© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 1 Release 14.5 14. 5 Release Introduction to ANSYS DesignModeler Workshop 3 Modeling

DM-Intro 14.5 WS-03 Modeling

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© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 1 Release 14.5

14. 5 Release

Introduction to ANSYS DesignModeler

Workshop 3 Modeling

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 2 Release 14.5



• This workshop will focus on modeling operations. A simple exhaust system will be created demonstrating the usage of a number of common modeling tools.


• Revolve

• Pattern

• Extrude

• Primitives

• Body Operations

• Using active & frozen body states

• Slice operations for decomposition

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 3 Release 14.5

Project Startup

Create the Project

• Start Workbench, click Open and select the project “DMWS3-Startup.wbpj” located in the DesignModeler Workshops Input Files folder.

– Double click on the Geometry cell (A2) to start DesignModeler.

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 4 Release 14.5



• This geometry will be constructed in stages using multiple modeling operations.

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• We’ll firstly create the corrugated flexible section.

• Two 3d operations will be required for this.

– A sketch will be revolved to produce one segment

– The segment will be patterned.


Revolve Sketch Pattern Body

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 6 Release 14.5

Revolve a Sketch

• In the Tree Outline, select Sketch1.

• Select Revolve from the toolbar or Create menu.

• In the Details View click Apply in the box to the right of Geometry as shown (upper right) – this will apply the selected sketch.

• Activate the next selection box (Axis) by clicking as shown (Apply & Cancel buttons appear)


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 7 Release 14.5

Revolve a Sketch

• Select the X-Axis as shown.

• If you can’t see it, you may need to switch it on using the Display Plane button in the Toolbar.

• Click Apply in the Axis Selection Box in the Details View.

• Check Operation is set to Add Material then click Generate.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 8 Release 14.5

Revolve a Sketch (Continued)

• The sketch has been revolved around this axis to produce a single body representing one segment of the flexible section.

• The body is in an Active state as a result of the Add Material setting used during its creation.

• We can now produce the rest of the section by creating a linear pattern of the body.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 9 Release 14.5

Pattern a Body

• From the Create Menu, select Pattern.

• Set Pattern Type to Linear if it is not already set.

• Select the body as shown and apply the selection in the Details view.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 10 Release 14.5

Pattern a Body (Continued)

• In the Details View click in the selection box to the right of Direction to activate it.

• Select the X Axis as shown (upper right).

• Click the right arrow in the bottom left corner of the graphics window to reverse the direction as shown and apply the selection.

• Set Offset to 10mm and Copies to 15.

• Click Generate.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 11 Release 14.5

Pattern a Body (Continued)

• The single segment has been patterned linearly.

• Since the body was active and all the patterned bodies were in contact they have automatically merged resulting in one body.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 12 Release 14.5


• We’ll now create the pipe either side of the flexible section.

• To do this we’ll extrude the highlighted face on the existing body asymmetrically.


Extrude Face

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 13 Release 14.5

Extrude a Face

• Select the Face Selection Filter.

• Select the face as shown (upper right).

• Select Extrude.

• In the Details View Apply the Geometry selection and click in the box to the right of Direction Vector to activate it.

• Select the same face as shown (lower right - you may need to reselect the Face Selection Filter).

• Apply the selection.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 14 Release 14.5

Extrude a Face (Continued)

• In the Details View set the following;

– Direction to Both – Asymmetric.

– Depth to 140mm.

– Depth 2 to 910mm

– Check operation is set to Add Material.

• Generate.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 15 Release 14.5

Extrude a Face (Continued)

• The face has been extruded asymmetrically. The side which has been extruded through the flexible section has again merged automatically to leave one body.


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• Next step, the catalyst. This is a simple cylinder so we’ll create this directly using a primitive.


Primitive Cylinder

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 17 Release 14.5

Create a Primitive Cylinder

• From the Create Menu, select Primitive > Cylinder

• In the Details View check that the Base Plane is set to the XYPlane and Operation is set to Add Material.

• Set the Following;

– Origin X Coordinate = -300mm.

– Origin Y & Z Coordinates = 0mm.

– Axis X Component = -300mm.

– Axis Y & Z Components = 0mm.

– Radius = 60mm.

• Generate.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 18 Release 14.5

Create a Primitive Cylinder (Cont..)

• The Primitive Cylinder is created and merged with the existing body to form the catalyst section.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 19 Release 14.5


• Active bodies are useful for quickly building up geometries. It is however often desirable for simulation purposes to create geometries formed from multiple bodies.

• Bodies need to be in the Frozen state to remain independent.

• Bodies can be created as frozen in the first instance or we can use slicing operations to decompose a body.

• We’ll now decompose into five sections using Slice operations.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 20 Release 14.5

Slice by Edge Loops

• First, orientate the view. Click the +Z Axis of the triad and zoom in using the box zoom tool as shown (right).

• From the Create Menu, select Slice.

• In the Details View set Slice Type to Slice by Edge Loop. Activate the Edges selection box.

• Select the two edges either side of the flexible section (CTRL click for multiple selection).

• Apply the selection. Leave Slice Targets set to All Bodies.

• Generate.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 21 Release 14.5

Slice by Edge Loops (Continued)

• The body has been sliced at positions coincident with the edge loops leaving three independent frozen bodies.

• Applying Slice operations to Active bodies automatically converts them to the Frozen state.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 22 Release 14.5

Slice by Surface

• From the Create Menu, select Slice.

• In the Details View set Slice Type to Slice by Surface. Activate the Target Face selection box.

• Select the face as shown.

• Apply the selection. Leave Slice Targets set to All Bodies and Bounded Surface set to No.

• Generate.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 23 Release 14.5

Slice by Surface (Continued)

• The body has been sliced using the surface as a tool.

• There are now four frozen bodies.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 24 Release 14.5

Slice by Surface (Continued)

• We’ll apply the same slice to the other side of the catalyst.

• From the Create Menu, select Slice.

• Select the face as shown on the other side of the catalyst.

• Apply the selection. Leave Slice Targets set to All Bodies and Bounded Surface set to No.

• Generate.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 25 Release 14.5

Slice by Surface (Continued)

• The body has again been sliced using the surface as a tool.

• There are now five frozen bodies.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 26 Release 14.5


• The silencer assembly is a non primitive elliptical shape so we’ll need to create a new plane in the correct position, an elliptical sketch and then a simple extrusion.


Create Plane, Sketch & Extrude

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 27 Release 14.5

Create a Plane and Sketch directly on a Face

• Select the face as shown (lower left).

• Switch to Sketching Mode using the tab.

• Click the Look At button in the Toolbar.

Plane & Sketch

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 28 Release 14.5


• First, change the View to Wireframe for clarity.

• From the Draw Toolbox select the Ellipse Tool.

1. Click on the Origin (make sure you see the P symbol auto-constraint).

2. Click on the X-Axis in the approximate location shown (make sure you see the C symbol auto-constraint).

3. Click to define the vertical extent in the approximate position shown.

Plane & Sketch 1



© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 29 Release 14.5

Sketch Dimensions

• From the Dimensions Toolbox, select the General Tool.

• As shown in the sequence below;

– Select the Y-Axis.

– Select the elliptical edge.

– Click to position the dimension in a convenient place.

• We’ll set the dimension value later.

Plane & Sketch

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 30 Release 14.5

Sketch Dimensions (Continued)

• Using the General Tool again.

• As shown in the sequence below;

– Select the X-Axis.

– Select the elliptical edge.

– Click to position the dimension in a convenient place.

• We’ll set both dimension values in the next step.

Plane & Sketch

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 31 Release 14.5

Sketch Dimensions (Continued)

• In the Details View set the Horizontal dimension (H1) to 150mm and the Vertical Dimension (V2) to 75mm as shown (below left).

• Click the Zoom to Fit button.

Plane & Sketch

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 32 Release 14.5

Extrude the New Sketch

• Switch to Modeling Mode using the tab.

• Set the view back to Shaded Exterior and Edges using the View Menu.

• In the Tree Outline a new Plane & Sketch has been created from the previous step. Select the sketch.

• Select Extrude.

• In the Details View (right) Apply the Geometry selection, set Operation to Add Frozen and Depth to 500mm then Generate.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 33 Release 14.5

Extrude the New Sketch (Cont...)

• The elliptical sketch has been extruded to form the silencer assembly.

• The new body is in the frozen state due to setting Operation in the Extrude Details to Add Frozen.


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• We’ll now add the tail pipes. Since these are cylinders we’ll use a primitive again. To locate the primitive on the back face of the silencer a plane will be created on the face. Just one tail pipe will be created and then copied.


Create Plane and Primitive relative to new plane

Create mirror copy using existing XYPlane

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 35 Release 14.5

Create a Plane on a Face

• Select the Face Selection Filter.

• Select the back face of the silencer as shown (right).

• Select the New Plane button.

• Check the Details View settings.

• Generate.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 36 Release 14.5

Create a Primitive

• From the Create Menu, select Primitive > Cylinder.

• In the Details View, activate the Base Plane selection box.

• The Plane created in the previous step is listed in the Tree Outline, select it and apply the selection back in the Details View.

• Set the Following;

– Operation = Add Frozen.

– Origin X Coordinate = 80mm.

– Origin Y & Z Coordinates = 0mm.

– Axis X & Y Component = 0mm.

– Axis Z Component = 250mm.

– Radius = 25mm.

• Generate.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 37 Release 14.5

Mirror the Pipe

• From the Create Menu, select Body Operation.

• In the Details View, set Type to Mirror.

• Activate the Bodies selection box.

• Select the Tail Pipe as shown (right) and apply the selection.

• Set Preserve Bodies to Yes.

• Activate the Mirror Plane selection box.

• Select the XYPlane in the Tree Outline and apply the selection.

• Generate.

Body Operation

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 38 Release 14.5

Mirror the Pipe (Continued)

• We now have two additional bodies forming the twin tail pipes of the exhaust system.

Body Operation

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• Lastly, as a finishing touch, we’ll create the angle on the tailpipes by apply a slice operation followed by a delete.


Create angled Plane, use as a Slicing Tool and delete bodies

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 40 Release 14.5

Create a Plane on the Tail Pipe

• Select the back face of the tailpipe as shown (right).

• Select the New Plane button.

• In the Details View set Transform 1 to Offset Z and Value 1 to -20mm.

• Set Transform 2 to Rotate about X and Value 2 to 15.

• Generate.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 41 Release 14.5

Slice by Plane

• From the Create Menu select Slice.

• In the Details View set Slice Type to Slice by Plane.

• Activate the Base Plane selection box.

• In the Tree Outline select the Plane created in the previous step.

• Apply the selection.

• Generate.


© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 42 Release 14.5

Delete Bodies

• From the Create Menu select Body Operation.

• In the Details View set Type to Delete.

• Activate the Bodies selection box.

• Select the two bodies as shown (CTRL click for multiple selection).

• Apply the selection.

• Generate.

Body Operation

© 2012 ANSYS, Inc. November 20, 2012 43 Release 14.5

Form a Multibody Part

• Right click in the Graphics Window and select Select All from the context menu.

• Right click in the Graphics Window again and select Form New Part from the Context Menu.

• A new part containing all the bodies is created and listed in the Tree Outline.

• This completes the workshop.

Multibody Part

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• This completes the workshop.

• From the main menu select File Close DesignModeler

– Workbench will save any application data.

• From the Workbench Project Page use the file menu and save the project as “DMWS3.wbpj” to your working folder.

Saving the Project