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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

Enhancement Definition Document (EDD)

Document Identifier:OTC_EDD0!"_FS_Send D#$Fe %DF file to $Fe destinations _DC_&

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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

Document 'istor

Document ocation

!his is a snapshot of an on&line do'ument. Paper 'opies are valid only on the day they are printed. (efer to the authorif you are in any dou)t a)out the 'urren'y of this do'ument.

%ro*ect 'istor

Pro*e't Code +%, Change -o. +%, / -o

(#) (Change Number) (Work Order Number)

+e,ision 'istor





+ummary of Changes (evised y

(1) 25.mar.2  


Creation Ivo Terracini  

2 15.ma.2  


2.!.! "end emai$ (u%dated) Ivo Terracini  


!his do'ument reuires the folloing approvals"-ame !itle %ate

(Name) (Tit$e) (&ate)


!his do'ument has )een distri)uted to"

-ame $rror" (eferen'e sour'e not found

(Name) (Tit$e)

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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

Tale of Contents

1.0 DOCUMENT OVERVIEW..................................................................................................................................................................4

1.1 PURPOSE..........................................................................................................................................................................................4

1.2 OVERVIEW.......................................................................................................................................................................................4

2.0 OBJECT INFORMATION...........................................................................................................................................................4

3.0 FUNCTIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION..............................................................................................................................5

3.1 OVERVIEW / JUSTIFICATION...........................................................................................................................................................5

3.2 FUNCTIONAL R EQUIREMENTS........................................................................................................................................................53.2.1 Program Type: (Program)....................................................................................................................................................9

3.2.2 Program Type – Dialog Program.......................................................................................................................................10

3.2.3 Program Type – Custom Tables..........................................................................................................................................11

4.0 ENHANCEMENT SPECIFIC RISS ! CONSTRAINTS.....................................................................................................11

4.1 SCOPE CONSIDERATION................................................................................................................................................................11

4.2 DEPENDENCIES..............................................................................................................................................................................11

4.3 CUTOVER  CONSIDERATIONS.........................................................................................................................................................11

4.4 LEGAC" S"STEM ADAPTATIONS...................................................................................................................................................12

4.5 COMMON DESIGN ! R E#USE ANAL"SIS......................................................................................................................................12

4.$ SECURIT" R EQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................................................................................12

4.% ASSUMPTIONS/NOTES....................................................................................................................................................................12

5.0 BUSINESS TEST CONDITIONS..............................................................................................................................................13

5.1 NORMAL PROCESSING & PROVIDE TEST CASES / CONDITIONS TO TEST THE PROGRAM..........................................................13


$.0 ISSUES..........................................................................................................................................................................................13


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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

./0 Document O,er,ie

./. %urpose

!he $nhan'ement %efinition %o'ument 4$%%5 do'ument is intended to 'apture the fun'tional level details a''ording tothe )usiness needs. !hese details are then represented in the !e'hni'al %esign %o'ument 4!%%5.

$otes:• !he Pro'ess team ons this fun'tional spe'ifi'ation and is responsi)le for the a''urate 'ompletion of its

'ontents. It is assumed that the Pro'ess !eam ill o)tain the ne'essary guidan'e from other teams to'omplete the do'ument. ie7 %ata 8anagement for 8aster %ata Conversions7 I for reporting7 9I+ resour'eshere ne'essary:

• /n'e this do'ument is in approved status it is not to )e 'hanged or updated ithout appropriate 'hange'ontrol pro'edures and te'hni'al team 'on'urren'e.

./1 O,er,ie

'ain rat *ra+i$ cu,tomer, u,e &-Ne document to %re%are good, and invoice/i,ca$ recei%t in advance.euirement i, to ,end &-Ne %d i$e to cu,tomer, beore tran,%ort o good, reach it, de,tination.

 1/0 O*ect Information

2 3 2andator field

O*ect ID 2 &&034! O*ect Description2

%A-Fe pdf file

%repared 4 2 Ivo ;os< =ieira !erra'ini Date 2 23>mar>2011

Functional Team 2 OTC  Functional Oner 2 (Team member)

Functional Oner%hone 5

Functional onerContact Email ID

+elease %C K?1

S#% De,/ #nalst 2 (T&& deve$o%er) S#% D# E-2ail ID 2

S#% De,/ #nalst

%hone 5 2

S#% De,/ #nalst

ocation 2

#ppro,als 2-ame (ole %ate

"ee -CI Chart6

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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

"/0 Functional Desi6n Specification

No ie$d, ,hou$d be $et b$ank %$ea,e enter 7NON8 9here not a%%$icab$e: 

"/. O,er,ie 7 8ustification 

Priority @igh>mandatory 8edium>re'ommended o>optional

(elated K%% > ;ustifi'ation on hystandard +AP is not suffi'ient


 Asso'iated 9AP %o'uments ;-< Name,6

 Asso'iated Pro'ess %efinition %o'ument <&& Name,6

%ependent %evelopments > !ransa'tions

usiness CompleDity @igh 8edium o

Program !ype" Program %ialog Eser $Dit Custom !a)les !hird Party Appli'ation 4e.g. taD softare5

!riggered" 8anually +'heduled ;o) * event 

Freuen'y" /n&demand @ourly %aily eely 8onthlyGuarterly Hearly /ther & +pe'ify

"/1 Functional +e9uirements 


!he purpose of this development is to provide a ay to send %A-Fe pdf file to 'ustomers on'e a -Fe is authoried.%ue to high volume of %A-Fes issued a manual pro'edure as disregarded.

Current functionalit-oadays7 standard +AP solution does not have this fun'tionality.

Desired functionalit

/n'e +AP $CC a'noledges that J8 -Fe as authoried7 %A-Fe ill )e printed automati'ally7 a''ording tofun'.spe'. /!CF%%06F+-Fform%CK topi' 3.2.C" in AdI C-F$P(I-! : method CA(+-A+!00.(ight after that %A-Fe printing desired fun'tionality is to generate a P%F file of the %A-Fe7 save it into a spe'ifiedpath if availa)le7 get e&mail4s5 address from %A-Fe destinations 4'ustomer or vendor5 and send P%F file )y e&mailto final re'ipient.

./ %oint to insert lo6ic

ogi' 'an )e inserted in different pla'es. +ome alternatives are"

./a D#$Fe printin6 pro6ram (a forard)

Put logi' at enhan'ement&point of %A-Fe printing program ;1-FP(. (ight after %A-Fe printing7 'at'h %A-Fespool order7 'onverting into pdf file and folloing ith the rest of the logi'. Advantage" itLs an easy ay and lesspro'essing 'onsuming to generate P%F file7 during pro'essing nota fis'al data are availa)le in internal stru'tures.at'h point" 'orre't timing to gra) spool order )efore itLs deleted. $valuate impa'ts on %A-Fe printing7 )e'auseadditional logi' ill run in same program7 o)*e'tive is to avoid that printing pro'essing )e dependent in some ay of the pro'essing of saving P%F file and send it )y e&mail.

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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

"/1 Functional +e9uirements 

./ 4#dI C_$FE_%+I$T (discarded)

8ethod CA(+-A+!00 ill )e used to trigger automati' 'alling of fun'tion ;1-F$CA(+-A+!007 thatinternally 'alls %A-Fe printing program and issue spool order 4see fun'.spe'. /!CF%%06F+-Fform%CKtopi' 3.2.C.5. ogi' 'ould )e appended after that. Advantages" independen'y of printing program7 no orries ith

spool order deletion. at'h points" sin'e spool order is no more availa)le7 in order to generate P%F file7 printingprogram need to run again to generate the output for P%F file7 hi'h 'an )e pro'essing 'onsuming due the fa'tprinting program ill run ti'e.


1/ o6ic

1/. ;enerate %DF file

hatever pla'e here logi' ill )e inserted7 it must happen only if %A-Fe printing is su''essfully. After that P%F file have to )e 'reated.

File name ill )e"'ompany 'ode:)usiness pla'e:nfenum:&series:do'num:.pdf 

 All fields are availa)le in ;1-F%/C or 'orresponding stru'tures.

1/1 Sa,e %DF file

 After 'reated ith su''ess7 dis'over path and save it.

+ele't =AE$ into vpath from H/!C!-F$PA(A8  here"/P!C/%$ M %A-F$+A=$PA!@

If path is found.  +ave pdf file in path:$lse  %o not save.$ndIf.

1/" Send e-mail

+teps to send e&mail ill run independent if it as possi)le to save P%F file in spe'ified path or not.

1/"/. E-mail destinations

$&mail addresses ill )e availa)le at 'onta't persons of vendor or 'ustomers7 hi'h name 4-A8$15 is -F$.

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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

"/1 Functional +e9uirements 

In the a)ove eDample )oth e&mail address ill )e used as destination.

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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

"/1 Functional +e9uirements 

In this another eDample7 only e&mail address nfe.danfeN'liente.'om.)r ill )e used7 )e'ause it has eDpli'itly noteinforming %A-F$.

Create a fun'tion ith folloing logi' 4it ill )e used )y another development5.

Import parameter used ill depend of the appli'ation that ill 'all the fun'tion. In this development it ill )e -Fdo'ument num)er7 hi'h is availa)le at %A-Fe printing program or AdI C-F$P(I-!.

O Fun'tion 'reated" H/!C$$0B639$!A%%($++


I8P/(!I-9  =AE$4IACC$++K$H5 !HP$ ;1-F$ACC$++K$H%!$,, O A''ess Key & /P!I/-A  %o'num M ;1-F%/C 4or euivalent a'tive stru'ture5 O /P!I/-A!A$

  +8!PA%%( +!(EC!E($ A%+8!P O e&mail addresses

If do'num M )lan:

 +$$C! +I-9$ O  F(/8 *1)nfea'tive  @$($ regio $G a''essey425  A-% nfyear $G a''essey?2425  A-% nfmonth $G a''essey?,425  A-% st'd1 $G a''essey?641,5  A-% model $G a''essey?20425  A-% serie $G a''essey?22435  A-% nfnumB $G a''essey?24B5

  A-% do'numB $G a''essey?3,4B5  A-% 'dv $G a''essey?,3415.


+$$C! +I-9$ O F(/8 *1)nfea'tive heredo'num M do'num 4import parameter of the fun'tion5


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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

"/1 Functional +e9uirements 

C@$CK sy&su)r' I+ I-I!IA.

  IF *1)nfea'tive&partyp $G QCQ. O 'ustomers  lvunnr M *1)nfea'tive&parid.

  +$$C! +I-9$ P(+-( O sele'ting 'onta't person -F$  I-!/ lvP(+-(  F(/8 K-=K  @$($ unnr $G lvunnr and  -A8$1 M R-F$L.

  IF sy&su)r' I+ I-I!IA.

  +$$C! smtpaddr O sele'ting e&mail addresses  I-!/ !A$ ltsmtp  F(/8 adr6  @$($ P$(+-E8$( M lvP(+-(.

 Pi' all email addresses here"

 A%(!&($8A(K M R%A-F$L and A%(!&C/-+-E8$( M adr6&C/-+-E8$(

  A%(!&P$(+-E8$( M lvP(+-(

  If not found  Pi' all email addresses found at adr6  $ndIf.

IF ltsmtpST I+ -/! I-I!IA.  //P A! ltsmtp.

  smtpaddr&smtpaddr M ltsmtp.  APP$-% smtpaddr.  $-%//P.  $-%IF.


  $+$IF *1)nfea'tive&partyp $G Q=Q. O vendors  lvlifnr M *1)nfea'tive&parid.

  +$$C! +I-9$ P(+-( O sele'ting 'onta't person -F$  I-!/ lvP(+-(  F(/8 K-=K

  @$($ lifnr $G lvlifnr and  -A8$1 M R-F$L.

  IF sy&su)r' I+ I-I!IA.

  +$$C! smtpaddr O sele'ting e&mail addresses  I-!/ !A$ ltsmtp  F(/8 adr6  @$($ P$(+-E8$( M lvP(+-(.

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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

"/1 Functional +e9uirements 

Pi' all email addresses here" A%(!&($8A(K M R%A-F$L and A%(!&C/-+-E8$( M adr6&C/-+-E8$(

  A%(!&P$(+-E8$( M lvP(+-(

  If not found  Pi' all email addresses found at adr6  $ndIf.

IF ltsmtpST I+ -/! I-I!IA.  //P A! ltsmtp.  smtpaddr&smtpaddr M ltsmtp.  APP$-% smtpaddr.  $-%//P.  $-%IF.


  $-%IF.  $-%IF.


Ese e&mail addresses found in the fun'tion as destinations.

Folloing teDt file 'an )e used as referen'e for AAP 'oding during )uilding of the fun'tion. Ese ith 'areful)e'ause some portions of 'ode 'an )e o)solete. 8ae ad*ustments as reuired.


1/"/1 E-mail sender and e-mail acti,e

+ele't =AE$ into vnfeemailsender from H/!C!-F$PA(A8 here"/P!C/%$ M %A-F$$8AI+$-%$(

+ele't =AE$ into vnfeemaila'tive from H/!C!-F$PA(A8 here"/P!C/%$ M %A-F$8AIAC!I=$

Ese vnfeemailsender as sender e&mail address.

1/"/" Send e-mail

If e&mail destination and e&mail sender ere found and vnfeemaila'tive M J 7 trigger routines to send e&mail tore'ipients7 ith folloing 'hara'teristi's"

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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

"/1 Functional +e9uirements 

Sender: vnfeemailsender 

Destination: use destinations found previously

Su*ect: %A-Fe nfenum:&series:. $mitente" ;1P(-FI+&C9C:


%A-Fe em aneDo.

-Fe nfenum:&series:%ata de emissUo" ;1P(-F@%&%/C%A!:Chave de a'esso" -Fe A''ess Key:

$mitente" ;1P(-FI+&-A8$1:C-P;" ;1P(-FI+&C9C:

%estinatVrio" ;1-F%/C&PA(I%: & ;1P(-F%$&-A8$1:

C-P;>CPF" =;1P(-F%$&C9C if not )lan:. If not found use ;1P(-F%$&CPF if not )lan:>.

$ste e&mail foi enviado atrav<s de um sistema automVti'o de mensagens. Por favor nUo responda ao mesmoendereWo.

4usiness o6ic $arrati,e FloStep .

Step 1

3.2.1 Program !ype" 4Program54If Appli'a)le5

Inputs X +ele'tion +'reen fieldsIf the inputs are going to )e the sele'tion s'reen field values7 please fill in the ta)le )elo. If not7 provide the details in this)oD.

$ame Tale Field7 Chec?o@7 +adio utton

Select-option (S)or %arameter (%)

Comments (+an6eASin6le72ultiple SelectionA%atternsA 2andator etc/)


+ or P

3.2.2 Program !ype X %ialog Program.4If Appli'a)le5

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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

@igh evel %etails

+'reen /)*e't !ype +AP 9EI $

+'reen Y %es'ription of s'reen purpose +'reen trigger  

+C($$- F/ (inc$ude gra%hic o ,creen ,euence= action/event that trigger, the $o9= and %arameter, %a,,ed)

+'reen ayouts" (attach detai$, o ,creen $aout,)

 Screen Field 2appin6:


Field -ame Input >/utput>



8at'h 'odes>/= used4if any5

/ther formatting>logi' reuirements

(Optional) Online 'elp +e9uirements

Field -ame F1 @elp (euirements F, @elpZ 4H>-5

3.2.3 Program !ype X Custom !a)les4If Appli'a)le5

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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

'i6h e,el Details

!a)le 8aintenan'e Hes -o

4asic Information

Tale tpe:  Configuration Appli'ation

Field $ame Tpe(Char7$um7#mount7t)

en6th Description

/0 Enhancement Specific +is?s Constraints 

-re there an ri,k, or con,traint, to con,ider that are ,%eciic or thi, enhancement>6

/. Scope Consideration 

?i,t an recogni+ed change, to the enhancement not current$ in ,co%e= but $ike$ in the uture6I, thi, enhancement i$$ing an interim reuirement or 9i$$ it be reuired once u$$ "-< unctiona$it i, in %$ace6

/1 Dependencies

I, thi, enhancement de%endent on an %reviou,$ timed bu,ine,, activitie,>6

I e,= under the norma$ correct unctioning o the bu,ine,, %roce,,= i, it e@%ected thi, de%endenc 9i$$ cau,e a %rob$em> (i.e. I, there ever going to be a ,ituation 9here the de%endent enhancement cou$d be triggered ir,t>6

/" Cuto,er Considerations

&e%endencie, on other enhancement,6

Time con,traint, to the bu,ine,,6

Wi$$ the tran,%ort,/migration, and move, to %roduction be time de%endant or can the enhancement, be activatedin %roduction at a $ater date>6

/ e6ac Sstem #daptations 

To be com%$eted 9ith a%%ro%riate Cata$,t "o$ution &e$iver Team member,6

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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

ased on the data availa)le in the lega'y system 'ompared to the data reuired )y +AP7 addition data elements may )ereuired from the lega'y sour'e system. In addition to the integration spe'ifi' reuirements7 this se'tion outlines the 'hangesthat are reuired to +AP and the lega'y system4s5. 4Please uote (F% or C( num)ers here appropriate5

• +AP

&eine change, to "-< out o bo@ to ,u%%ort thi, unctiona$ de,ign6• $Dternal system

  &eine change, to e@terna$ rat ,,tem, to ,u%%ort thi, unctiona$ de,ign.6

/ Common Desi6n +e-use #nalsis 

To be com%$eted 9ith a%%ro%riate Cata$,t "o$ution &e$iver Team member,6

Aa, thi, enhancement or ,omething ,imi$ar been de$ivered %reviou,$ in another ,%eciication>6

Aa, a dierent %roBect de$ivered thi, enhancement that cou$d be uti$i+ed> <rovide detai$,.6

/! Securit +e9uirements

Identi an ,ecurit reuirement, re$ated to thi, enhancement6

/0 4usiness Test Conditions

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/G #ssumptions7$otes 

&etai$ other re$ated inormation reerence an re$ated i,,ue, document,

 -ttach an other re$evant document,

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Functional Specifications - Enhancement

5.1 Norma$ <roce,,ing D <rovide te,t ca,e, / condition, to te,t the %rogram

I% %es'ription




,5.2 rror <roce,,ing D <rovide error hand$ing te,t ca,e, / condition, to te,t the %rogram

I% %es'ription





NoteE Te,t &ata ,hou$d be %rovided to ,u%%ort *u,ine,, Condition, documented above. I reuired te,t data doe, not

e@i,t in the ,,tem b the time deve$o%ment i, ,chedu$ed to begin= unctiona$ team mu,t %rovide nece,,ar te,t data

or the deve$o%ment team.

!/0 Issues

4.1 I,,ue <roce,,ing D <rovide I,,ue ticket number 9ith i,,ue and ,o$ution de,cri%tion

Issue !i'et -um)er Issue and +olution %es'ription




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