DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.08 May 2017 2016-2017 Officers DMM Governor Terry Gorman DMM Secretary/Treas. Lori Cook International President Jim Kondrasuk Great Plains Region VP Sue Fix DMM Governor Elect Kevin Hammell DMM Immediate Past Governor Ken Schulz What you’ll find in this issue…. 3rd Qtr Results .................... page 9 CCDHH................................ page 7 Club Anniversaries .............. page 3 Club News ........................... page 3 Contestant Privacy .............. page 9 Conv Registration ...... pages 13&14 Did you read? ...................... page 9 DMM/OI Gatherings............. page 2 Donated Purses ................... page 9 East St Paul Recap ........... page 12 Essay Contest ..................... page 7 April Sponsors ..................... page 6 Gov Gorman’s Greetings ..... page 1 Growth / Membership .......... page 5 Images from 3rd Qtr ............. page 8 Important Deadlines ............. page 5 Minot Optimists Serve ........ page 10 OI Elections........................ page 11 OIJGC MB Entry Form ....... page 18 OIJGC MB Poster .............. page 17 OIJGC US Entry Form ....... page 16 OIJGC US Flyer ................. page 15 Optimist Creed ..................... page 3 Oratorical Contest ................ page 7 Rebecca Butler Mona ........ page 12 Reminders............................ page 4 Sandy Cyphers .................. page 11 Strategic Planning .............. page 11 Vermillion Sells Pies .......... page 10 Who’s Up Next? ................... page 4 Governor Gorman’s Greetings Welcome to May! May? It feels more like March 1st? It’s raining, snowing and just not nice weather for May 1 st , May Day. Well in a few days it will be back to normal spring weather, whatever that may be. We just finished an extraordinary 3 rd Quarter meeting in St Cloud. We had about 70 members in attendance. On Fri- day evening we heard the Oratorical finalists present their speeches. Wow! We all, were very impressed. I’m always amazed how you can give these young folks a topic to develop and write about and none are even close to having similar ideas or thoughts on the topic. They were all very origi- nal, thought provoking and well delivered ideas. After the contest we were able to spend a little time with the students and their parents at the pizza party. They can really put away the pizza. On Saturday morning we started early with breakfast and an opportunity to par- ticipate in a get to know your fellow Optimist friends with a round table discus- sion. Later Ken Schulz handed out dozens of awards to clubs and members for their outstanding performance during our last Optimist year. And we topped the breakfast gathering off by seeing Ken being presented with his Distinguished (Connued on page 2)

DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the

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Page 1: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the

DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.08 May 2017

2016-2017 Officers

DMM Governor Terry Gorman

DMM Secretary/Treas.

Lori Cook

International President

Jim Kondrasuk

Great Plains Region VP

Sue Fix

DMM Governor Elect

Kevin Hammell

DMM Immediate Past Governor

Ken Schulz

What you’ll find in this issue….

3rd Qtr Results .................... page 9

CCDHH................................ page 7

Club Anniversaries .............. page 3

Club News ........................... page 3

Contestant Privacy .............. page 9

Conv Registration ...... pages 13&14

Did you read? ...................... page 9

DMM/OI Gatherings ............. page 2

Donated Purses ................... page 9

East St Paul Recap ........... page 12

Essay Contest ..................... page 7

April Sponsors ..................... page 6

Gov Gorman’s Greetings ..... page 1

Growth / Membership .......... page 5

Images from 3rd Qtr ............. page 8

Important Deadlines ............. page 5

Minot Optimists Serve ........ page 10

OI Elections........................ page 11

OIJGC MB Entry Form ....... page 18

OIJGC MB Poster .............. page 17

OIJGC US Entry Form ....... page 16

OIJGC US Flyer ................. page 15

Optimist Creed ..................... page 3

Oratorical Contest ................ page 7

Rebecca Butler Mona ........ page 12

Reminders............................ page 4

Sandy Cyphers .................. page 11

Strategic Planning .............. page 11

Vermillion Sells Pies .......... page 10

Who’s Up Next? ................... page 4

Governor Gorman’s Greetings Welcome to May! May? It feels more like March 1st? It’s raining, snowing and just not nice weather for May 1st, May Day. Well in a few days it will be back to normal spring weather, whatever that may be. We just finished an extraordinary 3rd Quarter meeting in St Cloud. We had about 70 members in attendance. On Fri-day evening we heard the Oratorical finalists present their speeches. Wow! We all, were very impressed. I’m always amazed how you can give these young folks a topic to develop and write about and none are even close to having similar ideas or thoughts on the topic. They were all very origi-nal, thought provoking and well delivered ideas. After the contest we were able to spend a little time with the students and their parents at the pizza party. They can really put away the pizza. On Saturday morning we started early with breakfast and an opportunity to par-ticipate in a get to know your fellow Optimist friends with a round table discus-sion. Later Ken Schulz handed out dozens of awards to clubs and members for their outstanding performance during our last Optimist year. And we topped the breakfast gathering off by seeing Ken being presented with his Distinguished

(Continued on page 2)

Page 2: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the


DMM / OI Gatherings

99th OI Convention July 6-8, 2017

Albuquerque, NM

4th Quarter DMM Conv. August 10-12, 2017 Canad Inn Winnipeg, MB Sponsor Clubs Needed: 1st and 3rd Quarter DMM Gatherings for 2017-2018 Please contact: Incoming Governor Kevin Hammell [email protected]

100th OI Convention July 7-10, 2018 Ottawa, Ontario 4th Quarter DMM Conv. August xx-xx, 2018 Rochester, MN

DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.08 May 2017

Editor: Curt Sandberg

THANKS to everyone that submitted articles for this newsletter. For those who wish to submit articles for future issues, please email them to me at [email protected] by the 27th of each month. Thank you!

Governor ring. Congratulation Ken on attaining Distinguished Governor and other accolades for a job more that well done to lead the DMM to another Dis-tinguished District recognition.

Mid-morning Saturday we took a break from the meeting to hear the CCDHH students present their speeches for the Communications Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing contest. Again the speeches were well thought-out, written and practiced numerous times before their delivery at the contest in front of par-ents, siblings, Optimist members and of course the judges. Again we were all wowed! These young scholars prove that the younger generation is preparing to take on the serious challenges of leadership of the future. At lunch the winners of the three communication contests were announced; Essay, Oratorical and CCDHH. Each of the students rose and again delivered their award winning prose. The winners received a $2500 scholarship from the OI Foundation, for a total of $10,000 for the DMM District winners. Our Oratorical winner will be go-ing on to St Louis University in mid-June to compete in the Regional and World contests where she could win additional $20,000 in scholarship monies.

The state of the DMM is very good. We have built two new clubs one in Rose-ville and Lakeville, MN suburbs of the Twin Cities. We also were advised of a new club being built in Harrisburg, SD and several others that were a gathering steam in MN and ND. We have brought in about 223 new members into the district, which means we’ll be reaching out and engaging about 7,800 more youth. At this time we are down 32 members from start of the year. We all need to help to continue to grow our membership to continue to support our youth and communities. Please ask a friend, neighbor or colleague to come to a club event and see how they can make a difference by bringing out the best in youth, our communities and ourselves. From a sign I read in a Jimmy Johns sandwich shop.: “If you don’t ask, the answer is always NO!” So “Just Ask”. Clubs and individuals continue to enthusiastically and monetarily support the OI Founda-tions and Childhood Cancer Campaigns — please continue your support.

I’m happy to report that all our clubs financial obligations are up-to-date with OI and the district. Thank You!

At our Lt Governors Zone meetings a number of zones voted on a new Lt Gov-ernor for next year. This along with others, stepping up to take leadership posi-tions, will keep the DMM strong and help Kevin Hammell fill out his leadership team. It was reported that Dave Martin from the Sioux Falls Sioux Valley club has put his hat and heart in the ring to lead the DMM District for 2018-19 year.

After lunch we returned to our meeting to hear two very good presenter’s talk about Estate Planning and a new club financial software program that is free for clubs to use. More information on both of these topics can be found on the

Governor Gorman’s Greetings (Continued from page 1)

(Continued on page 4)

Page 3: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the




from club bulletins

SOUTH WINNIPEG — $1,000 was given to Sakata Thundersky to support Churchill High School students travel to Quebec City, Montreal, and Ottawa. BISMARCK — supplied 3,000 eggs for an Easter Egg Hunt on the ND Capital grounds—the first time it’s been done in 10 years. Over 500 kids took part. They will also be enhancing their park for summer users and getting ready for Ave of Flags. ROCHESTER — their Kwik Trip gas card fundraiser continues, they toured the Mayo Civic Center construction site, and did their Road Cleanup, too. WATERTOWN — celebrated their 41st Anniversary, participated in the city wide Litter Blitz clean up effort, and successfully obtained a $4,000 grant to repair their Winter Wonderland entrance arch which Mother Nature badly damaged. Bicycle Safety Inspections are planned at six schools in May. PRIOR LAKE-SAVAGE— helped pack meals for Feed My Starving Children along with a $1,000 do-nation. They are also exploring a donation of up to $13,000 for Five Hawks Playground Equipment. NORTWEST SUBURBAN — Re-membered the passing of long-time / very active member Bob Chamberland. They are busy planning the Gala in May, Take a Kid Fishing and Fishing For Life in June, and Golden Valley Safety Camp in August. BROOKINGS — held their annual SDSU/Brookings Optimist Jazz

(Continued on page 9)

DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.08 May 2017

OI Pres. Kondrasuk’s Logo

The Optimist Creed

Promise Yourself

To be so strong that nothing can

disturb your peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness and pros-

perity to every person you meet.

To make all your friends feel that

there is something in them.

To look at the sunny side of every-

thing and make your optimism

come true.

To think only of the best, to work

only for the best, and to expect

only the best.

To be just as enthusiastic about the

success of others as you are about

your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past

and press on to the greater

achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at

all times and give every living crea-

ture you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the im-

provement of yourself that you

have no time to criticize others.

To be too large for worry, too noble

for anger, too strong for fear, and

too happy to permit the presence of


Club Anniversaries During May Richfield May 21, 1958

Grand Forks May 10, 1972

Worthington May 21, 1973

Wahpeton May 1, 1975

Luverne May 23, 1978

Bismarck Central Dakota May 8, 1997

Sakakawea May 19, 2014

Devils Lake May 18, 2016

Page 4: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the


DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.08 May 2017

Reminders . . .

May 20 Sec/Treas Report incoming officers to OI

June 5 Registration Deadline for Manitoba Optimist Junior Open, Winnipeg, MB

9 Registration Deadline for OIJGC US Tournament, Bismarck, ND

30 Sec/Treas Complete roster additions before quarter end

Who's up next? New Officer report due May 20

Ok, I know we're only half-way through the current year – and we've got lots of work to do to finish up strong, but we also need to focus one eye on the future, so we need to start planning now! First up, is club elections for president and the appointment of secretary, treasurer and OI Foundation representative. That election report is due in OI by May 20. Why so early? OI and the DMM need to start preparing di-rectories and making sure new officers start receiving their training materi-als. How about a summer social? What better way to energize your members than to plan another great youth project while enjoying the company of your members and their significant others? Have you ever thought about having a welcome back to school party for the kids, especially those entering high school and entering junior high or middle school? It's a great way to introduce your club to the kids in the area and let them know Optimists are “all about kids”. Visit another club - and recall how much fun Optimists have when we get together. It's also a great opportunity to exchange club (project) success stories. Get some new ideas? Recruit an educator - remember the special OI incentive to recruit anyone involved in education during April, May and June for only $30 for one calendar year. That's the “where” do I find new members answer. The “how” is simply ask those who are involved in special activities with kids, and the “where” is the baseball field, the school “open gyms” and the summer parks and rec offices and activities they schedule. And remember - enjoy summer, recharge your batteries to keep “Bringing Out the Best in Kids”. Yours in Optimism, Dave Martin, DMM Club Fitness Chair

DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary.

Our next meeting is the convention in Winnipeg. The Canadians are planning a fun meeting with many activities to make and renew friendships and recharge your Optimist batteries.

If you have a topic of interest that you would like to hear more about at the convention please let me know. I want you to have the very best and most informative convention we can present for you.

Terry Gorman, DMM Governor

Governor Gorman’s Greetings (Continued from page 2)

Page 5: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the


DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.08 May 2017

Growth / Membership — Happy May Day! I was not happy to wake up to 3 or more inches of snow this morning! But, by the afternoon it was all gone and the sun is now shining brightly. My tulips are done for, but the trees are showing great color. I always marvel at their strength, much like Optimists! So, fellow Optimists, let’s show our resilience and GROW! A few branches may have been trimmed, but the trunk is still healthy and strong. New branches are sprouting, filled with signs of new refreshing life. We added 27 new members in April, reaching 945 Youth! Sponsors and their clubs are listed on page 6. Check it out. Good work...let's keep it going and growing!

Giving Remarkable Optimists Wanted. Make the rest of the year explode with new additions!

Gita Hendricks – DMM Growth Chair Together We Can!

Important Deadlines / Reminders

Club Officer – Elect Report Clubs dues May 20th Club Secretary-Treasurer’s, please submit a Club Officer Elect Report, either on the official form or electronically, to the International Office to later than May 20 or immediately after a change occurs. By submitting this infor-mation your new club officers will receive important leadership information in a timely manner. The names and addresses of the President – Designate and Secretary –Treasurer – Designate are to be reported on this form. To access the form electronically, go to www.optimistleaders.org.

JOI Club Election Report Club Secretary-Treasurer’s - Clubs that sponsor JOI and / or Octagon Clubs must file Officer-Elect reports by May 30.

Club meeting place Information Review Club Secretary-Treasurer’s please go online at Optimist Leaders <www.optimistleaders.org> and logon. Then review your Club’s meeting place, update and time information as needed.

OIJGC / Junior Golf Please also remember to register your youth golfers for the U.S, or Canadian youth golf competitions in June. The Canadian tournament is chaired by Fred Urso from the Seven Oaks Club in Winnipeg and will be held June 10 & 11 at the Larters at St. Andrews Golf Club in St Andrews. The U.S. tournament is being chaired by Andrew Engelmann from the Bismarck club and will be held in Bismarck on June 16th at the Riverwood Golf Course. An-drew and Fred are looking for donations from clubs or individuals to help pay for the program. District winners advance to an international tournament in Florida. Please help them out. The Manitoba Optimist Junior Open details can be found on pages 17 & 18; US OIJGC details and registration form is on pages 15 & 16. Entry forms for both tournaments can be found on the DMM web site. Terry Gorman, DMM Governor

Page 6: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the


DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.08 May 2017

Growth / Membership — April 2017 Sponsors

Gita Hendricks – DMM Growth Chair Together We Can!

Thanks to these members for sharing their Optimism this month # Children YTD

Club: 35014 - BISMARCK, ND (Zone: 3)

Amanda Bakkedahl 35 70

Jerry Haas 35 70

Club: 35096 - JAMESTOWN, ND (Zone: 3)

Dell Horn 35

Club: 35116 - NOON-BLACK HILLS, SD (Zone: 5)

Donald R Stover 70 175

Club: 35120 - MORNING-RAPID CITY, SD (Zone: 5)

Mark Herreid 105

Club: 35158 - SPEARFISH, SD (Zone: 5)

Rich Loose 35 70

Club: 35224 - DEADWOOD-LEAD, SD (Zone: 5)

Tera Mau 35

Patricia Asmussen 70

Tim Kosters 35

Club: 35216 - MITCHELL AREA, SD (Zone: 6)

Abbey A Guenthner 35

Club: 35150 - SIOUX FALLS MORNING (SFMO), SD (Zone: 7)

Nate DeJong 35

Thomas W Parliman 35 105

Club: 35151 - SIOUX FALLS-SIOUX VALLEY, SD (Zone: 7)

Gita Hendricks 70

Club: 35231 - VERMILLION, SD (Zone: 7)

Dennis Steffen 105

Keith Emerson Jr 35

Club: 35171 - WORTHINGTON, MN (Zone: 8)

Jarett Hanten 35

Club: 35130 - CENTRAL MINNESOTA NOON INC., MN (Zone: 9)

FOO - Gasperlin 35

Club: 35051 - EDEN PRAIRIE, MN (Zone: 10)

Ryan D Affolter 35

Club: 35140 - ST PAUL, MN (Zone: 11)

Jeri M Gorman 35

Kate Delessio 35

Total number of children reached this month! 945

Page 7: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the


DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.08 May 2017

Back row left to right: Felix, North Suburban; Jacob, Bloomington [2nd Place], Emily, North Suburban [1st Place]; Kailee, Vermillion; Nina, St Paul. Front row left to right: Kelsey, Bran-don, SD; Alice, Bloomigton; Thom-as, St Paul; Anne, New Ulm; Rylie, Bismarck. Photo by Dave Nichols

The 57 Optimist Clubs in Manitoba, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota have just completed their annual Oratorical Contest for contestants under the age of 18. This year’s title was “What the World Gains from Optimism”. Contestants compete in their local Optimist Club com-petition with the 1st and 2nd place winners moving on to the Zone Contests competing against other club win-ners. Two Zone Contest winners from each of the par-ticipating zones moved on to the District Contest April 29 in St. Cloud. The two winners of the District Contest were Emily [sponsored by the North Suburban Optimist Club], and Jacob [sponsored by the Bloomington Breakfast Opti-mist Club] who each won a $2,500 scholarship to the college of their choice. Emily will move on to the Optimist International Re-gional Contest competing against 5 other District win-ners for a $5,000 scholarship. That winner competes in the Optimist International World Contest against seven other Regional winners for a $15,000, $10,000, and $5,000 scholarship to the college of their choice.

CCDHH Contestants Left to right: Charles, St Cloud Morning; Catherine, Sioux Falls Morning; Lindsey, St Paul [$2,500 Scholarship winner]; Isaiah, Fargo, CCDHH Chair Ginny and DMM Governor Terry. Photo by Ken Munch

DMM Essay Chair, Jeri is pictured with our 2017 winner of a $2,500 scholar-ship — Hailie, sponsored by the

Photo by Ken Munch St Cloud Optimist Club. The following Optimist Clubs had Essay contests and entered their club winners in the District contest: North Dakota; Grand Forks, Bismarck South Dakota; Brookings, Sioux Falls, Mitchell, Bran-don Valley, Sioux Valley, Vermillion Manitoba; Brandon, St. Boniface, South Winnipeg. Minnesota; St Cloud Morning, Central Minnesota noon, West St Paul, Glen Lake, Prior Lake, New Ulm, St Paul, Eden Prairie

Page 8: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the


DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.08 May 2017

DMM 3rd Quarter Gathering Images: St Cloud, April 28-29, 2017 Ken Munch Photos

Oratorical winner: Emily CCDHH Winner: Lindsey

Abby Riegelman, Bennie-Johnnie Club, receives incentives for spon-soring 22 new members from Gov Terry Gorman.

Left to right: Six First Timers with Gary Lambert and Gov Terry Gorman. Jack & Cheryl Dyvig share their 8th Wedding Anniversary cake with us!

Distinguished District Jo-Anne Pelzer presents Ken Schulz with his Distinguished Governor ring and he awards her the Distinguished Dis-trict Secretary / Treasurer citation.

Outstanding District OIF Rep for 2015-2016: Jeri Gorman!

Page 9: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the


3rd Quarter Results Jim Bisek reported 79 Optimists and VIPs from 28 different clubs were in St Cloud the last weekend in April for the DMM 3rd Qtr Gathering. In addition, there were fourteen scholarship contestants and 31 guests, i.e. parents, siblings, teachers, and coaches. Attendees donated 122 Towels / Wash Cloths to the Salvation Army Shelter and the Teen Out Reach program for Homeless Youth during the 3rd Qtr meeting in St Cloud. Thanks to all who supported this effort. Linda Grulke reported collecting $1,450 for Childhood Cancer from club donations and sales of GOLD CCC items. Boutique sales totaled $265. Carmen Bakken reported fundraising support for OIF as follows: $ 258.33 sucker sales $ 36.00 fines $1,380.00 club donations $ 415.00 silent auction $ 101.00 basket auction $ 126.50 Dime-A-Days $ 2,316.83 Total USD Plus. . . . $ 56.00 Total Canadian

Contestant Privacy Please note: Out of respect for scholarship contestant’s privacy and in an attempt to reduce potential threats associated with the internet, only first names and the clubs that sponsored them have been listed. Last names and their schools have intentionally been avoided in the photo captions on the prior two pages.

DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.08 May 2017

Purse Collection Thank you to everyone who brought purses to the third quarter meeting for the WPC purse swap at the OI Con-vention. 74 purses, 7 wallets and 8 cosmetic bags were collected for the purse swap Jeri Gorman DMM OIF / WPC Rep

Festival, had 60 attend their Re-spect For Law luncheon where they honored an “Officer of the Year,” and are busy planning their Trout Extravaganza in May and Kite Festival in June. RICHFIELD — a speaker informed them of her work with extreme pov-erty in Ghana and another on the topic of Senior Scams. They sup-ported the Richfield High School food shelf, are prepping for their Ave of Flags, and will serve hot dogs at Cub Foods on Memorial Day and July 4th as fundraisers. WORTHINGTON — club members stuffed 8,344 Easter eggs in one hour fifteen minutes to supply their Easter Egg Hunt that served 400 kids. They will participate in Brew-ster’s Bike Safety in May and will contribute 2/boys and 2/girls bikes to that project. The Optimist Fish-ing Derby will be held in June. WEST ST PAUL — WSP Sings, Optimist of the Year judging, and a cash machine for City Hall Open House are items on their agenda. GRAND FORKS — served 70 kids via a Bike Safety course and 97 kids via Child ID during Safe Kids annual event at Grand Cities Mall. East Grand Forks and parochial schools will conduct Safety on Wheels in May. Please send your club’s newsletter to [email protected] to have your club’s activities listed in upcoming issues.

Club News (Continued from page 3)

Did you read? How close did you read the Spring 2017 edition of The Optimist maga-zine? Matty McGarvey and Abby Riegel-man of the Bennie-Johnnie Opti-mist Club were honored for being #4 & #5 internationally for sponsor-ing 22 and 21 members respective-ly so far this year! [page 4] New DMM clubs in Roseville and Lakeville were listed on page 24. Checking out page 30 will reveal that Wes Shewchuk, the DMM’s CCOF Chair is in second place with average contribution per mem-ber at $14.84. That’s followed on the next page with Dave Martin’s listing for attaining Benefactor—$1,000 — status for his support of OIF.

Page 10: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the


DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.08 May 2017

Minot Optimists Are Busy Serving! Despite our member enrollment dropping, we have been able to provide some really great programs for our area youth. In January, we were able to formally present our donation to a newly formed program in our community. Prairie Grit Adaptive Sports allows individuals (mainly children) with disabilities the opportunity to try hockey. With the Optimist of Minot donation, the program was able to

purchase the majority of the adaptive sleds used for the kids. Members were involved in helping with the program and attended practices and even customized a few sleds for those that had no upper body mobility by engineering a back from a racing seat! This dona-tion was made possible through fundraising by our members and also members writing for matching grants. Our formal presentation was made during a local Minot Minotauros hockey game. (North Ameri-can Hockey League)

In February, our club held the first ever mother/son event. The indoor mini golf event was marketed as Putt Putt Mother/Son Fun Day and offered an indoor mini golf session, food, carnivals games, a Valentine card making station, and a selfie station. We held two sessions according to age and sold out the 100 ticket allotment for the older group. We had nearly 200 attendees and received a lot of positive feedback. Most of the event was made possible by soliciting area business sponsors, while the ticket price was an economical $10 to cover their meal. Our next event is the annual Father/Daughter dance. This will be our 4th annual and is sure to be a lovely evening of girls with dads including a sit-down meal, formal attire, a professional photographer, a DJ, dance and ice cream bar, all set to the theme of the “Trolls” movie, finding your inner happiness! As the 2016-17 President, my goal was to provide an additional event (mother/son) and to continue to build awareness in our community. We have our Father/Daughter Dance in April and will have our Respect for Law Luncheon in May. This fall we will hold our local youth golf tournament and then host our area Trick-or-Treat community event we’ve held for nearly 30 years. I’m also working on a new website for our club, which will be revealed soon! Candace Brekke, President

Vermillion Sells Pies! The Vermillion Optimist Club held a fundraiser to help raise money for a Youth Fastpitch Softball team, The Flames. The event was held at HyVee as a crew cleaned 34 flats of strawberries Friday the 7th and made and sold them on Saturday the 8th from 9 AM - gone. By 6 PM there were only about 20 of the 130 pies remaining that we were selling for $10 a 10 inch pie.

The softball players and Optimist members assembled the pies back by the Bakery / Meat department and a few others were doing sam-ples for the customers as they came in. This was a very success-ful 1st time fundraiser and we want to thank Keith Emerson Jr., a member, for chairing this awesome event! Dennis Steffen, President

Does your club have a story to tell about the youth being served in your community? On a time and space available basis, they can be included in future issues.

Page 11: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the


THANKS to Tim Goetz / MARCO for printing many of the handouts for our quarterly gatherings. PLEASE consider MARCO for your technology needs.

Club Presidents will soon receive an email from OI which will contain in-structions on how to cast their club’s votes for OI Leadership for 2017-2018.

Sandy Cyphers Candidate for Optimist International Board of Directors

With twenty-four (24) years as an Optimist I truly have a love and passion for this wonderful organization. Please read my bio and listen to the two minute video that will go out next month. I feel I have shown by desire to do my part in helping grow and building this organization by receiving my 50 member pin and being recognized as a Builder of Excellence 7 times. My number one responsibility, if elected to the Optimist International Board of Directors, is to listen to Optimist members. I will listen to their suggestions, their input, their ideas and their concerns of how to make this a better organization to fulfil our mission of 'BRINGING OUT THE BEST IN YOUTH" and share those with fellow members of the board. Hugs, Sandy

DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.08 May 2017

2017-18 International Officer Election Club President’s Please be reminded to vote! Optimist International has partnered with Survey & Ballot Systems (SBS) to administer the 2017-18 International officer election. To assure your Club's election specific broadcast email arrives safely in your inbox on June 1, simply add the following email address as an approved sender: [email protected] Your Club's dues must be paid in full prior to be being allowed to vote. Elections open online at 8AM (CDT) on Thursday, June 1 and closes at 5PM (CDT) Friday, June 30. If you have questions, contact Tom Carver at (800) 500-8310 ext. 243 or (314) 881-1343, or email [email protected]. Below are the candidates for the 2017-18 International officer election: 2017-18 President-Elect Candidates:

· Rebecca Butler Mona, IA · Fatima Plater, MI

2017-18 Board Director at Large Candidates (2 to be elected): · Don Brose, MI · Lola, Cumbo, AC · Sandy Cyphers, NCE · Robert Floyd, WMO · Patsy Garner, NTX

2017-18 Vice Presidents-Elect Candidates: THE DMM IS IN REGION 5 · Region 1 Northeast & Great Lakes – Cherryl Thames, MI · Region 2 Southeast – Brenda Ortelli, NFL · Region 3 Mid-Atlantic – Stewart Mallard, NCW · Region 4 Middle America – Gerri Barnett, IA

· Region 5 Great Plains – Edie Harris, AS&NW · Region 6 Southwest – Paul Lucas, NTX · Region 7 West Coast – T G Thomas, PSW · Region 8 St. Lawrence – Nathalie Boulet, QW and Roch Daigle, QC

Strategic Planning Dave Martin has agreed to chair a long range committee that will af-fect the DMM for years to come. He introduced attendees at the 3rd Qtr Gathering in St Cloud to the task ahead of this group. Mission: Review district structure and make recommendations for operational guidelines for the next 3-5 years. Subcommittee Topics:

Budget and Financial Stmts

Convention & Qtrly Mtgs

Lieutenant Governors

Training Methods

Growth & Recruiting

New Club Building

Public Relations / Mktg. Joining Dave on the Steering Com-mittee are Terry Gorman and Kevin Hammell. If YOU have a desire to serve on the committee OR merely want to share your thoughts with the re-spective subcommittee chair, please notify Dave. He can also send you the PowerPoint slides that contain some initial thoughts to ‘prime the pump’ of each subcom-mittee. Dave has promised that NO IDEA will be turned aside. ALL INPUT will be considered and responded to by the respective topic leader. Contact Dave via email: Email: [email protected] Cell Phone: (605) 951-6543

Page 12: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the


DMM District Dispatch Issue 16.17.08 May 2017

Club Presidents will soon receive an email from OI which will contain instructions on how to cast their club’s votes for OI Leadership for 2017-2018.

Meet Rebecca Butler Mona I am deeply honored to have been nominated for the office of Optimist International President-Elect by the International Candidate Qualifications Committee, and would appreciate sup-port from clubs in the great DMM Dis-trict. I am a 1989 Charter Member of the Noon Optimist Club of Western Des Moines, Iowa, just shortly after college, and served as President of my club back when we first started and 20 years later, I was Distin-guished & Outstanding Governor of the Iowa District in 1993-94 and Optimist International Vice President in 1998-99, and enjoyed having DMM as one of the Dis-tricts in my Region. I've held numerous International Committee roles and currently serve on the Optimist International Board of Directors, while remaining active in my Club and District. My husband Mike and I met through my Optimist Club and have been married since 1998. Our teen-age chil-dren Amanda and Alex have grown up in the Optimist family. I believe we should focus on growth, partnerships, training / leadership and marketing as keys to success going forward, and I would welcome the opportunity to serve as Optimist International President-Elect. Yours in Optimism, Rebecca Butler Mona Noon Optimist Club of Western Des Moines, Iowa Optimist International Board of Directors Intro video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrq7p-Rxo5Q Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/OptimistPresRebecca/

Saint Paul East Side Optimists! Reflecting back on year two as a club . . . Jan: sponsored six Johnson Seniorr High hearing im-paired students in the Essay Contest and honored Mel Harman of TLC [Tender Loving Care Toys, Andover, MN] Toys with a Community Service Award. Feb: Sadie Hawkins fundraiser at the Arcade — Phalen American Legion Hall. May: 2nd Chance Prom fundraiser in the Gold Room at Manciani’s Char House. We donated softball and baseball equipment to Farns-worth Aero Space Upper Middle School and Johnson Seniorr High that were lacking equipment due to budg-etary constraints. June: Second year of “Sandlot Baseball” project at Duluth & Case Playground. Three returning players from last year wore jerseys with “RBI” [Reviving Base-ball In The Inner City] and Optimist Logos. Optimists Dave Anderson and Ruel Russell coach two evenings a week on Optimist Field and conduct sand-lot baseball on Thursday evenings as part of St. Paul Police Dept’s. “Safe Summer Nights” program. Sep: 108 “Sandlot” and other young baseball players gathered at Central Harvest States Field for a St. Paul Saints baseball game. Player’s parents were included. 35 girls and boys participated in the community’s 109th “Payne Arcade Harvest Fest” Parade which in-cluded a sandlot baseball game and baseball food. Oct: Third and final fundraiser was a square dance held in a barn at the Bruentrup Heritage Farm in Maplewood which enabled us to connect with the Maplewood Historical Society for future events. For six successive Saturday evenings members, non-members, and neighborhood youth gathered at the club’s host site, Polly’s Coffee Cove, and painted 137 wooden cars provided by TLC Toys. Nineteen volun-teers participated in all six sessions. I am thankful to our members for their year-long contri-butions and look forward to 2017. Ann Polacheck, President

DMM Convention August 10, 11, & 12, 2017

A list of planned activities and the registration form is on the DMM webpage and pages 13 & 14 of this issue.

Page 13: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the



1415 Regent Ave West Winnipeg, MB R2C 3B2 king $119

204-667-5560 1-888-332-2623 Suite $199

BLOCK NUMBER 327601 Optimist Clubs of Winnipeg price offered before & after convention

www.canadinns.com/stay/club-regent-casino-hotel/home/ Rooms released July 26, 2017.

Full Registration (includes Defroster, Old Timers Breakfast, meetings, training, Awards Luncheon & Governors Banquet)

$120 US or $155 CDN. After July 26, 2017, $130 US or $165 CDN.

Individual Meal Tickets (non-registered members, VIPs, friends) Defroster$ 12 US or $15 CDN, Old Timers Breakfast $30

US or $38 CDN, Awards Luncheon $20 US or $26 CDN, Governor’s Banquet $38 US or $48 CDN.

FREE Event – Friday 6:00 pm Barbeque sponsored by the Optimist Clubs Foundation of Winnipeg in Kildonan Park.

Transportation Provided. Will you be attending? YES or NO

OPTIONAL Mamma Mia at Rainbow Stage $36 US or $46 CDN a ticket (not included in convention registration) Friday

8:00 pm. Order deadline is July 26, 2017. See page 2 for more information.

VIP $10 US or $13 CDN to cover transportation & parking, activities offered a la carte, see page 2 for details.

Registration deadline is July 26, 2017.

Youth Program See page 2 for information. Registration deadline is July 26, 2017.

GOLF – Interested in Thursday afternoon Golf YES or NO?

Mail registration form & payment to: Jo-Anne Pelzer, 475 Morley Ave. Winnipeg, MB R3L 0Y8. Make cheques payable

to Optimist Club of South Winnipeg BARBQ.

Contact us for more information: Jo-Anne [email protected], 204-453-7524 or Barb Sul [email protected] 204-237-1201


Name _________________________________ Club name______________________ Club number 35-___________

Circle One: Member VIP Youth Youth Age__________ Boy or Girl

Email address:_____________________________________ Phone ______________________________

Current Club position____________________________________________________________________

DMM or International Position ___________________________________________________________

Amount enclosed Full registration $______ Mamma Mia $_____ Individual Meals Only $______ VIP $ ______



Page 14: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the




MAMMA MIA - 100 prime seating tickets have been reserved for this musical at Rainbow Stage, Canada’s largest and

longest running outdoor theatre. http://www.rainbowstage.ca/. Walk up tickets cannot be guaranteed & the deadline

to purchase is July 20, 2017. Rain or Shine, it has a roof!

FOLKLORAMA - If you are arriving early for convention, you might be interested in visiting some Pavilions. VIP World

Tours depart from the Club Regent Hotel. Visit www.folklorama.ca for details.

YOUTH – A kids program will be offered if there are registrations. Thursday evening will be 5 pin bowling, Friday will be

a trip to the Assinboine Park Zoo, Saturday activities are pending, and Saturday night will be a trip to a movie. A suite is

reserved for hotel activities. Snacks provided & babysitters available for a fee. Please register early so plans can be

finalized. We ask that children under age 5 or children with special needs be accompanied by a parent or personal care


VIP-The $10 US registration will cover the cost of transportation & parking. The group will leave the hotel at 9:15 am on

Friday & go to the Forks, http://www.theforks.com. The VIPS will have several options. The Heart of the Nation City

Tour with the Winnipeg Trolley company leaves the Forks at 10:30 am. It’s a public sightseeing tour that takes one hour

& 45 minutes. Tickets are $27.85 CDN. Advance ticket purchases are recommended. Please visit

https://winnipegtrolleycompany.ca/city-tours to check it out & purchase your ticket.

If the trolley tour isn’t on your bucket list, you can do the 30 minute Splash Dash Boat river tour which leaves every 30

minutes. On site tickets are $11 CDN for adults and $9 CDN for seniors. Don’t like boats? You might wish to spend your

time in the shops or exploring this historic area. The group will meet at 12:30 pm at Muddy Waters restaurant for a

group lunch. At 2:00 pm, the group will tour the Canadian Human Rights Museum, https://humanrights.ca. On site

tickets are $18 CDN, 65+ with ID are $14 CDN.

On Saturday, the group will be taken to the St Norbert Farmers Market, http://stnorbertfarmersmarket.ca/vendors/ and

return to the hotel for the Awards lunch & then be taken to the St. Vital Centre Mall, http://www.stvitalcentre.com for

the afternoon.

GOLF – Thursday afternoon, August 10, 2017. Contact Tom Nesby for more details. [email protected]

CASINO – Yes, there is a casino attached to this hotel!

Will you be leaving convention early? Individual circumstances often lead to members leaving convention on Saturday

afternoon. Please let us know by July 31st so we can adjust the number of meals for the banquet & hopefully refund you

the cost of the meal.

MENUS – Defroster is Manitoba Social food, bread, cold cuts, cheese & pickles, Breakfast Buffet with oatmeal & ice

cream, Awards lunch is Taste of Asia (Chinese food) & Governor’s Banquet is Family Style Turkey dinner with cabbage

rolls & perogies!

BIG DADDY TAZZ will entertain at the Old Timers Breakfast http://www.bigdaddytazz.com/biography/

We strongly recommend you purchase some Canadian money at your bank or Duty Free at Pembina, ND. US money is

accepted in Winnipeg but you will not receive a fair exchange rate.


Page 15: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the

Contact Andrew S Engelman, DMM Chair, for Local Qualifier Information or visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/DMMGOLF

Phone Number: 701-400-6006 or email: [email protected]. Register Online: https://sites.google.com/site/dmmusaoptimistgolf/tournament-information

Be Seen!

Be Recruited!

Be Competitive!

Be an International Champion!

Nationally ranked by the Junior Golf Scoreboard and Golfweek and included in the AJGA Performance Based Entry Process

The Op mist Interna onal Junior Golf Champion-

ships provide a unique opportunity for junior  golf-

ers from around the globe. 

In More than 50 qualifying tournaments, Op mists 

reach out into their own  communi es to involve 

young adults in the game of golf. 

The Top 600  junior  golfers advance to the Op -

mist Interna onal Junior Golf Championships each 


Past winners of the Op mist Interna onal Junior 

Golf Championship include:   

Nick Price, Corey Pavin, Phil Mickelson, 

David Toms, Ernie Els, Tiger Woods, Notah Begay 

III, Jennifer Rosales,  Bri any Lincicome, Jason 

Day , Lexi Thompson and many, many more. 

Do you have what it takes  to be on this list?  

Register for the District Qualifier in Bismarck, 

North Dakota on June 16, 2017 today! The  registra on fee is $50.00 and includes driving range and 

pu ng green  me. Lunch will be provided. 

Why should golfers a end? 

One of the top Interna onal Junior Golf Tour-

naments in the World 

Ranked by JuniorGolf Scoreboard, Golfweek,

Amateur Golf World Ranking and included in 

the AJGA “Performance Based Entry Process” 

Many college coaches a end and recruit

Compete against golfers from all over the



Page 16: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the

Dakota’s & Minnesota Official District Qualifying Tournament for the 2017 Optimist International Junior Golf Championships Official Entry Form

TOURNAMENT INFORMATION District Qualifier for: (DMM) Dakota’s and Minnesota / https://sites.google.com/site/dmmusoptimistgolf/home Date & Time: Friday, JUNE 16, 2017 (Tee Time Start) check- in no later than 30 minutes prior to assigned start time Location: Riverwood Golf Course, Bismarck, North Dakota Divisions Offered: (Boys ages; 10-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-18 & Girls ages; 10-12, 13-14, 15-18) Entry Fee: $50 - By Mail: (Checks Only) see mailing registration address info below:

*Winners and *Qualifiers advance to the Optimist International Junior Golf Championships (Over 36 CountriesRepresented) at “PGA National Resort and Spa in Palm Beach Gardens”, FL from July 18-23 (Boys 10-11, 12-13 & Girls 10-12), July 23-28 (Boys 14-15 & Girls 13-14) & July 28 – August 2, 2017 (Boys 16-18 & Girls 15-18).

*Qualifying Information:A limited number of golfers in each division will advance to the International Championships provided they shoot the minimum qualifying score. If a golfer who lives outside of the District qualifies, his/her participation will not eliminate a District resident from qualifying. Optimist Districts/Clubs provide financial support for winners advancing to the international championships. There is no guarantee that financial support will be provided to golfers who travel outside of their home District. Please note that the following divisions will may not be provided financial support, but are eligible to qualify for the International Championships: Boys 10-11 & Girls 10-12. Please contact District Chair, Andrew S. Engelman, via email (see below) for details.

Eligibility Information: In order to be eligible, a golfer must not turn 19 on or before August 2, 2017. Golfers must be enrolled in high school or a 2017 high school graduate to be eligible. Any golfer who has attended college is no longer considered a “junior golfer” and is not eligible to participate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTRY APPLICATION: Entry Deadline June 9, 2017 with limited entries (late entries will be assigned to standby list)

Name: _________________________________________Date of Birth ______________________________________

Address: _________________________________________City/State Zip _____________________________________________

Average 18-hole score_______ Email: ___________________________ Parents Name__________________________________

(Registration confirmation and additional tournament information (Practice rounds, course info, directions and lodging information etc) will be sent to all entrants after registration is completed)

___ Girls 10-12 (Doesn’t turn 13 on or before July 23) ____ Boys 10-11 (Doesn’t turn 12 on or before July 23) ____ Boys 12-13 (Doesn’t turn 14 on or before July 23) ____ Boys 14-15 (Doesn’t turn 16 on or before July 28)

___ Girls 13-14 (Doesn’t turn 15 on or before July 28) ___ Girls 15-18 (Doesn’t turn 19 on or before Aug 2)

____ Boys 16-18 (Doesn’t turn 19 on or before Aug. 2)

I certify I am an amateur player according to the rules of the USGA and the information is true to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Player _____________________________________________

In consideration of the privilege of my child’s participation in the Optimist Junior Golf Championships, I hereby release the sponsors from any liabilities which might occur.

Signature of Parent ________________________________ Phone(_____)______________Night(_____)_______________

If Payments ($50.00) are made by Mail, make Checks Payable to: “OPTIMIST CLUB OF BISMARCK” and mail to:

Andrew S Engelman, For further information please contact or visit: Optimist Jr. Golf Andrew S. Engelman, [email protected] 201 4th Avenue NW Mandan, ND 58554 Check us out on Facebook: www.facebook.com/DMMGOLF


Page 17: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the

Payment in full of $100 or $150 must accompany the entry form. Online registration available on our website. Entry forms can also be downloaded from our website or register by phone calling Larters at St. Andrews Golf and Country Club Pro Shop. ( 204-334-2107 ) http://www.optimistjrgolf.org

Male and Female Age Eligibility 10 - 18 years - $100.00 per Junior Age Categories Junior Boys (JB) Junior Girls (JG) 13 - Under 12 - Under 14 - 15 13 - 14 16 - 18 15 - 18

Golfers who will not celebrate their 19th birthday on or before Aug 2nd, 2017. All golfers must currently be enrolled in school or be a 2017 high school graduate.

Prizes to be awarded in all age categories.

1. Golf Equipment will be awarded in all defined age groups. 2. Trips to Florida to compete in the Optimist International Junior

Golf Championship at the PGA National Resort & Spa in Palm Gardens, Florida, USA.

Age groups 16-18 (JB) and 15-18(JG) categories only. Valid Passport is required to receive trip.

CJGA Tournament Only: (Optional $50.00 add-on) 1. Receive a dozen Taylor Made golf balls and Nike Golf Hat. 2. Qualifiers receive paid entries to CJGA Tournaments:

CJGA Mizuno National Golf Championship

CJGA PING Canadian Junior Match Play Championship

Presenting Sponsors

Optimist Clubs Foundation of Winnipeg

and the

Canadian Junior Golf Association

Present the 20th Annual

Manitoba Optimist Junior Golf

Registration Information • Open to the first 120 paid entries • Entry fee is $100.00(add $50 for CJGA Tournament) • 2 Rounds of Golf and Lunch provided • Driving Range Practice both days • Long Ball and Closest to Pin Competition • Handicap or average score required for group place-

ment. • Entry deadline June 5, 2017

Dakotas-Manitoba-Minnesota (DMM) official district qualifier for the Optimist International Junior Golf Championships (OIJGC) in Florida, USA

June 10 & 11, 2017 Larters at St. Andrews Golf and Country Club

30 River Road St. Andrews, Manitoba

Hosted by

The Optimist clubs of Manitoba

Supporting partners


Page 18: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the

Official DMM District Qualifying Tournament

Official Entry Form 2017

Presenting Sponsor

Optimist Clubs Foundation of Winnipeg

- 1 -

Manitoba Optimist Junior Golf

And the

Canadian Junior Golf Association

Present the 20h Annual

District: Dakotas-Manitoba-Minnesota (Canada) Location: St. Andrews, Manitoba

Dates and Venue Entries Close: Monday June 5th, 2017

June 10th & 11th, 2017 Entry Fee: $100.00

Larters at St. Andrews Golf & Country Club 2 Rounds of Golf, Lunch and Driving Range Practice (30 River Road, St. Andrews, MB) Long Ball Driving and Putting Contest competition

Visit our website for complete information and rules. Optional CJGA qualifier tournament: add $50.00

www.optimistjrgolf.org CJGA tournament entries will also receive:

- CJGA welcome golf package.

Age Category winners for prize payout will be decided as follows:

Junior Boys Junior Girls

13 Years and Under 12 Years and Under

14 – 15 Years 13 -14 Years

16 – 18 Years 15 -18 Years

Manitoba Optimist Junior Golf is pleased to provide more prizes and

opportunities for Junior Golfers. The Manitoba Optimist Junior Open division

winners (Boys 16-18 and Girls 15 -18) will receive all expense paid invitations

to the OIJGC in Florida.

CJGA qualifier winners in each category will receive a paid entry into the

CJGA Mizuno National Golf Championship and CJGA PING Canadian Junior

Age Eligibility Information: Open to Junior Golfers ages 10 -18, qualifying for the Optimist International Junior Golf Championship (OIJGC) a golfer must not turn 19 on or before Aug 2nd, 2017. Golfers must be enrolled in school or must be a 2017 high school graduate to be eligible.

Name: ______________________________________ Male Female Birth date: Month _ Day __ Year___ ___

Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________ Province:___________________________Postal Code:________________ Telephone: Res.______________________ Cell: _______________________ E-mail: _______________________________________ Golf Club: _____________________________________________________ Handicap Factor: _________________________________ CONTESTANT WAIVER: This contestant’s waiver must be signed by each entrant in a Manitoba Optimist Junior tournament, and by a parent or guardian in the event of a minor, in consideration of Manitoba Optimist Junior Golf accepting this entry and of the inherent risks associated with the event.

The applicant is aware of and assumes all risks of bodily injury or property damage, including specifically (but not exclusively) the risk of being injured by thrown or struck golf balls or clubs, actions by spectators, players, caddies, or others in attendance, and the competitor agrees that MANITOBA OPTIMISTS, including its Directors, Officers, Members, and Volunteers, as well as the competitors in the tournament, are not liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from such causes or any other negligence.

I have read the terms and conditions of entry including the Contestant Waiver, and agree to accept and abide by them. I also agree that this entry is subject to approval by the Manitoba Optimist Junior Golf Board.

Signature of Applicant: Signature of Parent /Guardian of Junior Applicant:

____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________Release


Page 19: DMM District Dispatch - optimist-dmm.org · DMM web site. We finished out the afternoon congratulating Jack & Cheryl Dyvig on their 8th Wedding Anniver-sary. Our next meeting is the

Official DMM District Qualifying Tournament

Official Entry Form 2017

Presenting Sponsor

Optimist Clubs Foundation of Winnipeg

- 2 -

Manitoba Optimist Junior Golf

And the

Canadian Junior Golf Association

Present the 20h Annual

Entry Procedures:

1. Entries must be submitted by completing this Entry Form in full. (Incomplete Entries may be rejected).

2. Payments of $100.00 or $150.00 must accompany the Entry Form. (Following methods for payment) - Online entry forms and payment available on www.optimistjrgolf.org. (PayPal/Credit Card) - Register/Pay by Telephone, call Larters at St. Andrews Golf and Country Club (Pro Shop), 204-334-2107

- Entries can also be mailed (with payment) to: (Make checks payable to “Manitoba Optimist Junior Golf”)

Manitoba Optimist Junior Golf 32 Shauna Way Winnipeg, MB R3W 1T1

3. Refunds: Entry Fees will not be refunded after the Entry Closing Date. Refunds of Entry Fees may be subject to a service charge of $25.00

4. If there are any concerns or questions please contact: Fred Urso – Phone 204 663 9776, Email: [email protected]

Photo/Internet Release

Segments of the Manitoba Optimist Junior Open will be photographed and posted on the Manitoba Optimist Junior Golf website, used with CJGA and posted with our designated media affiliates. I, _______________________________, in consideration of my participation in a junior golf tournament known as the Manitoba Optimist Junior Open, hereby grant Manitoba Optimist Junior Golf Inc., the right to photograph and otherwise use in all media throughout Canada my performance in the Manitoba Optimist Junior Open and use my name, likeness, and biographical information concerning me in connection therewith, except that Manitoba Optimist Junior Golf shall not use my name as an endorsement of any product or service. ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian