District Governor 9465 2014/15 Brian Eddy & Pamela Team 2014-15 President Mike Nella Secretary Brian McCallum Treasurer Bob Cooper Attendance this week Total Members 26 Exempt Apologies 6 Make-up 3 Attended 17 Honorary Member 1 Guests Visitors Partners 74 % Facts & Figures Raffle John B & Lee D Heads & Tails Brian Mc Birthdays: Anniversary: John & Chris 20 th Club Anniversary: If you had any we hope you had a good day Meets Monday 6 for 6.30pm At Rotary Hall Brownell Crescent, Medina Visitors always welcome President Mike The Rotary Club of Kwinana District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 Coming Events May 2015 Aus. Rotary Health Month May 2015 Mon 25 th Club Meeting WASO Initiative Wed 27 th Board Meeting June 2015 Mon 1 st No Meeting Public Holiday Mon 8 th Visit to Perth Hindu Temple Mon 15 th Club Meeting Mon 22 nd Club Meeting Induction/Partners Night Mon 29 th Club Meeting Attendance Officer: Greg Williams 9419 5834 Apologies by Saturday pm please Numbers still a little down, a few missing again tonight. We welcomed PDG John back after his recent trip to Gallipoli and Europe. John and Bob C both gave us a little insight into their respective experiences during their trips to the Gallipoli Anzac Day Centenary Celebrations. Both said that it was very rewarding experience to actually be there on the day. One the highlights of their cruise was the very informative talks given by senior military people about the history of the Gallipoli Campaign. City Markets were called off after the adverse weather prediction on Friday night, turned out to be a perfect call. Didn’t look to bad early on Saturday morning, later about 12pm on Sunday morning the heavens just opened up, I cannot remember driving in such torrential rain it was horrendous, the amount of water laying on the road was getting dangerous because the drains just couldn’t cope. Just to compound the problem even though visibility was down to few metres I still saw people driving without lights on, unbelievable!!! Registrations are now open to attend District Changeover, see District website to register on-line. No 38 18 th May 2015 Bulletin Rotary International President Gary C.K. Huang Rotary Club of Taipei Taiwan

District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 Team … · 2015-05-24 · RYPEN. Certificate’s for Brook Coleman, Thelisha Van Niekerk & Jessie Yeadon. Letter from PP

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Page 1: District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 Team … · 2015-05-24 · RYPEN. Certificate’s for Brook Coleman, Thelisha Van Niekerk & Jessie Yeadon. Letter from PP

District Governor 9465


Brian Eddy



Team 2014-15


Mike Nella Secretary

Brian McCallum Treasurer

Bob Cooper

Attendance this week

Total Members 26


Apologies 6

Make-up 3

Attended 17

Honorary Member 1




74 %

Facts & Figures

Raffle John B & Lee D

Heads & Tails

Brian Mc



John & Chris 20th

Club Anniversary:

If you had any we hope

you had a good day

Meets Monday

6 for 6.30pm

At Rotary Hall

Brownell Crescent, Medina

Visitors always welcome

President Mike

The Rotary Club of Kwinana District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971

Coming Events May 2015

Aus. Rotary Health Month May 2015 Mon 25th Club Meeting WASO Initiative Wed 27th Board Meeting June 2015 Mon 1st No Meeting Public Holiday Mon 8th Visit to Perth Hindu Temple Mon 15th Club Meeting Mon 22nd Club Meeting Induction/Partners Night Mon 29th Club Meeting

Attendance Officer: Greg Williams 9419 5834

Apologies by Saturday pm please

Numbers still a little down, a few missing again tonight.

We welcomed PDG John back after his recent trip to Gallipoli and Europe.

John and Bob C both gave us a little insight into their respective experiences

during their trips to the Gallipoli Anzac Day Centenary Celebrations.

Both said that it was very rewarding experience to actually be there on the day.

One the highlights of their cruise was the very informative talks given by senior

military people about the history of the Gallipoli Campaign.

City Markets were called off after the adverse weather prediction on Friday

night, turned out to be a perfect call. Didn’t look to bad early on Saturday

morning, later about 12pm on Sunday morning the heavens just opened up, I

cannot remember driving in such torrential rain it was horrendous, the amount of

water laying on the road was getting dangerous because the drains just couldn’t

cope. Just to compound the problem even though visibility was down to few

metres I still saw people driving without lights on, unbelievable!!!

Registrations are now open to attend District Changeover, see District website to

register on-line.

No 38 18th May 2015


Rotary International President

Gary C.K. Huang

Rotary Club of Taipei


Page 2: District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 Team … · 2015-05-24 · RYPEN. Certificate’s for Brook Coleman, Thelisha Van Niekerk & Jessie Yeadon. Letter from PP

President Mike Nella

President’s Pen

Club Meeting 18

th May 2015

President Mike welcomed everyone along to our meeting, we were to have a guest speaker

talking to us on Kashmiri Carpets but unfortunately cancelled out at the last minute.

Board Meeting scheduled for Wednesday 20th

May has been put back to Wednesday 27th


The official induction of our newest member Sheila Mills will take place on Monday 22nd

June, Sheila is already a fully paid up, registered member of our club, her official induction

is just a formality. The induction meeting will be a partners night.

Directors and Project Managers I need your annual reports to be completed and an electronic

copy sent to either PP Ian Critchley or PP Eric Blogg who will be preparing our Annual

Report booklet. We need this to be done by 30th

June please.

President Mike with President Kim Dawes, Rockingham/Kwinana Rotaract

Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand

No job is so simple that it can't be done wrong

It's not hard to meet expenses, they're everywhere

“I thought I might

just find somewhere

soft to lay my head”

What a shame she’s

only a cardboard cutout

Any resemblance to real

persons, living or dead, is

purely coincidental.

Page 3: District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 Team … · 2015-05-24 · RYPEN. Certificate’s for Brook Coleman, Thelisha Van Niekerk & Jessie Yeadon. Letter from PP

Secretary: PP Brian McCallum

Inward Correspondence

RDU. Merchandising & Promotions. Lapel Pins/Certificates.

RYPEN. Receipt for Jessie Yeadon.

Jim’s Welder Repairs. Tax Invoice.

City of Kwinana. Bertram Seniors Group.

Kwinana Bowling Club. Invitation to “Big Morning Tea”.

Peter Nelson Leukaemia Research Fund. Request for Donation.

E-Mail from Colin Thorniley. Volunteers for Rotary Hat Day. 9th


RDU. Subscriptions Pilot Project Cancellation.

RYPEN. Certificate’s for Brook Coleman, Thelisha Van Niekerk & Jessie Yeadon.

Letter from PP Rodger Hamilton. Request for Leave of Absence.

Outward Correspondence

Mrs Glenice Dixon. Invitation to 2014/2015 Changeover Dinner.

Mrs Carol Franklin

Mrs Pat Hyde.

Mrs Pauline James.

Mrs Olive Lovitt.

Mrs Stasia Rybak.

PP Rodger Hamilton. Confirmation on Leave of Absence Granted.

Would members please note that any correspondence received or posted by yourself, please ensure a copy is forwarded to your Secretary.

Treasurer: PDG Bob Cooper

Bills paid, money in the bank

Make sure when you provide me with your banking details for a

payment or whatever that the details are correct!!

Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out alive.

Page 4: District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 Team … · 2015-05-24 · RYPEN. Certificate’s for Brook Coleman, Thelisha Van Niekerk & Jessie Yeadon. Letter from PP


May 2015

Re Club service


May WASO initiative


Board Meeting


June City Centre Markets


June Vocational Visit


June Wellard Markets

1. Rotary manuals for all avenues of service are in folders and are available from the hall to all club

office bearers and any other club members that are interested in riveting bed time reading. Please

when you finish with them put them back in the folder for others.

2. Dome markets are going well Bettina Gall is doing a great job unfortunately we had to cancel last

week and we had in excess of 25 bookings

3. 23rd

May the District foundation fundraising dinner (Agni Indian Restaurant) on is now fast


4. 27th

May Rotary club of Fremantle has invited President Michael and me to a dinner meeting

with the other clubs in our District zone as to discuss a combined project, a proposed project

involving children ear problems in remote areas.

5. 8th

June Vocational visit to the Hindu Temple thank you Geneviève

6. Club changeover is now set for the 11th

July and invitations are in the process of been sent out 32

people have already accepted and registered their invitations

7. 8th August the ladies are invited to the Hyatt hotel for a presentation on the Strength of woman

flyers have been sent out

8. With the opening of the Kwinana Community Bendigo Bank, the Bank the will be having a

share Holders meeting on the 15th

June as most of our members will be either officiating or be

invited guest we need to look at shifting this meeting or incorporating it into the launch

Re: International

The international Committee has carried out the following

The international committee has been advised that Global grant GG 1420289 is Now Done and

Dusted a great big thank you to all the Committee it’s been hard work but worth it, hopefully now

we can consecrate in getting GG 15262296 that was submitted in January 2015 approved and paid

into our account

Have had a long talk to Ern Dawes from Doncaster and given him a list of materials that hopefully

East Timor roofing can supply for the Timor-Leste work program in September / October 2015

Still waiting on Southern Districts to Confirm they are joining the project


June 2015 I will be the guest speaker at Booragoon

The Rotary Clubs of Fremantle, Willetton & Cockburn have also shown a great interest and I will

offer to speak them as the Guest Speaker in the near future

Max Bird

PE 2014/15

President Elect 2014/15 Max Bird

Rotary Club of Kwinana; Club Service Director

Kwinana Rotary Club International Manager

Project Manager for RAWCS 21-2011-12 project

Page 5: District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 Team … · 2015-05-24 · RYPEN. Certificate’s for Brook Coleman, Thelisha Van Niekerk & Jessie Yeadon. Letter from PP

Club Projects Director

PP Ian Critchley

PP Bob Thompson

Foundation Dir.

PP Genevieve Carr


PDG John Iriks


Project Director’s Report.

Sheila Mills is now officially a member of our Rotary club

Her induction will be held on the 22nd

June 2015.

Our club changeover will be on Saturday 11th

July 2015 at the

Darious Function Centre.

The next Wellard Village Markets will be held on Sunday 14th

June 2015.

The WVM has moved to their new location, the Town Centre.

So far very positive feedback from all concerned. Due to her commitments as PE after June 2015, Wendy wishes to

relinquish the Wellard Markets position, would a suitable member

please volunteer to take on this role.

City Square Markets were to be held on Saturday 16th

May 2015

28 stalls booked, unfortunately cancelled because of the forecast

inclement weather, which incidentally proved to be the correct call

The next scheduled City Market day will be Saturday 6th


Safety Coordinator Ian C will ensure traffic signs and road closers

are in place by 7am.

Plan was to have at least 5 restaurant meetings during 2014/15

Next was scheduled for 15th

June 2015 has been cancelled.

Bowel Scan project underway, kits available at local pharmacies.

Lee D reported that kits are selling slowly, PP Greg commented,

“Because Rotary’s BowelScan has been so successful, other

organisations are now offering a similar option”

Our attendees to RYPEN have returned with glowing reports of

their experience.

Kwinana Bowling Club hosting ‘Biggest Morning Tea’

Thursday 28th

May, 10am, $10pp proceeds to Cancer Council.

Bevan P will assist Genevieve by attending the KEYS program

(Kwinana Early Years Services) at the Darious Centre.

Visit your club webpage. http://www.clubrunner.ca/Portal/Home.aspx?accountid=8106

or type Kwinana Rotary Club into ‘Google’

PE Max Bird


Lorraine Lucas


PP John Brennan


PP Chris Oughton

Public Relations Dir.

Page 6: District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 Team … · 2015-05-24 · RYPEN. Certificate’s for Brook Coleman, Thelisha Van Niekerk & Jessie Yeadon. Letter from PP

PDG John Iriks and PDG Bob Cooper gave us a brief insight

into their recent trip to Gallipoli.

Both said how interesting it was to hear from military personnel on board their cruise ship who gave

the history of Gallipoli from Australian military history.

Below is an extract from the Australian Army website.

As fighting on the Western Front in France in late 1914 deteriorated into a stalemate, the British

War Council suggested that Germany could best be defeated by attacks on her allies, Austria,

Hungary and Turkey.

Initially, the attack on Turkey was planned as a naval operation. However, following several

abortive attempts to force the Dardanelles in February and March, the British Cabinet agreed that

land forces could be used. A combined international force (the Mediterranean Expeditionary

Force) was assembled under the command of British General Sir Ian Hamilton, and a three-

pronged landing was planned to clear the Turkish defenders from the straits. Once the straits were

clear, the allied fleet would steam into Constantinople where, it was believed, the threat of the

fleet's guns would cause mass panic and force Turkey to surrender.

At dawn on 25 April 1915, the ANZACs landed north of Gaba Tepe (the landing area later named

Anzac Cove) while the British forces landed at Cape Helles on the Gallipoli Peninsula.

The aim of these two landings was to capture the Turkish forts commanding the narrow straits.

French forces attacked the Turkish positions on the Asia Minor side of the Dardanelles as a

diversion and later landed and took over part of the Helles frontline alongside the British. Later

reinforcements included the dismounted Australian and New Zealand Mounted Brigades at Anzac

Cove. In August, a new British corps landed at Suvla Bay, to the north of Anzac Cove, in support

of an attempt by allies to break out of the Anzac beachhead.

The campaign was a heroic but costly failure and by December plans were drawn up to evacuate

the entire force from Gallipoli. On 19 and 20 December, the evacuation of Anzac and Suvla was

completed with the last British troops leaving Cape Helles by 8 January 1916. The entire operation

evacuated 142 000 men with negligible casualties. Australian casualties for the Gallipoli campaign

amounted to 26 111, comprising of 1007 officers and 25 104 other ranks. Of these, 362 officers

and 7 779 men were killed in action, died of wounds or succumbed to disease. Nine Victoria

Crosses were awarded to soldiers in Australian units.

While the campaign is considered a military failure, Gallipoli became a household name in

Australia and with it the ANZAC tradition was created. Gallipoli became the common tie forged

in adversity that bound the colonies and people of Australia into a nation.

Page 7: District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 Team … · 2015-05-24 · RYPEN. Certificate’s for Brook Coleman, Thelisha Van Niekerk & Jessie Yeadon. Letter from PP

Fine Session Sergeant PP John Wallhead

Deputy: PP Stephen Castelli

Stand-in PP Genevieve Carr

Pres. Mike: Was fined for misrepresenting PDG John’s title but denied the charge but

was fined anyway.

James S: Something about ‘Job Description’ ?

Bob C: Too much information on his club badge.

John I: Trip away, must have been shopping?

Chris O and Bob C: Both involved in building new homes at present.

John I: Phone!!!

Dockers: Keep on winning.

Sam C: Wins the ‘all you can eat award’

Mike N: Comments on ‘Strengthening women’

Mike and Genevieve: For referring to Sheila M as a guest, wrong Sheila is a full

member of our club, her induction is only a formality.

Sheila M: Phone!!!

Eagles: Bevan crowing because the Eagles have the best % in the league.

Polio this week 13th May 2015

Ministers of Health from around the world will meet in Geneva,

Switzerland, next week for the annual World Health Assembly. The

Ministers will discuss a number of topics related to public health,

including polio eradication. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative has

prepared a status report for delegates. The report and an accompanying

resolution are expected to inform the discussions

The latest semi-annual status report has been published and covers the

period July to December 2014. The report provides an in-depth

epidemiological and programmatic update for endemic, re-infected and

high-risk countries

Liberia and Sierra Leone have conducted polio and measles vaccination

campaigns during the first week of May. These are the first campaigns

conducted in these countries since 2013 (due to the Ebola outbreak).

Polio staff in these countries continue to assist in the Ebola outbreak


Page 8: District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 Team … · 2015-05-24 · RYPEN. Certificate’s for Brook Coleman, Thelisha Van Niekerk & Jessie Yeadon. Letter from PP
Page 9: District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 Team … · 2015-05-24 · RYPEN. Certificate’s for Brook Coleman, Thelisha Van Niekerk & Jessie Yeadon. Letter from PP

The world population (2012) has now reached 7 billion people.

This milestone inspired us to conduct research to update our statistics, and the changes over the past 5

years are remarkable.

In 2006, only 1 person out of 100 would have had a college education-- today that number has jumped to

7 thanks in part to advances in higher education in Asia.

The detailed research and source information can be found here http://www.100people.org/statistics _

and the statistics provided by Donella Meadows in 1990 that originally inspired our project can be viewed


50 would be female

50 would be male

26 would be children

There would be 74 adults,

8 of whom would be 65 and older

There would be:

60 Asians

15 Africans

14 people from the Americas

11 Europeans

33 Christians

22 Muslims

14 Hindus

7 Buddhists

12 people who practice other religions

12 people who would not be aligned with a religion

12 would speak Chinese

5 would speak Spanish

5 would speak English

3 would speak Arabic

3 would speak Hindi

3 would speak Bengali

3 would speak Portuguese

2 would speak Russian

2 would speak Japanese

62 would speak other languages

83 would be able to read and write; 17 would not

7 would have a college degree

22 would own or share a computer

77 people would have a place to shelter them

from the wind and the rain, but 23 would not

1 would be dying of starvation

15 would be undernourished

21 would be overweight

87 would have access to safe drinking water

13 people would have no clean, safe water to drink

Page 10: District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 Team … · 2015-05-24 · RYPEN. Certificate’s for Brook Coleman, Thelisha Van Niekerk & Jessie Yeadon. Letter from PP

Makeup opportunities

Rockingham: Monday 6pm for 6.30 Ocean Clipper Inn

Palm beach: Wednesday 6pm for 6.30 Ocean Clipper Inn

Cockburn Thursday 7.15am for 7.30 Cockburn Seniors Centre

Fremantle Wednesday 6pm for 6.30 Villa Roma 12 High Street Fremantle

Byford & Districts Monday 6.15pm for 6.45 Byford Tavern, South W Hwy

Rotary Club of Kwinana Inc Contributions welcome: [email protected]

How to Know You Are Growing Older

Everything hurts, and what doesn't hurt doesn't work.

The gleam in your eye is from the sun hitting your bifocals.

You feel like the night before, and you haven't been anywhere.

Your little black book contains only names ending in M. D.

You get winded playing cards.

You know all the answers, but nobody asks you the questions.

You need glasses to find your glasses.

You sit in a rocking chair and can't get it going.

Your knees buckle, but your belt won't.

Your back goes out more than you do.

You sink your teeth in a steak and they stay there.

Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.

Why does a slight tax increase cost you two hundred dollars, and a substantial tax cut saves you

thirty cents???


A gorgeous young redhead goes into the doctor's office and said that her body hurt wherever she

touched it.

"Impossible!" says the doctor. "Show me."

The redhead took her finger, pushed on her left shoulder and screamed, then she pushed her elbow and

screamed even more. She pushed her knee and screamed; likewise she pushed her ankle and screamed.

Everywhere she touched made her scream.

The doctor said, "You're not really a redhead, are you?

"Well, no" she said, "I'm actually a blonde."

"I thought so," the doctor said. "Your finger is broken."