Do people have a right to determine their own form of government?

Do people have a right to determine their own form of government?

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Do people have a right to determine their own form of government?. James I. Problems with Parliament: Absolutist Collected $ whenever wanted Made Alliances with England ‘s enemy Spain Religious Policy Conflicted w/ Puritans, who wanted to “purify” Anglican Church of Catholic practices. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Do people have a right to determine

Do people have a right to determine their own form of government?1James IProblems with Parliament:Absolutist Collected $ whenever wantedMade Alliances with England s enemy Spain Religious PolicyConflicted w/ Puritans, who wanted to purify Anglican Church of Catholic practices

2Parliament: Representative Government3Charles I

41)Why was there a long standing conflict b/w Charles I and Parliament? Father James IRuled Absolutely- imprisoned people who did not loan him $Married a French Catholic Women52)How did Parliament make it known to Charles I that he could not raise taxes?Petition of RightsWhat other objections did the Petition of Rights include?No Martial LawNo soldiers in private homes during peacetimeNo imprisonment w/out a charge63)How did Long Parliament limit the kings power?Parliament must meet every 3 yearsKing could not impose taxes on his ownExecuted 2 of his advisors for treason

74)What happened once the Puritan majority of Parliament tried to change the practices of the Anglican Church?Public supported shifted to the kingWhat does the fact that people did not want changes made to the Anglican church tell you about their attitudes toward the Anglican Church and Puritans?Liked the church as isPuritans were disliked and considered radicals85)How did the Irish Rebellion help trigger the English Civil War?Charles I needed a BIG army to put down Irish rebellionParliament did not want Charles I w/ that much power, so insisted that Parliament control armyCharles I said NO WAY ARE YOU CRAZY!!!Charles I marched on Parliament, which sparked civil war96)What were the supporter of the king called?CavaliersWhat were the supporters of Parliament called?RoundheadsWho was the Leader of the Roundheads?Oliver Cromwell10Oliver Cromwell

116) ContinuedWhat happened to Charles I after he lost the English Civil War to the Roundheads and Oliver Cromwell?Tried and sentenced to death by beheading 127)What is a Commonwealth? Republican Form of GovernmentWhat title did Oliver Cromwell take?Lord ProtectorWhat was the name of the 1st written constitution in England?Instrument of Government 1653138)Was Charles II welcomed when he returned to England?YesWhy would Parliament and the English people want to bring back an absolute leader?StabilityWhat was the reign of Charles II called?Restoration14The Restoration of Charles II

15Charles II He avoided fights with Parliament.Continued Cromwells bold commercial policies of economic expansion.Tried to form an alliance with France and England. Did not work 150 years of rivalry- controlling of the seas and resources.Sought to increase toleration with Catholicism were dismissed by Parliament.

Political Parties DevelopCharles and his Queen Catherine of Braganza of Portugal had no children.Younger brother James, a Roman Catholic would succeed him.Two parties come about in England.The Tories-supported the Anglican Church and a hereditary monarchy, but would accept a Roman Catholic King.

The WhigsTheir names were first used as insults.The term Tory meant an outlaw in Ireland.The term Whig originally meant a horse thief. A name that suggested a group that was rebelliousThe Whigs claimed the right to deny the throne to James. They wanted a strong Parliament and opposed having a Catholic ruler.James IIWhen Charles II died in 1685, his Catholic brother came to the Throne.He was less flexible and humorless.James II believed in absolute rule.James antagonized the Parliament and refused to cooperate.Both Whigs and Tories called James II to step down. He agrees peacefully William of Orange and Mary ( James II sister) took over a peaceful transfer of power.Thomas Hobbes

Lived through the English Civil War and was disturbed by the chaos it created.