DND-OPA - Philippine Defense Newsletter - May-June 2011 Issue

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The auth(}I'dl'II'~'~ lire

PMA Clas.~'68 iIi 20M.

I D ' t is ha.m to beHeve th a ta~ most

36 years have passed slnoe ~made myU iip up K illinnon Ro aJ d to ef l~er th e g >a Jle s

of Fo r t G l'\e go riio d el IP ile r an d tih e p orta ls

o f't he IPh i Ii pp li ne Military Ac~demy. As the

ye'8l's hav,e passed a.nd I have had the

ti i me to r,en,ec t ,0n my past d ec iis i 0 ns, IIwema~n f irm in~l'Io!!.llghlt~hat ~f~was m ade

t o do ihlll over again, I wOlll!d no~' C ; ! h a n g e

a s i ng lle th in g ,.

I hevea strong sense of pl iid !e and have

no re gl1 ets a bo ut Ih av irn ga Ue nd 'e d IPMA,

One , o ft he ques tions II h av e b ee n a:S~illd


Robert L . Danee 8a~ba lner '0 " LUiga" IIs le ta , a nd Agus tii ng av

IIdr(~ppeiCI out o f c o!lle ge iln 1962 (too me ~vi iii9 ,exa m pi es of m i lli~m any parti as, not enoug 1 '1 Si~!JIdyililg)and p ro fe ss io na JI !s , Whom IS lh ou I !d em l, J~a ll

, e li lt e red ~1 'I8U..s . Nmy in ~hesame year. m lY pe!if:ormanc:e of duty, not only in

I tri,ed to g l,e l an IS 'ilssilg nm ent at.~h e A cade my, but eliso' throug lhou t

S l ot se nber g S la iUon i li lt :e lf () e: p~s ; i i r e of the Pliofe S S k H H ; 3 i 1 1 ea reer. The edue atle

A rmy whi ch i was I(H:lated a t C ia li lk A . ii r E it h iGa [l f'o lu ll 1I d. :l tilon, a nd pn )f es sii o: na IH

Base, but was sentto Turkey instead; ttn at ~a cq uimd l in ~ hleAGaid emy ,lu :s e e ve

W hHe lin Turk!ey, II d iiscovered that by dlay and w iill~do so until my Last laps.

atterndlirngl~hleUSMA IPr ,epara I to ry Schoo l , UWe". what a'bout the food? How

I cceld poss bly' g ain e nltm nc e ' r o y Y , e : s : t y·ou ad!~st to h ~ving rice ins(oeadPoint I was a b Ie to , a Ue n d th e ~fep bread? fo r m,e, nee was alslul~Slll~ute

Schoo!1 and was sla lted to ' aUeV jd W est .JPptatoes, and ~ n ever had problems

P oint a lnd p'lay footba 'l!. T hou gh w il~ h my having l po ta toes, I gl~"ew 1 lI p ,ealtiF l i g a. lo t

fU ~L 1reseem ingly set by gO 'irig to U8MA1' potatoes, and soma rioe (By the w ay,

I eheseto get.off the main roaif:l aM M lke U.S . is : one of the la rge'st rice p~oduce

til e one less t ra .v '6 l ll !ed th n:rugh PMA. in the W 'Q ~ld ), BCllut ;_1 a~e ~tto pr"O\fe t

WI1ii ll !i : in the IP~ep S c nee I, 39 other ~ c ould, H wa .$ , fun to have to take,C adet C ,a mllidalte,s aa d, I f oo l\ : t ll 'l e PMA ISAL bu s to 1M.;::m ila ,s to p a lo ng th e w

entrance exa_m . II h ad ~he h igh,est S i O O W e have a v e n d e r ge t o n the bus a.M ,a

an d was offe lied the ctJianee ' t ,o aU e n o ilea liz ing tha t ~ w as a n A rnerican, tr ylPiMA. W ilhO:ull fh in lk i l' ilQI tw~ce. I sa ie l yes. setlll me a balut to se e my re a c, tio n. ~ t o

And thus bega!) my joumey (Iown that pl,eas U l r e in bu y i iii9 it 0peni ng H, J

tess trave~II'9 :dro~d. eatingl ut w t g l i i t there in F ront 'o f h im (A ~

A notherques~lonlhatl' have beenaslked m oreasin. please.) ~ ozm still rem em b

ts, uHow 'Was the aducatio,n in the th e shoeked faees of not only th e vendo

Philippines? Didn't yoU miss som@fhing b l ! , l t o ,f t he ether passengers around m

by l'1otI!!JUendlng a U.S. sc.hQoi?~F i lf st , D i .n ug u. :J fi an d Chicaton Bufsklak-

the education was. gre,at line rigorous fantastic ! Lechon' w ith s au o(;l,-I'm

ac.ademic IOlld lprovlided Im le wMh th e b £i!g i~ nlirlg t o O really ge'~hUli' l91ryust talilk

"How was th e e du .c a·tio n in th e ,P hilip pin es ? D irth 1 : you m~ss soms1thing by no t a ft e. nd ing aU, $.. : s c h 1 o o J ? " Firsth e e dlll c etlo n w as 9 r ,e at T he rig :orou s tl,c ac i'e mic loa d p u 'O videa m e w ith the i ln~€lnectual I ! t : . n ow l ed g e not j lis t fo

tifille p'ursuH ofasuocess~ul , proglressive' mUita ry care,er, but a ~~K)o r~ n,e J )lU Irs uU o ta ·5u oc ess ffu ll I~fe.

by fellow C ava Iilers Is " ~Whydid you entel 'PMA? Why d id n't } I\' Ougo · t o' West Point?~

I F l i l r s ~ . ( I r o m ea~ly childhood" I haV!ealways

been f~J sd l1 a~ed wu~h~he Ph i lip lP ine$ ,. My

la lle unc le. for w ihom I w as nsrned, fough t

in .the P hii I iipplin e s as an .i1 lIlrtiHrym a , nd u lii n g WQ rl!d W a r U. And thoug h - t1a~o ld

me virliualillyno~hingabouUhe country. the

v€l 'Yfact of his h av in g b ee ~ ~ 'h ere c au se e

me to warllt to ' go-

Mo!'!ewe~, a s a ch~ll d, eV !e ry $ undO ! lI YUnaltIIc ou ~d . I w ;;!I,t ch ed a s how called "Vic.fol)'

at S ,e a".ihe series {w l1iic h iis avaljlla lb le

on videQ t ll lpe ) tQ ld~he sto:ryof Wo~ldWar

1m from the N avy/M arine P O~r!ltO f view. O f'

th e variou s p 'l ro g !f ams , one slPeoifh~,al lY

dealt with the fa I I I and rlise of the

IP hiii p pli ne $., II W a 55 0 e nth ra lle d w i~ h th e

b ea uty o ,ffp ~e -W< l" M a ll iilla ~h at w as s hown

on the, pmgw.amtM l II d eoided rig lhtlhe:n

in my heart Uaaltone day I would visut thatbe:a utufu lc :ouln ilry. -

~nt€l~r~c tu a I k n,o w il e d gle n ot j ust for th e

PilirsuM of a S !J toe: ssfu~, prog resslvem'il!narycareer, but also fo r th e p u !iSU~ to f

a $ u cC ie ss fu l II fe "

For example. l fnd that concepts I

h ilJamed in my lPomical S.cience,

~1iI~~m,atioln:alR e!la tio ns , a nd L aw (;~ a$ s< es ,

~ c :aJ!ilsU III useeven now ~ sa Fa weigl! l!Se rv ic e O ff ic e: r Then Majo~ C e . s ~ 1 1 i P o b : r e o , s

A $ia na nd P hi I ippi ne History cllas$,e$·caused me to eschew a p allro ,e hia ii

nat.iionall ism for a I I 1 r i I o,re , cosm o po Iita n

iinte m a lii 0 n a ~ist 'NO rl d view . Spa n is h

classes from ~hen lie liitenaliit Z albarte,

Eng Iis h from the n Ueulenant Gallardo.

Su l iV ' ey il 1lg fr om l then l ie~u ltel1lan t La pun,

and G na n d 0 ' 1 1 1 a~~ c ontrl buted to, my

acad em ie ferm atlen tlh la lt eontl n ues b)

serve, I r l I 1 H ~ today., I naddi~ ion , in spite of

t .h e, D IR 's t.hey som etlimes 91ave , the

p e l r : s o l i l aJI e xa mp,l es d i)mo n st ~ ated by

QmCj~rs wuth ~am'es such 8 $, Siang 00.

e,oout it I w ealized I I~k!e a lot of exo

d i~$hes" IEven if ' I 'm l i'I ot f: am i lia rw ii lh a d i

IIwo'uld tr y it ~in.;;,tbefore dec iding if I li"'

m 11I0t. IBe,caJuS:eof that, I h a,v e ,eaten a

in t i l a Pnil ipp~nes,. eSicarg,ot.and ants

Colombial, and eonch in E I S a~ va do r.to mention various types of s'ashimia

weii' HUl l wGrld"

A tt.ending the A .c~dl1 l,my m .ade,

a,wa,re of and be sensitiive to o~:CI J It!U1relS.laUend ed an InsUMion w

pe,optle of vaned c o~ ors a nd h ue s, b ut th e

color d l id not m aU er. A t the t~m e, th is W

parlic !J ~a rly s tJ rik i~ g to me , because he

in the Uniited S tate 's, a great socIJpheava I was ta kl ng p lace to nu l I

seglrf! ,ga:Uon and rna ke i IiIt eg r ~ ijo n th e l

of the la !'le i. (It is inter~ $t~n g to note th

! . i ! IiIt~~halt~1m e, the R lepli blican Palrt y w

the party iilo lt:edseekin g eq uality arlld

O emo o:ra tio IP aFly was. the, hom e pa rity

Taking the Road.

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'Caring for 'the Solldli,e lr,s::

The N'f!W F'olrt Boni'fi lcio Gle'nlerall H O S I P i t - a 1

fO IR .1 i IBO IN IIfA a IO ~T aO lu I9 OU,!!,-

T $IIe g ro win g number '011 ' combat,cas'ua. l~ies anne AIFP 's inlelmal s!llclJIiflity

op,eratians h l~ rs iflspire'o the ralPidl improvements oUlle medl i ica l fac · il lv~ i :e$Q~th e Anmy's Ilo sp ,i~ a~ bas,ed h,ere,

A S,8.r iesof Herc$f~ 9 htin 9 b ~ twe e n

g o,v emm El'IH tc rc ss < lind tlhe netortousmem bers of the Ab U I SaYY<lI f OO ii !r "l dlts i,nIB a sila n is la nd a bo lU tmoye aw .s a go b ec ame

a gi'iim reminder about the iirnportano!31 o .f

adequa te med ica l f <l ic il il ies fQ r~ l1 iewoundedS o I dii,ers·.

Sergeall it R iay lRasqJUle: ro , sufViivor: il il onea,f ttl.e oruta I I en co 'un~$r$ , ~Iiv~d ro ·telll Iii ls

si()ry. ~e was one o nh e 1 0 W IA s {w o~ od ed

in acHon:) in the! armedc lashes in the h in~erlands ,o flipo-ti po town in BaS!Ual' l l ,

"The Army hasp ita l M s

been my i tl or n e fo r a lm os tMO yealr,s now. I awe my life

to the ded~cated s erv i:c e b your medlea l personne l, H'

n~U'n'lh:l!5 Ra.sq uere , a non-

eom m is s to ri,ed O o f f i ea rbelonging to the L ight

R.ead io :n Bat l! llHori . . ~ : : ~ = ~ : ~ ~ : : ~ iome of Rasqluero's

ooneag'u,es d ie d d uri rlg ~h ajl = : ; ; ; ! I O ; i = = : . t l I

t:a/lefl1.llda y when l 1l isun it wastasked to re~nfome thebele·ag uered t re OD·S of In e67 i1 1 Mar1 rle Reconna iss< li rl ce "'-'--'------Company which wa s

engagle ld in a heeavy fig htin g O liQ la in staeeeaslenlst re be ls ..

lRasque·m'swi fe, Mar ia Theresa. hasr emC l in ,e d l a t h l~ sb eds~de tO o ta 'k ie c are o f h1m

dll,llli'iinighlis po lintilJlI re,covery, She is v erryt ha n k f, u' l fo r Itlie ,excellentservi:ce provraad

by lhe Ph il ~ppun :eAmy" «Kung h in d i dahi l sasUfJorta ng P.fJilippin;e Army , . hindi siguromabuIJuhaYi: lng a , s a w - a ko.,·' s h e sO liid , as

te ars w elle d up in her ,eyes.il am v i e w y than k fl 1. ll t ot li ll ~ Ihe m i ll ~ la ry

doctors and n urses who pa in s ta k.illl9 ~yprovided m y hus!oond w,jth~e best health

ea re " H is sa cWl i f icas in jhefli e ld alpe

eompensated," s he a dde d,T he N ew F,o lm!:Bonifa,cia G,ene'ral~H OiS pwta~1

~~Upon h is assumptionaJs~he Army Chief '

,on J'uly .23 2m 0, UG,enl Anum Ortiiz AFP

m ;il!de th e· u pg ra de a nd re no va ilio nl o fiih ,eF BG H iac iil'ilijes h is ~op p:rto rity.. lit w as h is

C lW i I ' lI wa."l of Ihono lr~ng the itlem ism of the

froofi lUin,e : : ;;oldiers who GO n ti rlUOIJ s ly plUt

tll'le ms ellv es. in to h arm 's way iin order t O operl 'orm thleir ma nda te .d mi$$iort$_

~Soldi~rs ha ~ s imple needs and w ants_

hh~ ir ov~ral l Commander , II am maki ngsu re~ha I~ :~e .A ! rmy i s abl!e: ro provn:j€1 them

what is dlue~liiem parl iculari ly~hEdlr benefiilsand 'Im!itlie:i1rn~~nl$, $af:d Onl i. .: , a b~medca i l led

com bait off icer alild a IM rlIg Medal Fo r' V a ~o r


lin .~u et a few month s late : r, O il bet erhospita l build i rig ' 1 3 m erged, wi~ih its c l~ al1 la li n o ref!!.!rb islh ed com fo rt reem scomfor table wa~(ls ~!ll1Id c9'Joloeliefuven~nallionwhe: re , as i l: l$ f roml tie so~ld~ef$ ·~t:!emselve$.

~h,eilrmiillit~,ry deper lJde l' ll ts and U ' ie c1v il ian

Simployees ca n .a~soav~il bf mediCil 'I l1

o f lh le 11O$p~la II air'!d th e acq ui is i l ion an

upg r ~de of rtned~cal1ll~>Oiratoryequipmerll,F B G o l : 9 i i f l l 11$0 boa"$~ :s ott it so c om pet e

personoetllhe numbar of W thiclh, ·adldres$esth.e manning! fequi~~ment of thDep~rlmem of Healllhi_Tne FBGH is: a 2:0(l~bed caJpaJcit

sec ondary leve l M spila l. 0 u Iy license:d btile !D epartment of Health (DO rl) anaccredi ted by th e P h~ lip pi!1 e HeaUh

~ lnsU ll ran ( ;. e Corpo ral ii on {PH IC ) o

pni lhea~th.

SeNin :g l im :O!s '! 3'W h o S elf'V e

In!e I1 i os:p i ta ll operat~$ maj oil'fie lids

diin, ic<li l services to i nc lude, medicasurgery, O b G ,yne an d pediiatrics.oHers am o'u ~atory s,e rvi ices

l includingl in/out p~d,ierl l care_ .. ~ IlII!!-= ; p tly SilcO liI e X< lim in aH ons , fam i~

r!,L.~!III~~ p~ann~ngl. limm~r1Ii:;z;aHon anspec ia~ ly e l il' lics, X-:ray,sonography

11en d oscopY, laDora t e ,el!ectrocardltogrann (E.GG)! d i,e~a

medical reeorc :serv ice and

~--~~ . annbulO linoe service,

It I ikew ise i' p rov id~$ se ~vi ces

~-c~. __ other specia lties such a--, .._' orrhopedtcs, IUil'O~Ogy,

ophthOli lmology , n$ul ro-psych i~b icservice, phys ilea I rned ie i net anmh1:ll0illit<ll~loll' ll./W part of the Amny'~~~~~~~~~~~::=.; i I i : i i I I l . oommuni ly ou1J rf l! ll ch p r, o] ec ts , t hl1ospi~al also conducts c iv li~ a cUo


Un~ike l before wher e services ar"8 lirnit~dUle to shortag le in equipment an d

,com pete·n t pe rson r1 e I, major ope rat ionsl

surgery COln now be performed at th

hospital l , .a Js ~ de f rom varleus medica

,exam i r 1a ti on s ,

The FBO!HI is also l iesporlsi ble for til

can d I l.mt and pro eessl ng ofth e armu

ph iy s~ca l e x am i ir il <l li io ll 'l ls o f A rmy oo l: di en s ancandidate scldlers. It also prov ided

augmentation to the sGreeninQli3Ind

psycho~109lica I debriefing t :e l1: l lmsAFP"w~dan d to UNI posI-de iJ Ioyment la bora1io,r

screani ngl leam. Last yea IF , FG I8 Hw as a blto e on d ue t < lInd p mol('loSS 3 ,7 57 p hys ie ae.xam ir i lat iom.,

ihe FBGIM was ac tiva ted on .0

[)Iecember 1959 as all 50 -J be d A rmy Stat io

H losp ita .1 M ckin ley,C lnd w as ren!8 im ed F o

BOonifacio G en e·ral IHospita I on 11 J IU n

19 !8: 0. l it is located at F o r t B o n if ad o , 1MI<li


services"r f ie n ew~y re~!Jribis illed m edlica I fad' i i ll y

ai so p)f~des itself with new med iCO l I I

"9-QtJ ipment for d~aglnolStiG precedures and

~he l i .aJPY, rad iolog y services; la b 0ra torysamiees, .<lImo:ngothers. Its H ero es Ward

IS now ai r "co :nd~t tOr l8d1and wi ilh TV s ets s et hat com b<llt COl!SIU a ltias w ill h .O live a :oomrorta'b!le stay on : lh s lr w~ to fUl ll re.covery, .

G en :Or t ii z ah "oapproved~he increase ofthe hospital's budget. fo r medlicirl8S as well

as the budgle,tfor nscessa ry me,d ica Iprocedures WilotyeiltlJvaJ~~aJblie,at FBGH but

wh iO l ' h t it le pa t~e n ts . wi IIII . m d i e r " Q ' o in other

hospit:aJls..AGcowdi ing to Col M a,i.< lIn o M ejiia l,

Commallldi l l ' l lg Officer, FBGH,hJr tner

im provemenls ar e U nd,ernt 'ay.Amongl~hO$e

titlat s,tm need ID be d on e!, Ih e s aid , al~eehe

Nl'novationl G f~ h ,e b as eme n t, impmVoementof the re oo rd s s le dtic m , kitch.en mess cm d

s ,u pp~y mom.

Asrdefwm the phys iGaJ l t ra . r1s1 imma l t io r l

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T Im a uth or d ur in g r;'is PM A day s

the m ost d!9V,QU tsegrega 1iionisls,. persons

such as, S trom Thurmond. When

IPr'9sident Johnson oommilUedi the

Democrat ic lPaJ1y in to baoorn ing a party

of equ a llilly and in C~U$iven ass" the vast

rm ajorilty of U 'le segre.gal~ io ni$I m oved to~he Repu b ll i, can Pallty. A nd tholligh 'U h,ey

ar e now reformed and the GO P !l(j'lll!' ha s

W iith i n its rail ks persons such as 0 01 i n

Pow,el l l and Condoleezz:a Rice , talk of"states' rig h'ts.;; and ,II IeS'!;, govem m ent"

re so n a 'l:e d th ,€ ! v ery ideas, th at a ll,o we 'c I

sllav,ery to ,n ou ris h a nd led to the, Civi l War.

That said. J lo h n McC .ain wnuld have been

the' best candid1a te ", i :UJ ' t IIdigr'€!$s.) My time'in the Acad e my reinforce d w ith in me, th e

id,ea that I must jlldg,e a person by th e

c o n te n t 0" h ils oh <3lrac,ter, not just by

outwa ~d alPpe

a ranee . My tl me t.h e re

instilled w ith in m e the A cadem y's creed

o'f " 'Courage, rnte,grlty, and Loyalty" as my

persona Ic reed-the creed. a long l w it h my

belief in Go,ci, that. I lise, as my da,illy


IIn the 'end. H wa.S my time in 'the

Acad emy that caused me to , II,ea/v,eth e

miliitary life fo r the'diploma/t ic l ife ,. I Iballeye

lin service to c ou ntry. a nd I felt 1hi:n I c

best serve my OC ) o I , m t r y a s a dliplle

working towards achie,viliiQ I mut

under.$,tandinQ betw een m y country

am y counuy in which I m; lg lh t be station

Miy d ii pl: oma lti c s kills : II a cquil" edwiit hli in

W f il llll s,o f Me lc ho r Ha ll (n o s ep ara te C

8anacks th en ). r'e po rt1 in g. complyinex,arcisjng., interacting l, but. a lwa

knowi ngl th a t I WQuld come out of

Academy a better pefSQII'I than whe


As II saiid ear' l ier, th e 't~m€ ! I sp e n t in

A ca d e rn y and tile edllcilition I achie

ther,a have helped mold me in to

person II am 'today. No .t a p ert ec t pe r sbut , 0 1 " 1 Ii! w ilfh a s tro ng b ellie f ~n God

seeks th e' b est frc m h lmse If 611i1dtreats eaoh person in ~he best rnan

PQssi ble, one who '1:aJ1resride in :saly

"t Q,,'8,duatedl from the' Ph i.Upp"M;~';'fa,y AIcad:emy. jj

II t.ook tne ro,ad less tJavelled.

Journey n a : ! ; > nOo ta lw~ys be ,e li l ! i) l& i Js ,y

h es a lw ay s, been worth th e effort. I h

nOo Ia s i lng 'le r ,egret in my decision to st

at the IP h i Ilippine Military Academy.

iindelibfly etched up o n fT llYsoul am' thwarns: "Coui lia ge, IllrUEi,grity,Bn,d Loyall

R,o.bElfl ~B,o,b"Lawfence Va'nee bom inthe,~ was ,epo'Sting op:pIJrtunil;y,His efforts the las,t am e in 2.008 fo r fh e < 1

Le)tingt'(m.Ken'lj'J~ was a ~tiOO Maior In finrJ¥rrybore fruii' when he was eventually BnmVe\l'Sif. lryof his bEiIoVid PMA Cle.ss

the United States .Anny unlif 1986 and last ,gra' l'I ted i f . I teach in!} 8ssi'g'nml1l'ifl t a,' the '68" Up to the' 6me ot lIis death. he slill h

se{jjf;ed as ,e d~pl()mat with a ·Sf),niorrank of Philippine M : ; J { t 'a , r y Academy from 1979 to O a wish to oome ,back r o the PhIlippines.

Counsellor (.0-7). equivalent . t o O ran'ok of 1982. Nis son, 31~y,ea,r oi,d Kristoff.er LeBrigadier Genera'i .in thfl u . . s. Stam Assigned ~oCh'Brl'e C("jnp-any as a PMA. baSild in ' Saguio Cily~ recently d l 'soovem

D6pa,.tm~'Ilt 011 Jan,uary 2~ 2011. be Cadf1t, "Delic-i'O~.as h6 ' was fondly oa11ed by ali essay DenGi 'b wrote in 2004. First sharpa'8sOO away in Virgin#iI a t the ,ege of fiB hi s misfahs exoelled both in and out of , ! h e to his classmates in th~ PM}!" ,the essay

art,er a 100I lg st 'n lgg leaga;ns 't sysrfilm ' 0 classroom. NOIto l l 1 ' Y did he · gat ,Wgh marks something ~iII~t his famiiy end das&n'afe

sclaroderma' ami pancre~tio canoer: in h i$ SO c'ial sGj;ence a nd IIumal:llt'ies IW O !lId like to s h a ' r , I 1 ) ' not onfy wdh PM

Bob was tb,1iJ last American to €1i(#1' subjects, he afso stood oOutn traok :andfield, graduates but with, alba', Filipi'm)S8'lId I

graduate at the PMA at F O I : t Del Piler, BriJoguioparticularly In the ,spr ints. javelin . dis(;l).s snd rest of the world. It is ,I e f ie,f lection of t

Cit, a'no! tbo'iJigb be WEllS bound tQS1~rll'i;! shot.pw. ,He was also, a v~ g OM w re sliie r:, v'$iue6'nurlmed ~;mdobsiEl\l1ll'w by PMA~ullde'f .the Uoiled Slat,liJ$ Arm'y, he kept A year after he retired fr'Omtfie' U,S , S i\ \' it e who continu"e to choose' 'he' road le

f;Omin!} b8'ck to ti le 'phitippines whenev:er Departmen(..fJe vi!$I"tedthe Philippines for trav.elled.

Th'e PhIIippine Navy marlks i'ls, 1113thyealr a,nln ivers,ary

The Phil ippine Na vy ( PN ) ,o eIle bra t,e d its1 13 th y ,e ar ,amilirvenary on May 24, :2011

a~ its h e'a dq ,u arl:e rs in R ox as BO lIJ le v'a rd i.

M anila w ith the theme: A vitali partner for

peace.seC'ulrity and devel,opm ent of our

maritime nation". Heading 'the llst o f

glIJe s t s wa s S e cre ta ry V ,a Ita li re 1'.

Gazmin . Depar tmen t of iNla,tionall De,tense.

Hrigh ltg htln g ( he e ve nt was ilie ~aunching

of the ~ Su pp o:rt YO !.!! P N F ou n da r~ io lil,~ a ,

IDundationchaired in c on ec rrs nt capaoity

by Ilnsm llt,e for S olid,a lrity in A sia (l iSA)

C lh ail1 nn an D r" J es us P. IEstanislao, The

bodiywas e re ats d to e nh an ce th e m ate l1 ie l,s O o ' ia l , , e oo l1 l om i iC , . an d m O r c 1 J ! e alne!welifa re,o f PN perscnne l. O th er eIVents on the-

celebration day include a Send-Onc,eremony for SRP Manuel Gomez

(PG38E1). BRP Emmo Liw<3Jnag (PG 118).

and B~P DagIJ pa l'l C ity (Le5S1} and ill

S t,aIirc Equipment lD is.playand


Other ,aC'~ivities which hig hlighted the

ceilebrattcm were ' b lood~l,e t li ing" medica l l

d en ta ll m is sio ns , PN~Wide rsad along"

advocacy biking and t)\98 planting, golf

tournam ent (A dm iral's Cup). amool~hers.

Th e5'~ ac,1i iv iUe's are expe cte 'd to

susw liin edl in the follow ing m on ths, as,

IP h illip pin e N a ,v y remains eom mltted

su ppo rt the c o,u rn try i Ii 1 i l t s ,endi eavOors

nati:onalgrmvlh. Sll$~nnabr.e deV1elopm

an d genuine, peace. It is, certain that

Philippine N avy sltall contiim .J€ to, g

stro,ngl foUow in9 ~13 years of v

pilrrlne,ushiip wi1h maritlime sta lk:ehold

ro wa lr~ s a peaceful, secue and develoPhi~ippilnes..

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UVI , INTRO~/REHO'NOS(Where admlsalon is an honor)

on ,ou r na ,t f: o :na lse;clJJri)~yilu atic n. T he N ID

is \ i'H s u li ng lh e Repub li c o f Ko re a where t h .

wi III b e b rie ,fe d by the Km e'a n Natl 0 iD efe ns e' U niv ers ity" R OK War C olleg e a

Ihe IKaTe'anlMi fl is~ ryof Nat io :naI IDefense ' . T

students willlals,o visit siglnificanl an

lni isklnica'i p ' laoos such as t he Demi li ta r ii z,

ZOneJJoiniSeclI.IrityArea in P\1 lnmLln joom, t

Yu Idong Man um ent, where the PhililPpi

El !ped i ti io : rnaryFo:roes fought s idie by srde w

the ' K o :r ,e ans , t he U J rN lMemor li a I Ceme l. e

$elec~:edl dlefe'n,se l ind!i115~ries,n Bu,s an a

oth e r t ouw is' l d ies 'j ,i ina ti ion s , i in Se ,olL l~am

Busan, ,AU th e in s ig h ts and e ,x pe 'r ie :n oes w

h:e lve l ,o be d ioc l ll rnente<J ina pdli cy p ape r

be subm i tt :e d to th e Co lI :e ge andlha DND

Asidefro ,m alii the desktop leamin'expertencee in the elassroem, thes

,e filh Sln cem en 'l I~ slv e lis , w he th er lo ca ll

fo re ig n , na tli ona ll o r ~ ;e g lo nal, a re more th

jllJ is t ac ad em ic ,e xe oo is es . T h es e a ls o, s er

to, ' f'OS' l lerr 'a mslm ae'rie a

flO rm del ~glh tfu I b 0 nld i

momants among N IIC I

sludlents. wihtich cam a it ra nisi a te into , tru iit

llnllkages b,etw .een an

amen9 th e sectors tlle

reprssent ihese'8icli ivit ies

are a ls o d eemed a practio

i n , ad lm in is tm t iv ,e movemenandas part of t he t ra ii nl

fo r ,a n act lWial oper,atiofila

crists sltuatien ' lNh,e

an y tl hiig l m .a lY h l(l,pP '

a ln yw h er e s il a ,n IY time, wi

ve ry inad !~q IU '8~eresourcean d w i1h Mu rphy "s laweffed, i o a li i d imensio n s.

Just Ilike trsw ,lling aw a

from Un€!comforts ,o f oneh om e to ,g alh er in sig hts S

i ntQ rma tio n and e '. >lp er ie r

other peop l!e"s way of me , 'f in is h in g UneMNS

pro Ogram ,as the I W I I '~ imate m ilssion otal

N D e lP s.~u ld lents . is a I O r l g l 9 J l 1 I d iii r<ll IO

process of m o,le I ingth eir mindsa U

character 10w ardls pub I lc service, m e r

in 1e bjlr ily a nd a cMem i:c e jo io ~lIe nc e, Wh i

th,e;sescholars, learn the different

di lmensions o lf s ,e cu nty a nd d ~v elo pme !1

under varlous cllrcumstanc,esaf' l ld

oon- sequenoes, th e y w i l l p r,o ve ~ ha t n ot o :n

admission to the C olleg,e is al"l hencr, bfin ish ing~he M NS A is lifew e~ll-spe l"lt an

m iss io n w orlh -a oc om plfsh ed il"l~ h e ir 0 1 " 1

year s oiro umat: NDCP.

free, ~~ba:5ket of ~ h . € 1 IPhilippi'nes as well

as a s ail'e h we n ' [ 'O r our iutdl igemms,peop les

suchas th e M a,ng yen s. in our eiffolrt topreserve our ~sdl it lona l I hi st o liY B ind ru l~u rn '"

FO r the heart-shaped provtnee of

IMMnduque; to, maIntain <lISa IilVingl,example

of an instUrQ,e l' ll cy. 'f r,ee ' province, where

environmental preservauon is now ~he

bam~c iYoI'an loca ll c l 'n ie fex 'oou~ i :ve$,!eamlng

from tM I le$$!i).I i$of 'lh e Ma roop;p sr i no id en t,

a n d wh~lre C I i ! r is tiS ln ' f, ai th e nlha,nees , t IMe

wo rid -fa mO lus passlon p ls ly dm ilil 9 t lhe

Morion es fe stiv al. F o,r tlM le a r cih t~ pe 'lla 9icpro,vi U1C~ ,o f 1R 0m b lion wh teh is

geograph ica ll iy s it lW i8J1 :ec lt the center of 1he

country. to p r, omo te ' l it a s a ll ems tiv e tQ![mist

destination and t.he' bastlcn of marblei rl d'l .! $' b'y o f t he IPhi ll ipp in \i )oS . IFo r Pa lawa li i,

tlhe impe tus ~op ,F ,o teo tt as ~ li Ie las t f ron ti er ofthe ootm lty and the center o f worh j's b io-

diversity, Wilh all ~heflora a nd fsu ,n a a nd its

']h e N ation all IL lerfen :s,e C oilleg ,e o f the

PhilippJines, t l h ; ~ CQun~ry ':slead ing l iml liMio ll

in educati i1 lg our p re se nt a nd '~LUtur,ee~en s'e

and secu rH y II S la ders ls CiJl"r,enIIy iin the

process of wrappil"!,g IUp the !Master in

N,a~ i ion la l Se,curi lly (MNSA.) pr,ogram forReg ulla r 'O la ss No . 46. Pir i ,o:rto gra:dlu18,tic :m

in Aug ust; . th le Ila st quar ler ,o r th e MNSA

prog lram w ill commence l ; l l u t h the

E fiv ilfio nmenta l lD ime 'n s,i'O ln l o f N a tiio na l

S .ec ;uri~,y (N SA209 ') and finosh l w ith areca,pitulation of ,all U1 ! e l i ( l1Iowiledgegainedl

f rom varle u s n atio na l $ eo uiity 'fo lJ nd <l.'~ io n

c o u me s U n l" O ug lh m e S tra te gi,c P ia nn in g

E ~e rc i$ e, w ih ic h is a S C E!ln ari,o -b uild in g;

C ii is iw i mu laJ li oo ac ti vi ty f h' a: i.is ineorporated irI th e ..................,.-_..,N..tlon aI SeCU Ifiity

Management module (INSA 1 ! t I • • - = ~ . l i ' "201), A ls o w iU 11 io~he last r~hrie:emonthS o,f ~h e MNSA

p'F ogi'S m, students w ill be

tesled as th ~y fa ce lh e p an elmembers in ' l l l ,~ finial

d efe ns e o f 'U he ir iM iv id ula lthesls, an important

reQuirernen't ~or 9radua~ io . li !.

The homest r,e'~ch tsin d eed ac adem l ca 'l~ y '"toxic'"

f b n ' " s~l.!denlts:Who d r e a m of

havingl th ,e ir~a~es ~nthe I

roster of dlatlnqulshedalumni. N ,o t to m en tio n.

students must s ubmit th eir

policy reeemmendancnsge l1e r:a le dk ,om lheannua l

S u b~ lla tio na l g 'e c;l.!lity an dDe ve llo pment S lll.!d ie s {SS ID ' S) c ono uctedlas1 Apr i l . SSIDIS is : a f ie~d aotMty wh(;)~e

stud',entsvisit and i~~e:ractwi~himporl tan/tandlinnuenl ial hd iV ii dua ls and g roups in seleotedregiol!1fsoflhe coun lr y, d iscYss .i fi lg w i r~hand l

lelllm ing fro m th em a n.umber o f l oc a l i sS !u (i )$

a nd c on ce rn s t l h a r l : affect nat i:ona ll defense;

development an d sE !ol.! r,ity.

F o r ~ his y,ear, t he S ludeO I$ We'nt to Region

I V B or ~hel M I MA RO PA region w here ~hey

studied the m any com ponents andra mifi,c atlon s of Ioc a I sec ullrHy andi

d 9v,e ll0p m e nt of ea c h provi r"u:;.e- t h~

pro mise , o f m ak in g M in doro a n i ns urg ,e !'lt-

pristi ne beach es 1imd luslh rnou n ta ins ,pte iS ierv~ qtas ~heep il .ome , o· fGod's ulUm:ate


NDCP' swd en ls ' e du :c a~ io n w ,iU n e vEi'r b e

co m ple~ie withi 0u l bei n " I g expose'd to a n

in te :rn :a tio n~ il e nv iro nm en t. T he la st d ays o f

Ma y u n~ il1 he fIrs t w e eJ k of J un e a re ' dedi:caltedl

~ olh e R eg io nal S ecu ri~¥ a n d Developm.ent

Studies (RSDS), sliIO ther leam ing

experielnce outside th,e confiines of the

c lassroom, where sl!l.!defllts lock l inrt,oth,a

p oli~ ic al. e co nom ic , s oc io -c ultu ra l. m ilita ry .,

e n vi ron m en t O l l I a Ild t,ec lh I'll 0 lo g y of

Y 'lI eig nbo ri ng c oun lr i~ s . , aJndhaw t hey impact

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G,ENERAT.ONF or nsar~y 11 3 y ,sa rs , ou r I ll ation h as been celeb:rn1!ing Us

im: iependenoo. It,took almost 48 ye ars fo r o ur lIlationtoifumn:allyes .t ab li sh l i tse 'l ~ as a Reipubl lc , Iinally I n d o in g theoourdry of

.any fareign inilewenti ;on.

I l l ' l l t he iasH3!5ye il rs s ince OL i r f ls .gf lew o n i~sowrl~hroll!gholi.!~

.our l is~ands.. the e:x;perlienoe, haiS been one of U'ie most trying.,

Fo r n in e y ean\l., t he c:ountry was und SlI"Ma rt~iSlllaw out. o f 21

year,s I1 J nder a to ta Iirtarialll r eg ~me" 111'11M~last 25 years, our

people oo :nUnuou is~yenjo¥ed the ~r1.Jlitsof the best B ind ~heworst of a dle'mocmcy.

U'S!,allmos t 1 2 y€ 'a rs S ~rIIc ehefoUi nding oH h e IOepalr tmento , f Na~ iona I IrJefen$R Th.e dlepal1Jment VIIa;sborn i rll a corner

desk in MalaGar~ang du 1 1 1 nga,~i me o f uncertainty acress ~he

wo rtd . Wa r w a : s 10001ing and no 'one 'G):xpecied thaI! the Ibrumlity

o f a w a rw o l.l! Id ,aoW aJly reach the then peaeefu I' shores ofwhat waiS onoe called the ~Pe.arloUM Olilent:'

Among fhefirst to need the calli to arm s wel1e the youth

who ga ll an~ ly p roved ! them:selv'€!sas abf,e, f ighters; ~Ill~lhehiliis

of IE la taan, to ~heboondoc ks o f~ he S :ie rra IMadre , d own to th.eis lands o f V tisay \ilis end in to t he jung les of Mindanao.

I twas lin t h e i r hands w h e : 1 ' le o o U i n t l e s s Il i ivesSiurvived a b ru ta l

w a r and gave a fig hUng chanoe fu r hO ip e, un~ iII~ be fa ti:o n was

f il ilaUy l1€alizoo, .n was aliso the youth who showed the e,dern

o f 1 iheea ,n iy 1 '@7( l i$ , th ,e lo om in g w lo ke rjn e$ $ o f an o ;p pr e~ $ ive

leadersh~IP,11h8youth n ev er le t u ptliie c a~ se in~he d,s ferl lse

oHhe muchtJ ieaSlm~~dre ed om 'OHhe Fmp 'ino nanon.

Goun~ lle:$s number o f tH,me.s"t tn ,ey ,Quth has demonst ra tedits abi I~ lyto aw issa nd awaken the bllood of this natton tostand upa nd ~lphO!ldth e f J 1 e e d i o m we lFil ipiinos hold d ea~ly.

It ns also ~he youf) whom th is n al~ orn :o Olk $ u pto fcr the'flllitn8 o f th i:s RepllI b~ iic ,f or I in t tl s iir ha nds.~hefliltur'8 wi~11be

c I et:ermin ed; In th e~rminds , lie s ~ heso ''UUon to p roblems that

stem firom the ~ghts and w wngis or flis gen €r8!Hon; in t l'neir

tMearts. th e Ipass!:on to build a kl inde fa nd genl~er SOCtE!lY fa r

,cfif i'erent fmm the woes and lows we m,OEl' to da y ..

A nd sc , ~ i s fi()r ou r YO l . I ! t I h whom b r i n g i S forth 1lhei nspi ra1ionf or ~l1 :e , Depa rl!men t o ,f Na~ ionall De ,f en set o formulate, pllans,

p:r i( lg rams a li ld Ipd lides tha t. w m stren9~hen >~hedeftmse of this

na: tlon"ensu~e the cQrr tinu :o~s reig n of liroodomland s o v e w e i g n 1 i . y

across U'M!! 'slla I1Ids, wuth ou r til ;;3,glflying unfettered il1lln(j


Special Report



TheS.ecroetar ry o f National lDef;en5Je and Chailrmalll ofNat l :onal D:isasrer ~ isk iR edDClto n a nd M an 8;g em e:n l Coun(DIRRJIAC) Vollta,ire.T. Gazm in lauded Une effOrts of tAu to :r !omourS Region f or If\ !\h .l s~~mindanao ' (ARMM) RegionDRR,M Co,ulFlc i I (RD R~MC-AIR!M M) and t l i J . E ~ ~Office olf e

De fense RJeganal! Off ice AR IMM (OCDr .AR .MM) fo r successfulI l a u nching ~1l!1lMu!ti~DisaiS,te r SllrIrlula~ion IDiriillllon 291MalY .20

a t. tn e ,c oa sta l Ba,ral'lgay of Kusiiong in Datu Od in $insuat

Magu~Man< lG

.AClcortli ng to $,e,o~etary Gazirlillin. ~~he launchi ng of t,

simula,tJkm dr~111s la udab ile as i it sJIIi:gnswith the N [lIRRMC

c on ti n u' ~lginplem'entialt~'O n of ~Disaster Preparedness

E ff€ !c ~lv elR esponse " per RA ~0121 [11hePh~ll~pPdl1i~DRHM·.

o f 2 0~ 0 ] g ! v e l i l ~he oountr y's s ll Jsoop1Jl lb il lU lyo . natu raJ disastersuch as ! :arUl;qU!akles alillcll.sunamis as wen as nu malrli"llrlidu

dI~ Si'lls te r8 s uc h a s B ombirn gs a F ld oth erlerwri ist ic activrrBSiPeoia I l l ' iin SO'Ul~llelFllPhil~ppines""

A llou n d 1,100 peopl,eobs,erved and lea rn ed fro m th

s im ulla ~io o d rill a t B ara JIlQ !a yK us io ng l c ne se na s th e venu

bein:g among ~h edevacS,tatedcommunities, by a tsunamih'ligen-ed

by 1.9 magnitu de e arlh qu !a ke a t the Men) ,G,ulfon P\ iiJgust

1976. A mong the oosE: lVers were members of th e UI.,s. Am

OivilAfsJrs 'Team and Unit€i:d Na'lia~s (UN) iHlumanitarian Courr

lea m, the DC:[)-A~MlM [) IRRM O ffic ers 'fo r IBASULfA {IBa!8ila

Sullu, Ta ,wI-'fa 'VlL'ii}hea ded by Retif,ed Genera I Ramon Sa nt

a nd P ro v~ncia 'l D RR IM O ioer of I Lal rl i1 l! ode ,l lSu r Re ti red Co ll ol

'Tatar Boriongalll

A tQ~~01S50 n\lscl(le:rs/re.spo!l!dJers pe r tidp~tl l)d l in t t~iis [ l IRRI

re~evalrllt activity., lD~i:Usequenoo cove red Tsunam i EV !i l! oua tEstabnshment. of I l n c i d i E m r t Command PIOs:t lClP) and Aotivattoof FW IRIRMC-AlRMM OPCE N a~ ong w ith the Es.lab~iistlmen ltCas ua lty C all e C'~ i:o n P ()i 1 11 1~ nc ~ud ~rng F ilrs t A i d $ ,ta ;tio l1 l a

'fR IA G ,i:: A re a]; S ea ~B a$ ed R ie sc ue .operations [for Vactum~

S 'e a M ii5 lh ap du:eto' 'isunami]; Land-Based Resol.llefRespcmse

Operatl:ons [including Fb)adl·Cle>a!~ng. En fowooment. o f B omSa~ety P ir l; lwoo ls ( fo r Bombing SOElnari!O).Medical Evacuatio

a nd Rec €\plv on ·o fV i o t i m t S < a i t '~he desi!;Jinoilited Adv an oe !M edicP ~ t S U : R el l ie f O p e lioilition:s; O i l J l i ld Ra,pid IDamage .Assessmen

(DANA) ina reg io ll 'l i-wide perspectfiVe .S ign if icantl y; . publ ic educati on andawa rensssasa maj

i in te l' ll t o f ~h ;e eX )l !J rc ise ,w<!liS remarik alb tly aU;;!lin ed In fOU lg h ~

cont i inU:OUi5 lFlrl!l;!da 'ooV\erag:eboth by ra d io an d 1V s ta tio ns .


MMJI 'Ol MI,iL'iOW'ml-IIIIIIM!lli!lillS!t!WCRS~':Si.Sf)R'!rMo!~'.JR.,.~~,*,H1I'Ii!QHIUl.c;',*,Y.i'lCO'·~"~~,c.I~!M;inru'·~I~..oR~ IlollWWfUi, -1~~1II


_ '" "" "'I1 II'H to ,"" ""~uoU '_~'....,~ M II.I'M :I,s J.i~


~i!t~~IM.!" ~!fl¢.oGII.!!!m1 M,t".l"I'~!!, ~ L~Utff();S:'(~m

~O,~i!I!!~IIWfflI~1l1,J.IP~ ~ ! r ! D C f ; I J ,ROI I . . .. . , I i! ,~~HI[C!oC~~

!Iil~'''''i!:,~.!.II! ~!IR; i"'¥.w~

. G .~ .J '!.tj ~ .. J {Il"""'~ ~~! l: '"" W 1Il ~~ O!l~

1~~J(c.·$>ll~~HAN·. r I !o~" 'J . i~ ,fJW)A~.!Ift.

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A pril ~ .M ay 20 il l 1

,Good l ea, del 's do U,(},t'seck falJfflrf!~ the'lh~d

: !i (l li sJ a. ct' i( .n~ f ro ,t Il , a'l ~i ss io ,tf w eU

al;t;()IjJ/'lish~d,. wU1Je~,q~pt;~e i"u.ot;ll/,ed

getl.il.lg ~lJluuhe (}!I' ,:~"Jea,rl'1y { leseN1e;~.

,D etense S'lt~reUl!rYVOlt;l!iilff l 1, G';lIjj!!mi~nl s a r i o l1 io :n.sen$~ t y p e o f < i! ' b o s s : ' W h o t a k es .t a s l< uSli 9 n m ents velry s erl O l,l$ Iy <mel

eJ4;peC'lS'!o Ile$sfirom his $I[jbcmjinates bu t

iis q~ ~ek to giiy,e d ue Irec.ogln~tionvme!li!liI iie

si~ua,~ion callsftOir ~tTo start w ith. SND V'ollts, as he is

co m m onlly calillea. was a ea~eeJ mil i tawy

p r o f e s s i o : n a J ~ wiho r , e nd e lF e d m O r a t h < i ! l ! 1 !32

ye>aJ'$of dedicated activ,e: commissioned:s erv io e $ ta riti!1 g~ rom h ~$ 9 ra (k lia lL io n from

~:he P hi~ippill'!e M ilitary

Academy in ~ '968 and,ev,e,ntuall~ c~pp:il1lghiesmi lit1lJry 1IIo.~...... ue·

COlir'8ew as th e ~lO~h

CiOmma ndi n;QIG'~i !1 Ier :: l!11t the

Ph ilip pi!1 !e A rm y until h is

~~lirement ln . ~ m o o .H is ~~ li re ri rn~~ntW~$ bnlefliy

il1itemJpted ~ ; I e < r I r , e c e i " , l n g hiisa ppointmerillio b eec me, anAmlba s sadof to ca mb odliafrom 2002 to 2 00'4, 5i n ee tM n

un til h i$ : ~ JP p(J in lm e!1 i t as

1D,e;fense,Se:of€ltary in 2 01 0 ,.

S ecretary Gazffili n Iiive da

q~~e t al1d comfoFtal tl le l i fe , vn

his farm.

!Me lt !r ii ng o f th e S,e.cretary's

appointment at the, IDND. it

was an honor to hal,!\e beN~JI

eensldered to work.fow hlim

an d help out in

accomp~ishingl nlis r.. .. .~ __ ... .. .. .. .. . ~0i0II0

objeotIJves,. !I f them is anyone

who eeuld mal<le a r 1 i l 1 O l 1 1i f fe r1 il 'n oe , ~ ~H1l~ieve

it w O I1 .lf,d Ie 8e (;!l'\e ta ry G az min . T his p h'l,c e is

an atlempl at portraying the hum a n sic :leof

(h ,e m an .

L& ! ll :d e lf Shi p s :t y~ le

T he 8 eC !re ta ry is Ihig 'h 'ly respedoolfor hi s

slml,etlly ]()n(lw~ngl the ru le a, Ifi e req ul ,e '8·

deta ils, of an operr.a~io:rn o r plan,am l know s

we II tih a i S S I L : J t E : i Sbefo lretriand. He, is a lso

o pe n t'O p rn otic al d h a . n g : e ~ h a ; t wil l r11lISUII lor

G,ettinlg to know 'the man:S ec ..Volltalire T . !Gazm in

~h e bette!'. He l is~e :ns·to l ideas bu~wil l ' e\Xperna moo f'l lI lJ tl 'l 'i ld ed , ope ra ti on if li l p l! tl Jl II .Be ; ea<Jy

w ith alnanswer, bU ll iffyo~'re not, rnaki ngl up

fa nc y e xc us es w im lrn ot. g et YO !lli3 iU iy wtn ere .

B 'Oma by th e m aJ rlty yea rs he has spent

as afie ld commander, mos.tly in tn:e ooniHicot

aN e e te d a re ,tl,s o f M in da na o, th eS ec ,re la ry

e 'x e'fC ises ~e'adersh ip w~th a de e pcen s·ide,r.aJtion lf~rst and fore m ost f'O f the '

well~are of l i' Ii s men ; from his, deputy down

tojhe lowest. I ranlking personl il !el l" NoUiliilng

h as c ha ng ed in hi s d iemeanor as :8 1 ~e!9der

even mow t h,8J i he h,eaci:s a c ivH i. an agenc y.

He weirare of h ils stsiff SlIi1,dla l. l t h, e p eop l! e

unc er his w i n g aUways we~g Ii" Ishe.a, 'Vi ly lin

his d eGi:s~ons.

IH e' a ~a ys, re ga ro s e v.e ryo file wUltilllrU!51:

an d grants eaohi t he ~ :m iv ile gi e' o f oonl f idencein tlt'le bel ief~hat he 'ealmed Ih~$ post 'iNUth his

oompetenoie 's.ski Ills and experl ence "

SN ID . inlhe process, WCl!ulldelCjped f~om

eaeh orne ' fh e best performance pO$S, ibile,"There is no room '(lo lr slackers, ~b!J( ' ;k~

. pa$$~rs ~o r tMs,!3 wn o read ii~ygiV1SJlame

excuses: after a failure, for Ih,e is a strong

b te .l i~ve r o rcom m a n o r e S IP O !1 iSioi l ~ ly a nd

th or ou gh p lla rm in g.

H ie re oo gn i~ ~s th ait nOl everythiinQI (or

a o yo o!e) ~$ p ' e < l r f e ct of~hal e ve ry t hVrn9

happens. 0 i : S planned O~~}"peded, Mistakes

and the lC In ex pe cte d w i II~ l '1Jalppen butone

must be Ir,eadiywi~h a 11allbaclo: 'OP1ion and

altewnalive C()ufSe o, f ac~ion,

IKnow!1lfof bei lnga : st ic k~e , f or s1lFictd i lsdpH ne. n le I ,ead s by ex,tli I'ifl P ~e by

o ose N'i n gl pUlilcllJla~itY'Bt all!imes, whethe

a s ~m ililv llte d 9 ues~ (J'~ as the p resvd ioffi:cer of ~he occasion . olften aniivi ng l earlie

than $lom e of 1 ' 1 J ~ $ s ub o:r d in ate o ,fic er s· ,

He is qu iok t o apprec ii a, te ~hede::l!nm nes

~n d th e o ro eflli! 1le ss o f' a o omm<lin d, ~ ,g e,n

O r office: IP :rem ises; ~ nd alw ays v o c a J I an

em phatic abo ut his vi:ew ~haJl the se are ve

d iseem ib Ie refl ecHo!fl$ o,f the k, in d

leadership ~hal the command (Ir~heagenchas,

H e sees I peop le , worn ing fio r a nd w i~hl hi

as effeclive leaders, s!kil ied an d experts.

their re SpeClive fie ld:s" ~ e foHows t~

precept that <lProb,~emsa\l1d i~stlE!\SOIre

alre.acty a given.Therefore~ th;:rll 0,(wfii1

real iztt.b/e, !So'ufio.rilSi1.r:e<i 'V:""ii~b, 'e."

CommunicC lltio ln is also essentia lbe ing an effeG tive membell of l1l~swnrkintea m, This mea ns h e shou ld .always b

kept informedillooliJlt impol'it<lint maUl1lns .

AM if ~here's a problem mat mquires

iimmedi'aiI:e adion, expec t: a weill"<:<lilculate

dee l s io n w1Qmh~m : eithe r to do

no w 01 1 wa it fo r the' p re p e r t i im

Don't expern a promn5e fmm h lm

The' SN D seldom makas

promises, i i i ' ata IL

He s~ in i is be ing true ~:o'his wm

motto, "Il:'¢ofh haf.d; p~tiyhard.

Indeed. there is time to 'l,lW rk. a n

one m ust re '< li~ ~Yw onk. W hel1 l li t

I lim e to p la y, P ~ ar Y0 11 11OU Ic an , T h er


ii s always t i m . ' . 'I'l'fo:r every..UI~Iil:91amwh i~e se.rvingl<lJs 1 O l ,Secretary

NI,<lJt ional~ def,elnse, Vollt<'liu:i

Gazmin will b e e xp ed ed l tD b e n l1


I l ' i I l i U . a J t i v e s for~ilh ,e ID:NII l'

M od le mi2 lilllg th ,e .A !rm ed F O ro ~

lis o:ne,of th e priority pmgrams Ui

the S ND wamts 10 :a ecom plts

d u rin gl h is te nm . ili'Ic mg h~ he r'e a r

sf IIII m ain y obstaeles a nd th

r ;eq [U l irad p rocesses o:o'llI'ldbe ve

tedn(msl~he$e dQ not damp en h

spirilt ilm expedlitin [l the m Qderrlliizatio lil1

p ~ \Qgra m w i th (lui Q uU i Iillg 0 0 ~Uler$ wh i

ensuri~g tli'la t alii trellnS<:JlctiOIilS < H

transpare 'n 't and abov.e bO Slrd.

H lns v is ion is to e :n su ~ e Itm t. U ile ' A r m ed

Fmlies isa:diequalely eq uipped to repO!n

L'Oth.e mam1ld1 a J i : eo f d e fe li ld il ng ou r $O \J ie rr e~g

andeli1l$uri ing ou r te~ri~orballl~lIItegrity.',

Soe;oretalry G:azm in i s, ~1 :$OalarrmeclQ' l . l 'eIh e c umm t $ 'ih J!a ilio n O'~ou r nat ion'$. ve!te~~M

G ettin g to k no w .. .

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IeoenUy attended {h'e gird 'Globall

P latform 'for Imsas~;er R.isk R:edu:ctJj,ol1l

wiiJ,er'8Iwas on e O f th e 2 ,6 00 parliioipan~s

whiich i r tol l l. lded represental i ives ~r,o:m1168

Q,ovemments, 65 no n-go ve rnmem

o rg an izatio ns a nd 25 in~efg:o'vernmeintal

orgal' liizations.

A side 'from the preparn!torry m'eetings,.

t he par tic ip an ts me t i n p tena ry ; I roundi lable

an d'thematic; sessions

t mrol.J:ghout the,

'oonfe:rence w~hlthe,,>ven!dl theme,: j'lllil'ii\est

Today fo r Safer Tomorrrow: lncreasa

Illnvestment in Local AcUon",

T he , H ead of th e' P h~1 jj lPine Deleglation

I IJSWD Secretary C orazon Ju lliano-

Sd~an de!iv,e'redi~he COUrll~ry'splenary

statement whe'i'e ~l1ePhilippines affirmstlii e commlnnent to contij rnue builtding

resil iency even as national effml:s have

IGeH ing to , know...ro m p a'g e 7

HIe wants to€ I

nsure th e c 0I1 ~]1ue.d an d, improved bel1lefits fo r retifees and

p.enslon e rs but is cencerns dove r ttl! eretirement .& pen sio n s ys tem il'llh e tane of~h ;ea l,a rm ing ' gr ow th ] at pensi'ol1 ibenemsa s a d is pa ra 1€ i p ro po riio n o f 1 he ID:N1DfA lFP

btudget.He also a ims to impl~em~nl 8. more

secure and ef'J ich iln t w ay o f pr,ovidingpension a nd otl1 e r e ssen tia I, s upp o rt toveterans and retirees, The Secre~,aryIknO'li\l'squite well th e issues an d c an oe m lS

,a1iliecfiIflQ'he v,eterons being the so n of aWorld War n~ighter & . Death MarchsUMIf():r,

the, lata IB ri g. Gen . Segundo Gazmin_As ~HlI'e-mphafically exp re ss es d lH il'lgnum erous disousstens, the S rN lD ghJ,es

premium to the wellfare of the people,w.orlkiiig Yinde r h im ' : p fl crv u di n9 com ple'~e

medical f ac il it ie s n 'e a l" the troops atlhefr'(lnWne, a llo w in g s old ie rs to regl il ila riyenjoy a respite and go hon:u", to be w ith

' !he i r fami lies . g oV i i l i l g access to affordableIhousung, among ,Ollhers.

In recant months, he has b , e e l i l

c u ts p 0 &ten 0 PI th e r ile e d fo r gerH.! ine 'reforms in the DND. t n palrliicula1r"witihin

the .Arme,d F0rces _ Th e eorru ~rti'on


Inves't Today fo r a ,Safer Tom,orrow

Increi8SIe 'Investment in Local Action1iime.

Ou r Ie'll~ow Filipinos in San IFraMis

Mile, s ho wn l th e world a n eHe ctiiile waybe , resiil ient This gives us a glim merhope. that ~he ,Ph~11,pp in l9Sas a nation

_ u ilO lupon the innate capacH ieso f' ilts o

people to empowew them iin pu rSIl

dlsaster risk reduction es a lo

deve!lopmentagenda. By renew i ng

C{lmrmi~ment to the, '90al!s ,o f ~ he Hyo

F ramewo ,rk for Act ion, the country can

more actionsthro lJgh ~heconvergence

efforts, amolng var ious staJkehol:cI.ers w

the Na t ional l Counci l l as orohe's,tlra1or a

mechanism fo r in il:e gra tio n.

This, underscores the importancein ve ,s tin g lin ,oommunity-based ,activit

to bu H o i resulience amongl 'OUr ' local folII th e e omm IJniUe.s in Sari Francisoo c

do , it, we' too. can" Let JU S i inve,st

p re ciOUS t ime , a bilitie s a ndl ta le nts iinrespeo1ive dtl~ies and r ,esponsibi li ti es

s up po rt lo ca l a otlo ns to wa rd s effeCt

ORA effort's nati :Onwide.

naticnal I le,a,d~rshilp and th e F III'p ln

peo ple a.s a wi'lole, the SeC ll'6 ta ry c an s

let aut a sm iIe,There 8Je a lw ays thin gs w hich a

c lose to hi s :h 9 'art an,ilI do stir a sm ileeven a . loud laughter to hi s heart's deligA smile bl' ighte,n.s his taoe when somethin

a bo ut h is ~amily is tomll~ rnenti:onedi abo

his OAO (one ,and ollly). Mrs. RhodGazmin, ,~9 childr,efll a nd m os t e sp ec iahis granddhildren, Beyondlhe confines

wo,rk" ttl e S lBe reta ry is an en de a r ih.u~bandl, do ting ~a tl1e l' ar 't d p roud 10/0.

By vinue of 'Depa:rlrrrnenlOrder N o. 136 da

May 2 3, :2 01 1 , t he D N D M us eum isnow offirn

cailled uPEOPLE .PD WE.R A'EVOl fJT i 'O tM E MO R M L l ,., OU N G JI. "Located em ~hle2

~1{lOrof the' D~ IJ bu il din g , tW i ls aid ~ oumgalr,eadyo,pen10 Ih e public. For info[]n;ati

lreg<!lrt i inggUided histor ica! tour, p le as e ca 1UOHice for P'ublie Affairs at these numbe9'11-60-ln local 8229. AI1Yol'I9 who h

memorabil ia hom thtU ElYenl e.g, photos,

shirt , jackel, footage. aud i l) -video recordingr 1, ew spape rs , magazi ne ,s a re welcome,tDecome Ipa rl of ou r Depa ll 'lmen fs h is to ry . - F

G\O!TIment$and re ac tio ns , ~ ma fl the w rite r


be,en boosted through ~egislatilon

irnc lrud ing ~he RA 10.1211and th e Clima.te

(: :hange Act as well as maki~ginvestmenw in increasing capacity at the

loca~ ieve~s.

One inspiringl moment fo r the

IPhilippines was the par1101lPatiorlof two

youth representatives from Carma as

I sland du riing 'th,s, ro~ndtable discussion

on Ch il dr ,en to r R esillience . T he ycMh

G'Epr'eSienta1iv,esmlayedl 'thei r expeiiences

o n lh ow 1he y were p art , a , i Disaster IRisk

Red uc'ti i on ( DIA R ) in itiaUves in th e ir

mrunicipalit)t They showcased th e hopeflO'rbetter awar,eness, and eomm irlment ,o ~~h;efuture cienhanced diisaster riskw,edu;ction.

io , higJhliglht' the Ph iti:ppine pa1rtlcipation

to tlhiis event, the U NI S asaJkaw a A wardfo r Disaster Riisk ReductiQn,vyas, awarded

tQ San Fnancisco lI,Flicip,alllity in

Camotes tsland, Ce,bu. This,dlemonsbates Fillip'no inglenuity ln

buiil lding re$ :l li ,ence ~ one' commlll l1it.y 'st il,

scandals oflihe past bu~ reoernly reportedbV medri !i . is S' me~hlng~h.eSecretary wantsto resalve and S fia:M P a 010 SlU TB

t o., H e w an ts10' institutiol'laliz'liI !posi:tlve c ha ng es w hileavo idill'llg th ,e ' u'sl!8,Hy eoneomlttaot

bl. lreaucratio red tape 1ha/tg oe s a lo ng wi,1h

such chan gas.

In Ihe nearly ons year in ofiiioe, h is s tr iC 'l

glJi:dallce has been for rahonall and[udtelous spending of the departm ent's

bu'dget As a stalwart o,t tl'lerrdaaogmaW'Wld~ p olic ry o f !Pres'ldent 8eniglnoSimeon Aquino III, h e has made, iiI known~ha't;...... thecrewill be .,0 CQr',llptpl:aclicesunder my watch."

PlI 'ae~1ieallead:ers,hi P '

The S ,e :me ta ry implemen ts practicalth in kif'lg iln ru nn in g ttn 'in gs , easEl' in po in t ,each time he oonducts a command orcamp vi s it, he prefers a toned downw e1 00me a nd d ep aiiu re h o:n .c m.;,preferri ngto go $'~ra.ighl to H ie bU$iness ar tham' "

I H i e a ls o t ra ve ls I~ght. w illi! a v ery le it lirlparty, and packs h is it ii "le ra .r y w it h a very

hecllc sc,1 i,edule un order 1 '0 maximize Ihi.st~ip,.,

The personal side

Many have Bsked if 1he Secretary smi lesand we say he does! D espite alii these'chaUenges, a nd th e h igh e'x"p:acl'atio'nsof th,~

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Why ,en 'gage~h( l m 'E [ iid ii ia?

\lVli iel i i you ~hiliillcliti1atYOU~M ewinning~he

baUie. Ui l~li illkag ain and see what ls b e~ r!g t

told Of! t~e rad i lo,. t.eI,ev iis:lonano t hienewspaper. YOIUJm iglll be losing~Il'e IJtelUle

kI r publiC senti menloPa rtef oommaoders' funct ioos is pul;Jl ic

alffaurs pl lalrll rll in9l_lDisseminlel il ing i l 'l formalJlOl! i!

lo~h'e pulbl liC throWlglhth~ f ; a : s o o s t pO$$ibh~

means [ is o f palramount impo ,r ta lilo e in e v ,e ry

millrl'alry'operat~on . .

Publ!~c affairs Iplarlilning must no t beoverlook..ed; lit ~$part telnd parcell of wtlJat theA rrn oo F orc es ,o Uh e IPhiililPIPill'les s ~naboul.

o.n,eliieki oommaJr lidar. a fter a ·successfu loom bat 0p e ratio nagaii nstth e NewI~,eople'$ A.rmy. UkJ:ld whyll1ie media

sud!d!~nly started to can lil1lhi s oelill phone.

1 h e mem rn(j that he o 1 l ; s K e d wflrY means !fie

faJied ~I"ll his 1P!lal'llo comnru.mic-ate.

WhlY ~ r l f@: I1m~he pllll!b'l~c1T liie p eople liia\!\e th e flighl l to Ik now and

th.e:AFP be!lo:ii1~r$o th e peoiP!le,

The FilUpinos POS$~$S~h~ c.o:n$~ltutio!! 'I !al lrig h~~.O ~nformatle rI as to wlh s t t hiegO\liernmer"!Jt u S do.ingl , ilts f l .nuFe p~al!'!$ alndho w t i t i,$ doing wiith i~s plans and

projecUons-Ttie 90v!e~nmenl ~sacoountab:leto ~liiepeopl!e who p a , y t he ta »! ;€ :$

to su:s:~~inUhe state.

The 1987 PhiHppine Cons~i~ution" whi fhwe hawe swom to prote:ot when we raisedOur right I'nalnd rec it ii n:Q I l hSJ Oa th 'O f theF ilip ino S olld i,er, enshrined civililiall

supremacy oVSJ,~h!!Jmilii!ary eSlt<!ibl.shlI le:ntAsa proof of~h,a civilial1l SIU premacy., thlil

commande:r·~!1!~chr:Si ff th e AF'P iis a c iv vlia n:

th e P l r i e < s iidelH of llh eRe p ! ! ! l bH c ,of lh e

Phi il ip p in ,es . O u r mission i s basi ca il ly lop.r,o~ectou r coun~r y' s S!overeigl il lty a l l' ild most

especially O ! ! ! W Ipeo;p!le.


T~e Philuppine Army, fo r o ne " dOe< !> no t

take p~b~ic , opvn ion fo r g ra in ted. Acoo .r c: !u rl ig

~o former L J S President : Abraham Linc()~Il,

" P u J J f i c 5 e \ l 1 tf m ! S \I 'l t is lJ~rything. Wilhpublics~l'1timent,. nothing can fail; without it,n oth in g c an s uoG ee ld '."

As soldiers, w e sh ou ld Il.mdersta nd that

9 oodl P ' (' lii o rm a riI ee · :a,lnd m iss iOIn

atwomplisl ' lmeli l l t a l: o n e '! I I I i iU no" !br ing p r u b : l i c

re c og nit iol1l, und,ers taJnd i1'19and suppo rt ..



We have to $le.S :o i l~ 'hat. the Fil~pino peop~ea rs o on s!;a rlilly b e~ ln glm a de a .w ar,e o f e urII J nit t 's act iv it i :es1l iml -alcoomp~i ishm.Emts.

H ow d ie ,w e intoillililil the I~ 'u lb i' ie '?Yo IJ may w iI'ite iit 'Wlhc rh is 0ne w i < ! J y of

s ~y in g it. O r , . ~show it through Y o O m ' deeds.lhe A lFP has the respolIIsibi luly to releaseunelasslfled information about th eow'gall~zaticm~h r cmg h th e fa.ste!]:1 possi lb~e,

m ea ns y e·t w ith lD lllt v io la rlililg l p ed ~ln en tregllJllatiiems . R .e membe , r . . t h ie , m ee ll a is

tlryilng to balance the s.tolry. At t imes,m em be lrs o f~ h e m ,edlia w u I I I re leas e tihe,ur

own I Ji nde rdand i lng of thie s!nry e r v · e n lw~thOUi i

hea rin91 yo ~ r staternen t or si de. Now .whose s'tory would yOIJJ I I~ketojbe. heard or

p U l b m shed: yo urs o r thie !:l nemy's V€·r.$ion?

As ~ong as you . femem~'er th eacm:f1IymSAIPP...A :C A,h e n !lO u a re good to


S:ac.uril~.Ope ra ~Iion~~ SEH: :J ~llly of un i tsshan net be compn)'misoed. Qbviouslly,e.xaot

number o f~roo,ps , ax is 0) advanoe.!>,elc"a.reInot f or med~9Jre !l et a$e_

Aooumgy~ Just s ay the ,r ac ls '~hall.you Iknow .We ~ n l the A IfP -de hl!ilvea tend€incy t o h & d 'e

casual~i es on ou r s rde . 1 '1 lhou ld be~he o~ li ie ! l'way a~ouml. Sold ie,rs who hl1liVeotfered the'

!Jltimaw s a: c 'n ~ b e deserve to .be re.Qogf lkz.ed.lh~ so!ld lers raved enes a lis o dese roe 10be informed G wh·aJl fhe oOrl ;d ii li ionsa l 'oe andwAla! areat sta ke . M a I !N ~! ure to cou ole·

oh eG k. lif dou ble-otlJ'ElckiU1igdoesn't S~I[~sfy

Y!!l~::PI:; 'r it the thurrdt ime., ..•. '": - Ilf1 Ic as e o f d ea ~h s o r i.n jllJ llri~ $.

the next ( ) i f kiin of the v~o1.ims has to beInformed firs l b ef()~ 'e the ir nam es ar e

re I,eals,ed to th e me·d ia to ~1iV0~

unnecessary emotio na l t~ auma on th e IP>art'Clf~he fam~lh~$ I '~ft lb:elli1~nd,

f cl :oJ lyY~ Inform:a ti on no t 1'~lated~o yo,ur

PQsi~ ianor e~per1 l$e iiind those beyond y O i W ' ~

respo: f1Isi i ' l it ie$ ~re n;Ol~[ 'Ordi$do$ure ~o ~Mpu bl io . ~Qltcie$ t a & t e effect lu~on th e Irel!e·ase

of iirnformailion.~ -aJnybod y who Ihas the co:rre·ct

l i l t1lformai~iOIi la~thorit l l··C:Qm lpetency - cr,edibili~y, k!1ow·'how,

eIX:perll:i~e,echnicall slki1 , 1 ; $ . D on't ta lk a bout

Ibombs it you ar e liIot an E OID 'expM. M~"',*$Ulre yOlu conS!i, l I~ the offic~a I w ho is thee LJ l thor iy 0 r he$ th e greatest kMW·how

r e g , s . rd iU l ig U n e topio_

A u th oriity - B e flO re 9 0 peaJkh1QItoffaJcvng

members of lhle med ia , YO , ! ! ! I , mu st: h alv e

a I ready so ug h t pe rm i uli on fro m you r

immed iate $uperior. In the first place, yo::.!!

s l h o U I I : d I have obtainedauU"onty from your

immediate c om m en de r prior to th e eene

Q f ope ratiens. Just .sIS -d ue ~mp or~ an ee

g i v . e n l tD the Irullle,sf eri lgagement ~1iI ooii'l' l

the sam e I:eve l of impQrt anoe $hOUIda lhe :g : i~en to lhe ml~e$ o f e ng ag eme in lt inre lease o~ ~ ln tr o :rma tf Io ii l"W l l ii l r e , ~re iin t t n :e m e o d ~ !a J ?

Hlelshe us JUlst lilke .my ord ina lr y pe r$t l M l a t we k inow , eoocept 'Ih a t h i $/t le r means

living is to fiiild worlih wh lle rI~ sa :n d d E!~it to th,e pu bl lc ,

f reedom o, f the press has ba

guarallntle.e.dl in olllr ConlstitUI~lo:n (W hie hhave swom to pml:eN:: t ) since U i l e , OOiU

ga ined i ts i im . :l epe rn iC Ie li ioeromlihe UlniSlate,s in 19'46.

Ibikewi:se, Seot~on "1 ofUhe E lm of Rig

~e inforceslhis 9 u 'a r·M te e w ill~ aldd i~ijoP~OvU$; iom~ihich $ ta~es tha t "t~e right o f

peop,l lekl ' in fo rma lUon on ma!l l t~!"$ of pubc on c ern sh a III b e ~ ec 09 n ~ ;l';ed.. ,9 0 ha III

alfforded to, Cmzen$, silJbjec~. to su

II~mii~atiQn$s maty be provided b y law.'"

H ie p~es·s just ~iil<a an y "watch.clog~

bite arl!y~hief in~he night T h.e: P re$ $ a s

li=ourth Sla~S1has the~ul'l!clioll (),f fh~calizthe t lh l~ee"co-equal" br~lII"!ches,namely:

e!l!.!ecutiV\e.~h·eegisllatflve and the ]~d'icr'a

1E:.dlchi independent branc,h o~ tgovernment pmvid,es~heoheok abalanee on wlh~ai tw e a re dO ~liIg.

Be~ U$~ of tM s funot ion,~h·e: press h

to be adV\~ rsa lr ia I i n natu re It h as ro re pwith:ou'~ '~ ~a ro r fe rv or, th e, misoeharviof a

wro n gelOli iii9 S of 9 O'Ve rn mell"! t be d iesbuses or malllpra.cUces. of ptlblic officia

an d how funds. a l ~ e be ing Spe rlil ( hop !3~wlitholut biases and ~!lter,es~:$),.amorlothe~$.

lila AFP expects to fiind prere pre s e ~tiilit i ives du , V I 1 9 th e ,CiO nd uetm ilio ory op era tio nls .. III m u st a oc omp l is h~anda~e inf,u I IIv i:ew o f ~ he media a nd thmU$~ .ee this as a positive fuC L T n~e pub

i s t1sedl~ .o ' .i il !nd e xp ec ts ,. an ii ll lcisive .s tro ng m ed lia a lOO n orm alll ' lithe pu blic

li!1!cI'ied to bel ieve what th e medli i f l lS 1 ' l l Y s .H @ w dOWE l p en etr ate t h e airwalV1e·s? n

Iprint?To ciite ansJ)::.am p~e, an A FIP u

oel!ebrail:€io it s {-ounGing <linnivE!rs<liryam i oof th e oe~ebraHon hig 'h~igMs.was.<lJ oleaup d riv e u n loneofth ,! !J po ll li J ll :ed r iverbanks

M9i~(o Manila. Riesour-ces we\l""6poured i

l~ e p ro je c t. lher-e was: aJ huge num b 8 · r

p e'O p le com~lilg from th ie :c ommunity a sttro m tihe AFP p'elrsolllne~ who j o in l ed t

T he Logic

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'TH IE LO 'GIIC ...rom page 9W lilE ln e ve r pc s,s i b h~ jw e v~sit media, a lw a ys s aid ~Don' t ,81rgueW t l t lt l a person

praenueners in the ir office ·s no t oOn,ly a oC l i r r e l of ink." [l'onl i ns is t o n r e" ,d :ew81ot iv i ty .The members, of t i t l e media wer~ because we want to kn.ow who,~hey are bu t repcrter's s ,t or y wh il le ' h e is, wri1iinQI it

a ls o iin vi,t ed to , c o ve r th e eve.nt O nly a few because w ·e w ant ~hem to know tha t 'Ihey be fo re li t ge ts pub li shed . Do:n' t try to a nscame and on the next. day, ~he S'lmy was no t ha ve yo u MlO ca n speak O n behalf of ymu m ore than w hat the question asks. 0

heard or ooen by th e I P u b l i c . unit or ' ioiVithinYOlin lev,e~ o f e xpen is e. , I ' t.us dissuade a w , e p o r t e u f rro rn pu rsu ing O il s

lhe woo rd w e r n u Sl Ik ,e $p in I'llind ls alSO b est to know thiem by name. o f his ch,oice. Howe ve r, d on 't Ilet repornews;wor lh iness,. News is in fo rm a tio n th at A ss ess re le va nit rle ws th e ear l l i'e ;sth our PlJt wo:rds into your moutln,.

h a s r el ev a nce to the audience o f a specifi.o pos sib le e ac h day. T ha t W a fY ,w e w ill be ab le Expla in to the w rlte r your sidenews media outlet Anything that d e p a l r t s to rs sp on d q uic kily to issues" l it i -sIbelSl10 Iii supporting dOCUm'9!US anrd request

from no~rna l hU lim an b,eluw ior and prepared w ith answers to ponLb le equa l space or aiinime and come upe xp ec ta tio n, e ve n a m P O i i l , O ' f a re ee nt e ve nt , ques,'tIom, befolre f a c i l i l l g th e m,e;diE' j ! .G ,et poshiv$ success stor~es to counter

ma rk ed b yf airn re ss , CUfl ' ienccy~, aC(iuracy', hol 'dlof wha~e\l'er newspaper y ou c all w i~ hin n reQ l1 lf~ lv eltony . .

c on ets en es s, b ala nc e and o b j ' € < C l U v l l t y . is Thank the, re po rt er Wh e nl Y o l . l l r s' to liYwtlat~he media w ill a lw a ys ,c on sid er. publishedl, b U l t be eaettous. W henNews Is an event a ir bellief that thl'leatrel1ls thank them, rnake SUire it is p ers on a

to a Itler th e sta t~ s quo etsoc t e ty iln ,81 , 0-0nveyed o : ! l n d l no , o th,e r i l' epo rle rr s wilIrall1o :fiI~.llym rpoM nit manns r; U : fo ll ow 'S fh,e ab~e to Ihea r it Praise ' the re por te r

I l o g i c ; o fbe l ie,ving lwha t the, edii~or$~$, it is , rna'kulil<QI 'faiir a lld b a~ an ce d' Sillry.

Timelinesis, lrnmedlacy, Currency, In case yo u w,ere' mlsreported

Im pact, Conaequenca Oddilty. Rarity, m is qu ote d, d ec id e i lf '~h,emis<repo:r~iP rom inence , .P roxim it y ,and Changeaue the m ilsquo ting is serio lJ is enough ' to war

ele,ments thalt should allw~Jy$ b e redress, ContaJc~ the conoe rned jou rna

remembered wh,et"lw e te 11ou r $'lOry- A u su al Ollild/or '!M'ite a I!etter to~he' ,ed itor to r equ

sports fest at the ' G en.eral Fleadquarters fo r <I retrac tion. W e can also in fowas,on,oe held and got m O l ' l u m e o t a l media the ' [ournalists' association/Ulil io:n a s,ooveirage. The reason: Manrny Paoqu iao , may deem nee,cess;:uy.

ou r favol ' il te uP,am baflS1li I il<Qamao "' , graced, Tilts is ' l H h y IP:roact iV'e lymanaging m

th e ,event s - ' . ' ~ . • - I - l iN - I f re!la,th,:ns is im por tao t , As wih at m e cWhen sholul!d we ~~In1 maintaJi ln i I'Ig 'G ood ", [m . I .' d'octo~s, i h ,a vea l fiNays sa id " ~Pre' \i 'e n (i

M , e d i l i !! IRela.li:o'liIs T H I E - : T - R U ' ~H- bette. tnan cure,"Media re~latiol'ls are, ac~lvities und~rtake'n II What should be our ! I&SpOii ' l l$e?

to est.ablish .6 J b en efic ia l re la U om ;lltliljp I...,;;~~ Fmmul,alo remember is R i

be tween th e m i li ta ry a lid lh e m edia in o~derd\e rommu Ity. It is whem 1he media usually IlliiI ifo rrn afi i:o n+ ' C Q ! 'l i lr i m u i t d Message: : GOtoe;ni' lanoo, title ~;mblliciinrfo:rma~IO\nf fo r t s OT base their slories fo r th e next: day so th ,a~, RE ,S '\O 'N ,sE . R ig ht I lnfQrmat~ion are s lm

theA fP. you wiU 'be able to laJYout1he t ot al p le tu re of title 8 1 il 1 S W e r S t o basi c; quest Ji ,ons of wThe relslUonslh,lip is two·oway" w ith what w ill be d i ; s c l U s s - e d in the ne,ld day's w hat, w here , w hen, why. anc l hQw. IEM.mill1lformatl:on as 'fih ,ecom mon denom ina to r 'fo ow -~hroug lh ' new s, imrporianI is the Cor fl lJ I'O :l nd Message ,

The media cons.tanUy needs tim ely A lways iUph.ol'dlhe truth an d do net ,say message on a partic!.III 'a,rssue or prob

inf'OlrmetiOl'II wlhi l le th e military ha s h e ' 1 1 '1 1 0o m m e n t- . Sayii lng "no com m a nt," it s a wh ioh is crafted by lM Pub li c A f fa ir s O f f

intfo nm atic m w hic h ne ed s to , b e pubili lsl1ed s i : g n ~hat Y " O l , i" l r e hld~ngsomethin9 Q rth 'a rt o f alii AFP Ilell,l'elisof command.,

in order to ,enihanoo' its pul ll lic info!' fl '\ tS l~IQhI y ou d o n et k no wa nlY th Ing at a,ll" T h e re wa s a cc lin man d e r whoe f f' ol tS , We In'eedkl, t ell th e s tO IlY .They ne d The' c o , m m a n d e n sh'ould des,ignlate' a asked by the m edia w hether on e inju

to hear it . s poke slPe r, so n fo r t he ir u e spe cl iv e Imils on $ol!dler was going to d ie . Iin ste ad of saMedia is tile best way te g et th e m e s s - a g , e their behalf if t h e y cannot sp eak w ith l th e "T hat w OI.I!d Ic alli fo r sp ec ula tio n. a nd ~O

to t :lfle world. The f 1I 'i I, ed ia s pi!U't o,f {he msdla fc r oartaiin reasons, do tln,a'rer " I don 't kl' lCMi'"hls statement w

oommam:rs, link with th e ge ne ra l p tljjiic , I D ' o 1 ' S ;Gllluill!JOI'I"ls i l i i 1 J deli!ling w i t l i 1 l the media ~e aue pmv~dif l9 h im w it h the best medWith th e right. me dia re la tlo ns , Media's B ,e ;h on es t a nd a cc l.lra te . O nc e y oU ! l ie " caueaivaileole. W e are hopeful that heh on es t im pre ss io ns a bo ut I t h e AFP willi be media will neiver c o m e ba 'ok : to y Q o l ~ . Do re 'oover, ,and are foc1u se d rilght now

reflected in their reports and .admit if you don 't rea lly knQwttle an -swer . I hr ell pln g Ih im t ih rough t il li s d if fi cul t t ime,·oo.mrnerllOOri'es.T Ihus , utm ost courtesy and . s 0met i rnes, t he me d i ,a wi II 9 e t th e CQ !lfl: e! lu slo n

fadl Hy willi be .a,C 'C0 rd ed to mad ia inrmmnatio.n a he ad of yo u , D o spe alk in IP la in lh e de!;l ire ' O 'f the new s m a,dia to O

plraditionen"S. 1'8Jn,91U1age.'O a sS !ume th s,t e ¥e ry tlMO Ig y ou m ilita ry operenons and events an d th~ 'nS om e s ay th atlh e rlg httim iflg lis y e s , t e ' r d l a y . sa y would b e r e c o rd ed . C aU lhe ira iltention o f th e m ilita ry to inform lhe, people w

Ibut we alwlIYs ha ve to da y a s am o , p p o i 1 1 1 . 1 n ity if a s to ry c en ta l n s in ao cu ra te I ll '1 fo rmar~ion . se rve as m e el i n 91poJnts. for the AFP

to ge t s ta rt led l. Planning dur ing IP&acet i ime Do n o t I L D I ' ld e l " E ! S l im a l e lh ,e p ow ·e r o f ~he the med la to iim prove th e i r rellatio ns

wi II I p:repalre you onee w a r t i m e comes in . m edia to influenoe p i U l b l i c op in ilo n" O n c e an d pu rs ule a co m me n Qbj e , o l

W e have lo be armored an d g e'a re d u p no t YO 'u prom is e, y ou 'd g et b a c l l < . to th e rn , m ake, Co rnm a n,den m u st, U)elr'ef 0 re ,on ly w ith our equipment but -a lso w i~h U h,e ' s ura you do. T h e y n ee d YO lJ r sto ry . Don't ccnse ieus o f the importance of me

r ight l in forma tio !i l, Don l "t t liY toOoontact the bypass the C ha in o f C om mand 01"yo ,u r re la tions 10 adivanoo ' !he ' A FIP "s in te restmedia w : h 1 e n th e time oomes th at y ou rn e'i3 'd COlleagues in the Qrgani,za,t ion_ D on't be accomp ,l il sl "l t he mission.

to c lar if y someth ing l, ll ike ref !J Il ing a n ,e9 lal iV l9 ; ev ,as ive . GOOD'M,ED'I:A RElA,rroNsIS ... '" GO

s t<l it ement 9 i\llen by someone Don't argue wiithlhe media. As it hasbeen ,PER,SO,Nl tl :. RELATIONS

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IPH llUPIPmlN IED IE f'ENSI : NEW Sl l,E lTERp riJ - May lO H

IUS ,S 'e lna tor meets Fili'[piilnO'


M ISS ION Spo ns or ed by thePilllilippiill,e Veta,tans Affai,rs, Gfflc8 CPVA

. c : . . . .~andlhe Filipilil(l' W,a ir~h!lTal!il$ Founda1iio~ (F llV E iIrS ), lne,

Sen, Inouye rec~i'Ves a memento 'veiierafls organIzat ions presenf during ,0 1 simple oa,l!he,l'1ffl' " 1 t l "

23 JUHEI,201 11

Lip~ City, Balanglas '(aliternate:

Nasuglbu)28J 1u ltf 2 101II

Gen. iMariano, A!va rez, Sliilangl,

Cavite25 A ugu$t 2 0'111

Fort lMagsaysay. Nuerva Ecija(alternate: Cabanatuan City),

29'Septelfnber'2011San JuBln, IBatangas, (all~emaw':

Taya b'i!il$ .a'l; ezo!il)2f October ,20111

Aillgelies Cilly. Pampanga t(alliJ!enil .a

San Fernando, PampangB)'

24 NovembBl' 2.0111

Camp .Aquino." Tarlae (a l i tem~lte,:Capas. lJ[arlac)

lIh1,e G OV6mmm,~nt A ns 'e n.a l (G A ) s en t its

t e .chn ica l pe rsonne l .01'1 A pril 2 -1 0, 2 01 11 0var ious milioory ,camp~ in . the ' Vi:saryas areato c cn du ctte stln qan d ,e,v8 ilu Elltion of its

ammu n i ti onl l8 ind p l ro \ !' id '~ I le c lU l r,e s·0n l h eprop~ r use and care of their 'Weapons, ~o~nlsL!lIregoodlpel' l 'Ormanc.e lilm'Ihe fl'eld.The Te 'c im ic ,a l E\i'.ii!J~u.ation and

S urv eill,m oe T ea m (T E ST ) 'Was compo&edofMR ARTHUR R IMERAM. MR IFWREN'G~()

R CRUZ, MR G,R IE : ~GOR IOG BAG ,TASanaMR . ANITO rN llO R G ON ZA LE S. T hey w,ere

lc ined by !LTC G E F lA .RDO P CATIIN [lOY

GSe, PA , O J ! 4 · l "ep' tesentat iVoel;n d M ~J JA IM EB ILUGQIJIIAO. oe, FlA, AFIPMICC

r'epresen ta tive .. Sev,~n (7 ) military eamps

a r id Ih ree (3) A mw IF8SU's in a lda n, Ca ,p lz :"Iloilo" Oe!b;u"Leyoo ~!'!d Samar were· vhsiled

veterans bene:IUs to f 'mpllmo v,eteraI1S" TSenatQirDan ie l Ke n I lnouye. President p~a f 'olll,owun'g: Veteran eder,aUorl ,o f '1he prom l isE i ' was rescind,ed by law in 194

t.em pore ,of the U nited S lates S eriate anid IPhilippin,e's (VFIP). De ,f en (i er .$ o f Ba la a fl a n d "Wheiill I !e -a rneda 'bou t !h is " IIwas asham

Chairman . o f th e ccrnrntttee on Conre~fdor ( IDB- . Plhiillippirne, Ve't~ra fls o f wh~tit my o ou ntry d l'd; the Sell"i1a~oraiA pp ro pri.a tlio ns , m e t with filipinoO WWIII legion RVLi" Huntets IFWTC. As a lg ies tu re o f9 i ra l ll ta .J (i~ , 81 Resolur lVehlJfar'!S durlnq a simple galh,elrdngl o f C :0 i) ·fe dle .ra tio n c ,f V,e,tefau'u; (COINVnS}. was presented t o S t en ,a lli orIllI'IOuyeby tpa l1 rla tsandl f r iends ~t the ON D Soda~ Hail P IE F iJ'K .te~an$ Asscclat len, AFP Retired r'e p re s a n ta ti v es of th e ve terealler Ule senalm's ouS' lomary cOlJrt\€!sy ca ll Vel,era s :A:ssociatioln (AFPIREVA.). United orgallilZa'tions ' for Ills ~de~:p ,com m itm e nton t he Se c l" oI g, ta ry to r Nationall ID,ef,ens,e States Ared Forces in the IPhlillippines. giving justice' and equlfy to 'he FilipiVoltalire,l. Gazmin on April 26", 2011, Nolithe I tnzon (USAF I!? , NL ), ve te rans , ~ [ ) 'e :f :~mse'Secf ietary Vo l ta l ii reAimo~lg l~he ve te rans organiza~lons, 'Which l in ~W s" 'femar ;ks ,S,enator InollJlYe r~r:Q~n~.ed ( ilazm i IUl,sc)tMl of ~I WWIII Filipin.o vetera

W 'iH € ..~prreS:'f3inted byltlieir tr,espec:tiive h·e oommi ' lmen~ made by then US himself, le d nile presentat lcn o' f sa

I leade i"$d~Ir lmg tlie ;sa id ga the ring w e:~ e e P re $l~ el'l'l R oo se ve lt in 1941 to g i iVEiu II US me mente.' I Id:Senal:or II 'I;Ouy~ aulhored t he F i li p ino Veterans IEquity Compe lls et ilo n ( FVEC ) F llln d t ha t w a s included in t he Am~c ; ; 1n i IR~veryaridReiw9s tmemt Act of 2009. which ::t,PPfOP.aledl $198M fO T ~heona-dme p~yment of$ ~5.000 to Filipino WWII \!Ieterans who a Fe Us. ci l i l8 'nSam$91000 to Fmpino VIJVIIIIveterans who are 'net rUS Git j~.en5, Through hi$linniativ('J', additional $6"7Mwas added to FV~.c Fund rai~il i l91he total o f $ .' 200i ' l ' ! .M y :201O. As o f iClooell l ' loor01110\ ,lmos t ~8 ,000 Fi l ip ino \ l' ilW1Ive te rans ha ve a 'l re a ~ r ec e lr ve dthe OM-l ime pa~e; r1 i l o f eqlUily oompell1salr.on

by ~h1 eTe am . undersized h ea ds pa ce , 2 ,) corroded barreT he 'T eam oo:mduct,ed lec tu res on A rsenal- 3) de fec tive wea p,m pa rts , The Te'a

made ammunltlon, prccessand qil,lalityaldvised the FSSU's to use ' headspacco rrtre l a oc ep l:a n c e o f tiln pslhi'ed cartFidg es gla u'ge,s to check the s~ rviceab ility o f th

b:as,edi on U S/N ArO standard and t lt ne we i ii lpo l1 s , T'he' reason fo r the c(modled

im porta n ea o 'r c hec l< i n 9 the b arre ns :a nd we apon p ah,eadspace of M 116A 1 !"ifles a-s could belhal the' sold[l

oversized heaclspace may lact cleamilmg materlal

c au se I he c art rid gll~ 'to ru ptu re and glUlnoils to prope'com p lete ly UIP0n'l1fir ing whichl m ain ta in lhe i r firea rrnsc aln l d am a ge ~ he w e < l i ~ o : " a J n . d It WI!!iS I P l e a J s u n g o o hi

cause liU'ljury to the ' I ir e F : , AcluEll I I feed ba ok 'fro m Uinspedi,on and demonstra tio l'1 l $o ldie rs~h1at they hav,e

on the' proper care and qUleslilom; or complaintdh,eckJi l l '1lgot the serviceability as r 'egiiilrd1$Arsenal-mado f 1 he :we-apoll fOlm pari: of ~he ammunilion and Ihat" 1h

aclivitii as in ea c hi ca mp a n ld are c (m fld e nt in us p

FSSU's, vis 'ited. them . The Tea m was \!'Si 'Q I ' l l inc < l J 1 1 ' 1 I t 0 bse rvaUcms proud to emphas i~e th

weil'ellik.ewise g'atheried by the ' learn, Some the 'GA IJrod 'Ulces wOFldI-c la(ss, l'liiglh-qllIJLE9191irearms wer ,e foumd de,feclive 01 .1 1f 1 h e ammuniiti(m to in su re u trn es t S :{lf'e ,ty a6,97 unlts M~6A1 riilles il'1ls lpecteddue to <lny reliaM~ pe ' Ii 'Ormi i iIMe iri ll ihe ~iel'd.or oombilrnalion C I1hefollial!. iving: 1} ( i il , l'e f$ i~dI

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