For internal circulation only Vol 34 No 13 29 March, 2020 Do you believe? Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11: 25) “Do you believe this?” As a new mother some 20 years ago, this question stuck in my mind. I would have done anything to protect my little girl. As I watched her laugh and play, I wondered, “Would she believe?” I wanted so much for her to know Jesus, to be sheltered under His wing and to be saved. Jesus emphasised the importance of children coming to him. He said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14). Jesus did not deem them too young to know Him. He did not deem them too unimportant to take up His time. Jesus placed His hands on them and blessed them. Our church has been worshiping in Choa Chua Kang since 1996. We have been blessed to have a special ministry to the little ones, through Hermon’s Children’s Ministry and through the Choa Chu Kang Bible Centre Kindergarten. Hermon’s Children’s Ministry nurtures our little ones with God’s Word every Sunday, from the time they are pre-schoolers to when they finish Primary 5. After that, the Youth Ministry guides them in their next stage of growth. The Kindergarten is Hermon’s outreach to the Choa Chu Kang neighbourhood. It is a joint ministry with Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church. The Kindergarten caters to children three to six years old and provides a Christian environment for children to learn and grow. It

Do you believe? · Do you believe? Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, eves “Do you believe this?” As a new mother some 20 years ago, this

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Page 1: Do you believe? · Do you believe? Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, eves “Do you believe this?” As a new mother some 20 years ago, this

For internal circulation only Vol 34 No 13 29 March, 2020

Do you believe?

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11: 25)

“Do you believe this?” As a new mother some 20 years ago, this question stuck in my mind. I would have done anything to protect my little girl. As I watched her laugh and play, I wondered, “Would she believe?” I wanted so much for her to know Jesus, to be sheltered under His wing and to be saved.

Jesus emphasised the importance of children coming to him. He said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14). Jesus did not deem them too young to know Him. He did not deem them too unimportant to take up His time. Jesus placed His hands on them and blessed them.

Our church has been worshiping in Choa Chua Kang since 1996. We have been blessed to have a special ministry to the little ones, through Hermon’s Children’s Ministry and through the Choa Chu Kang Bible Centre Kindergarten.

Hermon’s Children’s Ministry nurtures our little ones with God’s Word every Sunday, from the time they are pre-schoolers to when they finish Primary 5. After that, the Youth Ministry guides them in their next stage of growth.

The Kindergarten is Hermon’s outreach to the Choa Chu Kang neighbourhood. It is a joint ministry with Hebron Bible-Presbyterian Church. The Kindergarten caters to children three to six years old and provides a Christian environment for children to learn and grow. It

Page 2: Do you believe? · Do you believe? Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, eves “Do you believe this?” As a new mother some 20 years ago, this

certainly is doing excellent work — it is among a small percentage of pre-schools in Singapore that have attained the prestigious SPARK certification (Commendation). This certification by the Singapore government recognises pre-schools with strong teaching and learning practices that support the holistic development of children.

More than equipping the children with skills for life, the Kindergarten’s emphasis on providing a Christian environment means that the children are nurtured with God’s Word. Staff from Hermon and Hebron spend time sharing stories from the bible with the children. It means that the children are taught songs of worship as part of their day. It means that these precious ones are covered with prayer, by the Kindergarten staff and members of Hermon and Hebron, some of whom serve on the Kindergarten’s Board. In the years that the Kindergarten has opened her doors to the neighbourhood, thousands of children have had the opportunity to hear about Jesus and experience Christian love. May God continue to grow their faith in Him.

As Hermon members will know, Hermon and Hebron have recently terminated the Memorandum of Understanding on our shared premises. With the termination, Hermon will soon relinquish her role in the Kindergarten. I am certain, nevertheless, that the seed of the gospel that has been planted in the hearts of the children through the years will take root and bear fruit, in God’s time.

My daughter Soon Yii is now almost 20. She has a 17-year-old sister, Soon Ping. They have both grown up with Hermon’s Children and Youth Ministry. The work of Hermon’s bible teachers and youth leaders has supported my husband and I tremendously in our duty of bringing up our children “in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). And both Soon Yii and Soon Ping have benefitted much from the fellowship of their Christian friends who journey with them through the ups and downs of life.

I am thankful to God for His special love for little children. I am grateful for the members of the community of faith in Hermon who bring the good news of the gospel to the children in Choa Chu Kang. May all the little children grow up to say, “Yes, Lord; I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world” (John 11: 27). May God’s name be praised from generation to generation.

Mrs Yeo Sock Ling

(Editorial Writers: 05 Apr – Dn Luwin Wong; 12 Apr – Eld Elgin Chan)


Page 3: Do you believe? · Do you believe? Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, eves “Do you believe this?” As a new mother some 20 years ago, this


“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me,

though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall

never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26

CHURCH Parents of Children and Youths – Pray for the parents as they strive to lead and guide their children to worship from home. Ask the Lord to grant them wisdom, understanding and strength to teach the children the instructions of the Lord.

Ordination Service for Dn Luwin and Pr Daniel Ho – The Ordination Service, planned for 28 Mar, was postponed. Pray for wisdom as to when we can organise the Ordination Service for Dn Luwin and Pr Daniel Ho.

Live Streaming of Worship Services – Pray for the live streaming team that they would be able to transit the live streaming to Moriah Sanctuary and to improve the visuals of the live streaming. Pray for more volunteers to respond to the call to serve in this area during this time of need. Continue to worship God wherever we are, with our family, our CG or individually, and keep each other in prayer.

Project Ebenezer – As we end our BB/GB community outreach ties with Kranji Sec School, let us ask God to direct us to schools in the new locality where He will place us in, that we can continue to partner the BB/GB in blessing the boys and girls in the schools from Dec 2021 onwards. May the leaders and members unite to seek God’s guidance on where we should be ministering geographically.

WORLD/LOCAL Covid-19 Pandemic – Continue to pray as the pandemic has stricken many countries and infect many people across the world. Pray for wisdom for our local and global health authorities as they battle the Covid-19 situation. Pray also for affected businesses that they will be able to ride out the downturn so that jobs can be saved. Let us continue to look upon our God for peace.

SG General Election – Pray for God’s wisdom to be upon our leaders as they consider a possible impending General Election in the midst of current crisis.

PASTORAL CARE Birthdays (29 Mar-04 Apr 2020) – We rejoice with our members whose birthdays fall this week: Dean Martin, Alvin Yeo, Cheng Li Quan, Mark Chia, Yeo Soon Yii, Lawrence Goh, Jeff Ong, Chua Tse Lert and Tay Yun Yuan.

29 Mar – Christine Lei/05 Apr – Kortia Yeo

SYNCHRONISED PRAYER – Wed (08 Apr), 8.00pm

Even though we cannot meet physically, let us continue to pray wherever we are in unity to our Father in heaven.

Prayer leader: Dn Lee Pang Wee Focus: Holy Week



Page 4: Do you believe? · Do you believe? Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, eves “Do you believe this?” As a new mother some 20 years ago, this


WORSHIP SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES SUSPENDED In accordance with the MOH Advisory, all our worship services and activities in CCKBC have been suspended till end April.

You may worship with your family at 11.00am via the full live streaming of our worship service at Mt Hermon BP Church’s Facebook page. Remember to ‘friend’ Mt Hermon BP Church, in order to access non-public broadcasts. You can also listen to the sermon or read the Herald at www.hermon.org.sg.


Due to the COVID-19 situation, the ceremony (celebrative event with the congregation present) will be postponed till further notice, but we will be organising an ordination service (the formal rites of ordination) for Dn Luwin with the ordaining council members, God willing, within the next week.


This will be live streamed.

Speaker: Rev Dr David Wong

Message: “Relentless Love” based on John 13:1

Stay tuned and worship with us

“MINGLE” – An event for Christian singles, age 28-40, from the 7 churches of BPCIS to meet and mingle. The event will be modified. Wait for further updates on the modified event. In the meantime, please register via this link http://bpcisevents.com


We serve a God whose power is unstoppable. May we be reminded to pray without ceasing. We will not meet physically for

prayer in CCKBC till end April.

We will have synchronised prayer on Wed, 08 Apr at 8.00 pm. We can pray anywhere either by ourselves or in families, small groups or in CGs.



Page 5: Do you believe? · Do you believe? Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, eves “Do you believe this?” As a new mother some 20 years ago, this



For Covid-19 Response Team (CRT)

We need volunteers to join the CRT to help with temperature screening, contact tracing/declaration forms, ushering or any other

roles that may arise.

For Livestream Team

Praise God we were able to livestream the worship services. To sustain this, we need volunteers who are committed to serve on Sundays (10.30am–12.30pm). Training will be provided. Please register via the QR.

NEW CATECHISM CLASS will start in August for 7 sessions. Time: 1.30pm-2.30pm. The Baptismal Service will be held on 13 Dec. If you have been worshipping with us for more than six months and have decided to settle in Mount Hermon as a member by baptism (a public confession of your faith), membership transfer (from another Bible-believing church) or re-affirmation of faith (for children above 12 and have been baptised during childhood), please email [email protected] for a form, Attn Peggy.

STAFF MOVEMENT – 1) Gillian Lim will be on morning leave on 02 Apr. 2) Ps Daniel Tan will be speaking at Herald BP Church on Palm Sun 05 Apr.

PULPIT 2020 – APRIL Church Theme 2020: “Keep Strengthening Our Roots” Time: 11.00am–12.30pm

Eld Wendell Chua – 05 Apr (Palm Sun – Exodus 13:17-14:14)

Rev Dr David Wong – 10 Apr (Good Fri – John 13)

Dn Luwin Wong – 12 Apr (Easter - 1 Corinthians 15:1-28)

Ps Daniel Tan – 19 Apr (Ephesians 3:14-21)

Rev Daniel Chua – 26 Apr (TBC)


Page 6: Do you believe? · Do you believe? Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, eves “Do you believe this?” As a new mother some 20 years ago, this




CG & Leader 2020 Venue Agape Lester Cheng 04 Apr, Sat, 7.30pm via online

CCK Open Care 15 May, Fri, 7.30pm Room 02-03A

de Vine Jennifer Seah 24 Apr, Fri, 9am via online

El Shaddai Gillian Lim 04 Apr, Sat, 9am via online

Immanuel Karen Sim 09 May, Sat, 10am Gideon room #04-07

Jehovah Jireh Dns Malar Thomas TBA till further notice

Klema Dn Richard Yew 03 Apr, Fri, 7.30pm via online

Koinonia (Clementi) Dn Mike 03 Apr, Fri, 8.00pm via online

Koinonia (W’lands) Dn Simon 03 Apr, Fri, 8.00pm via online

Lakers Dawn Tan 11 Apr, Sat, 5.30pm via online

Living Water Daniel Woon TBA

Morning Glory Jeanette Ler-Lee TBA

New Life Dn Lee Pang Wee 04 Apr, Sat, 7.30pm via online

Paideia Gene Tan TBA

Young Adults Dn Luwin Wong 03 Apr, Fri, 7.30pm via online


Time: 12.30am–1.00pm 29 MARCH 05 APRIL

Youth (Pr 6 - Post Sec) Teaching leader:

John Chua

Teaching leader:

Jeremiah Chan


Nursery to P5 Classes Suspended



Fund Last week Month Total Jan-to-Dec

Service live streamed

General Fund $5,975.00 $43,820.10 $129,529.90

Dev Fund $1,820.00 $9,085.00 $38,352.10


Issue cheque to Mount Hermon BP Church

PayNow to UEN S88SS0035HGF1 or use QR Code on the right


Issue cheque to Mount Hermon BP Church – Development Fund

PayNow to UEN S88SS0035HDF1 or use QR Code on the left

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many thanksgivings to God. (2 Corinthians 9:7, 12)


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Date: 29 March, 2020 Speaker: Ps Daniel Tan Sermon Title: 'I Am the Resurrection and the Life' Scripture Text: John 11:1-44

‘He whom you love is ill’

‘Jesus wept’

‘Lazarus come out’

‘Many of the Jews therefore … believe in him, but some of them …’

Concluding Questions 1. Which is your response to who Christ Jesus is – believing Jews, rejecting Jews, persecuting religious leaders, trusting Mary and Martha? 2. What has been encouraging for you from John 11? And how might this shape your perspective of your current challenges? 3. What opportunities has God given you today to spread the hope of the Gospel? Would you ask God to open doors?


Page 8: Do you believe? · Do you believe? Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, eves “Do you believe this?” As a new mother some 20 years ago, this

Order of Worship 29 March, 2020, 11.00 am

Church Theme 2020: “Keep Strengthening Our Roots”

Welcome & Announcement

Call to Worship Psalm 34:1-8

Opening Hymn Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven

Opening Prayer

Worship in Songs There is A Hope Be Thou My Vision When I Survey the Wondrous Cross


Pastoral Prayer

Scripture Text John 11:1-44

Message 'I Am the Resurrection and the Life'

Closing Song Relentless Love

Benediction/Three-Fold Amen

Speaker/Scripture Reader/Pastoral Prayer & Benediction: Ps Daniel

Worship Leader/Announcement: Eric Chan

Pianist: Chantel Tay

Vocalists: Priscilla Chan and Shirlynn Yew

Projectionists: Chew Kian Chong

PA: Daniel Woon and Ken Lee

Steward: Dn Lee Pang Wee

Live Streaming: Daniel Woon

NEXT SUNDAY’S SERVICE (05 APRIL – PALM SUNDAY) Sermon: Between the Desert and the Sea (Exodus 13:17-14:14) Speaker: Eld Wendell Chua Worship Leader/Announcement: Joshua Chan Pianist: Rebecca Vocalists: Dawn Tan and Inez Tan Scripture Reader/Pastoral Prayer/Benediction: Eld Peter Seah Projectionist: Chew Kian Chong PA: Samuel Chan and Joel Mak Steward: Shaji Thomas Live Streaming: Daniel Woon

Pastoral / Ministry Staff

Rev Daniel Tan (Pastor)

9751 7740/O-Extn 11

[email protected]

Dn Luwin Wong

9230 5363/O-Extn 12

[email protected]

Mr Zebedee Lee

8813 8944/O-Extn 13

[email protected]

Dns Tang Lai Kin

9842 6551/O-Extn 14

[email protected]

Board of Elders

Eld Peter Seah (Moderator)

Rev Daniel Tan

Eld Elgin Chan

Advisory Pastor

Rev (Dr) David Wong


Dn Mike Fong

Dn Lee Pak Choon

Dn Lee Pang Wee

Dns Justina Ng

Dn David Oh

Dn James Quek

Dn Sim Chow Meng

Dns Tang Lai Kin

Dns Malar G. Thomas

Dn Simon Toh

Dn Luwin Wong

Dn Richard Yew


Ms See Siew Kee

97477726/O-Extn 18

[email protected]

Sunday Service 11.00am- 12.30pm

Children & Youth Bible Class


Prayer Meeting Every 2nd & 4th Wed


10 Choa Chu Kang St 52

#04-01 CCKBC

Singapore 689284

Tel: 6766 8903

[email protected]
