +hen %ees are paid to an instit$tion 'y parents,do the parents tr$st the instit$tion and the teachers attached to ens$re that appropriate place *o slaves or servants in a ho$se si&ilarly hold tr$sted positions

    +hat happens when a tr$st is not .ept For e/a&ple, i% the 'a'y co&es to har&: i% thee&ployee does other things instead o% carrying o$t the responsi'ilities o% his7her o': i% thest$dent %ails to grad$ate or the servant steals so&ething %ro& the ho$se % no one .eeps their

    responsi'ilities, i.e., i% no one can 'e tr$sted, what wo$ld happen to intelligent or civili;edsociety To help $s $nderstand, the A&erican '$siness&an, s the &ost essential ingredient in e%%ective co&&$nication t>sthe %o$ndational principle that holds all relationships” {1}

    +hat did ovey &ean 'y effective communication or glue of life? 8et $s loo. deeper into thewords or titles $sed to co&&$nicate the nat$re o% o's a'ove For e/a&ple, i% no 'a'y3sitter can'e tr$sted wo$ld 'a'y3sitters 'e hired % no 'a'y3sitters were hired, what wo$ld happen to thepro%ession The pro%ession wo$ld disappear and the title 'a'y3sitter wo$ld no longer 'ere-$ired in the lang$age that we $se to co&&$nicate

  • 8/9/2019 Does being trustworthy make sense?


    for*id' +rul,! ,our hus*and is m, lord' (e made m, so-ourn agreea*le' +rul,! nogood "omes those who do wrong'%”The A;i; tr$sted oseph as he wo$ld a son +o$ld oseph 'e ' this tr$st i% he o'eyed

     A;i;9s wi%e

    12.2 “)nd #with passion$ did she desire him and he would have desired her *utthat he saw the eviden"e of his /ord0 thus #did We order$ that We might turn awa,from him #all$ evil and shameful deeds0 for he was one of ur servants sin"ereand purified.”There was no way that oseph co$ld 'rea. the tr$st that was placed in hi& 'y the owner o% theho$se Being intelligent, oseph $nderstood this Allah helped hi& 'e strong otherwise he &ayhave s$cc$&'ed to the order given 'y the &istress o% the ho$se Finding no alternative, osephwanted to re&ove hi&sel% %ro& the roo&

    12.2 “o the, *oth ra"ed ea"h other to the door and she tore his shirt from the*a"k0 the, *oth found her lord near the door. he said0 %What is the #fitting$punishment for one who formed an evil design against ,our wife *ut prison or agrievous "hastisement4%”

    +hen oseph opened the door, the h$s'and was standing there To protect hersel%, she lied and'la&ed oseph n de%ense, oseph had to say so&ething as in s$ch a sit$ation, who wo$ld theh$s'and want to 'elieve % he 'elieved oseph, it wo$ld also p$t the h$s'and in an aw.wardposition