LOGO My Name My name is Darrell House, but most people call me DJ. I learned recently what significance a name can have on a person. For instance, if a person is named La-a (pronounced Ladasha) she would be more prone to be teased as she grew up, thus affecting her character. However, I was Even from birth I was destined to be a unique child. When I was born, I was a big, quiet baby. I never cried, or screamed. My mother even had to wake me up to feed me! She was worried about me, because she’d had many different children before me and none had acted this way. “What is wrong wit my child?!” she asked the doctor, “He doesn’t drive me insane!” The doctor laughed and assured my mom that everything was fine. I was only a good kid! When I was younger, and we had just moved to North Carolina, my family and I rented a small house with a Telephone 704.877.2939 Facsimile 704.877.2939 5555 Street Address City, State 55555 “For shame. To live your life for naught is to live for nothing but emptiness incarnate. Is that what you want?” My life, in retrospect My life The roots of

Dj brochure

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My Name

My name is Darrell House, but most people call me DJ. I learned recently what significance a name can have on a person. For instance, if a person is named La-a (pronounced Ladasha) she would be more prone to be teased as she grew up, thus affecting her character. However, I was blessed with a name that, while being easily remembered, means “darling” in both French and English. Coincidently, these are the two languages my mother spoke from birth.

Even from birth I was destined to be a unique child. When I was born, I was a big, quiet baby. I never cried, or screamed. My mother even had to wake me up to feed me! She was worried about me, because she’d had many different children before me and none had acted this way. “What is wrong wit my child?!” she asked the doctor, “He doesn’t drive me insane!” The doctor laughed and assured my mom that everything was fine. I was only a good kid!

When I was younger, and we had just moved to North Carolina, my family and I rented a small house with a little, red door. It seemed like a nice place, but later we found a hornets’ nest under ground. My sister and I, being the little kids we were, investigated the little hole. The hornets did not like this. They lashed out at me with the force of, well like a lot of things. For years my head was insanely sensitive. I couldn’t even let someone touch my scalp, lest I keel over in excruciating pain!

Telephone 704.877.2939Facsimile 704.877.2939

5555 Street AddressCity, State 55555

“For shame. To live your life for naught is to live for nothing but emptiness incarnate. Is that what you want?”

My life, in retrospect

The roots of a DJ

My life

Page 2: Dj brochure

Back when I was four, I went on a trip to my mother’s birth country. I cannot remember much, but what I do remember is draining heat, dense forests, playing in the mud, walking to my aunt’s and uncle’s houses to play with my cousins, bringing toys to my relatives, sweating profusely, a beautiful black sand beach and clear, cool, blue water.

I also remember a little scene where I was sprawled out on the ground, soaked in sweat, begging Mom for some ice cream. She was stolid, saying that I should adjust to the heat. I remember one last bit of my grandmother, who died recently, saying “Get this boy some ice cream!” that’s where it ends. But the memory is big, encompassing all that I see and hear.

My trip

My TV Debu

Back when I was younger, before I was old enough to remember, before I moved to North Carolina, before DVRs that could record, before DVDs replaced VHS, I and my class were training. No, we were not training to become toddler ninja assassins, but to sing. However, we would sing so well that we were planned to be put on live TV! So one day our teacher decided my class and I were ready enough and they contacted the news. To this day, I don’t know what time nor what date it was that I first sang on the tube, and I probably wouldn’t believe it myself if it weren’t a bit of tape long lost that caught the last seconds. Short, but unmistakable are my features as I sang (If my memories serve me correctly) “Through the highways” with my other classmates. Ironically, the hardest part to believe about the whole clip was how perfectly harmonious we were, even as young children.

I was born on a Wednesdayunder the astrological sign Gemini.

I was born in the Chinese year of the Dog.

My birth stone is an emerald. There was a partial lunar

eclipse. The bottom half of the moon just barely grazed the earth’s umbra.

Miles Davis shares my birthday.

May 25 is geek pride day, so claimed by Los Angeles city council.

Shonny Sharrock, famous American jazz guitarist, died on my birthday. Yes, he died on May 25, 1994.

Eric Davis also died on said date.

A strong tornado formed near Northfield, Texas, but the lack of roads in the area prevented an experienced team from collecting good data.

What happened on my

Birthday/Birth year?

Life in the Islands

My life, in retrospect

Life in the spotlight