Doctrine of Holy Scripture 1763

Doctrine of Holy Scripture - Swedenborg Foundation · DOCTRINE OF HOLY SCRIPTURE 148 This is why, as he himself says, there is life in his words, that he is the light which enlightens,

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Page 1: Doctrine of Holy Scripture - Swedenborg Foundation · DOCTRINE OF HOLY SCRIPTURE 148 This is why, as he himself says, there is life in his words, that he is the light which enlightens,


Holy Scripture


Page 2: Doctrine of Holy Scripture - Swedenborg Foundation · DOCTRINE OF HOLY SCRIPTURE 148 This is why, as he himself says, there is life in his words, that he is the light which enlightens,

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This version was compiled from electronic files of theStandard Edition of the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg asfurther edited by William Ross Woofenden. Pagination ofthis PDF document does not match that of thecorresponding printed volumes, and any page referenceswithin this text may not be accurate. However, most if notall of the numerical references herein are not to pagenumbers but to Swedenborg’s section numbers, which arenot affected by changes in pagination. If this work appearsboth separately and as part of a larger volume file, itspagination follows that of the larger volume in both cases.This version has not been proofed against the original, andoccasional errors in conversion may remain. To purchase thefull set of the Redesigned Standard Edition of EmanuelSwedenborg’s works, or the available volumes of the latesttranslation (the New Century Edition of the Works ofEmanuel Swedenborg), contact the Swedenborg Foundationat 1-800-355-3222, www.swedenborg.com, or 320 NorthChurch Street, West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380.

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1. The Holy Scripture or the Word is Divine truth itself (nos. 1–4)

2. In the Word there is a spiritual sense, hitherto unknown (5–26)

3. The sense of the letter of the Word is the basis, the container,and the support of its spiritual and celestial senses (27–36)

4. Divine truth in the sense of the letter of the Word is in itsfullness, in its holiness, and in its power (37–49)

5. The doctrine of the church is to be drawn from the sense of theletter of the Word, and is to be confirmed thereby (50–61)

6. By means of the sense of the letter of the Word there isconjunction with the Lord and association with the angels(62–69)

7. The Word is in all the heavens, and is the source of angelicwisdom (70–75)

8. The church is from the Word, and is such as is its understandingof the Word (76–79)

9. There is a marriage of the Lord and the church . . . (80–90)

10. It is possible for heresies to be drawn from the sense of theletter of the Word. . . . (91–97)

11. The Lord came into the world to fulfill all things of the Word. .. . (98–100)

12. Before the Word that is now in the world there was a Wordwhich is lost (101–103)

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13. The people outside the church who are not in possession of theWord have light by its means (104–113)

14. Without the Word no one would have knowledge of God, ofheaven and hell, of a life after death, and still less of the Lord(114–118)

Index of Scripture Passages

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Doctrine of Holy Scripture


The Holy Scripture or Word is Divine truth itself

1. It is in everybody’s mouth that the Word is from God, isdivinely inspired, and is therefore holy; and yet hitherto no one hasknown wherein it is Divine. For in the letter the Word appears likea common writing, in a style that is strange, and neither so sublimenor so brilliant as apparently are the writings of the day. For thisreason a man who worships nature as God, or in preference toGod, and who consequently thinks from himself and what isproper to himself, and not from heaven from the Lord, may easilyfall into error in respect to the Word, and into contempt for it, andwhile reading it may say to himself, What is this? What is that? Canthis be Divine? Could God, whose wisdom is infinite, speak in thismanner? Wherein consists its holiness, and whence comes itsholiness, except from religious feeling and its consequentpersuasion?

2. But he who thinks in this way does not consider that Jehovahhimself, the God of heaven and earth, spoke the Word throughMoses and the prophets, and that it must therefore be Divine truthitself, for what Jehovah himself speaks can be nothing else. Nordoes he consider that the Lord, who is the same as Jehovah, spokethe Word that is in the gospels, much of it with his own mouth,and the rest from the spirit of his mouth, which is the Holy Spirit.

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This is why, as he himself says, there is life in his words, that he isthe light which enlightens, and that he is the truth.


[2] That the words which the Lord himself spoke in the gospelsare life, is declared in John:

The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life (John6:63).

Jesus said to the woman at Jacob’s well, If thou knewest the gift of God,and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldest have askedof him, and he would have given thee living water. Whosoever drinketh of thewater that I shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that I shall givehim shall be in him a well of water springing up into eternal life (John 4:6,10, 14).

“Jacob’s well” signifies the Word, as also in Deut. 33:28, for whichreason the Lord sat there and conversed with the woman. And“water” signifies the truth that is in the Word.

[3] Again in John:

If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth me,as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water(John 7:37–38).

Peter said unto Jesus, Thou hast the words of eternal life (John 6:68).

And therefore the Lord says in Mark:

Heaven and earth shall pass away; but my words shall not pass away (Mark13:31).

The reason the Lord’s words are “life” is that he himself is the “life”and the “truth,” as he teaches in John:

20. That Jehovah himself spoke the Word through the prophets has been shownin the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem concerning the Lord (n. 52–53).

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I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God wasthe Word; in him was life; and the life was the light of men (John 1:1, 4.)

“The Word” here means the Lord as to Divine truth, in whichalone there is life and there is light.

[4] It is on this account that the Word, which is from the Lordand which is the Lord, is called

A fountain of living waters (Jer. 2:13; 17:13; 31:9).

A fountain of salvation (Isa. 12:3).

A fountain (Zech. 13:1).

A river of the water of life (Rev. 22:1).

And it is said that

The lamb that is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall leadthem unto living fountains of waters (Rev. 7:17).

Besides other passages where the Word is called the “sanctuary”and the “tabernacle” in which the Lord dwells with man.

3. But the natural man cannot be persuaded by theseconsiderations to believe that the Word is Divine truth itselfwherein are Divine wisdom and Divine life; for he judges it by itsstyle, and in this they do not appear. Yet the style of the Word isthe Divine style itself, with which no other style, however sublimeand excellent it may seem, is at all to be compared; for every otherstyle is as darkness is to light. The style of the Word is such thatthere is holiness in every sentence, and in every word, and in someplaces in even the very letters. This is why the Word conjoins manwith the Lord, and opens heaven. From the Lord proceed twothings: Divine love, and Divine wisdom (or, what is the same,

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Divine good, and Divine truth, for Divine good is of his Divinelove, and Divine truth is of his Divine wisdom), and in its essencethe Word is both of these; and as it conjoins man with the Lord,and opens heaven, it follows that the man who reads it from theLord, and not from himself alone, is filled by it with the good oflove and the truths of wisdom; his will with the good of love, andhis understanding with the truths of wisdom. In this way man haslife by means of the Word.

4. Therefore in order to remove all doubt as to such being thecharacter of the Word, the Lord has revealed to me the Word’sinternal sense. In its essence this sense is spiritual, and in relation tothe external sense, which is natural, is as soul is to body. This senseis the spirit which gives life to the letter; it can therefore bearwitness to the divinity and holiness of the Word, and convinceeven the natural man, if he is willing to be convinced.


In the Word there is a spiritual sense, hitherto unknown

This subject shall be considered in the following order:

(a) What the spiritual sense is.

(b) This sense is in all things of the Word and in every singleparticular of it.

(c) From this sense it is that the Word is divinely inspired, and isholy in every word.

(d) Hitherto this sense has been unknown.

(e) Henceforth it will be imparted solely to him who from theLord is in genuine truths.

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5. (a) What the spiritual sense is. The spiritual sense of the Word isnot that sense which shines forth from the sense of the letter whileone is studying and unfolding the meaning of the Word withintent to confirm some tenet of the church. This is the literal senseof the Word. The spiritual sense does not appear in the sense of theletter, being within it as the soul in the body, as thought in theeyes, and as affection in the face, which act as a one, like cause andeffect. It is this sense chiefly which renders the Word spiritual, notfor men only, but for angels also; and therefore by means of thissense the Word gives communication with the heavens.

6. From the Lord proceed the celestial, the spiritual, and thenatural, one after another. That is called the celestial whichproceeds from his Divine love, and is Divine good; that is calledthe spiritual which proceeds from his Divine wisdom, and is Divinetruth; the natural is from both, being their complex in the ultimate.The angels of the Lord’s celestial kingdom, of whom is composedthe third or highest heaven, are in that Divine which proceeds fromthe Lord that is called the celestial, for they are in the good of lovefrom the Lord. The angels of the Lord’s spiritual kingdom, ofwhom is composed the second or middle heaven, are in that Divinewhich proceeds from the Lord that is called the spiritual, for theyare in truths of wisdom from the Lord.

21 But the men of the church

on earth are in the Divine natural, which also proceeds from theLord. From this it follows that the Divine in proceeding from theLord to its ultimates descends through three degrees, and is namedthe celestial, the spiritual, and the natural. The Divine whichcomes down from the Lord to men descends through these threedegrees; and when it has come down, it holds these three degreescontained within it. Such is everything Divine, so that when it is inits ultimate degree it is in its fullness. Such is the Word; in itsultimate sense it is natural, in its interior sense it is spiritual, and inits inmost sense it is celestial; and in each sense it is Divine. That

21. That there are two kingdoms of which the heavens consist, one of which iscalled the celestial kingdom, and the other the spiritual kingdom, may be seen inHeaven and Hell (n. 20–28).

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such is the nature of the Word does not appear in the sense of theletter, which sense is natural, for the reason that hitherto the manof this world has known nothing about the heavens; andconsequently has not known what the spiritual is, nor what thecelestial is, nor therefore the distinction between them and thenatural.

7. The distinction between these degrees cannot be known unlesscorrespondence is known. For these three degrees are altogetherdistinct from each other, like end, cause, and effect, or like prior,posterior, and postreme; yet they make one by correspondences, forthe natural corresponds to the spiritual, and also to the celestial.What correspondence is may be seen in Heaven and Hell, where thesubject of the correspondence of all things of heaven with all thingsof man has been treated of (n. 87–102); and also thecorrespondence of heaven with all things of the earth (n. 103–115).The same will further appear below, from examples adduced fromthe Word.

8. As therefore the Word interiorly is spiritual and celestial, it iswritten exclusively by correspondences. And what is thus written isin its ultimate sense written in a style such as is that of the prophetsand evangelists, which, although it may appear common, yetconceals within it Divine and all angelic wisdom.

9. (b) The spiritual sense is in all things of the Word, and in everysingle particular of it. This cannot be better seen than by examples,such as the following. John says in Revelation:

I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and he that sat upon himwas called faithful and true, and in righteousness he doth judge and makewar. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns, andhe had a name written that no man knew but he himself, and he was clothedwith a vesture dipped in blood, and his name is called the Word of God. Andhis armies in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen,white and clean. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written,King of kings and Lord of lords. And I saw an angel standing in the sun, andhe cried with a loud voice, Come and gather yourselves together to the greatsupper, that ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and theflesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them,

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and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, and small and great (Rev.19:11–18).

What these things signify cannot be known except from thespiritual sense of the Word, and no one can know the spiritualsense except from a knowledge of correspondences, for all theabove words are correspondences, and not one word there iswithout meaning. The knowledge of correspondences teaches whatis signified by the white horse, what by him who sat thereon, whatby his eyes that were as a flame of fire, what by the crowns thatwere upon his head, what by his vesture dipped in blood, what bythe white linen in which they were clothed who were of his army inheaven, what by the angel standing in the sun, what by the greatsupper to which they should come and gather themselves, and whatby the flesh of kings, and captains, and others, which they shouldeat. The signification of each of these things in the spiritual sensemay be seen in White Horse, where they are explained, so that it isunnecessary to explain them further here. In that little work it hasbeen shown that the Lord in respect to the Word is here described;and that by his eyes which were as a flame of fire, and by thecrowns that were upon his head, and by the name that no oneknew but he himself, is meant the spiritual sense of the Word, andthat no one can know it but the Lord himself and he to whom hewills to reveal it; and also that by his vesture dipped in blood ismeant the natural sense of the Word, which is the sense of its letter,to which violence has been done. That it is the Word which is thusdescribed is very evident, for it is said “his name is called the Wordof God”; and that it is the Lord who is meant is equally clear, for itis said that the name of him who sat on the white horse waswritten, King of kings and Lord of lords.

That at the end of the church the spiritual sense of the Word is tobe opened is signified not only by what is said of the white horseand of him who sat thereon, but also by the great supper to whichthe angel standing in the sun invited all to come, and to eat theflesh of kings and of captains, of mighty men, of horses, and ofthem that sat on them, and of all both free and bond. All theseexpressions would be empty words and devoid of spirit and life,unless there were what is spiritual within them, like soul in body.

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10. In Revelation, chapter 21, the holy Jerusalem is thusdescribed:

That there was a light in her like unto a stone most precious, as it were ajasper stone, clear as crystal; that she had a wall great and high, having twelvegates, and over the gates twelve angels, and the name written thereon of thetwelve tribes of the sons of Israel; that the wall was a hundred and forty-fourcubits, which is the measure of a man, that is, of an angel; and that thestructure of the wall was of jasper, and its foundations of every precious stone,of jasper, sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, chrysolite, beryl,topaz, chrysoprase, jacinth, and amethyst; that the twelve gates were twelvepearls; that the city itself was pure gold, like unto pure glass; and that it wasfoursquare; and that the length, the breadth, and the height thereof wereequal, twelve thousand furlongs; with many other particulars (Rev. 21).

That all these things are to be understood spiritually is evidentfrom the fact that by the holy Jerusalem is meant a new churchwhich is to be set up by the Lord, as has been shown in Doctrine ofthe Lord (n. 62–65). And as the church is here signified byJerusalem, it follows that all the things said of it as acity—concerning its gates, its wall, the foundations of its wall, andtheir measures—contain a spiritual sense; for the things that are ofthe church are spiritual. But what the several things signify hasbeen explained in New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine,published in London in the year 1758 (n. 1). I therefore refrainfrom a further explanation of them here. It is sufficient that it beknown from that source that there is a spiritual sense in eachseveral particular of the description, like a soul in its body; and thatwithout this sense nothing of the church would be understood inthe things there written; such as that the city was of pure gold; thatits gates were of pearls; its wall of jasper; the foundations of its wallof precious stones; that its wall was of a hundred and forty-fourcubits, which is the measure of a man, that is, of an angel; and thatthe city itself was twelve thousand furlongs in length, breadth, andheight; and so on. But whoever, from a knowledge ofcorrespondences, has come to know the spiritual sense willunderstand these particulars; as that the wall and its foundationssignify doctrine from the literal sense of the Word; and that thenumbers twelve, one hundred and forty-four, and twelve thousand,

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signify like things, namely, all the truths and goods of the church inone complex.

11. In Revelation, chapter 7, it is said:

That there were sealed one hundred and forty-four thousand—twelvethousand of each tribe of Israel—of the tribe of Judah, of the tribe of Reuben,of Gad, of Asher, of Naphtali, of Manasseh, of Simeon, of Levi, of Issachar, ofZebulon, of Joseph, and of Benjamin (Rev. 7:4–8).

The spiritual sense of these words is that all are saved in whom isthe church from the Lord; for, in the spiritual sense, to be sealed onthe forehead, or to be sealed, signifies to be acknowledged by theLord and saved. The twelve tribes of Israel signify all of thatchurch; twelve, twelve thousand, and a hundred and forty-fourthousand, signify all; Israel signifies the church; and each tribesome specific thing of the church. He who does not know thisspiritual signification of these words may imagine that only thisprecise number are to be saved, and they solely from the Israelitishand Jewish nation.

12. In Revelation, chapter 6, it is said:

That when the lamb opened the first seal of the book, there went forth awhite horse, and that he who sat thereon had a bow, and to him was given acrown; that when he opened the second seal there went forth a red horse, andthat to him who sat thereon was given a great sword; that when he opened thethird seal there went forth a black horse, and that he who sat thereon had apair of balances in his hand; and that when he opened the fourth seal therewent forth a pale horse, and that the name of him who sat thereon was death(Rev. 6:1–8).

What these things signify can be unfolded solely by means of thespiritual sense; and it is completely unfolded when it is knownwhat is signified by the opening of the seals, by a horse, and by theother things mentioned. By them are described the successive statesof the church, from its beginning to its end, in respect to itsunderstanding of the Word. The “opening of the seals of the bookby the lamb” signifies the manifestation by the Lord of those statesof the church. A “horse” signifies the understanding of the Word;

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the “white horse,” the understanding of truth from the Word in thefirst state of the church; the “bow” of him who sat upon that horse,the doctrine of charity and faith fighting against falsities; the“crown,” eternal life, the prize of victory. The “red horse” signifiesthe understanding of the Word destroyed in respect to good, in thesecond state of the church; the “great sword,” falsity fightingagainst truth. The “black horse” signifies the understanding of theWord destroyed in respect to truth, in the third state of the church;the “pair of balances,” the estimation of truth so small that therewas scarcely any. The “pale horse” signifies the understanding ofthe Word annihilated by evils of life and the derivative falsities, inthe fourth or last state of the church; and “death” signifies eternalcondemnation. It is not apparent in the sense of the letter ornatural sense that such is the signification of these things in thespiritual sense, so that unless the spiritual sense were at some timeopened, the Word as to this and all other things in Revelationwould be so completely closed that at last no one would knowwherein its Divine holiness lies. It is equally so in respect to what issignified by the “four horses” and the “four chariots” that cameforth from between two mountains of brass (Zech. 6:1–8).

13. In Revelation, chapter 9, we read:

The fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth,and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit; and he opened thebottomless pit, and there went up a smoke out of the pit as the smoke of agreat furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smokeof the pit; and there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth, and untothem was given power as the scorpions of the earth have power. The shapes ofthe locusts were like unto horses prepared for war, and on their heads were asit were crowns like gold; and their faces were as the faces of men; and theyhad hair as the hair of women; and their teeth were as the teeth of lions; andthey had breastplates as of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the soundof chariots, of many horses running to war; and they had tails like scorpions;and there were stings in their tails; and their power was to hurt men fivemonths. And they had a king over them, the angel of the bottomless pit,whose name in the Hebrew is Abaddon, but in the Greek he hath the nameApollyon (Rev. 1–3, 7–11).

Neither could these things be understood by anyone unless thespiritual sense were revealed to him; for nothing here is said

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emptily, but every single thing has its signification. The subjecthere treated of is the state of the church when all knowledges oftruth from the Word have been destroyed, and consequently man,having become sensuous, persuades himself that falsities are truths.

[2] The “star fallen from heaven” signifies the knowledges oftruth destroyed; the “sun and air darkened” signifies the light oftruth become thick darkness; the “locusts that came out of thesmoke of the pit” signify falsities in the outermost things such asexist with those who have become sensuous, and who see and judgeall things from fallacies; a “scorpion” signifies their persuasiveness.That the locusts appeared “like horses prepared for war” signifiestheir reasonings as it were from the understanding of truth; that thelocusts had “crowns like gold upon their heads, and faces as thefaces of men” signifies that they appeared to themselves asconquerors, and as wise; their having “hair as the hair of women”signifies that they appeared to themselves as if they were in theaffection of truth; their having “teeth as the teeth of lions” signifiesthat sensuous things, which are ultimate things of the natural man,appeared to them as having power over all things.

[3] Their having “breastplates as breastplates of iron” signifiesargumentations from fallacies by which they fight and prevail; that“the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots running towar” signifies reasonings as if from the truths of doctrine from theWord for which they were to fight; their having “tails likescorpions” signifies persuasions; their having “stings in their tails”signifies their cunning arts of deceiving thereby; their having“power to hurt men five months” signifies that they induce a kindof stupor on those who are in the understanding of truth andperception of good; their having “a king over them, the angel of thebottomless pit, whose name is Abaddon or Apollyon” signifies thattheir falsities were from hell, where dwell those who are merelynatural and in self-intelligence.

[4] This is the spiritual sense of these words, of which nothingappears in the sense of the letter. Everywhere in Revelation it is thesame. Be it known that in the spiritual sense all things hang

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together in a continuous connection, which is fitted together insuch a manner by the force and meaning of all the words in theliteral or natural sense, that if even a little word were taken out ofit, the connection would be broken and the coherence wouldperish. In order to prevent this, it is added at the end of thisprophetical book,

That not a word shall be taken away (Rev. 22:19).

It is the same with the books of the prophets of the Old Testament;in order to prevent anything from being taken away from them, itcame to pass of the Lord’s Divine providence that everythingtherein down to the very letters was counted. This was done by theMasorites.

14. In speaking to his disciples about the consummation of theage (which is the last time of the church), at the end of hispredictions concerning the successive changes of state in thechurch, the Lord says,

Immediately after the affliction of those days shall the sun be darkened, andthe moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and thepowers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of theson of man in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of the earth wail, and theyshall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power andmuch glory. And he shall send his angels with a trumpet and a great voice,and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the end ofthe heavens even to the end of them (Matt. 24:29–31).

[2] By these words, in the spiritual sense, is not meant that thesun and moon would be darkened, that the stars would fall fromheaven, that the Lord’s sign would appear in heaven, and that hewould be seen in the clouds together with angels with trumpets,but by every word is meant some spiritual thing that is of thechurch, concerning the state of which at its end these things werespoken. For, in the spiritual sense, the “sun, which shall bedarkened” means the Lord as to love; the “moon, which shall notgive her light” means the Lord as to faith; the “stars, which shall fallfrom heaven” means the knowledges of what is good and true that

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would perish; the “sign of the son of man in heaven” means theappearing of Divine truth; the “tribes of the earth, which shallwail” means the lack of all truth that is of faith, and of all good thatis of love; the “coming of the son of man in the clouds of heavenwith power and glory” means the Lord’s presence in the Word, andrevelation; “clouds” signify the sense of the letter of the Word, and“glory,” the spiritual sense of the Word; the “angels with a trumpetand a great voice” signifies heaven whence comes Divine truth; to“gather together the elect from the four winds, from the end of theheavens even to the end of them” signifies a newness of the churchin respect to love and faith.

[3] That there is not meant a darkening of the sun and moon,nor a falling of the stars to the earth, is very evident from theprophets, in which like things are said about the state of the churchwhen the Lord should come into the world. As in Isaiah:

Behold the day of Jehovah cometh, cruel, and of wrath of anger; the stars ofthe heavens, and the constellations thereof, shall not give their light, the sunshall be darkened in his rising, and the moon shall not cause her light toshine; I will visit upon the world its wickedness (Isa. 13:9–11; 24:21, 23).

In Joel:

The day of Jehovah cometh, a day of darkness and of thick darkness; thesun and the moon shall be blackened, and the stars shall withdraw theirshining (Joel 2:1–2, 10; 3:15).

In Ezekiel:

I will cover the heavens, and blacken the stars; I will cover the sun with acloud, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine; all the luminaries oflight I will make dark, and will set darkness upon thy land (Ezek. 32:7–8).

“The day of Jehovah” means the Lord’s advent, which took placewhen there was no longer anything good and true left in thechurch, and not any knowledge of the Lord.

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15. In order that it may be seen that without the spiritual sensethe prophetical parts of the Word of the Old Testament are inmany passages not intelligible, I will adduce a few, such as thefollowing in Isaiah:

Then shall Jehovah stir up a scourge against Asshur, according to thesmiting of Midian at the rock of Oreb, and his rod shall be upon the sea,which he shall lift up in the way of Egypt. And it shall come to pass in thatday that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yokefrom off thy neck. He shall come against Aiath; he shall pass to Migron;against Michmash he shall command his arms; they shall pass over Mebara;Gebah shall be a lodging to us; Ramah shall tremble; Gibeah of Saul shall flee.Wail with thy voice O daughter of Gallim; hearken O Laish, O wretchedAnathoth. Madmenah shall be a wanderer; the inhabitants of Gebim shallgather themselves together. Is there as yet a day to stand in Nob? Themountain of the daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem, shall shake her hand.Jehovah shall cut off the thickets of the forest with iron, and Lebanon shallfall by a magnificent one (Isa. 10:26–32, 34).

Here we meet with mere names, from which nothing can bedrawn except by the aid of the spiritual sense, in which all thenames in the Word signify things of heaven and the church. Fromthis sense it is gathered that these words signify that the wholechurch has been devastated by memory-knowledges [scientifica]


perverting all truth, and confirming falsity.

[2] In another place in the same prophet:

In that day the envy of Ephraim shall depart, and the enemies of Judahshall be cut off; Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not straitenEphraim; but they shall fly upon the shoulder of the Philistines toward thesea, together shall they spoil the sons of the east, Edom and Moab shall be the

22. Note the careful distinction made by Swedenborg between those knowledgesthat are merely in the external memory, and those which a man has some realknowledge of by experience or in some other way, and which are therefore notmere matters of memory. The former he calls “memory-knowledges” [scientiae orscientifica]; the latter simply “knowledges” [cognitiones]. This distinction runs allthrough these works, and must not be lost sight of, the recognition of it being vitalto the understanding of important doctrines. [Translator]

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putting forth of their hand. Jehovah shall utter a curse against the tongue ofthe Egyptian sea, and with the vehemence of his spirit he shall shake his handover the river, and shall smite it into seven streams, so that he shall make away [to pass over it] with shoes. Then shall there be a path for the remnant ofhis people, which remnant shall be from Asshur (Isa. 11:13–16).

Here also no one would see anything Divine except one who knowswhat is signified by the several names; and yet the subject treated ofis the Lord’s advent, and what shall then come to pass, as is plainlyevident from verses 1 to 10. Who, therefore, without the aid of thespiritual sense, would see that by these things in their order issignified that they who are in falsities from ignorance, yet have notsuffered themselves to be led astray by evils, will come to the Lord,and that the church will then understand the Word; and thatfalsities will then no longer harm them?

[3] The case is the same where there are not names, as in Ezekiel:

Thus saith the Lord Jehovih, son of man, say unto the bird of every wing,and to every wild beast of the field, Assemble yourselves and come, gatheryourselves from round about to my sacrifice which I sacrifice for you, a greatsacrifice upon the mountains of Israel, that ye may eat flesh and drink blood;ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty, and drink the blood of the princes of theearth; ye shall eat fat to satiety, and drink blood to drunkenness, of mysacrifice which I have sacrificed for you. Ye shall be sated at my table with thehorse and the chariot, with the mighty man, and with every man of war. Thuswill I set my glory among the nations (Ezek. 39:17–21).

One who does not know from the spiritual sense what is signifiedby a sacrifice, by flesh and blood, by a horse, a chariot, a mightyman, and a man of war, would suppose that such things were to beeaten and drunk. But the spiritual sense teaches that to “eat theflesh and drink the blood of the sacrifice which the Lord Jehovihwill offer upon the mountains of Israel” signifies to appropriate toone’s self Divine good and Divine truth from the Word; for thesubject treated of is the calling together of all to the Lord’skingdom, and, specifically, the setting up anew of the church bythe Lord among the nations. Who cannot see that by “flesh” is nothere meant flesh, nor blood by “blood”? As that people shoulddrink blood to drunkenness, and that they should be sated with

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horse, chariot, mighty man, and every man of war. So in athousand other passages in the prophets.

16. Without the spiritual sense no one would know why theprophet Jeremiah was commanded

To buy himself a girdle, and put it on his loins; and not to draw it throughthe waters, but to hide it in a hole of the rock by Euphrates (Jer. 13:1–7).

Or why the prophet Isaiah was commanded

To loose the sackcloth from off his loins, and put the shoe from off hisfoot, and go naked and barefoot three years (Isa. 20:2–3).

Or why the prophet Ezekiel was commanded

To pass a razor upon his head and upon his beard, and afterwards to dividethe hairs, and burn a third part in the midst of the city, smite a third partwith the sword, scatter a third part in the wind, and bind a few of them in hisskirts, and at last throw them into the midst of the fire (Ezek. 5:1–4).

Or why the same prophet was commanded

To lie upon his left side three hundred and ninety days, and upon his rightside forty days, and to make himself a cake of wheat, and barley, and millet,and spelt, with the dung of an ox, and eat it; and in the meantime to raise arampart and a mound against Jerusalem, and besiege it (Ezek. 4:1–15).

Or why the prophet Hosea was twice commanded

To take to himself a harlot to wife (Hos. 1:2–9; 3:2–3).

And many like things. Moreover, without the spiritual sense whowould know what is signified by all the things pertaining to thetabernacle, such as the ark, the mercy-seat, cherubim, lampstand,altar of incense, the bread of faces on the table, and its veils andcurtains? Who without the spiritual sense would know what issignified by Aaron’s garments of holiness, by his coat, cloak, ephod,urim and thummim, miter, and other things? Who without the

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spiritual sense would know what is signified by all the thingsenjoined concerning the burnt offerings, sacrifices, meat offerings,and drink offerings, and also concerning the sabbaths and feasts?The truth is that not the least thing was commanded concerningthem that did not signify something of the Lord, heaven, and thechurch. From these few examples it may be clearly seen that there isa spiritual sense in all things of the Word and in every particular ofit.

17. That the Lord when in the world spoke by correspondences,thus that he spoke spiritually while he spoke naturally, is evidentfrom his parables, in each and every word of which there is aspiritual sense. Take for example the parable of the ten virgins:

The kingdom of the heavens is like unto ten virgins, who took their lampsand went forth to meet the bridegroom; five of them were wise, and five werefoolish; they that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil, but the wisetook oil in their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried they all slumbered andslept; and at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh,go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins awaked, and trimmed theirlamps; and the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil, for our lampsare gone out; but the wise answered, saying, Not so, lest there be not enoughfor us and you; but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves. Andwhile they went away to buy, the bridegroom came, and they that were readywent in with him to the wedding, and the door was shut. Afterwards camealso the other virgins, saying, Lord, lord, open to us; but he answered andsaid, Verily I say unto you, I know you not (Matt. 25:1–12).

[2] That there is a spiritual sense in each and every one of thesethings, and a consequent Divine holiness, can be seen by him onlywho knows that a spiritual sense exists, and what is its nature. Inthe spiritual sense, the “kingdom of God” means heaven and thechurch; the “bridegroom,” the Lord; the “wedding,” the marriageof the Lord with heaven and the church by means of the good oflove and of faith. “Virgins” signify those who are of the church;“ten,” all; “five,” some; “lamps,” the truths of faith; “oil,” the goodof love; to “sleep,” and to “awake,” the life of man in this worldwhich is natural life, and his life after death which is spiritual; to“buy,” to procure for themselves; to “go to them that sell and buyoil,” to procure for themselves the good of love from others after

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death; and as this can then be no longer procured, although theycame with their lamps and the oil they had bought to the doorwhere the wedding was, yet the bridegroom said to them “I knowyou not.” The reason is that after his life in this world a manremains such as he had lived in this world.

[3] From all this it is evident that the Lord spoke exclusively bycorrespondences, and this because he spoke from the Divine thatwas in him, and was his. That the “bridegroom” signifies the Lord;the “kingdom of the heavens,” the church; a “wedding,” themarriage of the Lord with the church by means of the good of loveand of faith; “ten,” all; “five,” some; to “sleep,” a natural state; to“buy,” to procure for one’s self; a “door,” entrance into heaven; and“not to know them,” when spoken by the Lord, not to be in hislove, is evident from many passages in the prophetic Word wherethese expressions have a like signification. It is because “virgins”signify those who are of the church that the virgin and daughter ofZion, of Jerusalem, of Judah, and of Israel are so often mentionedin the prophetic Word. And it is because “oil” signifies the good oflove that all the holy things of the Israelitish church were anointedwith oil. It is the same with all the other parables, and with all thewords the Lord spoke, and that were written in the gospels. This iswhy the Lord says that

His words are spirit and are life (John 6:63).

[4] It is the same with all the Lord’s miracles, which were Divinebecause they signified the various states of those with whom thechurch was to be set up anew by the Lord. Thus when the blindreceived sight, it signified that they who had been in ignorance oftruth should receive intelligence; when the deaf received hearing, itsignified that they who had previously heard nothing about theLord and the Word should hearken and obey; when the dead wereraised, it signified that they who otherwise would spiritually perishwould become living; and so on. This is meant by the Lord’s replyto the disciples of John, who sent them to ask whether he was theone that should come:

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Tell John the things which ye do hear and see: the blind receive their sight,and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead riseagain, and the poor hear the gospel (Matt. 11:3–5).

Moreover, all the miracles related in the Word contain in themsuch things as belong to the Lord, to heaven, and to the church.This makes these miracles Divine, and distinguishes them fromthose which are not Divine. These few examples are given in orderto illustrate what the spiritual sense is, and to show that it is in allthings of the Word and in every particular of it.

18. (c) From the spiritual sense it is that the Word is divinelyinspired, and is holy in every word. It is said in the church that theWord is holy, and this because Jehovah God spoke it; but as itsholiness is not apparent from the letter alone, he who on thisaccount once doubts its holiness, afterwards confirms his doubtwhen reading the Word by many things in it, for he then thinks,Can this be holy; can this be Divine? Therefore lest such a thoughtshould flow in with many, and should afterwards prevail, andthereby the conjunction of the Lord with the church, in which isthe Word, should perish, it has now pleased the Lord to reveal thespiritual sense, in order that it may be known where in the Wordthis holiness lies hid.

[2] This again may be illustrated by examples. The Word treatssometimes of Egypt, sometimes of Asshur, sometimes of Edom, ofMoab, of the sons of Ammon, of Tyre and Sidon, of Gog; and onewho does not know that these names signify things of heaven andthe church may be led into the error that the Word treats much ofnations and peoples, and but little of heaven and the church; thusmuch of earthly, and little of heavenly things. But when he knowswhat is signified by them, or by their names, he can come out oferror into truth.

[3] And so when he sees in the Word such frequent mention ofgardens, groves, and forests, and also of the trees in them, as theolive, vine, cedar, poplar, oak; and also such frequent mention ofthe lamb, sheep, goat, calf, ox; and likewise of mountains, hills,

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valleys, and the fountains, rivers, and waters in them, and manylike things, one who knows nothing about the spiritual sense of theWord must believe that these things only are meant. For he is notaware that a garden, grove, and forest, mean wisdom, intelligence,and knowledge; that an olive, vine, cedar, poplar, and oak, meanthe celestial, spiritual, rational, natural, and sensuous good andtruth of the church; that a lamb, sheep, goat, calf, and ox meaninnocence, charity, and natural affection; that mountains, hills, andvalleys, mean higher, lower, and lowest things of the church; thatEgypt signifies memory-knowledge, Asshur reason, Edom thenatural, Moab the adulteration of good, the sons of Ammon theadulteration of truth, Tyre and Sidon the knowledges of truth andgood, and Gog external worship without internal. But when a manknows these things he is able to consider that the Word treats solelyof heavenly things, and that these earthly things are merely thesubjects [subjecta] in which the heavenly things are.

[4] But let this also be illustrated by an example from the Word.We read in David:

The voice of Jehovah is upon the waters; the God of glory maketh it tothunder; Jehovah is upon the great waters. The voice of Jehovah breaketh thecedars; yea, Jehovah breaketh in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. He makeththem also to skip like a calf, Lebanon and Sirion like a son of unicorns. Thevoice of Jehovah cutteth out as a flame of fire. The voice of Jehovah makeththe wilderness to tremble; it maketh the wilderness of Kadesh to tremble. Thevoice of Jehovah maketh the hinds to be in travail, and layeth bare the forests;but in his temple everyone saith, Glory (Ps. 29:3–9).

He who is not aware that everything here, even as to every singleword, is divinely holy, may, if a merely natural man, say to himself,What is this—that Jehovah sitteth upon the waters, that by hisvoice he breaketh the cedars, maketh them skip like a calf, andLebanon like a son of unicorns, and maketh the hinds to be intravail, and so on? For he knows not that in the spiritual sense thepower of Divine truth, or of the Word, is described by these things.

[5] In this sense, the “voice of Jehovah,” here called “thunder”means the Divine truth or Word in its power. The “great waters,”

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upon which Jehovah sits, mean the truths of the Word. The“cedars,” and “Lebanon,” which he “breaks,” and “breaks in pieces”mean the false things of the rational man. The “calf,” and a “son ofunicorns” mean the false things of the natural and of the sensuousman. The “flame of fire” means the affection of what is false. The“wilderness,” and the “wilderness of Kadesh” mean the church inwhich there is not anything true and good. The “hinds” which thevoice of Jehovah causes to be in travail, mean the nations who arein natural good. And the “forests” which he lays bare, mean theknowledges [scientiae et cognitiones] which the Word opens tothem. Therefore these words follow: “In his temple everyone saith,Glory,” which mean that there are Divine truths in each and everything of the Word. For the “temple” signifies the Lord, andtherefore the Word, and also heaven and the church; and “glory”signifies Divine truth. From all this it is evident that there is not aword in this passage that is not descriptive of the Divine power ofthe Word against falsities of every kind in natural men, and of theDivine power in reforming the nations.

19. There is a still more interior sense in the Word which iscalled celestial, and of which something has been said above (n. 6);but this sense can with difficulty be made plain, because it does notfall so much into the thought of the understanding as into theaffection of the will. The reason there is in the Word this still moreinterior sense called celestial is that there proceeds from the LordDivine good and Divine truth, Divine good from his Divine love,and Divine truth from his Divine wisdom; and both are in theWord, for the Word is the Divine proceeding,

23 and it is for this

reason that the Word gives life to those who devoutly read it. Butthis subject will be spoken of in the chapter in which it will beshown that there is a marriage of the Lord and the church, and aderivative marriage of good and truth, in each and every thing ofthe Word.

23. That is, the divine in the act of proceeding. See footnote to Doctrine of theLord (n. 2). [Translator]

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20. (d) Hitherto the spiritual sense of the Word has been unknown.It has been shown in the work Heaven and Hell (n. 87–105) that allthings of nature, and likewise of the human body, and also everysingle particular in them, correspond to spiritual things. Hitherto,however, it has not been known what correspondence is, althoughin the most ancient times this was very well known; for the scienceof correspondences was then the science of sciences, and was souniversal that all the writings and books were written by means ofcorrespondences.

[2] The book of Job, which is an ancient book, is full ofcorrespondences. The hieroglyphics of the Egyptians, and also thefabulous stories of highest antiquity, were nothing butcorrespondences. All the ancient churches were churchesrepresentative of heavenly things; their rites, and also theordinances according to which their worship was instituted,consisted exclusively of correspondences.

So did all things of the church among the sons of Jacob; theirburnt offerings and sacrifices, with each and every thing theretopertaining, were correspondences; so was the tabernacle with all itscontents; so were their feasts, the feast of unleavened things, thefeast of tabernacles, and the feast of first-fruits; so was thepriesthood of Aaron and the Levites, and also the holy garments ofAaron and his sons; besides all the ordinances and judgments thatconcerned their worship and their life.

[3] And as Divine things present themselves in the world bycorrespondences, the Word has been written exclusively by meansof them. And therefore the Lord spoke by correspondences, becausehe spoke from his Divine, for that which is from the Divine,descending into nature, is turned into such things as correspond toDivine things, and which then store up and conceal in their bosomthe Divine things that are called celestial and spiritual.

21. I have been instructed that the men of the most ancientchurch (the church before the flood) were of a genius so heavenlythat they spoke with angels of heaven, and that they were able to

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speak with them by means of correspondences. From this the stateof their wisdom was rendered such that whatever they saw in thisworld they thought about not only in a natural way, but spirituallyalso at the same time, so that they thought unitedly with angels. Ihave been instructed besides that Enoch (of whom mention ismade in Genesis 5:21–24) together with his associates, collectedcorrespondences from the lips of those men of the most ancientchurch, and transmitted the knowledge of them to posterity, andthat in consequence of this the science of correspondences was notonly known but was also much cultivated in many kingdoms ofAsia, especially in the land of Canaan, in Egypt, Assyria, Chaldea,Syria, Arabia, and also in Tyre, Sidon, and Nineveh; and that it wascarried over from places on the seacoast there into Greece; butthere it was turned into fabulous stories, as is evident from theearliest writers of that country.

22. But when in process of time the representative things of thechurch, which were correspondences, were converted into thingsidolatrous and also into magic, then of the Lord’s Divineprovidence the knowledge of correspondences was gradually blottedout of remembrance, and among the Israelitish and Jewish peoplewas altogether lost and annihilated. The worship of that nation didindeed consist exclusively of correspondences, and wasconsequently representative of heavenly things; but still they didnot know what anything of it signified, for they were utterlynatural men, and therefore were neither willing nor able to knowanything about spiritual things, nor consequently aboutcorrespondences.

23. The reason why, in ancient times, the idolatries of thenations originated from the knowledge of correspondences, wasthat all things visible on the earth have a correspondence; not onlytrees, but also beasts and birds of every kind, and likewise fishes,and all other things. The ancients, possessing a knowledge ofcorrespondences, made for themselves images that corresponded toheavenly things, and delighted in them because they signifiedthings such as belong to heaven, and therefore to the church. Theytherefore set them not only in their temples, but also in their

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houses, not to be worshiped, but to call to remembrance theheavenly things they signified. Consequently in Egypt andelsewhere there were images of calves, oxen, serpents, also ofchildren, old men, maidens; because calves and oxen signifiedaffections and powers of the natural man; serpents, the sagacity ofthe sensuous man; children, innocence and charity; old men,wisdom; and maidens, affections of truth; and so on. When theknowledge of correspondences had been blotted out ofremembrance, their descendants began to worship as holy, and atlast as deities, the images and emblems set up by the ancients,because they stood in and about their temples.

[2] So with other nations; as, with the Philistines at Ashdod,Dagon (concerning whom see 1 Sam. 5:1 to end), whose upperpart was like a man, and his lower like a fish. This image was sodevised because a man signifies intelligence, and a fish knowledge,which make a one. It was also because they possessed a knowledgeof correspondences that the ancients worshiped in gardens andgroves, in accordance with the kinds of trees in them; and alsoupon mountains and hills. For gardens and groves signified wisdomand intelligence, and each particular tree something relatingthereto; as the olive, the good of love; the vine, truth from thatgood; the cedar, rational good and truth. A mountain signified thehighest heaven; and a hill, the heaven under it.

[3] The knowledge of correspondences survived among a numberof the orientals, even until the Lord’s advent, as is evident from thewise men of the east who came to the Lord at his birth; and thiswas why a star went before them, and why they brought with themas gifts gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Matt. 2:1–2, 9–11). For the“star that went before them” signified knowledge [cognitio] fromheaven; “gold,” celestial good; “frankincense,” spiritual good; and“myrrh,” natural good; from which three is all worship.

[4] Nevertheless there was no knowledge of correspondenceswhatever among the Israelitish and Jewish nation, althougheverything in their worship, and all the judgments and ordinancesdelivered them through Moses, and all things of the Word, were

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nothing but correspondences. The reason was that at heart theywere idolaters, and of such a character that they were not evenwilling to know that anything of their worship signified what iscelestial and spiritual; for they desired that all those things shouldbe holy in themselves and in connection with them; so that ifcelestial and spiritual things had been disclosed to them, theywould not only have rejected but would have profaned them.Therefore heaven was so closed toward them that they scarcelyknew that there is a life eternal. That this was the case is clearlyevident from the fact that they did not acknowledge the Lord,although universal holy Scripture prophesied concerning him, andforetold his advent; and they rejected him for this sole reason—thathe taught of a heavenly and not an earthly kingdom; for theywanted a messiah who would exalt them above every other nationin the world, and not a messiah who cared for their eternalsalvation. For the rest, they affirm that the Word contains within itmany arcana that are called mystical; but are unwilling to learn thatthese refer to the Lord; they however are quite willing to learnwhen it is said that the reference is to gold.

24. The reason why the knowledge of correspondences, whichgives the spiritual sense of the Word, was not disclosed in timesafter those, is that the Christians of the primitive church were sovery simple that it could not be disclosed to them; for it wouldhave been of no use to them, nor would it have been understood.After their day, in consequence of the papal dominion, darknesscame over all the Christian world; and they who are of thatdominion, and have confirmed themselves in its falsities, neithercan nor will apprehend anything spiritual, nor consequently what isthe correspondence in the Word of natural things with spiritual.For thereby they would be convinced that by “Peter” is not meantPeter, but the Lord as a rock; and they would also be convincedthat the Word is Divine even to its inmosts, and that a decree ofthe pope is relatively of no account. On the other hand, after theReformation, as men began to effect a separation between faith andcharity, and to worship God in three persons—thus three gods,whom they conceived to be one—heavenly truths were hiddenfrom them; and if they had been disclosed they would have falsified

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them and applied them to faith alone, and not one of them tocharity and love. And thus they would have closed heaven againstthemselves.

25. The reason why the spiritual sense of the Word has been atthis day disclosed by the Lord is that the doctrine of genuine truthhas now been revealed; and this doctrine, and no other, is in accordwith the spiritual sense of the Word. This sense, moreover, issignified by the appearing of the Lord in the clouds of heaven withglory and power (Matt. 24:30, 31); which chapter treats of theconsummation of the age, by which is meant the last time of thechurch. The opening of the Word as to its spiritual sense was alsopromised in Revelation. It is there meant by the “white horse,” andby the “great supper” to which all are invited (Rev. 19:11–18).That for a long time the spiritual sense will not be recognized, andthat this is entirely owing to those who are in falsities of doctrine,especially concerning the Lord, and who therefore do not admittruths, is meant in Revelation by the “beast,” and by the “kings ofthe earth,” who should make war with him that sat upon the whitehorse (19:19). By the “beast” are meant the papists, as in chapter17:3; and by the “kings of the earth” are meant the reformed whoare in false things of doctrine.

26. (e) Henceforth the spiritual sense of the Word will be impartedsolely to him who from the Lord is in genuine truths. The reason ofthis is that no one can see the spiritual sense except from the Lordalone, nor unless from him he is in genuine truths. For the spiritualsense of the Word treats solely of the Lord and his kingdom; andthis is the sense in which are his angels in heaven, for it is hisDivine truth there. To this sense a man can do violence if he has aknowledge of correspondences, and wishes by means of it and fromself-intelligence to investigate the spiritual sense of the Word. Forthrough some correspondences with which he is acquainted he maypervert the meaning of it, and may even force it to confirm what isfalse, and this would be doing violence to Divine truth, and also toheaven. And therefore if anyone purposes to open that sense fromhimself and not from the Lord, heaven is closed; and then the maneither sees nothing, or else becomes spiritually insane.

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[2] Another reason is that the Lord teaches everyone by means ofthe Word, and he teaches from those truths which the man alreadyhas, and not without a medium does he pour new truths in, so thatunless man is in Divine truths, or if he is only in a few truths and atthe same time in falsities, he may from these falsify the truths, as itis well known is done by every heretic in regard to the Word’s senseof the letter. Therefore in order to prevent anybody from enteringinto the spiritual sense of the Word, or from perverting the genuinetruth that belongs to that sense, guards have been set by the Lord,which in the Word are meant by the cherubim.

[3] That guards have been set has been represented to me in thefollowing manner:

It was granted me to see great purses, having the appearance of sacks, inwhich silver was stored up in great abundance. As the purses were open, itseemed as if anyone might take out, and even pillage, the silver thereindeposited; but near those purses sat two angels as guards. The place where thepurses were laid appeared like a manger in a stable. In an adjoining apartmentwere seen modest maidens together with a chaste wife, and near thatapartment stood two little children, and it was said that they were to besported with, not in childish fashion, but wisely. After this there appeared aharlot, and also a horse lying dead.

[4] On seeing these things I was instructed that by them was representedthe sense of the letter of the Word, in which is the spiritual sense. The largepurses full of silver, signified knowledges of truth in great abundance. Theirbeing open and yet guarded by angels, signified that everyone may getknowledges of truth from the Word, but that care is taken lest anyone shouldfalsify the spiritual sense, in which are pure truths. The manger in a stable inwhich the purses lay, signified spiritual instruction for the understanding—amanger signifies this because the horse that feeds from it signifies theunderstanding.

[5] The modest maidens seen in the adjoining apartment, signifiedaffections of truth; and the chaste wife, the conjunction of good and truth.The little children signified the innocence of wisdom therein; they wereangels from the third heaven, who all appear like little children. The harlot,together with the dead horse, signified the falsification of the Word by many

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of this day, whereby all understanding of truth perishes. The harlot signified

falsification; and the dead horse, no understanding of truth.24


The sense of the letter of the Word is the basis, the container, andthe support of its spiritual and celestial senses

27. In every Divine work there is a first, a middle, and a last (orultimate); and the first passes through the middle to the last (orultimate), and so comes into manifest being and subsists. Hencethe last or ultimate is the basis. But the first is in the middle, andthrough the middle in the ultimate; so that the ultimate is thecontainer. And as the ultimate is the container and the basis, it isalso the support.

28. The learned reader will comprehend that these three may becalled end, cause, and effect; also esse, fieri, and existere;

25 and that

the end is the esse, the cause the fieri, and the effect the existere;consequently, that in every complete thing there is a trine, which iscalled first, middle, and ultimate; also end, cause, and effect; andalso esse, fieri, and existere. When these things are comprehended, it

24. Quoted from the Spiritual Diary (n. 3605a), and De Verbo (n. 1); and repeatedin Apocalypse Revealed (n. 255), and in True Christian Religion (n. 277).[Translator]

25. That is, “being,” “becoming,” and “coming forth.” The “being” of a thing iswhat we call its existence; and therefore it was said by the ancients that “in God welive, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Here our being means theinmost of our life (Arcana Coelestia, 5605e). The “becoming” of a thing is its beingtaking form. And the “coming forth” of a thing is the presentation ormanifestation of that thing as an actual reality. Thus the Latin word existere has avery different meaning from the English “exist,” and cannot be translated by itwithout causing a complete misconception in the mind of the English reader.[Translator]

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is also comprehended that every Divine work is complete andperfect in its ultimate; and likewise that the whole is in theultimate, which is a trine, because the prior things are together, orsimultaneously, in it.


29. It is from this that by “three” in the Word in the spiritualsense is meant what is complete and perfect; and also the wholesimultaneously. And as this is the signification of the number three,it is employed in the Word whenever any such thing is marked outfor notice. As in the following passages:

Isaiah went naked and barefoot three years (Isa. 20:3).

Jehovah called Samuel three times, and Samuel ran three times to Eli, andEli understood him the third time (1 Sam. 3:1–8).

David said to Jonathan that he would hide himself in the field three days;and Jonathan afterwards shot three arrows at the side of the stone; and afterthat David bowed himself down three times before Jonathan (1 Sam. 20:5,12–41).

Elijah stretched himself three times over the widow’s son (1 Kings 17:21).

Elijah commanded that they should pour water on the burnt-offering threetimes (1 Kings 18:34).

Jesus said, The kingdom of the heavens is like unto leaven, which a womantook and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened (Matt.13:33).

Jesus said unto Peter that he should deny him thrice (Matt. 26:34).

The Lord said three times unto Peter, Lovest thou me? (John 21:15–17).

Jonah was in the whale’s belly three days and three nights (Jonah 1:17).

26. That is, the two prior degrees are in the ultimate degree in simultaneous order;for a full explanation of which see below at n. 38, and also Angelic Wisdomconcerning Divine Love and Wisdom (n. 205–207). [Translator]

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Jesus said, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up (John2:19; Matt. 26:61).

Jesus prayed three times in Gethsemane (Matt. 26:39–44).

Jesus rose again on the third day (Matt. 28:1).

Besides many other passages where the number “three” ismentioned; and it is mentioned wherever a finished and perfectwork is treated of, because this is signified by that number.

30. These things are premised with a view to those which follow,in order that they may be comprehended with understanding; andfor the present purpose that it may be comprehended that thenatural sense of the Word which is the sense of the letter, is thebasis, the container, and the support of its spiritual sense and of itscelestial sense.

31. It has been said above (n. 6, 19) that there are three senses inthe Word; and also that the celestial sense is its first, the spiritualsense its middle, and the natural sense its ultimate sense. From thisthe rational man may infer that the first of the Word, which iscelestial, passes through its middle, which is spiritual, to itsultimate, which is natural; and thus that its ultimate is the basis.Furthermore that the first of the Word, which is celestial, is in itsmiddle, which is spiritual, and through this is in its ultimate, whichis natural, and that consequently its ultimate, which is natural andis the sense of the letter, is the container. And as the sense of theletter is the basis and the container, it is also the support.

32. But how these things come to pass cannot be told in a fewwords. Indeed they are arcana in which are the angels of heaven,and which will be unfolded, so far as can possibly be done, in thetreatises mentioned in the preface to Doctrine of the Lord—andwhich will be from angelic wisdom—on the divine providence,omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, on divine love and

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divine wisdom, and on life.27

For the present it is sufficient toconclude from what has been said above, that the Word—which isin an especial sense a Divine work for the salvation of mankind—inrespect to its ultimate sense, which is natural and is called the senseof the letter, is the basis, the container, and the support of the twointerior senses.

33. From all this it follows that without the sense of the letter,the Word would be like a palace without a foundation, and thuslike a palace in the air and not on the earth, which would be butthe shadow of a palace, that would vanish away. Furthermore, thatwithout the sense of the letter the Word would be like a templecontaining many holy things, and in its midst a sanctuary, butwithout roof and walls, which are its containers, and in the absenceor loss of which its holy things would be plundered by thieves, orinvaded by beasts of earth and birds of heaven, and thus bedispersed. Or it would be like the tabernacle (in the inmost ofwhich was the ark of the covenant, and in its middle the goldenlampstand, the golden altar for incense, and the table on whichwere the loaves of faces, which were its holy things) without itsultimates, which were the curtains and veils. Nay, without the senseof the letter, the Word would be like a human body without itscoverings which are called skins, and without its supports which arecalled bones; lacking which supports and coverings all the interiorthings of the body would fall asunder. And it would be like theheart and lungs in the chest without their covering which is calledthe pleura, and their supports which are called the ribs. Or like thebrain without its covering which is called the dura mater, andwithout its general covering, container, and support, which is calledthe skull. Thus would it be with the Word without the sense of theletter; and therefore it is said in Isaiah:

Jehovah createth upon all the glory a covering (Isa. 4:5).

27. See translator’s footnotes to author’s preface to Doctrine of the Lord.[Translator}

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34. So would it be with the heavens where angels are, without theworld where men are. The human race is the basis, container, andsupport of the heavens; and the Word is among men and in them.For all the heavens have been discriminated into two kingdoms,called the celestial kingdom and the spiritual kingdom; these twokingdoms are founded upon a natural kingdom, in which are men.And so therefore is it with the Word which is among men and inmen. (That the angelic heavens have been discriminated into twokingdoms, the celestial, and the spiritual, may be seen in Heavenand Hell, n. 20–28.)

35. It has been shown in Doctrine of the Lord (n. 28) that theprophets of the Old Testament represented the Lord in respect tothe Word, and thereby signified the doctrine of the church fromthe Word, and that for this reason they were called “sons of man.”From this it follows that by means of the various things theysuffered and endured, they represented the violence done by theJews to the sense of the letter of the Word. Thus:

The prophet Isaiah was commanded to put off the sackcloth from off hisloins, and to put off his shoe from off his foot, and to go naked and barefootthree years (Isa. 20:2–3).

And so

The prophet Ezekiel was commanded to pass a barber’s razor upon his headand upon his beard, and to burn a third part in the midst of the city, to smitea third part with the sword, and to scatter a third part in the wind, and towrap a few of the hairs in his skirts, and at last to cast them into the midst ofthe fire and burn them (Ezek. 5:1–4).

[2] As the “prophets” represented the Word, and consequentlysignified the doctrine of the church from the Word, as said above,and as the “head” signifies wisdom from the Word, therefore the“hair” and “beard” signify the ultimate of truth. By reason of thissignification, it was a mark of deep mourning, and also a greatdisgrace, for anyone to make himself bald, or to be seen bald. Forthis and no other reason it was that the prophet shaved off the hairof his head and his beard, that so he might represent the state of the

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Jewish Church in respect to the Word. For this and no otherreason was it that

The forty-two children who called Elisha bald were torn to pieces by twoshe-bears (2 Kings 2:23–24).

For as before said a “prophet” represented the Word, and“baldness” signified the Word without its ultimate sense.

[3] It will be seen in the next chapter (n. 49) that the “Nazirites”represented the Lord in respect to the Word in its ultimates; andtherefore it was an ordinance for them that they should let theirhair grow, and shave off none of it. Moreover the term “Nazirite”in the Hebrew tongue means the hair of the head.

It was also an ordinance for the high priest that he should not shave hishead (Lev. 21:10).

Likewise for the head of a household (Lev. 21:5).

[4] This was why baldness was to them a great disgrace, as isevident from the following passages:

On all heads baldness, and every beard shaven (Isa. 15:2; Jer. 48:37).

Shame upon all faces, and baldness upon all heads (Ezek. 7:18).

Every head made bald, and every shoulder plucked (Ezek. 29:18).

I will cause sackcloth to come up upon all loins, and baldness upon everyhead (Amos 8:10).

Put on baldness, and shave thee on account of the sons of thy delights, andenlarge thy baldness, for they are gone into exile from thee (Micah 1:16).

To “put on baldness” and to “enlarge” it here signifies to falsify thetruths of the Word in its ultimates, for when these are falsified (aswas done by the Jews) the whole Word is destroyed; for theultimates of the Word are its props and supports; indeed, eachword is a prop and a support to its celestial and spiritual truths. As

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the “hair” signifies truth in the ultimates, in the spiritual world allwho despise the Word, and falsify its sense of the letter, appearbald; whereas they who honor and love it appear with becominghair. On this subject see also below (n. 49).

36. The Word in its ultimate or natural sense, which is the senseof the letter, is signified also by the wall of the holy Jerusalem, thestructure of which was of jasper; and by the foundations of thewall, which were precious stones; and likewise by the gates, whichwere pearls (Rev. 21:18–21); for Jerusalem signifies the church asto doctrine. But of these things more in the following chapter.From what has been adduced it is now evident that the sense of theletter of the Word, which is the natural sense, is the basis,container, and support of its interior senses, which are the spiritualand the celestial.


Divine truth in the sense of the letter of the Word is in itsfullness, in its holiness, and in its power

37. The reason why the Word in the sense of the letter is in itsfullness, in its holiness, and in its power, is that the two prior orinterior senses, which are called the spiritual and the celestial, aretogether or simultaneous [sunt simul] in the natural sense, which isthe sense of the letter, as was said above (n. 28). But how they aresimultaneous in that sense shall now be told in a few words.

38. There are in heaven and in this world a successive order and asimultaneous order. In successive order one thing succeeds andfollows another from highest to lowest; but in simultaneous orderone thing is next to another from inmost to outmost. Successiveorder is like a column with successive parts from the top to thebottom; but simultaneous order is like a connected structure withsuccessive circumferences from center to surface. It shall now betold how successive order becomes simultaneous order in the

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ultimate. It is in this way: The highest things of successive orderbecome the inmost ones of simultaneous order, and the lowestthings of successive order become the outermost ones ofsimultaneous order. Comparatively speaking it is as if the columnof successive parts were to sink down and become a connectedbody in a plane.

[2] Thus is the simultaneous formed from the successive, and thisin all things both in general and in particular of the natural world,and also of the spiritual world; for everywhere there is a first, amiddle, and an ultimate, and the first aims at and goes through themiddle to its ultimate. Apply this to the Word. The celestial, thespiritual, and the natural proceed from the Lord in successive order,and in the ultimate are in simultaneous order; and it is in this waythat the celestial and spiritual senses of the Word are simultaneousin its natural sense. When this is comprehended, it may be seenhow the natural sense of the Word, which is the sense of the letter,is the basis, container, and support of its spiritual and celestialsenses; and how in the sense of the letter of the Word Divine goodand Divine truth are in their fullness, in their holiness, and in theirpower.

39. From all this it is evident that in the sense of the letter theWord is the very Word itself, for within this sense there are spiritand life, the spiritual sense being its spirit, and the celestial sense itslife. This is what the Lord says:

The words that I speak unto you are spirit and are life (John 6:63).

The Lord spoke his words before the world, and in the naturalsense. The spiritual sense and the celestial sense without the naturalsense which is the sense of the letter, are not the Word; for withoutit they are like spirit and life without a body; and are (as beforesaid, n. 33) like a palace without a foundation.

40. The truths of the sense of the letter of the Word are in partnot naked truths, but appearances of truth, and are as it werelikenesses and comparisons taken from things such as exist in

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nature, and thus accommodated and adapted to the apprehensionof the simple and of little children. But being correspondences theyare receptacles and abodes of genuine truth; and are like enclosingand containing vessels, as a crystal cup encloses noble wine, and asa silver plate holds palatable food. They are also like garmentswhich clothe, as swathings do an infant, and a pretty dress amaiden. They are also like the memory-knowledges [scientifica] ofthe natural man which contain within them perceptions andaffections of truth of the spiritual man. The naked truthsthemselves which are enclosed, held, clothed, and contained, are inthe spiritual sense of the Word; and the naked goods are in itscelestial sense.

[2] But let this be illustrated from the Word. Jesus said:

Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, because ye cleanse the outside of thecup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. Thoublind Pharisee, cleanse first the inside of the cup and of the platter, that theoutside thereof may be clean also (Matt. 23:25–26).

The Lord here spoke by means of ultimate things which arecontainers, and said “cup and platter”; and “cup” means wine, and“wine” the truth of the Word; and “platter” means food, and“food” the good of the Word. To “cleanse the inside of the cup andplatter” means to purify by means of the Word the interior thingswhich belong to will and thought and thus to love and faith. “Thatthe outside may be clean also” means that in this way, exteriorthings, which are the actions and the conversation, will have beenmade pure, for these derive their essence from the interior things.

[3] Again, Jesus said:

There was a certain rich man, who was clothed in crimson and fine linen,and living in mirth and splendor every day; and there was a certain poor man,named Lazarus, who was laid at his porch, full of sores (Luke 16:19–20).

Here also the Lord spoke by means of natural things that werecorrespondences, and contained spiritual things. The “rich man”means the Jewish nation, which is called “rich” because it possessed

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the Word, in which are spiritual riches. The “crimson and finelinen” with which he was clothed signify the good and truth of theWord; “crimson” its good, and “fine linen” its truth. To “live inmirth and splendor every day” signifies the delight they had inpossessing and reading the Word. The “poor man Lazarus” meansthe gentiles who had not the Word; and that these were despisedand scorned by the Jews, is meant by Lazarus lying at the richman’s porch full of sores.

[4] The reason the gentiles are meant by “Lazarus” is that thegentiles were beloved by the Lord, as

Lazarus, who was raised from the dead was beloved by the Lord (John 11:3,5, 36), and is called his friend (John 11:11), and reclined with the Lord attable (John 12:2).

From the two foregoing passages it is evident that the truths andgoods of the sense of the letter of the Word are as vessels and asgarments for the naked truth and good that lie hidden in itsspiritual and celestial senses.

41. Such being the Word in the sense of the letter, it follows thatthey who are in Divine truths, and in the faith that the Wordwithin, in its bosom, is Divine holiness—and much more they whoare in the faith that it is from its spiritual and celestial senses thatthe Word is Divine holiness—see Divine truths in natural lightwhile reading the Word in enlightenment from the Lord. For thelight of heaven (in which is the spiritual sense of the Word) flowsinto the natural light in which is its sense of the letter, andillumines man’s intellectual called the rational, and causes him tosee and recognize Divine truths, both where they stand in plainview, and where they lie concealed. With some these Divine truthsflow in along with the light of heaven; sometimes even when theyare not aware of it.

42. As, in its inmost bosom, from its celestial sense, our Word islike a flame that enkindles; and as, in its middle bosom, from itsspiritual sense, it is like a light that enlightens; it follows that in itsultimate bosom, from its natural sense which has within it the two

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more interior senses, the Word is like a ruby and a diamond; like aruby from its celestial flame, and like a diamond from its spirituallight. And as from its transparency the Word is like this in thesense of the letter, the Word in this sense of the letter is meant bythe foundations of the wall of the new Jerusalem; by the Urim andThummim in Aaron’s ephod; by the garden of Eden in which hadbeen the king of Tyre; by the curtains and veils of the tabernacle;and by the externals of the temple at Jerusalem. But in its veryglory the Word was represented by the Lord when he wastransfigured.

43. That the truths of the Word’s sense of the letter are meant bythe foundations of the wall of the new Jerusalem (Rev. 21), followsfrom the fact that the “new Jerusalem” means the new church as todoctrine (as has been shown in Doctrine of the Lord, n. 62–63); sothat its “wall,” and the “foundations of the wall,” can meannothing but the external of the Word which is the sense of theletter, for this is the source of doctrine, and through doctrine of thechurch, and this sense is like a wall with its foundations thatencloses and protects a city.

Concerning the wall of the new Jerusalem and its foundations weread in Revelation:

The angel measured the wall thereof, a hundred and forty and four cubits,which was the measure of a man, that is, of an angel. And the wall had twelvefoundations, adorned with every precious stone. The first foundation wasjasper; the second, sapphire; the third, chalcedony; the fourth, emerald; thefifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; theninth, topaz; the tenth, chrysoprase; the eleventh, jacinth; the twelfth,amethyst (Rev. 21:17–20).

The number “144” signifies all the truths and goods of the churchderived from doctrine that is drawn from the sense of the letter ofthe Word. The like is signified by “12.” A “man” signifiesintelligence; an “angel,” Divine truth the source of intelligence;“measure,” the quality of these; the “wall” and its “foundations,”the sense of the letter of the Word; and the “precious stones,” the

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truths and goods of the Word in their order, which are the sourceof doctrine, and through doctrine of the church.

44. The truths and goods of the sense of the letter of the Wordare meant by the Urim and Thummim. The Urim and Thummimwere on the ephod of Aaron, whose priesthood represented theLord as to Divine good and as to the work of salvation. Thegarments of the priesthood or of holiness represented Divine truthfrom Divine good. The ephod represented Divine truth in itsultimate, thus the Word in the sense of the letter, for this, as beforesaid, is Divine truth in its ultimate. Consequently the twelveprecious stones bearing the names of the twelve tribes of Israel(which were the Urim and Thummim) represented Divine truthsfrom Divine good in their whole complex.

[2] Concerning these we read in Moses:

They shall make the ephod of [gold], hyacinthine blue, and bright crimson,of scarlet double dyed, and fine linen intertwined. And thou shalt make abreastplate of judgment according to the work of the ephod; and thou shaltset it with settings of stones, four rows of stones: the first row a ruby, a topaz,and an emerald; the second row a chrysoprase, a sapphire, and a diamond; thethird row a cyanus, an agate, and an amethyst; the fourth row a thalassius, asardius, and a jasper. These stones shall be according to the names of the sonsof Israel; the engravings of a signet according to his name shall be for thetwelve tribes. And Aaron shall carry upon the breastplate of judgment theUrim and Thummim and let them be upon the heart of Aaron when he goethin before Jehovah (Exod. 28:6, 15–21, 29–30).

[3] What was represented by Aaron’s garments—his ephod, robe,vest, miter, belt—has been unfolded in Arcana Coelestia on thischapter, where it is shown that the ephod represented Divine truthin its ultimate; the precious stones in it, truths pellucid from good;the twelve precious stones, all ultimate truths pellucid from thegood of love in their order; the twelve tribes of Israel, all things ofthe church; the breast-plate, Divine truth from Divine good; theUrim and Thummim, the shining forth in ultimates of Divinetruth from Divine good (for Urim means a shining fire; andThummim, in the angelic language, means a shining forth, and inthe Hebrew, entirety). Besides many other things, it is there shown

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also that answers were given by variegations of light and asimultaneous tacit perception, or by a living voice. From all this itis evident that these precious stones signified truths from good inthe ultimate sense of the Word; nor are answers from heaven givenby other means, for in this sense the Divine proceeding is in itsfullness.

[4] That precious stones and diadems signify Divine truths intheir ultimates, such as are the truths of the sense of the letter of theWord, has been made very evident to me from precious stones anddiadems in the spiritual world, among the angels and spirits therewhom I have seen wearing them—I have seen them in their casketsalso—and it has been given me to know that they correspond totruths in ultimates, and, what is more, that from these truths theyexist and come into view. As these truths are signified by diademsand precious stones, John saw diadems

Upon the head of the dragon (Rev. 12:3);

Upon the horns of the beast (Rev. 13:1);

And precious stones upon the harlot that sat on the scarlet beast (Rev.17:4).

Diadems and precious stones were seen upon the dragon, the beast,and the harlot, because these signify the people in the Christianworld who are in possession of the Word.

45. The truths of the sense of the letter of the Word are meant bythe precious stones in the garden of Eden, in which, in Ezekiel, theking of Tyre is said to have been. We read in Ezekiel:

King of Tyre, thou sealest up thy sum, full of wisdom, and perfect inbeauty. Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone wasthy covering, the ruby, the topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the sardonyx,and the jasper, the sapphire, the chrysoprase, and the emerald, and gold(Ezek. 28:12–13).

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“Tyre,” in the Word, signifies the knowledges of truth and good; a“king,” the truth of the church; the “garden of Eden,” wisdom andintelligence from the Word; “precious stones,” truths pellucid fromgood such as are in the sense of the letter of the Word. As thestones signify these truths, they are called his “covering.” That thesense of the letter covers up the interiors of the Word, may be seenin a preceding chapter.

46. The sense of the letter of the Word is signified by the curtainsand veils of the tabernacle. The tabernacle represented heaven andthe church, and therefore the form of it was shown by Jehovahupon Mount Sinai. Consequently all things in the tabernacle—thelampstand, the golden altar for incense, and the table whereon werethe loaves of faces—represented and consequently signified holythings of heaven and the church. The holy of holies wherein wasthe ark of the covenant represented and consequently signifiedwhat is inmost of heaven and the church; and the law itself writtenon the two tables of stone and enclosed in the ark signified theLord as to the Word. Now, as external things derive their essencefrom internal things, and both of these from the inmost, which inthis case was the law, it follows that holy things of the Word wererepresented and signified by all things of the tabernacle. Thereforethe ultimate things of the tabernacle which were the curtains andveils (and thus its coverings and containers), signified the ultimatethings of the Word, which are the truths and goods of the sense ofthe letter. And because these ultimates of the Word were signified,

All the curtains and veils were made of fine linen intertwined, ofhyacinthine blue and bright-crimson, and of scarlet double dyed, withcherubim (Exod. 26:1, 31, 36).

What the tabernacle and all things in it represented and signifiedgenerally and specifically, has been unfolded in Arcana Coelestia onthis chapter of Exodus. It is there shown that the “curtains” and“veils” represented external things of heaven and the church, andtherefore of the Word; and that “fine linen” signified truth from aspiritual origin; “hyacinthine blue,” truth from a celestial origin;“bright crimson,” celestial good; “scarlet double dyed,” spiritualgood; and “cherubim,” guards of the interior things of the Word.

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47. The external things of the temple at Jerusalem representedexternal things of the Word, which belong to the sense of its letter.This is because the temple represented the same as did thetabernacle, namely, heaven and the church, and conse quently theWord. That the temple at Jerusalem represented the Lord’s Divinehuman, he himself teaches in John:

Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up; he spake of thetemple of his body (John 2:19, 21).

Where the Lord is meant, there also is meant the Word, for theLord is the Word. Now as the interior things of the templerepresented interior things of heaven and the church (and thereforeof the Word), its exterior things represented and signified exteriorthings of heaven and the church, and therefore exterior things ofthe Word, which belong to the sense of its letter. Concerning theexterior things of the temple we read:

That they were built of whole stone, not hewn, and within of cedar; andthat all its walls within were carved with cherubim, palm trees, and openingsof flowers; and that the floor was overlaid with gold (1 Kings 6:7, 29–30);

all of which things also signify external things of the Word, whichare holy things of the sense of the letter.

48. The Word in its glory was represented by the Lord when hewas transfigured. Concerning the Lord as transfigured before Peter,James, and John, we read:

That his face did shine as the sun, and his garments became white as thelight. That Moses and Elias appeared talking with him. That a bright cloudovershadowed the disciples; and that a voice was heard out of the cloud,saying, This is my beloved son, hear ye him (Matt. 17:1–5).

I have been instructed that the Lord then represented the Word;“his face that did shine as the sun,” his Divine good; “his garmentsthat became as the light,” his Divine truth; “Moses and Elias,” thehistorical and the prophetical Word; “Moses,” the Word that waswritten by him and the historical Word in general, and “Elias,” the

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prophetical Word; and the “bright cloud that overshadowed thedisciples,” the Word in the sense of the letter; and therefore a voicewas heard from this cloud which said, “This is my beloved son,hear ye him.” For all utterances and answers from heaven are madeexclusively by means of ultimate things such as are in the sense ofthe letter of the Word. For they are made in fullness, from theLord.

49. So far we have shown that the Word in the natural sense,which is the sense of the letter, is in its holiness and its fullness.Something shall now be said to show that in this sense the Word isalso in its power. How great and of what nature is the power ofDivine truth in the heavens and also on earth, is evident from whathas been said in Heaven and Hell concerning the power of theangels of heaven (n. 228–233). The power of Divine truth isdirected especially against falsities and evils, thus against the hells.The fight against these must be waged by means of truths from thesense of the letter of the Word. Moreover it is by means of thetruths in a man that the Lord has the power to save him; for man isreformed and regenerated and is at the same time taken out of helland introduced into heaven, by means of truths from the sense ofthe letter of the Word. This power the Lord took upon himself,even as to his Divine human, after he had fulfilled all things of theWord down to its ultimates.

[2] Therefore when by the passion of the cross he was about tofulfill those which remained, he said to the chief priest,

Hereafter ye shall see the son of man sitting at the right hand of power, andcoming in the clouds of heaven (Matt. 26:64; Mark 14:62).

The “son of man” is the Lord as to the Word; the “clouds ofheaven” are the Word in the sense of the letter; to “sit at the righthand of God” is omnipotence by means of the Word (as also inMark 16:19). The Lord’s power from the ultimate things of truthwas represented by the Nazirites in the Jewish Church; and bySamson, of whom it is said that he was a Nazirite from his mother’s

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womb, and that his power lay in his hair. Nazirite and Naziriteshipalso mean the hair.

[3] That Samson’s power lay in his hair, he himself made plain,saying,

There hath not come a razor upon my head, because I have been a Naziritefrom my mother’s womb; if I be shaven, then my strength will go from me,and I shall become weak, and be like any other man (Judges 16:17).

No one can know why the Naziriteship (by which is meant thehair) was instituted, or whence it came that Samson’s strength wasfrom the hair, unless he knows what is signified in the Word by the“head.” The “head” signifies the heavenly wisdom which angels andmen have from the Lord by means of Divine truth; consequentlythe “hair of the head” signifies heavenly wisdom in ultimate things,and also Divine truth in ultimate things.

[4] As, from correspondence with the heavens, this is thesignification of the “hair,” it was a statute for the Nazirites that:

They should not shave the hair of their heads, because this is theNaziriteship of God upon their heads (Num. 6:1–21).

And for the same reason it was ordained that:

The high priest and his sons should not shave their heads, lest they shoulddie, and wrath should come upon the whole house of Israel (Lev. 10:6).

[5] As, on account of this signification, which is fromcorrespondence, the hair was so holy, the son of man, who is theLord as to the Word, is described even as to his hairs:

That they were white like wool, as white as snow (Rev. 1:14).

In like manner the Ancient of days (Dan. 7:9).

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(On this subject see also above, n. 35.) In short, the reason why thepower of Divine truth or of the Word is in the sense of the letter, isthat there the Word is in its fullness and it is also because in thatsense are, at the same time and together [simul], the angels of boththe Lord’s kingdoms and men on earth.


The doctrine of the church is to be drawn from the sense of theletter of the Word, and is to be confirmed thereby

50. It has been shown in the preceding chapter that the Word inthe sense of the letter is in its fullness, in its holiness, and in itspower; and as the Lord is the Word (for he is the all of the Word),it follows that he is most of all present in the sense of the letter, andthat from it he teaches and enlightens man. But these things shallbe set forth in the following order:

(a) The Word cannot be understood without doctrine.

(b) Doctrine must be drawn from the sense of the letter of theWord.

(c) But the Divine truth which must be of doctrine appears tonone but those who are in enlightenment from the Lord.

51. (a) The Word cannot be understood without doctrine. This isbecause the Word in the sense of the letter consists exclusively ofcorrespondences, to the end that things spiritual and celestial maybe simultaneous or together therein, and that every word may betheir container and support. For this reason, in some places in thesense of the letter the truths are not naked, but clothed, and arethen called appearances of truth. Many truths also areaccommodated to the capacity of simple folk, who do not uplifttheir thoughts above such things as they see before their eyes. There

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are also some things that appear like contradictions, although theWord when viewed in its own light contains no contradiction. Andagain in certain passages in the prophets, names of persons andplaces are gathered together from which, in the letter, no sense canbe elicited, as in those passages adduced above (n. 15). Such beingthe Word in the sense of the letter, it is evident that it cannot beunderstood without doctrine.

[2] But to illustrate this by examples. It is said,

That Jehovah repents (Exod. 32:12, 14; Jonah 3:9; 4:2);

And also

That Jehovah does not repent (Num. 23:19; 1 Sam. 15:29).

Without doctrine these passages cannot be reconciled. It is said

That Jehovah visits the iniquity of the fathers upon the sons to the thirdand fourth generation (Num. 14:18);

And it is also said that

The father shall not die for the son, nor the son for the father, but everyonefor his own sin (Deut. 24:16).

Interpreted by doctrine these passages are not discordant, but are inagreement.

[3] Jesus says,

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall beopened unto you; for everyone that asketh shall receive, and he that seekethshall find, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened (Matt. 7:7–8;21:21–22).

Without doctrine it might be believed that everyone will receivewhat he asks for; but from doctrine it is believed that whatever a

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man asks not from himself but from the Lord is given; for this alsois what the Lord says,

If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, andit shall be done unto you (John 15:7).

[4] The Lord says,

Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of God (Luke 6:20).

Without doctrine it may be thought that heaven is for the poor andnot for the rich, but doctrine teaches that the poor in spirit aremeant, for the Lord says,

Blessed are the poor in spirit; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matt.5:3).

[5] The Lord says,

Judge not, that ye be not judged; for with what judgment ye judge ye shallbe judged (Matt. 7:1–2; Luke 6:37).

Without doctrine this might be cited to confirm the notion that itis not to be said of what is evil that it is evil, thus that an evilperson is not to be judged to be evil; yet according to doctrine it islawful to judge, but justly; for the Lord says,

Judge righteous judgment (John 7:24).

[6] Jesus says,

Be not ye called teacher, for one is your teacher, even the Christ. And callno man your father on the earth; for one is your Father in the heavens.Neither be ye called masters; for one is your master, the Christ (Matt.23:8–10).

Without doctrine it would seem that it is not lawful to call anyperson teacher, father, or master; but from doctrine it is knownthat in the natural sense it is lawful to do this, but not in thespiritual sense.

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[7] Jesus said to his disciples,

When the son of man shall sit upon the throne of his glory, ye also shall situpon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel (Matt. 19:28).

From these words it may be inferred that the Lord’s disciples willsit in judgment, when yet they can judge no one. Doctrinetherefore must reveal this secret by explaining that the Lord alone,who is omniscient and knows the hearts of all, will sit in judgment,and is able to judge; and that his twelve disciples mean the churchas to all the truths and goods it possesses from the Lord throughthe Word; from which doctrine concludes that these truths willjudge everyone, according to the Lord’s words in John 3:17–18;12:47–48.

[8] He who reads the Word without doctrine does not see theconsistency of what is said in the prophets about the Jewish nationand Jerusalem—that the church with that nation, and its seat inthat city, will remain to eternity; as in the following passages:

Jehovah will visit his flock the house of Judah, and will make them as ahorse of glory in war; from him shall come forth the corner stone, from himthe nail, and from him the bow of war (Zech. 10:3–4, 6–7).

Behold I come, that I may dwell in the midst of thee. And Jehovah shallmake Judah an inheritance, and shall again choose Jerusalem (Zech. 2:10,12).

It shall come to pass in that day that the mountains shall drop new wine,and the hills shall flow with milk, and Judah shall be to eternity, andJerusalem from generation to generation (Joel 3:18–20).

Behold, the days come in which I will sow the house of Israel and the houseof Judah with the seed of man, and in which I will make a new covenant withthe house of Israel, and with the house of Judah; and this shall be thecovenant, I will put my law in their inward parts, and will write it upon theirheart and I will be their God, and they shall be my people (Jer. 31:27, 31,33).

In that day ten men shall take hold, out of all the languages of the nations,of the skirt of a man that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you, for we haveheard that God is with you (Zech. 8:23).

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So in other places, as Isa. 44:21, 24, 26; 49:22, 23; 65:9; 66:20, 22; Jer.3:18; 23:5; 50:19, 20; Nahum 1:15; Mal. 3:4.

In these passages the Lord’s advent is treated of, and that this[establishment of the Jews] will then come to pass.

[9] But the contrary is declared in many other places, of whichthis passage only shall be adduced:

I will hide my face from them, I will see what their latter end shall be, forthey are a generation of perversions, sons in whom is no faithfulness. I said, Iwill cast them into outermost corners, I will make the remembrance of themto cease from man, for they are a nation void of counsel, neither is thereunderstanding in them; their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields ofGomorrah; their grapes are grapes of gall; their clusters are of bitternesses;their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps. Is not thishidden with me, sealed up among my treasures? To me belongeth vengeanceand retribution (Deut. 32:20–35).

It is of that same nation that these things are said. And things ofthe same purport are said elsewhere,

As in Isa. 3:1–2, 8; 5:3, 6; Deut. 9:5–6; Matt. 12:39; 23:27–28; John 8:44;

and in Jeremiah and Ezekiel throughout.

These passages which seem contradictory will however fromdoctrine be seen to accord, for this teaches that in the Word“Israel” and “Judah” do not mean Israel and Judah, but the churchin both senses, in one that it is devastated, in the other that it is tobe set up anew by the Lord.

Other things like these exist in the Word, from which it plainlyappears that the Word cannot be understood without doctrine.

52. From all this it is evident that they who read the Wordwithout doctrine, or who do not acquire for themselves doctrinefrom the Word, are in obscurity as to every truth, and that theirminds are wavering and uncertain, prone to errors, and pliant toheresies, which they also embrace wherever inclination or authority

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favors, and their reputation is not endangered. For the Word is tothem like a lampstand without a lamp, and in their gloom theyseem to see many things, and yet see scarcely anything, for doctrinealone is a lamp. I have seen such persons examined by angels, andfound to be able to confirm from the Word whatever they please,and it was also found that they confirm what is of their own loveand of the love of those whom they favor. And I have seen themstripped of their garments, a sign that they were devoid of truths;for in the spiritual world garments are truths.

53. (b) Doctrine must be drawn from the sense of the letter of theWord, and be confirmed thereby. The reason of this is that there andnot elsewhere is the Lord present with man, and enlightens himand teaches him the truths of the church. Moreover the Lord neveroperates anything except in what is full, and the Word is in itsfullness in the sense of the letter, as has been shown above. This iswhy doctrine must be drawn from the sense of the letter.

54. That by means of doctrine the Word not only becomesintelligible, but also as it were shines with light, is because withoutdoctrine it is not understood, and is like a lampstand without alamp, as has been shown above. By means of doctrine therefore theWord is understood, and is like a lampstand with a lighted lamp.The man then sees more things than he had seen before, and alsounderstands those things which before he had not understood.Dark and contradictory things he either does not see and passesover, or sees and interprets them so that they agree with thedoctrine. The experience of the Christian world attests that theWord is seen from doctrine, and is also interpreted according to it.All the reformed see and interpret the Word from and according totheir own doctrine; so do the papists from and according to theirs,and even the Jews do so from and according to theirs; thus from afalse doctrine all see falsities, and from a true doctrine truths. It isevident therefore that true doctrine is like a lamp in the dark, and aguidepost on the way. But doctrine is not only to be drawn fromthe sense of the letter of the Word, but must also be confirmedthereby; for if not so confirmed the truth of doctrine appears as ifonly man’s intelligence were in it, and not the Lord’s Divine

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wisdom; and so the doctrine would be like a house in the air, andnot on the earth, and would lack a foundation.

55. The doctrine of genuine truth can also be drawn in full fromthe sense of the letter of the Word, because in this sense the Wordis like a man clothed whose face and hands are bare. All things thatconcern man’s life, and consequently his salvation, are bare; but therest are clothed. In many places also where they are clothed theyshine through their clothing, like a face through a thin veil of silk.The truths of the Word also appear and shine through theirclothing more and more clearly in proportion as they are multipliedby a love for them, and are ranged in order by this love. But thisalso is by means of doctrine.

56. It might be believed that the doctrine of genuine truth couldbe procured by means of the spiritual sense of the Word which isfurnished through a knowledge of correspondences. But doctrine isnot procured by means of that sense, but is only lighted up andcorroborated. For as said before (n. 26), no one comes into thespiritual sense of the Word by means of correspondences unless heis first in genuine truths from doctrine. If a man is not first ingenuine truths he may falsify the Word by means of somecorrespondences with which he is acquainted, by connecting themtogether and interpreting them so as to confirm that which cleavesto his mind from some principle previously received. Moreover thespiritual sense of the Word is not given anyone except by the Lordalone, and it is guarded by him as heaven is guarded, for heaven isin it. It is better therefore for man to study the Word in the senseof the letter; from this alone is doctrine furnished.

57. (c) The genuine truth which must be of doctrine appears in thesense of the letter to none but those who are in enlightenment from theLord. Enlightenment is from the Lord alone, and exists with thosewho love truths because they are truths and make them of use forlife. With others there is no enlightenment in the Word. Thereason why enlightenment is from the Lord alone is that the Lord isin all things of the Word. The reason why enlightenment existswith those who love truths because they are truths and make them

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of use for life is that such are in the Lord and the Lord in them. Forthe Lord is his own Divine truth, and when this is loved because itis Divine truth (and it is loved when it is made of use), the Lord isin it with the man. This the Lord teaches in John:

In that day ye shall know that ye are in me and I in you. He that hath mycommandments, and doeth them, he loveth me, and I will love him, and willmanifest myself to him; and I will come unto him, and make my abode withhim (John 14:20–21, 23).

And in Matthew:

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matt. 5:8).

These are they who are in enlightenment when they are reading theWord, and to whom the Word shines and is translucent.

58. The reason why the Word shines and is translucent withsuch, is that there is a spiritual and celestial sense in every particularof the Word, and these senses are in the light of heaven, so thatthrough these senses and by their light the Lord flows into thenatural sense, and into the light of it with a man. This causes theman to acknowledge the truth from an interior perception, andafterwards to see it in his own thought, and this as often as he is inthe affection of truth for the sake of truth. For perception comesfrom affection, and thought from perception, and thus is producedthe acknowledgment which is called faith. But of these things morewill be said in the following chapter concerning the conjunction ofthe Lord with man by means of the Word.

59. With such men the first thing is to get for themselvesdoctrine from the sense of the letter of the Word, and thus light alamp for their further advance. Then after doctrine has beenprocured, and a lamp thus lighted, they see the Word by its means.Those however who do not procure doctrine for themselves, firstmake investigation as to whether the doctrine delivered by othersand received by the general body accords with the Word, and theyassent to what accords, and from what does not accord they dissent.

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In this way it becomes to them their own doctrine, and throughdoctrine their faith. But this takes place only with those who notbeing taken up with worldly affairs are able to exercise discernment.If these persons love truths because they are truths, and make themof use for life, they are in enlightenment from the Lord. All otherswho are in some life according to truths can learn from them.

60. The contrary takes place with those who read the Word fromthe doctrine of a false religion, and still more with those whoconfirm that doctrine from the Word, having in view their ownglory or this world’s riches. With them the truth of the Word is asit were in the shade of night, and what is false is as in the light ofday. They read what is true, but do not see it; and if they see theshadow of it they falsify it. These are they of whom the Lord saysthat:

They have eyes, but see not; and ears, but do not understand (Matt. 13:13).

For nothing else blinds a man except his own and the confirmationof what is false. Man’s own is the love of self and the derivativeconceit of self-intelligence; and the confirmation of what is false isthick darkness counterfeiting the light. The light of such men ismerely natural, and their sight is like that of one who seesphantoms in the gloom.

61. I have been permitted to converse with many after death whohad believed that they would shine in heaven like the stars, because,as they said, they had regarded the Word as holy, had often read itthrough, had collected from it many things by which they hadconfirmed the tenets of their faith, and had thereby been celebratedin the world as learned men. On this account they believed theywould be Michaels and Raphaels.

[2] Many of them however have been examined in respect towhat was the love from which they had studied the Word, andsome of them were found to have done so from the love of self, thatthey might appear great in the world, and be revered as dignitariesof the church; and others of them had done so from the love of theworld, that they might get rich. When examined as to what theyknew from the Word, it was found that they knew nothing ofgenuine truth from it, but only such as is called truth falsified,which in itself is falsity. And they were told that this was because

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their ends (or what is the same their loves) had been themselves andthe world, and not the Lord and heaven. When men read theWord while themselves and the world are the ends in view, theirminds cleave to themselves and the world, and this causes them tobe constantly thinking from their own,

28 which is in thick darkness

in respect to all things of heaven, in which state the man cannot bewithdrawn by the Lord from his own, and thus be raised into thelight of heaven, and consequently cannot receive through heavenany influx from the Lord.

[3] I have even seen them admitted into heaven, but when theywere found to be devoid of truths, they were cast down; yet theconceit remained that they deserved heaven. Very different has itbeen with those who had studied the Word from the affection ofknowing truth because it is truth, and because it is of service to theuses of life, not only to their own uses but also to those of theneighbor. I have seen these raised up into heaven, and thus into thelight in which is Divine truth there, and at the same time exaltedinto angelic wisdom and its happiness, which is eternal life.


By means of the sense of the letter of the Word there isconjunction with the Lord and association with the angels

62. The reason why there is conjunction with the Lord by meansof the Word is that the Word treats solely of him, and the Lord isconsequently its all in all and is called the Word, as has been shown

28. The Latin word proprium is the term used in the original text that in this andother places has been rendered by the expression “own.” The dictionary meaningof proprius, as an adjective, is “one’s own,” “proper,” “belonging to one’s selfalone,” “special,” “particular,” “peculiar.” The neuter of this, which is the wordproprium, when used as a noun means “possession,” “property”; also “apeculiarity,” “characteristic mark,” “distinguishing sign,” “characteristic.” TheEnglish adjective “own” is defined by Webster to mean “belonging to,” “belongingexclusively or especially to,” “peculiar”; so that our word “own” is a very exactequivalent of proprius, and if we make it a noun by writing it “own,” in order toanswer to the Latin proprium, we effect a very close translation. [Translator]

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in Doctrine of the Lord. The reason why the conjunction is in thesense of the letter is that in this sense the Word is in its fullness, itsholiness, and its power, as has been shown above in its properchapter. The conjunction is not apparent to the man, but is in theaffection of truth, and in his perception of it, thus is in the man’slove for and faith in Divine truth.

63. The reason why there is association with the angels of heavenby means of the sense of the letter is that the spiritual sense andcelestial sense are in it, and the angels are in these senses, the angelsof the spiritual kingdom being in the Word’s spiritual sense, andthose of the celestial kingdom in its celestial sense. These senses areevolved from the Word’s natural sense which is the sense of theletter while a true man is in it. The evolution is instantaneous;consequently so is the association.

64. It has been made plain to me by much experience that thespiritual angels are in the spiritual sense of the Word, and thecelestial angels in its celestial sense. While reading the Word in itssense of the letter it has been given me to perceive thatcommunication was effected with the heavens, now with thissociety of them, now with that, and that what I understoodaccording to the natural sense, the spiritual angels understoodaccording to the spiritual sense, and the celestial angels accordingto the celestial sense, and this in an instant. As I have perceived thiscommunication many thousands of times, there remains with meno doubt about it. Moreover there are spirits beneath the heavenswho abuse this communication; they recite some sayings from thesense of the letter, and immediately observe and take note of thesociety with which communication is effected. This I havefrequently seen and heard. From these things it has been given meto know by actual experience that the Word in respect to its senseof the letter is the Divine medium of conjunction with the Lordand with heaven. (Concerning this conjunction by the Word seealso what is said in Heaven and Hell, n. 303–310.)

65. The way in which the evolution of these senses is effectedshall also be told in a few words. But for the understanding of this

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it will be necessary to recall what has been said above aboutsuccessive order and simultaneous order, namely, that in successiveorder what is celestial, what is spiritual, and what is natural followone after another, from highest things in heaven down to ultimatethings in the world, and that the same things are in the ultimate(which is natural) in simultaneous order, one next another from theinmost things to the outermost ones, and that in like manner thereare successive senses of the Word, celestial and spiritual,simultaneously in the natural sense. When these things arecomprehended, the way in which the two senses, celestial andspiritual, are evolved from the natural sense while a man is readingthe Word may in some measure be unfolded before theunderstanding; for a spiritual angel then calls forth what is spiritual,and a celestial angel what is celestial, nor can they do otherwise,because such things are homogeneous and in accordance with theirnature and essence.

66. But this may be illustrated in the first place by comparisonsdrawn from the three kingdoms of nature: animal, vegetable, andmineral. From the animal kingdom: When the food becomes chyle,the blood vessels extract and call forth from it their blood, thenervous fibers their fluid, and the substances that are the origins ofthe fibers their animal spirit. From the vegetable kingdom: Thetree, with its trunk, branches, leaves, and fruit, stands upon its root,and by means of its root it extracts and calls forth from the grounda grosser sap for the trunk, branches, and leaves, a purer for thepulp of the fruit, and the purest for the seeds within the fruit. Fromthe mineral kingdom: In some places in the bowels of the earththere are minerals impregnated with gold, silver, and iron, and eachof these metals draws its own element from the exhalations storedup in the earth.

67. We may now illustrate by an example how from the naturalsense in which is the Word with men, the spiritual angels drawforth their own sense, and the celestial angels theirs. Take as anexample five commandments of the Decalogue:

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Honor thy father and thy mother. By “father and mother” a manunderstands his father and mother on earth, and all who stand intheir place, and by to “honor” he understands to hold in honor andobey them. But a spiritual angel understands the Lord by “father,”and the church by “mother,” and by to “honor” he understands tolove. And a celestial angel understands the Lord’s Divine love by“father,” and his Divine wisdom by “mother,” and by to “honor”to do what is good from him.

[2] Thou shalt not steal. By to “steal” a man understands to steal,defraud, or under any pretext take from his neighbor his goods. Aspiritual angel understands to deprive others of their truths of faithand goods of charity by means of falsities and evils. And a celestialangel understands to attribute to himself what is the Lord’s, and toclaim for himself his righteousness and merit.

[3] Thou shalt not commit adultery. By “committing adultery” aman understands to commit adultery and fornication, to doobscene things, speak lascivious words, and harbor filthy thoughts.A spiritual angel understands to adulterate the goods of the Word,and falsify its truths. And a celestial angel understands to deny theLord’s Divinity and to profane the Word.

[4] Thou shalt not kill. By “killing,” a man understands alsobearing hatred, and desiring revenge even to the death. A spiritualangel understands to act as a devil and destroy men’s souls. And acelestial angel understands to bear hatred against the Lord, andagainst what is his.

[5] Thou shalt not bear false witness. By “bearing false witness” aman understands also to lie and defame. A spiritual angelunderstands to say and persuade that what is false is true and whatis evil good, and the reverse. And a celestial angel understands toblaspheme the Lord and the Word.

[6] From these examples it may be seen how the spiritual andcelestial of the Word are evolved and drawn out from the naturalsense in which they are. Wonderful to say, the angels draw out

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their senses without knowing what the man is thinking about, andyet the thoughts of the angels and of the men make a one by meansof correspondences, like end, cause, and effect. Moreover endsactually are in the celestial kingdom, causes in the spiritualkingdom, and effects in the natural kingdom. This conjunction bymeans of correspondences is such from creation. This then is thesource of man’s association with angels by means of the Word.

68. Another reason why association of man with angels exists bymeans of the natural or literal sense of the Word is that in everyman from creation there are three degrees of life— celestial,spiritual, and natural—but so long as he is in this world he is in thenatural, and is at the same time in the spiritual insofar as he is ingenuine truths, and in the celestial insofar as he is in a lifeaccording to them; but still he does not come into the spiritual orcelestial itself until after death. But of this more elsewhere.

69. From all this it is evident that in the Word alone (throughthe fact that it is conjunction with the Lord and association withthe angels) there is spirit and life, as the Lord teaches:

The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life (John6:63).

The water that I shall give you shall be in you a fountain of water springingup into eternal life (John 4:14).

Man doth not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth outof the mouth of God (Matt. 4:4).

Labor for the meat that endureth unto eternal life, which the son of manshall give unto you (John 6:27).


The Word is in all the heavens, and is the source of angelicwisdom

70. Hitherto it has not been known that the Word is in theheavens, nor could it be made known so long as the church was

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ignorant that angels and spirits are men like the men in this world,and that they possess in every respect like things to those possessedby men, with the sole difference that they themselves are spiritual,and that all things they possess are from a spiritual origin; whilemen in this world are natural, and all things they possess are from anatural origin. So long as this fact was hidden it could not beknown that the Word exists in the heavens also, and is read byangels there, and also by spirits who are beneath the heavens. Butthat this might not be forever hidden, it has been granted me to bein company with angels and spirits, to converse with them, seewhat exists with them, and afterwards relate many things that Ihave heard and seen. This has been done in Heaven and Hell,published in London in 1758; in which work it may be seen thatangels and spirits are men, and that they possess in abundance allthings that men possess in this world. That angels and spirits aremen, may be seen in that work (n. 73–77, and 453–456). Thatthey possess like things to those possessed by men in this world (n.170–190); also that they have Divine worship, and preachings inplaces of worship (n. 221–227); that they have writings and alsobooks (n. 258–264); and that they have the Word (n. 259).

71. As regards the Word in heaven, it is written in a spiritualstyle, which differs entirely from a natural style. The spiritual styleconsists solely of letters, each of which contains a meaning, andthere are points above the letters which exalt the meaning. Withthe angels of the spiritual kingdom the letters resemble printedletters in our world; and with the angels of the celestial kingdomthe letters (each of which also contains a complete meaning)resemble the ancient Hebrew letters, curved in various ways, andwith marks above and within. Such being the style of their writing,there are no names of persons and places in their Word such asthere are in ours, but instead of the names there are the thingswhich they signify. Thus instead of Moses there is the historicalWord, instead of Elijah, the prophetical Word; instead ofAbraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Lord as to his divinity and Divinehuman; instead of Aaron, the priestly office; instead of David, thekingly office, each of the Lord; instead of the names of the twelvesons of Jacob, or of the tribes of Israel, various things of heaven and

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the church; and like things instead of the names of the Lord’stwelve disciples; instead of Zion and Jerusalem, the church inrespect to the Word and doctrine from the Word; instead of theland of Canaan, the church itself; instead of the cities therein onthis side and beyond Jordan, various things of the church and of itsdoctrine; and so with all the other names. It is the same with thenumbers; neither do these appear in the Word that is in heaven,but instead of them the things to which the numbers that are inour Word correspond. It is evident from these examples that theWord in heaven is a Word that corresponds to our Word, and thusthat the two are a one, for correspondences make a one.

72. It is a wonderful thing that the Word in the heavens is sowritten that the simple understand it in simplicity, and the wise inwisdom, for there are many points and marks over the letters,which as has been said exalt the meaning, and to these the simpledo not attend, nor are they even aware of them; whereas the wisepay attention to them, each one according to his wisdom, even tothe highest wisdom. In every larger society of heaven, a copy of theWord, written by angels inspired by the Lord, is kept in itssanctuary, lest being elsewhere it should be altered in some point.In respect to the fact that the simple understand it in simplicity andthe wise in wisdom, our Word is indeed like that in heaven, butthis is effected in a different way.

73. The angels acknowledge that all their wisdom comes throughthe Word, for they are in light in proportion to their understandingof the Word. The light of heaven is Divine wisdom, which to theireyes is light. In the sanctuary where the copy of the Word is kept,there is a flaming and bright light that surpasses every degree oflight in heaven that is outside of it. The cause is the same as abovementioned; it is that the Lord is in the Word.

74. The wisdom of the celestial angels surpasses that of thespiritual angels almost as much as this surpasses the wisdom ofmen, and the reason is that the celestial angels are in the good oflove from the Lord, while the spiritual angels are in truths ofwisdom from him, and wherever there is the good of love there

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resides at the same time wisdom; but where there are truths thereresides no more of wisdom than there is good of love together withit. This is the reason why the Word in the celestial kingdom iswritten differently from that in the spiritual kingdom; for goods oflove are expressed in the Word of the celestial kingdom, and themarks denote affections, whereas truths of wisdom are expressed inthe Word of the spiritual kingdom, and the marks denoteperceptions.

75. From what has been said may be inferred the nature of thewisdom that lies hidden in the Word that is in this world. In factall angelic wisdom, which is unutterable, lies hidden in it, for it isthe container of the same, and after death a man who is being madean angel by the Lord by means of the Word comes into thatwisdom.


The church is from the Word, and is such as is its understandingof the Word

76. That the church is from the Word does not admit of doubt,for the Word is Divine truth itself (n. 1–4); the doctrine of thechurch is from the Word (n. 50–61) and through the Word thereis conjunction with the Lord (n. 62–69). But doubt may arise as towhether the understanding of the Word is what makes the church,for there are those who believe that they are of the church becausethey have the Word, read it or hear it from a preacher, and knowsomething of its sense of the letter, yet how this or that in theWord is to be understood they do not know, and some of themlittle care. It shall therefore be proved that it is not the Word thatmakes the church, but the understanding of it, and that such as isthe understanding of the Word among those who are in thechurch, such is the church itself. The proof of this is as follows.

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77. The Word is the Word according to the understanding of itin a man, that is, as it is understood. If it is not understood, theWord is indeed called the Word, but it is not the Word with theman. The Word is the truth according to the understanding of it,for it may not be the truth, because it may be falsified. The Word isspirit and life according to the under standing of it, for its letter ifnot understood is dead. And as a man has truth and life accordingto his understanding of the Word, so has he faith and loveaccording thereto, for truth is of faith, and love is of life. Now asthe church exists by means of faith and love, and according tothem, it follows that the church is the church through theunderstanding of the Word and according thereto; a noble churchif in genuine truths, an ignoble church if not in genuine truths, anda destroyed church if in falsified truths.

78. Further, it is through the Word that the Lord is present witha man and is conjoined with him, for the Lord is the Word, and asit were speaks with the man in it. The Lord is also Divine truthitself, as likewise is the Word. From this it is evident that the Lordis present with a man and is at the same time conjoined with him,according to his understanding of the Word, for according to thisthe man has truth and the derivative faith, and also love and thederivative life. The Lord is indeed present with a man through thereading of the Word, but he is conjoined with him through theunderstanding of truth from the Word, and according thereto; andin proportion as the Lord has been conjoined with a man, in thesame proportion the church is in him. The church is within man;the church that is outside of him is the church with a number ofmen who have the church within them. This is meant by the Lord’swords to the Pharisees who asked when the kingdom of God wouldcome:

The kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21).

Here the “kingdom of God” means the Lord, and from him, thechurch.

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79. In many places in the prophets where the church is treated of,the understanding of the Word is treated of, and it is taught thatthere is no church except where the Word is rightly understood,and that such as is the understanding of the Word with those in thechurch, such is the church. In many places also in the prophets thechurch with the Israelitish and Jewish nation is described as beingtotally destroyed and annihilated through their falsification of themeaning or understanding of the Word, for naught but thisdestroys the church.

[2] The understanding of the Word, both true and false, isdescribed in the prophets by “Ephraim,” especially in Hosea, for inthe Word “Ephraim” signifies the understanding of the Word inthe church. And as the understanding of the Word makes thechurch, Ephraim is called,

A dear son, and a child of delights (Jer. 31:20);

The firstborn (Jer. 31:9);

The strength of Jehovah’s head (Ps. 60:7; 108:8);

Mighty (Zech. 10:7)

Filled with the bow (Zech. 9:13);

and the sons of Ephraim are called,

Armed, and shooters with the bow (Ps. 78:9).

The “bow” signifies doctrine from the Word fighting againstfalsities. Therefore also,

Ephraim was passed over to Israel’s right hand, and was blessed; and wasalso accepted instead of Reuben (Gen. 48:5, 11–15).

And therefore,

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Ephraim, together with his brother Manasseh (under the name of Josephtheir father), was exalted above all by Moses when he blessed the sons of Israel(Deut. 33:13–17).

[3] The quality of the church when the understanding of theWord has been destroyed, is also described in the prophets by“Ephraim,” especially in Hosea, as is evident from the followingpassages:

Israel and Ephraim shall stagger; Ephraim shall be in the solitude; Ephraimis oppressed and shattered in judgment. I will be unto Ephraim as a lion; Iwill tear and go away; I will carry off, and there shall be none to deliver (Hos.5:5, 9, 11–14).

O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? For thy holiness is as a cloud of thedawn, and like the dew that falleth in the morning, it goeth away (Hos. 6:4)

They shall not dwell in the land of Jehovah; but Ephraim shall return toEgypt, and shall eat in Assyria that which is unclean (Hos. 9:3).

[4] The “land of Jehovah” is the church; “Egypt” is the memory-knowledge [scientificum] of the natural man; “Assyria” is thederivative reasoning: by these two the Word is falsified in respect tothe understanding of it, and therefore it is said that “Ephraim shallreturn to Egypt, and shall eat in Assyria that which is unclean.”

[5] Again:

Ephraim feedeth on wind, and followeth after the east wind; every day hemultiplieth lying and wasteness; he maketh a covenant with Assyria, and oil iscarried down into Egypt (Hos. 12:1).

To “feed on wind,” to “follow after the east wind,” and to“multiply lying and wasteness” is to falsify truths, and thus destroythe church.

[6] The like is signified also by the “whoredom” of Ephraim (for“whoredom” signifies the falsification of the understanding of theWord, that is, of its genuine truth) in the following passages:

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I know Ephraim, that he hath altogether committed whoredom, and Israelis defiled (Hos. 5:3).

In the house of Israel I have seen a foul thing; there Ephraim hathcommitted whoredom, and Israel hath been defiled (Hos. 6:10).

“Israel” is the church itself, and “Ephraim” is the understanding ofthe Word, from and according to which is the church, andtherefore it is said “Ephraim hath committed whoredom, and Israelhath been defiled.”

[7] As the church among the Jews had been utterly destroyedthrough falsifications of the Word, it is said of Ephraim,

I will give thee up, Ephraim, I will deliver thee over, Israel, as Admah, and Iwill set thee as Zeboim (Hos. 11:8).

Now as the prophet Hosea, from the first chapter to the last, treatsof the falsification of the Word, and of the destruction of thechurch thereby; and as the falsification of truth is there signified by“whoredom,” therefore in order that he might represent this stateof the church, that prophet was commanded to take unto himself aharlot for a woman, and of her to beget sons (chapter 1); and, asecond time, to take a woman who was an adulteress (chapter 3).

[8] These passages have been adduced in order that it may beknown and confirmed from the Word that such as is theunderstanding of the Word in the church, such is the church:excellent and precious if this understanding is from genuine truthsof the Word, but ruined and even foul if it is from truths falsified.In confirmation of the truth that Ephraim signifies theunderstanding of the Word, and in the opposite sense the samefalsified, and that the destruction of the church comes from this,the other passages in which Ephraim is treated of may be consulted,

As Hos. 4:17–18; 7:1, 11; 8:9, 11; 9:11–13, 16; 10:11; 11:3; 12:1, 8, 14;13:1, 12; Isa. 17:3; 28:1; Jer. 4:15; 31:6, 18; 50:19; Ezek. 37:16; 48:5; Obad.19; Zech. 9:10.

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There is a marriage of the Lord and the church and a derivativemarriage of good and truth in each and every thing of the Word

80. Hitherto this has not been seen, nor could it be seen, becausethe spiritual sense of the Word has not until now been disclosed,and it cannot be seen except by means of this sense. For in theWord two senses, the spiritual and the celestial, lie hidden withinthe sense of the letter. In the spiritual sense the things in the Wordrefer especially to the church, and in the celestial sense, especially tothe Lord. In the spiritual sense they also refer to Divine truth, andin the celestial to Divine good. From this comes the marriage inquestion in the sense of the letter of the Word. But this appears tothose only who know from the Word’s spiritual and celestial sensethe significations of the words and names, for some of these arepredicated of good and some of truth, and some include both, sothat without this knowledge the marriage that exists in each andevery thing of the Word could not be seen. This is the reason whythis secret has not been disclosed before.

81. As there is such a marriage in each and every thing of theWord, there frequently occur in it two expressions that appear likerepetitions of the same thing. They however are not repetitions, forone of them has reference to good and the other to truth, and bothtaken together effect a conjunction of good and truth, and thusform one thing. From this too comes the divinity of the Word andits holiness, for in every Divine work good is conjoined with truthand truth with good.

82. It is said that in each and every thing of the Word there is amarriage of the Lord and the church and a derivative marriage ofgood and truth, because wherever there is a marriage of the Lordand the church there is also a marriage of good and truth, for thelatter is from the former. For when the church or man of thechurch is in truths, the Lord inflows into his truths with good, andvivifies them. Or what is the same, when through truths the churchor man of the church is in intelligence, the Lord inflows into his

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intelligence through the good of love and of charity, and thus pourslife into it.

83. With every man there are two faculties of life, calledunderstanding and will. The understanding is the receptacle oftruth and the derivative wisdom, and the will is the receptacle ofgood and the derivative love. For a man to be a man of the churchthese two must make a one, and this they do when the man formshis understanding from genuine truths, which to all appearance isdone as by himself; and when his will is infilled with the good oflove, which is done by the Lord. From this the man has a life oftruth and a life of good, a life of truth in the understanding fromthe will, and a life of good in the will through the understanding.This is the marriage of truth and good in a man, and also themarriage of the Lord and the church in him. But concerning thisreciprocal conjunction called a marriage, more will be seen inAngelic Wisdom concerning Divine Providence, Divine Love andWisdom, and Doctrine of Life.

84. Readers of the Word who pay attention to the matter can seethat there are pairs of expressions in it that appear like repetitionsof the same thing, such as “brother” [and “companion,” “poor”]and “needy,” “waste” and “solitude,” “vacuity” and “emptiness,”“foe” and “enemy,” “sin” and “iniquity,” “anger” and “wrath,”“nation” and “people,” “joy” and “gladness,” “mourning” and“weeping,” “righteousness” and “judgment,” etc. These expressionsappear synonymous but are not so, for “brother,” “poor,” “waste,”[“vacuity,”] “foe,” “sin,” “anger,” “nation,” “joy,” “mourning,” and“righteousness” are predicated of good, and in the opposite sense ofevil; whereas “companion,” “needy,” “solitude,” “emptiness,”“enemy,” “iniquity,” “wrath,” “people,” “gladness,” “weeping,” and“judgment” are predicated of truth, and in the opposite sense offalsity. And yet it seems to a reader who is not acquainted with thissecret, that “poor” and “needy,” “waste” and “solitude,” “vacuity”and “ emptiness,” “foe” and “enemy,” are one and the same thing;and in like manner “sin” and “iniquity,” “anger” and “wrath,”“nation” and “people,” “joy” and “gladness,” “mourning” and“weeping,” “righteousness” and “judgment”; and yet they are not

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one thing, but become one thing by conjunction. Many things arealso joined together in the Word, such as “fire” and “flame,” “gold”and “silver,” “brass” and “iron,” “wood” and “stone,” “bread” and“water,” “bread” and “wine,” “bright crimson” and “fine linen,”etc., which is done because “fire,” “gold,” “brass,” “wood,” “bread,”and “bright crimson” signify good; and “flame,” “silver,” “iron,”“stone,” “water,” “wine,” and “fine-linen” signify truth. And in thesame way it is said that men are to “love God with all the heart andwith all the soul”; and that God will “create in a man a new heartand a new spirit”; for “heart” is predicated of the good of love, and“soul” of the truth from that good. There are also words that areused alone, or without a mate, because they partake of both goodand truth. But these and many other things are not apparent exceptto the angels, and to those also who while in the natural sense arealso in the spiritual sense.

85. That such pairs of expressions which appear like repetitionsof the same thing, run through the Word, would be too prolix amatter to show from the Word, for whole sheets could be filledwith it; but to remove all doubt about it I will quote passages inwhich occur the expressions “righteousness” (or “justice”) and“judgment,” “nation” and “people,” and “joy” and “gladness.”First, “righteousness” and “judgment:”

The city was full of judgment, righteousness lodged in her (Isa. 1:21).

Zion shall be redeemed in judgment, and they that return of her inrighteousness (Isa. 1:27).

Jehovah Zebaoth shall be exalted in judgment, and God the holy one shallbe sanctified in righteousness (Isa. 5:16).

He shall sit upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to establishit in judgment and in righteousness (Isa. 9:7).

Jehovah shall be exalted, for he dwelleth on high; he hath filled Zion withjudgment and righteousness (Isa. 33:5).

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Thus saith Jehovah, Keep ye judgment, and do righteousness, for mysalvation is near, that my righteousness may be revealed (Isa. 56:1).

As a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the judgment of theirGod; they ask of me the judgments of righteousness (Isa. 58:2).

Swear by the living Jehovah in judgment and in righteousness (Jer. 4:2).

Let him that glorieth glory in this, that Jehovah doeth judgment andrighteousness in the earth (Jer. 9:24).

Do ye judgment and righteousness. Woe unto him that buildeth his housewithout righteousness, and his chambers without judgment. Did not thyfather do judgment and righteousness? And then it was well with him (Jer.22:3, 13, 15).

I will raise unto David a righteous offshoot, and he shall reign as king, andshall do judgment and justice in the land (Jer. 23:5; 33:15).

If a man be just, and do judgment and righteousness (Ezek. 18:5).

If the wicked turn from his sin, and do judgment and righteousness, it shallnot be mentioned against him; he hath done judgment and righteousness; heshall surely live (Ezek. 33:14, 16, 19).

I will betroth thee unto me to eternity; in righteousness and in judgment;and in mercy and in compassions (Hos. 2:19).

Let judgment flow as water, and righteousness as a mighty torrent (Amos.5:24).

Ye have turned judgment into gall, and the fruit of righteousness intowormwood (Amos 6:12).

Jehovah will plead my cause, and execute judgment for me; he will bringme forth into the light, and I shall behold his righteousness (Micah 7:9).

O Jehovah, thy righteousness is like the mountains of God; thy judgmentsare a great abyss (Ps. 36:6).

Jehovah will bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment asthe noonday (Ps. 37:6).

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Jehovah shall judge thy people in righteousness, and thy miserable injudgment (Ps. 72:2).

Righteousness and judgment are the support of thy throne (89:14).

When I shall have learned the judgments of thy righteousness. Seven timesa day do I praise thee, because of the judgments of thy righteousness (Ps.119:7, 164).

God executeth the justice of Jehovah, and his judgment with Israel (Deut.33:21).

The spirit of truth shall convict the world in respect of righteousness, andof judgment (John 16:8–10). (And in other places.)

The reason “judgment” and “righteousness” are mentioned sofrequently is that “judgment” is predicated of truths, and“righteousness” of good, and therefore to “do judgment andrighteousness” means to act from truth and from good. The reason“judgment” is predicated of truth, and “righteousness” of good isthat the Lord’s government in the spiritual kingdom is called“judgment,” and in the celestial kingdom “righteousness” (onwhich subject see Heaven and Hell, n. 214–215). As “judgment” ispredicated of truth, in some passages we read:

Truth and righteousness (as in Isa. 11:5; Ps. 85:11; and elsewhere).

86. That repetitions of the same thing occur in the Word onaccount of the marriage of good and truth, may be seen quiteclearly from passages where “nations” and “peoples” are mentioned:

Woe to the sinful nation, to a people laden with iniquity (Isa. 1:4).

The peoples that walk in darkness have seen a great light: thou hastmultiplied the nation (Isa. 9:2–3).

Asshur, the rod of mine anger, I will send him against a hypocritical nation,and against the people of my wrath will I give him a charge (Isa. 10:5–6).

It shall come to pass in that day, that the root of Jesse, which standeth foran ensign of the peoples, shall the nations seek (Isa. 11:10).

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Jehovah that smiteth the peoples with an incurable stroke, that ruleth thenations with anger (Isa. 14:6).

In that day shall a present be brought unto Jehovah of armies of a peoplescattered and peeled, and a nation meted out and trodden down (Isa. 18:7).

The mighty people shall honor thee, the city of the powerful nations shallfear thee (Isa. 25:3).

Jehovah will swallow up the covering over all peoples, and the veil over allnations (Isa. 25:7).

Come near ye nations, and hearken ye peoples (Isa. 34:1).

I have called thee for a covenant for the people, for a light of the nations(Isa. 42:6).

Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the peoples assemble (Isa.43:9).

Behold, I will lift up my hand toward the nations, and my standard towardthe peoples (Isa. 49:22).

I have given him for a witness to the peoples, a prince and a lawgiver to thenations (Isa. 55:4–5).

Behold, a people cometh from the land of the north; and a great nationfrom the sides of the earth (Jer. 6:22).

I will not make thee hear the calumny of the nations any more, neithershalt thou bear the reproach of the peoples any more (Ezek. 36:15).

All peoples and nations shall worship him (Dan 7:14).

Let not the nations make a byword of them, and say among the peoples,Where is their God? (Joel 2:17).

The remnant of my people shall spoil them, and the residue of my nationshall inherit them (Zeph. 2:9).

Many peoples and numerous nations shall come to seek Jehovah Zebaothin Jerusalem (Zech. 8:22).

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Mine eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the faceof all peoples, a light for revelation to the nations (Luke 2:30–32).

Thou hast redeemed us by thy blood out of every people and nation (Rev.5:9).

Thou must prophesy again concerning peoples and nations (Rev. 10:11).

Thou shalt set me for a head of the nations: a people whom I have notknown shall serve me (Ps. 18:43).

Jehovah bringeth the counsel of the nations to nought, he overturneth thethoughts of the peoples (Ps. 33:10).

Thou makest us a byword among the nations, a shaking of the head amongthe peoples (Ps. 44:14).

Jehovah shall subdue the peoples under us, and the nations under our feet.Jehovah hath reigned over the nations; the willing ones of the peoples aregathered together (Ps. 47:3, 8–9).

Let the people confess unto thee; let the nations be glad and shout for joy;for thou shalt judge the peoples with equity, and lead the nations upon earth(Ps. 67:3–4).

Remember me, O Jehovah, in the good pleasure of thy people; that I mayrejoice in the joy of thy nations (Ps. 106:4–5).

The reason “nations” and “peoples” are mentioned together is that“nations” mean those in good, and in the opposite sense in evil;and “peoples” those in truths, and in the opposite sense in falsities.For this reason those of the Lord’s spiritual kingdom are called“peoples,” and those of his celestial kingdom “nations”; for in thespiritual kingdom all are in truths and consequently in wisdom,and in the celestial kingdom all are in good and consequently inlove.

87. The same rule holds good for other words; for example,where “joy” is mentioned, so is “gladness:”

Behold joy and gladness, slaying the ox (Isa. 22:13).

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They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away(Isa. 35:10; 51:11).

Gladness and joy are cut off from the house of our God (Joel 1:16).

There shall be taken away the voice of joy, and the voice of gladness (Jer.7:34; 25:10).

The fast of the tenth [month] shall be to the house of Judah for joy andgladness (Zech. 8:19).

That we may rejoice all our days, make thou us glad (Ps. 90:14–15).

Be ye glad in Jerusalem, and rejoice in her (Isa. 66:10).

Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Edom (Lam. 4:21).

The heavens shall be glad, and the earth shall rejoice (Ps. 96:11).

Make me to hear joy and gladness (Ps. 51:8).

Joy and gladness shall be found in Zion, confession and the voice of singing(Isa. 51:3).

There shall be gladness, and many shall rejoice at his birth (Luke 1:14).

I will cause to cease the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice ofthe bridegroom and the voice of the bride (Jer. 7:34; 16:9; 25:10).

There shall be heard in this place the voice of joy and the voice of gladness,the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride (Jer. 33:10–11).

The reason why both “joy” and “gladness” are mentioned is that“joy” is of good and “gladness” of truth, or “joy” is of love and“gladness” of wisdom. For joy is of the heart and gladness of thesoul, or joy is of the will and gladness of the understand ing. Thatthere is a marriage of the Lord and the church in these expressionsalso is evident from its being said,

The voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom andthe voice of the bride (Jer. 7:34; 16:9; 25:10; 33:10–11).

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The Lord is the “bridegroom,” and the church is the “bride.”

That the Lord is the bridegroom, see Matt. 9:15; Mark 2:19–20; Luke5:34–35;

And that the church is the bride, Rev. 21:2, 9; 22:17.

And therefore John the Baptist said of Jesus:

He that hath the bride is the bridegroom (John 3:29).

88. On account of the marriage of the Lord with the church, orwhat is the same, on account of the marriage of Divine good andDivine truth in each and every thing of the Word, “Jehovah” and“God,” and also “Jehovah” and the “Holy one of Israel,” arementioned in very many places as if they were two although theyare one, for by “Jehovah” is meant the Lord as to Divine good, andby “God” and the “Holy one of Israel” the Lord as to Divine truth.That “Jehovah” and “God,” and also “Jehovah” and the “Holy oneof Israel,” are mentioned in very many places in the Word althoughone is meant, who is the Lord, may be seen in Doctrine of the Lord(n. 34, 38, 46).

89. As there is the marriage of the Lord and the church in allthings of the Word and in every single particular of it, it is evidentthat all things of the Word and also every particular of it treat ofthe Lord, as we set out to show in Doctrine of the Lord (n. 1–7).The church (which likewise is treated of) is also the Lord; for theLord teaches that the man of the church is in him, and he in theman (John 6:56; 14:20, 21; 15:5, 7).

90. As the subject here treated of is the divinity and holiness ofthe Word, to what has already been said we may add somethingworthy of mention. A small piece of paper marked with Hebrewletters, but written as the ancients wrote them, was once sent mefrom heaven. In those times some of the letters that now are partlyformed with straight lines were curved, and had little horns thatturned upward. The angels who were then with me said that they

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themselves discerned complete meanings from the very letters, andthat they knew them especially from the curvings of the lines andof the points of each letter. And they explained what the lettersmeant when taken each by itself and what when taken together;and said that the H that was added to the names of Abram andSarai means what is infinite and eternal. They also explained in mypresence from the letters or syllables alone the meaning of theWord in Psalm 32:2, showing that the sum of their meaning is thatthe Lord is merciful even to those who do evil.

[2] They informed me that the writing in the third heavenconsists of curved letters that are bent in various ways, and thateach letter possesses a complete meaning; that the vowels thereindicate a sound that corresponds to the affection, and that in thatheaven they cannot utter the vowels i and e, but instead of them yand eu, but that they do use the vowels a, o, and u, because theygive a full sound.

29 Further: that they do not pronounce any

consonants as hard, but soft, and that it is from this that certainHebrew letters have a dot in the center as a sign that they are to be

29. These letters are to be pronounced as follows:

i as in machine

e like the a in baby

y like the German ü or the French ü

eu as in French, or like the German ö

a as in father

In Swedish, o and u are sounded as follows:

o either as oo in booth, or as o in note

u somewhat like the ew in hew

But the natural scale as set forth by Helmholtz and Donders would assign to o thesound of o in note, and to u the sound of oo in booth. [Translator]

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pronounced as [hard, and are without this dot when] soft; and theysaid that hardness in pronouncing the letters is in use in thespiritual heaven because there they are in truths, and truth admitsof what is hard, but not good, in which are the angels of thecelestial kingdom or third heaven. They also said that these angelspossess the Word written with curved letters that have significantpoints and little horns. This shows what is meant by the words ofthe Lord:

One jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled(Matt. 5:18);

It is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one tittle of the law tofail (Luke 16:17).


It is possible for heresies to be drawn from the sense of the letter ofthe Word, but it is harmful to confirm them

91. It has been shown above that the Word cannot beunderstood without doctrine, and that doctrine is like a lamp thatenables genuine truths to be seen, the reason of which is that theWord has been written entirely by correspondences, andconsequently many things in it are appearances of truth and notnaked truths; and many things also have been written in adaptationto the apprehension of the natural and even of the sensuous man,yet so that the simple may understand it in simplicity, theintelligent in intelligence, and the wise in wisdom. The result isthat the appearances of truth in the Word, which are truthsclothed, may be caught at as naked truths, and when they areconfirmed they become falsities. But this is done by those whobelieve themselves wise above others, although they are not wise,for being wise consists in seeing whether a thing is true before it isconfirmed, and not in confirming whatever one pleases. This last isdone by those who excel in a genius for confirming and are in the

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conceit of self-intelligence, but the former is done by those wholove truths and are affected by them because they are truths, andwho make them uses of the life, for these persons are enlightenedby the Lord, and see truths by the light of the truths; whereas theothers are enlightened by themselves and see falsities by the light ofthe falsities.

92. That appearances of truth, which are truths clothed, may becaught at out of the Word as naked truths, and that whenconfirmed they become falsities is evident from the many heresiesthere have been and still are in Christendom. The heresiesthemselves do not condemn men, but an evil life does, as also dothe confirmations from the Word, and from reasonings from thenatural man of the falsities that are in the heresy. For everyone isborn into the religion of his parents is initiated into it from hisinfancy, and afterwards holds to it, being unable to withdrawhimself from its falsities through being engaged with his business inthe world. But to live in evil, and to confirm falsities even to thedestruction of genuine truth, is what condemns. For he whoremains in his own religion, and believes in God, or if inChristendom, in the Lord, regarding the Word as holy, and from areligious principle living according to the ten commandments, doesnot swear allegiance to falsities, and therefore as soon as he hearstruths and perceives them in his own way, can embrace them andso be led away from falsities; but not so the man who hasconfirmed the falsities of his religion, for confirmed falsity remainsand cannot be rooted out. For after confirmation a falsity becomesas if the man had sworn to the truth of it, especially if it chimes inwith his own self-love [amor proprii], and the derivative conceit ofhis own wisdom.

93. I have conversed with some in the spiritual world who hadlived many ages ago, and had confirmed themselves in the falsitiesof their religion, and I found that they still remained steadfast inthe same. I have also conversed there with some who had been ofthe same religion as they, and had thought as they did, but had notconfirmed themselves in its falsities, and I found that after beinginstructed by angels these had rejected the falsities and had imbibed

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truths, and that these were saved, but not the others. After deathevery man is instructed by angels, and those who see truths, andfrom truths falsities, are received. For the power to see truthsspiritually is then given everyone, and those see them who have notconfirmed themselves in falsities, but those who have confirmedthemselves do not want to see truths, and if they do see them theyturn their backs on them, and then either ridicule or falsify them.

94. Let us illustrate this by an example. In many places in theWord, anger, wrath, and vengeance are attributed to the Lord, andit is also said that he punishes, that he casts into hell, that hetempts, and many other such things. He who believes all this insimplicity, and on that account fears God and takes care not to sinagainst him, is not condemned for that simple belief. But the manwho confirms himself in these ideas to such a degree as to believethat anger, wrath, revenge, thus things that are of evil, exist in theLord, and that from anger, wrath, and revenge he punishes a manand casts him into hell, is condemned, because he has destroyed thegenuine truth that the Lord is love itself, mercy itself, and gooditself, and that one who is these cannot be angry, wrathful, andrevengeful. These things are attributed to the Lord because such isthe appearance. So with many other things.

95. That many things in the sense of the letter are apparenttruths, having genuine truths hidden within them, and that it is nothurtful to think and speak in accordance with such truths, but thatit is hurtful to confirm them to such a degree as to destroy thegenuine truth hidden within, may be illustrated by an example innature, which is presented because what is natural teaches andconvinces more clearly than what is spiritual.

[2] To the eye the sun appears to revolve round the earth dailyand also annually, and therefore in the Word the sun is said to riseand set, thus make morning, noon, evening, and night, and alsomaking the seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, andthus days and years; when yet the sun stands motionless, for it is anocean of fire, and it is the earth that revolves daily, and is carriedround the sun annually. The man who in simplicity and ignorance

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supposes that the sun is carried round the earth, does not destroythe natural truth that the earth daily rotates on its axis, and isannually carried along the ecliptic. But the man who by the Wordand by reasonings from the natural man confirms as real theapparent motion and course of the sun, does invalidate the truthand does destroy it.

[3] That the sun moves is an apparent truth; that it does notmove is a genuine truth. Everyone may speak in accordance withthe apparent truth, and does so speak, but to think in accordancewith it from confirmation blunts and darkens the rationalunderstanding. It is the same with respect to the stars in the siderealheavens. The apparent truth is that they too, like the sun, arecarried round the earth once a day, and it is therefore said of thestars also that they rise and set. But the genuine truth is that thestars are fixed, and that their heavens stand motionless. Still,everyone may speak in accordance with the appearance.

96. The reason why it is hurtful to confirm the apparent truth ofthe Word to the point of destroying the genuine truth that lieshidden within, is that each and all things of the sense of the letterof the Word communicate with heaven, and open it, as beforeshown (n. 62–69). So that when a man applies this sense toconfirm loves of the world that are contrary to loves of heaven, theinternal of the Word is made false, and the result is that when itsexternal of the sense of the letter, and which now has a falseinternal, communicates with heaven, heaven is closed, for theangels, who are in the internal of the Word, reject that external ofit. Thus it is evident that a false internal, or truth falsified, takesaway communication with heaven and closes heaven. This is why itis hurtful to confirm any heretical falsity.

96a . The Word is like a garden, a heavenly paradise, thatcontains delicacies and delights of every kind, delicacies in its fruitsand delights in its flowers; and in the midst of the garden trees oflife with fountains of living water near them, while forest treessurround it. The man who from doctrine is in Divine truths is at itscenter where the trees of life are, and is in the actual enjoyment of

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its delicacies and delights; whereas the man who is in truths notfrom doctrine, but from the sense of the letter only, is at theoutskirts, and sees nothing but the forest vegetation. And one whois in the doctrine of a false religion, and who has confirmed himselfin its falsity, is not even in the forest, but is out beyond it in asandy plain where there is not even grass. That such are theirseveral states after death will be shown in its proper place.

97. Be it known moreover that the literal sense of the Word is aguard to the genuine truths that lie hidden within. It is a guard inthis respect, that it can be turned this way or that, and explainedaccording to the way it is taken, yet without injury or violence toits internal. It does no harm for the sense of the letter to beunderstood in one way by one person and in a different way byanother; but it does harm for the Divine truths that lie hiddenwithin to be perverted, because this inflicts violence on the Word.The sense of the letter is a guard against this, and the guard iseffectual in the case of those who are in falsities from their religion,but do not confirm those falsities, for these persons do the Wordno violence.

[2] This guard is signified by cherubs, and in the Word isdescribed by them. This is signified by the cherubs that werestationed at the entrance of the garden of Eden after Adam and hiswife had been cast out, of which we read as follows:

When Jehovah God had driven out the man, he made to dwell at the eastof the garden of Eden the cherubim, and the flame of a sword which turnedevery way, to keep the way of the tree of life (Gen. 3:24).

The “cherubim” signify a guard; the “way of the tree of life”signifies the access to the Lord which men have by means of theWord; the “flame of a sword that turned every way” signifiesDivine truth in ultimates, this being like the Word in the sense ofthe letter, which can be so turned.

[3] The same is meant by

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The cherubs of gold that were placed upon the two ends of the mercy seatthat was upon the ark in the tabernacle (Exod. 25:18–21).

As this was signified by cherubs,

The Lord spoke with Moses from between them (Exod. 25:22; 37:9; Num.7:89).

That the Lord does not speak to man except in what is full, andthat the Word in the sense of the letter is Divine truth in fullness,may be seen above (n. 37–49). So therefore did the Lord speak toMoses from between the cherubs. In nowise different was thesignification of

The cherubs on the curtains of the tabernacle, and on the veil (Exod. 26:1,31),

for the curtains and veils of the tabernacle represented the ultimatethings of heaven and the church, and therefore of the Word, asmay be seen above (n. 46). Nor in anywise different was thesignification of

The cherubs in the midst of the temple in Jerusalem (1 Kings 6:23–28).

The cherubs carved on the walls and doors of the temple (1 Kings 6:29, 32,35).

Or the cherubs in the new temple (Ezek. 41:18–20);

as also may be seen above (n. 47).

[4] As cherubs signified a guard that the Lord, heaven, andDivine truth such as is within the Word be not approachedimmediately, but mediately through ultimate things, it is said ofthe king of Tyre,

Thou sealest up the measure, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty; thouhast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering;thou, O cherub, art the outspreading of that which covereth; I have destroyed

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thee, O covering cherub, in the midst of the stones of fire (Ezek. 28:12–14,16).

“Tyre” signifies the church in respect to the knowledges of truthand good, and therefore its “king” signifies the Word, in which andfrom which are these knowledges. It is evident that the Word in itsultimate, which is the sense of the letter, is here signified by thatking, and also that a guard is signified by a “cherub,” for it is said,“thou sealest up the measure; every precious stone was thycovering”; and “thou, O cherub, art the outspreading of that whichcovereth”; and also “O covering cherub.” That the “preciousstones” mentioned in this passage mean truths of the literal sense ofthe Word may be seen above (n. 45). As “cherubs” signify what isultimate of Divine truth as a guard, it is said in David:

Jehovah bowed the heavens also and came down; and he rode upon acherub (Ps. 18:9–10).

O Shepherd of Israel, thou that sittest upon the cherubim, shine forth (Ps.80:1).

Jehovah sitteth upon the cherubim (Ps. 99:1).

To “ride upon cherubs” and to “sit upon them” means upon theultimate sense of the Word.

[5] Divine truth in the Word, and the quality of it, are describedby the cherubs in the first, ninth, and tenth chapters of Ezekiel; butas no one can know what is signified by the several particulars ofthe description of them, except one to whom the spiritual sense hasbeen opened, it has been disclosed to me what in brief is signifiedby all the things said about the cherubs in the first chapter ofEzekiel, which are as follows:

The external Divine sphere of the Word is described (Ezek. 1:4);

It is represented as a man (Ezek. 1:5);

And conjoined with spiritual and celestial things (Ezek. 1:6);

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The natural of the Word, its quality (Ezek. 1:7);

The spiritual and the celestial of the Word conjoined with its natural, theirquality (Ezek. 1:8–9);

The Divine love of the good and truth celestial, spiritual, and naturaltherein, severally and also together (Ezek. 1:10–11);

They all look to the one thing (Ezek. 1:12);

The sphere of the Word from the Lord’s Divine good and Divine truth,from which the Word is alive (Ezek. 1:13–14);

The doctrine of good and truth in the Word and from the Word (Ezek.1:15–21);

The Divine of the Lord above the Word and in it (Ezek. 1:22–23);

And from it (Ezek. 1:24–25);

The Lord is above the heavens (Ezek. 1:26);

And Divine love and Divine wisdom are his (Ezek. 1:27–28).

These summaries have been compared with the Word in heaven,and are in conformity with it.


The Lord came into the world to fulfill all things of the Word,and thereby to become Divine truth or the Word even inultimates

98. That the Lord came into the world to fulfill all things of theWord, may be seen in Doctrine of the Lord (n. 8–11). And that he

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thereby became Divine truth or the Word even in ultimates ismeant by these words in John:

The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, theglory as of the only-begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth (John1:14).

To “become flesh” is to become the Word in ultimates. What theLord was as the Word in ultimates he showed his disciples when hewas transfigured (Matt. 17:2, etc.; Mark 9:2, etc.; Luke 9:28, etc.);and it is there said that Moses and Elias were seen in glory. By“Moses and Elias” is meant the Word, as may be seen above (n.48). The Lord, as the Word in ultimates, is also described by Johnin Rev. 1:13–16, where all things in the description of him signifyultimate things of Divine truth or of the Word. The Lord hadindeed been the Word before, but only in first principles, for it issaid:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God wasthe Word; the same was in the beginning with God (John 1:1, 2);

but when the Word became flesh, then the Lord became the Wordin ultimates also. It is from this that he is called,

The first and the last (Rev. 1:8, 11, 17; 2:8; 21:6; 22:13).

99. The state of the church was completely changed by the Lord’sbecoming the Word in ultimates. All the churches that had existedbefore his advent were representative churches and could seeDivine truth in the shade only; but after the Lord’s coming into theworld a church was instituted by him that saw Divine truth in thelight. The difference is like that between evening and morning, andthe state of the church before his advent is also called “theevening,” and that of the church after it “the morning.” Before hiscoming into the world the Lord was indeed present with the menof the church, but mediately through heaven, whereas since hiscoming into the world he is present with them immediately, for inthe world he put on the Divine natural, in which he is present withmen. The glorifica tion of the Lord is the glorification of his

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human that he assumed in the world, and the Lord’s glorifiedhuman is the Divine natural.

100. Few understand how the Lord is the Word, for they thinkthat the Lord may indeed enlighten and teach men by means of theWord without his being on that account called the Word. Be itknown however that every man is his own love, and consequentlyhis own good and his own truth. It is solely from this that a man isa man, and there is nothing else in him that is man. It is from thefact that a man is his own good and his own truth that angels andspirits are men, for all the good and truth that proceeds from theLord is in its form a man. And as the Lord is Divine good andDivine truth itself, he is the man, from whom every man is a man.That all Divine good and Divine truth is in its form a man may beseen in Heaven and Hell (n. 460), and more clearly in treatises thatare to follow, on the subject of angelic wisdom.


Before the Word that is now in the world there was a Wordwhich is lost

101. From what is related in the books of Moses it is evident thatworship by means of sacrifices was known, and that menprophesied from the mouth of Jehovah, before the Word was givento the Israelitish nation through Moses and the prophets. Thatworship by means of sacrifices was known is evident from thesefacts:

The sons of Israel were commanded to overturn the altars of the nations,break in pieces their images, and cut down their groves (Exod. 34:13; Deut.7:5; 12:3).

In Shittim Israel began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab;they called the people to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people did eat,and bowed down to their gods; and Israel joined himself especially to Baal-

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peor, and on that account the anger of Jehovah was kindled against Israel(Num. 25:1–3).

Balaam, who was from Syria, caused altars to be built, and sacrificed oxenand sheep (Num. 22:40; 23:1, 2, 14, 29, 30).

[2] That men prophesied from the mouth of Jehovah, is evidentfrom the prophecies of Balaam (Num. 23:7–10, 18–24; 24:3-9,16–24).

He also prophesied concerning the Lord that a star should arise out ofJacob, and a scepter out of Israel (Num. 24:17).

And he prophesied from the mouth of Jehovah (Num. 22:13, 18; 23:3, 5,8, 16, 26; 24:1, 13).

From these facts it is evident that there existed among the nations aDivine worship similar to that instituted through Moses among theIsraelitish nation.

[3] That it existed even before the time of Abram is in somemeasure apparent from the words in Moses (Deut. 32:7, 8), butmore evidently from what is said of Melchizedek king of Salem:

That he brought forth bread and wine, and blessed Abram, and that Abramgave him tithes of all (Gen. 14:18–20);

and that Melchizedek represented the Lord, for he is called

Priest of God most high (Gen. 14:18);

and it is said in David concerning the Lord:

Thou art a priest to eternity, after the manner of Melchizedek (Ps. 110:4).

Hence it was that Melchizedek brought forth bread and wine asholy things of the church, even as they are holy things in thesacrament of the supper; and that Melchizedek could bless Abram,and that Abram gave him tithes of all.

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102. I have been told by angels of heaven that there was amongthe ancients a Word written entirely by correspondences, but thatit had been lost, and they said that it is still preserved, and is in usein that heaven where those ancient people dwell who had possessedit in this world. The ancients who still use that Word in heavencame partly from the land of Canaan and the neighboringcountries, such as Syria, Mesopotamia, Arabia, Chaldea, Assyria,and Egypt, and also from Sidon, Tyre, and Nineveh. Theinhabitants of all these kingdoms were in representative worship,and consequently in the knowledge of correspondences. Thewisdom of that time was derived from this knowledge, and by itsmeans they had an interior perception, and a communication withthe heavens. Those who had an interior acquaintance with thecorrespondences of that Word were called wise and intelligent, andlater, diviners and magi. But as that Word was full ofcorrespondences which only in a remote way signified celestial andspiritual things, and consequently began to be falsified by many, ofthe Lord’s Divine providence it disappeared in course of time, andat length was utterly lost, and another Word, written bycorrespondences less remote than the other, was given by means ofprophets among the sons of Israel. Yet many names of places in theland of Canaan and in the surrounding countries were retained inthis Word with significations like those they had in the ancientWord. It was for this reason that Abram was commanded to gointo that land, and that his descendants, from Jacob, were broughtinto it.

103. That there was a Word among the ancients is evident fromMoses, who mentions it, and who took some things from it (Num.21:14, 15, 27–30); the historical parts of that Word being calledWars of Jehovah, and its prophetical parts Enunciations. From thehistorical parts of that Word Moses took the following:

Wherefore it is said in the book of the Wars of Jehovah, At Vaheb inSuphah, and the rivers of Arnon; and the watercourse of the rivers thatinclineth toward the dwelling of Ar, and betaketh itself to the border of Moab(Num. 21:14, 15).

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In that Word, as in ours, the “Wars of Jehovah” meant anddescribed the Lord’s combats with hell and his victories over it atthe time when he should come into the world. The same combatsare meant, and are described, in many passages of the historicalparts of our Word, such as the wars of Joshua with the nations ofthe land of Canaan, and those of the judges and kings of Israel.

[2] From the prophetical parts of that Word Moses took thefollowing:

Wherefore the enunciators say, Come ye to Heshbon, let the city of Sihonbe built and strengthened; for a fire is gone out of Heshbon, a flame from thecity of Sihon, it hath devoured Ar of Moab, the possessors of the high placesof Arnon. Woe to thee, Moab! Thou hast perished, O people of Chemosh: hehath given his sons as fugitives, and his daughters into captivity unto Sihonking of the Amorites. With darts have we destroyed them. Heshbon hathperished even unto Dibon, and we have laid waste even unto Nophah, whichreacheth unto Medeba (Num. 21:27–30).

The translators say “they that speak in proverbs,” but the renderingshould be “enunciators,” or “prophetic enunciations,” as is evidentfrom the meaning of the word m’shalim in the Hebrew tongue,which is not merely proverbs, but also prophetic enunciations, as inNum. 23:7, 18; 24:3, 15, where it is said that Balaam uttered “hisenunciation” which was prophetic, and which also was about theLord. His enunciation is called mashal, in the singular. Consideralso that the things taken from them by Moses are not proverbs,but prophecies.

[3] That the ancient Word, like ours, was Divine or divinelyinspired, is evident from Jeremiah, where almost the same wordsoccur:

A fire is gone forth out of Heshbon, and a flame from the midst of Sihon,that hath devoured the corner of Moab, and the crown of the head of the sonsof clamor. Woe unto thee, O Moab! The people of Chemosh is undone, forthy sons have been carried off into captivity, and thy daughters into captivity(Jer. 48:45–46).

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Besides these books, a prophetic book of the ancient Word calledthe Book of Jashar, or the Book of the Upright, is mentioned byDavid and by Joshua. By David:

David lamented over Saul and over Jonathan, and wrote, To teach the sonsof Judah the bow. Behold it is written in the Book of Jashar (2 Sam. 1:17,18).

And by Joshua:

Joshua said, Sun, be silent in Gibeon, and thou, moon, in the valley ofAjalon. Is not this written in the Book of Jashar? (Josh. 10:12, 13).

Furthermore: I have been told that the first seven chapters ofGenesis appear in that ancient Word complete to the slightestexpression.


The people outside the church who are not in possession of theWord have light by its means

104. There can be no conjunction with heaven unless somewhereon earth there is a church where the Word is, and where by it theLord is known; for the Lord is the God of heaven and earth, andapart from him there is no salvation. It is sufficient that there be achurch where the Word is, even if it consists of comparatively few,for even in that case the Lord is present by its means in the wholeworld, for by its means heaven is conjoined with the human race.That there is conjunction by means of the Word may be seen above(n. 62–69).

105. But in what way the presence and conjunction of the Lordand heaven exist in all lands by means of the Word shall now betold. Before the Lord the universal heaven is like one man, and so isthe church. And that they actually appear as a man may be seen in

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Heaven and Hell (n. 59–86). In this man, the church where theWord is read and the Lord thereby known, is as the heart andlungs; the celestial kingdom as the heart, and the spiritual kingdomas the lungs.

[2] As all the other members and viscera subsist and live fromthese two fountains of life of the human body, so also do all thosein the whole earth who have some sort of religion, worship oneGod, and live aright, and who are thereby in that man andcorrespond to its members and viscera outside the chest whichcontains the heart and lungs—subsist and live from theconjunction of the Lord and heaven with the church by means ofthe Word. For the Word in the church, although existing withcomparatively few, is life to all the rest, from the Lord throughheaven, just as there is life for the members and viscera of the wholebody from the heart and lungs, and there is a similarcommunication.

[3] This is why those Christians among whom the Word is readconstitute the breast of that man. They are the midmost of all;round about them are the papists; around these again are thoseMohammedans who acknowledge the Lord as the greatest prophetand as the son of God; beyond these are the Africans; while thenations and people of Asia and the Indies constitute the furthestcompass. Concerning this ranking of them something may be seenin Last Judgment (n. 48). Moreover all who are in that man looktoward the middle region where the Christians are.

106. The greatest light is in this middle region where are theChristians who possess the Word; for light in the heavens is Divinetruth that proceeds from the Lord as the sun there; and as theWord is this Divine truth, the light is greatest where dwell thosewho possess the Word. From this region as from its proper center,the light propagates itself from one compass to another even to theuttermost of them; and in this way comes the enlightening, bymeans of the Word, of all the nations and peoples that are outsidethe church. That the light in the heavens is Divine truth whichproceeds from the Lord, and that this light confers intelligence not

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only on angels but also on men, may be seen in Heaven and Hell(n. 126–140).

107. That this is the case in the universal heaven may be inferredfrom the similar conditions that prevail in each of the heavenlysocieties; for every society of heaven is a heaven in a smaller form,and is also like a man. That such is the case may be seen in Heavenand Hell (n. 41–87). In each society of heaven also, those in thecenter correspond to the heart and lungs, and they possess thegreatest light. This light, and the consequent perception of truth,propagates itself from that center toward the successive circuits inevery direction, thus to all in the society, and it makes theirspiritual life. It has been shown that when those in the center whoconstituted the province of the heart and lungs and possessed thegreatest light, were taken away, those around them came intoshadow, and into a perception of truth so scanty as to be almostnone; but as soon as the others came back, the light reappeared,and they had perception of truth the same as before.

108. The same thing may be illustrated by the followingexperience. African spirits from Abyssinia were present with me.On a certain occasion their ears were opened so that they heard thesinging of a psalm of David in some place of worship in this world,which affected them with such delight that they too sang alongwith that congregation. Presently their ears were closed so that theyheard nothing of the singing, but they were then affected with adelight which was still greater, because spiritual, and they were atthe same time filled with intelligence, because that psalm treated ofthe Lord and of redemption. The cause of this increase of delightwas that there was opened to them a communication with thatsociety in heaven which was in conjunction with those in thisworld who were singing that psalm. From this and many othersuch experiences it has become evident to me that communicationwith the universal heaven is effected by means of the Word. Andfor this reason there exists of the Lord’s Divine providence auniversal commercial exchange of the kingdoms of Europe—andchiefly of those where the Word is read—with the nations outsidethe church.

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109. In this respect a comparison may be made with the heat andlight from the sun of this world, which causes vegetation in treesand shrubs even when they are out of its direct rays and under aclouded sky, provided the sun has risen and shown itself in theworld. It is the same with the light and heat of heaven from theLord as the sun, this light being Divine truth, the source of allintelligence and wisdom to angels and men. It is therefore said ofthe Word:

That it was with God, and was God; that it enlightens every man thatcomes into the world (John 1:1, 9); and also that that light appears in thedarkness (John 1:5).

110. From all this it is evident that the Word which exists in theChurch of the Reformed enlightens all nations and peoples by aspiritual communication; and also that it is provided by the Lordthat there shall always be a church on earth where the Word isread, and where consequently the Lord is known. It was for thisreason that when the Word had been almost completely rejected bythe papists, of the Lord’s Divine providence the Reformation wasbrought about, whereby the Word was again received, as also thatthe Word is accounted holy by a notable nation among the papists.

111. As without the Word there is no knowledge of the Lord,and therefore no salvation, it pleased the Lord that when the Wordhad been wholly falsified and adulterated among the Jewish nationand thus as it were brought to nothingness, that he should descendfrom heaven and come into the world, and fulfill the Word, andthereby repair and restore it, and again give light to the earth’sinhabitants, in accordance with his declaration:

The people that sat in darkness have seen a great light; and to those who satin the region and shadow of death, light is sprung up (Matt. 4:16; Isa. 9:2).

112. As it had been foretold that darkness would arise at the endof the present church in consequence of the lack of knowledge andacknowledgment of the Lord as being the God of heaven and earth,and also in consequence of the separation of faith from charity,therefore in order that by reason of this a genuine understanding of

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the Word might not perish, it has pleased the Lord at this presenttime to reveal the spiritual sense of the Word and make it plain thatthe Word in this sense, and from this in the natural sense, treats ofthe Lord and the church, and indeed of these alone, and to discovermany other things besides, by means of which the light of truthfrom the Word, now almost extinguished, may be restored. Thatthe light of truth would be almost extinguished at the end of thepresent church is foretold in many places in Revelation, and is alsowhat is meant by the following words of the Lord in Matthew:

Immediately after the affliction of those days shall the sun be darkened, andthe moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and thepowers of the heavens shall be shaken; and then they shall see the son of mancoming in the clouds of heaven with glory and power (Matt. 24:29–30)

The “sun” here means the Lord in respect to love; the “moon,” theLord in respect to faith; the “stars,” the Lord in respect to theknowledges of good and truth; the “son of man,” the Lord inrespect to the Word; a “cloud,” the sense of the letter of the Word;and “glory,” its spiritual sense and the shining through of this inthe sense of the letter.

113. It has been given me to know by much experience that bymeans of the Word man has communication with heaven. While Iread the Word through from the first chapter of Isaiah to the last ofMalachi, and the psalms of David, I was permitted clearly toperceive that each verse communicated with some society ofheaven, and thus the whole Word with the universal heaven.


Without the Word no one would have knowledge of a God, ofheaven and hell, of a life after death, and still less of the Lord

114. This follows as a general conclusion from what has beenalready said and shown; as that the Word is Divine truth itself (n.

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1–4); that it is a medium of conjunction with the angels of heaven(n. 62–69); that everywhere in it there is a marriage of the Lordand the church, and a consequent marriage of good and truth (n.80–89); that the quality of the church is such as is itsunderstanding of the Word (n. 76–79); that the Word exists in theheavens also, and the angels have their wisdom from it (n. 70–75);that the nations and peoples outside the church also have spirituallight by means of the Word (n. 104–113); and much more besides.From all this it can be concluded that without the Word no onewould possess spiritual intelligence, which consists in havingknowledge of a God, of heaven and hell, and of a life after death;nor would know anything whatever about the Lord, about faith inhim and love to him, nor anything about redemption, by means ofwhich nevertheless comes salvation. As the Lord also says to hisdisciples:

Without me ye can do nothing (John 15:5);

and John:

A man can receive nothing except it be given him from heaven (John 3:27).

115. But as there are those who maintain, and have confirmedthemselves in the opinion, that without a Word it is possible for aman to know of the existence of God, and of heaven and hell, andof all the other things taught by the Word, and as they therebyweaken the authority and holiness of the Word, if not with the lips,yet in the heart, therefore it is not practicable to deal with themfrom the Word, but only from rational light, for they do notbelieve in the Word, but in themselves. Investigate the matter fromrational light, and you will find that in man there are two facultiesof life called the understanding and the will, and that theunderstanding is subject to the will, but not the will to theunderstanding, for the understanding merely teaches and shows theway. Make further investigation, and you will find that man’s willis what is his own [proprium], and that this, regarded in itself, isnothing but evil, and that from this springs what is false in theunderstanding.

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[2] Having discovered these facts you will see that from himself aman does not desire to understand anything but that which comesfrom the own of his will, and also that it is not possible for him todo so unless there is some other source from which he may know it.From the own of his will a man does not desire to understandanything except that which relates to himself and to the world;everything above this is to him in thick darkness. So that when hesees the sun, the moon, the stars, and chances to think about theirorigin, how is it possible for him to think otherwise than that theyexist of themselves? Can he raise his thoughts higher than do manyof the learned in the world who acknowledge only nature, in spiteof the fact that from the Word they know of the creation of allthings by God? What then would these same have thought if theyhad known nothing from the Word?

[3] Do you believe that the wise men of old, Aristotle, Cicero,Seneca, and others, who wrote about God and the immortality ofthe soul, got this from themselves [proprio]? Not so, but fromothers who had it by tradition from those who first knew it fromthe [ancient] Word. Neither do the writers on natural theology getany such matters from themselves. They merely confirm by rationalarguments what they have already become acquainted with fromthe church in which is the Word; and there may be some amongthem who confirm without believing it.

116. I have been permitted to see peoples who had been born in[remote] islands, who were rational in respect to civil matters, buthad known nothing whatever about God. In the spiritual worldsuch appear like apes, and their life is very similar to that of apes.But having been born men, and consequently being endowed witha capacity to receive spiritual life, they are instructed by angels andare made spiritually alive by means of knowledges about God as aman. What man is, of himself, is very evident from the character ofthose who are in hell, among whom are to be found leading andlearned men who are unwilling even to hear of God, and thereforecannot utter his name. I have seen such and have conversed withthem. I have conversed also with some who burned with angrypassion when they heard anyone speak of God. Such being the

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character of some who have heard about God, who have writtenabout God, and have preached about God (and there are manysuch from among the Jesuits), consider what a man would be whohad never even heard of him. It is from the will, which is evil, thatthese are of such a character; for, as before said, the will leads theunderstanding, and takes away from it the truth that is in it fromthe Word. If man had been able of himself to know that there is aGod and a life after death, why has he not known that after death aman is still a man? Why does he believe that his soul or spirit is likea breath of air, or like the ether, and that it has no eyes with whichto see, nor ears with which to hear, nor mouth with which tospeak, until it shall have been conjoined and combined with itscarcass and with its skeleton? Assume then the existence of adoctrine of worship that has been hatched solely from rationallight, and will not that doctrine be that a man’s own self is to beworshiped? For ages this is what has been done, and is done at thepresent day by some who know from the Word that God aloneought to be worshiped. From what is man’s own, any other kind ofworship, even that of the sun and moon, is impossible.

117. That from the most ancient times there has been religion,and that everywhere the inhabitants of the world have hadknowledge of God, and have known something about a life afterdeath, has not originated in themselves or their own penetration,but from the ancient Word (spoken of above, n. 101–103), and, ata later period, from the Israelitish Word. From these two Wordsthe things of religion have spread into the Indies and their islands,and through Egypt and Ethiopia into the kingdoms of Africa, andfrom the maritime parts of Asia into Greece, and from thence intoItaly.

But as the Word could not be written in any other way than bymeans of representatives, which are such things in this world ascorrespond to heavenly things, and therefore signify them, thethings of religion among many of the nations were turned intoidolatry, and in Greece into fables, and the Divine attributes and

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predicates into so many gods, over whom they set one supreme,whom they called “Jove”

30 from “Jehovah.” It is known that they

had knowledge of paradise, of the flood, of the sacred fire, and ofthe four ages, from the first or golden age to the last or iron age, bywhich are meant the four states of the church (as in Daniel2:31–35). It is also known that the Mohammedan religion, whichcame later and destroyed the former religions of many nations, wastaken from the Word of both testaments.

118. Lastly, I will state of what character those become afterdeath who ascribe all things to their own intelligence, and little ornothing to the Word. They first become as if inebriated, then as ifsilly, and finally stupid, and they sit in darkness. Of such insanity,therefore, let all beware.

30. Perhaps; see True Christian Religion, n. 275. [Translator]

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Index of Scripture Passages

Doctrine of the Holy Scripture

GENESIS3:23, 24 975:21–24 2114:18–20 10148:5, 11 79

EXODUS25:18–21 97

22 9726:1, 31 97

1, 31, 36 4628:6, 15–21, 29, 30 4432:12, 14 5134:13 10137:9 97

LEVITICUS10:6 4921:5, 10 35

NUMBERS6:1–21 497:89 9714:18 5121:14, 15 103

14, 15, 27–30 10327–30 103

22:13, 18 10140 101

23:1, 2, 14, 29, 30 1013, 5, 8, 16, 26 1017–10, 18–24 1017, 18 10319 51

24:1, 13 1013–9, 16–24 1013, 15 10317 101

25:1–3 101

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DEUTERONOMY7:5 1019:5, 6 5112:3 10124:16 5132:7, 8 101

20–35 5133:13–17 79

21 8528 2

JOSHUA10:12, 13 103

JUDGES16:17 49

1 SAMUEL3:1–8 295:1 to end 2315:29 5120:5, 12–41 29

2 SAMUEL1:17, 18 103

1 KINGS6:7, 29, 30 47

23–28 9729, 32, 35 97

17:21 2918:34 29

2 KINGS2:23, 24 35

PSALMS18:9, 10 97

43 8629:3–9 1832:2 9033:10 8636:6 8537:6 8544:14 8647:3, 8, 9 8651:8 8760:7 7967:3, 4 8672:2 8578:9 7980:1 9785:11 85

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89:14 8590:14, 15 8796:11 8799:1 97106:4, 5 86108:8 79110:4 101119:7, 164 85

ISAIAH1:4 86

21 8527 85

3:1, 2, 8 514:5 335:3–6 51

16 859:2 111

2, 3 867 85

10:5, 6 8626–34 15

11:5 8510 8611, 13–16 15

12:3 213:9–11 1414:6 8615:2 3517:3 7918:7 8620:2, 3 16, 35

3 2922:13 8724:21, 23 1425:3 86

7 8628:1 7933:5 8534:1 8635:10 8742:6 8643:9 8644:24–26 5149:22 86

22, 23 5151:3 87

11 8755:4 8656:1 8558:2 8565:9 5166:10 87

20, 22 51

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JEREMIAH2:13 23:18 514:2 8515 796:22 867:34 879:24 8513:1–7 1616:9 (twice) 8717:13 222:3, 13, 15 8523:5 85

5 5125:10 (twice) 8731:6, 18 79

9 2, 7920 7927, 31, 33 51

33:10, 11 8715 85

48:37 3545, 46 103

50:19 7919, 20 51


EZEKIEL1 (chap. cited) 974:1–15 165:1–4 16, 357:18 359 (chap. cited) 9710(chap. cited) 9718:5 8528:12, 13 45

12–14, 16 9729:18 3532:7, 8 1433:14, 16, 19 8536:15 8637:16 7939:17–21 1541:18–20 9748:5 79

DANIEL7:9 49

14 86

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HOSEA1:2–9 16

(chap. cited) 792:19 853:2, 3 16

(chap. cited) 164:17, 18 795:3 79

5, 9, 11–14 796:4 79

10 797:1, 11 798:9, 11 799:3 79

11–13, 16 7910:11 7911:3 79

8 7912:1 79

1, 8, 14 7913:1, 12 79

JOEL1:16 872:1, 2, 10 14

17 863:15 14

18–20 51

AMOS5:24 856:12 858:10 35


JONAH1:17 293:9 514:2 51

MICAH1:16 357:9 85

NAHUM1:15 51


ZECHARIAH2:10–12 51

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8:19 8722 8623 51

9:10 7913 7910:3, 4, 6, 7 51

7 7913:1 2


MATTHEW2:1, 2, 9–11 234:4 6916 1115:3 51

8 5718 90

7:1, 2 517, 8 51

9:15 8711:3–5 1712:39 5113:14–15 60

33 2917:1–5 48

2 9819:28 5121:21, 22 5123:8–10 51

25–26 4027–28 51

24:29, 30 11229–31 1430, 31 25

25:1–12 1726:34 29

39–44 2961 2964 49

28:1 29MARK

2:19, 20 879:2 9813:31 214:62 4916:19 49

LUKE1:14 872:30–32 865:34, 35 876:20 51

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37 519:28 9816:17 90

19, 20 4017:21 78

JOHN1:1, 2 98

1, 4 21, 5, 9 10914 98

2:19 2919, 21 47

3:17, 18 5127 11429 87

4:6, 10, 14 214 69

6:27 6956 8963 2, 17, 39, 6968 2

7:24 5137, 38 2

8:44 5111:35, 36 40

11 4012:2 40

47, 48 5114:6 2

20, 21, 23 5720, 21 89

15:5 1145, 7 897 51

16:8, 10 8521:15–17 29

REVELATION1:8, 11, 17 98

13–16 9814 49

2:8 985:9 866:1–5, 7, 8 127:4–8 11

17 29:1–3, 7–11 1310:11 8612:3 4413:1 4417:3 25

4 4419:11–18 9, 25

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21:2, 9 876 9810–21 1017–20 4318–21 36

22:1 212, 13 9817 87