Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch

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  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna by

    Probe Feeding Technique




    BACHE!R !F TECH"!!#$


    ECTR!"%C& A"' C!MM("%CAT%!" E"#%"EER%"#


    $)*E"+ATE&H ,-.(/--01234

    *)"A#ARA5( ,-.(/-A012.4



    B)*E"+ATE&H7AR R!A8

    &r)Asst)Prof8 'epart9ent of ECE)

    'EPARTME"T !F EECTR!"%C& : C!MM("%CAT%!" E"#%"EER%"#

    *%#"A";& %"&T%T(TE !F TECH"!!#$ A"' AER!"A(T%CA

    E"#%"EER%"#(Approved by AICTE !d A""#$#%ed %o 5"T(ni

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    'EPARTME"T !F EECTR!"%C& : C!MM("%CAT%!"


    *%#"A";& %"&T%T(TE !F TECH"!!#$ : AER!"A(T%CA



    T0#1 #1 %o 2er%#"y %0% %0e Pro=ect >or? e!%#%$ed  Realization of 

    Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna by Probe Feeding Technique 01 bee! 2rr#ed o3% by

    $)*E"+ATE&H -.(/-A0123

      *)"A#ARA5( -.(/-A012.

      *)&(BRAMA"$AM -.(/-A0162

    U!der o3r G3#d!2e #! pr%#$ "3$"#$$4e!% o" %0e re53#re4e!%1 "or %0e A6rd o" 

    %0e De7ree o" B20e$or o" Te20!o$o7y #! E$e2%ro!#21 !d Co443!#2%#o! E!7#!eer#!7

    o" J60r$$ Ne0r3 Te20!o$o7#2$ U!#ver1#%y Hyderbd) #1 re2ord o" bo!"#de 6or8 

    2rr#ed o3% 3!der o3r 73#d!2e !d 13perv#1#o!9T0e re13$%1 e4bod#ed #! %0#1 pro:e2% 6or8 0ve !o% bee! 13b4#%%ed %o !y o%0er 

    U!#ver1#%y or I!1%#%3%e "or %0e 6rd o" !y de7ree9

    Signature of the Internal Guide Signature of theHead of the Department

    B)*E"+ATE&H7AR RA! &)&)#)") &R%"%*A&A RA!

    Sr9A11%9Pro") Depr%4e!% o" ECE Hed o" %0e Depr%4e!% o" ECE

    S#7!%3re o" %0e E@ternal E@a9iner

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch




  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    Realization of Rectangular

    Microstrip Patch Antenna by

    Probe Feeding Technique

    Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna :

    A patch antenna is a narrowband, wide

    beam antenna fabricated b! etching the antenna

    element pattern in metal trace bonded to an

    insulating dielectric substrate, such as a printed

    circuit board, with a continuous metal la!er bonded

    to the opposite side of the substrate which forms

    a ground plane" #ommon microstrip antenna shapes

    are s$uare, rectangular, circular and elliptical, but

    an! continuous shape is possible" Some patch

    antennas do not use a dielectric substrate and

    instead are made of a metal patch mounted abo%e a

    ground plane using dielectric spacers& the resulting

    structure is less rugged but has a wider bandwidth"

    'ecause such antennas ha%e a %er! low pro(le, are

    mechanicall! rugged and can be shaped to conform

    to the cur%ing s)in of a %ehicle, the! are often

    mounted on the e*terior of aircraft and spacecraft,

    or are incorporated in to mobile

    radio communications de%ices"

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



      icrostrip -atch Antenna

    Design Specications of a Rectangular

    Microstrip Patch Antenna by probe feeding


    Softare Specications:

    •  .he software used here is the A!S"S #FSS 

    13"/ 0High re$uenc! Structural Simulator

    de%eloped b! Ansoft"

    •  .he HSS Antenna Design )it is a standalone

    GIbased utilit! which automates the geometr!creation, solution setup, and postprocessingreports for o%er +/ antenna elements "

    • #hassis ull si5e des)top wor) station tower

    • -rocessorIntel *enon 6+

    • emor! 74 G' 8A

    • Storage 2+7G'

    • 9perating s!stemwindows :p;%ista;

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    #ardare Specications:

     .he 8ectangular icrostrip -atch Antenna b! probe

    feed techni$ue is designed on substrate".he

    parameter speci(cations of rectangular microstrip

    patch antenna are mentioned as follows as ,

    • Substrate selection .he four most commonl!

    used substrate material are Hone!bee


     .hic)ness is about h>1"+mm"

    •  .he ?ength and width of substrate are 1@"@4mmand 24"@4mm"

    • A copper plate dimension of ?g > 11//mm between patches"

    $#APT%R &'

    '( ' )ntroduction to Antennas:

    In the 1=@/s, there were onl! a few antennas in the

    world" .hese rudimentar! de%ices were primarl! a

    part of e*periments that demonstrated the

    transmission of electromagnetic wa%es" '! orldar II, antennas had become so ubi$uitous that their

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    use had transformed the li%es of the a%erage person

    %ia radio and tele%ision reception" .he number of 

    antennas in the nited States was on the order of 

    one per household, representing growth ri%aling the

    auto industr! during the same period"

    '! the earl! 21st centur!, than)s in large part to

    mobile phones, the a%erage person now carries one

    or more antennas on them where%er the! go 0cell

    phones can ha%e multiple antennas, if G-S is used,

    for instance" .his signi(cant rate of growth is not

    li)el! to slow, as wireless communication s!stemsbecome a larger part of e%er!da! life" In addition,

    the strong growth in 8ID de%ices suggests that the

    number of antennas in use ma! increase to one

    antenna per obCect in the world 0product, container,

    pet, banana, to!, cd, etc"" .his number would dwarf 

    the number of antennas in use toda!" Hence,

    learning a little 0or a large amount about of antennas couldnt hurt, and will contribute to ones

    o%erall understanding of the modern world"

    '(*(Types of Antenna+s and their #istory:

    In the 1=@/s, there were onl! a few antennas in the

    world" .hese rudimentar! de%ices were primarl! a

    part of e*periments that demonstrated thetransmission of electromagnetic wa%es" '! orld

    ar II, antennas had become so ubi$uitous that their

    use had transformed the li%es of the a%erage person

    %ia radio and tele%ision reception" .he number of 

    antennas in the nited States was on the order of 

    one per household, representing growth ri%aling the

    auto industr! during the same period"

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    '! the earl! 21st centur!, than)s in large part to

    mobile phones, the a%erage person now carries one

    or more antennas on them where%er the! go 0cell

    phones can ha%e multiple antennas, if G-S is used,

    for instance" .his signi(cant rate of growth is notli)el! to slow, as wireless communication s!stems

    become a larger part of e%er!da! life" In addition,

    the strong growth in 8ID de%ices suggests that the

    number of antennas in use ma! increase to one

    antenna per obCect in the world 0product, container,

    pet, banana, to!, cd, etc"" .his number would dwarf 

    the number of antennas in use toda!" Hence,learning a little 0or a large amount about of 

    antennas couldnt hurt, and will contribute to ones

    o%erall understanding of the modern world"

    Heinrich Hert5 de%eloped a wireless communication

    s!stem in which he forced an electrical spar) to

    occur in the gap of a dipole antenna" He used a loopantenna as a recei%er, and obser%ed a similar

    disturbance" .his was 1==7" '! 1@/1, arconi was

    sending information across the atlantic" or a

    transmit antenna, he used se%eral %ertical wires

    attached to the ground" Across the Atlantic 9cean,

    the recei%e antenna was a 2// meter wire held up

    b! a )ite "In 1@/7, #olumbia ni%ersit! had an 6*perimental

    ireless Station where the! used a transmitting

    aerial cage" .his was a cage made up of wires and

    suspended in the air, resembling a cage "

    A rough outline of some maCor antennas and their

    disco%er!;fabrication dates are listed

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    1" Bagida Antenna, 1@2/s

    2" Horn antennas, 1@3@" Interesting, the earl!

    antenna literature discussed wa%eguides as Ehollow

    metal pipesE

    3" Antenna Arra!s, 1@4/s

    4" -arabolic 8eFectors, late 1@4/s, earl! 1@+/s

    +" -atch Antennas, 1@

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    7" -IA, 1@=/s

    #urrent research on antennas in%ol%es

    metamaterials 0materials that ha%e engineered

    dielectric and magnetic constants, that can be

    simultaneousl! negati%e, allowing for interesting

    properties li)e a negati%e inde* of refraction" 9ther

    research focuses on ma)ing antennas smaller,

    particularl! in communications for personal wireless

    communication de%ices 0e"g" cell phones" A lot of 

    wor) is being performed on numerical modeling of 

    antennas, so that their properties can be predicted

    before the! are built and tested"

    '(,(Para-eters of Antenna:

    In order to describe the performance of an antenna,

    we use %arious, sometimes

    interrelated, parameters"

    8adiation pattern, beamwidth


    Directi%it!, gain, aperture

    8adiation resistance

    Radiation Pattern:

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      0Antenna 8adiation -attern" An antenna radiation

    pattern or antenna pattern is de(ned as a

    mathematical function or a graphical representation

    of the radiation properties of the antenna as a

    function of space coordinates"

    De(ned for the far(eld"

    As a function of directional coordinates"

    .here can be feld patterns 0magnitude of the

    electric or magnetic (eld

    or  power patterns 0s$uare of the magnitude of theelectric or magnetic(eld"

    9ften normali5ed with respect to their


    .he power pattern is usuall! plotted on a

    logarithmic scale ormore commonl!

    in decibels"

    Radiation Pattern .obes:

    A radiation lobe is a portion of the radiation pattern

    bounded b! regions of 

    relati%el! wea) radiation intensit!"

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    ain lobe

    inor lobes

    Side lobes

    'ac) lobes


    .he beamwidth of an antenna is a %er! important

    (gure of merit and often is used as a tradeo 

    between it and the side lobe le%el& that is, as the

    beamwidth decreases, the side lobe increases and

    %ice %ersa"

    .he beamwidth of the antenna is also used to

    describe the resolution capabilities

    of the antenna to distinguish between two adCacent

    radiating sources or radar targets"

    0Half-ower 'eam idth 0H-'0In a planecontaining the direction of the ma*imum of a beam,

    the angle between the two directions in which the

    radiation intensit! is onehalf %alue of the beam"

    0irstJull 'eamwidth 0J'0 Angular separation

    between the (rst nulls of the pattern"


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     .he ratio of the radiation intensit! in a gi%en

    directionfrom the antenna to the radiation intensit!

    a%eraged o%er all directions"

    .he a%erage radiation intensit! total power

    radiated b! the antenna di%ided b! 4¼"

    Stated more simpl!, the directi%it! of a

    nonisotropic source is e$ual to the ratio of its

    radiation intensit! in a gi%en direction o%er that of

    an isotropic source"

    D>D0> >

    Antenna 2ain: .he parameter that measures the

    degree of directi%it! of antennaKs radial pattern is

    )nown as gain" An antenna with a higher gain is

    more eecti%e in its radiation pattern" Antennas are

    designed in such a wa! that power raises in wanted

    direction and decreases in unwanted directions"

    2 3 4poer radiated by an antenna564poer

    radiated by refernce antenna5

    Aperture: .his aperture is also )nown as the

    eecti%e aperture of the antenna that acti%el!

    participate in transmission and reception of 

    electromagnetic wa%es" .he power recei%ed b! the

    antenna gets associated with collecti%e area" .hiscollected area of an antenna is )nown as eecti%e



    A3pr6 pd -*

    Directi1ity and /andidth: .he directi%e of an

    antenna is de(ned as the measure of concentrated

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    power radiation in a particular direction" It ma! be

    considered as the capabilit! of an antenna to direct

    radiated power in a gi%en direction" It can also be

    noted as the ratio of the radiation intensit! in a

    gi%en direction to the a%erage radiation intensit!"'andwidth is one of the desired parameters to

    choose an antenna" It can be de(ned as the range of 

    fre$uencies o%er which an antenna can properl!

    radiates energ! and recei%es energ!"

    Polarization: An electromagnetic wa%e launched

    from an antenna ma! be polari5ed %erticall! and

    hori5ontall!" If the wa%e gets polari5ed in the %ertical

    direction, then the 6 %ector is %ertical and it re$uires

    a %ertical antenna" If %ector 6 is in hori5ontal wa!, it

    needs a hori5ontal antenna to launch it" Sometimes,

    circular polari5ation is used, it is a combination of 

    both hori5ontal and %ertical wa!s"

    %8ecti1e .ength: .he eecti%e length is the

    parameter of antennas that characteri5es the

    eLcienc! of the antennas in transmitting and

    recei%ing electromagnetic wa%es" 6ecti%e length

    can be de(ned for both transmitting and recei%ing

    antennas" .he ratio of 6 at the recei%er input to

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    the intensit! of the electric (eld occurred on the

    antenna is )nown as recei%ersK eecti%e length" .he

    eecti%e length of the transmitter can be de(ned as

    the length of the free space in conductor, and

    current distribution across its length generates same(eld intensit! in an! direction of radiation"

    %8ecti1e .ength 3 4Area under non&unifor-

    current distrbution564Area under unifor-

    current distribution5

    Polar diagra-: .he most signi(cant propert! of an

    antenna is its radiation pattern or polar diagram" Incase of a transmitting antenna, this is a plot that

    discusses about the strength of the power (eld

    radiated b! the antenna in %arious angular directions

    as shown in the plot below" A plot can also be

    obtained for both %ertical and hori5ontal planes M

    and, it is also named as %ertical and hori5ontal

    patterns, respecti%el!

    '(9( M%T#D.2":

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



     .he words antenna 0plural antennas  in S 6nglish,

    although both EantennasE and EantennaeE are used

    in International 6nglish and aerial are used

    interchangeabl!" 9ccasionall! the term EaerialE is

    used to mean a wire antenna" Howe%er, note theimportant international technical Cournal, the IEEE

    Transactions on Antennas and Propagation" In

    the nited Ningdom and other areas where 'ritish

    6nglish  is used, the term aerial is sometimes used

    although antenna has been uni%ersal in

    professional use for man! !ears"

     .he origin of the word antenna relati%e to wireless

    apparatus is attributed to Italian radio

    pioneer Guglielmo arconi" In the summer of 1=@+,

    arconi began testing his wireless s!stem outdoors

    on his fathers estate near 'ologna and soon began

    to e*periment with long wire EaerialsE" arconi

    disco%ered that b! raising the EaerialE wire abo%ethe ground and connecting the other side of his

    transmitter to ground, the transmission range was

    increased" Soon he was able to transmit signals o%er

    a hill, a distance of appro*imatel! 2"4 )ilometres

    01"+ mi" In Italian a tent pole is )nown as l'antenna

    centrale, and the pole with the wire was simpl!

    called l'antenna. ntil then wireless radiatingtransmitting and recei%ing elements were )nown

    simpl! as aerials or terminals"

    'ecause of his prominence, arconis use of the

    word antenna 0Italian for pole spread among

    wireless researchers, and later to the general public"

    In common usage, the word antenna ma! referbroadl! to an entire assembl! including support

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    structure, enclosure 0if an!, etc" in addition to the

    actual functional components" 6speciall! at

    microwa%e fre$uencies, a recei%ing antenna ma!

    include not onl! the actual electrical antenna but an

    integrated preampli(er or mi*er"

    An antenna, in con%erting radio wa%es to electrical

    signals or %ice %ersa, is a form of transducer"

    Antennas are re$uired b! an! radio recei%er or

    transmitter to couple its electrical connection to the

    electromagnetic (eld" 8adio wa%es

    areelectromagnetic wa%es which carr! signalsthrough the air 0or through space at the speed of 

    light with almost no transmission loss" 8adio

    transmitters and recei%ers are used to con%e!

    signals 0information in s!stems including broadcast

    0audio radio, tele%ision, mobile telephones, i

    i 0?AJ data networ)s, trun) lines and pointto

    point communications lin)s 0telephone, datanetwor)s, satellite lin)s, man! remote

    controlled de%ices such as garage door openers, and

    wireless remote sensors, among man! others" 8adio

    wa%es are also used directl! for measurements in

    technologies including radar, G-S, and radio

    astronom!" In each and e%er! case, the transmitters

    and recei%ers in%ol%ed re$uire antennas, althoughthese are sometimes hidden 0such as the antenna

    inside an A radio or inside a laptop computer

    e$uipped with ii"

    According to their applications and technolog!

    a%ailable, antennas generall! fall in one of two


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    1" 9mnidirectional or onl! wea)l! directional

    antennas which recei%e or radiate more or less

    in all directions" .hese are emplo!ed when the

    relati%e position of the other station is un)nown

    or arbitrar!" .he! are also used at lowerfre$uencies where a directional antenna would

    be too large, or simpl! to cut costs in

    applications where a directional antenna isnt


    2" Directional or beam antennas which are

    intended to preferentiall! radiate or recei%e in aparticular direction or directional pattern"

    In common usage EomnidirectionalE usuall! refers to

    all hori5ontal directions, t!picall! with reduced

    performance in the direction of the s)! or the ground

    0a trul! isotropic radiator is not e%en possible" A

    EdirectionalE antenna usuall! is intended to

    ma*imi5e its coupling to the electromagnetic (eld inthe direction of the other station, or sometimes to

    co%er a particular sector such as a 12/O hori5ontal

    fan pattern in the case of a panel antenna at a cell


    'oth the %ertical and dipole antennas are simple in

    construction and relati%el! ine*pensi%e" .he dipoleantenna, which is the basis for most antenna

    designs, is a balanced component, with e$ual but

    opposite %oltages and currents applied at its two

    terminals through a balanced transmission line 0or to

    a coa*ial transmission line through a so

    called balun" .he %ertical antenna, on the other

    hand, is a monopole antenna" It is t!picall!connected to the inner conductor of a coa*ial

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    transmission line 0or a matching networ)& the shield

    of the transmission line is connected to ground" In

    this wa!, the ground 0or an! large conducti%e

    surface pla!s the role of the second conductor of a

    dipole, thereb! forming a complete circuit" Sincemonopole antennas rel! on a conducti%e ground, a

    socalled grounding structure ma! be emplo!ed to

    pro%ide a better ground contact to the earth or

    which itself acts as a ground plane to perform that

    function regardless of 0or in absence of an actual

    contact with the earth"

     *()ntroduction of the Microstrip Antenna


    icrostrip antenna is a printed t!pe of antenna

    consisting of a dielectric substrate with relati%e

    permitti%it! and permeabilit! where sandwiched inbetween a ground plane and a metallic patch" .he

    concept of microstrip antenna was (rst proposed in

    1@+3, twent! !ears before the practical antennas

    were produced "

    Since the (rst practical antennas were de%eloped in

    earl! 1@

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    strip antennas was held in Jew e*ico" .he

    microstrip antenna is ph!sicall! %er! simple and Fat,

    these are two of the reasons for the great interest in

    this t!pe of antenna"

    icrostrip antennas ha%e se%eral ad%antages

    compared to other bul)! t!pe of antennas" Some of 

    the main ad%antages of micro strip antennas are

    that it has low fabrication cost, its lightweight, low

    %olume, and low pro(le con(gurations that it can be

    made conformal, it can be easil! be mounted on

    roc)ets, missiles and satellites without maCormodi(cations and arra!s of these antennas can

    simpl! be produced "

    Howe%er, micro strip antennas ha%e some

    drawbac)s including narrow bandwidth, low power

    handling capabilit! and low gain" 'ut with

    technolog! ad%ancement and e*tensi%e research

    into this area these problems are being graduall!o%ercome"

    In man! practical designs, the ad%antages of 

    microstrip antennas far outweigh their

    disad%antages" ith continuing research and

    de%elopment it is e*pected that micro strip antennas

    will replace con%entional antennas for mostapplications" Some of the notable applications for

    microstrip antennas are in the areas of mobile


    #ommunications, the Direct 'roadcast Satellite

    0D'S s!stem and Global -ositioning S!stem 0G-S"

    icrostrip antennas also found useful in nonsatellite

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    based application such as remote sensing and

    medical h!perthermia application"

    2eneral Description

    In its simplest form, micro strip antenna is a

    dielectric substrate panel sandwiched in between

    two conductors" .he lower conductor is called

    ground plane and the upper conductor is )nown as

    patch" icrostrip antenna is commonl! used at

    fre$uencies from to 1// GH5 and at fre$uencies

    below ultra high fre$uenc!, H micro strip patch

    become e*ceptionall! large" .he radiating patch can

    be design in %arious shapes according to the desired

    characteristics" Illustrated in igure 1"1 is the

    simplest structure of a rectangular microstrip patch


    $onducting .ayers : .he common materials used for conducting surfaces

    are copper foil or copper foil plated with corrosion

    resistant metals li)e gold, tin and nic)el" .hese

    metals are the 3 main choice because of their low

    resisti%it!, resistant to o*idation, solderable, and

    adhere well to substrate"

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    An alternati%e to metal for conducting surface is to

    use conducti%e in)" It is easier to fabricate but ha%e

    three disad%antages" irst, is that conducti%e in)s

    cannot be soldered in the usual wa!, to o%ercome

    this solder pastes are used" Secondl! is o*idation,but the eect is negligible since the o*ide is also

    conducti%e" .he third is the problem of sil%er ion

    migration" Sil%er ions tend to migrate under humid

    conditions and this will cause a short across the

    conducti%e in) lines"

    Dielectric Substrate :

     .he (rst step in designing micro strip antenna is tochoose the suitable substrate" .here are %arious

    t!pes of substrate a%ailable in mar)et that pro%ides

    considerable Fe*ibilit! in the choice of a substrate

    for particular applications"

    In most cases, considerations in substrate

    characteristics in%ol%ed the dielectric constant and

    loss tangent and their %ariation with temperature

    and fre$uenc!, dimensional stabilit! with processing,

    homogeneit! and isotropicit!" In order to pro%ide

    support and protection for the patch elements, the

    dielectric substrate must be strong and able to

    endure high temperature during soldering process

    and has high resistant towards chemicals that areused in fabrication process"

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     .he surface of the substrate has to be smooth to

    reduce losses and adhere well to the metal used"

    Substrate thic)ness and permitti%it! determine the

    electrical characteristics of the antenna" .hic)er

    substrate will increase the bandwidth but it willcause the surface wa%es to propagate and spurious

    coupling will happen" .his problem howe%er, can be

    reduced or a%oided b! using a suitabl! low

    permitti%it! substrate" 'elow are si* categories of 

    dielectric material that are used for substrates"

    01#eramic Alumina 0 r > @"+, tan 0δ

    > /"///3 .his t!pe of dielectric has low loss but brittle" It has

    high fre$uenc! applications and also has e*cellent

    resistance against chemicals" .he temperature

    range for alumina is up to 17//o#"

    02 S!nthetic materials .eFon 0 r > 2"/=, tan 0δ >

    /"///4 .hese materials possess good electric properties but

    ha%e a low melting point and ha%e poor adhesion"

     .he dimensional stabilit! for this substrate is

    relati%el! poor but reinforcement with glass or

    ceramic will impro%e the dimensional stabilit! to

    fairl! good"

    03 #omposite materials M Duroid 0 r > 2"2 ;7"/; 1/"=,

    tan 0δ > /"//1

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    04 erromagnetic errite 0 r > @ 17, tan 0δ


     .his t!pe of dielectric is biased b! an electrical (eld"

     .he resonant fte$uenc! of the antenna depends

    upon the biasing& hence magneticall! tuneable

    antennas are possible"

    0+ Semiconductor Silicon 0 r > 11"@, tan 0δ


     .his t!pe of dielectric can be integrated into circuit,

    but onl! small areas are a%ailable so it is not suitable

    for antenna applications"

    07 iberglass o%en (berglass 0 r > 4"==2, tan 0 >


     .his material is relati%el! low in cost for such low

    loss tangent" Howe%er, wo%en (bers tend to be

    anisotropic and this is undesirable in man! designs "

    *(*( Microstrip Feeds :

    atching is usuall! re$uired between the antenna

    and the feed line, because antenna input

    impedances dier from customar! +//hm line

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    impedance" An appropriatel! 7 selected port location

    will pro%ide matching between the antenna and its

    feed line" And the location of the feed line also

    aects the radiation characteristics" .here are three

    common techni$ues for e*citing a particularmicrostrip antenna" .hese are coa*ial probe,

    microstrip line and aperture coupling"

     .he coa*ial probe is the most popular techni$ue and

    is illustrated in igure 1"3" .he coa*ial connector is

    attached to the ground plane and the coa*ial center

    conductor e*tends through the substrate and isattached to the radiating patch" or coa*ial probe

    the location of the feed is normall! located at one

    third of the distance from the center of the patch to

    the side" .he ad%antages of this method are that the

    probe location can selecti%el! e*cite additional

    modes and it can be use with plated %ias for multi

    la!er circuits"

      $oa;ial feed

    In the second techni$ue, micro strip line is

    connected directl! to the radiating patch& see igure

    1"4" .he location of the feed line ma! aect a small

    shift in resonant fre$uenc!, due to the change incoupling between the feed line and the antenna"

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     .his techni$ue pro%ide good polari5ation howe%er, it

    is %er! diLcult to minimi5e the spurious radiation

    from the microstrip line" Spurious radiation will

    increase sidelobes on the radiating pattern"

      Microstrip .ine Feed

    In the aperture coupling the feed line and the patch

    are on dierent sides of the ground plane " A slot is

    cut in the ground plane to couple the

    electromagnetic to the radiating patch, thus no %ia

    connectors needed" .his techni$ue is to a%oid

    spurious radiation escapes from the feed line andcorrupt the sidelobes or polari5ation of the antenna"

      Aperture coupling feed


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     ,()ntroduction of #FSS softare

    HSS is a commercial (nite element method sol%er

    for electromagnetic structures from Ans!s" .he

    acron!m originall! stood for high fre$uenc!

    structural simulator" It is one of se%eral commercial

    tools used for antenna design, and the design of 

    comple* 8 electronic circuit elements including

    (lters, transmission lines, and pac)aging" It was

    originall! de%eloped b! -rofessor Poltan #endes and

    his students at #arnegie ellon ni%ersit!" -rof"

    #endes and his brother Jicholas #sendes founded

    Ansoft and sold HSS standalone under a 1@=@

    mar)eting relationship with Hewlett-ac)ard, and

    bundled into Ansoft products"Q1R After %arious

    business relationships o%er the period 1@@72//7,

    H- 0which became Agilent 66sof 6DA di%ision and

    Ansoft went their separate wa!sQ2R Agilent with the

    criticall! acclaimedQ3R 6 6lement and Ansoft with

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    their HSS products, respecti%el!" Ansoft was later

    ac$uired b! Ans!s"

      In this wor) a dual band rectangular microstrippatch antenna along with the inno%ati%e

    metamaterial structure is proposed at a height of 

    3"2mm from the ground plane, which consists of a

    rectangular geometr! incorporated with c shaped

    structure" .his wor) is mainl! focused on increasing

    the potential parameters of microstrip patch

    antennas and anal!5ing the dual band operation of proposed antenna" .he proposed antenna is

    designed to resonate at 2"4

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    • -#' 'oard odelling M -ower; Ground planes,

    esh Grid Grounds, 'ac)planes

    • Silicon;GaAsSpiral Inductors, .ransformers

    • 6#;6I M obile #ommunications M -atches,

    Dipoles, Horns, #onformal #ell -hone Antennas,uadra(lar Heli*, Speci(c Absorption 8ate

    0 SA8, In(nite Arra!s, 8adar Section 08#S,

    re$uenc! Selecti%e Surface 0SS

    • #onnectors M #oa*, S-;:-, 'ac)plane,


    • a%eguide M ilters, 8esonators, .ransitions,

    #ouplers• ilters M #a%it! ilters, icrostrip, Dielectric

    • HSS is an interacti%e simulation s!stem whose

    basic mesh element is a tetrahedron" .his

    allows !ou to sol%e an! arbitrar! 3D geometr!,

    especiall! those with comple* cur%es and

    shapes, in a fraction of the time it would ta)e

    using other techni$ues"•  .he name HSS stands for High re$uenc!

    Strucutre Simulator" Ansoft pioneered the use of 

    the inite 6lement ethod 06 for 6

    simulation b! de%eloping ; implementing

    technologies such as tangential %ector (nite

    elements, adapti%e meshing, and Adapti%e

    ?anco5os pade Sweep 0A?-S" .oda!, HSScontinues to lead the industr! with inno%ations

    such as odes to Jodes and ull wa%e Spice"

    • Ansoft HSS has e%ol%ed o%er a period of !ears

    with input from man! users and industries" In

    industr!, Ansoft HSS is the tool of choice for

    High producti%it! research, de%elopment, and

    %irtual protot!ping"

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    Analysis of Rectangular Microstrip Patch

    Antenna and Meta-aterial Structure ith

    Si-ulated Results :

     .he 8ectangular icrostrip -atch Antenna is

    designed on 84 0?oss! substrate" .he parameter

    speci(cations of rectangular microstrip patch

    antenna are mentioned " .hese are calculated from

    the abo%e discussed formulae"

    Probe Feed Patch Antenna )ntroduction:


  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    II M Getting Started

    '! now, !ou can launch HSS, opening a proCect and name it


     .hen set the solution t!pe

    select the menu item HSS W Solution .!pe

    choose Dri%en .erminal

    clic) 9) button

     .o set the units

    select the menu item ,D Modeler W

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    ))) > $reating the Probe Feed Patch Antenna

    ' > Substrate

     .o draw the Substrate, clic) on the toolbar" .hen draw a

    bo* b! (lling the following data as shown below"

    * > Patch

     .odrawthe-atch,clic)onthetoolbar".hendrawrectangleb!(llingthe following dataas shown below

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch





    Assign /oundary ? Perfect %@

    #round Plane

    Todr6%0eGro3!dP$!e)2$#28 o!%0e%oo$br9T0e!dr6re2%!7$eby"#$$#!7 %0e

    "o$$o6#!7 d% 1 10o6! be$o69

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch




    oubleclic)0and select Assign /oundary? Perfect %@

    9 > $oa; $able

     .he antenna is e*cited using a coa* cable port" .his port is

    located under the


    ground#ut9ut as shown below9

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



     .hen select the 2round

    X$utut,rightclic),select%ditW/oolean WSubstract,

    #reate the coa*"


    nenterthedataas described below

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    #reate the #oa* -in

    So Select the menu itemDraW$ylinder0 then enter the

    data as described below


     .o create a circle thatrepresents the port

    Select the menu itemDraW$ircle0 then enter the data as

    shown below

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



     .o assign wa%e port e*citation, select Port ', then go to

    menu item HSS W 6*citations W Assign W a%e port

    #reate the -robe,

     .ocreatetheprobe,selectthemenuitemDraW$ylinder0thenenterthedataas shown below

    Assign Boundary

    Todr6%0eA#rBo)2$#28 o!%0e%oo$br9T0e!dr6boby"#$$#!7%0e "o$$o6#!7 d% 1

    10o6! be$o69

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    Jow select 'o* 1, right clic)W Assign 'oundar! W radiation

    B > Analysis Setup

    inall!, !ou ha%e !our model read! to run" Jow !ou need toidentif! !our anal!sis setup" .o create ananal!sis setup,

    select the menuitem #FSS W Analysis Setup W Add

    Solution Setup" In the Solution Setup window, clic) the

    general tab, Solution fre$uenc! is 2"++GH5 ,a*imum

    Jumber of -asses Is 2/ and a*imum Delta Sper -ass is


    C > ADD

    Frequency Seep


    #FSSWAnalysisSetup WAdd Seep( Select Solution

    Setup Setup1"#lic)9N button".hen6ditSweepindow"

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    Sweep .!pe ast, re$uenc! Setup .!pe?inear #ount,

    Start1 GH5, Stop 3 GH5, #ount 2//" #lic) 9N button"

    > Model Ealidation


    $hec= "#lic)the#lose button" .o %iew an! errors or warnings

    messages, use the essage anager"




     .o start the solution process, select the menu

    item #FSS WAnalyze" 9r clic) on the icon "

    'G& Solution Data

    Jote.heSolutionDatawindowcanbealsodispla!ed b!

    rightclic) on the Setup1underanal!sisontheHSSdesigntree"Jotealso that

    the default%iewis-ro(le"Select the #on%ergence tab

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



     .he simulation will stop as soon as the

    results con%erge, which is at pass 1/"


     .o create a report,






    ab,set#ategor! to S -arameter, uantit! to S 0wa%eport,

    wa%eport, unction to d' and clic) Add .race button" #lic)

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



    Done button" Jote that !ou can create an! t!pe of report it

    all depends on user

    '*& RadiationPattern

     .o create 2D polar far (eld plot go to 8esults W create

    8eport" hen the new window pops up change the 8eport

     .!pe to Far Field and Displa! t!pe to Radiation Pattern

    then clic) 9N"

  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



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    ,D P.AR P.T S&PARAM%T%R:


  • 8/18/2019 Documentation of Realization of Rectangular Microstrip Patch



      ,(* Ad1antages of Microstrip antenna:

    • icrostrip antennas are relati%el! ine*pensi%e to

    manufacture and design because of the simple 2

    dimensional ph!sical geometr!"•  .he! are usuall! emplo!ed at H and higher

    fre$uencies because the si5e of the antenna is directl!

    tied to the wa%elength at the resonant fre$uenc!"

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    •  It is relati%el! eas! to print an arra! of patches on

    a single 0large substrate using lithographic techni$ues"

    • -atterns are somewhat hemispherical, with a

    moderate directi%it! 0about 7= d' is t!pical"

    Disad1antages of Microstrip antenna:

    • ?ow bandwidth 0but can be impro%ed b! a %ariet! of

    techni$ues" 'andwidths of a few percent are t!pical"

    • 6Lcienc! ma! be lower than with other antennas "

    6Lcienc! is limited b! conductor and dielectric

    lossesY, and b! surfacewa%e loss"

    • 6*tra radiation occurs from its feeds and Cunctions"


     .he icrostrip patch antennas are well )nown for their

    performance and their robust design, fabrication and their

    e*tent usage" .he ad%antages of this icrostrip patch

    antenna are to o%ercome their demerits such as eas! to

    design, light weight etc", the applications are in the %arious

    (elds such as in the medical applications, satellites and of course e%en in the militar! s!stems Cust li)e in the roc)ets,

    aircrafts missiles etc" the usage of the icrostrip antennas

    are spreading widel! in all the (elds and areas and now the!

    are booming in the commercial aspects due to their low cost

    of the substrate material and the fabrication" It is also

    e*pected that due to the increasing usage of the patch

    antennas in the wide range this could ta)e o%er the usage of 

    the con%entional antennas for the ma*imum applications"icrostrip patch antenna has se%eral applications"

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    H(Future scope of Micro Strip antenna+s:

     .he e*plosi%e growth in the demand for wirelesscommunication and information transfer usinghandsets and personal communications 0-#Sde%ices has created the need for maCorad%ancements of antenna designs as a fundamentalpart of an! wireless s!stem" 9ne t!pe of antennasthat ful(lls most of the wireless s!stemsre$uirements is the microstrip antennas" .heseantennas are widel! used on base stations as well ashandheld de%ices" icrostrip antennas ha%e a%ariet! of con(gurations and are currentl! the mostacti%e (eld in antenna research and de%elopment"

     .he microstrip antennas, due to their greatad%antages, ha%e increasingl! wide range of applications in wireless communication s!stems ashandheld mobile de%ices, satellite communications!stems, and biomedical applications" In most -#S,the handheld antenna is placed on a smallplastic;shielding bo* that is in close pro*imit! tobiological tissue of user bod! hence its radiationma! cause health ha5ardous eects" Added to theoperational re$uirements, the users and ser%icepro%iders usuall! demand wireless units withantennas that are small and compact, cost eecti%efor manufacturabilit!, low pro(le, and eas! tointegrate with other wireless communication s!stemcomponents" .he antenna designer must consider allthese issues besides the electrical characteristics of the antenna performance which include antennatuning 0operating fre$uenc!, ZS8 and return loss0input impedance, bandwidth, gain and directi%it!,radiation pattern, di%ersit!, and si5e of the chassis0e*pressed as a function of wa%elengths andspeci(c absorption rate 0SA8 of the antenna" .hese

    design considerations ha%e led antenna designers to

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    consider a wide %ariet! of structures to meet theoften conFicting needs for dierent applications"

     .his special issue contains dierent topics aboutmicrostrip antennas" Jew designs are in%estigated

    for se%eral wireless communication applications"-apers are classi(ed from sur%e! about mostliterature publications in se%eral topics as 8 energ!har%esting to new designs in ' antennas,recon(gurable antennas, smart I9 s!stems, andso forth"

    e hope the readers and researches of microstrip

    antenna s!stems will (nd in this special issue notonl! new designs about dierent microstrip antennacharacteristics but also %aluable information aboutnumerical anal!sis and fabrications"

    icrostrippatch elements on a conical surface are acon(guration of great potential interest" Howe%er, nomutual coupling data for this case ha%e been found

    in the published literature" .his ma! be due to thecomple*it! of anal!5ing the near (elds on a coatedcone" .here are %er! few references in the literaturein which the radiation characteristics of microstrippatch antennas on cones ha%e been anal!5ed" .heresults found were obtained using a ca%it! model of the patch" Also, conformal spherical antennas ha%eattracted interest" A well)nown e*ample is the

    dome radar antenna" .his antenna has a passi%etransmissiont!pe lens of hemispherical shape" hatdo radomes ha%e to do with conformal arra!antennas 8adomes are usuall! thought of asdielectric shell structures protecting an antennainstallation" If made of metal, a dense arra! of openings 0slots can pro%ide the necessar!transmission properties within a restricted range of 

    fre$uencies" .he result is a conformal fre$uenc!selecti%e structure 0SS" It is not an antenna, of 

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    course, but %iewed from the outside it e*hibits allthe radiating characteristics of a cur%ed antennaarra! of radiating elements, Cust li)e a conformalantenna" .he hemispherical surface pro%ides anacti%e area subtended b! a conical angle of 12/O bee*pected to be independent of the scan directionsince we are dealing with a spherical surface"Howe%er, for scan angles larger than a certain %alue,in our case 3/O from the 5enith, the eecti%e areadecreases and is hal%ed at the @/O scan limit basedon our assumed ma*imum scan angle 7/O" 9nealternati%e is to e*tend the sphere downward to

    ma)e the eecti%e area constant with scan  .he microstrip arra!s mounted on a sphericalsurface ha%e the ad%antages of wideangleco%erage" Such spherical microstrip arra!s areusuall! designed to ha%e radiation co%erage o%ernearl! a full hemisphere, which can (nd applicationsin ground stationtosatellite, aircrafttosatellite, andsatellitetosatellite communication lin)s"

     .he conical microstrip arra! ma! be used to pro%idetrac)ing antennas for highspeed missiles, where thefront end of the missile ma)es a design usingcon%entional planar microstrip antennas impractical"9ther uses are in cur%ed bodies that ha%e conical ornearl! conical surfaces" As for the conical microstriparra! with t!pical geometr! reports of related

    designs are relati%el! scant!"

    8esults for 6 and Hplane mutual coupling forc!lindrical microstrip antennas and the cur%atureeects on the mutual coupling ha%e been presentedin the thesis" 9n the other hand, the cur%atureeects on the mutual coupling in the design andperformance of microstrip antennas mounted on a

    spherical and the conical ground surface conformingto nose cone and canop! ma! be in%estigated"

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     '! following a theoretical formulation similar to thatfor the wide c!lindrical microstrip line, the currentdensit! on the coupled lines ma! (rst be e*pandedin terms of combinations of )nown basis functionsfor modelling the surface current densit! on thecoupled microstrip lines for numerical con%ergence"Since discontinuities in microstrip lines, caused b!abrupt changes in the geometr! of the stripconductor ma! generate radiating and surfacewa%es, accurate characteri5ation of the discontinuit!characteristics of microstrip lines is desired"


    uture aircraft s!stems must ha%e the abilit! toadapt to fend for itself from rapidl! changing threatsituations" .he aircraft s!stems need to be designedto tac)le d!namicall! threat in the form of 6lectronicAttac)" In order to thwart the detection of operatingfre$uenc! b! the enem! and pre%ent the Camming of signals, it is necessar! to design a fre$uenc! agile

    microstrip patch antenna" Such a recon(gurablepatch antenna ma! be designed b! emplo!ingmultidielectric la!ers and a co%er la!ers, placeddirectl! on the surface of the aircraft" Impedancebandwidth, an important characteristic of microstrippatch antennas can be signi(cantl! impro%ed b!using multila!er dielectric con(guration" .heantenna thus, designed ma! be used for speci(c

    highperformance airborne applications and suitabl!be utili5ed for reali5ation of fre$uenc! hopping" orlarge 0a5imuthal angular co%erage conformal arra!sof these antennas can be mounted on singl! cur%edc!lindrical surface with low pro(le" .he singl! cur%edsurface can also be used as an appro*imation of theshape of an aircraft wing, fuselage or e*ternal pods"Such a design is e*pected to facilitate the use of 

    antenna in defence applications in radar and

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    communication s!stems to a%oid detection b!enem!" #hapter 1 of the thesis is de%oted tointroductor! o%er%iew" In subse$uent of the thesiseorts ha%e been made to design multidielectricmicrostrip patch antennas with a co%er la!er whichare fre$uenc! agile, suitable for speci(c highperformance airborne applications and areconformable for mounting on singl! cur%edc!lindrical surface of an aircraft" .he designperformance anal!sis of such microstrip patchantennas and scope of further wor) are presented inthe following sections of this chapter9


    Microstrip antennas: the anal!sis and design ofmicrostrip antennas and arra!s b! Da%id " -o5ar, D"Schaubert, I666 Antennas and -ropagation Societ!

    Antennas and a%e -ropagationb! A" Harish and" Sachidananda,

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