3rd DMCSEE International Steering Committee Meeting Ljubljana, 23rd November 2011 Drought Management Centre for Southeastern Europe DMCSEE Background Establishment of ISC DMCSEE Network

DMCSEE ISC and · PDF file3rd DMCSEE International Steering Committee Meeting Ljubljana, 23rd November 2011 Bosnia and Herzegovina Core contact group Prof. Dr. Mihajlo Markovic *

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3rd DMCSEE International Steering Committee MeetingLjubljana, 23rd November 2011

Drought Management Centre for

Southeastern Europe

DMCSEE BackgroundEstablishment of ISC

DMCSEE Network

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DMCSEE Process

2004 Center initiative – “top-down” approach

(International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) adopted a declaration which expressed the need to establish this centre to alleviate problems caused by drought in the area “Balkan Drought Workshop” in Poiana/Brasov (RO), co-sponsored by the UNCCD)

2006 Triangle approach: UNCCD focal points, permanent representativeswith the WMO + observers from UNCCD and WMO)

(Workshop for national experts and representatives of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Sofia where they agreed on DMCSEE within context of UNCCD)

2006 Decision on DMCSEE host institution (procedure led by WMO).

2007 political committment of Slovenian government (permanent budgetfor the governance). DMCSEE Kick-off meetin, adoption of projectproposal document

2008 First ISC Meeting, adoption of ISC Terms of Reference

2009 Start of the DMCSEE “bridging” projectin framework ofTransnational cooperation programme (TCP). Cooperation withEuroGEOSS project,

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DMCSEE Meetings

DMCSEE Kick-off meeting Ljubljana, April 2007Draft of project proposal document

Agreement on DMCSEE steering

1st ISC meeting: Bled, March 2008Establishment of ISC

Election of chair and vice-chair

Adoption of the ISC Terms of Reference

Adoption of DMCSEE logotype.

2nd ISC meeting: Portorož, April 2009Adoption of the final version of the DMCSEE

project proposal document

Decision on application to TCP project call

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DMCSEE Web page


Members’ section:

Username: your e-mailaddres left of the @ sign

Password: Same as Username

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DMCSEE Web page


DMCSEE documentsIn the members’ section

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DMCSEE ISCTerms of Reference (ToR)

International Steering Committee composition and duration

The basic principle of the ISC membership is balanced representation

of the three different channels

Definition of rotation procedure, possibility of nomination.

Duration of mandate is two years

Regulation of ISC permanent and temporary observers

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DMCSEE ISCTerms of Reference (ToR)

International Steering Committee Mandate: The ISC is the supreme

decision making body of the DMCSEE. ISC:

- adopts its own Terms of Reference and its amendments as required;

- elects its Chairperson and Vice-chairperson;

- decides on the establishment, rules and membership of other subsidiary

bodies or ad-hoc working groups to deal with particular issues as

appropriate, and on their duration;

- provides overall guidance for the development of the DMCSEE

including the procedures to achieve this goal;

- decides on strategic cooperation with research institutions and other

relevant organizations and associations;

- approves work plans of the DMCSEE and follows its execution,

including financial figures; indicates resource commitments from countries

member countries;

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DMCSEE ISCTerms of Reference (ToR)

Other issues covered:

Chairperson and Vice-chairperson

The ISC quorum

Decision making

Secretarial support

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DMCSEE network

Core contact group

TCP project contacts

Other contacts

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Core contact group

Sajmir Hoxha

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Water Administration

[email protected]

Prof. Dr. Sherif Lushaj *

Centre for Study and Consulting on Sustainable Management of Natural Resources

[email protected]

Prof. Dr Bashkim Mal Lushaj

Institute of Energy, Water and Environment

[email protected] [email protected]

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DMCSEE TCP project contacts

Vangjel Mustaqi

Institute of Energy, Water and Environment

[email protected]

Liri Mucaj

Institute of Energy, Water and Environment

[email protected]

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Core contact group

Prof. Dr. Mihajlo Markovic *

Agricultural institute of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka

[email protected]

Prof. Dr. Hamid Čustović

Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science Institute of Soil Science, University of Sarajevo

[email protected]

Enes Sarač

Federal Hydrometeorological Institute

[email protected]

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Other Contacts – seconded expert

Enis Krečinić

Federal Hydrometeorological Institute

[email protected]

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Core contact group

Tatyana Dimitrova

Ministry of Environment and Water

[email protected]

Prof. Maria Sokolovska *

Soil Science, Forest Research Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

[email protected]

Dr Georgi Kortchev

National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology

[email protected] [email protected]

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DMCSEE TCP project contacts

Vesselin Alexandrov

National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology

[email protected]

Stanislava Radeva

National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology

[email protected]

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DMCSEE TCP project contacts

Zornitsa Popova

Institute of Soil Science "Nikola Poushkarov"

[email protected]

Milena Kercheva

Institute of Soil Science "Nikola Poushkarov"

[email protected]

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Core contact group

Ms. Marija Vihovanec

Ministry of Environmental Protection and Physical Planning

[email protected]

Prof. Dr. Milan Mesić *

University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture

[email protected]

Ivan Čačić

Meteorological and Hydrological Service

[email protected]

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DMCSEE TCP project contacts

Krešo Pandžić

Meteorological and Hydrological Service

[email protected]

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FYR Macedonia

Core contact group

Vesna Indova

Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning

[email protected]

Dr. Mukaetov Duško*

University Ss Cyril and Methodius, Institute of Agriculture

[email protected]

Vancho Dimitriev

Hydrometeorological Service

[email protected]

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FYR Macedonia

DMCSEE TCP project contacts

Silvana Stevkova

Hydrometeorological Service

[email protected] [email protected]

Aleksandra Atanasovska

Hydrometeorological Service

[email protected]

Suzana Monevska Alcinova

Hydrometeorological Service

[email protected]

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Core contact group

Costas Kosmas *

Agricultural University of Athens

[email protected]

Prof. Christos A. Karavitis

Agricultural University of Athens

[email protected]

Major General (HAF) Loukas Asimakis

Hellenic National Meteorological Service

[email protected]

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ISC member nominee

Dimitrios Tsesmelis

Agricultural University of Athens

[email protected]

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DMCSEE TCP project contacts (additional contacts in the Agricultural Universityof Athens)

Stauros Alexandris

[email protected]

Dimitris Stamatakos

[email protected]

Vassilia Fassouli

[email protected]

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Core contact group

Péter Molnár *

Ministry of Rural Development

[email protected]

Univ. Prof. László Vermes

Faculty of Horticultural Sciences, Budapest Corvinus University

[email protected]

Dr Zoltán Dunkel

Meteorological Service of the Republic of Hungary

[email protected] [email protected]

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ISC member nominee

Sandor Szalai

Szent Istvan University

[email protected]

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DMCSEE TCP project contacts

Zita Bihari

Hungarian Meteorological Service

[email protected]

Ákos Némeh

Hungarian Meteorological Service

[email protected]

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DMCSEE TCP project contacts

Dr. Péter Kozák

Directorate for environmental protection and water management of Lower Tisza District

[email protected]

Árpád Herceg

Directorate for environmental protection and water management of Lower Tisza District

[email protected]

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DMCSEE TCP project contacts

Gabor Balint

VITUKI Environmental Protection and Water Management Research Institute

[email protected]

Zsolt Mattanyi

VITUKI Environmental Protection and Water Management Research Institute

[email protected]

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Republic of Moldova

Core contact group

Ilie Boian *

State Hydrological Service

[email protected] [email protected]

Tatiana Mironova * (nominated)

State Hydrometeorological Service

[email protected]

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Core contact group

Milena Kapa

Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism

[email protected]

Luka Mitrović *

Hydro-meteorological Institute of Montenegro

[email protected] [email protected]

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ISC Member nominee

Vera Andrijašević

Hydro-meteorological Institute of Montenegro

[email protected]

DMCSEE TCP project contact

Mirjana Ivanov

Hydro-meteorological Institute of Montenegro

[email protected]

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Core contact group

Sebastian Jan Constantin

Ministry of Environment and Forests

[email protected]

Dan Achim

Ministry of Agriculture, Forest and Rural Development

Dr. Elena Mateescu *

National Meteorological Administration

[email protected]

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Core contact group

Snežana Kuzmanović *Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

[email protected]

Milan DacićRepublic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia

[email protected]

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DMCSEE TCP project contacts

Zoran KrajinovićRepublic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia

[email protected]

Slavica RadovanovićRepublic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia

[email protected]

Aleksandra KržičRepublic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia

[email protected]

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DMCSEE TCP project contacts

Atila SalvaiUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture

[email protected]

Atila BezdanUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture

[email protected]

Jasna PiperskiUniversity of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture

[email protected]

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Core contact group

Ms. Andreja SušnikEnvironmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia

[email protected]

Dr. Metka SuhadolcUniversity of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty

[email protected]

Dr. Klemen Bergant *Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia

[email protected]

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ISC Member nominee

Jožef RoškarEnvironmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia

[email protected]

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Other contacts

Ajda ValherEnvironmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia

[email protected]. Andrej CeglarUniversity of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty – EuroGEOSS contact

[email protected] Medved CviklUniversity of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty – EuroGEOSS contact

[email protected] DovžakUniversity of Nova Gorica

[email protected]

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Core contact group

Erdogan OzevrenMinistry of Environment and Forestry

[email protected]

Abdullah Ceylan * (nominated)Turkish State Meteorological Service

[email protected]

Adnan Unal *Turkish State Meteorological Service (SMS)

[email protected]

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Other contacts

Mehmet Ayhan Erkan (seconded expert)State Meteorological Service

[email protected]

Ertan Turgu (WMO Task Team member)State Meteorological Service

[email protected]

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ISC Observers


Jose CamachoWorld Meteorological Organization, Agricultural Meteorology Division

[email protected]


Victor CastilloUNCCD Secretariat

[email protected]

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DMCSEE International Steering Committee

Election of Chairperson

Procedure is not regulated in the ToR (final consensus is required)

Proposed procedure:

Secret ballot

Candidates: only present ISC members with voting rights

Absolute Majority (multiple rounds)

Second-highest rank -> vice-chairperson

Final conformation with consensus