DLP Assignment3_1

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  • 8/2/2019 DLP Assignment3_1


    DLP Assignment


    Carol Mizelle

    Assignment 3.1

    Assessing Cultural Leadership Practice

    Survey Results from Bertie Middle School

    Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree Strongly Agree

    1. X X X X X X X X X XX X X X

    X X

    2. X X X X X X X X X XX X X

    X X X

    3. X X X X X X X X X X X X XX

    X X

    4. X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X


    5. X X X X X X X X X X X XX

    X X X

    6. X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X

    7. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

    8. X X X X X X X X X X X X

    X X

    X X

    9. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

    10. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

    Total 12 12 25 88 21

    The results show that the majority of the staffAgree with the cultural leadership

    practices in place at our school. The staff at our school agrees that strong ideals and

    beliefs are in focused at our school, and in return we operate from those beliefs. This

    system is communicated throughout the school environment, and in place with the staff

    and parents. BMS staff agrees that the culture that supports the continuous improvement

    of the school as been previously outlined in the school improvement plan. Furthermore,

    it is believed that we are guided through the shared vision, values, and beliefs that are

  • 8/2/2019 DLP Assignment3_1


    established. The area of weakness seems to reside in the cohesion and cooperation

    among staff according to the survey. There was not a huge amount of disagreement;

    however, it is noted that the largest amount of disagreement is found in this area.

    Total Survey Score Results:

    39 47 40 40 37 38 38 36

    36 45 42 34 40 15 40 16

    (7) = Culture-of-Distinction

    (7) = Culture-Under-Construction

    (2) = Culture-in-Peril

    According to these results, I feel the Culture-in-Peril is not a valid assessment

    because of the results, and remaining rankings. The overall average is 36.4 placing the

    ranking in the area of Culture-Under-Construction with the highest score total 47 and the

    lowest 15.

    Considering the fact that Bertie Middle has gone through many transformations

    within the last few years beginning with the combining of two schools to form one, it

    understandable the amount of disconnect that is available. Over the past four years our

    principal has held a main focus on the children of Bertie Middle, by allowing us to

    become results orientated, but building the facet of teamwork and collaboration is still

    under construction. At first the collaboration was required to establish the culture, and

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    now it is expected to continuously improve the culture of the school. Building a culture

    to envelope teamwork as perfectly as envisioned, will continue to take constant care and


    Assignment 3.2

    Conduct an Educational Garage Sale

    Not for Sale

    School Vision

    School New Mission

    Math Teachers

    Science Teachers


    Grade ELA Teachers


    Positive Attitudes

    People who work to achieve

    People who get the work done

    High Expectations

    Garbage Can / Throw Away

    Negative Attitudes toward Change


    Negative Mind Set of Staff

    Low Expectations

    Not See the Big Picture

    Out of Date Workbooks

    Some Textbooks

  • 8/2/2019 DLP Assignment3_1


    For Sale / Barter

    Textbooks for New Books

    Out of Date Library Books

    Broken Equipment

    Broken Promises

    Unspoken Words

    Feelings of Confusion

    Wasted Time

    Some of Schedule

    Bench Mark Bash for Variety of Bench Mark Bash

    Toxic Waste Hauler


    Negative Expectations

    Hostile Feelings

    Uncover Spies

    Excessive Paper Work


    Disorderly Conduct


    Boring Classrooms

    Dull Classrooms

    Some Worksheets


  • 8/2/2019 DLP Assignment3_1


    Staff Gatherings

    Care Committee

    BMS Phoenix Family

    Positive Goals

    Positive High Expectations

    Celebrations: Time of appreciation to staff / Time for staff to celebrate each other /

    Refreshments of Celebrations / Time for staff to plan together / Time for students to show

    appreciation to staff

    Assignment 3.3

    Personal Reflection on Cultural Leadership

    As I understand more about cultural leadership, I am drawn to understand the

    importance of relationship building in the school. Schools are going to develop a culture

    of some kind regardless, so why shouldnt be a positive one. The dynamics of a school

    can easily change; however, the true culture can be developed to sustain over time.

    The leader must first understand the importance of cultural leadership because the

    leader sets the stage for greater expectations and development. Positive culture is so vital

    to develop a school that is highly successful. As the staff of the school accepts and

    develops a positive culture, the entire school can develop into the expectations of the

    leader. Positive culture has been proven to lead to positive success.

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