AUGUST 2010 District 3 Governor’s Newsletter ZONTA INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 3 can be called during difficult and challenging times as well as times when successes want to be shared knowing they will joyfully celebrate with you.. We will explore, at the upcoming conference, how mentoring and fellowship can provide a valuable lifeline for each club and the individual members. We will begin our journey together at our 2010 Conference in Atlantic City and continue through the 2011 Conference in Solomons Island, Maryland. Let’s work together so we all continue to make Zonta the service organization of choice. Please take some time to review our district goals for this biennium. And I look forward to working with each of you so we can achieve our goals and continue “Making a Difference, Globally, Locally and to Each Other.” Yours in Zonta, Lisa Fraser District 3 Governor Greetings for the 2010 2012 Biennium Dear District 3 Zonta Members, Over the next two years, District 3 will be focusing on how we make a difference in so many ways. The theme is “Making a Difference, Globally, Locally and to Each Other.” Our new focus will help us continue our work to improve the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy. How do we make a difference globally? This is the foundation of what our international organization is all about. We make a difference by continuing our International Service Projects in Rwanda, Liberia, Guatemala and El Salvador. We also make a difference with the strategies we have in place to end violence against women. This vital work is continuing in Cambodia and expanding into Nepal and Uganda. A new project will focus on making a difference to women and their families in Haiti. We also have our educational programs that truly impact the lives of the women who benefit from the scholarship awards. How do we make a difference locally? This is the foundation of what our local clubs do in each of our own communities. We should be doing service projects that tie in very closely with what we are doing on an International level. Does your local service project help advance the status of women through service and advocacy? We will explore this more at the upcoming conference in a break-out session devoted to this important club initiative. What I believe to be equally as vital is : How do we make a difference to each other? How many times do we talk about how we have had Zonta friends support us professionally and personally? I know Zontians within District 3 who, because of the support and encouragement received from other Zontians, expectations in career achievements were surpassed in ways that had not been envisioned before. I know Zontians who Inside this issue: Meet the Board Meet the Chairs News from ZI 2 Convention Highlights Convention Observations 3 D3 Goals ZI YWPA Notes from D3 Database Director 4 Reminders Highlights from Call To Conference 5 Meet D3 Lt. Gov ZI Service Programs 6 News from the UN Conference Say NO 7 AE Fellowships ZI Bylaws & Resolu- tions Area Directors INFO 8 DISTRICT 3 GOVERNOR’S NEWSLETTER Greetings for the 2010 2012 Biennium District 3 Zontians At Convention 2010 San Antonio, Texas Save the Dates 9 ZI Website Access D3 Website Access

DISTRICT 3 GOVERNOR’S NEWSLETTER page.pdfZonta Club of Greater Queens Bylaws & Resolutions: Amy McCullough, Zonta Club of Prince William County Historian/Archivist: Georgia LaBlanc,

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Page 1: DISTRICT 3 GOVERNOR’S NEWSLETTER page.pdfZonta Club of Greater Queens Bylaws & Resolutions: Amy McCullough, Zonta Club of Prince William County Historian/Archivist: Georgia LaBlanc,


District 3 Governor’s





can be called during difficult and

challenging times as well as

times when successes want to be

shared knowing they will

joyfully celebrate with you.. We

will explore, at the upcoming

conference, how mentoring and

fellowship can provide a valuable

lifeline for each club and the

individual members.

We will begin our journey

together at our 2010 Conference

in Atlantic City and continue

through the 2011 Conference in

Solomons Island, Maryland.

Let’s work together so we all

continue to make Zonta the

service organization of choice.

Please take some time to review

our district goals for this

biennium. And I look forward to

working with each of you so we

can achieve our goals and

continue “Making a Difference,

Globally, Locally and to Each


Yours in Zonta,

Lisa Fraser

District 3 Governor

Greetings for the 2010 – 2012 Biennium

Dear District 3 Zonta Members,

Over the next two years, District 3

will be focusing on how we make

a difference in so many ways.

The theme is “Making a

Difference, Globally, Locally and

to Each Other.” Our new focus

will help us continue our work to

improve the status of women

worldwide through service and


How do we make a difference

globally? This is the foundation

of what our international

organization is all about. We

make a difference by continuing

our International Service Projects

in Rwanda, Liberia, Guatemala

and El Salvador. We also make a

difference with the strategies we have in

place to end violence against women.

This vital work is continuing in

Cambodia and expanding into Nepal and

Uganda. A new project will focus on

making a difference to women and their

families in Haiti. We also have our

educational programs that truly impact

the lives of the women who benefit from

the scholarship awards.

How do we make a difference locally?

This is the foundation of what our local

clubs do in each of our own communities.

We should be doing service projects that

tie in very closely with what we are doing

on an International level. Does your

local service project help advance the

status of women through service and

advocacy? We will explore this more at

the upcoming conference in a break-out

session devoted to this important club


What I believe to be equally as vital is :

How do we make a difference to each

other? How many times do we talk about

how we have had Zonta friends support

us professionally and personally? I know

Zontians within District 3 who, because

of the support and encouragement

received from other Zontians,

expectations in career achievements were

surpassed in ways that had not been

envisioned before. I know Zontians who

Inside this issue:

Meet the Board

Meet the Chairs

News from ZI


Convention Highlights




D3 Goals


Notes from D3

Database Director



Highlights from Call

To Conference


Meet D3 Lt. Gov

ZI Service Programs


News from the UN


Say NO


AE Fellowships

ZI Bylaws & Resolu-


Area Directors INFO


Distr ict 3 Governor ’s News letter



Greetings for the 2010 – 2012 Biennium

District 3 Zontians


Convention 2010

San Antonio, Texas

Save the Dates 9

ZI Website Access

D3 Website Access

Page 2: DISTRICT 3 GOVERNOR’S NEWSLETTER page.pdfZonta Club of Greater Queens Bylaws & Resolutions: Amy McCullough, Zonta Club of Prince William County Historian/Archivist: Georgia LaBlanc,

The Latest News from

Zonta International

Page 2 District 3 Governor’s Newsletter

Meet the District 3 Team

This biennium we have as

District 3 Board Members

Governor, Lisa Fraser

Zonta Club of Hampton Roads

Lt. Governor, Paulette Chatman

Zonta Club of Essex County

Secretary, Linda Butler Livesay

Zonta Club of Philadelphia

Treasurer, Cathy Paul

Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey

Area 1 Director, Kathy Rau

Zonta Club of Long Island

Area 2 Director, Elizabeth Smith

Zonta Club of Morristown Area

Area 3 Director, Alice Kirchner

Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey

Area 4 Director, Margo Sheridan

Zonta Club of Arlington

Parliamentarian, Judy Maietta

Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey

We’ve heard from ZI President Dianne Curtis that ZI is featured on the UNFPA

Campaign to End Fistula website for our support of the obstetric fistula program. Go

to www.endfistula.org/new_features.htm to find out more.

The Wacker condo was sold! In today’s economy that is no small feat. On

July 26, 2010 escrow was closed and the final documents were signed. The sales

price was US $1,250,000. Congratulations to the ZIF board.

The convention donations to the Zonta International Foundation as of Tuesday of

the convention were $109,557.05. By the end of the convention that amount had

soared to over $140,000. District 3 was fifth on the list of top donating Districts.

More news about donations will be forthcoming soon.

Meet the New District 3


Organization, Classification and

Membership: Paulette Chatman, Zonta

Club of Essex County

Finance: Cathy Paul, Zonta Club of


Status of Women/Service: Tricia

McDermott, Zonta Club of Suffolk County


Legislative Awareness & Advocacy:

Leslie Wright, Zonta Club of New York

Jane M. Klausman: Jan Bryant, Zonta

Club of Baltimore

YWPA: Lila Davis, Zonta Club of

Hampton Roads

Foundation Ambassador: Donna Lane,

Zonta Club of Frederick

Conflict Resolution: Judy Maietta,

Zonta Club of Harrisburg Hershey

Nominating: Barbara Lippa, Zonta Club

of Fairfax County.

Public Relations: Roxanne Nielson,

Zonta Club of New Rochelle

United Nations: Mary Ann

Tarantula, Zonta Club of Northern


Amelia Earhart: Sharon Perry,

Zonta Club of Greater Queens

Bylaws & Resolutions: Amy

McCullough, Zonta Club of Prince

William County

Historian/Archivist: Georgia

LaBlanc, Zonta Club of Westchester

Database Director: Andrea Pieper

IT/Webmaster: Judy Johnston,

Zonta Club of Fairfax County

Centurions: Mary Ellen Bittner,

Zonta Club of Washington, D.C.,

Carol Beaver, Zonta Club of

Washington, D.C., Tebbie Clift, Zonta

Club of New York, and Barbara Lippa,

Zonta Club of Fairfax County.

Page 3: DISTRICT 3 GOVERNOR’S NEWSLETTER page.pdfZonta Club of Greater Queens Bylaws & Resolutions: Amy McCullough, Zonta Club of Prince William County Historian/Archivist: Georgia LaBlanc,


By Kathy Rau, Area 1 Director

Inside Story Headline

Inside Story Headline

spective that is unique and has

made me more committed to

the mission of ZI.

I was very impressed with the

leadership of ZI President

Beryl Sten and look forward to

the leadership of our new ZI

President Dianne Curtis.

I hope all members and clubs

will be very supportive of the programs that ZI funds. The

dues we pay support the ad-

ministration of ZI. All dona-

tions to ZIF go to fund our

service programs.

See the article below for more


This was my first International

Convention as a delegate.

After attending this convention

I can only say that it was

WONDERFUL and an experi-

ence that helped me under-

stand more about Zonta than I

ever thought I would know!

Even though I have been a

member for a number of years, this international overview

gave me the best understand-

ing of the way ZI works and

the core mission of Zonta.

Being with members from so

many clubs worldwide helped

me really focus on the goals of

Zonta and the commitment

that so many women have to

Zonta (and the many differ-

ences of opinion/perspectives

we all have). The importance

of the Foundation is so much

clearer to me—and how the

funds from all the Foundation

projects/awards are central to

our mission. Three recipients

of Zonta awards, the YWPA,

Jane Klausman & Amelia

Earhart spoke and we all

should be proud that our funds

are helping them make a posi-tive difference in the lives of

others--I was very proud that

Zonta funds these programs.

Reading about Zonta Interna-

tional, visiting the Zonta web-

site, attending Area Work-

shops , District Conferences

and participating at local club

meetings are all important, but

participating in and hearing the

discussions about Zonta at

Convention gave me a per-

major goal for clubs:

to eliminate all advo-

cacy and service pro-

jects at the local level

that do not focus on

advancing the status of


1606 people attended the

convention—1295 dele-

gates, 1370 members, 30

District Governors, 7

Past International Presi-

dents and 11 Interna-

tional Board Members.

112 Clubs were repre-

sented and proxy dele-

gates represented 632


The Finance Workshop

& Open Forum high-

lighted Zonta funds and it

was clear that a dues in-

crease of more than $15

was necessary. The in-

crease, which was ap-

proved will begin with

the 2011-2012 year.

There is so much more

to report, but space is

limited; however one

important item is Zonta’s

Page 3

“Zonta’s major

goal is to

eliminate all

advocacy and

service projects

at the local level

that do not focus

on advancing the

status of


District 3 Governor’s Newsletter


Our New Zonta International Board

Pictured at right are the newly installed

Zonta International Board. Does the 4th

person from the right look familiar? It is

District 3’s own Ellen Karo who was elected

ZI Treasurer. Good luck & Best Wishes to

the entire board!

Page 4: DISTRICT 3 GOVERNOR’S NEWSLETTER page.pdfZonta Club of Greater Queens Bylaws & Resolutions: Amy McCullough, Zonta Club of Prince William County Historian/Archivist: Georgia LaBlanc,



ZI Awards YWPA Scholarship

To District 3 Winner

The District 3 Board has set its goals for what it hopes to achieve in the 2010-2012 biennium. They are:

Achieve 100% club participation in donations to ZIF

Achieve net growth in both membership and new clubs

Align District chairs with ZI Chairs—so that District goals/initiatives are the same as ZI

Implement Mentoring programs for each club (varying degrees of activity

Based on club size, culture of clubs, needs, etc.)

2010-2012 District 3 Theme

Making a Difference Globally,

Locally and to Each Other

Briana will be a senior this

year, offered the following in

his letter of reference, “There

is something uniquely wonder-

ful about Briana ...From the

moment I interviewed her 2

years ago, it was clear that this

was an exceptional individual

who is bright, engaged, intelli-

gent, aware, positive and car-ing. Briana sees the world as a

world of possibilities and is not

content to sit on the sideline.”

Learn more about Briana at


The Westchester Club se-

lected Briana Hilfer, an 11th

year student as their YWPA

winner. She was also selected

as the D3 winner and we are

delighted to announce that ZI

has chosen her as one of the

five ZI winners!

Briana continues a proud tradi-

tion in D3 of outstanding young women poised to make

a significant contribution to

our world. She has already

distinguished herself in many

creative and leading ways, tack-

ling tough issues. For example,

she has an internship with the

Holocaust and Human Rights

Education Center. In her ap-

plication she explains: “Friends

ask me why I want to study

such a depressing subject. I

always respond that I focus on

the optimism of the Holocaust

more than the tragedy. This piece of history contains

countless stories of bravery

and human spirit.”

The Associate Director of

Admission at the school where



that do not have access to

email or the District 3

website. I will provide a list

to Club Presidents of those

members who could not

receive the email

communication . Thank

you for helping us improve

our communication


With the recent Call to

Conference email blast, I

received quite a few error

messages and emails were

returned to me as

undeliverable. Please have

all of your members with

email addresses add the

following address to their

email contact lists:

[email protected]

We want to ensure the

electronic communications

are received by those who

have email capability. Three

hard copies of the Call to

Conference were mailed to

each Club President.;

however, for other email

communications, Club

Presidents should provide

printed copies to members

Page 4 District 3 Governor’s Newsletter

“It is for us to

pray not for tasks

equal to our

powers, but for

powers equal to

our tasks, to go

forward with a great desire

forever beating at

the door of our

hearts as we

travel toward



Page 5: DISTRICT 3 GOVERNOR’S NEWSLETTER page.pdfZonta Club of Greater Queens Bylaws & Resolutions: Amy McCullough, Zonta Club of Prince William County Historian/Archivist: Georgia LaBlanc,



Inside Story Headline



The IRS will be mailing

instructions on the Form

990-N in late July to the

address of record for each

club. If you do not receive

the instructions, you can go

directly to the IRS website

for the instructions by using

the following:



Any questions should be

directed to Margaret

Ingram at ZI headquarters,

(630) 928-1400.

All Club Treasurers should

have received a notice from

ZI outlining IRS filing

requirements that clubs

must meet by October 15,


Club treasurers, if your club

has total gross revenues

greater than $25,000, you

are required by the IRS to

file a Form 990. If you

choose to file as part of the

Zonta International Group

filing then you should follow

the instructions for “Form

990 Spreadsheet for Group

Filing” which was sent to

you. You can also file the

Form 990 separately.

If your club has total gross

revenues of $25,000 or

less, you are required by

the IRS to file a Form 990-

N (e-Postcard), which must

be filed electronically. This

is a requirement by the IRS!

The IRS is very vocal in

stating that exempt

organizations will lose their

exempt status if the 990-N

is not filed on a regular


space & sign up to bring a

basket from your club

7. Want to buy an ad? Send in check for ad with your registration. Program editor

Mary Ann Tarantula needs copy-ready ad by September 5th. Must be emailed to her

at [email protected]

8. Still have questions? Please contact Barbara Funk, Registration Chair at

[email protected] or at


9. Don’t forget to bring some

non-perishable food items as a voluntary donation to help make a difference to the local

area women and children.

Please encourage new

members, first timers and

experienced members to

attend. We need each of

you at conference to make

a difference and create a

great Zonta experience for


See you all in Atlantic City!


October 1-3, 2010 at the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, Atlantic

City, NJ


Making a Difference Globally,

Locally and to Each Other

Host Clubs:

Atlantic City Area and Southern

Ocean County

Keynote Speaker:

NJ Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver

Luncheon Speaker:

Evelyn S. Caterson, Esq.- “A

Woman in a Man’s World”

Saturday Breakout


1. Making a Difference Globally—ZI Convention highlights and overview of

biennial programs

2. Making a Difference Locally—Zonta-related

Service Project Panel

Discussion—Club from each

area represented

3. Making a Difference to Each Other—Introduction of

district-wide mentoring program and promotion of

fellowship within the clubs.

(45 minute sessions to be repeated


Saturday Night Gala:

What to wear? Party Dress — can

be formal or just something with a

little glitz. Dancing shoes required.

Registration Tips:

1. Do not let August 25th pass you by—take advantage of

the very low early bird registration rate of $175. Registration fees include Sat.

& Sunday meals.

2. Guests and Non-Zontians are welcome—$75 will cover

Sat. breakfast, lunch and Sun. breakfast. Gala Dinner is an

additional $75.

3. Hotel reservations can be done either online or by


4. Don’t forget to pick your entrée choice for the Gala


5. Send in your Delegate/

Alternate/Proxy form

6. Reserve Zonta Store

Page 5

“I don’t know why

I hadn’t attended a

conference before

this year (2009),

but I will never

miss one again. I

learned so much

and made so many

friends. I also got

to know the

members of my

club so much

better. I am so

proud to be a

member of Zonta.”


First Timer

District 3 Governor’s Newsletter

Page 6: DISTRICT 3 GOVERNOR’S NEWSLETTER page.pdfZonta Club of Greater Queens Bylaws & Resolutions: Amy McCullough, Zonta Club of Prince William County Historian/Archivist: Georgia LaBlanc,



Inside Story Headline

enthusiastically. She

subsequently served as 2nd

Vice President, Vice

President. President, Area 2

Director and now Lt.

Governor. Joining Zonta

has made Paulette more

aware of the issues facing

women around the world

and of how Zonta has been

a part of addressing those

issues. She says, “It is truly

an honor to serve as your

Lt. Governor for Zonta

International, District 3 for

this biennium. As Lt.

Governor, my focus will be

on increasing membership

and membership retention

as well as assisting

Governor Lisa Fraser with

the goals for the biennium.

I look forward to seeing

most of you at the District

3 conference this fall, and

meeting new members.”

Paulette Chatman, our

District 3 Lt. Governor, is

from the Zonta Club of

Essex County, Essex

County, New Jersey. She is

the President of Always

Best Care Senior Service of

NW Morris, which is a

company that specializes in

helping seniors who wish to

remain home, but need

some assistance. The

company offers in-home

care and independent and

assisted living placement.

Paulette has been in this

position for only a few

months, and now feels that

she if fulfilling her dream to

help others.. It is a great

feeling to see the subtle

smiles, show kindness, have

long talks and bring some

humor during a difficult

time, all the while providing

the right level of care.

Paulette was previously

CFO and Controller for a

fortune 200 Utility

Company for almost 30

years, retiring in August


Almost immediately after

joining Zonta more than 17

years ago, Paulette was

asked to serve as the

Treasurer of her club,

which she accepted

Page 6 District 3 Governor’s Newsletter

“Membership is

vital to our ability to

influence the status

of women in the


Dianne Curtis






The total biennium International Service Program funding of $1,500,000 is apportioned as

$500,000 to continue the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and Gender-

Based Violence in Rwanda, a project in cooperation with UNICEF, $500,000 to continue the

Elimination of Obstetric Fistula and the Reduction of Maternal and Newborn Mortality and

Morbidity in Liberia, a project in cooperation with UNFPA, and $500,000 to continue the Safe

Cities for Women Project in Guatemala City, Guatemala and San Salvador, El Salvador, a pro-

ject in cooperation with UNIFEM.

Zonta International Strategies to End Violence Against Women Program will provide $630,000

apportioned as $430,000 to fund comprehensive strategy to end burns violence against women

in Cambodia, Nepal and Uganda—a project with UNIFEM, $200,000 to Security and Empower-

ment for Women and their Families: Ensuring a Gender-Responsive Humanitarian and Early

Recovery Response in Haiti also in cooperation with UNIFEM.

The Service Program was enthusiastically approved at Convention 2010 in San Antonio. A full

description of the Service Program can be found in the latest edition of The Zontian Magazine’s

2010-2012 Biennial Issue One (July 2010).

Pictured above, a woman

who had been an outcast

in her village and who had

been abandoned by her

husband. Her fault was

that she had an obstetric

fistula. She is smiling here

because the problem has

been eliminated and she is

looking forward to having

children and leading a bet-

ter life.

Page 7: DISTRICT 3 GOVERNOR’S NEWSLETTER page.pdfZonta Club of Greater Queens Bylaws & Resolutions: Amy McCullough, Zonta Club of Prince William County Historian/Archivist: Georgia LaBlanc,

News from the United Nations


system accountable for its

own commitments on gen-

der equality which will in-

clude monitoring on system

-wide progress. GEAR

(Gender Equality Architec-

ture Reform) has worked

hard over the past 4 years

to help to have this new

entity become a reality.

The Secretary-General has

said that it will be opera-

tional by January 2011 and

its head will have the title of

Under Secretary-General.

Probably the most impor-

tant achievement of the

year is the creation of UN

Women, a new entity which

will encompass and build on

the work of four distinct p

arts of the UN system

which focus exclusively on

gender equality and

women’s empowerment.

They are: DAW (Division

for the Advancement of


(International Research &

Training Institute for the

Advancement of Women),

OSAGI (Office of the Spe-

cial Advisor on Gender

Issues and Advancement of

Women, and UNIFEM (UN

Development Fund for

Women). The main roles

of UN Women are to sup-

port inter-governmental

bodies such as the Commis-

sion on the Status of

Women in their formula-

tion of policies and global

standards as well as to help

Member States to imple-

ment these standards. It is

also its role to hold the UN

end violence against women


Go to

www.saynottoviolence.org and

add your name to the growing

list and, at the same time, find

out what you and your club can

do to further this cause.

This is what Zonta is all about.

Be a part of it.

Say No—United is a global call

for action on ending violence

against women and girls.

UNIFEM Goodwill Ambassador

Nicole Kidman (pictured above)

is the spokesperson of Say NO.

Base on the most recent avail-

able data, up to 70 per cent of

women experience physical or

sexual violence from men in

their lifetime. It happens every-

where, in every country, in every

social strata. Everyone has a

role to play in combating this

global pandemic; the time to act

is NOW.

Say No-United to End Violence

against Women is a global coali-

tion of individuals, organizations,

governments and the private

sector to realize a vision that is

ambitious, but must never be

impossible—a future that is free

from violence against women

and girls.

Be counted in — take action to

contact the chairman (just

happens to be the D3

chairman as well).

All contacts should go to


[email protected] .

Take an active role in one

of these ways and be more


Perhaps you are perplexed

and need some answers.

Or perhaps you know quite

a bit, but would like to have

frequent updates (or once

in a while updates).

You can find out more by

contacting your District 3

United Nations Chair who

will probably send you

more information than you

can handle (or want). In

any case, communication is

the lifeblood of any

organization and Zonta is

no different. Send your

questions, even if it is a one

time question and you will

get a response..

If you are aware of some

issue that should come to

the ZI UN Committee,

Page 7

UN Women

...it is also its role to

hold the UN system

accountable for its

own commitments on

gender equality...

District 3 Governor’s Newsletter

Pictured above is a stained glass

window that hangs in the main

entrance of the United Nations


Pictured above are UN

Secretary-General Ban Ki-

Moon and Nicole Kidman

at the kickoff of the global

call for action

Say NO—UNITE to End

Violence against Women

which was launched in

November 2009.

Page 8: DISTRICT 3 GOVERNOR’S NEWSLETTER page.pdfZonta Club of Greater Queens Bylaws & Resolutions: Amy McCullough, Zonta Club of Prince William County Historian/Archivist: Georgia LaBlanc,


By Sharon Perry, D3 AE Chairman

Many of the past Fellows

have gone on to defy

stereotypes, raise the bar

by working on innovative

research as scientists and


Throughout her life Amelia

Earhart believed women

needed to step forward

TOGETHER and open

doors for one another. It is

no wonder she joined

Zonta in 1930 and was a

New York Club member!

Amelia Earhart Fellowships

is a Zonta International

Program, funded by the

Zonta International Founda-

tion. I am extremely proud

to be a small part of this as

the “New” D3 chair for the

Amelia Earhart Program.

Women of any nationality

are eligible. Zonta has

awarded thousands of US $

which may be used at any

university or college offer-

ing accredited post-

graduate courses and de-

grees. Students must be

registered in a Ph.D/

doctoral program when

funds are disbursed. We

even accept Fellowship ap-

plications for a second year,

though they must apply as if

they were first-timers. The

award is $10,000.

The applicants must also

provide documentation of

their research program in

an aerospace-related field

or aerospace related engi-

neering. They must have a

superior academic record..

It takes time and effort to

complete the application

process, but it is well worth

the effort.

adopted were; 1b, 2,3,4,5,7,

8c, 9a, 9b, 10,15a, 15b, 16a,

16b, 16c, 17b, 17c, 17d, 17e,

17f, 18a, 18b, 18c, 20, 22, 23,

24, 25a, 27. Resolutions 1 and

4 were adopted.

All of this information as well

as the original list is available at

the ZI website, zonta.org.

In all, there were 27 proposed

bylaws or procedures changes,

as well as 4 proposed resolu-

tions, which were discussed

and debated at the 2010 Con-

vention in San Antonio. The

list is much too long to print

here, but there were 28 by-

laws/procedures which were

adopted.12 were not adopted, 2 were not considered and 2

were postponed indefinitely.

Of the four resolutions, 2

were adopted and 2 were not


If you reference the list of

proposals that was sent out

prior to the Convention, you

can follow the numbers below

of those that were adopted.

Articles of Incorporation, By-laws, Rules of Procedure



2011 at Fairlington Community

Center in Arlington, Va.

There will be Area Meetings at the 2010 Conference on Saturday afternoon. Plan to

attend those meetings as well as the Spring Workshops. Mark the dates so you don’t

miss them.

All the Area Directors are looking

forward to meeting and greeting their respective area members at

the Conference.

The four District 3 Area Directors

are busy making plans for leader-

ship meetings and Spring work-shops. Area 1 Director Kathy Rau reports that she has been in touch with all the Area 1 presidents and

they will be meeting for the first time at the 2010 Conference. She and Area 2 director Elizabeth

Smith also report that the Zonta

Club of New Rochelle will sponsor the 2011 Area 1&2 Spring Work-

shop on Saturday, April 16, 2011 in

New Rochelle.

Area 3 Director Alice Kirchner reports that she will be hosting a

conference call with the Area 3 Presidents on Saturday, September 18 from 9 to 10:30 am. Both Alice

and Area 4 Director, Margo Sheri-dan report that the hosting ar-rangements for the Area 3 & 4

Spring Workshop have not been firmed up as yet, but the date is set for Saturday, April 9, 2011. Area 4

Director Margo Sheridan tells us

that she will have her second lead-ership meeting on Sat., Feb. 5,

Page 8 District 3 Governor’s Newsletter

“Women must try

to do things, as

men have tried.”

Amelia Earhart



Page 9: DISTRICT 3 GOVERNOR’S NEWSLETTER page.pdfZonta Club of Greater Queens Bylaws & Resolutions: Amy McCullough, Zonta Club of Prince William County Historian/Archivist: Georgia LaBlanc,



Page 9

Have a question

about Zonta?

Your first step is

to contact your

area director. If

she doesn’t have the answer she

will find out from

the Governor. If

the question

stumps everyone,

the Governor will

contact our ZI

Liaison to get the


District 3 Governor’s Newsletter















Three simple steps will get you access to the Members Site:

Go to zonta.org and login with your first name and member number

Your member number can be found on the address tag on The Zontian Magazine

Your password is zonta+your member number with no spaces

If you have problems logging in, send an email to the site at [email protected] and put

“login help” in the message and your login details will be emailed to you.



If you need to contact your Area Director or anyone else on the District 3 Board, go to the

District 3 website (zontadistrictthree.org) and click on District Board (on the left) where you

will find all the board names and titles and you can email directly from there.

To contact District 3 Chairs, go to the website and click on District 3 Chairmen (on the left)

and you can access all the chairs and email them directly from there.

Before you leave the site, be sure to bookmark it for easy access in the future.

Page 10: DISTRICT 3 GOVERNOR’S NEWSLETTER page.pdfZonta Club of Greater Queens Bylaws & Resolutions: Amy McCullough, Zonta Club of Prince William County Historian/Archivist: Georgia LaBlanc,