525 Jackson Street, Anoka, MN 55303 | 763.421.2471 | StStephenChurch.org B USCA , A MA , Y S IRVE A J ESUCRISTO S EEK , L OVE , AND S ERVE J ESUS C HRIST April 7, 2019 | Fifth Sunday of Lent IN THIS ISSUE: Liturgy Guide, pages 2 and 3 Women of Wonder Meet Tuesday, page 4 Farewell and Best Wishes to Renee Hogan, page 5 Additional Mentor Couples Needed, page 5 Second Collection Next Weekend for Parish Charity Account, page 6 Anuncios en español, paginas 8-10 Sunday, April 7 and Monday, April 8 You are invited on this Lenten journey as we seek, love, and serve Jesus Christ. Prayer, one of the pillars of Lent, will be our focus. Sunday, April 7 - Kick o the Parish Mission at 6:00 p.m. Mass. At 7:00 p.m., the evening opens with prayer and music in the church. Fr. Matthew Quail's presentation: What Does Prayer Time Look Like? Fr. Bennet Tran's presentation: Praying with Scripture. Monday, April 8 The evening begins at 7:00 p.m. in the church. Fr. Matt Shireman's presentation: How to Pray Your Day. The night ends with an evening Taizé prayer service. Refreshments will be available in the Faith Commu- nity Center at the end of each evening. Lenten Reconciliation Day this Tuesday, April 9, 12-8:00 p.m. Many priests will be available throughout the after- noon and evening. Come celebrate this beautiful sacrament of God’s healing mercy and grace as you prepare for the great feast of Easter. Divine Mercy Prayer Service Set for Sunday, April 28 Please join us for the Divine Mercy prayer service on Sunday, April 28 at 3:00 p.m. in the Church. Confessions will be available. A plenary indulgence can be obtained on that day by saying the Divine Mercy prayers in church (along with the other re- quirements, including sac- ramental Confession up to 20 days before or after; this would include our Recon- ciliation Day on Tuesday, April 9). One of our deacons will speak about Divine Mercy. This is the sixth annual service at St. Stephen’s in honor of our Lord’s very special Feast (and request that comes to us through St. Faustina’s diary). Please plan to join us for the Feast of Divine Mercy. Invite family and friends!

Divine Mercy Prayer Service Set for Sunday, April 28

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525 Jackson Street, Anoka, MN 55303 | 763.421.2471 | StStephenChurch.org



April 7, 2019 | Fifth Sunday of Lent

IN THIS ISSUE:Liturgy Guide, pages 2 and 3

Women of Wonder Meet Tuesday, page 4

Farewell and Best Wishes to Renee Hogan, page 5

Additional Mentor Couples Needed, page 5

Second Collection Next Weekend for Parish CharityAccount, page 6

Anuncios en español, paginas 8-10

Sunday, April 7 and Monday, April 8You are invited on this Lenten journey as we seek, love, and serve Jesus Christ. Prayer, one of the pillars of Lent, will be our focus.

Sunday, April 7 - Kick o! the Parish Mission at6:00 p.m. Mass.

At 7:00 p.m., the evening opens with prayer and music in the church.

Fr. Matthew Quail's presentation: What Does Prayer Time Look Like?

Fr. Bennet Tran's presentation: Praying with Scripture.

Monday, April 8

The evening begins at 7:00 p.m. in the church.

Fr. Matt Shireman's presentation: How to Pray Your Day.

The night ends with an evening Taizé prayer service.

Refreshments will be available in the Faith Commu-nity Center at the end of each evening.

Lenten Reconciliation Daythis Tuesday, April 9, 12-8:00 p.m.Many priests will be available throughout the after-noon and evening. Come celebrate this beautiful sacrament of God’s healing mercy and grace as you prepare for the great feast of Easter.

Divine Mercy Prayer Service Set for Sunday, April 28Please join us for the Divine Mercy prayer service on Sunday, April 28 at 3:00 p.m. in the Church. Confessions will be available. A plenary indulgence can be obtained on that day by saying the Divine

Mercy prayers in church (along with the other re-quirements, including sac-ramental Confession up to 20 days before or after; this would include our Recon-ciliation Day on Tuesday, April 9).

One of our deacons will speak about Divine Mercy.

This is the sixth annual service at St. Stephen’s in honor of our Lord’s very special Feast (and request that comes to us through St. Faustina’s diary). Please plan to join us for the Feast of Divine Mercy. Invite family and friends!

Page 2: Divine Mercy Prayer Service Set for Sunday, April 28


Liturgy Guide


Silent Entrance with tolling of the bell


Celebrant: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. R. Amen.

Celebrant: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and thelove of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit bewith you all (or similar greeting). R. And with your spirit.


I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, And striking the breast three times, all say:through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault;therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.

KYRIE Roman Missal



FIRST READING Isaiah 43:16-21

RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 130; Music: Marty Haugen

SECOND READING Philippians 3:8-14

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Storrington Mass Marty Haugen

GOSPEL John 8:1-11 At the conclusion of the Gospel:

Priest or Deacon: The Gospel of the Lord.

R. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.



I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, con-substantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven,

(bow) and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.

For our sake he was cruci! ed under Pontius Pilate, he su" ered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glori! ed, who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL R. Lord, hear our prayer.



Gather #688 Take Up Your Cross


Celebrant: Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacri! ce and yours may be acceptable to God, the almighty Father.

R. May the Lord accept the sacri! ce at your hands for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good ofall his holy Church.

Page 3: Divine Mercy Prayer Service Set for Sunday, April 28


Liturgy Guide

SANCTUS No Greater Love Mass Michael Joncas

MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION No Greater Love Mass Michael Joncas

GREAT AMEN No Greater Love Mass Michael Joncas

AGNUS DEI Music by Robert J. Batastini


R. Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.All Catholics who have prepared themselves to receive Holy Com-munion are invited to come forward. Our brothers and sisters of other faiths are invited to approach with arms crossed over the chest to signal their desire to receive a blessing.

Gather #405 Hosea

Gather #616 Eye Has Not Seen


Worship Aid #55 Lord, Reign in Me The Mass parts in this worship aid are reprinted according toOneLicense annual reprint license #A-702795.

Volunteers and Donations Needed for the Festival of FlowersJoin us Saturday, April 27, as we celebrate spring, growth, and new life! We will kick o! the event with a Festival Choir leading us in song at the 5:00 p.m. Bilingual Mass. Following Mass, there will be food (tacos with rice and beans/salsa and chips/hot dogs with toppings and chips), ice cream, bever-ages (including Men in Black Margar-itas), DJ, dancing, children’s games, Candy Shoppe, Folkloric Dancers, and gift basket ra" e.

We are in need of the following do-nations: cases of canned soda (Coke and Pepsi products), cases of 16.9 FL OZ of bottled water. Donations may be dropped o! in the Parish O# ce by April 23.

Volunteers will be needed for decorating, set-up, food prep, serving, children’s games, candy shoppe, ice cream shoppe, beverages, and clean up. Please stop by the Connect With Us desk after weekend Masses or call the parish o# ce at 421-2471.

Thank you for your continued support!

Prayer for FamiliesWe bless your name, O Lord,for sending your own incarnate Son,to become part of a family,so that, as he lived its life,he would experience its worries and its joys.

We ask you, Lord,to protect and watch over our family,so that in the strength of your graceits members may enjoy prosperity,possess the priceless gift of your peace,and, as the Church alive in the home,bear witness in this world to your glory.We ask this thought Christ our Lord.


Page 4: Divine Mercy Prayer Service Set for Sunday, April 28

Need Prayer?The Church of St. Stephen Inter-cessory Prayer Group will pray for any of your needs: health, � nan-cial, marital, spiritual. All requests are con� dential. If you have a prayer request, please call Do-lores, 763-421-0612 or Lori 763-244-4803.


Faith for Life


Readings for the WeekSunday: Is 43:16-21/Ps 126:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 6 [3]/Phil 3:8-14/Jn 8:1-11 Monday: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62/Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 [4ab]/Jn 8:12-20Tuesday: Nm 21:4-9/Ps 102:2-3, 16-18, 19-21 [2]/Jn 8:21-30Wednesday: Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95/Dn 3:52, 53, 54, 55, 56 [52b]/Jn 8:31-42Thursday: Gn 17:3-9/Ps 105:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [8a]/Jn 8:51-59Friday: Jer 20:10-13/Ps 18:2-3a, 3bc-4, 5-6, 7 [cf. 7]/Jn 10:31-42Saturday: Ez 37:21-28/Jer 31:10, 11-12abcd, 13 [cf. 10d]/Jn 11:45-56Next Sunday: Lk 19:28-40/Is 50:4-7/Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24 [2a]/Phil 2:6-11/Lk 22:14--23:56 or 23:1-49

Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl Re! ection for the Fifth Week of LentEncounter Ona. Despite earning a teaching de-gree, Ona struggled to � nd work in Gaza. She was not able to apply to jobs elsewhere because she is not allowed to leave Gaza. Through a CRS program, Ona found a paid internship as a teach-er which gave her con� dence and inspiration to branch out on her own. Ona saved her last two paychecks from the internship and used them to open a tutoring center where she now helps students of all ages in math and other subjects. To learn more, visit crsricebowl.org.

You may return your Rice Bowls on Holy Thursday (April 18) or April 27/28.

Alpha Sessions Continue on Wednesday EveningsAlpha is an opportunity to explore life and faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. NO pres-sure. NO follow-up. NO CHARGE! It’s FREE!

Alpha will include snacks, a short talk, and time at the end where you can share your thoughts.

We will be o" ering Alpha on Wednesdays, 6:15-7:30 p.m., through June 5 (except April 17) in FCC 10. The topic for this week: How Can I Have Faith? You are also invited to bring a friend or two and they don’t have to be Catholic to join Alpha…ALL ARE WELCOME!

Vacation Bible School: ROAR for JESUS!Save the dates of July 29 - August 2, 9:00 a.m. to noon!

Every day at Roar Totally Catholic VBS, kids will learn simple Bible points and be immersed in new adventures as they travel through � eld-tested rotations. Together we will explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers us all through this “wild” life. Just as our church and school buildings will be transformed into an African

savanna full of vibrant colors and untamed grasslands, so too will the lives of all who join us be transformed as we learn to follow Jesus more closely!

Stay tuned for more VBS information in the upcoming weeks and months.

Photo by Mohamed Ree� forCatholic Relief Services

Women of Wonder Meet TuesdayWomen of St. Stephen, join us Tuesday, April 9, 9:30-11:00 a.m. in The Ref-uge. Do you wonder how to create order and useful space out of clut-ter and chaos? Help is on the way! Women of Wonder will have a guest speaker, Laurie Wrobel, owner of Clutter 911. She will share her expertise on how to start the decluttering process. Laurie will give ideas on how to decide if you really need to keep or let go of the many things you have stashed away. Come to the meeting and leave with some new ideas.

Refreshments are provided. Childcare will be available for your children and grandchildren. A donation of $5.00 for childcare would be appreci-ated, but is not required.

Thank You!A huge thank you to Life Matters ministry, Faith for Life, Fr. Matthew Quail, Fr. Bennet Tran, Fr. Matthew Shireman, all the amazing guest speakers, all those who helped with organizing and doing hospitality, and all our guests who attended our End of Life Series. Stay tuned for more upcoming events in the future!

Page 5: Divine Mercy Prayer Service Set for Sunday, April 28

MASS IntentionsMonday, April 8

8:00 a.m. Cheryl and Arlen OngieTuesday, April 9

8:00 a.m. Laurie Plante +Wednesday, April 10

8:00 a.m. Bill Fisher +Thursday, April 11

8:00 a.m. Jim Van Horrick +Friday, April 12

8:00 a.m. Raymond Jurek +Saturday, April 13

8:00 a.m. Kim Pham and Family5:00 p.m. Dennis Hubert +

Sunday, April 148:30 a.m. Thomas M. Neilson +10:30 a.m. Helen Fitzsimonds +12:30 p.m. St. Stephen’s Parish6:00 p.m. Clarine Oaks +


The Grapevine


Donate from Your Smart


Easter Egg Hunt Set for Saturday, April 13 Join us on the School Playground and Parking Lots (if there’s snow it will be in the Faith Community Center)!

10:00 a.m. start time; arrive by 9:45 a.m. so you know in which area your child will hunt for eggs.

We will have sections for children 0-2 years / 3-4 years / 5-6 years / 7-9 years / 10-12 years.

The Easter Bunny will be stopping by for a visit and youth ministry teens will be selling pictures with the bunny for $2. All proceeds will go towards the youth mission trip this summer!

The Easter Bunny is in need of plastic Easter eggs and mini wrapped candy to go in the eggs. Donations can

be dropped o" at the Parish O# ce before April 9. Thank you!

Children are invited to bring their Easter baskets to collect their eggs.

Farewell and Best WishesThank you to Renee Hogan for her faithful service to St. Stephen’s Church. Renee has retired from full-time employ-ment. She began working at the church in September of 2013 as the administrative assistant at the parish o# ce front desk. Her responsibilities were wide and varied, and includ-ed greeting parishioners and guests, answering phones,

scheduling baptisms and weddings, data entry, and coordinating numer-ous special projects as needed.

As she re% ected on her employment at St. Stephen, she remarked that it has been an honor and privilege to work so closely with the parishioners and sta" of St. Stephen’s Church.

We wish Renee all the best as she begins a new chapter in life. May God blessher abundantly!

Thank You to Our Fish Dinner Coordinators!St. Stephen’s parish thanks the Knights of Columbus for their dedicated service to the Lenten Friday Fish Dinners for the past twenty years. Special thanks to Je! Kie! er for coordinating the kitchen, food orders, and dinner prep for all twenty years! He and his wife, Rhonda, have tirelessly devoted themselves to these annual dinners. A special thank you to Carole Santer for coordinating the volunteers for the Fish Dinners for the past twenty years! She and her husband, Joe, have generously dedicated countless hours to this endeavor.

Thank you to all volunteers for your commitment to serving the commu-nity at these dinners. Thank you to all who patronized the dinners!

Additional MentorCouples NeededSt. Stephen’s is looking for some amazing couples who would love to give back and share all the blessings that God has bestowed upon you and it costs nothing but your time.

We are in need of more amazing Mentor Couples who would like to mentor engaged couples, or couples who are having a child baptized. This ministry is so life- giving for both the Mentor Couple and the couple receiving the men-toring! Please prayerfully consider whether God is calling you to this amazing ministry. If you are in-terested or have any questions, please feel free to contact Mar-edith Toweh, Faith for Life Direc-tor, at [email protected] or 763-712-7439. Training and mentoring is available.

Page 6: Divine Mercy Prayer Service Set for Sunday, April 28


Pastoral Care


Please Pray for...Susie AbbottMichael AbbottLynn AkerJo AlexanderDennis AlexanderTony AlexanderBarb and Ralph AltenwegMarie AmbergMonico AnchetaCasanova AntoniaBabineau FamilyMadelyne BauerPatrick BaisleyJoanne BednarskiRob and Kari Berg familyTammy BergHarlen BeyerWalter BlochAnne BlueJeffery BlueJacob BouleyJean BouleyMarjorie BragelmanBonnie BretchelHelen BreyenJulie BrightKenneth BrightSheila BrisbinDeborah Burkhardt-CotterHarold Burkhardt Jr.Theresa BurnsDorothy CarverJudy ChouinardVirgil and Theresa CollinsShane Cotter Jr.Linda CzechStanley Czech Jr.Lorrie DavisBetty DehnAeryn DeKreySamantha Rose DeLappRosemary DonnetteBarb DrydenJami DucharmeRichard DuclosMiriam DuerrBarb DvorkJeff EickhoffRachel Aykens ElliotGary EngelsSr. Catherine FiegenLiam FieldsRichard FillmoreDavid FixPat FoellJeff FoxLeslie FrielingSherry GoldensteinMila Gonser-McGillJohn GoodmanCullen GroffDiane GrorudWeston GuiliTyler GuimontGuthrie FamilyDon HallerSusan HamiltonGreg HarmCody HarmonMary HeieSteve HeilmanJ.C. and E.L.P. HernandezJane HerrNicholas HerrTroy HoefkerRichard HoelscherEvelyn HolthusMatthew HoltzMarie Doris HovindTatiana HueleKaty JamesSteve JankowskiEileen JansenKathryn JostGladys KaschtTammie Kaslow

Kate KempstonDiane KetzJustin KetzBill KeyesJeremy KletzinJohnny KlischTom KobelinskiAlyce KowalMelissa KosciskoCharlie LaDueAmy LamettiJeanette LashinskiMichael LehnOwen LesterPatti LeTourneauVernon and Jane LieserJoelle LillyRita LindenfelserEllie LinnTom MarinucciDolores MartinsonEd MelnarikElissa MerrittJanelle MerrittMadisyn MevissenFred MoodyJeff and Kelly Nelson familyVonna NelsonBrandon NewmanBruce NovakBruce O’ConnorJerry OdashKerry OfferdahlMary OlsonWilliam OlsonAlexandria OwensAl and Dianne ParentDoug PastorekLucille PatchenEmily PerrinBernadine PhillipsKaren PiephoGavin PiersonMarge PinewskiRuss RadloffRick and Leanne RajtarDale and Renee ReedLinda RenstromBarbara RivardGary RoseArnold RudenickTyler RuppeliusMary Ann RuudLynn SchaustMatt SchaustDean SchenkTom SchinnDori SchymaEileen ScottMillie SigfridSteve SigfridBetty SjoquistVera SnapkoMolly SpangMissy SpoehrHelen StegeKathy SteinkeHope StewartKaren SwansonLorraine TheisenMargie TiernanKevin TiceMary Kay TyminskiJackie VierlingJanet VittitowRuby VolkJeanna WanczykivBill WeissJackie WellmanColleen WernimontMary WilkersonAlice ZappaDennis Zinda

Growing through Loss Grief Series Concludes ThursdayThursday, April 11: The ! nal evening of the Growing through Loss Grief Series will be a Prayer and Healing Service at 8:00 p.m. (Small groups will take place ! rst.) if you have attended any night of the series and would like to attend this service, feel free to come. If you have not attended before this, you may also come for the prayer service if you wish. Only people who have already been part of the small groups should come for the small group time (7:00 p.m.) this week. Questions? Contact Sr. Mary Anne at [email protected] or 763-712-7441.

Volunteer OpportunitiesAnoka County Jail: Word and Communion Volunteers

If you have an interest in being a Sunday morning (9:30) volunteer to pro-vide Word and Communion Services at the Anoka County Jail, please con-tact Sr. Mary Anne at the parish o" ce as soon as possible at 763-712-7441 or [email protected]. The next orientation at the jail is April 10. This ministry is always done in pairs. A new volunteer works with an experienced volunteer.

Mercy Hospital: Volunteer to bring Communion to Mercy Hospital

St. Stephen’s volunteers bring Holy Communion to Catholics at Mercy Hos-pital on Mondays and Thursdays. If this is something that you have thought that you might like to do, please contact Sr. Mary Anne at the parish o" ce.

Morning Mass Hospitality is Tuesday, April 9Join fellow daily Mass attendees for hospitality in the FCC following the 8:00 a.m. Mass. If you have any questions, please contact the parish o" ce (763-421-2471) to leave a message for the hospitality coordinators.

Second Collection Next Weekend for the Parish Charity AccountOne way that our parish charity account has been used is to help people in need. A call was received (as this announcement was being prepared) not asking for help, but to say thank you for help given in the past and to say that all is going well now. Next weekend’s second collection will bene! t the char-ity account. Thank you for your generosity.

Prayer Shawl Ministry Meets FridayThis ministry is one which extends God’s love to others through medita-tion and prayer while knitting or crocheting. Shawls are given in times of illness or grieving, as well as during times of joy (pregnancy, adoption) or celebration (nursing mom, recovery and rehabilitation, special anniversary or birthday, etc.).

We will meet Friday, April 12 at noon in the Archbishop Romero Room. We warmly invite new members!

Page 7: Divine Mercy Prayer Service Set for Sunday, April 28

Join Us for this Season’s Fish Dinner “Fin”ale!The Lenten Friday Fish Dinners are served from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. This year marks our 20th Anniversary! There are generous servings of baked and deep fried " sh, mashed potatoes, coleslaw, baked beans, macaroni and cheese, dinner rolls and apple crisp. Beverages include co# ee, milk and lemonade. All are welcome. “To-Go” boxes are available. Adults are $8.00, children ages 4 to 12 are $4.00 and children age 3 and under are free.



Calendar of Events


March 30/31, 2019OFFERTORY

Adult Stew. Envelopes $13,406.50Automatic O# ering $9,999.00Plate (Cash and Checks) $8,759.34Children’s Envelopes $4.95 TOTAL $32,169.79OTHER INCOMEEaster Flowers $402.00Misc. Holidays/Holy Days $205.00Easter $127.00Contingency Fund $25.00 TOTAL $759.00OUTREACH MINISTRYParish Charity Account $25.00Propagation of Faith $695.00 TOTAL $720.00

Monday, April 8 Church Cleaners: Church/Chapel/FCC, 8:30 a.m.Stephen’s Readers Book Club: Arch. Romero Room, 1:00 p.m.Parish Mission: Church, 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, April 9Elem. Faith for Life Session: FCC, 6:15 p.m.RCIA for Youth: The Refuge, 6:15 p.m.

Wednesday, April 10WHO (We Help Others) Group: Archbishop Romero Room, 8:45 a.m.Elem./M.S. Faith for Life Session: Church, 6:15 p.m.Men’s Group: St. Paul Room, 6:30 p.m.Reconciliation: Chapel, 7:00 p.m.H.S. Youth Group: The Refuge, 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, April 11Men’s Group: The Refuge, 6:45 a.m.Bible Study: The Refuge, 8:45 a.m.

Friday, April 12Fish Dinner: FCC, 5:30-7:00 p.m.Bilingual Stations of the Cross: Church, 7 p.m.

Saturday, April 13Reconciliation: Chapel, 3:30 p.m.Ham Bingo: FCC 1-9, 6:30-10:00 p.m.

Sunday, April 14RCIA: The Refuge, 9:45 a.m.Sunday School: School, 10:30 a.m.Con! rmation Prep: Church , 7:15 p.m.

Stewardship Report

Ra" e Ticket Packets Now Availablefor the Festival of Flowers!Please pick up your ra" e ticket packets at the Friday Fish Dinners or be-fore/after weekend Masses. They are located in the Gathering Place. Sell-ing or buying your tickets helps support our various parish ministries. This annual fundraising ra% e is a key component of our parish budget and we appreciate everyone’s participation! You may remember that in more re-cent years our annual ra" e was done in May at the Spring Fiesta. Prior to that, it was done in June at Summerfest. This year’s Festival of Flow-ers ra" e in April replaces those ra" es. Please return ra% e tickets no

later than 8:00 p.m. Saturday, April 27. You may mail them, drop them o# in the parish o& ce, or place in the o# er-

tory baskets at Mass.

The ra% e drawing will be held at 9:00 p.m. April 27. Over $10,000 will be awarded in cash prizes with the

Grand Prize of your choice of a TORO zero-turn mower (MSRP $6,299) or $5,000 cash!

Your Patronage of the Mid-Winter Breakfast Helped Local VeteransAt the February 24 Mid-Winter Break-fast, the Anoka Knights raised $1,800 which was donated to Anoka’s Ha-ven for Heroes Veterans Home. This council event, held at St. Stephen’s, was coordinated by Je# Kie# er. Pic-tured are KC Members Je# Kie# er (second from left) and Brian Sullivan (far right) along wth local veterans.

Rosary Makers Meet FridayRosary Makers are needed to make rosaries for missions. We meet the second Friday of the month at St. Stephen's in the Archbishop Romero Room from 1:15-3:00 p.m. You do not need to know how to make rosaries. We will teach you. Please contact Carol at 763-323-4930 for additional information and

to make sure we have supplies ready for you.

Page 8: Divine Mercy Prayer Service Set for Sunday, April 28


En Español todos los Domingos a las 12:30 p.m.

Horario de O� cinas en Español:con el Diácono:

Domingo y Martesde 10:30 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.

Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes:de 1:30 p.m. a 9:00 p.m.

Sábados: de 11:00 a.m. a 5:00 p.m.Tel. 763-712-7482Fax. 763-421-4230

Iglesia de San EstebanO� cina Parroquial en Inglés:

Tel. 763-421-2471Párroco

Padre Bennet TranPastor Asociado

Padre Mateo QuailTel. 763-712-7421

DiáconoRamón García

Tel. 763-712-7482

Lecturas de La SemanaDomingo: Is 43, 16-21/Sal 126, 1-2. 2-3. 4-5. 6 [3]/Flp 3, 8-14/Jn 8, 1-11Lunes: Dn 13, 1-9. 15-17. 19-30. 33-62 o 13, 41-62/Sal 23, 1-3. 3-4. 5. 6 [4]/Jn 8, 12-20Martes: Nm 21, 4-9/Sal 102, 2-3. 16-18. 19-21 [2]/Jn 8, 21-30Miércoles: Dn 3, 14-20. 91-92. 95/Dn 3, 52. 53. 54. 55. 56 [52]/Jn 8, 31-42Jueves: Gn 17, 3-9/Sal 105, 4-5. 6-7. 8-9 [8]/Jn 8, 51-59Viernes: Jr 20, 10-13/Sal 18, 2-3. 3-4. 5-6. 7 [cfr. 7]/Jn 10, 31-42Sábado: Ez 37, 21-28/Jr 31, 10. 11-12. 13 [cfr. 10]/Jn 11, 45-56Proximo Domingo: Lc 19, 28-40/Is 50, 4-7/Sal 22, 8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24 [2]/Flp 2, 6-11/Lc 22, 14--23, 56 o 23, 1-49


Ministerio Hispano Anuncios en Español

Información para la preparaciónSacramental:

Bautismos, Primera Comunión,Reconciliación, Con� rmaciónMatrimonios y celebraciones

para Quinceañera

Despedida y BendicionesGracias a Renee Hogan, por su servicio � el en La Iglesia de San Esteban. Renee se ha jubilado de empleo de tiempo complete. Ella comenzó a tra-

bajar en la iglesia en septiembre de 2013, como asistente administrative en la o� cina parroquial. Sus responsabi-lidades fueron muchas e incluian el dar la bienvenida a los feligreses y todos los que llegaban, contester el teléfono, poner el horario de los bautismos y las bodas, computadora y coordinar varios proyectos. Al contemplar su empleo en

San Esteban, ella comentó que ha sido un honor y un privilegio trabajar de cerca con los feligreses y el personal de La Iglesia de San Esteban. Le deseamos lo mejor en su nuevo capítulo de vida. ¡Que Dios la bendiga abundantemente!

Gracias a Todos Los Coordinadores de Las Cenas de PescadoLa Parrouqia de San Esteban da las gracias a Los Caballeros de Colón, por su servicio dedicado en las cenas de pescado en la Cuaresma, por los últimos veinte años. En especial, gracias a Je" Kie" er por coordinar los ordines de la comida, la preparación de la cena y toda la cocina, por todos los veinte años. El y su esposa, Rhonda, se han dedicado a estas cenas cada año.

Gracias a Carole Santer por coordinar a los voluntaries para Las Cenas de Pescado, por los últimos veinte años. Ella y su esposo, Joe, han dedicado generosamente horas sin contar a estos eventos.

Gracias a todos los voluntaries por su compromiso a servir a la comunidad en estas cenas. Gracias a todas las personas que vinieron a cenar, también.

La Segunda Colecta Para La Cuenta de Caridad, de Nuestra ParroquiaUna manera que se utiliza a nuestra cuenta de caridad de la parroquia es de ayudar a las personas necesitadas. Una llamada que recibimos, al hacer este artículo del boletín, fue de una persona que llamaba para decir gracias por la ayuda que recibió, y para avisarnos que ya iba mejor su situación. El próximo � n de semana, la colecta va a ser para esta cuenta. Gracias por su generosidad.

Grupo de Jóvenes, de High School y Middle SchoolHemos comenzado un grupo de jóvenes, para los que están en Mid-dle School y High School. Están invitados a participar con nosotros todos los sábados, de 1:00 p.m. a 4:00 p.m. Jugamos, oramos, aprende-mos juntos, con temas interesantes, comemos y disfrutamos nuestra juven-tud. Para mayor información, llamar al Diácono Ramón al 763-712-7482, o a Cristian a 763-712-7440.

Page 9: Divine Mercy Prayer Service Set for Sunday, April 28


Ministerio Hispano Anuncios en Español

El Sacramento de La ReconciliaciónEl sacramento de la Reconciliación es uno de los tesoros más grandes de nuestra fe católica, porque es por medio de la confesión que experimenta-mos la sanación y la misericordia de nuestro Señor, por todos nuestros pecados. Es por esta razón que la Iglesia pide a todos los católicos que nos confesemos por lo menos una vez al año, y nos invita a frecuentar el sacra-mento aún más.

Las confesiones en español:martes, 9 de abril, 12-8:00 p.m.sábado, 13 de abril, 3:30 p.m.

miércoles, 17 de abril, 7:00 p.m.

Pláticas BautismalesLas pláticas pre-bautismales se toman el primer sábado de cada mes. Llamar a la parro-quia para llenar la registración para con" rmar la fecha de su asistencia para la plática del bautismo.

1. La celebración del Bautizo son los domingos dentro de la misa de las 12:30 pm, o el terc-er o cuarto sábado del mes a las 10:30 am.

2. En la Iglesia de St. Stephen no hay cuota para el sacra-mento del bautismo.

3. Las pláticas las tomarán papás y padrinos. Se reco-mienda que si los padres no están casados por la Iglesia Católica al menos los Pa-drinos si lo estén, o ser to-talmente solteros, sin estar conviviendo con ninguna otra persona. Los padrinos tienen que ser católicos.

4. Las pláticas bautismales son los sábados (llamar para las fechas exactas del mes), de 11:00 am a 1:00 pm. en el salón Romero.

Llamar para registrarse al: Diácono Ramon Garcia: Tel 763-712-7482.

Fechas Próximas Para Las Pláticas Bautismales:

llamar a la o# cina.

Fechas Próximas Para La Cel-ebración de los Bautismos (los sábados):

llamar a la o# cina.

El Domingo de La Divina Misericoridia: Un Servicio de Oración, el 28 de AbrilVénganse con nosotros el 28 de abril a las 3:00 p.m. para nuestro servicio de oración para El Domingo de La Divina Misericordia, en La Iglesia. Habrá

confesiones. Se puede obtener una indulgencia plenaria ese dia, al rezar las oraciones de La Div-ina Misericordia en la iglesia, junto con los otros requisitos, incluyendo el Sacramento de La Rec-onciliación 20 días antes o después del Domingo de La Divina Misericordia (y va incluído nuestro Día de La Reconciliación, el martes, 9 de abril).

Uno de nuestros diáconos va a hablar de la Divina Misericordia. Este es el sexto servicio de oración en San Esteban, honrando la " esta especial (que se pidió por el diario de Santa Faustina).

Venganse con nosotros, e inviten a los amigos y familiares.

La Pascua: Evento de Buscar Huevos de PascuaEl sábado, 13 abril, vengan con nosotros al parquecito de la escuela (y si

hay nieve, será en el FCC) a las 10:00 a.m. para comenzar la búsqueda de los huevos de Pascua. Hay que llegar a las 9:45, para que sepan donde va(n) a buscar los huevos su(s) hijo(s). Vamos a tener una sección para los niños de 0-2 años / 3-4 años / 5-6 años / 7-9 años / 10-12 años. Además, estará aquí el Conejito, y los jóvenes del grupo juveníl van a estar vendiendo fotos con el Conejito, por $2.00, para levantar fondos para su viaje de misiones de los jóvenes.

Se pide donaciones de huevos de plástico y dulces peque-ños para poner a dentro de los huevos. Se aceptan las

donaciones en la o" cina parroquial antes del 9 de abril.

Se les invita a los niños a traer sus canastas de Pascua, para colectar los huevos.

Page 10: Divine Mercy Prayer Service Set for Sunday, April 28


Ministerio Hispano Anuncios en Español

Una Re� exíon De La Corresponsabilidad“Por su causa, he aceptado la pérdi-da de todas las cosas y las considero basura, para poder ganar a Cristo ...” (FILIPENSES 3: 8)

El primer mandamiento dice que no debemos poner a otros dioses delante del Señor. Compartir todos nuestros dones, nuestro tiempo de oración, nuestro talento en obras de caridad y nuestro tesoro para apoyar las necesidades de la Iglesia nos ayuda a mantener a Dios primero en todo. Nos ayuda a evitar poner a otros dioses delante de Dios. Nos ayuda a usar nuestros dones para la gloria de Dios y no para nuestro pro-pio honor.

Festival de Flores y Rifa: El Sábado, 27 de Abril(Anteriormente “Spring Ra" e Fiesta”)Vengan con nosotros el sábado, 27 de abril, para celebrar la primavera, el crecimiento y la vida nueva. Vamos a comenzar el evento con una misa bilingue a las 5:00 p.m., con un coro festival. Vamos a tener una procesión con las banderas. Todos están invitados a traer una " or, para colocar en la imagen de La Divina Misericordia. Invitamos a todos a poner ropa " oreada también.

Después de la misa, vamos a tener comida (ta-cos, con arroz y frijoles, salsa y chips, hotdogs y chips, helado, bebidas (incluyendo “Men in Black”

margaritas, DJ, baile, area de niños, “tien-dita de dulces”, danza folklórica y rifa de ca-nastas de regalo. Habrá una rifa de dinero en efectivo durante la # esta, y un premio nuevo este año: un TORO podadora (valor de $6,299) o $5,000 cash!

Favor de recoger sus paquetes de rifa en Las Ce-nas de Pescado o antes o después de las misas

dominicales. Su apoyo de vender boletos (y de comprarlos también) ayuda mucho a apoyar a nuestros ministerios de la parroquia. Esta rifa annual es una parte importante de nuestro presupuesto, y apreciamos la participa-cion de todos. Favor de devolver los boletos de rifa antes de las 8:00 p.m. el sábado, 27 de abril.

Necesitamos muchos voluntaries para adornar, preparar, armar, servir, ayu-dar con los juegos de los niños, los dulces, las bebidas y la limpieza. Pasen al kiosko de información “Connect With Us” después de las misas domini-cales o llamar a la o# cina parroquial al: 763-421-2471.

VBS - La Escuelita Bíblica de Verano:29 de Julio-2 de AgostoVBS va a tener el tema Roar para Jesús este año. El horario es de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m., del 29 de julio al 2 de Agosto. Todos los días, los dños van a apren-der de la Biblia y van a ser s u b m e r -gidos en aventuras nuevas, al “viajar” por centros de ac-tividades en la parroquia. Juntos va-mos a explorar la bondad de Dios y celebrar una fe tremenda que nos da fuerza en esta vida. Nuestra iglesia y nuestra escuela van a ser transfor-madas a una savana Africana, llenas de colores vibrantes, así también se transformarán las vidas de todos que aprendemos a seguirle a Jesús más de cerca. Habrá más información más adelante.

La Re� exión de Los Tazones de Arroz, de Los Servi-cios Católicos, del Quinto Domingo de La CuaresmaA pesar de que tenga un título de maestro, le fue difícil a Ona a encon-trar un trabajo en Gaza. Ella no pudo aplicar por trabajos en otros lugares, por no tener permiso salir de Gaza. Por medio del programa de CRS, Ona consiguió un trabajo como maestra, dán-dole con# anza e inspiración para seguir con sus planes, por su parte. Ona ahorró sus últimos dos cheques y los ocupó para abrir un centro de tu-toría, donde ahora ayuda a estudiantes de todas las edades, en las areas de matemáticas y otras materas.

El 18 de abril, Jueves Santo, o el # n de semana del 27-28 de abril, se puede entregar los tazones de arroz.

Photo by Mohamed Ree# forCatholic Relief Services

Page 11: Divine Mercy Prayer Service Set for Sunday, April 28

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