Divide to conquer

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  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    Divide to Conquer

    Limiting the goals of English

    composition courses

    Edgar Eslava

    National ELT Conference

    Chia, Abril 24,2008

  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    2. Students development of individualized modes of

    expression is not always welcomed(mainly because of theweight that tradition imposes to academic writing).

    Corollary: The use of


    styles that do not

    correspond with the

    language accepted by

    the academicestablishment is often

    punished, regardless

    of their effectiveness

    and fluency in

    transmitting content

    and meaning.

  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    BUT, the force of the argument has led to over-read the history ofcomposition theory and its role in the classroom, overstating the goals and

    practices that composition instructors should pursue and include whenever they


    And things get all

    mixed up.

  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    My aims for todays presentation:

    1. To define the context and extent of what I call the overstatement


    2. To present the basic lines of a suitable solution, the divide to

    conquer strategy, in the context of a community of critical


    Divide to conquer claims for a pedagogical

    dynamics, that limits the need for a permanent

    re-enacting of the history of composition theory

    while still responding to the actual needs of

    instructors and students: becoming members of

    communities that value multi-perspective

    approaches to conflicts resolution.

  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    Instruction and critical thinking

    English language instructors (us) maintain a two-fold relation with what I

    consider to be the main goal of any educative enterprise, the constructionof a community of critical thinkers.

    1. We are in very favorable situation for the construction of environments

    where critical thinking can be developed.

    Few places compare to the classroom

    for its multiple options for generating stimulating

    discussions. In this space, the instructor

    can lead students from diverse backgrounds

    towards a mastery of analytical

    communicative skills.

  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    Instruction and critical thinking

    2. Because of the very nature of universities and schools as socially-regulated

    academic institutions, we are required to show the limits between what can

    be said and what cannot be said by those who aspire to become recognized as

    members of the academic community. In this sense, we set the limits of the

    admissible and the inadmissible.

  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    To fulfill their task, teachers must:

    - Design class activities not only in accordance with the curriculum proposed by

    their institutions but also structured under the notion that critical thinking only growsin a meaningful environment.

    - Lectures should share the stage with activities where students participation is the

    rule and not the exception.

    - Present their views in such a way that contributes to students mastery of the

    writing process.

    - Give writing assignments that ask students for creative approaches, rather thanmerely asking for proving their ability to memorize and repeat information, that

    beyond simply requiring logical consistency and grammatical precision allow them

    to place themselves as active voices in ongoing dialogues.

    - A serious commitment with ways of evaluating writing projects and in-class

    participation in such a way that students understand the grading process not as a

    punitive mechanism but as a feedback tool that allows them to see where they stand

    as critical thinkers and writers.

    No wonder why some teachers feel overwhelmed by the

    heavy weight of their responsibilities.

  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    My definition shares:

    Dewey's pragmatic approach. Dewey (1916) Democracy andEducation and Dewey (1938)Experience and Education).

    Girouxs radicalism. Giroux (1983) Theory and resistance in

    education: A pedagogy for the opposition, Giroux (1992) Border

    crossings: Cultural workers and the politics of education)

    My definition does not go as far, as Giroux does, as to declarepolitical action as the main goal of critical thinking. It opposes some

    more restricted approaches that qualify critical thinking as the result

    of the close observance of a set of formal activities and the

    development of particular skills (for example Lipman (1988)

    Philosophy goes to School, and Ennis (1994) Dispositions and

    abilities if ideal critical thinkers. )

    Links with Critical Thinking

    A Critical Thinker is an individual who develops independent,

    creative, argument-based and multi-perspective ideas, and whois able to present and defend them competently addressing

    concrete audiences and responding to specific problems. (E.E.)

  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    The primary advantage of such a broad definition is that it rests on the fact that the

    generation of ideas involves the individuals who generate them and the contexts where

    they are needed as responses to concrete situations.

    A typical problem: From the formal approach, this social contextualism is reduced to a mereaccidental issue that can be ignored as part of the process of reaching formal correctness and

    that plays no role once such correctness is reached. This is why curriculums centered on the

    formal aspects of the composition process tend to promote objective measures of students

    progress and efficacy and to pay little attention to the relation between class activities and the

    students worldviews.

  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    As my operative definition suggests, teachers in general are in highly favorable position

    to participate in the generation of environments where critical thinking can grow

    naturally. This feature, if taken seriously enough, would generate class dynamics

    where the traditional roles of students and instructors as the ends of a lineal processof information interchange are replaced by that of members of a community of

    critical thinkers.

    Argument-based ideas.

    Multi-perspective ideas.

    Present and defend ideas.Address concrete audiences

    Respond to specific problems/tasks.

    Not a one-way communication

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    For that reason composition instructors are in a privileged position as critical

    thinking leaders and promoters. They act in a territory full of possibilities to

    incorporate in their classes alternative viewpoints about shared problems, and the topic of

    their classes cannot be more appropriate for the task of developing critical thinking: a

    mastery of writing allows individuals to communicate in diverse contexts and to present

    their ideas in a wide variety of modes. Consider for example how public discussions of

    conflictive issues such as state legislatorsdecisions andcitizenspolitical participation

    would benefit from voices of individuals capable of addressing the central arguments of

    rival positions and to put them in fair dialogue. Such individuals would help

    transforming open forums into standpoints for agreement.

  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    Therefore: teaching composition naturally subsumes the

    promotion of critical thinking.

    The critical thinking approach enriches the practice of

    teaching composition by introducing into the teaching

    practice valuable elements such as new roles for students

    and instructors and a fresh way to undertake the

    construction of class dynamics.

    It is in this context that the problem of

    overstating goals and practices must beunderstood.

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    The overstatement problem

    The overstatement problem is a twofold problem:

    1. The over-reading of the lessons from the history of composition theories.2. Traditional methods are based on a view of writing process that positions it

    as the most important communicative activity (at least for college-level

    students), leaving unattended not only the rest of communicative practices

    that play a role in the construction of discourses and disciplines but, more

    insidious, the fact that they are in permanent dialogue with one another.

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    The overstatement problem

    1. The over-reading of the lessons from the history of composition theories.

    Instructors try to condense all the lessons from the history of the discipline in

    their current practices, without questioning the particular agendas and

    objectives that such a history serves.

    They tend to forget the enormous

    difference between the time necessary forhistory to be built and the time frame in

    which active instruction is confined.

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    We know too much about our discipline if we try to use all our knowledge at once.

    It is true that there is a tradition we are preserving and actualizing every time we get

    into the classroom. We know about contexts, audiences, stages, theories, models andactivities.


    The students we find in front of us are individuals starting in different developmental

    stages, belonging to diverse social contexts.

    We know too much if all our knowledge needs to be displayed on daily basis. There

    will never be enough time for responding to all the variables history teaches us we

    should consider for integrating the immense amount of tasks that generations ofeducators have shown we can perform to complete our goals, for understanding and

    executing all the different theoretical approaches we know could be understood and

    executed in order to make our practice more effective.

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    The overstatement problem

    It takes more that just one or two academic terms to develop solid and structured

    writers, but that is about the time that composition instructors usually have toparticipate in the progress of their students.

    The problem is then trying

    to do much more than

    what we can effectivelydo, just to be respectful

    with the knowledge gained

    from history.

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    A path to solve the problem:

    We have to carefully select the goals and activities around which our practice

    gravitates and avoid the tempting way of pretending we can do everythingevery time.

    Comprehensive goals are not at odds with using a limited number of strategies

    to achieve them. Multi-perspective projects do not imply missing the focus

    our class activities. Integration does not mean mixture, it means recognition of

    the existence of multiple suitable solutions to particular problems, and finding

    out which out of the multitude is the one that better serves us.

    Divide to conquer means limiting the

    goals and focuses the tasks that basic

    composition courses should

    accomplish, and extends the timeframe

    for accomplishing those goals.

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    Extending in time the inclusion of formaland practical issues about composition

    reduces the possibilities for being

    overwhelmed by the cumulative character

    of our knowledge.

    Modifying instructional formats that

    propose mastering different composition

    styles and purposes in a mater of weeks

    with, say, term-long formats that promote

    the mastery of fundamental skills avoids a

    dangerous mixture of goals and wouldprevent students to be overloaded with


    History allows us to theset goals and provides

    with examples of

    suitable ways to

    conquer them.

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  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    A divide-to-conquer based program acknowledges this fact and uses it in the benefit of both

    instructors and students. Composition instructors would find that in their effort for offering

    students tools that allow them to understand, interpret and judge a diverse set of contexts and

    media (written, drawn, played, multi-media constituted) there would be no better way than to

    integrate them into multi-dimensional discourses.

    Replacing the seemingly endless list of micro-projects that has traditionally been used to gain

    practice in diverse writing styles and formats by projects focused on certain basic skills and

    that help students to gain familiarity with the multi-dimensionality of the current academic

    discourse would serve the instructors cause while making their practice more interesting and


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    Students would find that such integrative projects open new

    ways for effective use and construction of their own discursive

    voice, with the emphasis placed not in the supremacy of writing

    over the rest of communication strategies, but in the benefits that

    mastering composition offers for participating in a multi-

    dimensional dialogue - precisely the kind of dialogue that critical

    thinkers are to generate and promote.

    End of the theory, let us see an example

  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    Course Description [of a classical Eng 101 class]

    Composition 1 provides students with the rhetorical foundations that prepare them for the demands of academic and professional writing.

    The course will help students understand the strategies and processes that good writers use when they try to accomplish a specific purpose.

    In college, these purposes include writing to understand and to demonstrate that understanding; writing to teach, entertain, or persuade a

    reader; writing to pose or solve problems; and writing to explain or challenge existing knowledge. The course will also teach students to

    respond effectively to the writing of others, and to use the suggestions of their teacher and their peers to improve their own writing. Some

    class discussion and readings focus on the function and scope of language and communication in a variety of social contexts.Student Learning Goals

    Upon completing English 10, students should be able to:

    Effectively use and analyze forms and conventions of academic writing;

    Generate good writing using the help of specific methods for inventing and elaborating ideas, for arranging these ideas to achieve a specific rhetorical purpose, for

    producing good style, for revising and for editing;

    Write well in a variety of rhetorical contexts;

    Understand the ways that purpose, process, subject matter, form, style, tone, and diction can be shaped to address a particular audience in a specific situation;

    Demonstrate understanding of the ways that language and communication shape experience, construct meaning, and foster community;

    Use Edited American English appropriately.

    Course calendarWeek 1 (Aug.20-24)


    Presentation of Class Syllabus, activities and assignments

    Introduction of Paper 1 assignment

    Week 2 (Aug.27-31)

    Generating and focusing essays ideas

    Narration and description

    Week 3 (Sept. 3-7)

    First paper dueLabor Day Holliday

    Focusing (II)

    Introduction of paper 3 assignment

    Week 4 (Sept. 10-14)

    Second paper due

    Introduction of Paper 3 assignment

    Audience awareness

    Week 5 (Sept. 17-21)

    Persuading and argumentationDiscussion of a classical Philosophical argumentative text

    Week 6(Sept. 24-28)Third paper due

    Introduction of Paper 4 assignment

    Week 7(Oct. 1-5)

    Research tools

    Design of a research outline

    Week 8 (Oct. 8-12)

    MLA and other technical tools

    Technical workshop

    Week 9 (Oct. 15-19)

    Illustration and exemplification

    Fourth paper due

    Week 10 (Oct. 22-26)

    Comparing and contrasting

    Fall Break (Oct.27-Nov.4) No Classes

    Week 11 (Nov. 5-9)

    Analyzing the writing process

    Week 12 (Nov. 12-16)

    Fifth paper due

    Review of theoretical contentFocusing on the final document

    Week 13 (Nov. 19-23)Review of technical tools

    Grammar workshop

    Week 14 (Nov. 26-30)

    Editing and revising


    Week 15 (Dec. 3-7)

    Final paper due (Monday)

    Course evaluation

    Preparation for the final exam

    Final Exam

    Dec. 10, 10:00-12:00

  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    Course Description [of a classical Eng 101 class]

    Main activities:

    Read and Write.

    Main resources:


    Final product:

    Large amount of diverse (unconnected) material, plus final exam.

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    A less classical (real) example

    Course goals: extend the skills of expository writing and critical thinking, appreciate and

    interpret drama and poetry, and write analytically about them; understand literary principles

    and use basic terms important to critical writing and reading; and document essays using textualevidence.

    This section will focus on the plays of Shakespeare and film adaptations of those plays. Students

    will learn to deal with the challenges of reading Renaissance drama, discuss the importance of

    cultural context in reading Shakespeare, explore reading film as literature, and examine issues of

    adapting and updating the plays for the screen.

    Course requirements: Students will write four essays (two drafts and two finished texts) . In

    addition to writing papers and doing other work, all students will create a Final Writing

    Portfolio that counts approximately as one-third of their final grade. The Portfolio will include:

    a biography of the portfolio author and, if desired, a picture of the writer or other relevant


    an Introductory Reflective Essay that presents a significant "thesis" to be demonstrated by the

    individual writing exhibits;

    two of the four essays written for the class--revised, edited, and polished as final products for

    the portfolio;

    one example of writing that demonstrates and discusses the student's composing process and

    revision skills/process;

    one example that demonstrates and discusses the student's contribution to peer review;

    one "wild card" submission chosen by the student.

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    A less classical (real) example.

    Main activities:

    Read, discuss, interpret, watch, document analysis, write.

    Main resources:

    Films, personal portfolio, Shakespeares.

    Final products:

    Two sets of connected essays, Writing portfolio, enactments.

  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    Students would find that such integrative projects open new

    ways for effective use and construction of their own

    discursive voice, with the emphasis placed not in the

    supremacy of writing over the rest of communicationstrategies, but in the benefits that mastering composition

    offers for participating in a multi-dimensional dialogue -

    precisely the kind of dialogue that critical thinkers are to

    generate and promote.

    After all

    Theoretically speaking, even if the general features of a text could be understood in

    similar ways for multiple readers, the transmitted message or the aesthetic effect it

    provokes could probably be considerably different. For example, depending on

    personal backgrounds and interests, Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet can be seen as a

    drama of passion and devotion of young lovers, or as a tale of immaturity and

    foolishness, or it could be viewed as a story that points out the need for transgressing

    social rules and commitments when trying to get what is desperately wanted, or the

    theme of the angst and hollowness of two lives that look for their meaning out of


  • 8/6/2019 Divide to conquer


    Who can explaina kiss, with words

