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Service Quality Manager TechnicalReference Guide

DN00157Issue 9 en

# Nokia Siemens Networks 1 (127)

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The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only theproduct defined in the introduction of this documentation. This documentation is intended for theuse of Nokia Siemens Networks customers only for the purposes of the agreement under whichthe document is submitted, and no part of it may be used, reproduced, modified or transmitted inany form or means without the prior written permission of Nokia Siemens Networks. Thedocumentation has been prepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel,and the customer assumes full responsibility when using it. Nokia Siemens Networks welcomescustomer comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of thedocumentation.

The information or statements given in this documentation concerning the suitability, capacity, orperformance of the mentioned hardware or software products are given “as is” and all liabilityarising in connection with such hardware or software products shall be defined conclusively andfinally in a separate agreement between Nokia Siemens Networks and the customer. However,Nokia Siemens Networks has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructionscontained in the document are adequate and free of material errors and omissions. NokiaSiemens Networks will, if deemed necessary by Nokia Siemens Networks, explain issues whichmay not be covered by the document.


This documentation and the product it describes are considered protected by copyrights andother intellectual property rights according to the applicable laws.

The wave logo is a trademark of Nokia Siemens Networks Oy. Nokia is a registered trademark ofNokia Corporation. Siemens is a registered trademark of Siemens AG.

Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective owners,and they are mentioned for identification purposes only.

Copyright © Nokia Siemens Networks 2008. All rights reserved.

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Contents 3

List of tables 6

List of figures 9

1 About this document 111.1 Processes and applications 111.2 NetAct compatibility and capacity information 121.3 Terms 12

2 Runtime environment overview in Service Quality Manager 15

3 Service Quality Manager file system structure 173.1 Physical file system structure 173.1.1 Physical file system structure on the Connectivity Server 173.1.2 Physical file system structure in the Windows system 183.2 Logical file system structure 183.2.1 Logical file system structure on the Connectivity Server Application software directories ($PRODUCTROOT) Configuration data directories ($ETCROOT) Working data directories ($VARROOT) Oracle directories 203.2.2 Logical file system structure in the Windows system Symbolic links in the Windows system Directories on the Graphical User Interface Server (GUIS) 20

4 Data flow in Service Quality Manager 234.1 Service Quality Manager Core 244.2 Fault Management Data Collector 264.3 Performance Measurement Data Collectors 294.3.1 2G Performance Measurement Data Collector 294.3.2 3G Performance Measurement Data Collector 314.3.3 Configuration process of a Performance Measurement Data Collector for

multiple period durations 334.4 Managed Object Data Collector 364.5 Traffica Data Collector 384.6 Working Set Data Collector 404.7 Generic Data Collector 424.8 Thresholder and Profiler data flow 44

5 Service Quality Manager user interface applications 475.1 User interface applications on the Connectivity Servers 475.2 User interface applications on GUI Servers (GUISs) 495.3 User interface applications on Linux Application Servers (LinAS) 50

6 Service Quality Manager background processes 516.1 SQM processes on the Connectivity Servers 51

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6.2 SQM processes on Linux Application Servers (LinAS) 566.3 Data-providing processes for Service Quality Manager 57

7 Service Quality Manager configuration files 597.1 Dynamic Configuration files 597.1.1 arcsysmx.cf 607.2 Configuration files in Service Quality Manager 607.2.1 package.cf 607.2.2 sjr3gpmx.cf 607.2.3 sjrcfgmx.cf 637.2.4 sjrfilmx.cf 677.2.5 sjrfmcmx.cf 697.2.6 sjrgcfmx.cf 717.2.7 sjrmocmx.cf 717.2.8 sjrnbifiltemx.dtd 727.2.9 sjrnbifiltemx.xml 737.2.10 sjrnbimx.cf 747.2.11 sjrnbiscopemx.dtd 777.2.12 sjrnbiscopemx.xml 777.2.13 sjrnbsmx.cf 787.2.14 sjrpmcascpamx_.cf 797.2.15 sjrpromx.cf 797.2.16 sjrsbimx.cf 807.2.17 sjrsbsmx.cf 827.2.18 sjrtfc_trafrep.ini 897.2.19 sjrtfcmapmx.cf 897.2.20 sjrtfcmscmx_.cf 907.2.21 sjrtfcmx_.cf 907.2.22 sjrthrmx.cf 917.2.23 sjrthrcpmx.cf 917.2.24 sjrwsc2gmx_.cf 917.2.25 sjrwsc3gmx_.cf 937.2.26 sjr_period.xml 947.3 GUI configuration files 957.3.1 sjrguimx.cf 967.3.2 sjrguimx.xml 977.3.2.1 properties element 987.3.2.2 actions element 1017.3.2.3 applications element 1047.3.2.4 Service Monitor preferences for Service Quality Manager 1067.3.2.5 Problem Inspector preferences for Service Quality Monitor 1077.3.3 sjrguimx_linux.xml 1087.3.4 custom-problem-specific-help.xml 1087.3.5 customer-specific-trouble-ticket.xml 1097.3.6 customer-specific-hp-sn.xml 1107.3.7 custom-specific-problem-cause-report.xml 1117.3.7.1 actions element 1127.3.7.2 application element 112

8 Where to find more information 115

Appendix A Werlog numbers and related processes 117

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Appendix B Automatically generated files of EDCCS 119B.1 sjrpmcdatobmx_.cf 119B.2 sjrpmcmotopmx_.cf 126

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List of tables

Table 1. Model of user interface applications 11

Table 2. Model of a background process 12

Table 3. Terms 12

Table 4. SQM applications and log directories 15

Table 5. SQM component directories 18

Table 6. Configuration directories of SQM components 19

Table 7. SQM working data directories 19

Table 8. Service Quality Manager Oracle file system structure 20

Table 9. Service Quality Manager file system structure on the Graphical UserInterface Server 20

Table 10. Overview of the Service Quality Manager data collectors 23

Table 11. Configuration files related to the alarm pipe processes in the RegionalCluster 29

Table 12. Configuration files related to 2G Performance Measurement DataCollector processes in the Regional Cluster 31

Table 13. Configuration files related to 3G Performance Measurement DataCollector processes in the Regional Cluster 33

Table 14. Configuration files related to configuration process of a PM Data Collectorfor multiple period durations in the Regional Cluster 36

Table 15. Configuration files related to the Managed Object Data Collectorprocesses in the Regional Cluster 38

Table 16. Configuration files related to the Traffica Data Collector processes in theRegional Cluster 40

Table 17. Configuration files related to the Working Set Data Collector processes inthe Regional Cluster 42

Table 18. Configuration files related to the Generic Data Collector processes in theRegional Cluster 44

Table 19. User interface applications on Connectivity Servers 47

Table 20. User interface applications on GUI Servers 49

Table 21. User interface applications on Linux Application Servers (LinAS) 50

Table 22. Service Quality Manager processes on the Connectivity Server 51

Table 23. Service Quality Manager processes on Linux Application Servers

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(LinAS) 56

Table 24. Data-providing processes for Service Quality Manager 57

Table 25. Explanation of parameters for the sjr3gpmx.cf file 61

Table 26. Explanation of parameters for database interface 64

Table 27. Explanation of parameters for the Javalink interface 65

Table 28. Explanation of parameters for the user interface 66

Table 29. Explanation of parameters in the Filter entry of the sjrfilmx.cf file 69

Table 30. Explanation of parameters for the Fault Management Data Collector 70

Table 31. Explanation of parameters for the Managed Object Data Collector 72

Table 32. Entries for the sjrnbimx.cf file 75

Table 33. Entries for the sjrnbsmx.cf file 78

Table 34. Entries for the sjrpromx.cf file 80

Table 35. Entries for the sjrsbimx.cf file 81

Table 36. Entries for the sjrsbsmx.cf file 85

Table 37. Explanation of entries for the sjrwsc2gmx_<n>.cf file 92

Table 38. Explanation of entries for the sjrwsc3gmx_<n>.cf file 93

Table 39. Explanation of parameters for the sjrguimx.cf file 96

Table 40. Attributes of the properties element 99

Table 41. Child elements of the properties element 99

Table 42. action IDs 101

Table 43. Attributes of the Actions element 102

Table 44. Child elements of the attribute element 103

Table 45. Global preferences for Service Quality Manager GUI applications 104

Table 46. application element attributes 106

Table 47. Service Monitor GUI preferences 106

Table 48. Problem Inspector GUI preferences 107

Table 49. Werlog numbers and related processes 117

Table 50. Explanation of parameters for the sjrpmcdatobmx_<n>.cf file 120

Table 51. Basic value types for formulas 122

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Table 52. Extended value types for formulas 123

Table 53. Explanation of parameters in the sjrpmcmotopmx_<n>.cf file 126

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List of figures

Figure 1. Data flow in the Service Quality Manager Core 25

Figure 2. Data flow from the alarm pipe to SQM Core 27

Figure 3. Data flow for FM initial upload and synchronisation 28

Figure 4. Data flow in the 2G Performance Measurement Data Collector 30

Figure 5. Data flow in the 3G Performance Measurement Data Collector 32

Figure 6. Data flow in the configuration process of a PM Data Collector for multipleperiod durations 35

Figure 7. Data flow in the Managed Object Data Collector 37

Figure 8. Data flow in the Traffica Data Collector 39

Figure 9. Data flow in the Working Set Data Collector 41

Figure 10. Data flow in the Generic Data Collector 43

Figure 11. Data flow in Thresholder and Profiler 45

Figure 12. sjrguimx.xml overview 98

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1 About this document

Service Quality Manager Technical Reference Guide provides technicaldetails of Service Quality Manager, including the processes andconfiguration files. This document also includes general descriptions of theuser interface applications in Service Quality Manager along withdescriptions of both the physical and logical file system structure.

This document is intended for system administrators of Service QualityManager and it complements other Service Quality Manager documentsas an information reference.

1.1 Processes and applications

The table below explains how the information related to user interfaceapplications is presented in this document.

Table 1. Model of user interface applications

Executableandapplicationname Description Activating

Configurationfiles Werlog

Name of theexecutable

Name of thecommercialfeature orapplication

What the applicationdoes.

Owner: the owner of theprocess, for exampleomc:sysop.

Permissions: permissionsto use the process, forexample -r-xr-xr-x.

How the application isactivated.

Names of theconfiguration filesthat are related tothis application.


The table below is an example of how the background processes arepresented in this document.

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Table 2. Model of a background process

Process Application DescriptionConfigurationfiles Werlog

Name of theexecutable

Name of the applicationthis background process isrelated to.

What this backgroundprocess does.

Owner: the owner of theprocess, for example omc:


Permissions: permissionsto use the process, forexample -r-xr-xr-x.

Names of theconfiguration filesthat are related tothis backgroundprocess.


1.2 NetAct compatibility and capacity information

For information on the NetAct system and capacity, and the compatibilitybetween NetAct and network element releases, see the NetActCompatibility and Capacity Information document.

1.3 Terms

The table below defines terms and abbreviations used in this document.

If you are unfamiliar with any of the concepts or abbreviations used in thisdocument, see Glossary.

Table 3. Terms

Term, acronym, orabbreviation Explanation

Change event For example, alarms from the NetAct.

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Table 3. Terms (cont.)

Term, acronym, orabbreviation Explanation

Data collector Data collectors retrieve data from data sources. ServiceQuality Manager provides you with the following datacollectors:. Fault Management (FM) Data Collector. Performance Measurement (PM) Data Collectors. Managed Object (MO) Data Collector. Traffica Data Collector. Working Set Data Collector. Generic Data Collector

Data source Data collectors gather information from data sources,summarise the information, and store the results in theService Quality Manager database.

Data sources include:. data from NetAct. alarms from NetAct

EDCCS Enhanced Data Collector Configuration System


LinAS Linux Application Server

Meta-KPI Used for calculating the real KPI.

Berkeley DB file The Berkeley DB file contains key data pairs and is stored inthe database. The database only provides the APIs to read orwrite the files.

RMI Remote Method Invocation

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2 Runtime environment overview inService Quality Manager

This chapter includes SQM-specific information about logging. For ageneric overview of the runtime environment, environment variables, andconfiguration files, see section Runtime environment overview in SystemPlatform Technical Reference Guide.

The following table lists the log directories for SQM applications.

Table 4. SQM applications and log directories

SQM application Log directory

2G PM Collector $VARROOT/sqm2gpmco/pg_sqmdc_2gpm_<n>/log

3G PM Collector $VARROOT/sqm3gpmco/pg_sqmdc_3gpm_<n>/log


EVA $VARROOT/sqmeva/pg_sqmeva_<n>/log


GCF Collector $VARROOT/sqmgcf/pg_sqmdc_gcf_<n>/log


Northbound Interface $OMCLOGDIR

Southbound Interface $OMCLOGDIR


Traffica Collector $VARROOT/sqmtfcco/pg_sqmdc_tfc_<n>/log

2G WS Collector $VARROOT/sqmwscol/pg_sqmdc_2gws_<n>/log

3G WS Collector $VARROOT/sqmwscol/pg_sqmdc_3gws_<n>/log

User interface $OMCLOGDIR

Reasoning Core $OMCLOGDIR

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The Thresholder and Profiler log files are located on Linux ApplicationServer (LinAS).

The data collector processes from the 2G PM, 3G PM, and Traffica DataCollectors log registration and deregistration to, or from SQM and sendingof data items to SQM into $VARROOT/log/wcltoday.log.

SQM Core writes a trace file to $NMSTRACEDIR/sjrsebmx.trc.

Template files are stored centrally on the same cluster where SQM isinstalled. The root directory for the template file storage is:


The template files can also be stored in sub-directories below the rootdirectory.

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3 Service Quality Manager file systemstructure

This chapter describes the SQM specific file system structure.

The hardware platform of the NetAct workstation network varies accordingto the requirements of different users. Naturally, the file system structuremust reflect the hardware configuration.

The NetAct file system structure is divided into a physical file systemstructure and a logical file system structure.

The tables in this chapter explain the location and contents of both thephysical and the logical file system structure.

3.1 Physical file system structure

The SQM physical file system structure is divided into server, database,and workstation disks.


The mini configuration has only the workstation and database disks.

3.1.1 Physical file system structure on the Connectivity Server

For information on the physical file system structure on the ConnectivityServer, see 1 Physical file system structure of the Linux system in SystemPlatform Technical Reference Guide.

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3.1.2 Physical file system structure in the Windows system

For information on the physical file system structure in the Windowssystem, see 1 Physical file system structure of the GUI Server system inSystem Platform Technical Reference Guide.

3.2 Logical file system structure

The logical file system structure refers to the way in which the applicationssee the file system structure. The applications do not usually accessdirectly the underlying foundation in the physical runtime environment.

This section presents lists on the logical file system structure on theConnectivity Servers and on Graphical User Interface Servers (GUIS).

3.2.1 Logical file system structure on the Connectivity Server

The tables and lists in this section present the NetAct logical file systemstructure and the Oracle file system structure used in SQM. Application software directories ($PRODUCTROOT)

The table below shows the application software directories in SQM.

Table 5. SQM component directories

SQM component Directory

SQM binaries /opt/nokia/oss/bin

SQM shared libraries /opt/nokia/oss/lib

SQM Java archives /opt/nokia/oss/lib

ILOG files /opt/nokia/oss/lib

Open source 3rd party files /opt/nokia/oss/lib/sqmlib

KB files and SQM Core files /opt/nokia/oss/lib

G2 home directory and Gensym G2 files /opt/gensym

Berkeley DB files /opt/nokia/oss/lib/sqm

Fixed configuration files /opt/nokia/oss/conf

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Page 19: Dn00157 9 en Global PDF Online a4 Configuration data directories ($ETCROOT)

The table below shows the configuration data directories in SQM.

Table 6. Configuration directories of SQM components

SQM component Configuration directory

User-edited configuration files /etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf

SQM-specific directory for default configuration files /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf

Samba access to global disk from GUIS /etc/opt/nokia/oss/ossguis/sqm


Map files /etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/guimap/sqm

View files /etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/view/sqm

Map raw data /etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/guimap/sqm/mapdata

SQM icons for views /etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/bitmaps/sqm

SQM configuration files templates /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf Working data directories ($VARROOT)

The table below shows the working data directories in SQM.

Table 7. SQM working data directories

SQM component Working data directory

2G PM Collector $VARROOT/sqm2gpmco/pg_sqmdc_2gpm_<n>/work

3G PM Collector $VARROOT/sqm3gpmco/pg_sqmdc_3gpm_<n>/work

EDCCS $VARROOT/global/sqmedccs/work

EVA $VARROOT/sqmeva/pg_sqmeva_<n>/work

GCF Collector $VARROOT/sqmgcf/pg_sqmdc_gcf_<n>/work

Traffica Collector $VARROOT/sqmtfcco/pg_sqmdc_tfc_<n>/work

2G WS Collector $VARROOT/sqmwscol/pg_sqmdc_2gws_<n>/work

3G WS Collector $VARROOT/sqmwscol/pg_sqmdc_3gws_<n>/work

User interface $VARROOT/global/sqmusria/work

Reasoning Core $VARROOT/global/sqmrecor/work

Southbound interface import $VARROOT/sqmsbi/work/import

Southbound interface export $VARROOT/sqmsbi/work/export

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Table 7. SQM working data directories (cont.)

SQM component Working data directory

Northbound interface import $VARROOT/sqmnbi/work/import

Northbound interface export $VARROOT/sqmnbi/work/export Oracle directories

The table below shows the Oracle directories in SQM.

Table 8. Service Quality Manager Oracle file system structure

Oracle directories Description

/opt/oracle Oracle root directory

/d/db/data/oss/sqm/recor Contains the Oracle DBF files for SQM

3.2.2 Logical file system structure in the Windows system

This section describes the directories in the Windows system. Symbolic links in the Windows system

Symbolic link in Graphical User Interface Server (GUIS)

C:\Program Files\nokia→ d:\nokia Directories on the Graphical User Interface Server (GUIS)

The table below shows the logical file system structure on the GraphicalUser Interface Server (GUIS).

Table 9. Service Quality Manager file system structure on the Graphical UserInterface Server

Directory Description

C:\Program Files\Nokia\NokiaOSS\sqm\usria SQM Graphical User Interface

C:\Program Files\Nokia\NokiaOSS\sqm\usria\bin

Startup scripts for Graphical UserInterface

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Table 9. Service Quality Manager file system structure on the Graphical UserInterface Server (cont.)

Directory Description

C:\Program Files\Nokia\NokiaOSS\sqm\usria\classes

Java archive files

C:\Program Files\Nokia\NokiaOSS\sqm\recor Gensym Telewindows

C:\Program Files\ Nokia\NokiaOSS\reporter\perlapi\conf\nrbasic\sjrstr

CGI scripts for Short-term Reporting


Only if SQM is running on theConnectivity Server

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4 Data flow in Service Quality Manager

The table below shows an overview of the SQM data collectors and thesubsystems in which they are running.

Table 10. Overview of the Service Quality Managerdata collectors

Data collector Subsystem Process name(s) Program group Availability

Fault Management fmco sjrfmcmx


pg_sqmdc_fm Regional Cluster, if GlobalMonitor is not available

Global Cluster, if GlobalMonitor is available

2G PerformanceMeasurement

2gpmco sjrpmcascpamx.pl pg_sqmdc_2gpm_<n> Regional Cluster

3G PerformanceMeasurement

3gpmco sjr3gpmx pg_sqmdc_3gpm_<n> Regional Cluster

2G/3G PerformanceManagement

pmcalc sjrpmcmx pg_sqmdc_2gpm_<n> /pg_sqmdc_3gpm_<n>

Regional Cluster (2G onlyin the Regional Cluster)

Managed Object mocol sjrmocmx pg_sqmcore Regional Cluster

Traffica tfcco sjrtfcmx


pg_sqmdc_tfc_<n> Regional Cluster

Working Set wscol sjrwscmx pg_sqmdc__2gws_<n> /pg_sqmdc__3gws_<n>

Regional Cluster

Uses the same server asthe 2G/3G PM DataCollectors

Generic Data Collector gcf sjrgcfmx pg_sqmdc_gcf_<n> Regional Cluster

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4.1 Service Quality Manager Core

SQM Core receives network performance data, for example KPIs, alarms,and managed object changes from the data collectors, calculates the data,and selects the rules to execute.

Data flow in the Service Quality Manager Core

The figure below shows the data flow in the SQM Core.

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Figure 1. Data flow in the Service Quality Manager Core

Data Collector


Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain,Regional Cluster



NetAct Aplication Server

NetAct Secure Domain,Global Cluster

Connectivity Server

SQM CoreMonitoringpackages



2NetAct Aplication Server


Data Server

Data Storage Subsystem

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1. The data collector gathers performance data from the networkelement through a dedicated interface.

2. The SQM Core receives network performance data from the datacollector and selects the rules to be executed. The rules calculatethe service state and raise or cancel service problems which arestored in the database.

3. The GUIs or SQM applications read the service states from thedatabase.

4.2 Fault Management Data Collector

The Fault Management (FM) Data Collector is an alarm forwardingsystem. It forwards the alarms that are received from the alarm pipe toSQM. The alarm system allows you to define alarm filters for eachforwarding system reducing the alarm flow sent to SQM.

The FM Data Collector supports the upload of all active alarms from thealarm database or the synchronisation of SQM with the alarm system byuploading alarms that changed state.

Data flow in the Fault Management Data Collector

The figures below show the data flow in the FM Data Collector.

Click a process in the figure for more information on the process and itsconfiguration files.

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Figure 2. Data flow from the alarm pipe to SQM Core

NetAct ApplicationServer

SQM Core

Connectivity Server

Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain, Regional Cluster








NetAct Application Server

NetAct Secure Domain,Global Cluster


Data Server

Data Storage Subsystem


Alarm Pipe

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1. The Alarm Forwarder arcfrwmx process of the alarm pipe sendsalarms to the wnemgrmx process.

2. The sjrfmcmx process receives alarms from the wnemgrmx processand converts the alarms to the SQM event structure.

3. The sjrfmcmx process forwards the SQM events to SQM Core.

Figure 3. Data flow for FM initial upload and synchronisation

NetAct ApplicationServer

SQM Core

Connectivity Server

Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain, Regional Cluster




NetAct Application Server

NetAct Secure Domain,Global Cluster


Data Server

Data Storage Subsystem



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1. The sjrfmlmx process reads alarms from the database.

2. The sjrfmcmx process receives alarms from the sjrfmlmx processthrough a pipe and converts the alarms to the SQM event structure.

3. The sjrfmcmx process forwards the SQM events to SQM Core.

Table 11. Configuration files related to the alarm pipe processes in theRegional Cluster

File name Location Edit class

sjrfmcmx.cf /opt/nokia/oss/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)


4.3 Performance Measurement Data Collectors

This section describes the data flow in the 2G and 3G PerformanceMeasurement Data Collectors including the related processes andconfiguration files.

4.3.1 2G Performance Measurement Data Collector

The 2G Performance Measurement (2G PM) Data Collector forwards 2GPM data to SQM. It calculates KPIs from measurements that werereceived through the BSS, NSS, and GPRS ASCII interface.

Data flow in the 2G Performance Measurement Data Collector

The figure below shows the data flow in the 2G PM Data Collector. Click aprocess in the figure for more information on the process and itsconfiguration files.

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Figure 4. Data flow in the 2G Performance Measurement Data Collector



1Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain,Regional Cluster

NetAct Application Server

NetAct Application Server

SQM Core

Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain,Global Cluster


Data Server

Data Storage Subsystem






SQL Loaderfiles





BerkeleyDB file

Binary files


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1. The mecmanmx process receives PM measurements from thenetwork.

2. The mecmanmx process creates binary files (a) containing the PMmeasurements received from the network.

3. The wd2bssmx process reads the binary files (a) from the mecmanmxprocess.

4. The wd2bssmx process converts the binary files to SQL*Loader files(b).

5. The sjrpmcascpamx.pl process parses SQL*Loader files.

6. The sjrpmcmx process reads the PM measurements from theBerkeley DB file and calculates performance indicators (PIs).

7. The sjrpmcmx process sends the PIs to SQM Core.

Table 12. Configuration files related to 2G Performance Measurement DataCollector processes in the Regional Cluster

File name Location Edit class

sjrpmcdatobmx.cf /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf NO_EDIT

sjrpmcmotopmx.cf /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf NO_EDIT

sjrpmcascpamx.cf /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (originalversion)


(efitable version)


4.3.2 3G Performance Measurement Data Collector

The 3G Performance Measurement (3G PM) Data Collector forwards PMdata available through ETLOAD to SQM. It uses the same KPI calculationengine as the 2G PM Data Collector.

Data flow in the 3G Performance Measurement Data Collector

The figure below shows the data flow in the 3G PM Data Collector. Click aprocess in the figure for more information on the process and itsconfiguration files.

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Figure 5. Data flow in the 3G Performance Measurement Data Collector



5, 6




7 8




Managed objectBerkeley DB file

Transient BerkeleyDatabase file

key / countermapping file




Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain,Regional Cluster

NetAct Application Server

NetAct ApplicationServer

SQM Core

Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain,Global Cluster


Data Server

Data Storage Subsystem


Data Server

Data Storage Subsystem


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1. The sjrpmcmx calculation engine writes into the key/countermapping file during initialisation or reconfiguration.

2. The sjr3gpmx collection engine reads the key/counter mapping fileduring initialisation or reconfiguration to determine which countersneed to be monitored.

3. The sjr3gpmx collection engine reads the input_directory entryof sjr3gpdatobmx.cf for the location of the Berkeley DB files.

4. The sjr3gpmx collection engine reads the configuration detailsincluding the filter directory and measurement timing details fromsjr3gpmx.cf.

5. The sjr3gpmx collection engine retrieves the measurement types forthe configured counters.

6. The sjr3gpmx collection engine updates the ETLOAD filterconfiguration for the output pipe.

7. The sjr3gpmx collection engine writes measurements.

8. The sjrpmcmx calculation engine reads measurements and writesintermediate KPIs into the relevant files.

9. The sjrpmcmx calculation engine forwards the calculated KPIs toSQM.

Table 13. Configuration files related to 3G Performance Measurement DataCollector processes in the Regional Cluster

File name Location Edit class

sjr3gpmotopmx.cf /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf NO_EDIT

sjr3gpdatobmx.cf /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf NO_EDIT

sjr3gpmx.cf /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (originalversion)


(editable version)


4.3.3 Configuration process of a Performance Measurement DataCollector for multiple period durations

This section shows the processes and files used to configure 2GPerformance Measurement (2G PM) or 3G Performance Management (3GPM) Data Collectors for multiple period durations.

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PM Data Collectors provide PM information to SQM Core. You can usemeasurements for different time intervals. You may need to perform trafficmeasurements at regular time intervals or monitor hotspots frequently.

If measurements are provided in different time intervals, a PM DataCollector must be configured for each time interval.

Data flow in the configuration process of a PM Data Collector formultiple period durations

The figure below shows the data flow in the configuration process of a PMData Collector for multiple period durations. Click a process in the figurefor more information on the process and its configuration files.


The following file names used by the Working Set Data Collectordepend on the monitoring packages.

. sjr<monitoring package prefix>_period.xml

. sjr<monitoring package prefix>_wsmos_30.xml

. sjr<monitoring package prefix>_wsmos.xml

For example, in the case of the GSM Monitoring Package, where theprefix is gsmmon, the file names are sjrgsmmon_period.xml,sjrgsmmon_wsmos_30.xml, and sjrgsmmon_wsmos.xml.

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Figure 6. Data flow in the configuration process of a PM Data Collector formultiple period durations

Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain, Regional Cluster

NetAct Application Server


Data Server

Data Storage Subsystem


























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1. The sjrwscmx Working Set Data Collector process retrieves allworking set information defined in NetAct. It reads thesjrwsperiodmx.xml file from the NetAct Database, which includesthe assignments of working sets to period durations.

2. The sjrwscmx process writes the working set information into XMLfiles.

3. The sqmEDCCSystem.sh perl script reads the XML files that thesjrwscmx process provided.

4. The sqmEDCCSystem.sh perl script reads the configured periodduration from the sjrpmcascpamx.cf file.

5. The sqmEDCCSystem.sh perl script reads configuration files for thecalculation engine (sjrpmcmx process).

6. The calculation engine (sjrpmcmx process) reads configuration files(DATO and MOTO files).

Table 14. Configuration files related to configuration process of a PM DataCollector for multiple period durations in the Regional Cluster

File name Location Edit class

sjrpmcdatobmx.cf /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf NO_EDIT

sjrpmcmotopmx.cf /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf NO_EDIT

sjrpmcascpamx.cf /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (originalversion)


(editable version)


4.4 Managed Object Data Collector

The Managed Object (MO) Data Collector forwards topology changeevents to SQM.

Data flow in the Managed Object Data Collector

The figure below shows the data flow in the MO Data Collector. Click aprocess in the figure for more information on the process and itsconfiguration files.

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Figure 7. Data flow in the Managed Object Data Collector

1. The trcuplmx process, which is doing the offline topologyreplication, sends topology change events to the wnemgrmx process.

2. The sjrmocmx process receives guilib events from the wnemgrmxprocess.

3. The sjrmocmx process forwards the SQM events to SQM Core.

Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain, Global Cluster

NetAct Application Server



Data Server

Data Storage Subsystem




SQM Core




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Table 15. Configuration files related to the Managed Object Data Collectorprocesses in the Regional Cluster

File name Location Edit class

sjrmocmx.cf /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf



4.5 Traffica Data Collector

The Traffica (TFC) Data Collector receives measurement files through FTPfrom one or several Traffica workstations.

Data flow in the Traffica Data Collector

The figure below shows the data flow in the TFC Data Collector. Click aprocess in the figure for more information on the process and itsconfiguration files.

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Figure 8. Data flow in the Traffica Data Collector

Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain, Regional Cluster

NetAct Application Server

NetAct ApplicationServer

SQM Core

Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain,

Global Cluster


Data Server

Data Storage Subsystem





2 BerkeleyDB


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1. The sjrtfcparsemx.pl perl script reads the data provided by theTFC Data Collector.

2. The sjrtfcparsemx.pl perl script writes the data provided by theTFC Data Collector into a Berkeley DB file. The sjrtfcmx processreads the data from the Berkeley DB file and calculates the keyperformance indicators (KPIs).

3. The sjrtfcmx process sends the KPIs to SQM Core.

Table 16. Configuration files related to the Traffica Data Collector processes inthe Regional Cluster

File name Location Edit class

sjrtfcmapmx.cf /opt/nokia/oss/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)


sjrtfcmx.cf /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (originalversion)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)


sjrtfcmscmx.cf /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (originalversion)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)


4.6 Working Set Data Collector

The Working Set (WS) Data Collector forwards the network elementinformation of all working sets defined in the Regional Cluster to SQM.

Data flow in the Working Set Data Collector

The figure below shows the data flow in the WS Data Collector. Click aprocess in the figure for more information on the process and itsconfiguration files.

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Figure 9. Data flow in the Working Set Data Collector

Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain, Regional Cluster

NetAct Application Server

NetAct ApplicationServer

SQM Core

Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain,Global Cluster


Data Server

Data Storage Subsystem


Data Server

Data Storage Subsystem





XML file

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1. The sjrwscmx process reads the working set data from thedatabase.

2. The sjrwscmx process sends data of new or updated working setsto SQM Core.

3. The sjrwscmx process writes the working sets into an XML file,which is needed for the automatic configuration of the PerformanceMeasurement Data Collectors.

Table 17. Configuration files related to the Working Set Data Collectorprocesses in the Regional Cluster

File name Location Edit class

sjrwscmx.cf /etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf MUST_EDIT

4.7 Generic Data Collector

The Generic Data Collector (GDC) forwards the data provided by thecollection modules to SQM. Collection modules are scripts that extractdata from different data sources.

Data flow in the Generic Data Collector

The figure below shows the data flow in the Generic Data Collector. Click aprocess in the figure for more information on the process and itsconfiguration files.

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Figure 10. Data flow in the Generic Data Collector

1. Collection modules write event files in XML format into the eventdirectory.

2. The sjrgcfmx process monitors the event directory and parses theevent files that are written in XML format.

3. The sjrgcfmx process archives the event files.

4. The sjrgcfmx process sends the events to SQM Core.

Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain, Regional Cluster

NetAct Application Server

NetAct ApplicationServer

SQM Core

Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain,Global Cluster


Data Server

Data Storage Subsystem




XML files

XML files3



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Table 18. Configuration files related to the Generic Data Collector processes inthe Regional Cluster

File name Location Edit class

sjrgcfmx.cf /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)


4.8 Thresholder and Profiler data flow

The Thresholder and Profiler application allows users to customize controlover performance monitoring in NetAct.

Data flow in Thresholder and Profiler

The figure below shows the data flow in Thresholder and Profiler.

Prerequisite for the data flow is that corresponding PM data is available inthe PM database. This functionality is provided by NetAct platformsoftware.

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Figure 11. Data flow in Thresholder and Profiler

1. Performance profiles are created by the Profiler processes.

2. The Thresholder LinAS processes check the data arriving from NEsagainst the defined thresholds which can reference the existingprofiles.

3. If the defined threshold condition is true, the Thresholder LinASprocesses notify the monitoring personnel via one of the followingmethods:




Connectivity Server

NetAct Secure Domain



NetAct Aplication Server


Data Server

Data Storage Subsystem


LinAS Websphere


Alarm Pipe


2 1




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. e-mail


. GCF event to the SQM Core

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5 Service Quality Manager user interfaceapplications

This chapter lists the SQM user interface applications. User interfaceapplications running on Connectivity Servers and user interfaceapplications running on GUIS are listed in separate tables.

5.1 User interface applications on the ConnectivityServers

Table 19. User interface applications on Connectivity Servers

Executable andapplication name Description Activating

Configurationfiles Werlog

Graphical UserInterface

Graphical User Interfacefor launching ServiceMonitor, Service Editor,Problem Inspector, ViewComposer, Map Tool, andthe Data Collector Toolkit.

This application allowsyou to monitor and defineservices in SQM.

If you want to run a GUIapplication with otheroptions than thepreconfigured settings ofthe desktop shortcuts,you can start running theapplication from thecommand line with thesjrguimx command.

To get an overview of alloptions for this command,enter the sjrguimx -h







Web Interface Web Interface formonitoring services inSQM.

Start a browser, forexample Netscape, withthe http://<linas.

host>/sqm URL.

- -

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Table 19. User interface applications on Connectivity Servers (cont.)

Executable andapplication name Description Activating

Configurationfiles Werlog

SQM import utility Utility to import servicedefinitions to SQM.

To get an overview of alloptions for this command,enter the followingcommand:

%omc sjrimpmx -h

- -

SQM export utility Utility to export servicedefinitions from SQM.

To get an overview of alloptions for this command,enter the followingcommand:

%omc sjrexpmx -h

- -

SQM startup script Script for starting up theg2 and g2-ora10


To get an overview of alloptions for this command,enter the followingcommand:

%omc sjrstartwspmx -


- -

SQM shutdownscript

Script for shutting downthe g2, and g2-ora10


To get an overview of alloptions for this command,enter the followingcommand:

%omc sjrshutdownmx -


- -

NBI toolkit Script for administeringthe northbound interface.

Start the sjrnbitktmx

script on the serverwhere SQM Core isrunning.

- -

SQM northboundadministrator

SQM northboundadministrator is acommand line tool foradministering SQMnorthbound server.

To get an overview of theavailable options, startthe sjrnbsadminmx script.

- A3FFA1

SQM southboundadministrator

SQM southboundadministrator is acommand line tool foradministering SQMSouthbound Interface.

To get an overview of theavailable options, startthe sjrsbiadminmx script.

- A45CA1

sqmEDCCSystem.pl EDCCS Configures the PM DataCollector.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x

package.cf A4E0

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5.2 User interface applications on GUI Servers (GUISs)

Table 20. User interface applications on GUI Servers

Executable andapplicationname Description Activating

Configurationfiles Werlog

Service Monitor Graphical user interfacefor monitoring servicesdefined in SQM.

From NetAct Start →Monitoring click ServiceMonitor.




Problem Inspector Graphical user interfacefor displaying the detailsof service problems.

This module can beinvoked through theTools menu of theService Monitor module.




Service Editor Graphical user interfacefor defining services inSQM.

From NetAct Start →Monitoring click ServiceEditor.




View Composer Graphical user interfacefor creating or modifyingviews in SQM.

This module can beinvoked through theTools menu of theService Editor module.




Map Tool Graphical user interfacefor creating or modifyinggraphical maps for viewsin SQM.

This module can beinvoked through theTools menu of theService Editor module.




Data CollectorToolkit

Graphical user interfacefor managing the datacollectors in SQM.

This module can beinvoked through theTools menu of theService Editor module.





Web Interface for creatingshort-term reports ofservice histories in SQM.

Start a browser, forexample Netscape, withthe http://


sjrstr/index.htm URL.

- -

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5.3 User interface applications on Linux ApplicationServers (LinAS)

Table 21. User interface applications on Linux Application Servers (LinAS)

Executable andapplication name Description Activating

Configurationfiles Werlog

Web Interface Web Interface formonitoring services inSQM.

Start a browser, forexample Netscape, withthe http://<linas.

host>/sqm URL.

- -

Thresholder andProfiler

User interface for creatingmeasurement thresholdsand profiles.

You can access theapplication via NetActStart.

- A6B2

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6 Service Quality Manager backgroundprocesses

This chapter lists the SQM background processes on the ConnectivityServer, LinAS, and on GUI Servers.

For more information on how the processes and applications arepresented in this chapter, see Section 1.1 Processes and applications.

6.1 SQM processes on the Connectivity Servers

Table 22. Service Quality Manager processes on the Connectivity Server

Process Application DescriptionConfigurationfiles Werlog

g2 SQM Core SQM Core engine which handlesservice definitions and servicemonitoring.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x




sjrdcbmx SQM CORBAbridge

Interface between SQM and theCORBA servers.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -rwxr-xr-x

- A645

g2-ora10 SQM databasebridge

Interface between SQM and theOracle database.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -rwxr-xr-x

- -

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Table 22. Service Quality Manager processes on the Connectivity Server(cont.)

Process Application DescriptionConfigurationfiles Werlog

sjr3gpmx PM DataCollector

Runs only in the RegionalCluster.

PM data collection process. Itcollects configured PMmeasurements from ETLOAD.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x

sjr3gpdatobmx.cf A2CD

sjrfmcmx FM DataCollector

Background process located on adata source host (NetAct).

Reads FM data from data sourceand transfers it through theCORBA interface to SQM.

To forward alarms to SQM, thesjrfmcmx process is linked to theNetAct alarm pipe.


During an alarm upload, thesjrfmcmx and sjrfmlmx

processes can handle amaximum of 99 999 alarms.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x

sjrfmcmx.cf A06A

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Table 22. Service Quality Manager processes on the Connectivity Server(cont.)

Process Application DescriptionConfigurationfiles Werlog

sjrfmlmx FM Data Loader Supplementary process inNetAct. The sjrfmlmx processretrieves the alarm data from theNetAct Database, filters thealarms, and sends the remainingalarms to sjrfmcmx. Thesjrfmcmx process converts thesealarms to events and sends themto SQM Core.

The sjrfmlmx process is startedby sjrfmcmx and shuts downafter finishing the task.


During an alarm upload, thesjrfmlmx and sjrfmcmx

processes can handle amaximum of 99 999 alarms.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x

- A0A9

sjrgcfmx Generic DataCollector

Runs only in the RegionalCluster.

Background process located on adata source host (NetAct).

Reads data in XML format andtransfers it through the CORBAinterface to SQM.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x

sjrgcfmx.cf A502

sjrmocmx MO DataCollector

Background process on a datasource host (NetAct).

Transfers MO colour and changeevents through the CORBAinterface to the SQM host.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x

sjrmocmx.cf 1418

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Table 22. Service Quality Manager processes on the Connectivity Server(cont.)

Process Application DescriptionConfigurationfiles Werlog

sjrnbcmx SQMnorthboundclient agent

SQM northbound client agent is acommand line tool enabling SQMnorthbound clients tocommunicate with SQMnorthbound server.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -rwxr-xr-x

sjrnbimx.cf A3FFC1

sjrnbsmx SQMnorthboundserver

SQM northbound server providesSQM northbound client with theSQM Northbound Interface.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -rwxr-xr-x






sjrpmcascpamx.pl PM DataCollector

Runs only in the RegionalCluster.

PM data collection process. Itcollects configured PMmeasurements from the PMASCII interface.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x

sjrpmcascpamx.cf -

sjrpmcmx PM DataCollector

Runs only in the RegionalCluster.

Permanent background processon a data source host (NetAct).

Calculates KPIs and sends themto the registered clients.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x




sjrpmcrenascmx.pl PM DataCollector

Runs only in the RegionalCluster.

Permanent background processlocated on a data source host.

The sjrpmcrenascmx.pl processdetermines the period duration inthe files of the PM ASCIIinterface and renames themaccordingly.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x

- -

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Table 22. Service Quality Manager processes on the Connectivity Server(cont.)

Process Application DescriptionConfigurationfiles Werlog

sjrpro_dbacmx.pl Thresholder andProfiler

Database access scriptresponsible for calculating,writing, and updating profiles tothe database.

sjrpromx.cf A6B2_<1...10>.log

sjrpro_mastermx.pl Thresholder andProfiler

Sets up and starts the databaseaccess scripts.

sjrpromx.cf A6B2_mastermx.log

sjrsbimx SQMsouthboundclient

SQM southbound client providesexternal systems with SQMSouthbound Interface.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -rwxr-xr-x




sjrtfcmx Traffica DataCollector

Background process located onthe SQM host. Calculates KPIsbased on counters found in theBerkeley DB file written bysjrtfcparsemx.pl and forwardsthem to SQM Core.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x





sjrtfcparsemx.pl Traffica DataCollector

Background process located onthe SQM host. Reads the dataprovided by Traffica and writesthem to a Berkeley DB file.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x




sjrthrcpmx Thresholder This process transfers all FMalarm .xml files via FTP to theNE3S import directory of theGlobal Cluster.

Started by cron.

sjrthrcpmx.cf A6B1

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Table 22. Service Quality Manager processes on the Connectivity Server(cont.)

Process Application DescriptionConfigurationfiles Werlog

sjrwsc2gmx Working SetData Collector

Runs only in the RegionalCluster.

Working Set Data Collectorprocess. It collects the workingset data defined in NetAct fromall Regional Clusters. TheWorking Set Data Collector isneeded, for example for the GSMMonitoring Package.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x

sjrwsc2gmx.cf A4AA

sjrwsc3gmx Working SetData Collector

Runs only in the RegionalCluster.

Working Set Data Collectorprocess. It collects the workingset data defined in NetAct fromall Regional Clusters. TheWorking Set Data Collector isneeded for example for the 3GRAN Monitoring Package.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x

sjrwsc3gmx.cf A4AA

6.2 SQM processes on Linux Application Servers(LinAS)

Table 23. Service Quality Manager processes on Linux Application Servers(LinAS)

Process Application DescriptionConfigurationfiles Werlog

Thresholder inWebsphere

Thresholder Provides thresholdingfunctionality, retrieves current PMvalues from Reporter, and checksthem against given thresholddefinitions; creates correspondingevents in case of violations.

sjrthrmx.cf -

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6.3 Data-providing processes for Service QualityManager

This section lists the background processes which deliver usable data toService Quality Manager for measurements.

For more information on the OMeS File Export Filtering (etlexpmx)process, see section Measurement processing and data flow in Reporterand Performance Management Technical Reference Guide.

Table 24. Data-providing processes for Service Quality Manager

Process Application DescriptionConfigurationfiles Werlog

arcfrwmx FM DataCollector

Alarm Forwarder

Forwards alarms and differentforwarding targets defined in thearcsysmx.cf file.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x

For more information, seeMonitor background processeson Linux servers in MonitorTechnical Reference Guide.

arcsysmx.cf 1173

etlexpmx OMeS FileExport Filtering

One output pipe of ETLOAD.etlexpmx parses the OMeS filethat it received from etlpslmx

and sends the data to the outputpipes.

Owner: omc:sysop.

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x.

etlexpmx.cf 8890

trcuplmx Managed ObjectData Collector

Topology Replication Uploader

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x

For more information, seeSystem platform backgroundprocesses in System PlatformTechnical Reference Guide.

trcuplmx.cf A3C2

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Table 24. Data-providing processes for Service Quality Manager (cont.)

Process Application DescriptionConfigurationfiles Werlog

wd2bssmx 2G PM DataCollector

BSS ASCII Interface Decoder

Decodes BSS/SGSN binarymeasurements and creates ASCIIfiles.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x

For more information, seeAdaptation processes and systemfiles in Adaptation TechnicalReference Guide.

wd2bssmx.cf 1240

wnemgrmx FM DataCollector

Workstation Messaging ServiceManager

Takes part in inter-processcommunication.

Owner: omc:sysop

Permissions: -r-xr-xr-x

For more information, seeSystem platform backgroundprocesses in System PlatformTechnical Reference Guide.

wnemgrmx.bsf 0009

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7 Service Quality Manager configurationfiles

This chapter describes the SQM configuration files located on theConnectivity Server(s).

The following common conventions apply to configuration files:

. Copy the configuration files from the $ETCROOT/sqm/confdirectories to the $ETCROOT/custom/conf directories and modifythem there.

This way, you can customise your configuration files, and they arenot overwritten during update.

. Only the configuration files located or copied to $ETCROOT/custom/

conf are editable.

. Configuration files located under $PRODUCTROOT/conf are noteditable.


The examples for configuration files in this chapter do not present thecomplete file, they contain only the most important descriptions.

7.1 Dynamic Configuration files

This section describes the system platform configuration files that aremanaged with Dynamic Configuration Toolkit. For information on the otherSQM configuration files, see Section 7.2 Configuration files in ServiceQuality Manager.

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For more information on Dynamic Configuration (DynCo) and instructionson how to edit configuration files managed by DynCo, see EditingConfiguration Files Managed by Dynamic Configuration.

7.1.1 arcsysmx.cf

For information on the arcsysmx.cf file, see Section 1 arcsysmx.cf inMonitor Technical Reference Guide.

7.2 Configuration files in Service Quality Manager

This section lists configuration files in Service Quality Manager inalphabetical order.

7.2.1 package.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:EDCCS

Edit class: CAN_ EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: package.cf setting up configurations via EDCCS.For more information, see EDCCS package file inConfiguring PM Data Collectors for Service QualityManager.

7.2.2 sjr3gpmx.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:sjr3gpmx

Edit class: CAN_ EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr

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Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Contains configuration details for the sjr3gpmxcollection engine. It also details the location of thefilter configuration file which indicates the relevantSQM measurements to be collected; measurementtimings, including interval, delay, and waiting times forboth managed and transient objects; loggingconfigurations and mapping reconciliation betweenMVI transient root objects and transient root objectspecified in the topology database.

Table 25. Explanation of parameters for the sjr3gpmx.cf file

Parameters Explanation

filterdir Specifies the filter configuration file directory used by the PM core.

strictManagedObjectSelection This parameter is used to indicate whether measurements frommanaged objects are allowed transient dimensions attached to theobject information.

This parameter is disabled by default. Uncomment the parameter ifmeasurements from managed objects are not allowed to have transientdimensions attached to the object information.

intervalManaged This is the length of the measurement interval for managed objects inminutes.

delayManaged This is the maximum length of time after the measurement interval haselapsed whereby measurements are still collected for (and whichbelong to) the measurement interval. This can occur with measurementbursts. After the delay time has elapsed, all the measurementscollected during the interval and during the delay time are written to theBerkeley DB file. Measurements collected after the delay time areignored.

The delayManaged parameter is used for measurements from managedobjects.

This parameter is defined as a percentage of the interval time.

waitManaged The waitManaged parameter is a length of time (in minutes), if duringwhich no measurements are received by the data collector, previouslycollected and unwritten measurements for the interval are written to theBerkeley DB file.

The waitManaged parameter is used for measurements from managedobjects.

intervalTransient This is the length (in minutes) of the measurement interval for transientobjects.

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Table 25. Explanation of parameters for the sjr3gpmx.cf file (cont.)

Parameters Explanation

delayTransient This is the maximum length of time after the measurement interval haselapsed whereby measurements are continued to be collected for (andbelong to) the measurement interval. This can occur with measurementbursts. After the delay time has elapsed, all the measurementscollected during the interval and during the delay time are written to theBerkeley DB file. Measurements collected after the delay time haselapsed are ignored.

The delayTransient parameter is used for measurements fromtransient objects.

This parameter is defined as a percentage of the interval time.

waitTranscient The waitTransient parameter is a length of time (in minutes), if duringwhich no measurements are received by the data collector, thenpreviously collected and unwritten measurements for the interval arewritten to the Berkeley DB file.

The waitTransient parameter is used for measurements fromtransient objects.

xmlProcessInfo This parameter is used to enable the creation of a XML file containingdetailed process information, which may be used for debuggingpurposes.

This parameter is disabled by default. Uncomment the parameter toenable the creation of the XML file.

moCacheInfo This parameter is used to collect detailed information about thecollector’s moCache. This information is appended to the XML filecreated by enabling the xmlProcessInfo parameter.

This parameter is disabled by default. This parameter can only be usedin conjunction with the xmlProcessInfo parameter.

The MappedBaseObjects section of the sjr3gpmx.cf file is used toidentify the transient root objects of the topology database and if differentfrom the transient root object of an MVI adaptation, reconcile the two, bymapping.

If there is no difference between the MVI adaptation transient root objectand the transient root object in the topology database, then no mapping isrequired, but the transient root object in the topology database must belisted. For example, if the MVI adaptation root object and the transient rootobject are both PLMN-PLMN/S3SN-2, then this must be listed in theMappedBaseObjects section as follows:


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If the MVI adaptation transient root object is different from the transient rootobject in the topology database, then it must be mapped to the transientroot object in the topology database. For example, if the MVI adaptationtransient root object is PLMN-PLMN/S3SN-MADSRPSRV1 and the transientroot object in the topology database is PLMN-PLMN/S3SN-1, the mappingmust be specified in the sjr3gpmx.cf file as follows:


(TransientRoot "PLMN-PlMN/S3SN-MADSRPSRV1")


The LOGGING section of the sjr3gpmx.cf file is used to configure tracingby the npflogmx command for the sjr3gpmx process. 15 different loggersand ten different logging levels are available for the sjr3gpmx process.The available commands are listed in the sjr3gpmx.cf file. Eachcommand can be executed at the command line.


Detailed information about the sjr3gpmx process loggers and logginglevels can be obtained from the sjr3gpmx help, which can be called upfrom the command line using the sjr3gpmx_<n> --help 1 command,where <n> represents the sjr3gpmx process instance number.

7.2.3 sjrcfgmx.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:-

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwxr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: This file contains configurable settings for theinterfaces used within SQM. This file must be editedwhen settings change.

Currently configuration parameters are supported forthe following interfaces:

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. database interface

. Javalink interface

. user interface

The most important entries in the sjrcfgmx.cf file are presented togetherwith an explanation of the parameters within the entries.

Database interface

(db-interface ""

(hostname "g086sqm")

(portnumber "13201")

(username "omc")

(connectstring "oss")

(url "jdbc:oracle:thin:@db:1521:oss")

(driver "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver")


Table 26. Explanation of parameters for database interface

Entry Explanation

hostname portnumber High availability package name for running the g2-oracle process.

portnumber for SQM Core/g2-oracle connection.

Both hostname and portnumber entries determine the address wherethe g2-oracle process runs and listens to requests.


The g2-oracle process has to be started on the given host passingit the correct port number on the command line before SQM Core isstarted.



The database user and the DB connect string (ORACLE_SID) areconfigured here.


The DB password is determined from the sjrpasmx.cf passwordfile.

The password is always that of the OMCDB user and not that of thegiven user.



The url and driver entries are used by the GUIs to establish a read-only access to the SQM database.

The driver (Java class name) must not be changed, the url mustmatch with the entries in the *.ora files.

url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<sid>

driver: The JDBC driver is used. Do not change it.

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Javalink interface

(javalink-interface ""

(g2host "g086sqm")

(g2port "13200")

(timeout "60")

(synctime "500")

(rmibroker "false")


Table 27. Explanation of parameters for the Javalink interface

Parameters Explanation



g2host and g2port give the address of the g2 process to connect to aJava application.

timeout Methods invoked from a Java application in SQM Core timeout after aconfigurable amount of seconds.

synctime synctime gives the time in milliseconds. The system needs tosynchronise after a GUI application does not answer service eventsany more.

rmibroker Remote Method Invocation (RMI) is used to communicate betweenSQM Core and the NBI.

The Javalink between SQM Core and the GUI can also be configuredto use RMI.

User interface

(user-interface ""

(oss-version "OSS3")

(trace "/var/opt/nokia/oss/local/tmp/trace/sjrsebmx.trc")

(logfileage "24")

(auto-restart "yes")

(timeout "1 hour")

(historysize "672")

(historylength "604800")

(db-historysize "1344")

(db-historylength "1209600")

(clear-time-interval "270")

(wait-time "0.0")

(dead-lock-detection-max-invocation “200")

(oss_cluster_id "5")

(rule-invocation-err-severity "4")


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Table 28. Explanation of parameters for the user interface

Parameters Explanation

oss-version This attribute is only used for backwards compatibility.

trace Defines the absolute path name of the trace file.

logfileage The age of the log file is given in hours. The log file is overwritten afterit lived for <logfileage> hours. The name of the file is $OMCLOGDIR/


auto-restart Determines if the restart procedure of SQM is to be automaticallyinvoked when SQM is started. The value can be yes or no.

timeout Time after which a procedure call is interrupted by the system. Thevalue can be any integer followed by the strings: second, minute,hour, day, or week. (Each of these values can also be given in pluralwith an appended s)

This value is also used for foreign functions timeout.



historysize defines how many values each attribute of every servicecan hold before the oldest value is discarded.

For instance, 672 values = 4 values per hour * 24 hours * 7 days.

historylength defines how old values can be before they have to bedeleted.

The system handles the settings of both parameters at the same timeone after the other as follows:

1. It discards all the values except for the 672 latest ones.

2. It removes all the values older than 7 days, that is, 604800 seconds.


The deletion in this case only affects the history kept in the mainmemory. The history in the database remains unchanged.

You cannot use zero or negative numbers.



For more information, see the explanations above for historysize andhistorylength. The difference is that the values here define thenumber and the age of attribute values kept in the database.

clear-time-interval The length of the interval in seconds before the system checks toremove attribute history values from the database.

wait-time wait-time contains the number of seconds to enter a wait state afterinitially reading services and before creating them in the system.



A RULE-INVOCATION-ERROR system problem due to a deadlockdetection is raised if the number of invocations of service rules whichinvoke each other exceeds this parameter.

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Table 28. Explanation of parameters for the user interface (cont.)

Parameters Explanation

oss_cluster_id The unique oss_cluster_id of the Regional or Global Cluster whereSQM Core is running.


The oss_cluster_id is set automatically, therefore do not modify it.

rule-invocation-err-severity rule-invocation-err-severity defines the severity of the RULE-

INVOCATION ERROR system problem.

7.2.4 sjrfilmx.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:Filter Criteria Definition File for the PROBLEM table

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: This configuration file allows you to define filtercriteria for the PROBLEM table of the Service Monitorapplication. Several filters may be defined. A problemmust fulfil all criteria of a filter to pass it. You cancreate filters that filter all problems, for example bydefining an empty include list.


All keys and values in this configuration file are case-sensitive. Invalidkeys or values are ignored without any further notification in the GUI.

The ’*’ and ’?’ characters can be used as wildcards for defining filtercriteria.

’*’ replaces all remaining characters in names of problem classes,service classes or services.

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’?’ replaces a single character for the same instances.

Below, you can see an example of the sjrfilmx.cf.

(Filter "<filter_name>"

(ProblemClass "<include │ exclude>"

(Value "<problem class>")


(ServiceClass "<include │ exclude>"

(Value "<service class>")


(Service "<include │ exclude>"

(Value "<service>")


(ServicePriority "< include │ exclude>"

(Value "< service priority> ")


(ProblemSeverity "<include │ exclude>"

(Value "<severity>")


(ProblemStatus "<include │ exclude>"

(Value "<status>")



Below, you can find an example of two filter definitions defined in$ETCROOT/custom/conf/sjrfilmx.cf.

The filter name of the first sample filter definition matches the omc username. In this case, the filter is chosen as the default filter of that user. Itfilters all problems that are only warnings or have been raised for a servicebelonging to NOT-SO-IMPORTANT-CLASS. Additionally, only problems thatare raised for a service with high priority pass the filter.

The second sample filter definition uses a wildcard to only show allproblems related to ’GSM…’ services. You have to use the Select Filtercombobox in the Service Monitor application to select the filter definitiondefined in sjrfilmx.cf.

(Filter "omc"

(ServiceClass "Exclude"



(ProblemSeverity "Exclude"

(Value "Warning")


(ServicePriority "Include"

(Value "4")

(Value "5")


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(Filter "Show all problems for GSM services"

(Service "include"

(Value "GSM*")



Table 29. Explanation of parameters in the Filter entry of the sjrfilmx.cf


Parameter Explanation

filter name The name of the filter. If the filter name matches the user name of an SQMuser (ignoring case), the filter is chosen as the default filter of that user. Thename of a filter must be unique. If two filters with the same name exist, thesecond filter replaces the first definition.

problem class The name of a problem class. Invalid names are ignored. Several names canbe listed.

service class The name of a service class. Invalid names are ignored. Several names canbe listed.

service The name of a service. Invalid names are ignored. Several names can belisted.

service priority The priority of the affected service. Possible values range from 1 to 5.

severity The severity of a problem. Possible values are Warning, Minor, Major, andCritical.

status The status of a problem. Possible values are New and Acknowledged.


Cancelled problems are always filtered out.

include │ exclude The string is either include or exclude. Decides if the list of criteria whichfollows is inclusive or exclusive. If any other value is given, the correspondingcriterion is completely ignored.

7.2.5 sjrfmcmx.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:Fault Management (FM) Data Collector

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-r-sr--

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Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Configuration file for the system parameters of theFM Data Collector. It contains the followingparameters:. marker and server name for CORBA

registration. timeout interval for alarm filtering. filtering ID

The sjrfmcmx.cf file contains several entries whose format is illustratedin the following example of the file. Note that only the most importantentries in the sjrfmcmx.cf file are presented together with an explanationof the parameters within the entries.


If the sjrfmcmx.cf file contains entries of the form presented in theexample below, you have to add two entries to the arcsysmx.wco filethrough the Dynamic Configuration. For more information, see EditingConfiguration Files Managed by Dynamic Configuration. The first entrytells the Alarm Forwarder that it has to forward alarms to sjrfmcmxusing the correct FILTERING_ID. The second entry is needed for theNetAct Rule Editor, where the user can choose in a menu the item FM

Filtering for ServiceWatch. The edited rules are automaticallystored with the right filtering ID.

Below you can find an example of the sjrfmcmx.cf file.

# sjrfmcmx.cf

(FMCollector "fmc1"





Table 30. Explanation of parameters for the Fault Management Data Collector

Parameters Explanation

MARKER_SERVER Used for backwards compatibility only.

TIMEOUT_INTERVAL Denotes the time interval after which waiting for forwarded alarms istime out. It has to be smaller than the interval for the wpmanamx

process update.

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Table 30. Explanation of parameters for the Fault Management Data Collector(cont.)

Parameters Explanation

FILTERING_ID Identifies the set of filtering rules in the database which are usedduring an initial upload or a synchronisation.

The value of FILTERING_ID has to be consistent with the entry in thearcsysmx.cf file, so that the NetAct Alarm Pipe knows which filteringrules to use.

7.2.6 sjrgcfmx.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:Generic Data Collector

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-r-sr-

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Contains configuration data for the systemparameters of the Generic Data Collector. It containsthe following parameters:. directory information on where to find and store

the data files. CORBA related configuration

Below you can find an example for the syntax of the sjrgcfmx.cf file.

(event_directory "/var/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/gcf/work")

(storage_directory "/var/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/gcf/work/storage")

# CORBA server name

# (marker_server ":sjrgcfmx")

# The number of the data elements sent to the clients

# in one go.

# (dataseq_size "1000")

7.2.7 sjrmocmx.cf

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Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:Managed Object (MO) Data Collector

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-r-xr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: The configuration file stores the configurationinformation for all MO Data Collectors. For each MOData Collector, the following configuration is saved:. Label of the MO Data Collector. ID of NMS on which the MO Data Collector is

running. Marker and server name of the MO Data

Collector in the CORBA registration

Managed Object Data Collector

The sjrmocmx process sends colour and change events to SQM.

Below you can find an example of the sjrmocmx.cf file.

(MOCollector "<collector>"


(MARKER_SERVER "<servername of MO Data Collector>")


The table below explains the entries in the configuration file.

Table 31. Explanation of parameters for the Managed Object Data Collector

Parameters Explanation

NMSID ID of the NMS system where the MO Data Collector is running.

MARKER_SERVER Specifies the name of the MO Data Collector's CORBA object, forexample, sjrmocmx.

7.2.8 sjrnbifiltemx.dtd

Location: /opt/nokia/oss/conf (original version)

Application or process:

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SQM northbound server

Edit class: NO_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: The sjrnbifiltemx.dtd file holds the DTD thatdefines SQM northbound event filters in XML format.This file is referenced by sjrnbifiltemx.xml.

7.2.9 sjrnbifiltemx.xml

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:SQM northbound server

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: The sjrnbifiltemx.xml file defines SQMnorthbound event filters. You can define the followingtypes of event filters:. problemFilter. attributeFilter

. problemClassFilter

. serviceClassFilter

. serviceInstanceFilter

. serviceRuleFilter

You can configure any number of filter definitions for one type of event filterby giving each filter definition a unique filter name. Each filter definitionmust conform to the DTD in the sjrnbifilteremx.dtd file.

An event is exported from SQM Northbound Interface only if the event isselected by a filter. Otherwise, the event is filtered out. The selection of anevent is controlled by the following rules:

. A filter is defined by several selectors. An event is selected only ifone of the selectors selects the event.

. A selector is defined by several fields. An event is selected by aselector only if the event is selected by all its fields.

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You can use the following meta characters in a field definition:

. * for 0-n characters

. ? for exactly one character

. │ as 'or' operator

7.2.10 sjrnbimx.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:SQM northbound server

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: The sjrnbimx.cf file contains the configuration forSQM northbound client. SQM northbound serverreads the configuration and passes it to SQMnorthbound server.

Below you can find an example of the sjrnbimx.cf file.

(SqmNorthboundClient "ovoMessage"

(callback "SnOvoCallback")

(heartbeatInterval "0")

(bufferLength "100")

(autoReconnection "connectUpload")

(reconnectionTimeout "600000")

(reconnectionTimeInterval "5000")

(problem ""

(scope "hpovo")

(filter "minimum")



(SqmNorthboundClient "ovoService"

(callback "SnDefaultCallback")

(heartbeatInterval "0")

(bufferLength "100")

(serviceClass ""

(scope "hpovo")

(filter "minimum")


(serviceInstance ""

(scope "hpovo")

(filter "minimum")


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(SqmNorthboundclient "testXml"

(callback "SqmXmlCallback")

(exportInterval "60000")

(exportDir "/opt/nkiaoss/sqm/irp/nbi")

(exportTime "3600000")


(heartbeatInterval "2000")

(bufferLength "1000")

(autoReconnection "startForwarding")

(reconnectionTimeout "0")

(reconnectionTimeInterval "1000")

(problem ""

(scope "maximum")

(filter "minimum")


(attribute ""

(scope "maximum")

(filter "minimum")


(serviceClass ""

(scope "maximum")

(filter "minimum")


(problemClass ""

(scope "maximum")

(filter "minimum")


(serviceInstance ""

(scope "maximum")

(filter "minimum")


(serviceRule ""

(scope "maximum")

(filter "minimum")



Table 32. Entries for the sjrnbimx.cf file

Entry Explanation

SqmNorthboundClient The unique name of the SQM northbound client

callback The class name of the call-back adapter. The current supported callbacks areovoMessage and ovoService for ISQA, and SqmXmlCallback for opennorthbound interface.

heartbeatInterval The time interval in milliseconds to send heartbeats from SQM northboundserver to SQM northbound client. The value must be greater than or equal to 0.If the value is 0, no heartbeats are sent.

bufferLength The buffer length of SQM northbound server. The value must be greater than 0.

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Table 32. Entries for the sjrnbimx.cf file (cont.)

Entry Explanation

autoReconnection The reconnection setting after SQM northbound server is restarted. Possiblevalues are:. connectUpload: Auto-reconnection by performing connect, initialUpload,

and startForwarding

. startForwarding: Auto reconnection by performing connect andstartForwarding.

. no: No auto-reconnection

reconnectionTimeout The reconnection timeout (in milliseconds) for reconnection after SQMnorthbound client is restarted.

If the value of the reconnectionTimeout parameter exceeds 0, the SQMnorthbound server tries to reconnect until the connectionTimeout elapses.

If the value is 0 the reconnection continues until the client is reconnected toSQM northbound server.

If the value is less than 0, no reconnection is performed.

reconnectionInterval The retry interval (in milliseconds) if reconnection to SQM northbound client isenabled.

The value for this parameter must be higher than 0 and less than the value ofreconnectionTimeout parameter.

XMLSchema The XML Schema that the exported XML should follow:. SQMNB for SQM Northbound Interface. SQMSB for SQM Southbound Interface

fileCompression The exported file format in uploading and forwarding:. 0 for an uncompressed file. 1 for a gzip-compressed file

. problem

. attribute

. problemClass

. serviceClass

. serviceInstance

. serviceRule

with:. scope

. filter

SQM northbound client subscribes the event with the event type name, eventscope name, and event filter name. The event type name includes problem,attribute, problemClass, serviceClass, serviceInstance, andserviceRule. For an SQM northbound client, any subset of event type namescan be subscribed.

The event scope names and event field names are defined in thesjrnbiscopemx.xml and sjrnbifiltemx.xml files.

If the scope name is not defined, the minimum scope is used by default. If thefilter name is not defined, the minimum value is set by default.

For the callback SqmXmlCallback, the following subitems can be configured under the callback

configuration item:

exportInterval SqmXmlCallback specific configuration for the file writing interval (inmilliseconds).

exportDir SqmXmlCallback specific configuration for the export directory for the files.

The default directory is /opt/nokia/oss/sqm/irp/nbi.

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Table 32. Entries for the sjrnbimx.cf file (cont.)

Entry Explanation

expireTime SqmXmlCallback specific configuration for the expire time (in milliseconds) forthe files.

The value of the exportTime parameter must be two times larger than thevalue of the exportInterval parameter. If not, the value of the exportTime

parameter is set to be 2 times exportInterval.

7.2.11 sjrnbiscopemx.dtd

Location: /opt/nokia/oss/conf (original version)

Application or process:SQM northbound server

Edit class: NO_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Contains the DTD definition that defines SQMnorthbound event scopes in XML format. This file isreferenced by the sjrnbiscopemx.xml file.

7.2.12 sjrnbiscopemx.xml

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:SQM northbound server

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: --rw-rwsr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Defines SQM northbound event scopes. You candefine the following types of event scopes:. problemScope. attributeScope. problemClassScope. serviceClassScope

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. serviceInstanceScope

. serviceRuleScope

You can configure any number of scope definitions for one type of eventscope by giving each definition a unique scope name. Each scopedefinition must conform to the DTD in the sjrnbiscopemx.dtd file.

7.2.13 sjrnbsmx.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:SQM Northbound server

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Contains configuration data related to thereconnection to SQM Core, after the connection toSQM Core has been lost. SQM Northbound serverreads the configuration of the items listed in the tablebelow the example.

Below, you can find an example of the sjrnbsmx.cf file.

(SqmNorthboundG2Reconnection ""

(g2ServerReconnectionTimeout "0")

(g2ServerReconnectionTimeInterval "1000")


Table 33. Entries for the sjrnbsmx.cf file

Entries Explanation

SqmNorthboundG2Reconnection This parameter is used by SQM northbound server to establishreconnection to SQM Core if SQM Core is abnormally terminated.

If the value is more than 0, the server tries to connect to SQM Coreuntil SqmNorthboundG2Reconnection (in milliseconds) has elapsed.

If the value is set to 0, there is no timeout for reconnection. The servertries to reconnect until reconnection is successful.

If the value is set to less than 0, auto-reconnection is disabled. Onlymanual connection to SQM Core is possible using the sjrnbsadminmx

–reset core command when SQM Core is up again.

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Table 33. Entries for the sjrnbsmx.cf file (cont.)

Entries Explanation



This parameter is used by SQM northbound server to establishreconnection to SQM Core if SQM Core is abnormally terminated.

Reconnection attempts are performed everyg2ServerReconnectionTimeInterval (in milliseconds).

The value of this parameter must be more than 0 and less than thevalue of the g2ServerReconnectionTimeout parameter.

7.2.14 sjrpmcascpamx_<n>.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:ASCII parser for the Performance Measurement(PM) Data Collector/Service Quality Manager

Edit class: MUST_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-r-xr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: The PM Data Collector is divided into two separateentities, the data collector itself and the ASCII parser(sjrpmcascpamx_<n>.pl). ASCII parser uses oneconfiguration file, sjrpmcascpamx_<n>.cf, which is atemplate and must be edited.

The parser process converts the ASCII files producedby the PM ASCII interface into a more appropriateformat for the PM Data Collector (sjrpmcmx).

7.2.15 sjrpromx.cf

Location /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or processThresholder and Profiler

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

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Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Allows you to set the options for the Profiler process.

Table 34. Entries for the sjrpromx.cf file

Option Explanation

source directory The location from where the files provided by Thresholder are read


max_profcalc The maximum number of profile calculation processes


min_files The minimum number of files to be processed by sjrpro_dbacmx.pl

Optional (default value is 1, if not set)

trace_level Trace level for Profiler processes.


reset_file_directory Location of the reset_file provided by the admin script of Profiler


reset_file_prefix Prefix of the file name containing profile-IDs that have been reset


cleanup Sets the number of days after which profiles are cleaned up


7.2.16 sjrsbimx.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:SQM Southbound Interface

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Contains the SQM Southbound Interfaceconfiguration. It configures the buffer length to storethe events before sending to SQM Core, thereconnection to SQM Core after the connection islost, and the designated import and exportdirectories.

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Below you can find an example of the sjrsbimx.cf file.

(SqmSouthboundClient ""

(buffer ""

(size "10")

(autoResize "true")

(increment "10")

(maxBuffer "1000")


(SqmReconnection ""

(SqmReconnectionTimeout "0")

(SqmReconnectionTimeInterval "120000")


(sbiImpDir ""

(dir "/var/opt/nokia/oss/tktcif/work/import")

(dir "/var/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/sqmsbi/work/import")


(sbiExpDir ""

(dir "/var/opt/nokia/oss/tktcif/work/export")

(dir "/var/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/sqmsbi/work/export")



Table 35. Entries for the sjrsbimx.cf file

Entries Explanation

buffer The following parameters can be configured as the subitems of abuffer:. size

The initial size of the buffer.. autoResize

The auto resize of the buffer is enabled if set to true or disabled if setto false. The default value is true.

. increment

The buffer is enlarged with an increment parameter if resizing isenabled.

. maxBuffer

This parameter defines the maximum size for the buffer and the buffercannot be resized beyond the value of the maxBuffer parameter.

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Table 35. Entries for the sjrsbimx.cf file (cont.)

Entries Explanation

SqmReconnection The following parameters can be configured as the subitems ofSqmReconnection:. (SQMReconnectionTimeout "0")

If SQM Core is not responding, the Southbound Interface tries toreconnect to SQM Core until the value of theSQMReconnectionTimeout parameter (in milliseconds) has elapsed. Ifthe value for the parameter is set to 0, the interface continuously triesto connect to SQM Core until it is connected. If the value of thisparameter drops below 0, the reconnection to SQM Core is disabledautomatically.

. (SQMReconnectionTimeInterval "120000")

The SQM Southbound Interface tries to connect to SQM Core aftereach SQMReconnectionTimeInterval (in milliseconds).

sbiImpDir The designated import directories for the SQM Southbound Interface.The designated import directories are cleared whenever the SQMSouthbound Interface is started or restarted. When the connection toan external system is established, the import directory that is used fora specific connection must be one of the directories defined by thisparameter.

sbiExpDir The designated export directories for the SQM Southbound Interface.The designated export directories are cleared whenever the SQMSouthbound Interface is started or restarted. When the connection toan external system is established, the export directory that is used fora specific connection must be one of the directories defined by thisparameter.

7.2.17 sjrsbsmx.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:SQM Southbound Interface

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

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Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Contains the configuration for connecting to externalsystems from the SQM Southbound Interface.Multiple connections to one external system or toseveral external systems are possible. For eachconnection, you can configure the items listed in thetable below the example.

Below you can find an example of the sjrsbsmx.cf file.

(SqmSouthboundServer "test"

(connection "SbFileConnectionAdapter"

(connectionTimeout "300000")

(connectionTimeInterval "3000")

(expDir "/var/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/sqmsbi/work/export")

(impDir "/var/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/sqmsbi/work/import")

(xmlValidation "true")


(communication "SbFileCommunicationAdapter"

(communicationTimeInterval "10000")

(expDir "/var/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/sqmsbi/work/export")

(impDir "/var/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/sqmsbi/work/import")

(xmlValidation "true")


(types ""

(name "problemClass")

(name "serviceClass")

(name "serviceRule")

(name "serviceInstance")

(name "serviceAttribute")

(name "serviceProblem")


(upload "0"

(uploadTimeout "600000")

(uploadTimeInterval "3000")


(forward "data"

(forwardingTimeout "300000")

(forwardingTimeInterval "3000")


(autoFirstConnection "true")

(reconnection ""

(serverRestart "forwarding")

(clientRestart "uploadForwarding")


(agent "23")


(SqmSouthboundServer "ovoTopology-1f403"

(connection "SbOvoConnectionAdapter"

(connectionTimeout "300000")

(connectionTimeInterval "3000")


(communication "SbOvoCommunicationAdapter"

(communicationTimeInterval "3000")

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(types ""

(name "problemClass")

(name "serviceClass")

(name "serviceRule")

(name "serviceInstance")

(name "serviceAttribute")


(upload "0"

(uploadTimeout "1800000")

(uploadTimeInterval "3000")

(base "/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/sqmsbi/conf/fixed/ovo.xml")

(autoDeletion "true")


(forward "none"

(forwardingTimeout "0")

(forwardingTimeInterval "3000")


(autoFirstConnection "true")

(reconnection ""

(serverRestart "no")

(clientRestart "no") )

(agent "1f403")


(SqmSouthboundServer "ovoService-1f403"

(connection "SbOvoConnectionAdapter"

(connectionTimeout "500000")

(connectionTimeInterval "3000")


(communication "SbOvoCommunicationAdapter"

(communicationTimeInterval "3000")


(types ""

(name "serviceAttribute")


(upload "-1"

(uploadTimeout "720000")

(uploadTimeInterval "3000")


(forward "data"

(forwardingTimeout "720000")

(forwardingTimeInterval "3000")


(autoFirstConnection "true")

(reconnection ""

(serverRestart "forwarding")

(clientRestart "forwarding")


(agent "1f403")


(SqmSouthboundServer "ovoNotification-1f403"

(connection "SbOvoConnectionAdapter"

(connectionTimeout "500000")

(connectionTimeInterval "3000") )

(communication "SbOvoCommunicationAdapter"

(communicationTimeInterval "3000")

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(types ""

(name "problemClass")

(name "serviceClass")

(name "serviceRule")

(name "serviceInstance")


(upload "-1"

(uploadTimeout "0")

(uploadTimeInterval "3000")


(forward "notification"

(forwardingTimeout "0")

(forwardingTimeInterval "3000")

(script " sjrsbiovosmmx -restart 1f403")


(autoFirstConnection "true")

(reconnection ""

(serverRestart "forwarding")

(clientRestart "forwarding")


(agent "1f403")


Table 36. Entries for the sjrsbsmx.cf file

Entries Explanation

SqmSouthboundServer The unique name of the connection to the external system. Theexternal system is viewed as a server in the connection, while theSQM Southbound Interface is viewed as a client in the connection.

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Table 36. Entries for the sjrsbsmx.cf file (cont.)

Entries Explanation

connection The connection interface is defined by a connection adapter classname. The value is SbFileConnectionAdapter. The following subitemscan be configured for the SbFileConnectionAdapter parameter:. connectionTimeout

The parameter is configured for the timeout of the request for theconnection or reconnection. If it is 0, there is no timeout and therequest is tried until the external system is connected. If it exceeds 0,the connection is tried until the time for connectionTimeout (inmilliseconds) elapses. If the value drops below 0, the requestsucceeds or fails immediately after the first try.

. connectionTimeInterval

The time interval (in milliseconds) for checking the status of theconnection or disconnection after the request has been sent.

. expDir

The export directory for connection or disconnection requests. Thedefault value is /var/opt/nokia/oss/tktcif/work/export.

. impDirectory

The import directory for the responses to the connection ordisconnection requests. The default value is /var/opt/nokia/oss/

tktcif/work/import.. xmlValidation

The parameter enables the XML validation for connection XML if it isset to true or disables the XML validation for connection XML if it isset to false.

communication The communication interface is defined by a communication adapterclass name. The value is SbFileCommunicationAdapter. The followingsubitems can be configured for the SbFileCommunicationAdapter

parameter:. communicationTimeInterval

The time interval (in milliseconds) for checking if the service data,heartbeat, notification, or shutdown has arrived in impDir.

. expDir

The export directory for the response to the service data, heartbeat,notification, or shutdown. The default value is /var/opt/nokia/oss/

tktcif/work/export.. impDirectory

The import directory for the service data, heartbeat, notification, orshutdown. The default value is /var/opt/nokia/oss/tktcif/work/

import.. xmlValidation

The parameter enables the XML validation for communication XML ifset to true or disables the XML validation for communication XML ifset to false.

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Table 36. Entries for the sjrsbsmx.cf file (cont.)

Entries Explanation

types The event types that the SQM Northbound Interface subscribes. Anysubset from the following subitems can be configured:. (name "problemClass")

. (name "serviceClass")

. (name "serviceRule")

. (name "serviceInstance")

. (name "serviceAttribute")

. (name "serviceProblem")

upload The initial upload configuration defines whether the connectionsupports initial uploading of the service data. If the value of theparameter is 0, all the active events are uploaded. If the value exceeds0, all the active events are uploaded since the time before that value(in milliseconds). If the value drops below 0, the upload is not requiredfor the connection. The following subitems can be configured with theupload parameter:. uploadTimeout

Within the uploadTimeout time (in milliseconds) an initial upload or atleast a heartbeat must be received if the value of the parameterexceeds 0. If the value is 0, there is no timeout.

. uploadTimeInterval

The time interval (in milliseconds) in which the SQM SouthboundInterface searches for the upload or heartbeat files.

. base

The base service data XML files that are imported first before eachupload, if defined. Otherwise, there is no such base import. Thedefault directory is /opt/nokia/oss/lib/ovo.xml".

. autoDeletion

Auto deletion of the old service data after a new upload is performed ifset to true or the old service data is still kept if set to false.

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Table 36. Entries for the sjrsbsmx.cf file (cont.)

Entries Explanation

forward The forwarding configuration defines if the current connection supportsforwarding. The possible values are data, notification, or none. Thefollowing subitems can be configured with forward:. forwardingTimeout

Within the forwardingTimeout time (in milliseconds), at least oneservice data, its notification, or one heartbeat must be received if thevalue exceeds 0. If the value is 0, there is no timeout.

. forwardingTimeInterval

The time interval (in milliseconds) in which the SQM SouthboundInterface pulls events for service data, heartbeats, or notification.

. script

The script is performed immediately when a notification is received.. script

The script is performed after a delay (in milliseconds) when anotification is received.

. script

The script is performed during the fixed hour each day, when anotification is received.

autoFirstConnection The connection request is sent automatically after the configuration forthis connection is added by SQM southbound administrator if set totrue. If set to false, the connection must be explicitly required bySQM southbound administrator.

reconnection The reconnection configures the behaviour of the SQM SouthboundInterface after the connection to an external system is restarted or afterthe SQM Southbound Interface is restarted.. serverRestart

After the external system is restarted, there are three possibilities:

1. uploadForwarding: For a reconnection by performing initialupload first and then enabling event forwarding.

2. forwarding: For a reconnection by only enabling eventforwarding.

3. no: For no-reconnection.. clientRestart

After the SQM Southbound Interface is restarted, the following valuesare possible:

1. uploadForwarding: for a reconnection by performing initial uploadfirst and then enabling event forwarding

2. forwarding: For a reconnection by only enabling eventforwarding.

3. no: for no reconnection

agentId The global ID (in hexadecimal format) of the external systemconfigured in the utp_common_objects NetAct database table.

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7.2.18 sjrtfc_trafrep.ini


This file can easily be modified with the /opt/nokia/oss/bin/

sjrtfc_config.sh script.

Location: /var/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/tfcco/

Application or process:Traffica Data Collectors

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-r-sr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: This is the configuration file for Traffica. It describesthe counters that Traffica provides for the Trafficadata collector.

Below you can find an example for the syntax of the sjrtfc_trafrep.inifile.


;RTT IntDest ;RTT Services RTT ImsiGroup ;RTT DirectionNumberGroup ;SMS LAC/CELL

SMS IMSI ;SMS IMEI ;SMS SMSC SMS ImsiGroup ;[RTT DirectionNumberGroup1] ;name="me"

;040123456 ;35840123456 [RTT ImsiGroup1] name="Corporation A" 24491000000000-


24491000000526 24491000000600-24491000000899 [SMS ImsiGroup1] name="Corporation A"

24491000000000-24491000000399 24491000000526 24491000000600-24491000000899

7.2.19 sjrtfcmapmx.cf

Location: /opt/nokia/oss/conf (original version)

Application or process:Traffica Data Collectors

Edit class: NO_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-r-sr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Traffica provides this configuration file. Besides otherinformation, it contains a number to string mappinginformation about country codes and countries, IMSIcodes and operators, IMEI codes and mobile types,and service codes and services.

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7.2.20 sjrtfcmscmx_<n>.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:Traffica Data Collectors

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-r-sr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: This is the MSC related configuration file. It containsthe information about the MSCs that the Traffica DataCollector takes into account.

7.2.21 sjrtfcmx_<n>.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/tfcco/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:Traffica Data Collectors

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-r-sr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Describes the counters and KPIs and theircharacteristics. It also contains configuration data,which enables communication between the parserand the data collector.

It can be divided into the following two data types:

. Miscellaneous configuration data, containingfour configurable entries.

. Configuration data of the data objects, whichthe user can define.


The sjrtfcmx_<n>.cf file can easily be modified with the /opt/

nokia/oss/bin/sjrtfc_config.sh script.

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7.2.22 sjrthrmx.cf

Location: /opt/nokia/oss/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:Thresholder and Profiler

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Configuration file for the Thresholder and Profilerapplication.

7.2.23 sjrthrcpmx.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:Thresholder and Profiler

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Configuration file for the process that transfersThresholder and Profiler related alarm XML-files tothe Global Cluster.

7.2.24 sjrwsc2gmx_<n>.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:Working Set (WS) Data Collector

Edit class: MUST_EDIT (the monitoring package name)

Permissions: -rw-r-sr--

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Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Configuration file for the system parameters of theWorking Set Data Collector. It contains the followingparameters:. time interval to update the working set data. settings to launch the automatic configuration

script for the PM Data Collector. filter criteria for the working sets

The table below explains the entries in the configuration file.

Table 37. Explanation of entries for the sjrwsc2gmx_<n>.cf file

Entries Explanation

rule_package The name of the rule package.

event_prefix Prefix used for WORKING_SET events sent to SQM.

period_duration The default period duration in minutes (for new working sets).

noauto Disables the automatic daily update of the working set data.

update_time The daily time in hh:mm format, for example, "00:30", when the updateprocess of the working set data takes place.

backup_path The path of the sjrwscmx.xml backup file which stores all working setinformation.

plmn_instance Contains the PLMN object instance name which is the parent object ofthe transient objects built for each working set.

script_command The command to launch the automatic configuration script for the PMData Collector. For more information, see Configuring PM DataCollectors for Service Quality Manager.

xml_path The path of the sqm<rule package prefix>_wsmos.xml file created forthe automatic configuration script for the PM Data Collector. For moreinformation, see Configuration of the data collectors from EDCCSperspective in Configuring PM Data Collectors for Service QualityManager.

object_classes_filter Filters the managed objects of the working sets by their object class. Itmay be a list of several object classes, for example, BTS, BCF, BSC.

The value is empty if no filter is used.

prefix_filter Filters the working sets by a prefix in the working set name. It can be alist of several prefixes, for example SQM_, Test_ (case-sensitive!).

The value is empty if no filter is used.

max_events The maximum number of events sent in a sequence.

max_timeout The maximum timeout for sending events to SQM.

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7.2.25 sjrwsc3gmx_<n>.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:Working Set (WS) Data Collector

Edit class: MUST_EDIT (the monitoring package name)

Permissions: -rw-r-sr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Configuration file for the system parameters of theWS Data Collector. It contains the followingparameters:. time interval to update the working set data. settings to launch the automatic configuration

script for the PM Data Collector. filter criteria for the working sets

The table below explains the entries in the configuration file.

Table 38. Explanation of entries for the sjrwsc3gmx_<n>.cf file

Entries Explanation

rule_package The name of the rule package.

event_prefix Prefix used for WORKING_SET events sent to SQM.

period_duration The default period duration in minutes (for new working sets).

noauto Disables the automatic daily update of the working set data.

update_time The daily time in hh24:mm format, for example, "00:30", when theupdate process of the working set data takes place.

backup_path The path of the sjrwscmx.xml backup file which stores all working setinformation.

The path is set to /var/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/cs_sqmdc_ws.1/work bydefault.

plmn_instance Contains the PLMN object instance name which is the parent object ofthe transient objects built for each working set.

script_command The command to launch the automatic configuration script for the PMData Collector. For more information, see Configuring PM DataCollectors for Service Quality Manager.

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Table 38. Explanation of entries for the sjrwsc3gmx_<n>.cf file (cont.)

Entries Explanation

xml_path The path of the sqm<rule package prefix>_wsmos.xml file created forthe automatic configuration script for the PM Data Collector. For moreinformation, see Configuration of the data collectors from EDCCSperspective in Configuring PM Data Collectors for Service QualityManager.

The path is set to /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/irp/edccs by default.

object_classes_filter Filters the managed objects of the working sets by their object class. Itmay be a list of several object classes, for example, BTS, BCF, BSC.

The value is empty if no filter is used.

prefix_filter Filters the working sets by a prefix in the working set name. It can be alist of several prefixes, for example SQM_, Test_ (case-sensitive).

The value is empty if no filter is used.

max_events The maximum number of events sent in a sequence.

max_timeout The maximum timeout for sending events to SQM.

7.2.26 sjr<monitoring package prefix>_period.xml

Location: /opt/nokia/oss/conf (original version)

/etc/opt/nokia/oss/custom/conf (editableversion)

Application or process:Working Set (WS) Data Collector

Edit class: CAN_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-r-sr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Configuration file used for assigning period durationsto working sets. It is used if PM Data Collectors areconfigured for multiple measurement periods.

Below you can find an example of the sqm<monitoring package

prefix>_period.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?>


<WorkingSet name="WorkingSet1" periodDuration="60"/>

<WorkingSet name="WorkingSet2"periodDuration="60"/>

<WorkingSet name="WorkingSet3"periodDuration="60"/>

<WorkingSet name="WorkingSet4"periodDuration="60"/>

<WorkingSet name="WorkingSet5"periodDuration="60"/>

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<WorkingSet name="WorkingSet6"periodDuration="60"/>

<WorkingSet name="WorkingSet7"periodDuration="30"/>

<WorkingSet name="WorkingSet8"periodDuration="30"/>



The sjrwsperiodmx.cf file contains all working sets used in SQM Core.The list of working sets is always up-to-date. Existing working sets areremoved automatically from the list and new working sets are addedautomatically to the list.

For each working set, you need to configure the periodDurationparameter manually. The periodDuration determines in whichmeasurement period [in minutes] PM data is provided by the networkelements of the working set. The default periodDuration is 60.

7.3 GUI configuration files

This section details the standard GUI configuration files and the filesprovided for GUI customisation at global, group, and user level. Thestandard GUI configuration is achieved using the following files:

. sjrguimx.cf

. sjrguimx.xml

Customisation of the SQM GUI applications can be achieved by creatingXML configuration files for the global, group, and user level in $ETCROOT/

custom/conf.The following configuration templates are available under$ETCROOT/sqm/conf:

. sjrguimx_custom.xml

. sjrguimx_group_<groupname>.xml

. sjrguimx_user_<username>.xml

Four configuration templates are available for further customisation of theGUI by adding extra functionality in the form of predefined menu items ortoolbar buttons. This customisation can be implemented at the global,group, or user level. The following four configuration templates areavailable under /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf:

. customer-specific-problem-cause-report.xml

. custom-problem-specific-help.xml

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. customer-specific-hp-sn.xml

. customer-specific-trouble-ticket.xml


For more information on customising Service Quality Manager GUIapplications, see 1 Setting preferences for Service Quality Managerapplications in Administering Service Quality Manager.

7.3.1 sjrguimx.cf

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

Application or process:Service Editor, Service Monitor, Problem Inspector,View Composer, Map Tool, Data Collector Toolkit

Edit class: NO_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Configuration file for defining SQM GUI applications,their paths, and their preferences.

Below you can find an example of the sjrguimx.cf file. For anexplanation of all entries, see the table below the example.

(Properties "system"

(apache.server "")

(gui.server "")

(web.server "")

(sqm.in.regional.cluster "")

(nms.id "")

(host.ip "")


Table 39. Explanation of parameters for the sjrguimx.cf file

Parameters Explanation

apache.server This is the domain name or IP address of Apache server, for example,, or nms.du.nokia.com. The Apache server is used tohost the SQM Monitoring Package Help.

gui.server This is the domain name or IP address of GUI server, for example,, or nms.du.nokia.com. The GUI server is used to hostthe SQM Short-term Reporting web interface.

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Table 39. Explanation of parameters for the sjrguimx.cf file (cont.)

Parameters Explanation

web.server This is the domain name or IP address of web server, for example,, or nms.du.nokia.com. The Apache server is used tohost the SQM Monitoring Package Help.

sqm.in.regional.cluster yes indicates that SQM is working in a Regional Cluster; no indicatesthat SQM is working in a Global Cluster.

nmsid Details the NmsID of the NMS where the NetAct application islaunched. The NmsID is configured in the negcnfmx.cf file.

host.ip Details the IP address of the NMS where the NetAct application islaunched.

7.3.2 sjrguimx.xml

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

Application or process:Service Editor, Service Monitor, Problem Inspector,View Composer, Map Tool, Problem Inspector, DataCollector Toolkit

Edit class: NO_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Configuration file for defining SQM GUI applications,their paths, their preferences, and actions. Actionsare used to customise GUI menus (Tools), pop-ups,and the toolbar of GUI applications.

The main GUI settings are managed from the sjrguimx.xml file. TheXML’s root element, configuration, has three child elements:properties, actions and applications. The following figure shows thestructure of the sjrguimx.xml file.

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Figure 12. sjrguimx.xml overview

The properties element comprises multiple property elements whichare used to define system properties required to run the SQM applicationGUIs. For details about the syntax of the property elements, see Section7.3.2.1 properties element. The actions element comprises multipleaction elements, each of which defines the functionality available fromthe SQM application menu and toolbar items. For additional details on thesyntax of the action elements, see Section actions element. Theapplications element comprises a globalPreference element andmultiple applications elements. The globalPreference elementdefines the global GUI preferences. The application elements define theGUI preferences for the individual SQM applications. For additionalinformation on the applications elements, see Section applicationselement.

For more information on configuration templates, see 1 Adding extrafunctionality to the SQM GUI applications in Administering Service QualityManager. properties element

The properties element or section defines the system propertiesrequired by the GUI applications. Each property element can comprise thefollowing attributes:


type = <anonymous>


type = <anonymous>


type = <anonymous>


type = <anonymous>


type = abstractProperty



type = action



type = preferencesType




type = <anonymous>




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. xsi:type

. name

. value

. default value

Nine xsi:type attributes are supported by the sjrguimx.xsd schema.These are detailed in the following table.

Table 40. Attributes of the properties element

xsi:type Explanationsupports multiplevalues

string String property Yes

boolean Boolean property - true or false No

path A path reference. Set of non-white space characters Yes

url URL Yes

number A positive integer No

className A java class name Yes

dimension A [height, width] value where height and width are [0,9]+ No

float A float value No

color A colour value in form Red, Green, Blue No

The name attribute is an unique identifier for the system property. The valueof the property can be specified using the value attribute. In the casewhere an xsi:type supports multiple values, value child elements can beused to specify the multiple values. When placeholders and substitutionsymbols for example, $ETCROOT/sqm/conf, are used for value properties,a default value attribute is also specified; this default value is used in theevent of a substitution failure during configuration validation.

The properties element comprises a number of property childelements. These are described in the following table:

Table 41. Child elements of the properties element

Attribute name Attribute xsi:type Description

PRODUCTROOT path Root path of the NetAct installation. This has thesame value as the PRODUCTROOT environmentvariable.

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Table 41. Child elements of the properties element (cont.)

Attribute name Attribute xsi:type Description

ETCROOT path Root path NetAct installation etc directory. This hasthe same value as the ETCROOT environment variable.

VARROOT path Root path for NetAct installation temporary files. Thishas the same value as the VARROOT environmentvariable.

MYTRACELOGDIR path Tracing directory. This has the same value as theMYTRACELOGDIR environment variable.

work.dir path Directory in the VARROOT where *.state files arestored.

LINAS.SERVER string Server location for the SQM Web Interface and SQMHelp.

OMCHELPDIR path Path to the directory containing the *.eco help filesfor the SQM GUI applications.

SQMBMPATH path Path to the directory containing the bitmaps for theSQM GUI.

CONTENT_PACKAGE_HELP url Defines the URL to request the SQM monitoringpackage help. The URL requests a web pagecontaining links to help documents of the installedSQM monitoring packages.

SQMTIMEZONE string The local time zone. Abbreviations, such as GMT orPST; time zone calculations based on GMT, such asGMT-8:00; and the the full time zone, for example,America/Los_Angeles may be used.

SJR_VIEW_PATH path Path to the directory where all view files are stored.

SJR_MAP_PATH path Path to the directory where all map files are stored.

MAPDATA_PATH path Path to the directory where all source data files formaps, for example, *.dted files are stored.

MAPDATA_URL url Path or URL where all source data for load ondemand files are stored.

SQMHEAPSIZE number Used only in remote mode. Defines the maximumheap size of the JVM, in kilobytes. If the limit isexceeded, additional applications must be started ina new JVM.

SQMFRAMES number Used only in remote mode. Specifies the maximumnumber of application windows per JVM. if the limit isexceeded, additional applications must be started ina new JVM.

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Table 41. Child elements of the properties element (cont.)

Attribute name Attribute xsi:type Description

SQMTRAMPOLINETIMER number Used only in remote mode. Specifies the number ofseconds after which a JVM running in server modeterminates after the last application window hasclosed. Negative values lead to servers that neverterminate, while the value 0 causes servers toterminate immediately after the last applicationwindow is closed.

The following is an example of a properties element.

<property xsi:type="string" name="SQMTIMEZONE" value="Europe/Berlin"/> actions element

The actions element or section defines the functionality available in theSQM GUI applications, in particular, menu items, toolbar buttons, andshortcut menus.

Table 42. action IDs

action id Explanation

launch.service.editor Defines the action for launching the SQM Service Editor applicationincluding specification of a menu mnemonic, tooltip, and a shortcutkey combination.

launch.service.monitor Defines action for launching the SQM Service Monitor applicationincluding specification of a menu mnemonic, a tooltip, and a shortcutkey combination.

launch.problem.inspector Defines action for launching the SQM Problem Inspector applicationincluding specification of a menu mnemonic, a tooltip, and a shortcutkey combination.

launch.view.composer Defines action for launching the SQM View Composer applicationincluding specification of a menu mnemonic and shortcut keycombination.

launch.maptool Defines action for launching the SQM Map Tool application includingspecification of a menu mnemonic, a tooltip, and a shortcut keycombination.



Defines action for launching the SQM Data Collector Toolkitapplication including specification of a menu mnemonic, a tooltip, anda shortcut key combination.

launch.sqm.web.interface Defines action for launching the SQM Web Interface applicationincluding specification of a menu mnemonic, a tooltip, a shortcut keycombination, and the icon displayed on the GUI.

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Table 42. action IDs (cont.)

action id Explanation



Defines the action for launching the SQM Short-term Reportingapplication including specification of a menu mnemonic, a tooltip, ashortcut key combination, and the icon displayed on the GUI.

launch.attribute.report Defines the action for launching the Attribute Report script includingspecification of a menu mnemonic, a tooltip, a shortcut keycombination, and the icon displayed on the GUI.



Defines the action for launching the Problem History Report includingspecification of a menu mnemonic, a tooltip, a shortcut keycombination, and the icon displayed on the GUI.

launch.alarm.monitor Defines the action for launching the NetAct Alarm Monitor applicationincluding specification of a menu mnemonic, a tooltip, and a shortcutkey combination.

launch.alarm.history Defines the action for launching the NetAct Alarm History applicationincluding specification of a menu mnemonic, a tooltip, and a shortcutkey combination.



Defines the action for launching the NetAct Top-level User Interfaceincluding specification of a menu mnemonic, a tooltip, and a shortcutkey combination.

Each action element can be defined using eight attributes. These aredescribed in the following table.

Table 43. Attributes of the Actions element

Element attribute Explanation

id Unique identifier for the attribute. (required)

label Label or name of the menu item or toolbar button. (optional)

class Java class name of the action. The class must be contained in the JavaCLASSPATH in order use the action. (optional)

icon Path and filename of the graphic representing the menu or toolbar button.(optional)

tooltip Text for the embedded user assistance displayed when the pointer is placedabove the menu item or toolbar button. (optional)

mnemonic Emphasised letter in a menu label which when pressed on the keyboard carriesout the corresponding command. (optional)

accelerator Shortcut key combination used to carry out the action without an open menu.(optional)

command Parameter used in conjunction with the class attribute to carry out the action.This command enables the re-usage of java class actions. (optional)

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The following is an example of an actions element

<action id="launch.sqm.web.interface"

label="Web Interface"



tooltip="Web Interface" mnemonic="W"



Some actions require additional attributes. These attributes are not definedin the sjrguimx.xsd schema.

Table 44. Child elements of the attribute element

Attribute xsi:type Explanation

inRegionalCluster boolean Indicates if SQM is running at the Regional Clusterlevel.

host string Details the name of the host where the application islaunched. Names of available hosts are configured inthe negcnfmx.cf file.

nmsId number Details the NmsID of the NMS where the NetActapplication is launched. The nmsId is configured inthe negcnfmx.cf file.

For more information, see System Platform TechnicalReference Guide.

login string The login for the host where the NetAct application islaunched.



boolean Indicates if comma separated list of Internal MO-Class-IDs is used when launching other NetActapplications from a selected service of SQM. When’yes’ is selected, the NetAct applications, whenlaunched directly from SQM, display information forthe MO classes specified in the comma separatedlist. For example, NetAct Alarm Monitor opens withthe active alarms for the specified MO-classes.

filterOutObjects string Used to filter out or block objects from the commaseparated list of Internal MO-Class-IDs whenlaunching other NetAct applications from SQM. Inparticular, PLMN and BTS objects may invoke errorswhen launching other NetAct applications from aselected service of SQM. A comma separated listcan be defined of Internal MO-Class-ID abbreviationsto be blocked.

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Table 44. Child elements of the attribute element (cont.)

Attribute xsi:type Explanation

sendParent string When problematic objects are blocked using thefilterOutObject parameter, the sendParent

parameter enables the Internal MO-Class-IDs of theparent objects of the blocked objects to be usedwhen launching other NetAct applications from aselected service of SQM.

The following is an example of a actions element with additionalattributes specified in attribute child elements.

<action id="launch.alarm.monitor"

label="Alarm Monitor"



tooltip="Launch Alarm Monitor" mnemonic="A"



<attribute xsi:type="boolean" name="inRegionalCluster"

value="${sqm.in.regional.cluster}" />

<attribute xsi:type="string" name="host" value="${host.ip}" />

<attribute xsi:type="number" name="nmsId" value="${nms.id}" />

<attribute xsi:type="string" name="login" value="omc" />

<attribute xsi:type="boolean" name="appendManagedObjectIDs" value="yes" />

<attribute xsi:type="string" name="filterOutObjects" value="PLMN,BTS" />

<attribute xsi:type="string" name="sendParrent" value="BTS" />

</action> applications element

The applications section of the sjrguimx.xml file is used to set the GUIpreferences both globally and for the individual SQM applications. Theapplication element has two subelements, globalPreferences andapplications. In the globalPreferences section, the global GUIpreferences are defined. In the applications section, the GUIpreferences for the individual SQM applications are defined.

The globalPreferences element comprises the following preferenceelements:

Table 45. Global preferences for Service Quality Manager GUI applications

Name xsi:type Explanation

LookAndFeel className Sets the Java look and feel used by SQM GUIapplications.

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Table 45. Global preferences for Service Quality Manager GUI applications(cont.)

Name xsi:type Explanation

WindowSize dimension Defines the default dimension (800,600) of an SQM GUIapplication frame.

The default dimensions can be overwritten in theapplications element for each of the individual applications.

ShowMovingObjects boolean Specifies if objects are to be displayed when movingobjects using a drag and drop procedure in ViewComposer.

AntiAliasing boolean Specifies if SQM views are rendered using anti-aliasing.

DoubleBuffering boolean Specifies if SQM views are rendered using doublebuffering.

ScrollBarIncrement number Defines the scroll bar increment for SQM views.

ZoomFactor float Defines the zoom factor used for zooming in and out inSQM views.

ClearColor colour Colour of the SQM view when no problems are displayed.Value given in RGB.

WarningColor colour Colour used for identifying items with the warning alarmstatus. Value given in RGB.

MinorColor colour Colour used for identifying items with an alarm status ofminor. Value given in RGB.

MajorColor colour Colour used for identifying items with an alarm status ofmajor. Value given in RGB.

CriticalColor colour Colour used for identifying items with a status of critical.Value given in RGB.

DisabledColor colour Colour used for identifying items with monitoring disabled.Value given in RGB.

FilteredOutColor colour Colour used for view items who are filtered in the view.Value given in RGB.

LinkColor colour Colour used for links in the view. Value given in RGB.

The applications elements are used to specify the preferences of theindividual SQM GUIs. An applications element is available for thefollowing SQM GUIs:

. SQM Service Editor

. SQM Service Monitor

. SQM Problem Inspector

. SQM View Composer

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. SQM Map Tool

. SQM Data Collector Toolkit

Each application element has six attributes; described in the table below:

Table 46. application element attributes

Element attribute Explanation

name Name of the SQM GUI application.

id ID used for the SQM GUI application.

class JavaClass implementing the application.

helpFile Name of the *.eco file containing the help tags for the application’s online help.This facilitates correct referencing within the SQM Help.

largeIcon Name of the icon used in the application window.

smallIcon Name of the icon used in the application’s toolbar and menu.

Each SQM GUI application element can have two subelements:actionSet and preferences. The actionSet element defines actionsprovided by the GUI; defined by the actionSet typesmenu, toolbar, andpopup. The preferences element defines the GUI preferences for theSQM application.


The values specified in application element for the individual SQMapplication GUIs overwrite the preferences specified in theGlobalPreferences element. Service Monitor preferences for Service Quality Manager

The preferences element in the application section for the ServiceMonitor provides the following specific preferences:

Table 47. Service Monitor GUI preferences

Preference Description

VerticalLayout Sets the layout of the Service Monitor. Setting the value to yes meansthe problem list can be found below the monitoring view on top.

HideGeographicItems Hides all service items in geographic views without active problems.

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Table 47. Service Monitor GUI preferences (cont.)

Preference Description

HideLogicalItems Hides all service items in logical views without active problems.

HidePrimaryAttributeValue Hides the primary attribute value on logical items and geographic itemswith point representation in views.

FileHistoryLength Maximum number of view file names that are inserted into the Filemenu of the Service Monitor to easily allow reloading a view.

BlinkingEnabled Non-acknowledged problems are visualized on service items in viewsby popping up a problem balloon or by a blinking icon.

BlinkingInterval Defines how often the icons are blinking. A value of 0 disables blinking,even if BlinkingEnabled is set to yes.

MapViewFilter Switches the view pane filter combobox on or off. Filter settings aredefined in $ETCROOT/sqm/conf/sjrfilmx.cf.

DefaultView The default view that is loaded at startup of the Service Monitor.Contains the file name of the view without any path. If an empty stringis configured or if the entry is missing, no view is loaded at startup.

ColoredAttributes Enables or disables the colouring of Attribute Indicators in the AttributeIndicator frame.

If enabled, the current value bar is coloured by the highest severity ofproblem. If disabled, the current value bar is always coloured green.

HighestPriority Only possible values are "5" or "1". Default setting "1" implies that "1" isthe highest priority of a service problem. Priority sorting in problem tableis ascending starting with 1.

Setting the value to 5 means that 5 is the highest priority of a serviceproblem. Priority sorting in problem table is descending starting with 5. Problem Inspector preferences for Service Quality Monitor

The preferences element in the application section for the ProblemInspector provides the following specific preferences.

Table 48. Problem Inspector GUI preferences

Preference Description

NewFrameForDrillDown yes opens a new Problen Inspector frame when performing a drilldown to root cause analysis by double clicking a service or problemevent in the Events that Caused the Problem table. The new frameshows details for the double-clicked service or problem.

no means the same Problen Inspector frame shows details for thedouble clicked service or problem.

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Table 48. Problem Inspector GUI preferences (cont.)

Preference Description

ServiceColoringOnTree Enables coloring of service nodes in the problem tree based on thehighest problem severity.

ServiceClassColoringOnTree Enables coloring of service class nodes in the problem tree basedon the highest problem severity.

Tooltip Enables table tooltips for the Monitored Attributes table, theEvents that Caused the Problem table and the Associated Objects


ShowSenderByObjectName yes means only the object name of the event sender is shown in theSenderName column of the Events that Caused the Problem table.

no means the complete distinguished name of the event sender isshown.

7.3.3 sjrguimx_linux.xml

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf (original version)

Application or process:Service Editor, Service Monitor, Problem Inspector,View Composer, Map Tool, Problem Inspector, DataCollector Toolkit

Edit class: NO_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-rwsr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: Configuration file for providing properties, actions,and applications for SQM. This file contains Linuxspecific entries.

7.3.4 custom-problem-specific-help.xml

The custom-problem-specific-help.xml configuration templateprovides the actions required to start an external application to display helpfor specific problems inside Service Monitor or Problem Inspector. Thisadditional functionality is realised in the form of an additional menu item.The action provides the SQM service instance name and SQM problemclass name of the selected problem as launch parameter for the specifiedscript or executable.

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For more information on configuration templates, see 1 Adding extrafunctionality to the SQM GUI applications in Administering Service QualityManager.


<action id="launch.problem.specific.help"

label="Problem Specific Help"




tooltip="Launch Problem Specific Help for the selected problem"



<attribute xsi:type="string" name="commandString"

value="<external script> -p <ProblemClassName> -s \

<ServiceInstanceName>" />



The application elements in the custom-problem-specific-help.xmlfile defines the new menu items actions to be included in Service Monitorand Problem Inspector.

<application id="monitor">

<actionSet type="menu">

<actionReference refId="launch.problem.specific.help"/>



<application id="inspector">

<actionSet type="menu">

<actionReference refId="launch.problem.specific.help"/>



7.3.5 customer-specific-trouble-ticket.xml

The custom-specific-trouble-ticket.xml configuration templateprovides the actions required to interface with an external Trouble TicketSystem from Service Monitor or Problem Inspector. This additionalfunctionality is available in the form of an additional menu items andtoolbar items. The following functionality is provided by the custom-

specific-trouble-ticket.xml configuration template in SQM ProblemInspector and SQM Service Monitor:

. Launch Trouble Ticket System

This functionality, provided by a menu item and toolbar button,launches the Trouble Ticket system from SQM Problem Inspectorand SQM Service Monitor.

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. Query Trouble Ticket System for Selected Problem

This functionality, provided by a menu item and toolbar button,context-sensitively launches the Trouble Ticket System from SQMProblem Inspector or SQM Service Monitor. This functionality is onlyavailable when a problem is selected in either SQM ProblemInspector or SQM Service Monitor. The ServiceInstanceName ofthe currently selected problem is provided as a launch argument forthe Trouble Ticket System in an XML file containing the requiredproblem specific trouble ticket information. This XML file is stored inthe directory specified by the properties element of tt.xml.path.The create_tt_data.pl PERL script is activated by SQM, readsthe XML file and passes the information to the Trouble TicketSystem.

. Create Trouble Ticket for Selected Problem

This functionality, provided by a menu item and toolbar button,context-sensitively launches the Trouble Ticket System from SQMProblem Inspector or SQM Service Monitor ultimately creating a newtrouble ticket for the selected problem. This functionality is onlyavailable when a problem is selected in either SQM ProblemInspector or SQM Service Monitor. The ServiceInstanceName ofthe currently selected problem is provided as a launch argument forthe Trouble Ticket System in an XML file containing the requiredproblem specific trouble ticket information. This XML file is stored inthe directory specified by the tt.xml.path property element. Thecreate_tt_data.pl PERL script is activated by SQM, reads theXML file, and passes the information to the Trouble Ticket System.

For additional information on the syntax used in the custom-specific-

trouble-ticket.xml configuration template, see Sections element, applications element and propertieselement.

7.3.6 customer-specific-hp-sn.xml

The custom-specific-hp-sn.xml configuration template provides theactions required to start HP OpenView Service Navigator in ServiceMonitor and Problem Inspector. This additional functionality is available inthe form of an additional menu and toolbar items. These actions can onlybe used on the Windows SQM GUI Server if the Combined ISQA Solutionis installed. Three action elements in the custom-specific-hp-sn.xmlconfiguration template provide following functionality:

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1. Launch HP OpenView Service Navigator

This action enables the launch of HP OpenView (HP OVO) ServiceNavigator from SQM Service Monitor and SQM Problem Inspector.To use this action, you must replace HP-OVO-SERVER-NAME with yourHP OVO server name in the value attribute.

2. Launch HP OVO Service Navigator with the ServiceInstanceNameof the selected problem

This action enables the context-sensitive launch of HP OVO ServiceNavigator from SQM Service Monitor and SQM Problem Inspector.The ExeclSQAApplicationBySelectedProblem class is used tolaunch HP OVO Service Navigator by passing theServiceInstanceName of the currently selected problem as alaunch argument. To use this action, you must replace HP-OVO-

SERVER-NAME with your HP OVO server name and USERNAME withthe username for your HP OVO system in the value attribute.

3. Launch HP OVO Service Navigator with the ServiceInstanceNameof the selected service

This action enables the context sensitive launch of HP OVO ServiceNavigator from SQM Service Monitor and SQM Problem Inspector.The ExeclSQAApplicationBySelectedService class is used tolaunch HP OVO Service Navigator by passing theServiceInstanceName of the currently selected service as a launchargument. To use this action, you must replace HP-OVO-SERVER-

NAME with your HP OVO server name and USERNAME with theusername for your HP OVO system in the value attribute.

See Section actions element for additional information on actionelements.

Three application elements in the custom-specific-hp-sn.xmlconfiguration template provide the menu and toolbar items in ProblemInspector and Service Monitor for the three actions described above. SeeSection applications element for additional details on applicationelements.

7.3.7 custom-specific-problem-cause-report.xml

The custom-specific-problem-cause-report.xml configurationtemplate provides the actions to launch a problem-cause report based onany of the following events:

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. Alarm


. Service Indicator

. Problem Indicator

This additional functionality is available in Problem Inspector. You mustselect a problem in Problem Inspector, then select a problem cause in theProblem Cause table, and select the Problem Cause Report item fromthe Tools menu or the toolbar. actions element

The configuration template provides one action element, which can beadded to the actions section of an sjrguimx.xml instance. The actionselement enables launching of an external problem cause reports inresponse to events.

The following is an example of actions element for problem cause reportcustomisation.

<action id="launch.problem.cause.report"

label="Problem Cause Report"



tooltip="Launch Problem Cause Report for selected event"



<attribute xsi:type="string" name="command" value="EXECUTABLE"/>

<attribute xsi:type="boolean" name="showReportOnKPI" value="false"/>

<attribute xsi:type="boolean" name="showReportOnAlarm" value="false"/>

<attribute xsi:type="boolean" name="showReportOnProblemIndicator"


<attribute xsi:type="boolean" name="showReportOnServiceIndicator"



The Problem Cause Report triggers external scripts or executables usingthe following command line:

<script_name> -Type <event_type> -ProblemClass <problem class name> \

-SenderName <event sender name> -IndicatorMame <indicator name> application element

An application element, which can be added to the applications sectionof an sjrguimx.xml instance is also provided to add the customisedaction to the menu and toolbar of Problem Inspector.

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This is an example application element for problem cause reportcustomisation:

<application id="inspector">

<actionSet type="menu">




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8 Where to find more informationService Quality Manager documentation

. For general information on Service Quality Manager, see ServiceQuality Manager Principles.

. For detailed instructions on how to use the Service Quality Managergraphical user interface, see Service Quality Manager Help.

. For more information on administering Service Quality Manager, seeAdministering Service Quality Manager.

. For more information on administering Thresholder and Profiler, seeAdministering Thresholder and Profiler.

. For more information on PM Data Collectors, see Configuring PMData Collectors for Service Quality Manager.

Related NetAct documentation

. For more information on the physical file system structure, seeSystem Platform Technical Reference Guide.

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Appendix A Werlog numbers and related processes

The table below lists werlog numbers in numerical order and theprocesses to which the werlog numbers are related.

Table 49. Werlog numbers and related processes

Werlog number Process

1418 sjrmocmx

Managed Object Data Collector

A060 sjrpmcmx


2G Performance Measurement Data Collector and 3GPerformance Measurement Data Collector

A066 sjrobjmx

Managed Object Loader

A067 g2

Service Quality Manager Reasoning Core

A06A sjrfmcmx

Fault Management Data Collector

A0A9 sjrfmlmx

Fault Management Data Loader

A2CD sjr3gpmx

3G Performance Measurement Data Collector

A2E0 sjrtfcmx

Traffica Data Collector

A3FF sjrnbsmx

Service Quality Manager Northbound Interface

A3FFA1 sjrnbsadminmx

Service Quality Manager northbound administrator

A3FFC1 sjrnbcmx

Service Quality Manager northbound client agent

A45C sjrsbimx

Service Quality Manager Southbound Interface

A45CA1 sjrsbiadminmx

Service Quality Manager southbound administrator

A4AA sjrwsc2gmx, sjrwsc3gmx

Working Set Data Collector

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Table 49. Werlog numbers and related processes (cont.)

Werlog number Process

A4E0 sjrEDCCSystem.pl

Enhanced Data Collector Configuration System

A6B1 sjrthrcpmx


A6B2 sjrpr_dbacmx, sjrpro_mastermx


A645 sjrdcbmx

SQM CORBA bridge

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Appendix B Automatically generated files of EDCCS

B.1 sjrpmcdatobmx_<n>.cf


The configuration file is generated automatically by the Enhanced DataCollector Configuration System (EDCCS). For more information onEDCCS, see Configuring the PM Data Collectors for Service QualityManager.

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf

Application or process:Performance Measurement (PM) Data Collectors

Edit class: NO_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-r-xr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: This is the configuration file of the data objects. Itdescribes the counters and KPIs and theircharacteristics. It also contains configuration data,which enables communication between the parserand the data collector. It can be divided into thefollowing two data types:. miscellaneous configuration data, containing

four configurable entries. configuration data of the data objects, which the

user can define


The file generates a so-called header file,sjr3gpdatobmx_template_<n>.cf (for the 3G PM DC) orsjrpmcdatobmx_template_<n>.cf (for the 2G PM DC). Theconfiguration of some general parameters, for example,input_directory, can be set in the header file, and these parametersare automatically set in the generated sjrpmcdatobmx_<n>.cf. Theseheader files are located under /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf.

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The table below explains the entries in the configuration file.

Table 50. Explanation of parameters for the sjrpmcdatobmx_<n>.cf file

Parameters Explanation

name Name of the object.

Each object must have a distinct name. The characters that areallowed are a-zA-Z0-9, and the name must not begin with a digit.Objects which are not used in formulas can also have a dash - in theirnames.

source Originating source of the data.

The PM Data Collector finds first all the managed objects which matchthe key that is defined in the source entry. The key is defined in thesjr3gpmotopmx.cf/sjrpmcmotopmx.cf file.

storage The number of values (data points) that are stored in the DBM file.

hist The length of the history buffer. It can be defined in minutes (60m),hours (1h), or as a number of data points (4).

send Description of the values that are sent:. 0: do not send. 1: minimum value is sent. 2: maximum value is sent. 3: current/last value is sent. 4: sum value is sent. 5: average value is sent

trob_class Transient object class(es). The last class may contain neither name nordash, for example SEGR-unknown/MMSE, SEGR-/MMSE, MMDO.

trob_instance Specific instance of a transient object.

thresholdValue Defines the value used as threshold for the KPI, for example 20, 2.5.

thresholdCompOp Compare operator for the threshold. Possible values are: >, >=, =, <=,and <.

completeness Defines at KPI level the completeness of the KPI calculation that mustbe met before the KPI is sent to SQM.

If not set, the value of the kpi_completeness is taken.

MissingDataAction Defines the action that the PM Data Collectors must take if the PMvalues are missing. Possible entries are:. setDefaultValue: Sets a default value for the KPI or counter whose

value is missing. The default value must be defined in thedefaultValue parameter.

. notification: Sends a PM notification rather than the KPI to SQMindicating that the PM values are missing.

. ignore: Does not send the KPI to SQM (default).

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Table 50. Explanation of parameters for the sjrpmcdatobmx_<n>.cf file(cont.)

Parameters Explanation

DefaultValue An arbitrary number as default value for a KPI or counter. The defaultvalue is sent to SQM if one of the following conditions is fulfilled:. The missingDataAction parameter is set to setDefaultValue for the

KPI or counter.. A division-by-zero error occurs during the calculation of the KPI


By default, this parameter is not set. You must configure theparameter to handle situations of the listed conditions.

formula The formula used for calculating the value.

Formulas are constructed from factors and constants. Normal arithmeticoperations are supported: +, -, *, /, and ().

input_directory Gives the directory from which the collector receives its input data.


There is a corresponding entry (output_directory) in thesjrpmcascpamx.cf file and these two entries must be configured tobe equal.

marker_server This is the CORBA object name, which can be given to the server sothat it can be distinguished from other PM Data Collectors possiblyrunning on the same server.

auto_reconf Enables or disables the automatic reconfiguration of the PM DataCollector. By default it is enabled and automatic reconfiguration occursonce a day (at 23:45).

dataseq_size Defines the number of the PM data elements which are sent in one go.The built-in default is 10000.

kpi_completeness Defines at global level the completeness of the KPI calculation thatmust be met before the KPI is sent to SQM.



Sends notifications concerning the missing PM values to SQM even ifthe PM values are just delayed. Possible entries are yes (default) orno.

For more information on missing PM values, see Configuring the PMData Collectors for Service Quality Manager.

refValue Name of an object that is configured as a separate object.

refValueThresholdValue Defines the value that is used as threshold for the refValue, forexample 20, 2.5. Use only in combination with a given threshold for aKPI.

refValueThresholdCompOp Compares operators for the refValue threshold. The possible valuesare: >, >=, =, <=, and <.

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The sjrpmcdatobmx_<n>.cf file defines the data objects, the countersand KPIs, and their characteristics used by the PM Data Collector. Eachtime the PM Data Collector receives new data from the ASCII interface, thePM ASCII parser process writes a modified data file into the specifieddirectory. As soon as the PM Data Collector notices this data file, it makesthe data objects update their data.

Formula entry

The formula is comprised of factors and constants. All the normalarithmetic operations, +, -, *, /, and (), are supported. The factors definethe data sources, the counters or in some cases meta-KPIs, from whichdata is retrieved.

The factor does not name the data sources directly, but it is expanded intoa list of real counters or meta-KPIs at the startup of the PM Data Collector.The factor is constructed of two mandatory parts and one optional part. Ingeneral, a factor is defined as prefix:name:valuetype. The entries areexplained below:

. name (mandatory) is the name of the counter or meta-KPI, but it doesnot contain any reference to any managed object from which it iscoming.

. valuetype (mandatory) defines what type of value is retrieved.

. prefix (optional) is used to referring to objects from otherhierarchical levels, for example to retrieve data from BTS level toBSC level. If there is no prefix defined, the data source is the objectitself.

If a prefix is used, it is used to creating a list of data sources fromwhich data is retrieved while evaluating the formula. The prefix (orsource, if there is no prefix) must match one of the keys in themanaged objects' configuration file, sjrpmcmotopmx_<n>.cf.

Basic value types for formulas

The basic value types used in the formulas are listed in the table below.

Table 51. Basic value types for formulas

Value types Explanation

:l Returns the minimum value of the data object.

:h Returns the maximum value of the data object.

:c Returns the current/last value of the data object.

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Table 51. Basic value types for formulas (cont.)

Value types Explanation

:s Returns the sum value of the data object.

:a Returns the average value of the data object.

These types are the same as the statistics kept in the object (see above).The basic value types except for the sum (:s) are meaningful only if thefactor is a single object factor, that is, when it does not combine severaldata sources.

Extended value types for formulas

The extended value types used in the formulas are listed in the tablebelow.

Table 52. Extended value types for formulas

Value types Explanation

:A It is used for calculating averages of expressions. It can be used for calculatingaverages of formulas which contain addition and subtraction. If this value type is used,no other operations are recommended for the object. This can mean that the dataobject is a so called meta-KPI, which is used for calculating the real KPI.

:R It is used calculate averages of expressions row by row. It can be used for calculatingaverages of formulas which contain multiply and divide. This operation reads valuesrow by row from configured data objects, and calculates the average. If this value typeis used, no other operations are recommended for the object. This can mean that thedata object is a so called meta-KPI, which is used for calculating the real KPI.

:r It is used for calculating sums of expressions row by row. It can be used forcalculating sums of formulas which contain multiply and divide. This operation readsvalues row by row from configured data objects, and calculates the sum value. If thisvalue type is used, no other operations are recommended for the object. This canmean that the data object is so called meta-KPI, which is used for calculating the realKPI.

:L It is used to get the row by row minimum of some formulas. It does not sum values,but returns the single minimum value of such an operation. For example, if :L is usedto get BTS counters to the BSC level, it returns the minimum of some BTS. If thisvalue type is used, no other operations are recommended for the object.


If the minimum of sum of all the BTSs is wanted, a hierarchical approach is necessary.

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Table 52. Extended value types for formulas (cont.)

Value types Explanation

:H It is used to get the row by row maximum of some formulas. It does not sum values,but returns the single maximum value of such an operation. For example, if :H is usedto get BTS counters to the BSC level, it returns the maximum of some BTS. If thisvalue type is used, no other operations are recommended for the object.


If the maximum of sum of all the BTSs is wanted, a hierarchical approach isnecessary.

Examples of formulas

Example formula for the tch_succ_seiz data object:

(name "tch_succ_seiz"

(source "BTS_1112")

(hist "9")

(send "0")


Example formula for the tch_radio_fail data object:

(name "tch_radio_fail"

(source "BTS_1112")

(hist "9")

(send "0")


To handle the missing PM values a KPI can be defined as shown in thefollowing example formula for the bts_kpi data object :

(name "bts_kpi"

(source "BTS_1112")

(hist "3")

(send "3")

(missingDataAction "setDefaultValue")

(defaultValue "0")

(formula "tch_succ_seiz:R / tch_radio_fail:R")


In the example above, a bts_kpi KPI is defined. If the values for one ofthe counters tch_succ_seiz or tch_radio_fail are missing, the defaultvalue 0 is sent as a KPI to SQM.

The following example formula defines two counters for some number ofmanaged objects (BTSs) described by the key BTS_1112:

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(name "bts_kpi"

(source "BTS_1112")

(hist "3")

(send "3")

(formula "tch_succ_seiz:h-tch_radio_fail:l")


The above example formula defines a KPI for some number of managedobjects (BTSs) described by the key BTS_1112. The formula is theminimum value of tch_radio_fail subtracted from the maximum value oftch_succ_seiz.

The following example formula defines a KPI for some number ofmanaged objects (BTSs) described by the key BTS_1112. The formula isthe average value of tch_succ_seiz divided by the average value oftch_radio_fail.

(name "bts_kpi"

(source "BTS_1112")

(hist "3")

(send "3")

(formula "tch_succ_seiz:a / tch_radio_fail:a")


The above average value of tch_succ_seiz divided by the average valueof tch_radio_fail is different from the following example formula, whichdefines the average value of all the divisions between tch_succ_seiz andtch_radio_fail.

(name "bts_kpi"

(source "BTS_1112")

(hist "3")

(send "3")

(formula "tch_succ_seiz:R / tch_radio_fail:R")


If the formula to calculate the KPI is complex, you can calculate the KPI insteps. Performing the calculation step-by-step means dividing the KPIsfirst into meta-KPIs and combining the results into the final KPI object.

For example, avg(cntr1 * cntr2) / avg(cntr2 – cntr4) would requiretwo meta-KPIs: one for avg(cntr1 * cntr2) and the other for avg(cntr2– cntr4), and combining the results of these into the final KPI.

It is also possible to calculate KPIs at a lower level explicitly, and combinethe results at the upper level. The same effect can be achieved by usingprefixed factors, but sometimes you can use a hierarchical approach incalculations.

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B.2 sjrpmcmotopmx_<n>.cf


The configuration file is generated automatically by Enhanced DataCollector Configuration System (EDCCS). For more information onEDCCS, see Configuring PM Data Collectors for Service QualityManager.

Location: /etc/opt/nokia/oss/sqm/conf

Application or process:Configuration file of managed objects

Edit class: NO_EDIT

Permissions: -rw-r-xr--

Owner: omc:sysop

Description: This is the configuration file of the managed objects.It gives a mapping between the managed objects anda key to those objects.

The table below explains the entries in the sjrpmcmotopmx_<n>.cfconfiguration file:

Table 53. Explanation of parameters in the sjrpmcmotopmx_<n>.cf file

Parameters Explanation

use_extended_descriptions If use_extended_descriptions is not defined or is FALSE,all the descriptions are automatically anchored to the end ofthe string.

There are no predefined keys here in theManaged Object section. The keys areused in the data objects' configuration fileto denote the objects when creating dataobjects.

This is used to describe all the managed objects. Id-fieldis used as a key to managed objects, which are describedwith regular expressions.

Using regular expressions with managed objects

Managed objects can be described with regular expressions. The firstcharacter of the regular expression must be "#". Regular expressions areas in egrep, with the following exceptions:

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. The meta-character ($) matches the null character.

Note that in egrep, $ matches the newline character.

. Newline characters are treated as ordinary characters

. 0, 1, ... 9, subexpression references are allowed.

Normally, these managed object descriptions are automatically anchoredto the end of the string, but if you wish to do the anchoring yourself, there isan entry in the configuration file for that (use_extended_descriptions).All the other entries in this file are defined by the user. The basic idea is tocreate keys to the managed objects.

On the left hand side, the keys are defined as id fields and on the righthand side, the managed objects are defined as value fields. The keys areused in the configuration file of the data objects to relate counters or KPIsto the managed objects.

While describing the managed objects, you must use such a namingconvention that the object class can be resolved. That is, the object classis determined between the right most slash (/) and the following dash (-).In the first example, the correct naming convention has been used:



Some useful regular expressions to be used with managed objects are:

. .+ , which matches any character one or more times

. character class ranges, for example [a-z], [0-9]

. (foo│bar) for denoting foo or bar

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