Photorealistic HDR software for Mac Information for users MarScaper HDR Copyright © 2015 - Sébastien Marchand. All rights reserved.

Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

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Page 1: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

Photorealistic HDR software for Mac

!!!!!!!!!!!!Information for users

MarScaper HDR

Copyright © 2015 - Sébastien Marchand. All rights reserved.

Page 2: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

Table of Contents

Introduction to HDR 3 What is HDR? 3

Limits and constraints of HDR 4

Using the MarScaper HDR 6 The user interface 6

Bracketing stack 6

Rendering zone 6

Adjustment 7

Saving and opening files 8

Opening a series of images or a project 8

Exporting an image or saving a project 8

Image alignment 10

Automatic alignment 10

Manual alignment 10

Brush retouching (not available in the light version) 17

Presentation and concept 17

Exposure, contrast, and saturation 19

Exposure blending 19

Batch processing (not available in the light version) 21

Presentation and concept 21

Input, generation, and output 21

Input 21

Generation 22

Output 22

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Page 3: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

FAQ 23

A word from the developer 24

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Page 4: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

Introduction to HDR

What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt to light than a camera. In photography, light is measured by exposure value (EV). When we increase the EV, the amount of light collected is doubled. While the eye can cover an EV range of around 24, modern cameras reach an EV of 14 at best. This simple fact can become highly problematic for some photographers because they cannot accurately reproduce what the eye sees once the variations in light become too great. The classic examples of this problem are the beautiful sunset or the moonlit landscape. Here is another example that is easy to try out: have you ever tried photographing a candle? We can clearly see the detail of the room and also pick out the subtle nuances of the candle flame but our cameras do not have that same ability.

The principle behind the second image is fairly simple: because a camera has a limited dynamic range we take a series of shots and vary the exposure time for each one. This provides us with under-exposed photographs that reproduce high light levels and over-exposed shots that reproduce low light levels. This process is known as exposure bracketing.

Note: bracketing can also be applied by varying the aperture, but there is a risk that this will have an influence on the depth of field in the image. For this reason exposure bracketing is more commonly used.

In the example of the candle, seven shots were taken using a tripod to ensure stability. It is at this point that HDR software comes into play.

!MarScaper HDR Copyright © 2015 - Sébastien Marchand. All rights reserved. � /� 3 24

Single photograph HDR rendering from several shots

Page 5: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

The process of analysis and recomposition of the final image is known as ‘tone mapping’. Now everything hangs on correct exposure bracketing. MarScaper HDR is software that is designed to produce a photorealistic rendering. Lots of HDR software produces renderings that might be described as artistic photography and this has given HDR something of a bad name. This is not the fault of HDR, it is the tone mapping and the user who are the guilty parties!

So what exactly is tone mapping? We could talk about compression, resampling of the dynamic, local contrast and all kinds of other jargon used to describe complex ideas. However, it is easier to think of it as a sort of cider press that squeezes the juice from the different images so that it can be presented in a bottle, the bottle being the final photograph. That’s a more poetic metaphor, isn't it? And if you’re reading this then you’re obviously a fan of Apple juice... ;)

!Limits and constraints of HDR This document is not designed to explain how to produce a good HDR. In fact, there are no hard and fast rules and there are numerous tutorials on the subject on the internet. It is, nevertheless, important at this stage to be aware of the limits of this technique which is so closely linked to the bracketing of your camera.

- Limit n°1: the final HDR can never be more than the sum of the information in your bracketed images. If you do not cover all the dynamic range that you wanted to, it is pointless to hope that the software will do it for you by some magical process. For example, in the moonlit landscape (see illustration below), it is important to ensure that the image that is most under-exposed (1) does not saturate the lunar surface. On the other hand, if the landscape also contains trees in the penumbra or clouds, it is important that the most over-exposed shot (2) should depict them so that the software can highlight them, if you think it necessary. Many photographers use the histogram on their cameras to accomplish this task.


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Page 6: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt


My method is to feel my way gradually by systematically checking the two most extreme images in the bracketing for myself.

- Limit n°2: if you move too much you risk messing up your bracketing and thus your HDR too. Remember to stay as still as possible when you take the shots for your series of images. Use a tripod and a shutter with self-timer or a remote control for guaranteed results. Please note that MarScaper HDR has an automatic reset to ‘stabilize’ photos that have been bracketed freehand but like all things automatic, it has its limits.

- Limit n°3: elements that move between bracketed images will create motion blurring on the final HDR. People moving, leaves swaying in the breeze, and scudding clouds should all be avoided for a successful HDR.

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Page 7: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

Using the MarScaper HDR

The user interface Now we can get down to business. The software can be broken down into three zones that we are now going to look at in detail: the bracketing stack on the left (1), the central rendering zone (2), and the adjustment on the right (3).

!Bracketing stack This gives you a rapid overview of the series of shots used in the form of thumbnails. You can visualize any one of the thumbnails in the central rendering zone at any time by clicking on the thumbnail and holding down the mouse button. This is really useful for making quick comparisons with the HDR rendering which reappears as soon as the mouse button is released.

Rendering zone This is where the magic happens. You will see that the MarScaper HDR graphics engine that carries out the tone mapping is highly optimized. This zone allows you to see the your HDR in real time and the bracketed images if you need them.

This button, in the bottom right-hand corner of the rendering zone allows you to switch between full screen and 100% zoom…

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Page 8: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

Adjustment The software includes the main adjustment functions that photographers are familiar with:


• The histogram to visualize and fine tune the upper and lower light thresholds of the image. • The global adjusters for exposure, contrast, and saturation. • Selective tonality adjusters to fine tune the different light ranges: light tones, mid tones, shadows and blacks. When you move the cursors you will see your HDR rendering adjusted in real time. !

The ‘+’ button located below the adjustment panel gives access to the brush retouching. We’ll look at that again in detail in a dedicated ‘Brush retouching’ section.

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Page 9: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

Saving and opening files

Opening a series of images or a project The software can read any image format from a camera as long as long as it can be opened with the Preview software on your Mac or with Quick Look (space bar when you are browsing the files with the Finder).

Navigate using the open file panel. Select the document(s) and confirm. If you are loading a series of images, the following panel will appear during importation and analysis…

If automatic alignment was checked in the open file panel, the alignment analysis will begin immediately...

Automatic alignment compares your images and reorganizes them so that they merge perfectly for the final HDR rendering. It is advisable to activate automatic alignment if you took your photographs freehand.

Lastly, the third and final stage, the HDR rendering is calculated…

This is the most important part of the process. Where other software merely stacks pixels at this stage and hands over the rest of the process to tone mapping, MarScaper HDR carries out a detailed upstream analysis of your image stack before merging them intelligently.

Note: When loading a project, the first two stages are superfluous and only the HDR rendering needs to be recalculated.

!Exporting an image or saving a project You can save your HDR projects at any time via the ‘File->Save project’ menu. In order to guarantee the integrity of your projects, if any of the original shots have been moved or deleted, your photos are automatically saved to projects by the software.

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Page 10: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

Naturally, you can also export your final HDR rendering at any time in jpeg, tiff, or png, by using the ‘File->Export image’ menu.

Select the format and click the name of the document to be saved.

TIFF export has a resolution of 8 or 16 bits per channel plus compression via Packbit from Apple and LZW (these compressions are non-destructive). If you opt for a jpeg export, you can adjust the compression to optimize the size of the end file but quality will suffer (destructive compression).

A particular format, called ‘HDR Preview’, allows you to export a 1024 pixel jpeg image along with its bracketed images in thumbnail form…

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Page 11: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

Image alignment The correct alignment of your bracketed photos plays an important role in the quality of your final HDR image. Wherever possible, it is advisable to use a tripod to guarantee perfect integration of the shots. But as we know, that is not always possible or practical.

MarScaper HDR has two complementary approaches: automatic alignment and manual alignment control.

Automatic alignment This is the simplest method. To activate it, just check the relevant box in the open file panel…

Once activated, the software analyzes each of the images when they are loaded. Bracketed images will then be displayed taking into account any misalignments detected.

Note: this option has no impact on the loading of a project because the images have already been processed.

Manual alignment Automatic alignment is sometimes inadequate. Images may be too dark or too light to find the matches, the scene may be lacking in contrast, there may be moving elements upsetting the matches, etc. Even worse, with some kinds of subjects, the software thinks it has done its job and in a way it has…or almost!

In the following example the software was faced with a sea of moving clouds…

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Page 12: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

Oh no! The software has been tricked and our HDR image is blurred…

Don’t panic! MarScaper has another trick up its sleeve before it surrenders: Press the button under your seat to deactivate the automatic pilot and go to manual mode to cross the asteroid belt!!! Oh, sorry I got distracted!

At the bottom, on the left, under the bracketing stack there is a button that opens a panel giving us access to manual alignment…


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Page 13: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

HDR gives way to our bracketing pile's image with EV 0 which is selected by default and five magnifiers then appear on our image.

At this stage, the central magnifier is selected by default (colored blue). You can also see the mini magnifiers to the left of the bracketing thumbnails. You will quickly find out their role.

!Now we place the central magnifier on a notable close detail such as the summit of our mountain…

If necessary, we can modify the magnification of the image up to 400% with the help of the two white arrows. For better contrast of the crosshairs, it's also possible to change their color by clicking on the colored square.

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Page 14: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

When we move the central magnifier, the zone visualized by the mini magnifiers moves also. In fact, they are just showing the same coordinates but on different bracketing images. We can then instantly see the discrepancy of our summit between our reference image and the other shots.

Now, we click on our bracketed image at +2 EV.


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Page 15: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

The summit is shifted to the right…

!!!!!!There are two possibilities for replacing it at the center of our sight. The first is to use the controls placed on our image naturally…

!The second is to use the "Control Points" located on the right. …

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Horizontal/vertical movement of the entire image

Rotate the en-tire image

Movement of the upper left corner

Movement of the upper right corner

Movement of the lower right corner

Movement of the lower left corner

Movement of the upper left corner

Movement of the upper right corner

Movement of the lower right corner

Movement of the lower left corner

Rotate the entire image Horizontal/vertical movement

of the entire image

Page 16: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

The idea is the same but using the "control points" panel is more practical. You don't have to worry about the position of the magnifiers on the image and the movement is more precise (almost to the pixel while the precision of the controls positioned on the image depends on the zoom factor).

!Note: MarScaper HDR, makes it possible to correct problems with vertical, horizontal, rotation and perspective drift. Nevertheless, be careful with pictures taken without a tripod. If the movements during taking the photos is too much, deformation of the field linked to your perspective risks causing problems and you won't be able to completely align your shots even by hand. So always be careful to be as stable as possible.

To carry out a successful manual alignment, follow the following steps in order:

1) - control the alignment of the center of each bracketed image by placing the central magnifier on a reference point nearby. Then change only the central horizontal/vertical movement. To change the bracketed image, just click on its thumbnail in the list of bracketed images on your left.

2) - arrange the magnifiers located at angles to the details close to their respective corners. If necessary, vary the angle of rotation for the images so the discrepancies are aligned as much as possible with the central optical axis.

3) - For each corner, correct the position using the associated control (ex: move to the upper left with the magnifier at the top left).

4) - Repeat steps 1 to 3 in order to verify that all of the modifications are correct. Moving a control point can impact the rest of the image and so can slightly vary your previous correctives to another part of the image.

!Note: In case of strong variation in the lighting between shots, it can sometimes be difficult to find a common visual reference point. The "exposure compensation" function turns out to be very useful. You just have to click on it to lock it into place. The software then instantly modifies the response curve of each bracketed image to make it correspond to the image 0EVs as much as possible.


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Page 17: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

See what I mean? Now all you have to do is apply it to all the images in the series. You can switch from one bracketed image to another at any time by clicking on the thumbnails to make comparison easy. Finally all of the shots should merge perfectly. And that’s all there is to it. Now all you need to do is reconstruct your HDR by clicking on the button that temporarily masked the adjustment panel…

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Page 18: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

Brush retouching (not available in the light version)

Presentation and concept

Brush retouching is accessed using the ‘+’ button below the adjustment panel. As its name suggests, it makes it possible to retouch targeted areas in the image. The available retouches are:

• Exposure blending.

• Exposure.

• Contrast.

• Saturation.

When you have selected the brush type, a toolbar appears above the HDR with the general adjustments…

The adjustments are fairly classic and intuitive:

• Brush size: diameter in pixels.

• Softness: gradient between the center and the edge.

• Opacity: the higher the opacity (cursor towards the right) the more pronounced the brushstroke.

While you are doing this a new palette appears, called ‘Brush retouching’ and the settings for the brush are shown in the form of a box containing the specific adjustments…

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Page 19: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

You can use several brushes, one after the other. Your HDR image is always processed by applying them from the top downwards as in the following illustration...

MarScaper HDR Copyright © 2015 - Sébastien Marchand. All rights reserved. � /� 18 24

HDR Image

Selective tone

Final HDR Image

Brush retouching

Brush 1


Brush N

Overall adjustment

Min/Max of histogram

Page 20: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

Application of the retouches is done either with the mouse or with the graphics tablet. With the graphics tablet, the software automatically manages the pressure applied as well as the switching between the brush and eraser.

Note: Automatic switching with the tablet can be activated/disabled in the ‘Preferences -> Tablet: automatic switching (brush/eraser)’ menu.

Each brush can be activated/disabled at any time by (un)checking the ’Apply the brush’ box. In the same way, a small eye in the ‘Brush retouching’ panel header makes it possible to temporarily disable all retouches to compare improvements made to the original image.

!Exposure, contrast, and saturation

These brushes are relatively easy to use and have a single quantity adjustment. For example, in the case of saturation, if you move the quantity cursor to the right, you increase saturation in the retouched areas. Conversely, if you move the cursor to the left, you decrease saturation until it becomes black and white. The principle is the same for luminosity and contrast.

!Exposure blending

Exposure blending is without doubt the most effective brush offered by MarScaper HDR. As such, it deserves a paragraph on its own. If you use software like Photoshop, the idea of layers and layer masks will no doubt be familiar to you. That’s exactly what the brush enables you to do, but in a simplified manner.

The basic idea is to choose the bracketed image with an exposure that is closest to the area that you want to correct. The following example shows a photograph of a child. The child moved as the photograph was being taken and the HDR image is slightly blurred around the child’s face. The image exposed at 2 EV is the closest one. We select it as the reference image for the blending. You just need to move the brush over the child’s face to make it appear sharp.

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Behind the pixels, the brushstrokes create a layer mask. The original HDR image is then blended on the base of the mask with the selected bracketed image. The more pronounced the brushstroke, the more the pixels in the bracketed image appear. The adjustments in exposure, contrast, and saturation are added to this to perfect the blending in a natural way.


For best results:

• The opacity must be set at maximum to fully integrate the bracketed image.

• Softening must be fairly pronounced in order to get good vignetting around the edges between the HDR and the bracketed image.

• It is preferable to choose a slightly more exposed bracketed image and then adjust the exposure, contrast, and saturation.


Layer mask

Original HDR image

Final HDR Image

Selected bracketed image

Exposure blending (fusion, exposure, saturation,


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Page 22: Documentation de MarScaper HDR - EN · Introduction to HDR What is HDR? HDR (high dynamic range) originates from the simple fact that the human eye has a much greater ability to adapt

Batch processing (not available in the light version) !Presentation and concept It is a well known fact that IT is a tool for the lazy. It is also a fact that programmers are the best example of this: why do something yourself manually when you get a machine to do it for you!?! Well, batch processing is exactly that: you leave the machine to search and process the bracketed images in a directory while you go for a coffee!

!You can access batch processing via the ‘File->Open batch processing’ menu. A window will then open…


The available options are split into three categories: Input (1), Generation (2), and Output (3).

!Input, generation, and output !Input • Auto align images: image alignment is carried out (or not) for each bracketing.

• Auto adjust histogram: automatic calculation of the min/max of the histogram is carried out (or not) for each bracketing.

• Bracketing detection: ‘Min interval’ allows you to set the interval between two bracketing series. Beyond this limit, the software considers that the last bracketing detected is finished. This parameter is set at three seconds by default, taking into account a classic memory card. If the setting is too high or too low it may upset detection.

Note: Additionally, a bracketing is automatically detected via the size of the images, the orientation (portrait or landscape), and the format of the files

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!Generation This shows all the formats available for export with their options, if any: project, tiff, jpeg, png, and HDR preview. At this point, it is advisable to go to the ‘Exporting an image or saving a project’ section of this document for more information.

!Output An output option allows you to decide whether the data generated should be written in the current processing directory or whether you want to define a specific exit directory. Lastly, you can choose to overwrite any existing files. If you choose not to, the exported files will be renamed so that they are not overwritten.

!File naming rule:

[name of the first image]-[name of the last image].[extension]

e.g.: D28B1704- D28B1710.jpg

HDR preview is the only exception to the rule and adds the notation ‘-Preview’ (e.g.: D28B1704-D28B1710-Preview.jpg).

Once the options are set, it only remains to launch the batch processing of the folder or images of your choice and to wait.

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- Why can’t I use a single image to create an HDR?

Well, that’s the very opposite of what HDR is. HDR in photography is, by definition, the action of increasing the dynamics of a scene from several bracketed images. Unfortunately, some software uses the term ‘HDR’ wrongly and even claims to produce ‘single image HDR effects’. That’s nonsense. It is no more than simple tone mapping of an artistic photograph. The aim of MarScaper is to recreate a data set that is as realistic as possible. In order to do that, proper bracketed images are essential.

- I modified the exposure of a single shot with another piece of software to get several bracketed images. Why doesn’t it work?

As I said in my previous answer, the aim of MarScaper is to recreate a data set that is as realistic as possible and that in order to do that, proper bracketed images are essential. Modification via software does not create any data: the under-exposed areas are still under-exposed and the over-exposed areas are still over-exposed. Because the software is based on Exif data it will refuse to load the modified images. But because you asked me: since version 1.3, you can disable EXIF control in Preferences menu.

- Which is the best format for importing a series of bracketed images?

Use of your camera’s raw format or TIFF will guarantee that the data will not have been corrupted, so these are the preferred formats to use.

- Which image format should I use when exporting the final HDR?

If you want to retouch your image later, the TIFF format is best, with or without compression. If you’re exporting to the internet, jpeg is recommended but beware of a loss of quality. PNG is usually only used as a second choice when you need to share a photo on the internet without any loss of quality, but it comes at a cost of very large files.

- It’s impossible to read the Exif image data.

Exif data (Exchangeable Image File) contains information about your photo e.g. aperture, speed, ISO. This data is generated by your camera. If the software can’t find this data, this is probably because you have already processed the images with software that has not saved the data. MarSCaper needs the data to sequence your photos. Therefore, you need to fix the problem.

- When I save in PNG format, I lose the Exif data for my shot. Why?

It’s an inherent problem with the PNG format. It doesn’t store the Exif data.

- Where does the name MarScaper come from?

The MarS part comes from Marchand Sébastien, my pseudonym as a photographer. It’s also a reference to astronomy which is something I’ve been interested in since I was a kid. The caper part comes from the term ‘landscaper’, because to me a photographer is a person who constructs landscapes, whether interior, imaginary, or real and irrespective of the subject of the work.

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A word from the developer

I hope that you will enjoy using MarScaper HDR as much as I have enjoyed the challenge of designing it. Now it’s down to you to make it a bestseller… through the beauty of your images.

Yours photographically,

Sébastien Marchand.

[email protected]

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