DOCUMENTATION, ANTI-AGING ACTIVITIES AND … · elastase, perencatan tirosinase, perencatan asetil- dan butirilkolinesterase. Formulasi tunggal U. micrantha menunjukkan perencatan

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Page 1: DOCUMENTATION, ANTI-AGING ACTIVITIES AND … · elastase, perencatan tirosinase, perencatan asetil- dan butirilkolinesterase. Formulasi tunggal U. micrantha menunjukkan perencatan







Page 2: DOCUMENTATION, ANTI-AGING ACTIVITIES AND … · elastase, perencatan tirosinase, perencatan asetil- dan butirilkolinesterase. Formulasi tunggal U. micrantha menunjukkan perencatan





A thesis submitted in

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of

Master of Science

Faculty of Applied Science and Technology

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


Page 3: DOCUMENTATION, ANTI-AGING ACTIVITIES AND … · elastase, perencatan tirosinase, perencatan asetil- dan butirilkolinesterase. Formulasi tunggal U. micrantha menunjukkan perencatan



For my abah (En. Ismail Bin Ebrahim) and mama (Pn Siti Habsah Bt. Hashim),

who always inspired me with their hardwork and successs,

who always love, pray and give endless support to their children.

And also for my lovely siblings (Izzati, Nabila & Amir) for their constant motivation

and support along this journey.

May Allah reward them with Jannah

Page 4: DOCUMENTATION, ANTI-AGING ACTIVITIES AND … · elastase, perencatan tirosinase, perencatan asetil- dan butirilkolinesterase. Formulasi tunggal U. micrantha menunjukkan perencatan



Alhamdulillah. All praise be to Allah the Almighty for his blessings. I wish to

express my sincere appreciation to my main supervisor, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd.

Fadzelly Bin Abu Bakar, for his guidance, support and encouragement since the

undergraduate years till the postgraduate journey. I also wish to thank my co-

supervisor, Prof. Datin Dr. Maryati Mohamed and Dr. Faridah Kormin for their

guidance and precious knowledge on traditional knowledge and experimental design.

I truly appreciate their endeavour in instilling the good character in me to become

better researcher.

I also would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdah Bt. Akim for supporting me

during my research attachment in Biomedical Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine and

Health Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Mr. Azizul Isha from Laboratory

of Natural Products, UPM, Department of Orang Asli Development (JAKOA) and

Johor National Parks Corporation (PTNJ) for the approval to conduct the research

and not to forget, Mr. Ishak Ayob and Mdm. Siti Nazmilah Misrin for technical

assistance in Food Microbiology Lab.

I would like to give special appreciation for my research colleague from

Centre of Research for Sustainable Uses of Natural Resources (CoR-SUNR), for

their endless support throughout this journey. My deepest gratitude to Jakun

community of Kampung PETA especially the key informants who had given their

cooperation and shared their precious knowledge during interview session. Last but

not least, this thesis would not be complete without the financial support from the

Public Service Department (JPA) under Program Mahasiswa Cemerlang (PMC)

scholarship, Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) No. 1435, FRGS No.

1560, and Knowledge Transfer Programme 1568 (KTP 1568) Grant Scheme.

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Traditional knowledge of indigenous people could become the baseline information

for the discovery of anti-aging agent. The objectives of this study were to document

the knowledge of Jakun people in Kampung Peta, Mersing, Johor on medicinal

plants for women’s healthcare; to investigate the optimal formulations of herbal

mixture used by Jakun women based on phytochemicals content and antioxidant

activity; to determine the anti-aging potential of the selected formulations; and to

investigate the major phytochemical constituents in the formulations. Based on

qualitative analysis from semi-structured interview, twelve species of medicinal

plants have been documented for women’s healthcare. Among species documented,

four species, Cnestis palala (Pengesep), Urceola micrantha (Serapat), Labisia

pumila (Kacip fatimah) and Microporus xanthopus (Kulat kelentit kering) that were

prepared in the form of mixture have been used for formulation study. About 24

formulations have been developed from the simplex centroid design and tested for

total phenolic content (Folin-Ciocalteu method), total flavonoid content (aluminium

chloride colorimetric method) and three different antioxidant assays (DPPH

scavenging, ABTS decolourization and FRAP assays). Single formulation of Cnestis

palala, single formulation of Urceola micrantha and binary mixture of C. palala and

U. micrantha are among the optimal formulations with high phytochemicals content

and antioxidant activities that were further evaluated for anti-aging activities. For

anti-aging activities, five enzymatic assays have been tested on the three

formulations which are matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) inhibition, elastase

inhibition, tyrosinase inhibition, acetyl- and butyrylcholinesterase inhibition assays.

Single formulation of U. micrantha showed the highest inhibition towards MMP-1

(49.44 ± 4.11 %) and elastase enzymes (20.33±2.52%), while single formulation of C.

palala showed highest inhibitions towards tyrosinase (14.06±0.31%),

acetylcholinesterase (32.92±2.13%) and butyrylcholinesterase (34.89±2.84%)

enzymes. The identification of phytochemicals compound have been carried out

using gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS), which showed the presence

of 2,2-dimethoxybutane and 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4H-pyran-4-one

(DDMP) in the three formulations extract. The presence of catechol and quinic acid

in U. micrantha extract might possibly contribute to anti-aging activities of the

extract. These findings could become baseline for the exploration of novel anti-aging

agents from natural source by using the traditional knowledge of indigenous people.

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Pengetahuan tradisi orang asli boleh menjadi maklumat asas kepada penemuan agen

anti-penuaan. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mendokumenkan pengetahuan orang

Jakun di Kampung Peta, Mersing, Johor terhadap tumbuhan ubatan yang digunakan

untuk penjagaan kesihatan wanita; untuk mengkaji formulasi optimum bagi

campuran herba yang digunakan oleh wanita Jakun berdasarkan kandungan fitokimia

dan aktiviti antioksida; untuk menentukan potensi anti-penuaan bagi formulasi

terpilih; dan untuk mengkaji komposisi fitokimia dalam formulasi. Berdasarkan

analisis kualitatif dari temu bual separa berstruktur, dua belas spesies tumbuhan

ubatan telah didokumenkan bagi penjagaan kesihatan wanita. Dari spesies yang telah

didokumenkan, empat spesies, Cnestis palala (Pengesep), Urceola micrantha

(Serapat), Labisia pumila (Kacip Fatimah) dan Microporus xanthopus (Kulat kelentit

kering) yang di sediakan dalam bentuk campuran digunakan bagi kajian formulasi.

Sekitar 24 formulasi telah dibangunkan menggunakan reka bentuk simpleks sentroid

dan diuji untuk jumlah kandungan fenolik (kaedah Folin-Ciocalteu), jumlah

kandungan flavonoid (kaedah kolorimetrik aluminium klorida) dan tiga asai

antioksida (asai penghapusan DPPH, penyahwarnaan ABTS dan FRAP). Formulasi

tunggal Cnestis palala, formulasi tunggal Urceola micrantha dan campuran

perduaan C. palala dan U. micrantha adalah antara formulasi optimal dengan

kandungan fitokimia dan aktiviti antioksida yang tinggi, yang dinilai bagi aktiviti

anti-penuaan. Bagi aktiviti anti-penuaan, lima asai enzim telah diuji bagi tiga

formulasi, iaitu asai perencatan matriks metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1), perencatan

elastase, perencatan tirosinase, perencatan asetil- dan butirilkolinesterase. Formulasi

tunggal U. micrantha menunjukkan perencatan yang tinggi terhadap MMP-1 (49.44

± 4.11 %) dan enzim elastase (20.33±2.52% perencatan), mankala formulasi tunggal

C. palala menunjukkan perencatan yang tinggi terhadap enzim-enzim tirosinase

(14.06±0.31%), asetilkolinesterase (32.92±2.13%) dan butirilkolinesterase

(34.89±2.84%). Pengenalpastian sebatian fitokimia telah dijalankan menggunakan

kromatografi gas-spektrometri jisim menunjukkan kehadiran 2,2-dimetoksibutane

and 2,3-dihidro-3,5-dihidroksi-6-metil-4H-pyran-4-one (DDMD) di dalam tiga

ekstrak formulasi. Kehadiran katekol dan asid kuinik dalam ekstrak U. micrantha

berkemungkinan dapat menyumbang aktiviti anti-penuaan bagi ekstrak. Penemuan

ini dapat menjadi asas kepada penerokaan agen anti-penuaan yang baharu dari

sumber semulajadi dengan menggunakan pengetahuan tradisi orang asli.

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1.1 Background of study 1

1.2 Problem statement 5

1.3 Objectives 5

1.4 Significance of study 6


2.1 Documentation of traditional knowledge 7

2.1.1 Definition of terms 7

2.1.2 The importance of documenting the

traditional knowledge

8 Conserving genetic resources and

natural heritage

8 Intellectual property and

protection against biopiracy

9 Foundation to the drug discovery 10

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2.1.3 Issues in traditional knowledge and



2.2 Jakun community 11

2.3 Ethnomedicinal knowledge of plants 12

2.3.1 Ethnomedicinal knowledge of plants by

the Jakun community


2.3.2 Medicinal plants for women’s healthcare

and beauty


2.4 Aging 13

2.4.1 Terminologies 13

2.4.2 Theories of aging 14

2.4.3 Role of oxidation in aging 15

2.4.4 Aging through skin 15 Mechanism of wrinkle formation 15 Mechanism of hyperpigmentation 17

2.4.5 Alzheimer’s disease and its mechanism 17

2.5 Intervention of aging 18

2.5.1 Antioxidant and its mechanism 18

2.5.2 Anti-wrinkle 20

2.5.3 Anti-hyperpigmentation 20

2.5.4 Cholinesterase inhibition 21

2.6 Medicinal plants and anti-aging activities 21

2.6.1 Medicinal plants with antioxidant



2.6.2 Medicinal plants with anti-skin aging


23 Medicinal plants as anti-wrinkle


23 Medicinal plants as anti-tyrosinase



2.6.3 Medicinal plants as anti-Alzheimer agent 25

2.7 Phytochemicals and anti-aging activities 26

2.7.1 Phenolics 26

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2.7.2 Flavonoids 27

2.7.3 Stilbenoids 28

2.7.4 Carotenoids 29

2.7.5 Terpenoids 29

2.8 Herbal mixture 29

2.8.1 Application of mixture design in

medicinal plants formulation


2.8.2 Synergism of herbal mixture 30


3.1 Chemicals and reagents 32

3.2 Equipments and apparatus 33

3.3 Study design and sampling site 33

3.4 Selection of key informants 35

3.5 Ethnobotanical study of women’s medicinal



3.5.1 Ethical authorization 36

3.5.2 Semi-structured interview 36

3.5.3 Data analysis 37

3.6 Plant materials

3.6.1 Identification of plant species 37

3.6.2 Criteria for selection of medicinal plants. 37

3.6.3 Collection and preparation of raw



3.7 Mixture design 39

3.7.1 Simplex centroid mixture design 39

3.7.2 Validation of optimal formulations 40

3.8 Preparation of sample infusion 42

3.9 Phytochemical analysis 42

3.9.1 Total phenolic content 42

3.9.2 Total flavonoid content 42

3.10 Antioxidant activities 43

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3.10.1 2, 2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-

sulphonic acid (ABTS) cation radical

decolorization assay


3.10.2 2, 2-diphenyl-1-pycryl-hydrazyl (DPPH)

free radical scavenging activity


3.10.3 Ferric reducing/antioxidant power

(FRAP) assay


3.11 Anti-wrinkle assay 44

3.11.1 Collagenase inhibition assay 44

3.11.2 Elastase inhibition assay 45

3.12 Anti-hyperpigmentation assay 45

3.12.1 Tyrosinase inhibition assay 45

3.13 Anti-Alzheimer 46

3.13.1 Acetylcholinesterase inhibition assay 46

3.13.2 Butyrylcholinesterase inhibition assay 46

3.14 Profiling of chemical compound by using Gas

Chromatography Mass Spectrometry


3.15 Statistical analysis 47


4.1 Ethnobotanical knowledge of medicinal plants

for women’s health


4.1.1 Plant species, families, and growth habits 48

4.1.2 Uses of plants for the women’s



4.1.3 Parts used 51

4.1.4 Preparation and administration 52

4.1.5 Frequency of citation 54

4.1.6 Selection of medicinal plants for bioassay 54

4.2 Applications of simplex centroid mixture design

for optimization of herbal mixture


4.2.1 Evaluation of phytochemicals content 57 Total phenolic content 57 Total flavonoid content 59

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4.2.2 Evaluation of antioxidant activities 60 ABTS scavenging activity 61 DPPH radical scavenging


62 FRAP reducing ability 63

4.2.3 Effect of single, binary, ternary and

quaternary polyherbal formulations on

the phytochemicals content and

antioxidant activities


4.2.4 ANOVA analysis for phytochemicals

and antioxidant activities


4.2.5 Synergistic and antagonistic effects of

herbal mixture on phytochemicals and

antioxidant activities


4.2.6 Surface plots 71

4.2.7 Optimization of polyherbal formulations 73

4.3 Anti-aging activities of optimal formulations 75

4.3.1 Anti-collagenase activity of selected



4.3.2 Anti-elastase activity 78

4.3.3 Anti-tyrosinase activity 80

4.3.4 Anti-cholinesterase activity 82

4.4 Correlation analysis between phytochemicals

content and anti-aging activities


4.5 Phytochemicals profiling of selected




5.1 General conclusion 95

5.2 Limitation of the study 96

5.3 Recommendation for future research 96



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2.1 Ethnomedicinal plants used by indigenous people in

Peninsular Malaysia


3.1 Characteristics of selected key informants in

Kampung Peta


3.2 List of plants selected for further analysis 37

3.3 Experimental design layout for herbal formulations 41

4.1 Ethnobotanical information of medicinal plants used

for women’s healthcare


4.2 Experimental design layout and the responses for

herbal formulations


4.3 Average of TPC, TFC, ABTS, DPPH, and FRAP in

different polyherbal formulations


4.4 ANOVA table of phytochemicals (TPC and TFC)

and antioxidant activities (ABTS, DPPH and FRAP)


4.5 Coefficients of each model fitted and their level of

significance determined by p-value.


4.6 Formulation selection based on desirability function 74

4.7 Predicted and experimental value of optimal



4.8 Elastase inhibition activity of samples and elastatinal



4.9 Correlation between the phytochemicals content,

antioxidant activities with anti-aging activities.


4.10 Major chemical constituents identified in the water

extract of C. palala by GC-MS


4.11 Major chemical constituents identified in the water

extract of U. micrantha by GC-MS


4.12 Chemical composition of binary combination of C.

palala and U. micrantha


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3.1 Flowchart of the study design 34

3.2 Location of Kampung Peta and Taman Negara Johor

Endau Rompin


3.3 Picture displaying selected medicinal plants. (a) Cnestis

palala (b) Urceola micrantha (c) Labisia pumila

(d) Microporus xanthopus


3.4 Arrangement of the simplex centroid design with four 39

4.1 Percentage of species based on plant parts used 52

4.2 Percentage of species for each method of preparation 53

4.3 Percentage of species based on the way of



4.4 Surface plots (a) total phenolic content [TPC], (b) total

flavonoid content [TFC], (c) 2, 2’-azino-bis (3-

ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) scavenging

activity [ABTS], (d) 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl

free radical scavenging activity [DPPH], (e) ferric

reducing/antioxidant power activity [FRAP]


4.5 MMP-1 inhibition of samples and standard 77

4.6 Tyrosinase inhibition of optimal formulations 81

4.7 Acetylcholinesterase inhibition activity of tested



4.8 Butyrylcholinesterase inhibition activity of samples and



4.9 Correlation between phytochemicals and antioxidant

activities of 24 formulations


4.10 Gas Chromatograms of (a) hot water extract of C.

palala, (b) hot water extract of U. micrantha, and (c) hot

water extract of binary combination of C. palala and U.



4.11 Similar compounds found in all formulation extracts 93

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˚C - Celsius

h - Hour

L - Liter

mL - Milliliter

mg - Milligram

min - Minute

μL - Microliter

µM - Micromolar

µU - Microunit

nm - Nanometer

R2 - Coefficient of determination

Aβ - Amyloid Beta

ABS - Access and benefit sharing

ABTS 2,2’-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-

sulphonic acid

AChE - Acetylcholinesterase enzyme

AD - Alzheimer’s Disease

AP-1 - Activator protein-1

BuChE - Butyrylcholinesterase enzyme

CaCl2 - Calcium chloride

CBD - Convention on Biological Diversity

CE - Catechin equivalent

DMSO - Dimethylsulfoxide

DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid

DOE - Design of Experiment

DDMP - 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4H-pyran-


DPPH - 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl

DTNB - 5,5'-dithio-bis-[2-nitrobenzoic acid]

ECM - Extracellular matrix

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FDA - Food and Drug Administration

FRAP - Ferric-reducing antioxidant power

GAE - Gallic acid equivalent

GC-MS - Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry

HEPES - 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic


IK - Indigenous knowledge

JAKOA - Department of Orang Asli Development

L-DOPA - L-dihydroxyphenylalanine

MAPK - Mitogen-activated protein kinase

MMP - Matrix metalloproteinase

MRNA - Messenger ribonucleic acid

NNGH N-Isobutyl-N-(4-methoxyphenylsulfonyl)


PIC - Prior Informed Consent

PTNJ - Johor National Park Corporation

ROS - Reactive oxygen species

TBARS - Thiobarbituric acid reactive substance

TEAC - Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity

TFC - Total flavonoid content

TK - Traditional Knowledge

TMK - Traditional Medicinal Knowledge

TNJER - Taman Negara Johor Endau Rompin

TPC - Total phenolic content

TPTZ - 2,4,6-tripyridyl-S-triazine

TRP-1 - Tyrosinase related protein 1

UV - Ultra violet

VMS - Volatile methylsiloxane

WHO - World Health Organization

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A Research approval from PTNJ 122

B Research approval from JAKOA 123

C Prior Informed Consent 124

D Semi structured questionnaire 126

E Gallic acid standard curve

Catechin standard curve


F Ascorbic acid standard curve

Ferrous sulphate standard curve


G Normal plot of residual for TPC

and TFC


H Normal plot of residual for

antioxidant activities


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Journals :

i. Ismail, N. A., Abu Bakar, M. F., Kormin, F., Linatoc, A. C., Maryati, M.

2017. Application of statistically mixture simplex-centroid design to optimize

the TPC and TFC on the proportion of polyherbal formulation used by Jakun

women. Journal of Engineering & Applied Science (SCOPUS). [Accepted].

ii. Ismail, N. A., Abu Bakar, M. F., Kormin, F., Maryati, M., Akim, A., Isha, A.

Anti-aging potential and phytochemical screening of optimal formulations

from selected medicinal plants used by Jakun women in Kg. Peta, Johor.

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (SCOPUS). [Submitted]

Proceedings/ Conference/Seminars :

i. Ismail, N. A., Maryati, M. & Abu Bakar, M. F. (2015). Medicinal Plants

Used For Women’s Healthcare Among The Jakun Community In Kg. Peta :

A Preliminary Study. In O. Asiah, H. Lim, B. Chee, M. N. Musaadah, M.

Mastura, K. Getha, S. Vimala (Eds.), Proceeding FRIM No. 7 Persidangan

Industri Herba (pp. 303–308). Putrajaya: Forest Research Institute Malaysia

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1.1 Background of study

Aging is inevitable and considered as natural biological process. However, the

changes in physiology of human due to aging are undesirable. Aging is

physiologically characterized as a continuous, generalized systemic organ

dysfunction, which lead to the increased vulnerability to environmental challenge

and increase the tendency to suffer diseases and death. Generally, the incidence of

degenerative diseases such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes,

cancer and Alzheimer’s disease escalated with increasing age (Si & Liu, 2014) .

Physically, the obvious sign of aging could be seen on the skin with the

formation of wrinkles and atypical pigmentation (Masaki, 2010). The skin condition

such as epidermal thinning, reduction in dermal collagen content, decreased in laxity

diminished skin moisture, and impaired wound healing have been reported in post-

menopausal women (Irrera et al., 2017). Exposure of skin to extrinsic factors

(environmental aggressor such as UV radiation and smoking) is in the 4th

rank that

contribute to the nonfatal disease burden and the effects arise as humans get older

(Tobin, 2017).

Brain also would be affected as person aged. Normal aging will cause decline

in brain function and increase the tendency to suffer from neuronal degeneration. The

decline in brain cholinergic system, that contribute to memory function will

eventually lead to various age-related neurodegenerative diseases such as

Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease (AD), multiple sclerosis, Huntington

disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Solanki et al., 2016). Other than individual

genetic factors, the external factors such as nutrition, smoking, alcohol,

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environmental conditions could contribute to the aging in human. Oxidative stress

has been identified to be one of the major factors that accelerates the aging process

(Rahal et al., 2014). Oxidation will cause oxidative injury to the neuron and skin

structure. Antioxidant compounds are able to defend human body from oxidation

process. Eventhough human body contains its own self defense system, it is

insufficient to fight against the cumulative damage due to reactive oxygen species


Plants are known to contain numerous bioactive compounds which could

potentially act as antioxidant with anti-wrinkle and anti-Alzheimer’s properties that

protect the skin against key enzyme in wrinkle formation and brain from aging

(Nema et al., 2011). The exploration of medicinal plants as potential for anti-aging

supplement or drugs are rapidly growing for the past few years. According to Global

Industry Analyst, nutricosmetic market is estimated to reach US$ 7.4 bilion by 2020,

driven by “beauty from within” trend (Analyst, 2015). This indicates that people

worldwide are constantly searching for the intervention with nutraceutical benefit

that could lead to the improvement and maintenance of their appearances and

internal health. The nutricosmetic is the result of convergence between nutraceutical

and cosmaceutical field with major claim as an anti-aging (Anunciato & Filho,

2012). The examples of nutricosmetic products include “beauty pills”, tablets, liquid

(i.e herbal tea), granulates or foods formulation which is believe to be able to reduce

wrinkle formation by fighting free radicals generated by solar radiation (Taeymans et

al., 2014).

More than 89 medicinal plants have been used for cosmetic applications in

Malaysia, such as Centella asiatica (Apiaceae), Cosmos caudatus (Asteraceae),

Curcuma xanthorrhiza (Zingiberaceae) and Ficus deltoidea (Moraceae) are

traditionally known to preserve youthful appearance of women (Narayanaswamy &

Ismail, 2015). Usually, these plants contain antioxidant with anti-wrinkle properties.

In spite of the wrinkle inhibition, the antioxidant also possess cholinesterase

inhibitory activities which is one of the treatment in AD prevention. In a review by

Natarajan et al. (2013) on Asian plants, more than 40 herbal remedies have been

used traditionally and being proven scientifically to possess anti-inflammatory, anti-

cholinesterase andantioxidant activities, which are contributed by its bioactive

compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, saponins, terpenoids and essential

oils. Despite the progress made in aging and Alzheimer’s disease research in the last

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decades, no treatment with a strong disease-modifying effect is currently available

(Natarajan et al., 2013).

Traditional knowledge (TK) on medicinal plants has been one of the sources

in drug discovery from natural sources. TK has been defined as the knowledge,

innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities around the world

which were developed from experience gained over the centuries and adapted to

local culture and environment, and transmitted orally from generation to generation

(MoNRE, 2012). Traditional Medicinal Knowledge (TMK) is one of the sub

categories of TK, other than traditional agricultural and ecological knowledge (Van

Overwalle, 2005). According to World Health Organization (WHO, 2003), about

80% of people around the world utilize traditional medicine as their primary

healthcare whereas 65% of citizen in developing nation use traditional medicine as

an alternative to their healthcare maintenance. In National Policy on Biological

Diversity 2016-2025, TK has been highlighted to be one of the key elements in

conservation and sustainable uses of biodiversity (MoNRE, 2012). In addition,

Malaysia has implemented an act on Access to Biological Resources and Benefit

sharing bill 2017 in order to preserve the traditional knowledge of local and

indigenous people, and also to ensure the fair and equitable sharing from the

knowledge provided by the indigenous people.

Malaysia is ranked 12th among countries of the world with megabiodiversity

and at least 95 subgroups of indigenous people that make up Malaysia’s multiracial

population (Masron et al., 2013). The wonderful knowledge and respect towards

plants have originated from indigenous people, usually called ‘Orang Asli’, who

inherited the knowledge and practices from their ancestors (Adnan & Othman, 2012).

The indigenous and local communities usually live in an area where majority of

plants genetic resources are found. In this regard, the preservation of the TK through

documentation is crucial to maintain the biodiversity in Malaysia (MonRE, 2012).

However, TK suffer from erosion and biopiracy. These documentation is the utmost

defensive approach for conserving the TK from erosion, acquisition and exploitation

by third parties (Van Overwalle, 2005).

Jakun, Orang Kuala, Orang Kanaq, Orang Seletar and Temuan are ethnic

groups recognized as orang asli that live in the southern part of Malaysia, Johor

(Masron et al., 2013). The Jakun tribe, who live in Kampung Peta, Endau, Mersing,

Johor are the holder and users of TK. Despite modernization of this country, most of

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the older generations in Jakun community still rely on traditional medicine for their

healthcare. They utilize plants and animals to treat various ailments. The earliest

record of ethnomedicinal knowledge of Jakun on plants has been documented by

Taylor & Wong (1987), whereas the recent documentation of plant by Jin (2005)

include the use of palm for medicinal purposes, Ismail et al. (2015) on the medicinal

plants used for malarial treatment and Sabran et al. (2016) on medicinal plants used

for treatment of tuberculosis. However, no study has been focusing on the use of

medicinal plants specifically for maintenance of women’s healthcare in Jakun

community. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has recognized the role

of women and local communities in conservation of biological diversity. In fact, a

review on medicinal plants used for women healthcare in South-East Asia revealed

2000 different plant species have been used in 5000 combinations to treat various

ailments for women (Boer & Cotingting, 2014). There is a clear need to document

the TK of women in Jakun community on the use of medicinal plants, particularly in

health and beauty maintenance.

While taking into account the individual medicinal plants for the treatment of

disease, the consumption of traditional herbs in the form of mixture is believed to

exert higher pharmacological and therapeutic efficacy compared to the single

medicinal plants (Guimarães et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2014). Few reported studies

showed that mixture of medicinal plants exhibit higher bioactivities compared to the

single plants (Xu et al., 2014). The mixture is said to be able to increase the

medicinal properties of individual species, reduce toxicity and improve the taste

acceptance (Guimaraes et al., 2013). In traditional chinese medicine (TCM), some of

the anti-dementia herbal formulation have been proved scientifically to exert

dementia inhibition effect (Kong et al., 2009). The different herbs exert different

effects and when combined, it acts either in synergistic, antagonistic or additive

manner. The knowledge regarding the herbal mixture have been passed from older

generation to the current generation of herbal practitioner and skillfull healer.

Traditionally, the herbal plants that was prepared as mixture have similar therapeutic

effects and benefits with possible of synergistic effects (Boer & Cotingting, 2014;

Guimaraes et al., 2013). Based on the documentation by Taylor & Wong (1987) in

Jakun community, some ailments could be treated by mixture of medicinal plants.

Thus, the documentation of medicinal plants for women’s healthcare maintenance

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and investigation on the herbal mixture used by Jakun women for anti-aging might

provide the baseline data for the exploration of anti-aging treatment.

1.2 Problem statement

Aging has been associated with undesirable effects towards physiology and

psychology of a person. Although many treatments have been applied to cure or

delay these pathologies, it have been found to be ineffective or associated with side

effects. Nutricosmetic product with anti-aging claim has increased its popularity in

the market, eventhough the efficacy of this product has not been proven scientifically

(Draelos, 2010).

Furthermore, the prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases also increase

yearly. According to Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation Malaysia (ADFM), currently,

it is estimated that 50,000 Malaysians suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. The

incidence of AD could double every five years beyond the age of 65. Although some

of the drugs been approved by United State Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

for the treatment of AD (i.e Donepezil, Galantamine, Rivastigmine, and Huperzine

A), the outcomes are often unsatisfactory (Natarajan et al., 2013; Association, 2014)

and associated with side effects such as headache, diarrhoea, drowsiness and

vomiting among others.

With regards to the mentioned problems, there is a great demand to develop a

safe and more effective cure for skin and brain aging, and medicine to cure and treat

these undesirable conditions. Traditional knowledge which is one of the resources in

drug discovery is vulnerable to multiple factors, such as erosion and modernization

(WIPO, 2001). Thus, the documentation of TK and the investigation on the

bioactivities of selected plants might preserve the knowledge and validate the

traditional claim.

1.3 Objectives

This study aimed to integrate the traditional knowledge of indigenous people for

women health maintenance and to investigate scientifically the potential of the

medicinal plants for anti-aging. This aim could be achieved through following

specific objectives:

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i. To document the knowledge of Jakun people on medicinal plants for women


ii. To determine the optimal formulations of selected herbal mixture used by

Jakun women based on phytochemicals content and antioxidant activities.

iii. To determine the anti-wrinkle (elastase and collagenase inhibition activities)

and anti-hyperpigmentation (tyrosinase inhibition activity) of optimal


iv. To determine the anti-Alzheimer potential (acetylcholinesterase inhibition and

butyrylcholinesterase inhibition activities) of optimal formulations.

v. To profile the phytochemical constituents of the selected plants extracts that

potentially contributed to the anti-aging properties of optimal formulations.

1.4 Significance of study

In recent years, increasing attention has been paid in searching for solution to reduce

the effect of aging. While most of the products with anti-aging claim contain

synthetic chemicals which harmful to human, medicinal plants with diverse

phytochemicals has been shown to be a better solution as anti-aging agent (Kapoor,

Dureja, & Chadha, 2009a). Findings from this study provide scientific evidence on

the potential of medicinal plants as anti-aging agent by employing the traditional

knowledge of Jakun people on medicinal plants. Besides that, this finding also

provides the evidence on the synergistic effects of herbal mixture that is usually

believed to be able to exert more therapeutic effects (Guimaraes et al., 2011) as

compared to the single herbs. Thus, the evidence of this study will be useful in

selecting the formulations with more health benefits and anti-aging effects.

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2.1 Documentation of traditional knowledge

2.1.1 Definition of terms

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Article 8 (j) has described the

term traditional knowledge as :

…. the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local

communities around the world, developed from experience gained over

the centuries and adapted to the local culture and environment, and

transmitted orally from generation to generation. It tends to be

collectively owned and takes several forms from stories, songs,

folklore, proverbs, cultural values, beliefs, rituals, community laws,

local language and agricultural practices, including the development of

plant species and animal breeds. (MoNRE, 2012)

The term “traditional” does not refer to “old”, but it is rather the traditions

that have been passed from generations to generations. It relates to the way the

knowledge has been created, preserved and disseminated (Finetti, 2011). Traditional

Knowledge (TK) comprise of tangible and non-tangible elements (WIPO, 2012). The

tangible element of TK is the genetic resources, while the intangible element is the

knowledge. The TK sometimes refers as indigenous knowledge (IK). The IK is

actually a subset of TK, where the users are communities, people and nation that are

indigenous (Van Overwalle, 2005) and the knowledge is only known by the specific

community (Finetti, 2011). The traditional knowledge could be further classified into

three categories, which are traditional medicinal, agricultural and ecological

knowledge (Van Overwalle, 2005). Traditional medicine is defined as the

compilation of knowledge, skills and practices based on theories, belief and

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experiences native to different cultures, where understandable or not, used for health

maintenance as well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of

mental and physical illness (WHO, 2000)

Documentation of TK is defined as a process of identifying, collecting,

organizing, registering or recording TK, in order to maintain, manage, use,

disseminate and/or protect TK according to specific aims. This knowledge is not

limited to simple photographing, or isolated record of tradition, or written notes, but

the isolated act need to undergo comprehensive, thought-through process to be

regarded as ‘documentation’. The most significant thing that needs to be considered

while documenting TK is consultation (with and among indigenous or local people),

participation and prior informed consent (PIC) before the documenting process starts

(WIPO, 2012).

The traditional medicine usually involves all organisms such as animals,

plants, and microbes in the treatment of illness by local or indigenous people.

Another term that is usually being used in traditional knowledge field is ethnobotany.

Ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology are interdisciplinary field that focused on

empirical knowledge of indigenous people regarding medicinal substances, their

potential health benefits and side effect associated with such remedies (Gurib-fakim,

2006). Ethnobotany has not only restricted to plants, but also involves the studies of

algae, lichens and fungi (Eldeen et al., 2016). In the current study, the utilization of

medicinal plants, including fungi were investigated among Jakun women in

Kampung Peta.

2.1.2 The importance of documenting the traditional knowledge Conserving genetic resources and natural heritage

The traditional knowledge on the uses of organisms including animals in traditional

medical system, is important to be documented as the biodiversity is eroding from

day to day (Alves & Rosa, 2007). Destructive exploitation of the tropical forest such

as illegal logging and conversion of forest to plantation have become the key to the

loss of biodiversity and global climate. The precious medicinal plants which have the

potential to be developed as useful drugs might be lost along with the forest

degradation. In Malaysia, the TK documentation is increasing. Likewise, Forest

Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) with other organizations and universities are

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moving forward with the effort of documenting the TK of Orang Asli in Peninsular

Malaysia (Fui et al., 2015). Intellectual property and protection against biopiracy

Before the implementation of CBD, little attention has been given to the issues of

sustainable development and sharing of benefit with knowledge holder (Fui et al.,

2015). This has led to biopiracy towards TK. Biopiracy refers to the illegal extraction

and exploitation of TK and/or related biological and genetic resources and/or the

acquisition of intellectual property right (IPR) over the resultant inventions that

originate from knowledge or resources without provision for benefit-sharing with the

individuals or community that provide the knowledge or resources (WIPO, 2001). In

other words, biopiracy is invasion to the unprotected indigenous resources, including

traditional knowledge (Eldeen et al., 2016).

In traditional medicine, several cases of biopiracy have attracted international

attention, as such, the case of turmeric (Curcuma longa) in the treatment of wound,

the use of neem (Azadirachta indica) extract as fungicide and the issue of ‘Basmati

rice’ (Payumo et al., 2009; Finetti, 2011). In 1997, the patent that has been granted

by United State patent and trademark office (USPTO) to two researchers from

University of Mississippi Medical Centre had been cancelled. This is due to the

request of re-examination by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

(CSIR), India. The evidence for the traditional usage of turmeric for cooking and for

the treatment of wound and rashes, have been written in classic Sanskrit manuscript

and also has been published in Journal of the Indian Medical Association in 1953

(Finetti, 2011). Such cases arise due to the lack of good documentation on the

traditional knowledge. Thus, there is urgent need to have proper documentation in

order to prevent biopiracy.

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10 Foundation to the drug discovery

Documentation of TK on medicinal plants is a useful approach for discovering the

novel chemical compounds and potentially useful drugs (Ong et al., 2011;

Weldegerima, 2009) from plant materials, other than randoms, taxonomic and

chemotaxonomic approach (Ahmad, 2000). Tropical rainforest contains vast

chemical entity that has yet to be fully explored. Some important findings has been

highlighted formerly in the ethnopharmacological research. Examples include

publications on genetic resources originated from tropical rainforest such as the

discovery of Calanolide A from Calophyllum lanigrum with anti-HIV activity, taxol

from Taxus brevifolia for the treatment of ovarian cancer, michellamines A and B

alkaloid from Ancistrocladus abbreviatus and Castanospermum austral with anti-

HIV activities (Ahmad, 2000).

Another classical finding in the ethnopharmacology area is the discovery of

vincristine and vinblastine from rosy periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus; family:

Apocynaceae) for the treatment of children leukaemia and Hodgkin disease. About

75 alkaloids has been found in this plant species. C. roseus is native to southern

Madagascar and locally used as oral hypoglycaemic agent. Likewise, numerous drug

available today, such as aspirin, ephedrine tubocurarine, digoxin, reserpine and

atrophine and rooted from the traditional knowledge of people around the world

(Gurib-fakim, 2006).

2.1.3 Issues in traditional knowledge and ethnobotany

Few issues have become the major concern among TK holders, which are : 1) the

erosion of traditional lifestyles and knowledge, and the unwillingness of younger

generation to continue the traditional customs; 2) the lack of respect for TK and its

holders; 3) the abuse of TK such as the use of TK without benefit sharing or in an

offensive approach; 4) the lack of understanding on the needs to preserve and

advance the use of TK (WIPO, 2001). Traditional knowledge and ethnomedicinal

knowledge is eroded among the indigenous people due to multiple factors.

Availability of modern medicine, younger generations are less interested in

traditional medicine, habitat and environmental alteration which caused many

medicinal plants to be less or not available, are among the factors that lead to erosion

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of traditional knowledge (Ong et al., 2012). Furthermore, most children or younger

generation are sent by their parents to urban area to get proper education and find job

in the city. Thus, less time spent for older generation to pass on the knowledge to

younger generations.

2.2 Jakun community

Around the globe, majority of indigenous people sited at remote area and rely on the

natural resources in the ecosystem for subsistence (Khor & Shariff, 2008).

Approximately, there are about 150,000 people in the community of indigenous

people or usually called as Orang Asli in Peninsular Malaysia (Lee et al., 2009). The

indigenous people could be divided into three major tribes, namely Negrito, Senoi

and Proto-Malays. In Johor, the indigenous people from the Proto Malays

encompasses of ethnic Kanaq, Kuala, Seletar, Jakun, Semelai, and Temuan (JAKOA,


Johor is located at the southern part of Peninsular Malaysia, which consist of

high distribution of Orang Asli. Majority of Jakun people are usually being called

‘Orang Ulu’ live in Johor. Based on Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli (JAKOA) survey

in 1995, there are about 16,637 of Jakun ethnic all around Johor. Jakun people or

Orang Ulu, is categorised under Proto-Malay group. Most of them settled in the

Endau Valley in Northern Johor, known as Kampung Peta, Mersing (Taylor &

Wong, 1987).

The Jakun still rely on the forest for livelihood in many ways in which they

acquire knowledge about the medicinal plants from their surroundings. Despite of

modernization, members in Jakun community still depends on their ancestor’s

traditional lifestyle which indicate that the knowledge is still circulating within the

community.The Jakun speak Jakun dialect, which is a subdialect of Malay language

(Sabran et al., 2016). The traditional knowledge systems of indigenous people are

special as it includes knowledge of species, ecological interactions and other

environmental phenomena, obtained through observation, practice, adaptation and

innovation (MoNRE, 2012).

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2.3 Ethnomedicinal knowledge of plants

2.3.1 Ethnomedicinal knowledge of plants by the Jakun community

The first documentation of medicinal plants in Kampung Peta has been done by

Taylor & Wong (1987) who recorded 52 plant species in 32 families for general

medicinal purposes. Jin (2005) has recorded 10 palm species used for medicinal

purposes. Additionally, 127 medicinal plants have been recorded for Jakun

community (Khazanah Endau Rompin Herba., 2007, Khazanah Endau Rompin

Herba., 2008). Recently, the documentation on ethnomedicinal knowledge of

medicinal plants for the treatment of malaria and tuberculosis symptom have been

documented by Ismail et al. (2015) and Sabran et al. (2016). Despite the previous

documentation being done for Jakun ethnic, none of it has focused on the medicinal

plants for maintenance of women’s healthcare and beauty.

2.3.2 Medicinal plants for women’s healthcare

Rural women and men embodied a wealth of knowledge on ethnomedicinal usage of

plants. However, women play more role in collecting, processing, storing and

utilising the medicinal plants. In addition, the transmission of traditional knowledge

to the next generation was done by women (Singhal, 2005). Women’s ethnobotanical

knowledge and medicinal roles are often underestimated by ethnobotanists, who tend

to make a beeline for the shaman or medicine man. However, these perception has

changed, in which the ‘common’ knowledge of lay women has also regarded as

dominant in the traditional health care systems (Good, 1987; McClain, 1989).

Kardooni et al. (2014) noted that 18.5% of men have knowledge on traditional

medicine, whereas, only 14.6% of women in Orang Asli communities embodied the

traditional medicinal knowledge, in which the differences are not significant.

Review on medicinal plants used by women’s healthcare has been done by

Boer & Cotingting (2014). There are about 1875 species which belongs to 211

families and 980 genera of plants have been used by women in Southeast Asia. The

same authors have defined the women’s health use as any plants reported to increase

fertility, ease pregnancy and parturition, reduce menstrual bleeding, abortion, and

fetal or placental expulsion, vaginal discharge and post-partum haemorrhage, induce

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menstruation, alleviate menstrual, parturition and postpartum pain, increase or inhibit

lactation and treat mastitis, uterine prolapse and sexually transmitted diseases.

Based on Table 2.1, only few medicinal plants have been recorded for

women’s health maintenance for indigenous people in Malaysia such as post-partum

treatment, health tonic and anti-aging. Thus, current documentation could contribute

to the ethnobotanical data of women in Jakun ethnic.

Table 2.1: Ethnomedicinal plants used by indigenous people in Peninsular Malaysia

Tribe Type Overall


medicinal plants

No. of species

used for women’s



Semang General 62 2 (Samuel et al., 2010)

Kensiu General 39 7 (Mohammad, Milow, &

Ong, 2012b)

Semai General 37 8 (Ong, Lina & Milow,


Temuan General 36 5 (Azliza et al., 2012)

Jah Hut General 53 16 (Ong et al., 2012)

Jah Hut General 16 1 (Lin, 2005)

Temiar General 26 3 (Rao et al., 2016)

2.4 Aging

2.4.1 Terminologies

Aging is a complex phenomenon, resulting from accumulation of changes due to the

genetic variation, environmental aggressor, nutrition intake and individual lifestyle

that happen in living organism throughout their life time and which reduce their

ability to survive stress (Harman, 1998; Ho et al., 2010; Royer et al., 2013). Aging is

defined as a process of progressive reduction of “vital energy” in human body,

resulting in organ dysfunctions and diseases. Aging can be categorised into normal

and pathological aging. Normal aging is a natural maturation process which is

characterised by reduction in memory functions, reduced ability to deal with stress,

increasing homeostatic imbalance, increased risk of disease and wrinkling of skin

due to loss of fat, increase degradation by matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and

reduced synthesis of extracellular matrix principally collagen and elastin (Ho et al.,

2010). Pathological aging is always associated with non-normative factors such as

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diseases and brain trauma (Ho et al., 2010). Although aging occurs naturally, it can

be postponed or prevented by certain approaches (Kapoor et al., 2009).

2.4.2 Theories of aging

Aging happens at various biological level such as evolutionary, molecular, cellular

and system levels in which the explanation of the theories may overlap between each

other (Weinert & Timiras, 2003). In cellular level, there are four theories of aging,

which are telomere theory (cellular senescence), free radical theory of aging, wear

and tear theory and apoptosis theory of aging (Weinert & Timiras, 2003). The

cellular senescence theory was proposed by Hayflick (1965). According to Hayflick

(1965), normal human cell have limited number of cell division or replication. When

the cell reach maximum number of replication, the cell will be arrested with altered

physiology. For every cell division, a small amount of DNA will be lost at each

chromosome end, resulting in shorter and altered telomeres (specialized structure

composed of repeating DNA sequence). In addition, the other types of cell

senescence happens due to the induction of stress, known as stress-induced

senescence (SIS). Among factors that trigger SIS are DNA damage, modification of

heterochromation structure and strong mitogenic signals resulting from oncogene

expression (Weinert & Timiras, 2003).

The most popular theory of aging is free radical theory proposed by Harman

(1956). Free radical theory of aging (FRTA) stated that the free radicals, (which are

usually generated during metabolic process and also in our environment), caused the

deleterious side effect on cell constituents. Currently, FRTA has been widely known

as oxidative damage/stress theory of aging, due to the contribution of oxygen species

such as peroxides and aldehyde (which technically are not free radicals) in the

process of oxidative damage to the cells (Pérez-Hernández et al., 2016). The

formation of free radicals and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) during the

metabolism process and being triggered by the action of various exogenous factors,

could damage biomolecules and lead to the age-related diseases and aging

(Sadowska-Bartosz & Bartosz, 2014). For instance, the mitochondrial respiration

generate ROS by leaking intermediates from electron transport chain during the

energy production in all eukaryotes (Weinert & Timiras, 2003). Thus, by decreasing

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the rate of initiation and/or chain length of free radical reaction, the aging rate would

decrease without affecting the maintenance and function (Harman, 1998).

2.4.3 Role of oxidation in aging

Free radicals are atoms, molecules or ions containing unpaired electrons with

unstable and active properties towards chemical reaction with other molecules. Three

elements, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur make up the free radicals which become

reactive oxygen species (ROS), reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and reactive sulphur

species (RSS) (Carocho & Ferreira, 2013). These free radicals categorized in

prooxidant group (Irshad & Chaudhuri, 2002). In human body, the normal metabolic

or physiological process will produce ROS and RNS in mitochondria via xanthine

oxidase, peroxisomes, inflammation processes, phagocytosis, arachidonate pathways,

ischemia, and physical exercise, which play a crucial role in immune response and

cell signaling (Carocho & Ferreira, 2013; Omar et al., 2017). Among external factors

that help trigger the production of free radicals are pollution, UV-radiation, drugs,

industrial waste and pesticide (Carocho & Ferreira, 2013). Our endogenous defense

system help in maintaining the level of ROS and RNS within the physiologically

beneficial limits (Omar et al., 2017). The ROS include superoxide, hydroxyl radical

and some non-free radical such as singlet oxygen, hydrogen peroxide (Dzialo et al.,

2016). The imbalance between the production of free radicals with antioxidant will

result in pathogenesis of aging and other diseases such as reperfusion injury,

atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative disease, cancer, and failures in immunity as well

as endocrine function (Matés et al., 1999). The excess accumulation of free radicals

inreased the vulnerability of individuals to oxidative insults. These radicals could

potenitally caused apoptosis, necrosis and cell death in human body (Irshad &

Chaudhuri, 2002).

2.4.4 Aging through skin Mechanism of wrinkle formation

Skin aging happens due to several factors such as reactive oxygen species (ROS)

action, mitochondrial DNA mutations, telomere shortening, and hormonal changes

(Tobin, 2017). The process of skin aging could be divided into two categories, which

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are extrinsic aging and intrinsic aging (Thring, 2012). Intrinsic aging or usually

called chronological aging is influenced by genetics and hormonal changes, whereas

the extrinsic aging caused by the environmental factors such as ultraviolet radiation

(UVR), smoking, diet and chemicals (Royer et al., 2013). The extrinsic aging is also

called photoaging due to the powerful effect of UVR to the skin which result in

damaging effect such as wrinkle formation (Rabe et al., 2006; Thring et al., 2009;

Tobin, 2016). Both types of aging displayed distinct and overlapping features (Tobin,

2017). Approximately, 50% of UV-induced damage is from the formation of free

radicals, whereas direct cell injury and other mechanisms account for the remainder

of UV effects (Rabe et al., 2006).

Human skin is divided into three layers, which are epidermis, dermis and

subcutaneous tissue (Ndlovu et al., 2013). Connective tissue in the dermis of human

skin is made up of collagen and elastic fibres, which accounts for 70 to 80% of the

skin weight, functions to provide structural stability (Hong et al., 2014). Dermal

collagen bundle is well organized in young adult. Collagen is important for skin

wound healing and skin rejuvenation process (Limtrakul et al., 2016). Another

components of extracellular matrix (ECM) are elastin, elastic fibre and hyaluronic

acid which are essential for strengthening the facial muscle and moisturize the skin to

make it less prone to oxidative stress (Pimple & Badole, 2013; Taofiq et al., 2016).

Aging has caused the collagen to increase in density, but loose the extensible

configuration which result in fragmented, disorganized and less soluble collagen.

(Tobin, 2017). This is due to the alteration at the connective tissues through the

formation of lipid peroxide, cell contents and enzyme (Thring et al., 2009).

Epidemiological studies has showed that three enzymes are responsible to the

wrinkle formations, which are collagenase, elastase and hyaluronidase (Mukherjee et

al., 2011). High level of ROS will trigger the activation of the collagenase, elastase

and hyaluronidase (Mukherjee et al., 2011; Ndlovu et al., 2013). The matrix

metalloproteinase, which is collagen degrading enzymes are upregulated during

photoaging and intrinsic aging through the production of ROS. In addition, ROS not

only destroy the interstitial collagen, but also inactivate tissue inhibitors of matrix

metalloproteinases (Tobin, 2017). The inhibition of these enzyme is believed

improve the structure of collagen in the ECM and improve the metabolism

coordination (Mukherjee et al., 2011).

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17 Mechanism of hyperpigmentation

Melanin is a mixture of heterogenous biopolymer which synthesizes within

melanocyte in specialised organelles called melanosome. It is transferred to

keratinocytes and give protection against oxidative stress. Melanin determines the

colour of human skin, hair and eyes (Kamagaju et al., 2013). The melanin is good for

skin. However, it will be unfavourable when it is overproduced which eventually

leads to hyperpigmentation such as melasma and ephelids as well as skin

deterioration (Atta-ur-Rahman et al., 2005; Royer et al., 2013).

ROS contributes to the skin hyperpigmentation. Among ROS, nitric oxide

radicals derived from keratinocyte induce melanogenesis by increasing the amount of

melanogenic factor tyrosinase and tyrosinase-related protein 1 (TRP-1) (Masaki,

2010). The tyrosinase is a very important enzyme responsible for melanin

biosynthesis (Masamoto et al., 1980), which participate in two stages of melanin

biosynthesis (Pedrosa et al., 2016). The first stage is the hydroxylation of L-tyrosine

to 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) and the second stage, the oxidation of L-

DOPA to 4-(2-carboxy-2-arninoethy1)- 1,2-benzoquinone (o-dopaquinone). This o-

quinone is highly reactive and produce melanin pigment (Sung et al., 2009). In

addition, hydrogen peroxide could trigger the production of L-tyrosine (initial

substrate of tyrosinase) through the activation of epidermal phenylalanine

hydroxylase (enzyme that produce L-tyrosine from the essential amino acid L-

phenylalanine), thus, promoting melanogenesis (Masaki, 2010).

2.4.5 Alzheimer’s disease and its mechanism

Alzheimer disease (AD) is a genetically complex disorder that accounts for most

cases of dementia that happens to older people, usually after 65 years (Villaflores et

al., 2012). It was estimated that, by the age of 85, one out of two people develops

AD (Patocka et al., 2004). This neurodegenerative disease affects major brain areas

including cortex and limb system. Initial symptoms of AD is a loss in short term

memory, while the progression of AD is marked by a continuous decline in cognitive

function such as abstract thought, language and decision making processes, and

disability to carry out daily activities which will affect the surrounding people. The

effect is worsen when it further results in depression, psychosis and aggression

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(Villaflores et al., 2012; Natarajan et al., 2013; Shakir et al., 2013). In average, the

patient suffering AD will die after nine years of diagnosis making the increasing risk

of AD is at an alarming state (Natarajan et al., 2013).

Generally, the development of AD is believed to be contributed by

cholinergic and cerebral blood flow deficits, excessive level of oxidative stress,

neuroinflammation and glutamate excitatory mechanisms (Shakir et al., 2013).

Eventhough several hypotheses have been proposed for the mechanism of AD

pathology, the exact pathophysiological mechanism is still not fully understood.

There are four hypothesis involved in pathology of AD, which are i) amyloid

cascade hypothesis, ii) tau hypothesis, iii) oxidative stress hypothesis and iv)

mitochondrial hypothesis (Omar et al., 2017). The amyloid cascade hypothesis

postulates that the excessive deposition of extraneuronal senile beta-amyloid (Aβ)

plaque and intraneuronal tau protein neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) in the brain

triggers neurotoxic cascade which result in neurodegeneration and AD (Villaflores et

al., 2012; Omar et al., 2017).

The loss of cholinergic function in central nervous system led to the AD.

Cholinesterase (ChE) is a family of enzymes that are able to hydrolyze choline esters

at faster rate compared to other esters under optimal conditions (Patocka et al.,

2004). Smith & Cuello (1984) emphasized that the different cells outside the cortex

in which the lesion present, contain acetylcholinesterase. Two isoforms of

cholinesterase in vertebrates are acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and

butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) (Omar et al., 2017). AChE, which is also known as

true, specific, genuine and type 1 cholinesterase could be found in erythrocyte, nerve

endings, lungs, spleen and all components of brain. Whereas, BuChE is usually

synthesized in many tissues including liver, lungs, heart and brain (Patocka et al.,

2004). Most of the cholinesterase activity in healthy human brain is AChE due to its

higher concentration compared to BuChE. However, in the late stage of AD, the

BuChE is two times higher than AChE in the brain (Omar et al., 2017)

2.5 Intervention of aging

2.5.1 Antioxidant and its mechanism

Antioxidant is defined as a group of endogenous or exogenous molecules which able

to delay or inhibit oxidation of a particular substrate, even when presented in low

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concentration compared to that substrate (Sies, 1985). The antioxidant could be

subcategorised into enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant. The enzymatic

antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and

catalase, whereas the non-enzymatic antioxidant include ascorbic acid, tocopherol,

glutathione, carotene and vitamin A. The superoxide dismutase plays a role by

catalysing the dismutation of the highly reactive superoxide anion to O2 and less

reactive species of peroxide, H2O2. Then, the peroxide can be destroyed by catalase

or glutathione peroxidase (Matés et al., 1999). If the reactive species is able to escape

the enzymatic degradation by the antioxidant enzyme, it can be terminated with the

help of chain-breaking antioxidants including water-soluble ascorbate, lipid-soluble

vitamin E, and ubiquinone (Matés et al., 1999).

There are four levels of antioxidant actions, such as preventive, radical

scavenging, repair and de novo and lastly, adaptation. The first line defense is the

preventive antioxidants, which suppress the formation of free radicals. The examples

of antioxidant in this level are glutathione peroxidase, glutathione-s-transferase,

phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (PHGPX) and peroxidase.

Antioxidants that scavenge the active radicals to suppress chain initiation and/or

break the chain propagation reactions categorized as the second line defense.

Hydrophilic antioxidant, such as vitamin C, uric acid, bilirubin, albumin and thiol

and lipophilic antioxidant, such as vitamin E and ubiquinol are the examples of

second line defense antioxidant level. The third line defense is the repair and de novo

antioxidant, in which the proteolytic enzymes, proteinases, proteases and peptidases,

present in cytosol and in mitochondria cells, identify, degrade and terminate

oxidatively modified proteins and prevent the accumulation of oxidized protein. The

DNA repair system plays vital role in the total defense system against oxidative

damage. Adaptation level, where the signal for the production and reactions of free

radicals induces formation and transport the appropriate antioxidant to the right site

(Lobo et al., 2010). Thus, supplying our body with antioxidant nutrients will

eventually help in removing the oxidants

There are various mechanisms that could be utilized to analyze the

antioxidant potential of plants (Capitani et al., 2009). The antioxidant mechanisms

for each assays are different. Therefore, each plant preparation can have different

compounds with specific capacities to participate in those mechanisms (Guimaraes et

al., 2013). There are two types of approaches to measure the effectiveness of

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antioxidant potential of the compounds or samples: hydrogen atom transfer (HAT)

and single electron transfer (SET). HAT involves the quenching or scavenging of

free radicals via hydrogen donation. HAT mechanism is more relevant to measure

chain breaking capacity (Huang & Prior, 2005). The examples of assays that involve

in HAT mechanism are oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), β-

carotene/linoleic acid model system and inhibition of phospholipid peroxidation

(Huang & Prior, 2005).

SET involves the mechanism of transferring one electron to reduce any

compounds, including metals, carbonyls and radicals (Floegel et al., 2011; Prieto et

al., 2015). The examples of assays involving SET are Folin-Ciocalteu (Folin-C), 2,2-

diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging, (TEAC) and ferric reducing

ability of plasma (FRAP). However, Prior and Cao (2000) have classified DPPH,

TEAC and Folin-C antioxidant assays into a category that utilises both SET and

HAT reaction mechanisms, though predominantly based on electron transfer. A

combination of several antioxidant assays could provide more reliable assessment of

the antioxidant potential of the plant tested (Wang et al., 2011).

2.5.2 Anti-wrinkle

The wrinkle inhibition effect could be acquired through the inhibition of specific key

enzymes or biomarker such as collagenase, elastase and hyaluronidase which involve

in skin aging process (Pimple & Badole, 2013). Human leukocyte elastase (or

usually called human neutrophil elastase) cleaves the helix structure of type I

collagen and degrade the elastic fibre on human skin (Masuda et al., 2009). Thus, the

inhibition action towards elastase and collagenase, as well as hyaluronidase might

possible induce the anti-wrinkle effects to the skin.

2.5.3 Anti-hyperpigmentation

Inhibitory effects of compound towards tyrosinase enzyme is reflection of

controlling hyperpigmentation (Atta-ur-Rahman et al., 2005). The tyrosinase

inhibitor act by reversibly bind to tyrosinase and reduce its activity. The commonly

used tyrosinase inhibitor is kojic acid, which is a fungal metabolite usually being

used in cosmetic skin whitening and also used as food additive (Chang, 2009).

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2.5.4 Cholinesterase inhibition

There are two classes of medication that have been approved by Food and Drug

Administration (FDA), which are cholinesterase inhibitor (donepenzil, rivastigmine

and galanthamine) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists

(Salomone et al., 2011). The treatment of AD by using the acetylcholinesterase

(AChE) inhibitors seems to be a primary therapeutic strategies in Alzheimer disease

prevention based on cholinergic hypothesis (Dey et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2012).

Acetylcholine is an important for cognition and memory, in which AD patients have

low level of acetylcholine. Currently, the inhibition of AChE is the best option to

improve cholinergic deficit by increasing the ACh level and ameliorate AD (Viegas

et al., 2005). There are two major categories of enzymes, which are AChE and

butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) which differed in substrate specificities and

susceptibility to inhibitors. Thus, the inhibition of oxidation process and

cholinesterase inhibition approach might be the best option to reduce the risk of this

age-related neurodegenerative disease

2.6 Medicinal plant and anti-aging activities

In Asian countries, some herbs have been regarded as anti-aging herbs such as Panax

ginseng and Lycium barbarum which displayed common properties. The

characteristic of medicinal plants considered as anti-aging herbs are: (i) herbs that

can help in increasing the energy level in body as the reduced level of energy is said

to be caused by aging. These types of plants are usually clustered in tonifying herbs

group. (ii) herbs that can act in flexible way (multistage intervention) by which it can

act as food to accommodate essential nutrients when the body is in healthy stage, and

also can intervene and relieving the symptoms of illneses, when disease occur. (iii)

anti-aging herbs are multi targeted and can be used to treat several diseases. The

therapeutic effects is achieved by modulating pathological aspects (Ho et al., 2010).

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2.6.1 Medicinal plants with antioxidant potential

Antioxidant originated from natural products such as plant is a cost effective and safe

alternative to modify the damaging effect of oxidative stress (Pedrosa et al., 2016).

The dietary intake rich in antioxidant could effectively reduce the deleterious effect

of aging (Pandey & Rizvi, 2009). Several studies have showed that medicinal plants

exert more antioxidant activity compared to the common dietary plants (Li et al.,


A study on antioxidant and anti-aging potential of Syzygium cumini,

Trigonella foenum-graecum and Tinospora cordifolia has showed that the plants

with maximum antioxidant capacity possess the highest anti-aging properties

measured by the accumulation of Lipofuscin. Syzgium cumini, locally known as

Jamun in India shows maximum inhibition towards antioxidant activities measured

by DPPH, ferric-reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and lipid peroxidation assays..

The antioxidant capacity of the plants might be contributed by the hydrogen donating

ability of flavonoids present in it (Dua & Srivastava, 2016). In another study, the

antioxidant effect of polyherbal formulation was compared with single herb

(Sindhuja et al., 2014). Polyherbal formulation of Tridax procumbens, Lantana

camara, Euphorbia hirta and Thevetia peruviana showed additive antioxidant

capacity over its individual medicinal plants (Sindhuja et al., 2014).

Herbal infusion of medicinal plants exhibit significant amount of antioxidant

capacities. Li et al., (2014) have investigated the antioxidant capacities of herbal

infusion from 223 medicinal plants by using FRAP, trolox equivalent antioxidant

capacity (TEAC) and total phenolic content (TPC). TEAC and TPC showed

significant correlation which indicates that phenolic compound in the herbal infusion

might contribute to free radical scavenging activity. However, for FRAP assay, other

phytochemical group might contribute to the activity as the weak correlation exist

between FRAP and TPC.

The antioxidant capacity of plants may be influenced by genetic and

environmental factors. Annona muricata leaves collected from different locality has

shown the variation in the phytochemical content and antioxidant activity. The

differences in the locality indicate that the plants were exposed to the different

climate and environmental stress such as humidity, temperature and soil

composition. The concentration of secondary metabolite is higher in stress

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environment (Najmuddin & Rahman, 2017). Thus, location of sampling is an

important parameter that will influence the antioxidant capacity of medicinal plants.

2.6.2 Medicinal plants with anti-skin aging properties Medicinal plants as anti-wrinkle agent

Skin could be protected by the action of plant extract through various mechanism

such as by scavenging ROS molecules, rust inhibition, photoprotection, enzyme

inhibition and prevent skin aging (Pedrosa et al., 2016). Plant extracts have been

shown to exhibit wound healing activities and act as anti-aging agent (Hong et al.,


In traditional medicine, Cassia fistula flower has been used in Asian

countries and Ayuverda to treat skin disease and wound healing. Experimental work

has been done to validate the traditional claim. It was found that the C. fistula flower

butanolic extract is able to increase collagen and hyaluronic acid syntheses in dose

dependant manner in vitro. Other than that, the extract possess enzyme inhibition

activity against collagenase, matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and tyrosinase

enzymes. However, the flower extract did not show any effects towards the skin

fibroblast cells (Limtrakul et al., 2016). These findings have validated the traditional

use of C. fistula in the treatment of skin disorder

A study on anti-aging potential of Canadian forest species by Royer et al.

(2013) indicated that the polyphenolic bark extracts have a potential to act as anti-

aging agent. Picea mariana, Pinus banksania, Abies balsamea, Betula

alleghaniensis, Populus tremuloides and Acer rubrum bark were investigated for the

potential as nutraceutical, cosmaceutical and nutricosmetics agent. Green extraction

method was applied for the samples by utilizing water and ethanol as solvents. The

green extraction method is an extraction processes which would reduce the use of

energy, allows use of alternative solvents and renewable natural products, and ensure

a safe and high quality extract/product (Chemat, Vian, & Cravotto, 2012). It was

found that all species gave positive result towards antioxidant, anti-enzyme and anti-

microbial properties, which could be formulated for skin-care products (Royer et al.,


A study by Nema et al. (2013) on anti-aging potential of Centella asiatica

showed that the extract exhibit anti-hyaluronidase and anti-elastase activity with IC50

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19.27 ± 0.37 mg/mL and 14.54 ± 0.39 mg/mL, respectively. The n-butanol fraction

of C. asiatica also showed significant hyaluronidase and elastase inhibitory

activities. Based on the HPLC analysis, the asiaticoside is the major compound that

might contribute to the anti-aging activity of this plant (Nema et al., 2013). Labisia

pumila, which is also known as women’s plant exhibited the ability to protect the

skin cells from photoaging. Herbal combination of Punica granatum, Ginkgo biloba,

Ficus carica and Morus alba have showed positive effects to the collagenase

inhibition activity. The combination of these fruits extract showed excellent

antioxidative and anti-collagenase activity in vitro which comparable to the standard

used (Ghimeray et al., 2015).

Different types of Camellia sinensis water extract (CSWE) have been

investigated for the anti-wrinkle properties by using the photoaged hairless mouse

model (Lee et al., 2014). CSWE treated group have shown the improvement on the

skin erythema index, moisture capacity and transepidermal water loss. The wrinkle

measurement and image analysis observation also have shown that CSWE is able to

inhibit wrinkle formation. In addition, CSWE diminished the epidermal thickness,

increased the collagen and elastic fibre content, and reduced the expression of matrix

metalloproteinase 3 (MMP-3). Interestingly, it was found that white and black tea

have higher antiwrinkle activity compared to the green tea. Another in vivo study of

medicinal plants, which is red ginseng extract on UV irradiated hairless mice

showed that the supplementation of 2.5% red ginseng extract decreased the level of

mRNA of procollagen type 1 and decreased the mRNA of protein levels of MMP-1

(Kang et al., 2009). All of the evidences indicate that certain medicinal plants have

the ability to act as antiwrinkle agent. Medicinal plants as anti-tyrosinase agent

Currently, the treatment of hyperpigmentation by using arbutin, hydroquinone,

azelaic acid and kojic acid are associated with side effects eventhough it showed a

positive result (Khan et al., 2013). Melanin formation happens beneath the skin

proceeds through a free radical mechanism, which could be disrupted by selective

use of antioxidants, potent enough to poison this reaction (Momtaz et al., 2008). The

level of antioxidant or tyrosinase inhibitory activities is proportional to the level of

phenolic content (Hong et al., 2014).

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