1 S2 Modern Studies

· Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

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Page 1: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location


S2 ModernStudies

Page 2: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

Why? So we can understand the various factors which contribute to a country’s power.

Your teacher will show you 5 images on the screen.

You will be given a few minutes for each one to note down with a partner how this indicator gives a country more power. Look

carefully at the pictures on each slide. Be ready to feedback your answers to the class at the end.



sWhat does the word indicator mean? Hint- think of a car…

Page 3: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

1. Can you think of some examples of countries that have any of the 5 things shown? Draw a table, like the one below and for each of the 5 indicators try and identify countries which have this e.g. China and population.

2. Which two factors do you think are the most important and give the most power? Write a paragraph to explain why.

3. If a country does not have TWO of these indicators, how could it get them?

Get homework task from your teacher- HWP1


Power Indicator Country/Countries

PopulationLandMilitary strengthTechnologyNatural resources

Page 4: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

Why? To understand the power and effect that nuclear weapons have.

Hiroshima 1945

Watch and discuss the images and video on the US nuclear attack on Hiroshima in World War II.



1. Think of three words to describe how it makes you feel. 2. What lesson(s) does Hiroshima teach us about nuclear weapons today?3. Ask your partner a question about what happened and they have to find

out the answer for next lesson.4. Look at the map of countries that have nuclear weapons today. Mark on

your own map who has nuclear weapons and how many. You can use colour and a key if necessary. (Page 72-73 in the Collins World atlas to help).

5. In pairs, discuss why these are the countries that have nuclear weapons and if you have any concerns about this. Discuss with class.


Page 5: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

Use the power-point on Nuclear Weapons.

Copy down the information your teacher will give you on the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear weapons.

Also note down the definition of terms used in this debate.

Nuclear power research taskYou are going to create a class information poster about the different issues surrounding nuclear weapons. To do this you are going to work in pairs to find out information about one of the following;


Page 6: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

Hiroshima nuclear bomb attack. How to dispose of nuclear weapons? Which countries have them today and why? The effects of a nuclear bomb. Pressure groups campaigning against nuclear

weapons. Groups campaigning for nuclear weapons. Where we store nuclear weapons in the UK and our

government views. Cost of nuclear weapons to the UK and one other

country. You can also look into who develops these weapons.

Environmental impact of nuclear weapons-both development and storing.

Two other country views on nuclear weapons.

Each group should have;

an A4 page with information and pictures. It should be brightly coloured, accurate and

interesting. We will put all of the information on one large

poster to display!


Page 7: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

In pairs discuss what comes to mind when you hear the word terrorism. Feedback your thoughts to the class and discuss.

Terrorism is using violence against innocent civilians to get what you want.


Page 8: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

Defining Terrorism

Groups of people who use violence to get what they want are sometimes called terrorists. Some terrorist groups carry out violent acts because they are fighting for a cause such as independence for their country. There are two reasons why terrorists use violence. When a terrorist group carries out a murder or bombing, it gains publicity for its cause. It is also trying to force its opponents to give in to its demands.

Terrorism is Indiscriminate Violence- Any violent act which is carried out without any thought for those that will be hurt as a result.

Take down the title above. Using what you have discussed in class and the information above, write down a definition of terrorism. Make sure you mention ‘indiscriminate violence’.

http://www.ted.com/talks/zak_ebrahim_i_am_the_son_of_a_terrorist_here_s_how_i_chose_peace?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=button__ 2014-09-09

TED Talks: https://www.ted.com/playlists/188/insights_on_terrorism


Page 9: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location


Copy down the mind map you have created as a class- use the title above.

Whilst many people might disagree with the reason behind a group’s action others believe that they have no option but to engage in terrorist activity in order to achieve their aims. Even if unsuccessful, terrorist may consider the activity worthwhile as it draws attention to their cause.

Rank Organisation Number of attacks

Number of fatalities

1 Earth Liberation Front (ELF)

50 0


Causes of terrorism

Page 10: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

When a person or a group

become extreme in their

belief system

2 Animal Liberation Front (ALF)

34 0

3 Al-Qaeda 4 29964 Coalition to Save the

Preserves (CSP)2 0

5 Revolutionary Cells-Animal Liberation Brigade

2 0

6 Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

1 0

7 Klu Klux Klan 1 08 Minutemen American

Defense1 2

9 Tehrik-Taliban Pakistan 1 010 The Justice Department 1 0

From your class mind map, you will have come up with a number of factors that can drive someone to become a terrorist. Sometimes people can become radicalised because of their beliefs or because they distrust others. For others,

political decisions can mean that they feel so disempowered that they view violent terrorist activities as a last resort.

Look at the table below- this shows the number of groups in America who have resorted to terrorist attacks in the last decade.


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Some people feel they have no identity or belonging; this means they may feel frustrated with the government or their country or another. They may view violence as the only way to express this.

E.g. 2011 Norwegian Anders Behring Breivik was responsible for the deaths of 77 people after he planted a car bomb in Oslo and then opened fire at a youth camp outside the city. Breivik claimed these attacks were necessary to stop the ‘Islamisation of Norway’.

Some feel their beliefs are not properly represented by the country in which they live. As such, they feel that making a political statement through terrorist activity is the only way to have their beliefs heard. E.g. in 2009 a judge in England branded 7 animal rights extremists ‘urban terrorists’ and jailed then for a

total of 50 years. The group worked to intimidate workers at an animal testing facility for medical research. They sent hoax bombs allegedly contaminated with the AIDS virus to employees’ homes.

Some may feel pressurised into becoming involved in terrorist groups or activities. The Lord’s Resistance Army, which is a

militant Christian movement, is claimed to be responsible for the abduction, abuse and recruitment of thousands of children across Africa since the 1980’s. The group’s leader Joseph Kony claims to be the spokesman of God.


Page 12: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location


Some people become radicalised because of their beliefs. Pro-life groups (who are against abortion) have often resorted to terrorist tactics in America in response to laws they do not agree with.

Others may retaliate against what they see as the unjust actions of individuals or groups. In May 2013 Palestinian resistance fighters in the Gaza Strip sent a mortar shell into southern Israel, a day after an air strike by Israeli


These causes can be grouped into three categories; Political, Nationalism, Religious.

Political motivations may drive someone to use terrorist tactics due to the type of government they have. Not all countries have a democracy like the UK where everyone has a voice. Some countries are run by corrupt government or dictatorships. In such countries rebels often take part in terrorist activities to try and force social and political change. As much as these groups may be engaging in terrorist activities, they may actually have widespread support among the population.

Nationalism is relevant in the UK and is best understood when thinking about our own country. Scotland is part of the UK but some people in Scotland believe it is time for Scotland to become independent. These people can be described as nationalists. However, there are other people around the world who live in countries that want independence but feel they cannot achieve it peacefully. These people turn to violence and terrorism to achieve their goals.

Religion has been associated with terrorism for centuries. Since 9/11 the role of religion as a cause of terrorism is greater than ever before. People who commit terrorist acts in the name of religion are referred to as religious extremists. Behind many of the attacks that have taken place in recent times were Islamic religious extremists. They often refer to waging a jihad (holy war) against the West, due to the Wests involvement in wars in the Middle East, believing they are acting on behalf of Allah (God) to fulfil their duty. In carrying out these terrorist attacks, they believe they become martyrs and will be rewarded in the afterlife.


Page 13: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

Task: Using the information above, answer the following questions;

1. Describe what radicalisation means.2. Identify, with evidence, the top three organisations responsible for the most

terrorist attacks in the USA.3. Using the headings below, summarise the individual factors which can lead to a

person becoming involved in terrorist activity. Make sure you give examples. Identity; beliefs; pressure; radicalised; retaliation.

4. Political, Nationalism and religion are all categories that explain the causes of terrorism. Write a paragraph on each factor to explain how these can lead a person to commit a terrorist attack.

Never before has terrorism been seen to be as much of a threat to our way of lives as it has in the last 15 years. The attacks of 9/11 both shocked the world and brought the reality of terrorism home to not only the USA but all western democracies. Al-qaeda claimed responsibility for the attack that saw hijacked planes crash into both World Trade Centre towers and the Pentagon with a four plane crashing into the ground in Pennsylvania. This attack claimed the lives of nearly 3000 people.



This attack was the beginning of many more to follow; London bombings in 2005; Madrid 2004; Glasgow airport attack in 2007; Boston bombings 2013; Charlie Hebdo 2015; Paris 2015; Brussels 2016. These are some of the attacks that have dominated our media headlines over the last 15 years.




Case Studies

Page 14: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

More recently we have seen a number of attacks that have killed and injured innocent people. The attack in Nice where 84 people were killed after a lorry driver purposefully drove his lorry into a large crowd of people who were out celebrating the Bastille Day holiday.


Turkey has been a victim of the brutal attacks, a gun and bomb attack on Istanbul's Ataturk airport killed 41 people, at least 13 of them foreigners, and injured more than 230. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-36658187

Iraq has seen one of the most deadly attacks to date. A lorry packed with explosives was detonated in the Karrada district while families were shopping for the holiday marking the end of Ramadan. 250 people were killed. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-36720720


1. Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location/country, victims and those responsible.

2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-40031087 How the UK sets its threat level. Use this link to draw a conclusion about the changes in the terrorism threat level in the UK since 7/7.

3. Homework 2- Get the instructions from your teacher. (We will be looking at the Paris attacks in detail in a few lessons so avoid that particular attack.)


Page 15: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

Islamic StateThe so called Islamic State emerged as the culprit for many of the recent terrorist attacks. In 2014 we saw aid workers and journalists captured by ISIS and murdered brutally. ISIS televised these murders to draw attention to the extreme and brutal measures they would go to in order to achieve their aim- to create a caliphate, a one Islamic State.

Your teacher will now go through a power point that will explain who they are, what they want and how they are trying to achieve it.


Using the power point and the BBC clips, answer the questions below in sentences.

1. Explain in your own words what Islamic State is.2. Describe what Islamic State view as their ultimate (future) aim around

the world.3. Using the map on slide 6, list the countries in which Islamic State group

are active.4. Describe in your own words what a ‘caliphate’ is.


Page 16: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

What does satirical mean?

To ridicule or be sarcastic.

5. Provide evidence that shows the effect that Islamic State is having around the world (Hint: the increase in foreign fighters joining Islamic State)

6. Explain the effect that radicalisation has had on some British people. Give at least one example as evidence.

7. Describe how Islamic State use social media to recruit members. Give a detailed example. (Use the BBC clips to help you)

8. Describe the restrictions on people living under Islamic State rule.9. Why do you think that Islamic State have used such brutal methods and

broadcast the deaths of people they have kidnapped?10. Watch Panorama, Isis: Terror in Iraq and make bullet point notes on the

life under Islamic State rule. https://vimeo.com/100753218

2015 saw the capital city in France attacked on two separate occasions. The first attack happened on the 7th January 2015 and lasted 3 days. Gunman stormed the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo where they killed 12 people

including journalists, security guards and police officers. The hunt went on for the culprits. However, two days and two sieges later

they were caught.


Watch the ‘key events’ clips and write down how the attacks unfolded; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-


‘Three Days of Terror’




Page 17: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

Using the BBC article, in pairs, you are going to read this and produce a newspaper article to explain what happened in Paris from the 7TH to the 9th January 2015.

Use the following template; you can do this on a separate piece of paper. You can work in pairs to gather the information but produce one article each.

November Paris attacks

Paris was once again the victim of a brutal terrorist attack. On November 13th 2015 gunman and suicide bombers hit several locations around the capital city, killing 130 people. The first of three explosions happened outside the Stade de France, a man wearing a suicide belt set off his bomb killing himself and a

passer-by. At a different stadium entrance another suicide bomber detonated and at a nearby fast food outlet a third suicide bomber set of his device.

As emergency services were trying to respond to this attack other deadly attacks were unfolding around the city.

Near a popular nightlife spot gunman arrived and started firing semi-automatic rifles into nearby pubs and restaurants. 15 people died, 15 were badly injured. More than 100 shots were fired.

Another attack began in front of a the Café Bonne Biere and La Nostra pizzeria. 5 were killed and 8 severely injured.


TITLE- You can use ‘Three Days of Terror’ or your own headline

Summary IMAGE

Here, you can introduce the main points about what happened.

Sequence of Events Victims: Who are they?

How France responded

Page 18: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

In another busy restaurant area , the rue de Charonne, more shot were fired . 19 people died and 9 were in critical condition.

The deadliest attack of the night happened at a concert venue The Bataclan, where the band Eagles of Death Metal was playing to 1500 fans. Three attackers wearing suicide belts were involved. 89 people died and 99 were injured in this awful attack; the men fired assault rifles into the crowd, one

survivor said one of the attackers shouted ‘God is great’ in Arabic and another heard a gunman blame the French President for intervening in Syria.

Paris Attacks Research

Task: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-34818994

Using this BBC link, complete the following tasks;

1. Explain where the attacks took place in Paris and what happened at each location. Make sure you give names and times of where it all happened.

2. How many people were killed and injured in this attack? Use the ‘Who were the victims?’ link in the article, choose two of the victims and explain who they were.

3. Use the ‘who were the attackers?’ link and explain where they were from, their age and any reasons behind why they carried out these awful attacks.

4. After these terrible attacks many of those responsible were linked back to a terror cell in Brussels. Use this link to explain how the people in Brussels were affected by the lockdown that followed these attacks. Use the sub headings ‘Schools’, ‘Transport’, Work Places’, ‘Hotels’ and ‘Tourism’. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-34900353


Page 19: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

Man behind the attacks- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-38794510

Extra Research

Panorama link: Inside Europe’s Terrorist Attacks

Watch the last twenty minutes for an in-depth look at how the attacks unfolded.


The United Nations


Multilateral organisations responding to and resolving


What is a multilateral organisation? These are

groups of countries, working together for a stated goal. We will be looking at the UN and NATO who have a key role to

play in international relations.

Page 20: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

Almost every country in the world is a member of the UN. It was formed in 1945 following the end of World War II and is an international alliance. The UN has a collective aim of working together to maintain peace and security throughout the world. The UN has 4 main aims that were adopted after the 2006 Global Counter Terrorism Strategy that aimed to co-ordinate counter terrorism strategies across the world. These aims are;

Tackle conditions that support the spread of terrorism Prevent and counter terrorism Build countries’ capacity to prevent and combat terrorism and to

strengthen the role of the UN system Ensure respect for human rights for all and the rule of law while

countering terrorism.

It is important to note that the UN is a peacekeeping/ diplomatic organisation. This means that it provides a place for countries to discuss and debate international issues. However, the UN can take action in response to the international threat of terrorism.


A resolution is a commitment to take action. This can raise awareness, warn a country or it could be to initiate military action. For example, in November of 2015 a UN Resolution was passed that stated it would take ‘all necessary action’ to stop ISIS.


UN peacekeepers monitor the peace process in countries all over the world. They are often recognised because of their ‘blue berets’ which are helmets they wear to make it clear they are peacekeepers.

UN peacekeepers are currently positioned all over the world. They have been present in the Middle East since 1948.


The UN against terrorism

Page 21: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location


Military Action

This is the strongest action the UN can take. In 2011 the UN passed a resolution that authorised air strikes against tanks and naval ships in Libya.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)

NATO is a military alliance created in 1949 (see power point). NATO is based on the idea of collective defence- Article 5 of the NATO treaty states an attack on one member is an attack on all. NATO currently has 28 member states. http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/nato_countries.htm

Due to this idea of ‘collective responsibility’ NATO has been involved in the war on terror (several NATO members have suffered terrorist attacks).

NATO has a counter terrorism strategy that is based on:

Awareness of the threat of terrorism The shared capabilities of member countries Engagement with partner countries http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_77646.htm

NATO is currently part of many operations around the work that support the fight against terrorism.



Page 22: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

NATO’s main role is to support the Afghan government. They do this by training and assisting Afghan forces to best protect themselves from terrorism and the threat of support for terrorism from ever developing again. Since June 2013, NATO forces have been less focused on military intervention and have instead worked to support the Afghan National Security Forces, who now have the lead role over security in the country.


NATO’s air surveillance planes, known as AWACS, have begun flying missions to support the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL in international airspace, as well as over Turkey. This is part of NATO’s overall counter terrorism strategy.

NATO Response Force

NRF is a rapid-reaction multifunctional force, which was created following SEPTEMBER 11TH 2001. The NRF has access to 25,000 troops which NATO can deploy with speed as and when requited and is comprised of land, sea and air troops all provided by NATO members.



Take the title ‘Multilateral organisations and preventing terrorism’.

Explain what the term ‘multilateral organisations’ mean.

1. Take the subtitle ‘The United Nations’.2. Explain when the UN was set up and its main aims. 3. Explain what aims were adopted by the UN in order to counter

terrorism.4. Create a mind map and explain the three ways in which the UN can act

against terrorism.


Page 23: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

5. Take the sub-title ‘The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.’6. Explain when and why NATO was established. 7. What is Article 5? What does it mean? 8. How many member states form NATO? Use the link and give an

example of some of countries who are NATO members.9. What are the three points NATO’s counter terrorism strategy is based

on?10.Use the link to find out more information on NATO’s counter terrorism

strategy. You should have 5 bullet points of extra information.11. Use the information in this booklet and the link to provide examples of

NATO in action in trying to prevent terrorism.

The UK’s Security Response

Government Measures:

COBRA is an emergency committee set up by the UK government to plan responses to a civil emergency. This includes emergencies caused by terrorist attacks.

The members of this committee vary depending on the nature of the emergency. Following the London bombings the Prime Minister chaired the meetings of this committee which involved MI5, police and senior government ministers.

Terrorism Act 2006 makes it an offence to make statements that directly or indirectly encourage others to commit acts of terrorism or to pass out publications that encourage terrorism. The Act also made the following illegal:

Making preparations for terrorist acts Training for terrorism Attendance at a place used for terrorist training whether in the UK

or abroad


Page 24: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

Making and possessing devices or materials

The Government tried to increase the number of days that a suspect could be held without charge or of being informed of the reason for the detention from 14days to 90 days. However, Parliament rejected this huge increase and increased it to 28 days.

Counter Terrorism Act 2008

It allows police and other authorities to question people after they have been charged. It provides longer sentences for terrorist related activities and gives wider powers to the security forces to intercept evidence from phones conversations, Facebook, email etc.

Whole body scanners

In December 2009a terrorist, referred to by newspapers as the ‘Underwear Bomber’ attempted to detonate plastic explosives aboard a flight from Amsterdam to the USA. He had hidden the plastic explosives in his underwear and because if thus he managed to get through the security checks at the airport. After his incident whole body scanners were brought in to some airports in this country and elsewhere.

Security Cameras/surveillance on the city centre streets, shopping centres, car parks, football grounds, schools, hospitals are much more rigorous now.

Heightened Airport Security – post 9/11.

No liquids over 100ml for fear of liquid bombs.


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New efforts to avoid common international and national departure lounges to avoid passengers swapping tickets and avoiding immigration control.

UK transport officials are also said to be considering introducing passenger profiling on grounds including ethnic origin and religion. Passenger profiling would see certain travellers designated for more rigorous security checks before a flight. People behaving suspiciously or with an unusual travel pattern could be selected but racial or

religious factors may also form part of the criteria. The amount of hand luggage that can be carried has been

reduced and must fit into a specified place. Luggage cannot be left unattended or it may be removed or destroyed.

Cyber terrorism involves using the internet to attack opponents.

- This can involve developing viruses that interfere with essential computer systems to adversely affect economic and social life of countries.

- It can involve hackers breaking into intelligence and military systems to disrupt them or spy on them.

- It may involve terrorists using the internet to plan attacks or to recruit new members.

How does it really affect us?

Britain estimates that about £52 billion is lost to the world economy each year as a result of malicious attacks on our computer systems- about the same amount as the people in the UK spend online annually.


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BT estimates that it has about 1000 attempted cyber attacks per day on its systems.

Jonathan Evans, head of MI5, has warned that both China and Russia are using new technology to spy on Britain.

Russia has been accused of mounting large scale attacks on Estonia’s computer systems in 2007.

British officials are concerned that some terrorist groups, including those linked to al-Qaeda, are likely to develop the capacity to use cyber warfare against the UK and Europe.

What has been done?

The UK has increased its powers and ability to monitor activity on the internet. In 2009, the UK Government announced the development of a new unit to be based at the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) which would employ young computer geeks, including those previously involved in hacking or low level cyber crime. It would also give the UK the ability to carry out its own offensive activities in cyberspace.


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Activity Questions

1. Explain what COBRA is and what it does.2. What does the Terrorism Act 2006 aim to do?3. What does the Terrorism Act 2006 make illegal?4. How many days can a prisoner be held for without being convicted?5. What does the Counter Terrorism Act 2008 do?6. Make a spider diagram like the following:

Britain’s Security



Body ScannersSECURIT


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Explain what each of these measures has done to increase Britain’s security.

7. What is Cyber Terrorism? 8. How has it affected the UK?9. What is being done to stop it?

2010-2015 Counter terrorism actions

CONTEST- this is the government counter terrorism strategy.

“Our counter-terrorism strategy will continue to be organised around four work streams, each comprising a number of key objectives

• Pursue: to stop terrorist attacks; the purpose of Pursue is to stop terrorist attacks in this country and against our interests overseas. This means detecting and investigating threats at the earliest stage, disrupting terrorist activity before it can endanger the public and, wherever possible, prosecuting those responsible.

From 2013 to 2015 we will:

continue to assess our counter-terrorism powers and ensure they are both effective and proportionate

improve our ability to prosecute and deport people for terrorist-related offences

increase our capabilities to detect, investigate and disrupt terrorist threats



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ensure that judicial proceedings in this country can better handle sensitive and secret material to serve the interests of both justice and national security

work with other countries and multilateral organisations to enable us to better deal with the threats we face at their source

• Prevent: to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism; the Prevent strategy:

responds to the ideological challenge we face from terrorism and aspects of extremism, and the threat we face from those who promote these views

provides practical help to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure they are given appropriate advice and support

works with a wide range of sectors (including education, criminal justice, faith, charities, online and health) where there are risks of radicalisation that we need to deal with

• Protect: to strengthen our protection against a terrorist attack; protect aims to strengthen our protection against terrorist attacks in the UK or against our interests overseas, and so reduce vulnerability.

From 2013 to 2015 the Home Office is working to:

strengthen UK border security reduce the vulnerability of the transport network increase the resilience of the UK’s infrastructure improve protective security for crowded places

• Prepare: to mitigate (reduce) the impact of a terrorist attack. Prepare is based on an approach to emergency preparedness that concentrates on managing common consequences of a wide range of emergencies, including terrorism.

From 2013 to 2015, the Home Office’s Prepare objectives are to:

continue to build generic capabilities to respond to and recover from a wide range of terrorist and other civil emergencies

improve preparedness for the highest impact risks in the national risk assessment


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improve the ability of the emergency services to work together during a terrorist attack - Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Programme

enhance communications and information sharing for terrorist attacks


Using the information above, create a leaflet that explains the UK’s counter terrorism strategy CONTEST. Make sure to explain each part and you can use the information below to give examples.

What is CONTEST?


Explain the aims of CONTEST

Use information on pages 30 and 31 as examples.

After the Paris attack of November 2015

Six hundred extra armed officers are to be trained and patrols more than doubled to help counter the threat of a terrorist attack in London, the Metropolitan Police has announced.

It will bring the total number of armed officers in the capital to 2,800.

However, the increase in firearms officers would not change the "fundamental principle" that police in the UK are not routinely armed, with about 92% of the Met officers still unarmed.


Page 31: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

David Cameron responded to the escalation in terror attacks around the world by making provisions for 1,900 extra security and intelligence staff and doubling funds for aviation security.

In what is seen as the biggest increase in British security spending since the 7/7 bombings in London, the new funding will be invested in the security and intelligence agencies to provide 1,900 new officers, an increase of 15%, at MI5, MI6 and GCHQ. Cameron will also hire additional aviation security officers to assess security at overseas airports in the wake of concerns raised about many Middle East and North Africa airports used by British tourists.

Additional security measures were put in place by the UK and US at a number of potentially vulnerable airports over the past year and these will now be reviewed to check whether they go far enough.

Money will be spent on increased research into screening technology to thwart terrorists as they seek new ways to disrupt travel. The prime minister said: “Economic security goes hand-in-hand with national security. Since 2010, we have taken the tough decisions necessary to restore our economic strength…That means we can now invest more in our national security and I am


Page 32: · Web view Task s Using the links and the information above, create a diagram/timeline that shows the atrocious attacks that have taken place since 9/11. Try and include location

determined to prioritise the resources we need to combat the terrorist threat because protecting the British people is my number one duty as prime minister. Our intelligence agencies work round the clock behind the scenes and, as the threat has grown, so they too have risen to the challenge. This is a generational struggle that demands we provide more manpower to combat those who would destroy us and our values.”