Rotaract District 7030 Newsletter February 2016 Edition

District Newsletter February 2016 (English).pdf

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Rotaract District 7030 Newsletter

February 2016 Edition

Page 2: District Newsletter February 2016  (English).pdf

District Rotaract Representative Message

Rotary International Presidential Message

Get to Know Your District Leadership

What’s happening in Rotaract District 7030…

I. French West Indies

II. Guyana

III. Suriname

IV. Trinidad and Tobago

District Reminders

Charter Anniversaries

Page 3: District Newsletter February 2016  (English).pdf

We ready, yes we ready, we ready, we Rota-ready!

We are ready Rotaract District 7030 as we prepare for our projects and in

some islands prepare for our local Carnival celebrations. Even those who

do not participate in Carnival certainly cannot deny that there is a certain

electrifying energy in the air all around us during this time. This energy

can be channeled into our own Club’s creativity and motivation to do

more as we witness our own island’s unity as we celebrate our culture.

This very unity provides one of the most effective tools to bring about

“Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution”, which is this month’s Rotary


As a dynamic organization that is both people-focused and people-centred, conflict is a natural part of

our Rotaract experience whether we realize it or not. This conflict however does not have to be

debilitating to our Club’s growth and success but rather can serve as a reminder to all our members of

our differences and more importantly, the great benefits that these differences provide us. Our Rotary

family thrives on this diversity as it represents our greatest asset in order for us to continue to touch the

lives of our community around us. It also serves as a contact reminder that Rotary is an all-inclusive

environment guided by our Rotary principles so eloquently summarized in our 4-way test

Let us therefore seek to be enablers of solutions and positive thinking as we work together to continue

being gifts to the world!

Be solution-oriented, be positive and be Rota-ready!

Thank you for your Y.E.S.!!


DRR Giselle Holder

Rotaract District 7030

February 2016

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There In life, sometimes the experiences that matter the most are the

briefest. They pass in the blink of an eye: a few days, a few hours, a few

moments. They are the experiences that illuminate the landscape of our

memory, shining brightly even years later. They are the moments in which

we see, suddenly, something we had not seen; we understand something

we had not understood; we forge a connection we had not expected.

For me, this has been a Rotary year like no other. I have been around the

world, traversing countries and continents. I have been to places I had

never seen before, and I have returned to familiar places and seen them,

as for the first time, through the lens of Rotary.

When you travel for Rotary, you travel with a different sense of

perspective and a different sense of purpose. There is an awareness of

being part of something larger than yourself. When you board a plane or a train, or leave your home

in the dark hours of early morning, you may be leaving for lands unknown – but at your destination,

there will be no strangers. There will be Rotarians, waiting and welcoming. There will be work to do,

something to learn, and perhaps something to teach.

There will be connections to forge, friendships to build, and memories to carry for a lifetime.

This year, I have been the traveler, and I have been welcomed by Rotarians around the world. A few

months from now, from 28 May to 1 June, I invite you to step into my experience: allow me to welcome

you to Seoul for our 107th International Convention.

The Koreans have a saying: 사람이 나면 서울로 보내라. In English we would say, "When a person is

born, send them to Seoul." For Seoul is a city of opportunities: a wonderful destination with rich

traditions, modern conveniences, and a culture unlike any other. But I ask you to join me in Seoul not

only for all of this, but also for the experiences you will have there with your fellow Rotarians.

For a brief moment in time, you will experience Rotary as I have experienced it: in all its diversity, all

its warmth, and all its potential. You will be greeted as an old friend by people you have never met;

you will share your thoughts, even without a shared language. You will learn with wonder of what Rotary

has achieved, and leave inspired to achieve even more.

Before this Rotary year comes to its close, I ask you to do what I have done: to leave your homes, to

board your flights, to travel toward the unknown with an open heart and an open mind, confident that

Rotary will welcome you. Join me, and your fellow Rotarians, as we Connect with Korea – Touch the


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Name: Yannick



Rotaract Club of


Age: 25 years old

Nationality: French

Birthday: 18th March

Hobbies/interest: Tennis, motor sports,

women, movies, music

Degree programme/Occupation: Manager

of My Cars and My Agency

Year Inducted: 2014

I joined Rotaract because I like giving to

others, I like sharing what I hold most dear, I like

utilizing all my professional and personal

expertise to help my fellow human being,

because the people we help will never again feel

alone in the face of life challenges.

My fondest moment thus far in Rotaract was

seeing the face of each child who we gave a gift

during the Christmas period.

I believe that Rotaract is important because

it gives hope to young people of all Caribbean

societies of all districts, through the humanitarian

and social projects.

Name: Sabine




Clubs of Saint


Lamentin &


Age: 30 years old

Nationality: French

Birthday: 06th August

Hobbies/interest: Travelling, photography,

playing the guitar

Degree programme/Occupation: MBA

Management/ Bank Employee

Year Inducted: 2011

I joined Rotaract because I discovered a

humanitarian organization with global impact,

made up of motivated young volunteers who are

similar to me.

My fondest moment thus far in Rotaract was

as president, receiving the prize for the second

best club in the District last year.

I believe that Rotaract is important because

our consciences are awakened to the evils of our

society and we can take action and help our

community as other countries find solutions.

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What’s happening in

Rotaract District 7030…

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Bazaar at L’EPHAD Oasis

L’EPHAD Oasis is a hospitable medical

organization for dependent elderly persons.

This organization has the mandate of

implementing activities to bring joy to its


We participated in its bazaar organized on

November 11, 2015.

We invited the Rotaract Club of Saint Pierre to

join us in this venture.

We were responsible for the management of

stalls selling crepes, drinks and most

importantly the sale of decorative and craft

items made by the residents themselves as part

of their activities.

The profits will be used to finance the

organization’s entertainment hub, allowing

residents to joyfully keep themselves


Recreational Morning

On Saturday, January 9th, the Rotaract Club of

Pointe-à-Pitre organized a recreational

morning for children from AlloDys association

supporting children with learning disabilities,

also called « invisible disabilities » : dyslexia,

dyscalculia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia,… these

cognitive disorders are poorly recognized and

often misunderstood by relatives.

That morning was an opportunity to raise

awareness of cognitive disorders related

pathologies “DYS”. It was also an opportunity

for young people and their families to share a

friendly and fun time while talking of DYS


The club offered the children ‘galette des rois’

and many gifts.

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Christmas Tree for Superheroes

During December the Rotaract Club of Saint

Pierre has worked to create a dispersed

Christmas for sick and needy children of the

northern Caribbean island.

We conducted collect toys in La Grande Recre

gaming specialist and Batelière Géant

supermarket whom we thank for their help.

With nearly 200 gifts collected we offered a

smile to children 0 to 14 years.

Our Santa Claus arms were full of goodies from

our sponsors (Big'In, Martinique Viandes, Rétif,

Denel ...) gave each child a gift after checking

whether they had been good whole year.

Recycling Awareness Project

The Rotaract Club of the University of Guyana

in partnership with our sister club, the Rotaract

Club of Felicity, aims to impact our

communities' environmental sanitation

positively by raising awareness about the

advantages of recycling.

The project has several phases and is expected

to occur over the period of one month. The first

phase targets students of the Victoria Primary

School and entails information and crafting


During this session, the children were shown an

educational cartoon about the causes of

pollution and the ways to mitigate pollution by

reducing, reusing and recycling items. After

viewing the video, the children were given an

opportunity to relay what they learnt during a

question and answer segment and were

rewarded with chocolates when they got the

answers correct.

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Hearing Impaired Project

On the 31st December 2015 F.R.E.S.H.

contributed for the 5th time to the Hearing

Impaired Project of Quota Suriname. We

distributed 20.000 earplugs in the city before

the “pagara estafette” and made the audience

aware of the damage that the loud bang of

fireworks can cause to their hearing. With this

project Quota, on one hand supports the

guidance of people with hearing loss and take

preventive action by making the public aware

of the dangers of loud noise on hearing.

Within 2 hours we distributed all 20.000

earplugs, while we had a lot of fun. On the last

day of the year Suriname is THE place to be!

Kidzhits Launch!

On December 5th, Rotaract Club Genesis

launched their Kidz Hitz project. It has been

years that Surinamese kids have heard new

typical Surinamese songs. So Rotaract Club

Genesis and Stichting Music and ME thought of

a perfect project to gather a few composers to

write songs for kids to sing. Surinamese songs

in different dialects and languages, educative

and still fun! These songs are for the kids to

enjoy while growing up. In January 2016 we will

launch a music CD and in February 2016 we will

also have a show where kids will perform for

kids. All the beautiful songs, in groups and


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Rotaract Club of Arima presents Paul

Harris Fellow Award to

Stephen “Uncle Steve” Sogren

On Saturday 19th

December 2015,

during its

Christmas Dinner

at the Crews Inn

Hotel and Yachting

Centre’s open-air

restaurant, in


Trinidad, the

Rotaract Club of

Arima, in the

company of invited

friends, family and

Rotarians took the

opportunity to

celebrate yet

another milestone

by presenting the

Rotary Club of Arima’s longest serving Rotaract

Liaison/Youth Generation Officer, Past

President Stephen “Uncle Steve” Sogren with

the Paul Harris Fellow Award, which was

bestowed by RI’s Rotary Foundation for the

Rotaract Club of Arima’s donation of US

$1,000.00 to the PolioPlus Fund earlier in the

current Rotaract Year.

Uncle Steve has truly represented RI's ideals

and has always exemplified “Service Above


Cupcakes for Cancer III

On October 29th 2015, the Rotaract Club of

Piarco (UWI) held its largest fundraiser

“Cupcakes for Cancer”, one of our flagship

projects, where we inject sugar and spice and a

mountain of frosting into the community to give

something Nice to the children of the Just

Because Foundation Ward at the Eric Williams

Science Complex, Mt Hope.

This year was the largest turnout, as we sold

over 600 cupcakes and thus raised over $12

000.00!! In true Tini fashion we received over a

hundred orders the day before the scheduled

pick up day! We rallied and conquered and was

able to deliver, culminating in a highly

successful venture! On to bigger and better for

the upcoming Rotaract Year!

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Rotaract Club of Tobago presents New Years Camp 2016:

“The Hunger Games Edition-District 13”

On the weekend of the 8th to the 10th January 2016, The Rotaract Club of Tobago held its annual New

Year’s Camp, celebrating its 13th Charter Anniversary. This year’s theme, entitled District 13, was

inspired by the popular Hunger Games series. The camp had the honor of hosting seventeen

Rotaractors representing Antigua, Barbados, Guyana and Trinidad. Throughout the weekend, these

Rotaractors engaged in activities of fellowship, fitness, professional development, community service

and attended the club’s 13th Charter Anniversary Dinner. The dinner’s theme, 13 going on 30, doubly

acknowledged the Rotaractors of the club that has turned thirty years old as well as the 30th anniversary

of District 7030. The weekend was garnished with countless flattering reviews along with promised

return to New Year’s Camp 2017.

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February 24th

Deadline for the submission of articles for the

District Newsletter (to DS Kezra & ADS Delon)

Charter Anniversaries


19th- Rotaract Club of Linden

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Rotaract District 7030 Newsletter

A Product of Rotaract District 7030

