Do Now:. The Water Cycle Essential Questions What is the water cycle? What drives the water cycle?

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Essential Questions What is the water cycle? What drives the water cycle?

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Do Now: The Water Cycle Essential Questions What is the water cycle? What drives the water cycle? The Water Cycle The Water Cycle is the cyclical, solar- driven process of evaporation, condensation and precipitation that controls the distribution of water on Earth. The Water Cycle 1.Evaporation & Transpiration 2.Condensation 3.Precipitation 4.Infiltration, Storage & Runoff The Water Cycle The transfer of water into the atmosphere is accomplished in two ways: Evaporation = 90% Transpiration = 10% Evaporation Evaporation the process where water is converted from a liquid to a gas or vapor; it is the primary means by which water enters the atmosphere from oceans, rivers and lakes Transpiration Transpiration the process where ground water is transported through plants from roots to pores on the undersides of leaves where it evaporates The Water Cycle After entering the atmosphere, water vapor can be transported large distances by wind; as it moves, it condenses into visible clusters of droplets (clouds). Condensation Condensation the transformation of water from a gas to a liquid The Water Cycle After evaporating into the atmosphere and condensing, water can leave the atmosphere via precipitation. Precipitation Precipitation the fall of water droplets condensed from atmospheric water vapor down to the Earths surface RainSnowSleet/Ice Infiltration, Storage & Runoff Infiltration water that seeps underground into porous rock/earth Storage water can be stored as a solid (mountain snow packs, glacial ice) and as a liquid (water in lakes/ponds/ocean) Runoff water that flows along the surface of the Earth back to the oceans Whats Coming Up? Hydroelectric Plants Hydropower & Water Turbines Impacts on Environment/Society