Reporton the Survey of the HistoricalSites of CulturalRelics and the Action Plan for their Preservation under the Highway Projects (2)----* of Shaanxi Provinceof the People'sRepublicof China Shaanxi Province Archaeology Research Institute January 1. 1995 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

Documents & Reports - All Documents | The World Bank - Report … · 2016-08-05 · China's agriculture, the relations of Xia, Shang mid Zhou Cultures, the distribution of Shang Culturo

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Page 1: Documents & Reports - All Documents | The World Bank - Report … · 2016-08-05 · China's agriculture, the relations of Xia, Shang mid Zhou Cultures, the distribution of Shang Culturo

Report on the Surveyof the Historical Sites

of Cultural Relicsand the Action Plan

for their Preservationunder the Highway Projects (2)----*

of Shaanxi Province ofthe People's Republic of China

Shaanxi Province ArchaeologyResearch InstituteJanuary 1. 1995


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Page 2: Documents & Reports - All Documents | The World Bank - Report … · 2016-08-05 · China's agriculture, the relations of Xia, Shang mid Zhou Cultures, the distribution of Shang Culturo

Report on the Surveyof the Historical Sites

of Cultural Relicsand the Action Pla n

for their Preservationunder the Highway Projects (2)

of Shaanxi Province ofthe People's Republic of China

Shaanxi Province ArchaeologyResearch InstituLteJanuary 1, 1995

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Report on the Surveyof the Historical Sites of Cultural Relicsand the Action Plan for their Preservation

under tiLe Higlhway Projects (2)of Shaanxi Province in the

Applification for a Loan fromthe World Bank

Organizer: Shaanxi Provinoc Archacology Re I i t

Director of the Institutc: Han Wei (Rcscarch XProject Executive: Wang Zhank-ui (Vice-Dire r of the In

Associate Rcsearch Fellow)

Staff Members:

Associate Research Fellow: Wang Zhank-ui

Assistant Researcliers: Tian Yaqi, Wang Wcilin, Wang Shejiang,Ma Zhijun, Wang Xiaoqing, WangWainslheng. Xing Filai. Duan Qiiigbo.Qin Xiaoli, i-lu Songrnei

Research Assistants: Shi Lei, Liu Hengwu, Zhu Tianslhu, ZhangMinghui. Zliao Xichen, Wang Rui. QinZaoyuan, Wang Xiaox;iao, Xu Yongchu

Technicians: Zhao Yongfeng, Zliao Fukaiig, Wang Junhua,Waig Hongwei


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ContentsPart I The Survey of thec Historical Sites 1of Cultural Ralios

1. Overall Description

1. 1 Back-ground for the Survey1.2 Work Basis1.3 Concelusion of the Investigations and Studies

11. Work- Proccdurcs

2.1 Working Methods2.2 Cotstitution of Staff2.3 Working Period

III. A Biief Description of the Distribution of Cultural Relics

IV. Distribution of the Cultural Relics alonig the Highlways

4.1 Weinan-Tongguan Expressway4.2 Tongcbuan-Huangling First-class HigBlwav, Yaotan-Tongoh uan

Semi-Range Fiirst-class H-ighiway4.3 Xiaoshangyuan-Lanltian Second-class IHighway Only. for Auto-

mobiles4.4 Three Second-class Automobile Feeder Highways

(1) Jianigzhang-Faniensi(2) Jliangzhano-dtangys(3) Jinjia-Qinyong (Terra-cotta Figures) Museut

Part I .1 The Action Plan for the Preservation of Cultural Relics

1.1 Preservation of Cultural Relics during Highway Prospecting and



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1.2 Protection of Cultural Relics during Highway Construction1.3 Preservation of Cultural Relics during Transportation1 .4 Cost for Preservation of Cultural Relics

II. Basis for the Implementation of the Action Plan

III. The Plan for Supervision

Appcndix: Maps of thc Cultural Relics Distributed along the High-ways


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Part I The Survey of the Historical Sites,,.of Cultural Relics

I. Overall Description

1.1 Background for the Survey

In order to act in the spirit of both memorandum of talks on ShaanxiHighway Construction Projects (2) by utilizing the World Bank loan, andminutes of talks on environmental eovaluation, Shaanxi Province Archaeol-ogy Reseah Institute, entrusted by Shaani Highway Prospecting andDesigning Institute, made a spot field survey of cultural relics in the con-struction areas of Highway Projects (2), and therefore, worked out theplan for the preservation of cultural relics.

1.2 Work Basis

According to the legal documents relating to field archaeological sur-vey, The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Preservation ofCultural Relics, Rules for thie Impiementation of the Law of the People'sRepublic of Clina on the Preservation of Cultural Relics, Regulations ofShaanxi Province on the Preservation and Management of Cultural Relics,Regulations and Procedures for Field Archaeological Work, Shaanxi Prov-ince Archaeology Research Institute dispatched a team from the insfituteto make an objective and scientific survey of the historical sites in the con-struction areas of Highway Projects (2).

The institute made a detailed study and analysis of the survey, com-pared and classified the various cultural relics found along the highwaylines. As a result, some plans have been worked out that will both protectcultural relics and be beneficial to the highway construction.

1.3 Conclusion of the Investigations and Studies

We derived the knowledge from the survey that the highways to be


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constr ucted lhad been basically kept clear of tihe den sely distributed areasof Cultural relics aind ruins. Protective mlCeasures have been suggosted in.this report for thc 26 sites that can be affected owing to the geographicalconditions. It' those mcasures were takeni, the highway construction willavoid any destructive effect upon ancient cultural relics. Shaanxi ProvinceArchaeology Researclh Inistitute stronigly insists on the protecfivc neasuresbeing carried into effect in order to enhance the sttidy and the salvage ofthe anicienit culture, and to promote and devolop tho Chinese national cul-ture.

Shaanxi Province Archaeology Research Institute wishes to take apositive and cooperative attitude with units in chargc of communicationsand transportation in the effort to save Siaanxi's ancienit culture and as.wiell as to develop the communications and transportation system. Duringthe constrLctionl of lHighwav Projects (2), we hope that cultural relies, bothabovc anid under the grounda should be righltly preserved.

1. Work- Procedures

2.1 Working Method

Under the conditions described by Regulations and Procedurcs forField Archaeologicad Work issued by the Ministry of Culture of the Pco-ple's Republic of Chiina, and according to the specific tasks, ve work-edout our survey prog,ram by combining the survey of the regional areas andinvestigations of special topics. During the process of the survey, bothkiown cultural relics and cultural materials as well as possible problemsand traces along the highway lines were exsamined and analyzed.

Every two meembers of the surveying team formed a group to fulfill thetask by following the actual directions of tie future higlhway lines pros-pecting on foot part by part the areas extending 100 meters offtlhe lines,noting down various taces of cultural relics and remains, and collectingsamples reflecting the naturc of the sites. At night the whole team helddiscussions on the surveying data collected during the day.

The last step in the process was the completion of this report whiclpresents the ractual discoverv of the survey.

2.2 Constitution of Staff:


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C.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..

The total number of the team taking part in the survey was 24 includ-ing one associate research fellow, 10 assistant researchers, 9 research as-sistants, and-4 technicians. The team -was headed by Wang Zhankui, Vice-Director of Shaanxi Province Archaeology Research Institute in charge ofthe research work.

The tcam was formed by key members from research sections of StoneWares, Shang-Zhou Dynasties, Qin-IHan Dynasties, Sui-Tang Dynasties,and skillful teclhnicians from the institute.

2.3 Working Period

The field survey started on November 12th, 1994 and ended on De-cember 10th, 1994. The report was completed on December 20th, 1994.

III. A Brief Description of the D istribution of Cul-tural Relics

Shaanxi is one of the sources of the Chinese ancient civilization withextraordinarily rich historical sites of cultural relics since such most impor-tant dynasties in Chinese history as Western Zhou. Qin, Western Han, Suiand Tang made this region their capitals. Here every hill and steam, everytown or city big or small, is unexceptionably and closely linked with thelong history of China. Therefore, it has been praised as a natumrl museumfor the studies of ancient Chinese cultures.

From the survey, altogethcr 26 cultural relics and remains werefound that needed to be protected. They included one under state protec-tion, four under provincial protection, and eight under county protection.

They were Yaozhou Kilns, Qianmao Site at Wangjiahe in Tong-chuan, Wangjiahe Site at Wangjiahe village in Tongchuan, Hengzhen Sitein Huaxian County, Tongguan Ancient City, Fajia Site at DuanjiasiangTown in Fufeng County, Lujiacuen Site at Jiangzhang Towni in FufengCounty, Yuchi Site in Lintong County, Zilicuen Site in Huaxian County.Lianglaobao Site in Huaxian County, Quanhucuen Site in Huaxan County,Tankegou Site in Tongehuan.

There were other 13 cultural relics unListed under special protec-


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General Table of the HistoricalSites of Cultural Relics

highway total num- state-class provinco- county- unlistod rema.ber class class rks

Weinan-Tong-guan Exprcss- 14 2 4 8

..wayTongchuan-Huangling 6 1 1 1 3

Class-A High-

Xiaoshangyuan-Lantian Class- 2 2

B Highway aJiangzhang-

Famcnsi High- 2 2way._

Jiangzhang- 1 1West Tangyu

IHighway _

Jinjia-QinyongMuseum l 1Highway ____ ___ _ _ __

Tale 26 1 3 9 13

Section 4 describes the Cultural relics and their culture aspects in-volved in each main highway construction lines and the feeder highways.

The 26 archaeological sites of cultural relics contain very rich cul-tural content, including the various historical periods from- the primitivesociety to the Tang and Song Dynasties, with 8 cultural types includingYangshao Culture, Longshan Culture, Xia Culture, Shang Culture, ZhouCulture, Qin Culture, Han Culture, and Tang-Song Culture. The studies ofsuch important subjects as China's ancient history and archaeology may


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absorb a great deal from those materials, for example, the origin ofChina's agriculture, the relations of Xia, Shang mid Zhou Cultures, thedistribution of Shang Culturo in Shaanxi, the relations between tho ancient'culture of Guanzhong and China's northern culture, the relations amongihe nationalities in Western Zhou, and so on. Some such comprehensivestudics as th environmental factors for the fact that Shaanxi bocome thecenter of China's ancient culture may get their help from further archaeo-logical excavations.

IV. Distribution of the Archaeological Sitesalong the Highways

4.1 Weinan-Tongguan Expressway

This part of the expressway will cover 14 historical sites of culturalrelics among which two are under provincial protection: Hengzhen Site inHuaxian County and Tonggguan Ancient City, and four under county pro-toction-Zilicuen Site, Lianglaobao Site, Qianjiayao Site, and QuanhucuenSite, all in Huaxian County. The rest eight sites u.nlisted in special protec-tion are Fanjiacuen Site, Guocuen Site, Cemetery at the Soutlern Skirt ofHuaxian County Seat, Wufamngang Site in Huayin County, Hongyan Sitein Huayin County, Xiquandian Site in Huayin County, Dongquandian Sitein Huayin County, and Shaqu Site in Huayin County.

Hengzhen Site (Under Provincial Protection)

This site is located northwest of Hengzhen Village. The protectivearea is 50 x 40 (2000) mi2 . Around the site red pottery flakes of Yang-shao Culture can be secn easily.

Tongguan Ancient City (Under Provincial Protection)

Tongguan Ancient City has a very important military and culturalbackground. It also occupies a stmrtegic position for coming in and goingout of Shaanxm Province. Starting from the Tang Dynasty and ending inthe late 50's of the 20th century, the position of this city remained. Owing


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to the construction of the- Saninn Gorge Reservoir, the county town wasmoved to another place, which, therefore, had protected thec ancient city infairly good conditions till present. The city wall basically remaidned intactand the inner city shows orderly layout. The; planned construcotion of theiexpressway cuffing through the city from the west city wall to the cas citygate thecn turning northward, wHil no doubt damage the foundation of -theEast Gate Tower. The expresswaty occupies around 3000 m2, of the histozi-Cal s'ite ',of theo city wall and the construction areas inside the city wall.

Zilicuen Site (tinder County Protection)

This site has its location at the northeas Zilicuen Village nearby ZiliElementar-y School. The expressway will take its route through the villagewhere 50 x 40 (2000) im2 of the site can be destroye. Surveyngdtindicated the site belongs to Banpo typo of Yan gshao Culture and Long-shan Culture. Some tombs of Yangshao Culture wore also found firom theditches in Zili Elementary School.

Lianglaobao Site (Under County Protection)

This site is located at the south village of Lianglaobao; A simply con'-strucled highway turning southward from the village cut across the site.Forthe planned highway, 40 x 40 (1600) n 2 of the site needed protecton.Surveying data indicated that the site involved both remains of Ban'po typeof Yangshao Culture and flat and cylindrical tiles of the Qin and Han Dy-nasties.

Qianj.iayao Site (Under County Protection)

The site is situated east of Qianjiayaocr un, with the highway whichpasses through the site covering an amra of (50 x 40) 2400 p2. The culttural samples collected from the surfce of the soil reflect that its remainsare mainly of the type of Banpo Culture and Longshan Cultuare.


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Quanlhucuen Site (UJnder County Protection)

This site is situated at the soulI tableland of Quanhucuen Villago inlluaxian County where 60 x 40 (2400) mn ncedod protection. The survey-ing evidence showed that this siat is mainly of Miaodigou typo of Yang-shao Culture and Longshan Culture. As a typical site in the developmentfron Yangshao Culture to Longshan Culture, tho unearthid cultural relicshave provided witlh reliable material data for the studies of the devolop-mcnt from tho matriarchal society to patriatohal society. Tbis time witlh theconstruction of the highway, more detailed and reliable materials will bediscovcred,

Fanjiacuen Site

This site is located at the west Fanjiacuen in Weinan County of which40 x 40 (1600) m2 can be ruined by the planned construction of thehighway. Relics collected from the site included gray-sandy pottery jars, liwith thread patterns and pots with basket patterns. From the vertical sec-tion of the soil stratum, a sack-shaped ash puddle indicating LongshanCulture was observed.

Guocuen SiteThis site is at the southwest Guocuen Village of Weinan County. The

planned highway will cover an area of 60 x 40 (2400) m 2 of the site. Thisis an archaeological site with long historical period and profound culturalaspects. The surveying data indicated cultural relics of Miaodigou type ofYangshao CultuLrc, and that of Shang and Zhou eras. Artifacts collectedfrom the site included color pottery basins, jars of red clav, red-sandy pot-tery jars and thread-patterned Hi.

The Cemetery at the Soutiern Skirt of Huaxian County Seat

This cemetery occupies a relatively large area extending eastwardfrom the brick kilns south of the county seat, spreading past the HonglingMachinery Factory, the south of Xizhaicuen Village, the Kilns at thenorthwest of Shaohua Township, and finally ending at the cast of Shaohua.


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The cross section of s.oil stratum showed tonb pits of the Han and TangDynasties under the planned highway lines. The tombs are mainly of vcr-tical eartheln pits with a fiew brick-chaimbored ones. Despite the large. oc-cupationi of the cemetery, the area that inight be affected by tihe highwayconstruction was relatively small. Excavation before the actual construc-tion of thc highiway will avoid damage of die tombs.

Wufangxiang Site and Cemetery

The location of the site is at the south Ningcheng Village in Wu-fangxiang Township of Huayin County. The area that needs archaeologi-cal protection is 100 x 40 (4000) i 2. Surveying data indicated pure cul-tural aspect of Miaodigou type of Yangshiao Culture.

The cemetery is located at thle southcast of the township seat being afamily cemetery of Yang in Hongnong from the Han to thie Five Dynasties.Thle plannled highway will occupy a relatively small area of th-e cemetery.

FHong,van Site

Trhis site is at ithc soutlheast Hongyan Village ii. Huayin County. Thearea that will be covered bv the highway is 40 x 40 (1600) m2. This isMiaodigou-type remains. Relics collected from the site includcd flakes ofred-sandy pctte:ry jars, flat-edged basins, and point-bottomed bottles.

Xiquandian Site

The site is located 100 metres oiff te south village of Aliquandian inHaayrini City. An. area of 60 x 40 (2400) m2 might be covered by thehighwvay that needs protection. lhis site showNed cultural aspects of mainlvMiaodigou type.

Dongquandiai, Site

Located at 1000 meters off the south Dongquandian Village in HuayinCounty this site indicatod pure cultural aspects of L,ongshan Culture. Theplannied highlwav will pass throuigl the site by covering 70 x 40 (2800)


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*S ' J -

Shaqu Site

This site is located at 200 meters off in the northeast Shiaqu Villagewhere 100 x 40 (4000) in' needed to be protected. Analysis of tec sam-ples collected from the sitc indicated that this site liad a lonig period frotnthe primitive stage to the Han Dynasty, and profound cultural aspects ofBanpo type of Yangshaa Culture. Miaodigou tvpe . Lotngshan Culture,Zhou Dynasty Culture. and thc cultures of thie Warriny States Period andthc I-Ian Dynasty.


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General T able of tlhe Historical Sites of CulturalRelies along Weinan-Tongguan E,xpressway

area occupicd by thc cultural period of class of preser-historical nittie Cexrssway the lustorical site vation & year of possession

_ .______ _. _ ____ ___,__ _ .proznuija*on ._ __ __ ._

Fanfiacuen 2.10M0 1n2 Longlian unlisted Weinan Guocuen 2400 tn Shang & Zhou, unlisted Weinan._______ _ .Yanjtsha_..o _

Zilicuen 2000 ir2 Yangshao, Long- county class, Hua,di a_____________ shan 1985

Liui,laobao 1600 ni2 Yangshao, Qin & counly class, Huaxian_________ .____ __ ~ . .SHan 1985Cemetcrv at 1000m2

Southetn Skirt of |Han & Tuig unlisled Hua'ianH tu:manl,1._....

Qianjiavao 2000 ml Yangsbao, Lone- countv class. lauxian

_ 2__ | ~~~~~~~~~~shan 1935 -Qtuanhlucnlcn 2400 m2 | Yangshao. Long- cotiny clasm. Iluaxwin"

shtan 19&5

Hcvgzhen - 2000 nm _ Yanbshao provincial class Hua,inWufan Kang Site Yangshao, Man-

y _eto _ 4000 n Five Dynasties unlistcd Huavu

Hont ml 160m 2n Yangshao unlisted HuasinShnqu i 4o00m Y'anpshao-Han I unlisted __Huavin

X quandian - 2400 m7 Yanms.Ido unlisted HuavinDongquandian j 2800 nit Lansfl= unlisted t1luavin

Tongguan Ancienl 3000 id2 Five Dynasties- provincial class Tonguan

cityI modem period . _

4.2 Tongchuan-Huangling First Class Hihway, Yao.ian-Tonachuan One-side First-class Highway

Six cultural relics are located along this part of the highwayx lines in-cluding Yaozhou Kilns under state protection, two under provincial pro-tection-Wanjiahe Site at Wangjiahe Township in Tongehuan. and Qian-


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mao Site at Wanjiahe Township, and one under county protection-Tank-cgou Site of Tongchuan. The rest two sites were Guojiazhuang Site inTonachuan and Laohuyiba (Tiger's Tail Village) Site of Huangling un-listed for special protection.

Yaozhou Kilns Site (Under State Protection)

Yaozlhou Kilns Site Reservation covers an area from north of Wang-jiabiancuen Highway extending along Qishui River to Tongchuan CementPlant Qishui river flows from the northeast to southwest until HuangbaoTown with its valley getting wider gradually on the fitile land aiid wideplain. Abundant coal, refractory clay and porcelain clay are produced inthe nearby areas, and with transport facilities and as well as sufficient wa-ter resources. Ever since the Tang Dynasty, this area has been the place ofproduction of the celebrated Yaozhou pottery and porcelain. On bothbanks of Qishui River, on the verges of terraces and by the roadside.fagments of pottery and porcelain have been scattered all over, the placesince the Tang dynasty and the Five Dynasties, which are mostly those ofceladon wares, and then of white porcelain. This magnificent treasurehouse of tie porcelain kingdom has provided us with valuable, rich andvariant material data for the study of the history of the industrial art of an-cient porcelain making. It has been on the list of the state-class historicalreservation.

Since the early 1950's. through nearly 50 vears of investigations andexcavations by the archaeologists, plenty of archaeologist data has beenmastered, so that the academic circles have evidence to seek in their stud-ies of the various utensils, historical periods and their division, technologyof production, the art of decoration, etc. of Yaozhou Kilns. It has becomea study base of China's northern series of porcelain.

The area through which the hiighway passes is rather large, amoutit-ing to 4OOO m2 (40 x 1000). The archaeological checlking up was car-ried out during the construction of Xi'an-Tongchuan Highway in 1990. Itis estimated that the construction of the new highway will not bring toomuch hann to the kev historical sites. Therefore. the areas that need to beexcavated and checked up will not be too many.


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Wangjiahe Site (Under Provincial Protection)

The site is located at the northi of No. 3 Middle School of TongohuanCoal Mine. The highway might cover an area of 40 x 40 (1600) m2 of thesite. The cross section of soil stratum showed many ash puddles. Amongthe relics collected from the site were pottery flakes of petal-edged Ii andding.

This site is an important site between the Guanzhong Plain and theNorthern Shaanxi Plateau with rich cultural remains and has been well-preserved in the transition culture between Central Shaanxi's farming areaand the Nortiern Shaanxi area with fiarming and animal husbandry. Fur-ther archaeological excavations wiIl provide more materials for the rela-tions betwveen the ancient cultures of Central China and Nordtern China.

Tankegou Site

This site is situated on the terrace and plateau on the right bank ofWaigia River, looking toward the Wangliahe Township across the rivcr.At least cultural remains were discovered at two cross sections with wideterraces and cliffs near the river. The site is 500 meters from east to westand 400 meters wide from north to south. covering an area of 200.000 II2.The higlhway covers ani area of (40 x 90) 3600 in2. The chief remainsinclude ash pits, houses, with a lot of pottery fragments on the surface.some are colored pottery earthen bowls, jars witlh rope patterns and jugswith pointed bottoms. There are basins with patterned rims of the Xia andShang Dynasties, Ii of the Shang Dynasty, beans with false bellies, li andjars of the Western Zhou, as well as the fragments of jars with rope pat-terns of the Warring States.

Qianmao Site (Under Provincial Protection)

The site is located at the tableland of Qianmao in the east WangiaheVillage. (50 x 40) 2000 n2 of the site wvas under the will-be-constructedhighway. This site sho-wed rich deposit of cultarml stratum with potteryflakes scattered on its surface indicating the culture of Miaodigou type.


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Guojiazhuang Site

G3uojiazhuang -Site is situated onl the terrace and plain southwest ofGuojiazhuang Villaqge on the west bank of Wangjia River. The ne'wr high-way whiceh goes through covers an .area of 2800 in2 (70. x 40). T'he his-torical sites of bug-shiaped ashi pits, the layers for residence withi red burntsoil, tomibs, etc. viewed from the fracture surfaice. Thle maini relics discos'-cred on the surthce of the fields at the historical site, are j-ugs with roundbellies or withi ears, beans whiich belong to Longshan Culture. The jugs aremainly graywares made of limesand chiefly wvithi blue patt-erns. Besides,.jugs with patterned rims as well as fragments of porcelain, with straightmouths and raised patterns made in the Xia. and Shang Dynasties Werealso discovered.

Laohuyiba (Tiger's Talc Village) Site'

Laohuyiba Site is situated in the place about 1 kilogram north. of theTiger's Tale Village nortlhwest of Huangling County. The highway coversan area of (40 x 40) 1600 i 2

Rwhich it goes through. Ash pits, gray-wares of porcelain w%ith blue patterns, porcelain jugs with straight mou'thsand raised patterns and other remains and utensils were discovered, be-longing to the period of Longshan Culture till the M a and Shang Dynas-tics.


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General Table of theHistorical Sites of Cultural Relics along

Tongcliuan- Iuangling First-Class Highway

area occupied cultural penod of the class of preservaionhistorical sitl by the highway site & year of promula- possession

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tio nTang& Five Dynasties, state-class, January

Yaozhou Kims 40,000 m2 Song and Yuan 1988 TongchuanQ ao 2000 m2 Yaagh Culture unlisted Tongchuan

Yangihao Citure. provnc-class. AprilWanmiahe 1600 m2 ShanL Zhou 1992 Tongvhuan

Lonhan Culbue,Guoijazhuang 2800 m2 g Sh ulisted Tonghuan

Longshan Cultue=,Tankegou 3600 m2 Xia. Shanm & Zhou county-lass, 19S5 Toiiwhuan

Longsan Culture,Laohuyiba 1600 m2 Xia, & Shang urlisted Huang1ing

4.3 Xiaoshangyan-Lantian Second-class Eighway Only forAutomobiles

This part of the highway involves two cultural sites: Goujiacuen Siteand Chenjiayan Site of Lantian County.

Goujiacuen Site

The site is located at a position of 100 meters east of Goujiacuen Vil-lage in Lihou Township with Bahe River at the south. The site is right atthe juncture ofthre old and new highways, which will pass over (70 x 40)2800 m2 on the site. The cultural layer is about 3 meters deep. On the sur-face tile slabs of the Han and Tang Dynasties. some eaves tiles were col-lected- Animal bones were seen on the cross section of the layer.

Chenjiayan Site


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This site is situated at the second terrace 200 meters cast of Chen-jiayan Village withi Balhe River 100 meters off on the south side. Thehighiway which passes by may cover an area of(40 ' 40) 1600 i Thecultural layer is 2 meters, thick. The remains on the surface show that itbelongs to Yangshao Culture and the I-Ian Dynasty Culture.

G-eneral Table o'f the H-istorical Sitesof Cultural Relies al'ong

Xiaoshangyuan-Lantian H-ighway

historical site area occupied historical p.- class of pres- possession________ n~~~-rod ervation _ _ _ _

Chenjiayan 1T600~ 2 Yangshao unlisted Lantian_______ _______ Culture, Han _ _ _ _

9juiacuen 2800m2- Han un clse Lantian

4.4 Three Class-B Feeder H-ighways Only for Automobiles

1) Jiangzhang-Famensi HfighwayThe two locations of ancient sites along this highwiay are both under

the preservation of the county. They are, Anbanxiahe Site and. Tombs andFaJiacuen Site and Tombs of Duanjia Township, both in Fufeng County.

Anbanxiahe Site and Tombs

The site tak-es a location north of Wei River and southeast:of XiaheVillage. The present Y.'an-Baoji H4ighway passes through the site, cover-ing an area of (50 x 40) 2000 in. This is asite with a thick- layer andprofound cultural aspects covering the four. ancient cultures of Yangshao,Longshan, the Western Zhou and the Han. The surveying data mainly dis-plays -the Mlaodigou type of culture and Banpo type with -shavel-leggedding and the ding with embossed decoration of Longshan Culture, as wellas ii, fu, dou, basins, and jars of the Western Zhou dynasty. XiahecuenTombs are located on the north hill of Wei River eat of Xiahecuen Village.The highway will pass through the tombs, where some tombs of the earlyWestern, Zhou was e.,xcavated in the past with a bronze ware ding and a fu


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and somc potbery fragments- were unearthed.

Fajiacuen Site and Tombs

the site is situated west of Fajiacuen Village with the highway pass-ing through the site covenng an area of (50 x 40) 200 0 . Some pot-tery flakes of Yangshao Culture and gray sandy pottery fragments of theWestern Zhou were unearthed.

The tombs are situated south of the village, belonging presumably tothe Zhou Dyniasty.

General Table of the Historical Sitesof Cultural Relics along

Jiangzhang-Famensi Highway

class of pres-site and area occupied cultural pe- ervation & possessiontombs riod year of prom-

___________ UlQation _Fajiacuen 2000 mf Yangshao, county class, Fufeng

Western Zhou 1990 CountyYangshao, county class, Fufeng

Anban-xiahe 2000 m2 Longshan,W. 1990 County_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zho u, H an _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2) Jiangzhang-Xitbngyu ighway

This part of highway passes one site under the preservation of thecounty: Lujiacuen Site.

Lujiacuen Site

The site is located southeast of Lujiacuen Village, with the newhighway passing through the sit covering an area of (60 x 40) 2400 m2 .It is high on thde north side and low on the south side. There is a 6-meter-thick cultural layer on the north part aid around 2 meters on the south


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side. Some ashi puddles and house sites remain, and red sandy pottery jars,point-bottomcd jars, round-bottomed jars flat-edged basins red clay pot-tery rings and some flakes of pottery li the Zhou Dynasty were unearthedfrom both the surface and the layer.

Table of the Historical Site of CulturalRelics along Jiargzhang-Xitangyu Highway:.

area occupied cultura peciod of clas of preservationhistorical site by the high- the site & yew of promulga- poscasion

way t 1ion -Luiacucn 2400 m2 Han and county-class, 1990 Fuflng Count

3) Jinjia-Qinyong (Qin Terra-cotta Figures) Museum HighwayThe highway passes through one site under the county preservation,

that is. Yuchi Architectural Site.

Yuchi Architectural Site

This site is located 13 kmr north of Qin Shihuang Mausoleum withthe new highway passing through the site covering an area of (100 x 40)4000 m2. Rammed earthen walls, house sites, drainage pipes, wells, and.,ash puddles were discovered with fragments of bricks- and tiles. It is pre-sumed that this is a site left after the construction of the Mausoleum.

Table of the Historical Site alongJinjia-Qinyong Museum Highway

area occu- cultural class of preservationhistorical pied by the period of & year of promul- possession

site highwa the site gationYuchi 4000 mi' Han and. county-class, 1990 Lintong

.in .

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- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . :~ - I

Part II The Acion Plan forthe Preservation of Cultural Relics

Shaanxi Province boasts a wealth of underground cultural relics,which affords a common heritage to the whole world.. The people's gov-ernments at the provincial, prefecture and county levels have taken effec-tive measures to preserve the historicale remains within the areas undertiheir jurisdiction according to the laws on the preservation of cultural rel-ics. .

Through many years' cooperition with the management depart-ments of cultural relics, Shaanxi provincial transport management andconstruction departments have made tremendous contributions to thepreservation of cultural relics in the areas of construction. In the construc-tion of Xi'an-Baoji Highway, Lintong-Weinan Expressway, XianyangAirport Expressway, and Xi'an-Tongchuan Highway, have successfullypreserved Yaozhou Kilns, and the accompanying tombs around YanglingMausoleum and other important historical remains, accumulated- a seriesof effective experience in the preservation and made beneficial contribu-tions to the studies of ancient cultures.

Under the guidance of the Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau, we haveworked out the action plan for the preservation of cultural relics underShaanxi Provincial Highway Projects (2) in reference to the past experi-ence wvith agreement through consultation with the construction units.

1.1 The Preservation of Cultural Relics during the Surveyingancd Designing Period

The preservation of the cultural relics along the will-be highways hasto be completed basically before the construction begins. TMis course fol-lows these procedures:

1) Archaeological Reconnaissance of Cultural RelicsThe main task is the investigations of the cultural relics in the areas

ofthe will-be project which is going to be constructed so as to find out thecontent and scope of the remains and their overall distribution within theconstruction areas (This stage was completed before December 10, 1994).

2) Archaeological Prospection

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The major task is to expore the relics and remains within~ the key ar-eas, finid out the conitent and scope of the -remains ,the depth of the cultural'sections, and the accurate distribution of the relics within the entire con-struclion area, and formulate an archaeological excavation and cleaningplan.

3) Arclhacological Excavation and CleaningA. With reference to the results of the initial survey and prospection,

varied plans will be worked out for tle excavation and cleaning of the-graded historical relics at the provincial, prefecture. and county levels.Separate plans will be maide for the preservation of other.cultural relics..:

B. Shaanxi Province Archaeology Research Institute will apply to theNational Cultural Relics Bureau for a certificate of: excavation, andthirough discussions with the relevant highway construction departments,determine the historical remains which should be given priority for excava-tion.

C. An excavation and cleaning team will be set up to implement theexcavation plans on the receipt of the excavation certificate.

4) The Preservation of the Important Historical Sites and RemainsTwo sites and remains demand special preservationi.

Yaozhou Kilns

This site is an important historical monument under the state preser-vation. Over the site a bridge will be built in the construction of the semi-range Class-A Yaoxian-Tongchuan Highway on the basis of the archaeo-logical survey and exploration. A similar plan has bcen fulfilled andproven to be effective in the construction of the semi-range of Xi'an7Tongchuan Highway.

Tonggian Ancient City

As a place of public interest with a high academic value, this site is ahistoric monument under the provincial preservation, and also a well-preserved ancient pass city in China. The planed expresswvay is going tocut through the west city wall. It is held trough the consultation with thedepartments of cultural relics, the departments of construction units of an-cient sites as well as the construction departments that the excavation of


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y~~ ~~ .'

the west city wall will reveal the historical period of tlhe construction, thecharacteristics of thc construction and the course of robuildings and thatthe excavation of the sites' inside the city walls will reveal the arrange-ments of the structure inside tdie city. Since the highway is planned to cutthroughi the city, the East Gate Tower needs to be removed. This plan willmore or less affnct the environmental features of the ancient city. HIowever,with the removal and restoration conducted at the same time, at least twoadvantages will be exhibited. First, 14 million more yuan needs to be in-vested if tdle highway goes beyond the city walls. It will afford an oppor-tunity for the East Gatc Tower to be restored and rebuilt. Then the gatetower will serve as a symbol of Shaanxi Province and arouse a sense ofhistory in the general public. Furthermore, this eftbrt will make ShaanxiProvince better known to the outside world and provide a new tourist at-traction. A typical example if the relocation of the White Emperor City inthe construction of the project of the Three Gorges Reservoir of theYangtze River,

The new East Gatc Tower will cover an arca of 1486.6 m2 with themain body 549.8 ni2, the base of the wall 540 n. and the interior court-yard 396.8 m2 . The removed gate tower will be 6.7 meters away from thehighwYay. Tongguan City has been rebuilt in various dynasties since thesecond year (691) of the Reign of Tianshou of the Tang Dynasty. With thewritten materials and pictures from the 1920's and the 1950's as well asthe well-preserved original base of the tower, the removal and The recon-struction will be completed smoothly.

1.2 The Preservation of Cultural Relies during the Construc-tion

Acoording to the principle that everybody is responsible for the pres-ervation of cultural relics, if any cultural relics be discovered during theconstruction, the construction departmeuts should stop the work immedi-ately and report to the supervising engineer and the construction units intime, and such units should in turn report to the Provincial Cultural RelicsBureau so as to carry out excavation and work out the feasible measuresfor the preservation of such relics.

The choices of the spots where soil for the backfill along the high-ways, agreement has to be sought from Shaanxi Province Arclhaeology


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Research Institute. Only wheln it is assurd that there are no remains ofcultural rclics, can the soil bo fotclhed.

1.3 The Preservation of Cultural Relics during the Operationof the Iighway

During the oporation period, attention should bc paid to the drainapeof waste water or sewage, overspeeding and noises wlhich might damagethe historical remains along the highway. Shaanxi Province ArchaoologyResearchl Institutc and Shaanxi Higbway Survey and Design Institutc willmak-c joint cfforts in solving tlICse problems by converting the gutter waysand erecting speed-limit and no-tooting signs along the highway. Signswill also be set up to mark the cultumral remains along the highway toarouse a strong sense of the great changes of history and patriotism inpeople's minds.


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Table of the Action Plan for the Archaeology of theHistorical Sites of Cultural Relics in Different Items

Item Sight Exploration Excavation Implemen-ting

Faniscuen July 1996 JlWy-Sept96 .suonIeor1nu

Guocuen _ JIy 1996 JIY-SOPt 96 F m2 os.. Se .m

Zflicuen Jul 1996 I_Ly-Sept96 s1mEm.oml.odmrI.LianJanobao July 1996 ldy-Sept 96 sMm& hou oasce of bz.

Huaxi2n Cemeterv IUlY 1996 _ uly-Sept 96 Xinyarn* TeamQianiiayao JuIY 1996 JuY-SePt 96 Xnyangt Team

Weuian- U CL July 1996 Jdv-Sept 96 Can ang TeanTongguan an,Zhen JUly 1996 Jdy-Sept 96 No St.d Tam

ExpreSway Ufig July 1996 Jul X-SPt 96 Yanm4ft TeamHong _ July 1996 luy-Sept 96 Airport Team

Shaqu July 1996 Ay-Sept 96 Tng Tomb Team

Xicandian JUILy 1996 |Jdy-Sept 96 Targ Tomb Team

Dongquandian Julv 1996 kiilv- Sept 96 Qin Han Office

Tonuua ane. city July 1996 July-Sept96 Qin Han Office

Yaozhou Kilms Au 1996 Aug.-Oct. 1996 Tongchuan Station

Qihmmiao August 1996 juAu-Oct. 1996 stie Anjfacl Officelongcbuin- Wangshe Augmt 1996 Aust.-Oct 1996 stut Alhfnm otsi

HuangUing Guoiiazhuang August IVA Aug-Oct. 1996 st it Asict Orwce

Highway Tankregou Auust 1996 AUg-Oct 1996 Qin Han Office

._______.___ Laohuyiba August 1996 Au&-OcL 1996 Sui TangOffice

Xiaoshangyuan- Cleniavan Atw 1996 Aug-Sept. 1996 Xa'an Team

Lantian Highway Gouiiacuen Auzust 1996 .-Sept 1996 i'an Team

liang- _ Faiia Aut 1996 Au-Set 1996 Zhouyuan Team

Famensi Highway Anbanxiahe A 1996 Au-SePt 1996 mos1tiwuZ utk. Tams

Jiangzmng- Luiacueo August 1996 Aug&-Sept 1996 Baoji Team

Ktagyu Higt._. ._y

Jinjia-Qinyong Yuchi August 1996 Aug.-Sept 1996 Qin Tonb Team

Museum Highway . . __-


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- ' ' 0', 0 '~~~ . . \~S'''-' -''-X ',, 1T''''"|S0 TfP f"i:s .) :- .7

ci-rfl ~ ~ . ''t ,i - .-

Table of the Process of the Plan forthe Exploration of Cultural Relics

reconnai- archaco- archacolocal enaorce- responible super- cons-highway ssance of logical ex- excavation mont lbody body vising tucion

relics pvortin.4 bod _.-y w .itWeman- June 95' before Provin-

Tongu- Nov. to July 1996 constucin Shaau Shaarud Shand xi cmlan Dec. 1994 _ .. . . Exp.

Tong-chuan- n Augt 1996 Augst to Sept. Province Province Provice Adm.Huang- 1996 Bureau

Xao- Provia-sbang- n August 1996 SepL to Oct Archaco- Cultaral Archae- cial

yuan- 1996 1oE' High.Lantian _i _ Buraeu

Jiang- Provdn-Zkang- August 1996 Sept 1996 Research Relics ology cidl

Famensi . . Exp.


zh=mg- " August 1996 SepL 1996 Adminis- Associ- Adn.Mtan __ Institue traion

imji - .= . : Qiyong " August 199 Sept 1996 Bureau ation Bureau

Museum A _ .I:

1.4 The Expenses for the Preservation of Cultural Relics

In conformity with the Law of the People's Republic of China on thePreservation of Cultural Relics and the Circulation (1994) Document No.18, issued by Shaanxi Province Cultural Relics Bureau, "All the expensesand labor force required for the archaeological survey, exploration and ex-cavation in the process of highway construction will be included in theinvestments of and labor management plan by the construction department


, _-

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concerned." This time the expenses will be responded in by the construc-tion departments.

In accordance with the Financial Budget Quota Management Stan-dards for Archaeological Survey, Prospectionand Excavation (labeled Ar-chaeology 90-248), jointly stipulated by the-State Planning Commission,Ministry of Finance, and the National Cultural Relics Administration Bu-reau, the entire preservation program of cultural relics wili cost 10 milionyuan, with 3 million yuan for the removal and rebuilding of Tonggu%an.East Gate Tower, 7 million yuan for the preservation of other cultural reltics.

1.5 The Principle of the Budget of Appropriationfor Archaeological Drilling and Excavations

1. Archaeological drilling is the drilling work for the purpose ofknowing such basic data as the nature, structure, scope and area of theancient underground cultural remains. The budgetary quota -includes thetraffic Lees, fees for accommodation, allowances, fees for civilian workers,fees for technical workers, fees for stationery, fees for the consumption oftools, depreciation charges of equipment fees for the sorting out of data,fees for backfill, unpredictable fees and so on. The method of combiningthe general drilling and the k-ey-point drilling will be adopted. Accordingto the circumstances in Shaanxi Province, the charge will be 4 yuan persquare meter.

2. The fees for archaeological excavations include fees for civilianworkers and technical work-ers, fees for the consumption of materials, de-preciation charges of equipment, data fees. the traffic fees, fees for makeshift constructions, fees for testing of samples, managerial fees. safety fees.and unpredictable fees.

T'e area of excavation is counted as 50% of the area actually occu-pied by the highway.

1) The fee for a civilian worker is l0 yuan, 10 I / m2

2) The fees for technical workers are 20% of the number of civilianworkers, their wages 200% that of the civilian workers.

3) The fees for the consumption of materials, depreciation charges,data fees, trffic fees, fees for testing samples, fees for makeshift construe-lions account for 2%, 30%6, 3%, 1.5% 3.5%, and 3% respectively.


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4) Managerial fee is 20%.5) Safety fee is 10% of the total fees including fes for man power

and fees for excavations.6) Unpredictable fee account for 5% of the total fees for man power

and axcavations.3. In this budget the ex-cavation fees of special items are not included.

Table of the Budget of the Fees forArchaeologic Drilling and Excavations

hiOwa dg-i am excavation area fec excavation fee .bt .:2 ~~~~2Weman- 32800mi 16400m 131200 3453840 358S040

TonB:huan- 7800 m (Yao Ki.l.Huaanm g 51600 re 2000 W2) 206400 1642680 1849080Class A_ ._.

Xaoshang- 4400 ml 2200 xr1 17600 4633320 480920vuan-Lani - __.

Ji hag- :Fanendsi 4000 mn 2000 mz 16000. 421200 437200

JanP7hAng 2400 mn 1200 ml 960 25Z20 262320

Jinjia-QinyongMuseumu 4000 m2 2000 m 2 16000 421200 437200

total 99200 m2 25800 2 6654960 7051760


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; [~~~~~~~~~~~7

Budget Calendar of the Funds for the PreservationLof the Cultural Rehecs along Weinan-Tongguan Expressway

Nameof the Area of Fee for Fee for tcao cl excavalion Sub-

sight the si%ht survey chilian techni- mate- manage safe-ty unprodi total

___- workm mu w nab -meat - a,,

Fanjiarcuen 20e,9600 .120000 4800 19200 37440 18720 9360 '262320

CGuocuen 2400m2 9600 120000 4800 19200 37440. 13720 936D J262320

Zilicuan 2000nm 8000 100000 40000 16000 31200 115600 7800 1218600

Lianglaobao 1600m2 6400 8000 32000 1230 2.4960 12480 6240 174880

cemetery at

sothI-ua 1OQOrri 4000 50000 20000 800 15600 78900 3900 109D00)C anseat _ _ ____---_ __. ________

Qiacnayn 2 00 0ma2 8000 I00000 40000 1600 31200 15600 7800 218600

Gnhucuen 2400mr2 9600 120000 48000 19200 37440 18720 9360 262320

Henzihen 2000m 8000 100000 40000 16000 3120 1500 1 7800 218600

WUM M-M 4000me 16000 200000. 80000 32000 62400 31200 15600 437200

Hongara 1600mx 6400 80000 32000 12800 24960 12480 6240 174880

C ay 0 4000m1 16000 200000 S000 3200 62400 31200 15600 437200

Xituandian 2400m2 9600 120000 48000 19200 37440 18720 9360 262320

Dongqwm 2800n2 11200 140000 560 224000 43680 21840 10920 306040

dian__TSmhq 3000m1 12000 150000 60000 24000 46800 23400 11700 327900

ancientcity ,___

total 32800m1 131200 1640000 656000 262410 511680 255840 127920 35875040


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Budget Calendar of the Funds for the Preservation:Of the Cultural Relics along Tongrchuan-Huangln

Class A JFIghway

Nwun of the Area of Fee for ______Fee for archacol 'cal excavation Sub-Sight the sight suvey civilia techn- wate- nianage safety mpredi tota

________ ~~~~~workems ciazm ni±1 -ment ___citabe

Yaozhou Kilni 4000m1 160000 200000 80000 32000 62400 31200 15600. 581200Qk w 200m : 8000 1000 40000 16000 312001 15600 :7800 218600Wangigiahe 1600m~ 6400 80000 3200 12800 249601 12480 6240 174880

Guqltung2800mf 11-200i 140000 .56000 22400 43680 21840 10920 306040

Ta82o!z. 3600ir? 14400 180000 72000 2880 66 28080 14040 393480L-aohniviba 1600mr2 6400' 80000 32000 12800 24960 12480 -6240 174880

total 51600m2 206400 780000 312000 368160 243360) 1-21680 1608940 1894908

Budget Calendar of the Fund s for thePreservation of the Cultura Relcs.

along Xiaoshangyiuan:-TLantian Highway

Name of the Area of Fee for ___ Fee for acaoo~a excavation ___ Sub-sight the sight survey civilia techni- jmate maa safety unprecdi total

_______ ______ workers ciari Ti wsj -met I __ _ catable __ __

ghjaa 1600wr? 640 8000 32000 12800 249601 12480 6240 174880.Gojsce 2800m~ 11200 140000, 56000 22400O 436801 21840 10920 1306040

tota 4400in2 17600 12200001 88000 35200 68640 34320 17160 1480920


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:~~~~~~~~~ ..---.-- '- ,w.. F-.w

Budget Calendar of the Funds for thePreservation of the Cultural Relics:

along Jiangphang-F amen Highway

Namne of the Area of Fee tor Fee for archaeolo,tica excavation Sub-.

siglht the sight survey eivilian tecluii- mnate- umanag safety unpredi total

_______ -____ work-es cians rinls -mont catableFujiacuen 2000niz 8000 100000 40000 16000 31200 15600 7800 218600

Anbanyxiabi 2000m S000 100000 40000 116000 31200 15600 7800 1218600total 4000m2 16000 J 00O0O 80000 3 32000 1 62400 312 i00 15600Q 1437200

Budget Calendar of the Funds for thePreservation of the Cultural Relics

alona .iang7hang-Xitangyu Highway

N'amc of tle Area of Fee for Fee for nc lo=ica1 cxcavation Stib-

siaht the sigit survey civiian techni- mate.- manage safetv unpredi Lotalw ;vorkcn; cIans ais -ment catable

_ 12I 00U1 0 4S(00 I I920001 37440 11O I 9360 262320 .

Budget =2alendi-r of the Funds for thePreservation of the Cultural Relics

along Jinjia-Qinyong Museum Eighway

Name of The -Area of Fee for Fee for archaeological cxcavation i Sub-

siom the si5pk surve cividn teci- mate- manage safety unpredi total

-______ |____ I work-rc cias Irias -ment catable

__Yuc_ i t 40_ n- 16000 t 20000 80000 1 32000 62400 31200 15600 437200

2. The Basis for the Implementation of theAction Plan for the Preservation of Cultural Rclics


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f '' '.' d' Xe',-,'', X,l~~~I'

With reference to the staff size of the relev-ant cultural relics depart-ments in Shaanxi Province and the effective measures taken.by other prow-ifreces and even foreign countries in the preservation of cultural relics in theconstruction of superior highways, the action plan has been work'ed outaccording to China's rules and regulations on the preser-vation of culturalrelics. Therefore. it is legally protected and highly practicable.

Experience siows t-at Shaanxi Provincial cultural relics depart-menace have established the working basis with transport departments, onwhich tey ftrust each other in their close cooperation.

Shaanxi Province Archaeology Research Institute is the only special-ized institution in the field of archaeology with the qualification of teamwork in archaeological excavation with toe strongest technical force and acomplete range of facilities in Shaanxi Province. It has undertaken ar theimportant tasks of archaeological excavations in the province with itsmodem preservation and restoration office in its capacity of completingthe field archaeological excavation and the preservation of-cultural relicsstipulated in the acfion plan. Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Preserva-don Technological Center is die province's only specializd institution inthe designing and reconstruction of historical buildinns. With a galaxy ofspecialized staff members who have returned fiom foreign countries andmuch experience in this particular field it has the abilty to undertake thetask of rebuilding the East Gate Tower ofTongguan.

Shaauxi Province highway surveying, designing and construction de-partments have succeeded in the preservation of Yangling Mausoleum ac-companying tombs and the historical site of Yaozhou Kilns. Therefore, ithas the ability to fulfill the task of preserving the large-scale remains ofcultural relics.

Consequently, the action plan for the preservation of cultural relicswill be completed smoothly.

3. The Plan for Supervision

In order to take substantial measures to preserve the ancient culturalrelics and prevent the cultural relics along the highways fiom being dam-aged by any possible factors, the action plan wil be implemented underthe supervision of Shaanxi Archaeologists'Association.


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The concrete measure is for the Association to dispatch seven Super-visors to monitor the preservation of culturl relic's on the spot in the chiefprojects and the related projects. The supe'rvisors have the right to offervarious suggestions and stop the construction for the benefits of ~culturalrelics.


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* ~~Under state 'pro'tectio'n

Under province protection.

A Under County protection

AUnlisted in special protec:tion

-Protected area of ancient site

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X ~~Map of archacologicalites distributed along | "' -4i -Weinan-Tongguang BHpress Way .;;E: .a / /

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~~' ADon~~~~quan diari site ~~~~~~~ ~~2r ~iti'l ~K12&4~60 /*


___ I \ I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SiteofTan uananclentczty~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .

Shax rvnca nttt o rhelg

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Map of archaeological sites distributed alongTongchuan-Huangling first class highway




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Nia anK sit.

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Scale� 750001 Date 1. 12,1994

Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology

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Ma,p of archaeological sites distributed along "'

ithe semi araneiof Yaoxian -Tongchuan first(Liss highway


z~. / ! I

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Page 44: Documents & Reports - All Documents | The World Bank - Report … · 2016-08-05 · China's agriculture, the relations of Xia, Shang mid Zhou Cultures, the distribution of Shang Culturo

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Page 45: Documents & Reports - All Documents | The World Bank - Report … · 2016-08-05 · China's agriculture, the relations of Xia, Shang mid Zhou Cultures, the distribution of Shang Culturo

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Page 47: Documents & Reports - All Documents | The World Bank - Report … · 2016-08-05 · China's agriculture, the relations of Xia, Shang mid Zhou Cultures, the distribution of Shang Culturo

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Page 48: Documents & Reports - All Documents | The World Bank - Report … · 2016-08-05 · China's agriculture, the relations of Xia, Shang mid Zhou Cultures, the distribution of Shang Culturo

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Page 49: Documents & Reports - All Documents | The World Bank - Report … · 2016-08-05 · China's agriculture, the relations of Xia, Shang mid Zhou Cultures, the distribution of Shang Culturo

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