DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

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Page 1: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the
Page 2: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

DOCKET XO. -..-.--- ~ ~ % ~ z - - - ~ ;

tn the Matter of -- THE MATTER THE ---


- ,- - .--, ---.--+-"-- MlDSTATE GBMMUNICWTIQMS, INC. -

Public Ultliljties c@smmissi~mnz of the State of South Dakota

Page 3: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

Xrll-, William Sullard Jr. E s ~ c i j f i ~ e Dircctar I't~fsfie Utilities C'ommission Sirttt. n r Sauth Bakota 5!$1 tirtse f api?cll .i?rt.t-n- South I>alcota 57501

I2czr Mr. Hullard:

On bchrtlSof Midstate Communications, Inc., enclosed are five ( 5 ) Sivitclned -4ccess Study pursuant to the rules established by the Co t.!rscurr~cntation is includcd in the study:

'i'isi. crruloscd Intrastate Switched Access Study re t ocrtt 13xc!1e11ge Carrier Associatican (LECA). Th

:jcccrs '1 urr %rates.

Page 4: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

May 3 1,2000

This study irrcludcs both Midstate Telephone Company an Gnglc study, Piease note that these two companies vere co Cisrnmunications, Inc. on 01 -01 -2000.

lC ycru \lave any questions or comments, please feel fiee to contact me at 605-9955-577.

Sincerely, Martin atid Associates,, inc.

Don Lee

1-31 L'wd Eaclostlre: Access Study (5)

Program Disk (1) CC; Mark Benton, Manager

'-- - --". ,

, ' ' t :,I., $ jc l f i i l Suril:,:,m Bl id * Mitchell. SD 5730

Page 5: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the





3tkfl7lW AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 15i5 NORTH SANEORN BOULEVARD 3gnB'BEf.L. SOOTH DAKOTA 57301-1021 f#dlS 1$98-9@6

Page 6: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the pre 1l1c altachcd 1 999 I~~trastste Switched Access filing for

- Mjdstate Telephone Company

-. Heartland C~nmunications, Inc.

u i ~ d tllitr I st11 authorized io execute this certificat pn~ilidcd [o mc by employees responsible for the Irirchy certify that the data has been examined s~ld ctuaistcnl with the rules of the South Dakota Public

* Plcasc tlote that these two companies were consolidated into Midsta

Director of Settlements

Page 7: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the


Page 8: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

..--4,. -'p *&(iSSTfiTE TELi#Wi3i+;E CCIM$A%Y d rlEAQTCP$4D COMML11\JlC4TIONS. iriC

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C:rvur!wr Fe~uilecri:w~l 5un\:1i~> Source LUIB S%ilcflkq ifltprntaran Transpart Coltrctrorl ~ l t t a i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ..-, . *. - .& ..- . -,.. ............ ............ ............. ' * .%

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15 NB: tnvasnlrent l G Hale rrl R e l u t ~ ~ i? !ti Relurrc on Rats Pi i ! i~ 19 Relucn Adlusln~ef~ts 20 21 Nel Relurn or! Rate Base 2'2 lnccrrno Taxes 23 Expanses and Other Tares 24 25 Tolal IniraLATA Rev. Req 26 27 28 29 INTERLATA. 30 31 Ne! lnvesttnenl 32 Rats 01 Return 33 34 Return on Wsla aaso 35 Rsturn Ad~uslments 36 37 Nel Relurn on Rale Base 38 tncofne Tare* 39 Expenqss and Oltiec Tures 40 41 Total InterLATA Rev Ruq 42 43 44 45 TaTAL INTRASTATE REV. R E 0



$2.1.479 0 . K 11) 1)0%

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Page 9: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the


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Page 10: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

O.K. O.K. O.K.




O.K. 23 lntangalu Assels 30 31 32 Total Tolu Pll. 11, Service 33 34 Platllt.!nJd. Fuluie Use 35 TPUC. Shun-lotm 36 TPUC. Long-!arm 37 Tel. Pi\ Ad~aslrnenl 38

O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K.

39 Tolal Ouler TuI, Pit. 40 4 1 42 TOTAL TELEPHONE PLANT


Page 11: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

56 t!F4p Ac~ui- , , far4 57 t iC<cr ib i~$l# ie! %qii jkt!rwt $8 4tcitmi ik: lrlr 3 arcs NPI 48 Uiil Liiltt b Out I:: , Net 50

63 Msldr~dls dl10 Suppltos 107,594 Hi31 78.894 0 28,293 0 300 64 Wural Tpl Bank. Stock 11 !-I35 0 ZU.GOO 0.K 0 0 0 0 85 Cash Wrtrktctg Ctrprldl 64.909

0 0 . K 114,558 Formula 0 29,315

6s Equul Arcuss ir~ku$t~nefrl 0 .-. 0 334 0

29,649 OK 0

67 ............. ............. 0 ............. 0 0 ............. 0 CI.K, ............. ............. -. ---.-.- *--

68 TOT& NET INVESTMEN7 512.448.191 $a,794,646 ===---- ^ ----- $0 $3,631,225 SO $22,320 $3,653,545 0 . K -...------- - ---- - ----- - ^__ -__-__-______ 69 ------------- -----I------- =======-==== -------.======

Page 12: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

$3 LAHiVb kh'Q SUPPPHT ASSETS 16 15 Lm.j% Aliucatll+ 18 F l i ~ d . Onect $7 18 Tbt62Land ! 9 TO Molor Vrh~cles 21 Alrcrah 22 Speo~ai Pucpose Veh~cles 23 Garaga Work Equjpmenl 24 OBsr Wora Eqqu~prnttill 25 Bu~ldlngs. Ailocilble 26 Bulld~ngs, D~rect 27 Furnilure 28 Office Equlprnent 29 Generai Purpose Cornpulers 30 31 TGal Suppon Assets 32 33 To[. Land and Suppnn Assals 34 35 36 CENTRAL OFFICE EOUIPMENI 37

0 K O.K.

O.K. 0.K. O.K. O.K. O.i(. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K.



36 CAT 1 Oper Sys , TSPS $0 G22 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 K 39 CAT 1 Oper Sys.. Oltlel TSPS 0 G21 0 0 0 0 0 0 O K 40 CAT 1 Oper Sys , Aut Pos 0 (323 0 0 0 0 0 0 O K 41 CAT 1 Oper. Sys,. Other 0 V36 0 0 0 0 0 0 O K

............. ............. ...--........ 42 - -- - -. - -. . - - - *. . -. - . . - . - - . - - - - -- - -. - -.- -----*---.

43 Tolal GAT 1 I 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 0 K 44 =======i==== ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- - . - - . ------------- ------------- ------------- --..-----A====

45 46 CAT 2 Tandem Sw. Allocable 47 CAT 2 Tundarn Sw. Olrecl 48 49 Total CAT 2

Page 13: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

*.%***- ?Jet~%hF Trw&+e* $$$IYICL? Prw ate Ltlw

J L ~ C 36 **'*--* Ti3Ji.L 5i~G-LB kl%+bS#? .-............. +.--.I .-....-...-................. _L.L.- rC. FA!. . ................. iD.LrSrs( mi*bbt;~rit '%?ail CCi$J$AhF P&'**j' 4;J+dl HkJ O i l ~ t trtferl ATh i i i r i ; i *AT~ lnb~tP ,TA b:l~dLA? 4 :*<T#A;(A~E

Total CUE Sw. CAT 283

CAT 4 12 Exchange Trunk CAT 4 $2 Erch Tr. C>trecl CAT 4. I3 Exch Ln, Messaye CAT 4 13 PC, WATS. Local CAT 4 13 Olrect CAT 4.23 Message CAT 4 23 PL. WATS CAT 4 23 Direcl CAT 4 3 bllR Message C4T 4.3 WATS CAT 4.3 Dlrecl

Total COE CAT 4

CAT I OLhar iOT Eqrrtpmenl $0 CAT 1 Goinless Pay Piionas 0 CAT 2 CP Equtprneni 0 . .-. -- -. . --. - Total IOT Equtpmonl YO --- ---sGz==L====

$3.877.248 fa 61,913,701 so so S1.913.701 OK. -- -" ------------- --5--___------ r---3-__-..___ --_-_-__----- ==_L3====L=.=r= --=====-===;=

$0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ............. Sr!


50 G.K. O O.K.

226,557 O.K. 2.621 O.K.

0 O.K. 564.046 O.K.

0 O.K. 1,271 O.K.

0 O.K. 0 O.K. 0 O.K.

............. $794.495 Q.K.

.-. - ......... - - - - - - - - - - - - -

$0 SO SO $0 $0 YO O.K. 0 0 0 0 6 0 0.K. 0 0 0 0 0 0 O.K. ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. .-..........

SO $0 SO $0 50 YO O.K. /-__;i;;i3;*= Yii===iiClli === 2-efse=zF 3z BE a;T111.' . . . . . . . . --- ----------

Page 14: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

CAT 1 1 ?~ltra*&TA P W d ~ 7 5 CAT r 2 fr:lerLAYA FLfAJA? S C A i 1 3 Joat Message OUier CAT 1 C I W F

10131 CAT 1 CgWF

CAT 2 CBWF CAT 2 C&WF. W~debend

Tolal CAT 2 CBWF SO O.K.

CAT 3 Jo~nl Message CAT 3 PbWATS elc. CAT 3 Direct

Tau1 CAT 3 C&WF

CAT 4 Message CAT 4 WATS CAT 4 Dlrecl

Total CAT 4 CiiVJF



Allocable Support Leases D!rec: Support Leases

Tola! Support Leases

Page 15: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

AL COMPANY -. =.-.-

(5 J

COE Opotatcr COE 7 andeft! Srrilch COE Local Switch COE Transmission COE 01fecl

Total COE Leases O.K.


C&WF Leasas



Land and Support Assel; COE Sw~lch~ng COE Operalor COE Ttansmlssion IOT CBWF Olhsr

O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. 0 K. O.K. O.K.



Page 16: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

2iS {rl2'iA?JGlYLE; ASSr?TS 305 ziti3 RlkKat?le Acc'I NO 2690 $0 2U? Qiiact Aca Nu 26W 0 206 - *-. . -*. - . -. - 204 b t n l ll'tl&ngtDls Assets SO 210 ------------- ---- --- - E l l 212 OTHE Fi TELEPHONE PLANT 213 214 Weid br Put Us6 - Alloc 215 Hekl lor Ful Use -Direct 216 TPUC, S ~ ~ r l . t e m - AI;OG 217 TPUC. Short-term - Dlrecl 218 TPUC. Long-leim - Alloc. 2t9 TPUC, Long term - D~rqct 220 Telo Plt ~\dlrisI. . klloc. 221 Sale Plt. Adlusl - Direcl 222 223 Totdl Other Telephone Plant

H3E $0 $0 $13 $0 50 $0 OK. VlOO 0 0 Q 0 0 0 O.K. - -* ---. - . .- .-.-..-A -.-- " ..-. - ...--. .- - ..-..,- - ,... .- ?. , - . . - .- -. -. . . . - --. . - - .

$0 SO $0 so $0 so O.K. ~

---I------ ------------ --,-------as=;: ==a>s=-==%.L- --======c=====

50 OX. 0 O K. 0 O.K. 0 O.K.

174.066 0.K 0 OK. 0 0.K 9 OK.

. . . --. * - . -. - $17'1,066 O.K.

Page 17: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

. . . . 7.-- .-. .- it!) !CI

- , ? "." . , IF!

$3 rccuu DEPRECIATIDN :PIS ? 1 16 &:pp~J &$!,dl$

36 COE SMLchGy 1 J CQE Weraxur lfl COE Ttanmsscan 1D TOT Equrpnte~\ 20 Cable and Waa Fa~Iilves 21 Other Plant 22 23 Total Accurn. Dcpr., TPIS 24


25 ACCUM AMORTIZATION 26 27 Accurn D&lzroc~il$cn, PHFU 28 4Ccurrl Alnori ., T uc\l/lblv lnv 29 ACcUnl. Arnort., inlarig lrlv 30 Accum Amorl . Olher .. 31 .....-.... ............. ............. ............. --.. *. -.--.-. ............. - .- .--.-, -.. *

32 Tot. Accum kmon~zalion $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 80 33



suppon ASS%& COE Sw~lcnmg COE Operalor C3E TranSrgisslan IOT Eqrripmon\ Cable and W I ; ~ Fac Unclassll~ed

O.K. O.K. O.K. 0.K O.K. 0 .K O.K.

Total kccum. Del. iirc. Taxes

Page 18: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

13 7 RANS W T MUtPMCVd'l I S 1 $ vr'srkng ;mvs 16 Arg Gus: {,or LOL~I :7 $8 CAT 4 13 Ehda Llr !nv~sr 19 20 21 ClrcuR Tennmalfolis 22 Avg Cost per Temirisbol 23 24 CAT 4 73 Oher 1% 25 26 27 CgWF INVESTMENT' 28 29 Working imps 30 Loops Faclor 31 CAT 1 Exchango 3BWF 32 33 3.6 Equnalenl lX Circull Miles 35 lX Ccl Mlles Factor 36 CAT 3 lnlerexch. CBWF

0 O.K. 0.000000


Page 19: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

Ifi D1sl Eq~tI&Jfnent W1Jle5 (DEt/j 15 17 Cpii*ersalrsn Mmule-Mrtes 18 Converra~nn Mmutes 19 Suhsct&er Z&tutes (SCU) 20 21 TSPS Pmiessor Tlme 23 wid Stand. VJorlr Sec . Toll Z3 Wld Sland Work Scc., Aux 24 Wid. Stand Work Sec . Comb

I .wow

: DOOU00 1 ~ ~ O O U O 1 00i~000

0 ODOOOO 0 00000t) 0 000000 0.000000




25 26 COE CAT 2 Minutas 27 28 Exmange Trunk M~nuies 29 MOU-MI . HosVRernol~ 30 31 CBWF CAT 4. WATS 32 33 Equal Access MOU 34 35 Currerll Brll~ngs 36 EU Presubscrtphon Faclor 37 ELI MTS B WATS Faclor 38 EU Access, PIL and All Other Faclor 39 lX Specfal Access Factor 40 lX Sw~lcliacl Access Faclor 4 1 IX 51llmg .3 Collection Servlsec Faclor 42 Csffl Revenue Percent 43 Relatlve ToltiLocal bhsgs. 44 Relat~ve Users Percent 45 CABS Percent 3E Fors~gn Dlrectorfes Percerll


1.000000 0.000000



1.0000w 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1 .oooqoo 1 0011000 1 000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000







Page 20: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

iti C3";pkt~tfii 17 CGG ~@;?L&~XI Swilchtny 18 COe LCCal i3Yid~hltlg 19 CDE Total Swflching M C O f Trarisn~lss~on 21 TottitCOE 22 23 Jnlo 0119 /Term CAT t 24 Info Ong/Tertr~ CAT 2 25 Total IOT 26 27 c&WF CAT 1 28 CBWF CAT2 29 CLLWFCAT3 30 CBWFCAT4 31 Tolal CBWF 32

O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K.


35 TPIS 36 TPIS, erci. Accl No. 2690 37 38 ?It Held, Ful tlse 33 40 Toral Tungrble Assuls 4 1 Tolal Ir~tarlyrlile Assuls 42 43 LM~-lerm PUC 44 Nel Telept~orle PLant 45 Total Nqi IilYaslmenl 46 Capital Leases 47 48 Tol. Elus Ofc.. CUS~ Setv 49 50 Tolal 'BIG THREE' Expensa 5t

0.288667 0 288667


0~000000 0 000000

0,284667 0,292296 0.291707 0.000000


0.31248 9


0.1(. O.K.


O.K. 52 Corporac aperations Expense 1000000 I185 0.590286 ~.bO0000 0 405917 0.000000 0.003796

Page 21: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

.-. V?.. I CC PA51 35 """' 0,mra:ag Exp~nses a t 4 Tztas . .. . -.--..--- -... -* .--, - . . - .-- -


13 PLANT SPEC OPER EXPENSE 14 15 Netsork Support, Rlloc 16 Nefumrk Suppan, Direct 17 16 Tolal Network Supporl Esp 19 20 General Support. Alloc 21 General Support. Direct 22 23 Tator General Supporl Exp 24 25 Cenlral Olicce Eq . Alloc 26 Canlral Office Eq,. Vlrocl 27 28 Total COE Era 29 30 Cust Prerntses E q i ~ ~ p 31 Colr~less Pay Phone 32 Other IOT 33 IOT Dlrecl 34 35 Total IOT Exp. 36 37 Cable &Wire, Alloc. 38 Cable ti Wire. Dlrecl 59 40 Total CliWF Exp 4 1 42 TOTAL PLT. SPEC. OPER. EX? 5580.394 43 44 TOTAL PLT. SPEC., ex SUPPORT $521.704

O.K. O.K.


O.K. O.K.


O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K.





Page 22: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

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3 LYiSY ELNI Yl'lnPrtui ViYttellJL Y f vlP-.lul YlVll@lrJi Jargr) ntle Jol@3WV ANYa"NCi3 s a ~ e i ~~ fas -a l : r? W~f$n~*ifg ..... -----.. .....-........................... --... ..*........... .....- ......... .- ..... TVlC3.L SIP) sislu; la2tras TVf l Oi ..b..G- tdVd 335 .......

xut? 3iZhi,Ld arns6?? srmtghieri 3 6 ~ 4 8 ~ ~ . . . . . . . ".l'-. .................... "-"__ _........... "_..__*I. L" __l___FL.__. . .........I( me;ceau:

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Page 23: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

1G: Markeur,<:, aliocablr 108 M~tkelmg, Dlrecl ! 09 110 Tola: Mdrkercng Expense 9 1 1 I12 Operalor Service. Aiioc 113 Operalor Serv~ce. Dlrect t \a 115 Tola1 Operator Sovice 116 117 Classified Dtruclory 118 Alphabellcal Dtfeclory 119 Fore~go Dtrecrory 1 PO I21 Tala! D~reclo~y 122 123 Bus Ofc.. EU Presubscrlpllon 124 Bus. Ole., EU MTS & WAYS 125 Bus. Pfc.. EU Access. P/L 8 all Other 126 aus Olc , lXC Special Access i27 Bus. 01c.. IXC Switfiert Accus; 126 Bus Gtc.. IXC a 8 C Survlces 129 Coirl Collect Adnun. 138 131 Total Bus~tiees Ofilce 132 133 Cusl. Svc.. Dlrccl 134 Cusl. Sew<, Msg Process 135 CUSI Sew. Olt~ur 68C 136 CUSt. set^ .CABS 137 C ~ s l . Sew., EU Cotnmorl Lsre 138 139 Total Cuslom=r Service 190 141 Total Bus 3 l c , Cust Sew. t42

$3G,OJO 0 K. 0 OK. -..- -.-.--.-.

530,090 0.K

$0 O.K. 0 O.K.

............. $0 OK,

O.K. O.K. O.K.

0 , K .

OK. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. 0 K. O.K.


O.K. e.g O K. 0 g, CJ ri.

0 K.

0 IS

Page 24: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

" --* 8 2* +&ipzm2 i l l SS <,7 ??A k:(liij%:,% eELTMBS.3 97. :$At 15' fiii kl+P*\"IJ 6 t3f )i&?i;C,@+ P Cirna*b&$

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fnlra$!at@ .. -,-a. .-.. ------.-.. ".- ----*..... '.* ..-.-..---...-.--mk.-# ......................

".4,&*. kssssqp T ~ i e p w ~ a .%ee Prwala F-

FCC ?i;fiT Euj "-3- '" ............ TOTAL S G i l l ~ ~ i lrrlarstere ...-.- TOTAL O ~ r a w l y ErpMntrtta a w f aaas COMPANY Atlocator and Olhef InlerLAiA 1nfiatfiTA InlarLATE; I:tt~aLATil IFI'TRASTATE ... -.*------....-+ ".-- ..-.--.-- ............ ... .. . -- --. .-. - - .* .---.- * .----. . - .- - < -. . -. - . --. .- -- - . ............ .........

(A1 10) 113) iD) (£1 (F) (G) iHt (11

IbS O&ei Cusl Sen*., Albr $38,778 H48 $29.460 50 99,132 $0 $206 53,318 0 K 157 Olher Gust Sew . Dlrecl 562 V211 562 0 0 0 0 0 OK. 158 ... ....... ... --. --. -----..-- --.- . -- . . -. -- -.-- . . -. .- -. -. .- -- 159 Total Olher Cusl. Sew. $39.340 $30.022 $0 $9,112 50 $206 59.318 0 K 160 161 TOTAL CUSTOMER OPER EXP $543,225 $403,574 $0 9135,077 $6 $4.574 $139.651 0 K 162 163 164 'BIG-THREE' EXPENSES 165 168 Total Pll Spec.. ex Support 167 Tolal Netwark Oper. Erp. 168 Total Customer Opsrahons 169 170 TOTAL '6lG THREE' EXPENSES :71 172 173 CORPORATE OPERC\TIONS EXPENSE: 174 135 Exec. and Planning. Al:oc 1193,972 H50 176 Exec and Planning. Direc! . .-7 0 V213

............. ? i J

178 Totdl Exec and Plannlng $1 93,972 179 180 Adrnin 8 Ge~lerai, Allocable $257,741 H50 181 Adrrtlrt B Gurirtral, Dlrecl 05,474 V231 ............. 182 183 Tulal Adrnln. and Gen. 3343.215 184 185 TOTAL CORPORATE OPERATIONS $537.:87 186 187 :8E NON.INCCME TAXES. 189 190 Non-mcotno Taxes, AllocaLrlu 50 H36 $0 YO SO SO %U $9 O K 191 Non-hcqmo Taxes, Dlrec: 7.970 V235 1.693 0 6.277 0 0 6,2;1 O K ..-.. ............. ............. ............ ............. ............. ............. 192 ..--.*. 193 Total Non-nconlo Taxos 17,970 $1.693 $0 56.277 $0 $0 $6.277 0.K. 194 195 796 TOTAL OPER EXP. AND TAXES $4,165,001 53,026.51 1 $0 $1,128,!55 50 '$10.334 5 1,138,440 0 K

5200,894 O.K. 32.636 O.K.

139,651 O.K. . . - . . - . . - . . -. 9373,182 O.K.

$61.488 O.K. 0 O.K.

$61.488 O.K.

Page 25: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

Pan 35 'a~l:aarq

To!al Source ---.--.-.- --..


13 Nel lnveslrnent 14 -161 01 Return 1 Tj 18 Return on Rate Base 17 18 AFUDC 19 ITC Arnorlizatlcn 20 OUler Re:trrn Adlusrrnenls 2 1 22 Nel Relun-I 23 24 Interest Expense 25 Capilsltzed Peyroll Taxes 26 Deprecizlton AdlusVnent 27 Olher Income Adluslrnenls 28 29 Allar Tax Income 30 31 SLale lncome Taxss 32 Federal Income Taxes 33 Operating Expenses and Taxes 34 Uncollecl~bles 35 Other Revenue Adlusunenls 36 37 Busts tor Gross Recolpls Tar 38 39 40 Gross Roce~pts Tax 4 1 42 43 TOTAL REVENUE REOUIREMENT 44

O.K. 0.K

O.U. O.K. i1.K.

O.K. O.K. 0.K. O.K.


O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K.

Page 26: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

SMr 'X' 24 ~~f WKa till 1842 H A EkQMr; T>l.CSWEI~ 7:. l a $ YiY ' p l ! Ktr"3VPN d %+&S+$PIR~CD~T- LHAIdbCS

MJDSTir7 E TELEPHONE GQMPANY h HEAHFLA*~~ COklML"MiCAT'QF45 it.1C' ...................-................ ..._..a. .....-. I.... L--"I1.-*I---. ................................................. ..-............. ..-......... _.n.-. *-- .-i"n. 7 l i . l . L . f r&fq 6% rzn s

m1raLAJn I~~vas!merrl IfxlraL h7 A Cmntwr Lwill Comma3 Btit~ng and Surrhcrlaty t o+xi %;rice L I ~ % SwlWmg kit~rmitlrnrl Twnspon Col lb~ i~w Ulnar

................................ ,. .-.< ..-.- - - - . ....... ....... ... ............. ........... ......... ...... -. -. IA) iB) Iq io) :El (Ff LG) !HI D l

13 Lsnd dot! Supp~rt Assets $823.4OL! t25 $54,040 $353,839 $0 $400.102 $0 $ 4 O K Id I 5 Central Oltlce Equrprnen: 52;108.!96 L70 5226,557 $1,508,586 SO S969.160 LO 3 8 0 K I 6 Into. Temr long Equipment 0 L78 0 0 II 0 0 O O K 17 Cable atld W1:e Faeiltl~e~- 3,324.388 L117 2,550,543 0 0 708,225 0 35.621 0 K ............. - . - -. - - --. .- . ............. ............. ..-.- -. . - --- - ............. 18 ......... 19 Total COE. IOT. C&WF $6,032,584 $2,807,100 $1,505,586 50 $0 !S39SlLI O h $1,677,385 20 21 Tolal Tarlgibla Assets $0 L141 90 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 O K 22 23 Total Tele. PI1 ex lntarig $6.855.989 $2,861.140 $1.868.425 $0 52,077,487 $0 $48 $28 0 K 24 Total lntanglble Assets 0 L144 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.K ............. ............. ............. ............. 25 ............ --- *. - - - - - - -. . - . -- -- - * . 26 Tolal Plant In SeNlce $6,855,909 $'2,861.140 $1.868,425 $0 52.077,487 $0 $48.1138 0.K 27 Totai Pi1 Held Fulure Use 0 L147 0 0 0 0 0 0 O K 28 Tolal ST PUC 0 L163 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.K 29 Total LT PUC 174,066 L16J 72.64 1 47.437 0 52,745 0 1.242 0 K 30 Total Tsl Pll Adjusl 0 L169 0 0 0 0 0 0 O K

............ ............. *.-.-- *- .-.-. . . *-. - -. - - -. . - - . -. . -. . - - -. .- - .- . --. --- - *. . --. . - . . - . . 32 TOTAL TELEPHONE PLANT $7,030,055 $2,933,761 $1.9 15,862 $0 $2.130.232 $0 550,180 0 K 33 35 lass. 35 Accum Dapr , PIt in Sen, 3.434.759 M23 1,505,544 8111,988 0 993.810 0 26 117 O K 36 Acculn. Depr PHFU 0 b127 0 D 0 0 0 0 OK 37 Accum Amott. Tanytble PI! 0 M28 0 0 0 0 0 0 O K 38 Accum Amon. lnlanglb!es 0 M29 0 0 0 0 0 0 O K 35- Accurn. Amcrt. Olher 0 M30 0 0 0 0 0 0 O K 40 Accurr~. Oel. lnc. Taues. Net 0 M47 0 0 0 0 0 0 O K

42 plus: 43 Other Assals 0 D~rac! 0 0 0 0 0 0 O K ............. .......-..... ............. ............. ............. ............ .............

$1,337,937 $1,096,575 $0 $1,136,422 SO S24.064 0 K

0 O K 48 Malgrlals and Supp!ias 204 CJ K 49 Cash Worktng Capital 212 O K 50 Equal Access It~vasLnwnL O O,K ............. ............. ............. ........... - + < .

52 NET INVESTMENT SL.?,JdEI 0% -3 -==== cii=l=Si --- ---. i Y 5,,,Z=-..+-ria=ii r=---=ii-z=-* >,*--I ----, &A_; .......

Page 27: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

MlDSf ATE TELEPHOME: COMPAIJY 6 HE ~A?Lk?4ii CDldMUFIEATlWS lfJC ....... .-.....-.. ................... ............._........-........ ..=-_. . .-_.-.-.--. ..._...........................I..-.....

Corr~rnm ma^ Com~non 8&01ng and Ltne Sw:tchIng Infticma$m Transpmi C~ilsctmn ............. . .- - .- ---. - - . - - - . . - . -..--- ..*--- - -. . - . -- - - . - . (0) IEJ (FJ Is)

13 LAFiU AND SUPFORT ASSETS 14 15 Land ASSe15. Message 16 Land Assets. Pnvate Llne 17 18 Total Land Assets 13 20 Support Assets, Message 25 support Assets. Pr~vate Line 22 23 Talal Support Assets 24 25 Total Land and Supp. Assets 26 27 CENTRAL OFFICE EQUIPMENT 28 29 Operalor Sys., DA 30 Operator Sys.. 01tler 31 32 Tolai C?peraIor Systems 33 24 Tandem Swltchlnq 35 Tandem Asstgnad 36 37 Tolal Tandem Sw~lchtng 39 39 Local Swllchlng 40 Local Asstynsd 41 42 Total Loco! Swllchlng 43 4 4 TOW Swltchtng

$9.363 0 K. 62 O.K.

$9.425 O.K.

$9.425 O.K.

0 O.K. 0 O.K.

$0 O.K.

YO O.K. 0 0.K.

$0 O.K.

YO O.K. 0 OK

............. $0 0.K

$0 O.K.

Page 28: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the
Page 29: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

"-1^-. .--.<,..,-*..-.-.*.+.*.-" .--L-. " "

Pen :? MraLkTA sour^^ or

:eta$ .-.-... * .-.. - Rppofiw " -.----

(0) (cj

11 1 I+.% C&irJF. tjleasego ; 12 HTR C&WF, V a T S 113 tGR CKWF. AssQnarJ 114 115 Telsi Host/Rernole CBWF 116


$35.621 0 K. 117 Tolirl Cable end Wire Fanl 118 119 TANGIBLE ASSETS 120 121 Land and Supporl Leases 122 123 COE Operalor Leases 124 COE Tandem Swllch~ng Leases 125 COE Local Swltchlng Leases 126 COE Transrnlss~on Leases 127 128 Total COE Leases 129 130 IOT Equ~pment Leases 131 132 CBWF Leases 133 134 Tolal Capital Leases

0 O.K.

$0 O.K. 0 O.K. 0 O.K. 0 O.K.

0 O.K.

155 136 Leasehold Irnpr.. Alloc. $0 N37 137 Leasehold lmpr., D~recl 0 Dlrect 138 --. . - -. . . - .- *

139 Tolal Lsasehold Irnprovsn~enlsa $0 140 141 Tolal Tang~ble Assals 50 142 143 144 TOTAL INTANGIBLE ASSETS $0 N37 145 14ij 147 PROPERTY HELD FOR FUTURE US 30 N46

0 O.K. 0 O.K.

. .- . . -. . . . -. - $0 O.K.

Page 30: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

~ z ~ ~ C S ~ ATE i f%LE~O?+E Uj?WANV 3 P&kRTL#E3 C P ~ ~ Y ~ ~ ? J I C ~ ; ~ I G N B . it - .i *---- m...~*---"---..-"-.---. I.-.- ---- -- 7. - - - - - - -e l - - I.-- --.--I -- -.--- -..- 4 i"".-*.̂ - --.* ^-- _ --.>.. _^ --.--..-.- -... .- .< "." ,....-.. *--. *. . ". . _ .... A t . FCC BAf?F?t 64) -"-'q Part 26

I ' i l t ~ t A ? , i ln'm>.?'nrni e-

in'd@C;i? A 9uurca or Ctxn-ca) Lwal CwNnan BOrmg mil -;~i5d TUW: hpjl0riu.w La~n S ~ c ~ c f ~ ~ n g (nfarmatml Trerrspon ..-. ._.-- ._,_.l_.__...---... - .-.- -_. --,__.-. ___-.____._ .---.,.-. Co:rectan Other . .- . .- . -. -. . --- *---.-.. " . -. . --. . - - - .---. . - -. . . . - -- - . - - -- -. - . - - - . . , . -.

Wd (n) (C) [El ( 9 (3 !H i (0


Total Pll. Under Const






$0 O.K.

$0 O.K.

$204 O.K.

$212 O.K.

$0 O.K.

Page 31: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

~~f %tt 24 1K?ii 1%GP?8 W%i?rG ?%ECSmiii 31, IF22 i*l34 %YJcjM.J.& WX&SURSWLE ?AMWSS

MDSTATE TEL%HO!CE COMPAH9 5 HEAF~RAO~D COMh4UNi~dTiO)"iS. INC ___*.________._______ _--.--..-- *.-" .-.- __._______..__l._ _.-._.. ..̂ ._.. -.... ..-- '..<.-,_.--.-.___--.-_---A *-.-- *-.-" .-.- --* ..*.-.- * r......... - - --.-----".--I-.

"4 i .7 . FCC: PART &3 ""v' Pari35 Ln:raLATA IntraLhTA Scu:ce or Lacat Ccmrwn 81tim~ and Cor rwr .

Refrzwes and Delrrrs7s TD&~ &porfrcw ~ n e S~v~lcDng lnlornralrcn Transport Colcectton Onet --.---...--.." ---- ------ *.- --.- . - ..- -- -- -- - . . .-- - . .- -. . ** .---- .--..-- ---- -.

[A) (8) GI (0) iE) IF) (GI (HI fll

13 ACCL1M. UEPRECIATlON. TPIS 14 15 Supporl Assets 16 COE Swdchmg 17 COE Operalor IS COE Transmrss~on 19 107 Equipment 20 Cable and Wtre Fac~irltes 21 Okher Plant 22 23 Total Accum Depr , TPIS 24 25 ACCUM. AMORTIZATION. 26 27 Accum Deprec~ation. PHFU 28 Accum. Amorl , Tang~ble Inv. 29 Accum. Arnort , lntang Inv. 30 Accum Amott . Okher 3 1 32 To\ Accum. kmorllzatlon 33 34 Total Accum DeprJAmorl. 35 36 37 ACCUM DEF. 1NC: TAXES. NET: 38 39 Svppor~ Assets 40 COE Swllchlng 41 COE 0pe:alor 42 COE Transnilss~o~? 63 IOT EqUlprnsn! 44 Cable and Wlre Fzc. 45 U~iclass~tied 46 47 T o ~ l Accum. OeL lnc. Taxes

O.K. OK. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K.


O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K.



0,K. O.K. 0.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K.


Page 32: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

!4IDSTA jE f E t EPeIXlcE COMPAWY B HEARTLAND CQF),MUNCCATIGNS, INC _.."._._ .._..* ___.__^ .____..._,_._..,___.f_.._l__....l __._ .,.-... _-._ .-.-I-...__ .._._*_ _ _-.-.. .___._.___ ,_.I__..<._ 1 .....__ __-XX-.*_-- - - , -~. -~- . . - - ----.L*-- -..--, Pan36

**... c. FCC PART 69 """" tntraLhTA Ccm:rim Llxnl C m m m 8171ing and ApponlMlmrlit Faoars Total Soulci! Luic Swtlchr\g In!ormamn T i a n d p ~ CGLecl~on Olhaf

*----.-.-.--- ..-*- ...- ---- .---.-----A- ---.-.--.-. - -.--.---. --.-. -- - -- --. -. -- - . . . -- P) (Ci lo) (E) (F) tG1 (H) (I)

13 Central Offlce E~LIlpment 1 J lnlo Ong fie:ni. Eqpl 15 CBW F&clllllI?~ 16 17 Tolal 18 Faclor 19 20 Sum: Sw.. Trans.. Other 21 Factor

SO $1,508,586 $0 $1,677,385 $0 $39.513 O.K. 0.000000 0.457708 0.000000 0.52004 1 O.OOD000 0.012250 O.K.

22 23 Central Onice Equipment $2,708.196 L70 $226.557 $1.508,585 $0 $969,160 SO $3,892 O.K. 24 Info. Origf lem. Eqpl. 0 L73 0 0 0 0 0 0 O.K. 25 CBWF, Excl. Exch. Message 743,815 L117-83 0 0 0 708.225 0 35.621 O.K.

26 . . -. - --- --* - - -. . -. . - --.-----..--* - - -- --. - .- - .- . -. .- --- - -- -- - . -- . -- - --. -- . -- 27 Tolal $3,452,041 S226,557 $3,508,586 $0 $1,677,385 $0 $39,513 0.K. 23 Factor 1.000000 0.065630 0.437013 0.000000 0.485911 0.000000 0.01 1446 0.K

Gsnersl Su~~por l Fac~l~ l~es Central Otllce Equlpmenl Info. OngJTerm. Eqpl. C&W Faclltl~es Equal Access Investment

Total Faclor

Surri. Cofn Ln . Sw.. T~ans Faclor

COE Cat. 2 Factor IGT Cat 1 Faclor

44 45 Tolai TPlS 46 Faclor

@5 13 14 15



Direct Dfract

O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K. O.K.

0 K O.K.

O.K. O.K.

O.K. O K.

56,855.989 K26 152,861,140 $1,868,425 $0 $2,077,407 SO S.lfl.938 0 ti.

1.000000 0 417320 0 272524 O.OOOC00 0 303018 0 000000 0007138 OX.

Page 33: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

MlDSTATE 7E~EPHi3t46 M M P N Y L kEXRT7&N!2 MUMUN:CMIQPIS, IEIC , .-.-._--- ^-.-_._".."*-,"-.----~--.-#--.-....~--.. . -*.-. /...",.T-..l..i -..,..*.-* .---.... * - . . . . . . * . . .-*.-_..-.-.-. a ,-*.-.-. .I.. -.-. * - -" I

Phn x .+.A,.. FCC ~hfir 69 ""'"' tntfaLATA Cumtnon Local Common 81swg and

Appon~mnenl Facrorr; Total Source ttne Swddlkig ln!ormabur~ Txartspurl Collectffin Cnltier .. . . - . . . ---. .- --. -- - --.- -- -. .- -- . .-. -. . . - -- - . -..--- -----..-. "., --.. .- .--- - -.-..- -.-.-....--. ..-- .-.- --

(A1 tBJ (2) (D) IEJ (0 (GI rtl) (1)

EO !nErslate Eqtiw. Factor 6 ; WIG Sld Work Seconds 62 63 'BIG THREE* Erpeoses 64 Faclor 65 66 Net lnceslment 67 Factor

0 OW000 Direct O ~ W O O O 0 000000 0 000000 0 000000 O.WOOO0 0,OWOOG 0 K. 1 000000 D~recl 1 000000 0 000000 0 000000 0 000000 0 000000 00nOwo 0 K.

$3.653,545 J13 $1,362,245 $1.1 12.749 60 %1,154.072 $0 $24,479 O.K. 1.000000 0.372856 0.304567 0.000000 0.315877 0.000000 0006700 O.K.

Page 34: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the



VE9'6SL9 - - -- - . -- - 13@J!0 086's L 1 CEN SS9'EfS


ZZLS 0% z f i ~ ' ~ t . l S 0%' LEP'OEG LS9'9E$

Igaqa o EPN 0 9 n 0$

PSO'LI$ 'dx3 uoddns IeJauaF) 1 ~ 1 0 1 .- --- -- - - 27, 13alla o r3a~1a 'uoddns 1aaua3 12 OEN PSO'LLS .3011~ 'uoddns lv~aua~) 02

6 L 06 ck3 uoddns VOMIJN [el01 81

L L 13alta o 1 ~ e ~ t ~ ' ~ o d d n ~ y l o ~ w a ~ g; LEN -3OllV '~CIddf l~ NJOMlaN

P i 3SN3dX3 'ti3d0 33dS L N V d FL

Page 35: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

MjDSTATE TELEPHONE Cc)tA?AfiiY 3 HEARTLAND C'3W:liilCATICWS. INC --- ._- -..... --..*..-- ---_..--.-- * -..----. I.-.---.-.--.--.-.---.-..-L--- ..-. - - -I-.. * ._--_-_-_._. _ .._*.-.--.-.-. ___..-.__._l_I ___. _.

. , . . . . . Pan 38 FCC FAR7 69 a ' " " . InIraLXT.4 Conrmon Ceca: Common Btlong and

OperaUrrg Erpsnse4 and Taxes TMal f\pporllon L B I ~ Swilchrng lilformalitrn Tranapor! collect cot^

57 NDN-SPECIFIC OPEfi EAP 58 59 Olh PI1 and Eqdip . Alloc 60 OUi Plt 2nd Equlp . Direct 61 62 TOW 0th PIi Er Eqt~ip 63 64 Network Operal~lns. Alloc 65 Network Operalions. Dlrecl 66 67 Total Network Oper Exp 68 69 Total Access Expenses 70

SO 0.K 0 O.K.

. -. . . - - . -- -. $0 O.K.

$32.636 N18 0 Direct

$214 O.K. 0 O.K.

- . - . - . - -. - - -. $214 O.K. $32.636

$0 Direct so O.K.

71 Depr.. Support Assels 72 Depr.. COE Switching 73 Depr.. COE Operator 74 Depr.. COE f ransmission 75 Depr., IOT Equipment 76 Cepr., CBW Fac~lities 77 Depr.. PHFlJ 78 79 Tolal Oeprecialion Expense 80

$621 O.K. 0 O.K. 0 O.K.

506 O.K. 0 O.K.

2,007 O.K. 0 O.K.

. - -. . >. - . -. . . $3.134 C.K.

31 Amorl , Tangible Assels 62 Arnori., lotanglble Assels 83 Other Amortlzatron 84 Dtrecl Assigned Amort. 85 86 Total Amortization EXQ. 87 a R Tolal Depr and Arno;! 89 90 TOTAL NGN-SPEC OPER EXP

$0 L141 $0 0 1144 0 0 Direct 3 0 Direct 0

.--* --..*-... ---.-- -....,. $0 $0

$0 O.K. 0 O.K. 0 O.K. 0 O K - - --- .-. . . .- $0 OK.

Page 36: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

MIDSTATE TELEphQtdE CQ~I'ANY g HEARTLAND CDMMUNICATLONS. INC .-..--...-.--_.*--___ -____ --___- __-_ -_._-._... .--.-. _._^_"_ ,--- _ -.--. --.---._-_._.*___l--~..~.~,.----------------..---.--t---.-.~-~--_..-.*-------...-.------.---.-..-- *%.*.." FCC BART ti9 "*".'

Owfiitrlg Eavrrlsws and Taxes Local

Switchm~ -------.. (El

$8.200 0

Common Btllrng and Transpon C ~ l l ~ ~ i r b f l


1G) V I

Appopdon .- . . . - . -. IC)

N37 Direct

N61 Drreci

Direct [F)


N40 (1) (H) (H) (1) (1)

N40 (H) F"=' (1)

(HI ( H i N2 1 (HI


S215 O.K. 0 O.K.

---..-. *.-.-- 9215 O.K. 70ial Markelng Expense

Operalor Service. Alloc. Operator Semlcs, D~rect

$0 O.K. 0 O.K.

Tolal Opeiatur Setvice $0 O.K.

Ctassif~ed D~iecto~y Alphabelical Direclory Foreign Directory

$0 O.K. 0 O.K. 0 O.K.

--..-.... -.-. $0 O.K.

$0 O.K. 0 O.K.

2.151 O.K. 0 0.K. 0 O.K. 0 O.K. 0 O.K. 0 0.K 0 0.6, 0 OK.

....-- -.*...- $2,151 O.K.

Total Direciory

- - m a . . .-..--..- --.,-.-- u'.c.. u..,., L-, . .rvuuu",l~,.V1.

Bus Olc.. Resewed Bus OIc.. EU ACCESS PL & All Olher Bus. Olc.. EU Message Bus. Olc.. EU Reserved Bus. Olc., IX Spsclal Access Bus. Olc.. IX Switched Access Bus Olc.. IX 9t111ng and Collecllon Bus. Olc . Coln Cclleclrchi I Adrnrnlsir Bus. Olc., Resewed

Tolal Business Otf~ce

Cusl. SUN.. Msg. Process Cusl. Sew., Qth.ar BBC Cusl Sew.. CAB$ Cusl. Saw., EU Cornmon Line

U O.K. 0 O.K.

689 0,K 0 O.K . . . . - . -. - . . . .

$689 0.K Total Customer Service

Tolai 80. CS. OS, Drr.

Page 37: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

MlOSTilTE 1ECEI'dONE COMPAF4Y HEARYLAEID GOMMUNICATIUIJS, INC ......- ....................................... ......................................................................... . -.-..-..-.-. --. 1..---...-* .........-......-...............I...,... .--. -.-- ........---

Pan 36 ....... FCC PART 6s """' rntralkT A Local Comfnon Bilirog and Cornmwi Dpararmy Expenses and Takes Total Apponroo L~ne Swilctl~ng Irilorntstion Transpon Colrecrlon Olher ------ ---.--.-...--. ........ --.---- ...- -*-..- .--. ----. --. ............. ....... .-... --.+-.-,-. .......- --.- .............

PI ie) (c) ( 4 LEI L F) (GI (H) \I)

158 Other C u d Sew. Alloc $9.318 142 $176 12,559 $210 $2.845 $3 264 $264 159 Other Cusl Sew, Dtrect 0 Direct 0 0 0 0 0 0

........ 160 ............. --.--.- -..- .-.-. ---. - * - ----. - - - - . - - . - * -. - -------A ---- 161 To:al Other Cust Sew. $9.318 $776 $2.559 $210 $2,845 $3.264 $264 162 163 TOTAL CUSTOMER OPEfi. EXP $139.651 $14,628 $38.288 52.467 $42,572 $38.378 $3.318 164 165 'BIG-THREE' EXPENSES 166 167 Tola! ?I1 Specrilc Exp. $217,948 41 $38,457 $30,437 $0 $148.332 $0 $722 168 Tolal PI1 Non-specillc Exp. 32.636 62 + 67 +69 15.186 8.161 0 9,075 0 214 169 Total Customer Operatlons 139,651 163 14,628 38,288 2,467 42.572 38,378 3,318

............. 170 - -- -- - -- *- - - - . -. . -. . - - . -.-. *-.-.--. ---- .......- -. . - ---. -- -. . -- . . - . - - - - ?71 TOTAL 'BIG THREE" EXPENSES $390,235 $68.271 $76,885 $2,467 $199.979 $38,378 $4.255 172 173 CORPOFlATE OPERATIONS EXPENSE. 174 175 Exec. and Planning. Alloc 561,489 N64 $10,757 $12.1 15 $38: 331,510 $6,047 5670 176 Exec. and Pla.w:ng, Dlrect 0 D~rect 0 0 0 0 0 0 ............. ............. ....... .... .......... . ............. 177 - --. - - - -- -. - -- .....-..... 178 Tolal Exec and Plannlng $61.488 $1 0,757 $12,1 15 $389 $31,510 $6.047 $670 179 180 kdrnin 8 General, Allocable $81.703 N64 514.234 $16,097 $516 $41,869 58.035 $891 181 Admln B General, Direcl 76,902 Direc: 15,104 17,010 546 44.242 0 0 ............. ............. ............. ............. .- .......... ............. . -. -. - - - -. - 182 183 T o l ~ l Admln and Gen $158,605 524,398 $33,1G7 $1.062 $66.1 11 $8,035 $891 184

$40,155 $45.222 f 7.451 $117,621 $14,082 $1,561


Non~~ncarno Taxes. Atlocable 8 N37 $0 $0 $9 SD $0 $0 Non-tnsofie Taxes. D~recl 6.277 DI~OC! 2,630 7,723 0 1,916 0 0

........... ............. ............. ............. ............. ............. -

CL;i=f5 ==-=== --- ..--F---ESLi=== --- s-iiii?-C==s==.=z ==-7r=;==*==x iEi====^--C==l

O.K. O.K.



O.K. O.K. O.K.


ox. O.K.


Q.K. O.K.



Page 38: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

COM++&"~ *&ME is~~t~anrg 7 ESP~SE)~E C ~ L ~ P C I I - ~ T j ti~~~~tftwi) C ~ ~ ~ M ~ ? ~ : C A ~ J ~ ~ S , Y~JC PERiO2 ACCzRaSkO ENDiRi'G 3.%GmeER 3. ?W '?+&6E $liOi.*Ni h N S A S U R ~ E C B & ~ ~ G E S RUN UbrEAND 7 f M E . 24J&r.&9QO 05 fii 4 2 PM



PLANT INVESTMENT DL7AIL: 21 Land, Allocable 22 Land. Q~rect 23 Motor Veh~cles 24 Atrcrali 25 Special Purpose Vehtcles 26 Garage Wotk Equprnenl 27 OIher Work Equlpmsnl 28 Bullo~ngs, Allocable 29 Bulldrngs. D~rect 30 Furniture 31 Office Equtpmant 32 Ssnaral Purpose Cornpulers 33 CAT 7 Oper. Sys.. TSPS 34 CAT 1 Oper. Sys.. Olhar TSPS 35 CAT 1 Oper. Sys., Aux Pos. 36 CAT 1 Oper. Sys., Olher 37 CAT 2 Tandem Sw. Allocabla 38 CAT 2 Tandem Sw. Olrect 39 CAT 3 Loeal Sw. Allocsble 40 CAT 3 Locel Sw. Diroct 41 C4T 4.12 Exchange Trunk 42 CAT 4.12 Exch. Tr D~recl 43 CAT 4.13 Exch, Ln. Msg., PL B WATS 44 Resawed 45 CAT 4.13 Direct 46 CAT 4 23 Messase. PL 8, WATS 47 Reserved 48 CAT 4.23 D~rect 44 CAT 6,5 HI3 Messagff 50 CAT 4 3 WATS 51 CAT 4.3 Dtrecl 52 CAT 1 Olhsr IO? Equipn~enl 53 CAT 1 Conlaa;s Pay Phones

Messape Telephone Sewffio Prrvalc, Line ]nlers(ale --.- .-.-----.-.--.-.-------....-.-.-.--------...-.. - .---...-.-.-.--.----̂ __--*F--.,._ ______-________ _._- and OUler InierL3,TA InlortATA IrrlraLATk ItllraLATA .-* ..-.. --.-- ---*.-*.--.- .-.-..------ -------..---- . - . . - - - -

[Dl (El (F) ('3 (4


Page 39: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

- 5*wa%"' *Q& % C ~ W ~ & ~ ~ . ~ . p*F:s 2

1%i-1*5 ~MLG~BF-uT, J~CTA+,~I*~E;&::C&$~ &tm~ z4-*$WXd, - - . . - Xi2842'Pfd &."-*- .+-"..*"+,*.-.a** -.** *,*.*--,+.*a" ..,,,. *

WQErA'E PELEMWE ,"T?~@A~IY ~a~+i - ,y ia C Q ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ S , jfdc 'Z-r+O*+G S~~-F.aaE.n 51, WYYLT,-: e2awta g IrFf=&#pa6Lf ~I+Q+GES

--.---I-- ............. lnlrasdale .................... --. -------.-". ---.. - ..................... ..--*.."-..I _._^_

T07AL M e m g s T~lephone Sewre* w...... Source/ Interstale --.-- +--..-.-----F..-- ................. Prwate tins ............. FCC PAFiT 36 7t;'=...-* COMPANU Allocalor .--........ --..--.-* ..........-.-.......

afid Olher ... .......... InlerLATA InlraLATA TOTAL

-.-.....I.. --.-.. *. - - .- -- - -. --- - - -. . -- - InlerLATA --.--*- .-.- IrllraLATA INTRASTATE ........... ............. ............. (A) (a) (C) (D)

..-- -.-..-. (€1 (F) (Gt

0 -.* (HI (1) 70 CAT 2 CP Egurprnent 77 Rahwrved 0 (? -- .- 0

--- 0 --- 0 -.. 0 72 tiesewed -- .--

0 0 --- --. -.- .-.

--. 73 CAT 1 3 JolnLMsg.. Cat 1.1 & 12 PL 10,479,989 ... --- -- .-. .-. -.. 74 Qfher CAT 1 CBM~F 0 - 0 0 -.- 75 CAT 2CgWF 524.768 --. .-- -.. 0


0 .-. 0 -.. 0

76 CAT 2 CBWF, Wideband 0 -- 0 0 0

--. 77 CAT 3 Jolnl Message B PLWATS 1.469.047 -- -- -- 0 0 78 Resewed -- ..- 0

0 -.- -- --. .-- 79 CAT 3 D:rect 32,844 --- -. .-.

27.081 0 --.

80 CAT 4 Message 0 -- --- .-- 0 --- 0 5.763 -.. 5.763 81 CAT4 WATS 0 --.

0 0 -.. ..-

82 CAT 4 01rsct 0 .-- 0

0 0

0 0

0 --. 0

0 83 Allacable Support Leases o ... .-. --. -.- 0

-.- 0 84 Direct Support Leases 0 ---

0 0 .-. 85 COE Operator 0 -- ... -*

0 .-- 0 -.- 0 --- ...

0 86 COETandem Sw~lch 0 --- -. --. --. 87 COE Local Sw~tch 0 --- --. --*

--* -.- .-- -..

0 -.- .-- --- --- .-- -.-


.-. 0 -.-

0 -.. .-.

0 .-. 0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0 ---

0 0 0

+. 0 0

0 -.- -.- --- --- 0 ..- 0 0 .-. ... .-- --- <.- -.- 0 ..- .-- .-- -.. ..- --. 0 .-. -." --- .-.

..- .-. --. 0 --. 0

--* -.. 0

--. 0 .-- 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0 --.

... 0 0 0 0

0 0

0 --. -". --. -.. 0 -.. 0

0 -.. ... 0 0

t07,594 -. ..- *-- 0 ... 0

.-- 0 -.- 0

0 -- ... ..- -"- ... 0 -.- ... ...

-7. ..- ... --- .-. 0 .-. 0

,-, 0 0

.-. 0 -. 0 0 0 0

0 0

0 0 ..- 0 0 0

0 0

0 0 0

Page 40: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

!dl?% : . t i - : tCt i2 i& l iL CC:IX;;J~Y 5 i<EAFiiiW;D CCU~O,MLII<~CC~~LCC~~~. !?I,: f ',FKiS :ICCl.?f El? 31. 'ibJi fi;l!< ?!JOY& B ffiACVfikY!.E C X M G E S

'L..C,. F . CC PART 36 """'

TPUC -- Short Tern!, Albc T W C -- Short Term. D~rect TPUC -- Long Term, Alloc. TPUC -- Long Term, Direcl

RESERVES AND DEFERRALS. Acc. Depr Suppon Assels Acc. Depr. GOE Swltchrng Acc. Depr. COE Operalor Acc. Depr. COE Transmission Acc. Depr. IOT Equipment Acc. Depr. Cable and W~re Facililies Acc. Depr. Olher Plant bccurn. Amort.. Tangible Inv. Accurn. Amort., Intang. Inv. Accum. Amort.. OUlar Acc. Del. IT Support Assets Acc. Dot. IT COE Switching kcc. Def. IT COE Operalor Acc. Del. IT GOE Trans. Acc. Oat. IT 10T Equipment Acc. Oot. ITCBWF Acc. Dof. IT Unclassilled

OPERA1'IMG EXPENSES AND TAXES: NeMork Support. Albc. Nelwofk Su~por?. Dlrect Gansrzil Support. 4 1 1 ~ . Gonoral Support, Direct Conlral Olfice Eq.. Alloc, Conlral Oflico Eq., Dlrect Cust Promises equip. Cotnloss Pay Phone Exp. Olhar IOT IOT Dlruct Cablo & Wlfo, AllQc, Cable & Wlr?. Direcl

Source! Alloca!or -. --. . -.



.- -- ---

--. .-. -.. --- ... --- ... -.- --- -.- --- .A.

.-. --. .-- --. .-.

-.. -- --. "-- -. .-. --. --. q--

... ...

&iensQw .. -........ .................... -.-." .................... lT.A_.-._-_ ......-.-....--........................ fh%s~at;o Tnloi.man+ Sewtct: Prrvele Lme .............. ............... (flre1sllt~ ...-. -..- --*-... --.-*.-.- ..- ..-..- .. %--,-...-...-...... TOTAL

and Olher Iri!srLA'fA InlraLATA IirlsrtATA lnlraLATA INTFIASTATE . . -. .-. . - - . ............. ............. . .......--. .--- ............ (01 [El (F) (61 (Hi (1)

Page 41: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

176 Olh Pit and Eqolp., Alloc 171 Oil$ PH and Egutp , D ~ r ~ c t 178 Neiwork Dperetra~ls. C.lioc. 179 Wetworh Operatons, Dlrecl $80 Total Access Elponse 181 Depr.. Supporl Assets 132 Oepc.. COE Swilchmg 183 Depr., COE Operalor 186 Depr.. COE Transm~sslon 185 Depr . lOT Equ~pnienl 186 Depr., C&W F~~ll l t lQS 187 Amori.,Tangible Assets 188 Anoii . lntang~ble Assels 139 Other Amortizat~on 190 Direcl kss~gned Arriart. 191 Marhel~crg, Allocable 192 Marketing, D~ioct 193 Operalor Service, Alloc. 194 Operalor Service, D ~ e c l 195 CIassi!led Directory 596 Alphabelical D~re~tory 197 Farelpn O~reslory 198 Bus. Ofc., EU Presubscr~pl~on 199 Bus. Ofc.. E!J t.4T.S 8 WATS 200 Bus. Otc , EU Access. P/L 9. ell Olher 201 Bus, Ofc., IXC Specla: Access 202 Bus. Clc . lXC S~.i:ct;etl ALcavs 203 Bus. Olc . IXC B & C S a ~ i c s s 204 Con Collect B Admm. 205 Citsr, Svc., D~recl 206 Cusi. Sew, Msg. Process 207 Cusl. Serv., Ohor DbC 208 Cu\,I. S a m , 2AES 209 Cusl. Sew., EU Common L~ne 210 Ollie! Cusl. SGPJ., AJlw 21 1 Othsr Cog[, Sew., Qirocl 2 12 Exec. and Plaflnalg, All&'. 2 13 Exec and Plarrnlng, Oiracl

TOTAL COMPANY -..--.----


0 0

P12,31E 0

636.524 186,578 535.843

0 320,102

0 704,779

0 0 0 0

34,919 0 0 0 0

Source1 A!localor


Irlirashla ..... I................r.. -------*---1-*--.--.- ---- ..........-. - .............................-. ......_......._................

Mes~arp Telephone Somrtt Ptwala Lrntr lnlerslnlo -.---.--.-.------- ......-..-..............................-.....................-................... TClf AL and Olller InlerLATA InlraLAT4 IRIB~LATA InlraLATA

--. INTRASTATE ............. -.-* .-.--. -- ....-....... ............. - ... ---. ... (0) (El (F) (0) IN (1)

Page 42: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the

Message Teteplione Service Prlvale Fine TDTAi

COMPANY -..-.-.. -*--




....... FCC PART 36 """' --. .... -------.- .....-

t A)

InloRATA IniraLATA InlerLATA lnlraLATA -.- ..*. -* ---- ....... ...-- * -.-> . .- -. *-

(El (F) (G) (H)

Adnim. &General. Atloc%bie Adrnm. I Generel. D~rael Non-income Taxes. Allocable Nonmcorne Taxes, Direct

OTHER INCOME STATEMENT Sta!e 1nco:ne Tax Rate Fedaral Incarne Tan Rate Gross Recelpts Tax Rate Rete of Return AFUDC ITC Amort~ralmn Other Return Ad!uslmenis Conbibultons Inleresl Expense Cap~tal Lease Expense Gap~talaed Peyroll taxes Depreclal~on Adlustnla:lt Olher Income Ad)us!menis iJncoileclibles OUler Revenue Adjustments Omer Revenue Taxes

Page 43: DOCKET - South Dakota Public Utilities Commissionpuc.sd.gov/commission/dockets/telecom/2000/tc00-087.pdf1 ii.tn Don 1-ce. I liereby certify that 1 have overall responsibility for the