In This Issue: Clubs & Committee Positions…………………..1 Business Meeting Minutes From Sep 2015…………………………………..2-3 District Committee Chair Reports for Sept2015…….…….………….……............. 5-9 Upcoming Events……………11 District Address For Group Donations District 24, PO BOX 439 Lynnwood, WA 98046 District 24 Business Meetings 7pm, 1 st Wed. of each month 21018 Hwy 99, Edmonds (PUD building) Sno-King Intergroup Business Meetings 7pm, 3 rd Wed. of each month 22617 76 th Ave W, Suite 203, Edmonds (STONE COURT BUILDING) DISTRICT COMMITTEE DCM: Tom L. [email protected] Alt DCM: Tari B. [email protected] Acce ssibility: Carol [email protected] Corrections: Greg [email protected] GSIG Zone Rep: Dusty [email protected] Schedules: Andy [email protected] Grapevine/Literature: Rita [email protected] Secretary: Jerry [email protected] DECLARATION OF UNITY “This we owe to A.A.'s future; to place our common welfare first; to keep our Fellowship united. For on A.A. unity depend our lives, and the lives of those to come.” CHAIRS & CONTACTS Treasurer: Virgil [email protected] Treasurer: Alternate: C;aire [email protected] Archives: Ron A Alternate: Annie N [email protected] CPC: Peggy [email protected] Public Information: Jim [email protected] Treatment / BTG: Jermaine [email protected] Newsletter: Eric [email protected] Web Chair: OPEN [email protected] Listing Chair: Claire W. [email protected] RESPONSIBILITY PLEDGE “I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that, I am responsible.” Check out District 24 on the web at: www.district24.org DISTRICT 24 NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2015 Serving Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mountlake Terrace vicinity of Area 72 AA

DISTRICT 24 NEWSLETTERdistrict24.org/.../2017/06/october2015newsletter.pdfOct 06, 2017  · DISTRICT 24 NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2015 Serving Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mountlake Terrace vicinity

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Page 1: DISTRICT 24 NEWSLETTERdistrict24.org/.../2017/06/october2015newsletter.pdfOct 06, 2017  · DISTRICT 24 NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2015 Serving Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mountlake Terrace vicinity

In This Issue: Clubs & Committee


Business Meeting Minutes

From Sep


District Committee Chair Reports for



Upcoming Events……………11

District Address

For Group Donations

District 24, PO BOX 439

Lynnwood, WA 98046

District 24

Business Meetings

7pm, 1st Wed. of each month

21018 Hwy 99, Edmonds

(PUD building)

Sno-King Intergroup

Business Meetings

7pm, 3rd Wed. of each month

22617 76th Ave W,

Suite 203, Edmonds



DCM: Tom L.

[email protected]

Alt DCM: Tari B.

[email protected]

Accessibility: Carol

[email protected]

Corrections: Greg

[email protected]

GSIG Zone Rep: Dusty

[email protected]

Schedules: Andy

[email protected]

Grapevine/Literature: Rita

[email protected]

Secretary: Jerry

[email protected]


“This we owe to A.A.'s future; to place

our common welfare first ; to keep our

Fellowship united. For on A.A. unity

depend our lives, and the lives of those

to come.”


Treasurer: Virgil

[email protected]

Treasurer: – Alternate: C;aire

[email protected]

Archives: Ron A – Alternate:

Annie N

[email protected]

CPC: Peggy

[email protected]

Public Information: Jim

[email protected]

Treatment / BTG: Jermaine

[email protected]

Newsletter: Eric

[email protected]

Web Chair: OPEN

[email protected]

Listing Chair: Claire W.

[email protected]


“I am responsible. When anyone,

anywhere, reaches out for help, I want

the hand of A.A. always to be there. And

for that, I am responsible.”

Check out District 24 on the web at: www.district24.org



Serving Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mountlake Terrace vicinity of Area 72 AA

Page 2: DISTRICT 24 NEWSLETTERdistrict24.org/.../2017/06/october2015newsletter.pdfOct 06, 2017  · DISTRICT 24 NEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2015 Serving Lynnwood, Edmonds & Mountlake Terrace vicinity

District 24 Business Meeting


Meeting brought to order at 7:10 p.m. by our DCM, Tom L., with the Serenity Prayer and the Responsibility Declaration.

Chrissy A. read Concept 9.

In attendance: Tom L., Tari B., Carol V., Jerry F., Claire W., John M., Dusty K., Rita, Patti M., Jim M., Jermaine, Danielle,

Chris B, Annie N., Ron A., Steve S., Virgil O., Lachlan, Demery, Susan C., Marilyn, Peg S., Dan, Chrissy A., Robert R., Lynne

C., Adrian, Greg B., .

September Birthdays: Peggy 9 months.

District Reports:

Secretary, Jerry F.: August minutes as set forth in the District Newsletter were approved.

Listing Chair, Claire W.: Claire has a report in the Sept. 2015 newsletter. Highlights: (1) Claire needs any new GSRs and

any GSRs who have not received their “blue folder” to contact her so that she can make sure that the correct

information has been forwarded to National. (2) Claire wants to be told about meeting changes etc. If you know of a

meeting that has been discontinued, please notify Claire. (3) Claire wants everyone to know that if they volunteer at the

Assembly, they get free registration.

Treasurer, Outgoing Carol, Incoming Virgil: The treasurer’s report for the period July 17 to Aug. 18, 2015 is in the

September newsletter. Treasurer’s report was approved after motion and group vote. Carol is the outgoing Treasurer.

The bank account was not successfully transferred so Carol has continued as Treasurer until everyone can meet at the

bank. By the next meeting, Virgil should be able to take over and produce the Treasurer’s report.

Alternate Treasurer: Claire volunteered to become alternate Treasurer and was promptly voted in. Thank you Claire.

Public Information, Jim: Please see full report in the Sept. 2015 newsletter. Highlights: (1) Jim has District 24 business

cards. The cards turned out great. Please see Jim or Tom L if you would like business cards. (2) Jim proposed that

District 24 put together a “bid” to host the 5-14-2016 quarterly. The proposal was approved by the group. Please see

Jim if you would like to help. (3) Jim still needs groups to volunteer to sponsor literature racks at Edmonds, Mountlake

Terrace and Lynnwood libraries as well as at the Mountlake Terrace police station.

CPC, Peggy: Absent

Treatment/BTG, Jermaine: Normand is no longer in this position. Normand, thank you for your service. Jermaine

volunteered to take over the position and was promptly voted in. Thank you Jermaine. Greg B. informed Jermaine that

Evergreen Manor is looking for people to bring in meetings. Lachlan volunteered to help Jermaine.

Newsletter, Eric E.: Rick is no longer in this position. Rick, thank you for your service. Eric has been helping with the

newsletter and agreed to take over the position and was promptly voted in. Thank you Eric. Please see full report in the

Sept. newsletter. Highlights: (1) Eric needs help with the newsletter. Any volunteers? (2) Committee chairs please get

your reports to Eric at least 10 days prior to the next meeting. (3) Discussion about printing newsletter at the library


Web Chair, David: David was absent. Eric has been helping David. There is a report in the Sept. newsletter.

Archives, Ron A.: All good.

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Alternate Archives, Annie N.: Even better.

Grapevine, Rita: Eric gave up the Grapevine position to focus on newsletter. Eric, thank you for your service. Rita

volunteered to take over the position and was promptly voted in. Thank you Rita.

Schedules, Andy: Absent. Demery brought schedules for Andy. Schedule stapling party coming up. October 25, 2015

from noon to 5 p.m. 1401 Poplar Street, Everett.

Sno King Intergroup, Chrissy A.: Snoking needs help. Please announce this at all our meetings. SKIG is running out of

volunteers to answer the phones. This is an important function of Snoking and AA. Taking phone calls is carrying the

message and being available when someone reaches out for help. Service Opportunity: Volunteers needed to take a

shift and cover the phone. Call the volunteer coordinator at 425 672 0987.

GSIG Zone Rep., Dusty: Normand is no longer in this position. Normand, thank you for your service. Please see

Normand’s report in the Sept. newsletter. Dusty volunteered to take over the position and was promptly voted in.

Thank you Dusty.

Corrections, Greg B.: Please see newsletter for full report. Highlights: (1) Thank you for the pink can donations. (2)

Assembly big book drive. Please take this to your groups. (3) Lynnwood jail said they were too small to allow meetings.

Accessibility, Carol: Lori is no longer in this position. Lori, thank you for your service. Carol volunteered to take over the

position and was promptly voted in. Thank you Carol.

Third Legacy,Peg S.: Andy A., past delegate 2001 – 2002, gave a presentation on concept 1. He came from Anacortes to

serve our group. Thank you Andy A. Peg is trying to get a past delegate each month to speak on the concepts. She

would like to see lots of people at these meetings and reminds us how inspirational the past delegates are to those in


DCM, Tom L: Please see newsletter for the full report. Highlights: (1) Assembly strategies, carpool to the assembly,

share rooms, no outside food or beverages, limit your coffee and sugar consumption, speak directly into the mike, stay

for the spiritual breakfast on Sunday. (2)Discussion on two motions at the assembly which are rejoining the PNW

conference and sending web chair to the AA conference. Finally, Tom urged everyone to pre-register for the assembly.

If you pre-register parking is included at $10.00 day. If you forget to pre-register, parking is street rates of $20.00 or

$30.00 day.

Alt. DCM, Tari B: Please see Newsletter for the full report. Highlights: (1) Tari reminded everyone that she is the Home

Stay Coordinator and needs volunteers. This is the final push for home stay volunteers. (2) Tari also urged everyone to

pre-register for the assembly. Pre-registration cuts off in Sept. 23 so all GSRs should contact their Groups about paying

for the assembly before the price goes up. If you preregister, you get to eat at the same table as the other district 24


Old Business:

1. PUD is moving. Need a place to meet for Dec., maybe Jan. 2016 and maybe beyond. Please let Tari know if

your site would be available for a district meeting.

2. Email list has been created. Please contact Jerry for additions, subtractions, corrections, etc.

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New Business:

1. Elections, elections and more elections:

2. Treatment. Bridging the Gap/ Jermaine is the new chair.

3. GSIG Rep./ Dusty is the new chair.

4. Accessibility/ Carol is the new chair.

5. Newsletter/ Eric E. is the new chair.

6. Grapevine/ Rita is the new chair.

7. Alt. Treasurer/ Claire is the new chair.

Group news: Lachlan reported on the problems the Lynnwood Alano Club is having as they attempt to negotiate a new

“market rate” lease. Claire WOTSS is having a women only retreat. DAMM needs members so they can pay their rent at

the LAC. Dan, Pyramid group needs a new GSR. Dan may be moving. Carol, Sisters in Recovery, is having a picnic (9-19-

15) featuring the famous pulled pork.

Meeting adjourned with the Serenity Prayer.

Respectfully submitted by Group Secretary, Jerry F.

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GSIG Zone Rep Report

I attended the September Board meeting at the GSIG offices on the 15th – (if anyone is interested, I can forward a

copy of the draft of the minutes electronically). Each elected board member gave their reports – after which

committee reports were given. Some highlights:

Accessibility: meets at GSIG on 1st Wednesday of the month at 6 pm – all are welcome to come. The committee had

a basket at the annual picnic and raised $250 – and they have distributed “blue buckets” for donations by groups –

these funds go directly to accessibility efforts.

Corrections: King County Juvenile agreed to display 2 literature racks for the first time.

Hospital/Treatment: There were two Spanish speaking 12-step calls through Virginia Mason Medical Center this

past month.

Special Events/Picnic: After all the expenses – the final profit was $42.72. The GSIG Fall Assembly will be held

November 14 at 10am in the GSIG offices.

Office Manager: All week day and weekend open hours are covered with individual and groups volunteering. Anita

has started a waiting list for those interested in serving in this way. There is a potential new literature client for GSIG

(Sundown in Yakima). It would be the same arrangements that are currently in place with Lakeside Milam. Norm will

continue to work on this and advise.

Old business: Nominations committee – they have identified 3 potential new candidates thus far. Anyone

interested should put together a resume.

New Business: A discussion was held to have GSIG to do something for the weekend of the Assembly since it is in

Seattle this year. Maybe have an “open house” for the weekend for those who want a place to gather – or maybe

have the Sea hawks game on screen for Sunday… More details to follow.

In Service,

Dusty K.

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District 24 October 2015 PI Chair Report

Greetings District 24, I am sorry I’m not there to present my report in person. Jedi and I are flying today to Minnesota

to see my family and attend my Nephews wedding. We will be back for the Assembly and hope to see most of you there.

I attended the PI/CPC Workshop at Seattle InterGroup on September 19th. There was some

great information shared as I continue to learn my role as the Public Information Chair for

District 24. We received an update on the 12th step call program Seattle InterGroup is doing

with Virginia Mason Hospital. Since its inception in January they have been involved in 45 12th

Step Calls reaching out and helping the still struggling alcoholic.

I also listened to other PI volunteers discuss others areas where AA is needed and I realized

WE have a lot of work to still do! Our District has a number of Colleges, High Schools, Middle

Schools and Hospitals that all need to be contacted. I would hope that more Alcoholics step up

to assist Public Information in our mission to help all people struggling with Alcoholism and

Addiction. Next month I hope to develop a Sub­Committee to help address these concerns.

Please put some thoughts into how WE can all do our part to make this a successful program!

I also placed 2 more Racks this month at the following locations: Lynnwood Police Department

City of Edmonds, Edmonds Municipal Court/Police Department

I realized after meeting with the Probation Officer in Edmonds there are a lot of drunks in

Edmonds! He said he needs about 40 meeting schedules per month. Maybe we need to start

another meeting in the lobby of the Edmonds Municipal Court? Just sayin! haha

I have Seattle Inter Group Schedules and AA Flyers to give each Home Group to get started

with Sponsoring a rack. There are currently 6 locations available to Sponsor (1) Edmonds

Library and (2) Edmonds Police/Municipal Court, (3)Mountlake Terrace Library and

(4)Mountlake Terrace Police Department. I think the (5)Lynnwood Library and (6)Lynnwood

Police Department have a Home Group interested which I will confirm next month. If your Home

Group is interested in Sponsoring a Rack(s) please call me @206.604.1477 or email me at : [email protected]

Annie please call me with availability and cost for the PI/CPC Workshop on 2/13/16. I need to

keep sourcing a location if it isn’t available. Yours in Service, Jim M.

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District 24 DCM Report-Tom L

Hello District 24 DCM Tom L reporting

We have our assembly October 16th 17th 18th Bell harbour Seattle Our meeting this Wednesday would be good to

talk about carpooling and finding rides to go down to Seattle on Friday and Saturday and Sunday.

More Info please contact Area 72

Please review the different items PNC & webmaster workshop being voted on at the Assembly with your home group


We still have a few positions opened that we can discuss and hopefully she'll this Wednesday

Thank you for all your service and keeping it a life.

Tom Laris


[email protected]

District 24 Alt DCM Report-Tari B

Hello District 24!

Well my commitment to the Home Stay program has come to an end. We had our last meeting and overall it was a

huge success, there is actually more hosts signed up than guests! I want to thank all who participated and are hosting

our traveling trusted servants, I'm sure it's going to be a rewarding experience. Huge shout out to all of District 24,

thank you for being so open to this new experience and helping to show Area 72 what a great Distri ct we have.

With the area assembly just around the corner I want to make sure that everyone has all the information they need to

make an informed group conscience, so please, if you have any questions Tom and I are available to help where ever

we can.

I am also wondering if anyone is interested in carpooling? I know that we have had a couple traveling trusted servants

placed in our district and I will be reaching out to them to see if they are interested. So if any one else is interested I

would love to help organize this.

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Web Report – Eric E ( Pro tem)

Website transition is progressing slowly but steadily. Web traffic has decreased significantly, likely due to less events

happening this time of year.


Treatment and Bridging the Gap – Normand– NO REPORT

Archives – Ron- NO REPORT

Alt. Archives – Annie- NO REPORT

Schedules – Andy – NO REPORT

Accessibility –Carol - NO REPORT

3rd Legacy chair- NO REPORT

Newsletter – Eric E

Newsletter was emailed this month on Wednesday immediately prior to the monthly meeting, quite a few Committee

Chair reports not received. NOTE: Any fliers that you want to appear in the newsletter need to be in Word document, JPG,

or PNG format.

PDF files will not work. I received pdfs for sock-a-thon and PRAASA, they will be posted on the website but did not

appear in this month’s newsletter.

Grapevine/Literature – Rita N

Working on finding out what the job entails. Also, will be printing a catalog of AA approved literature for


I would like to do a quick review of a book or brochure at the district meetings.


Rita N.

. Hello to District 24, Last meeting I talked about the concern with the lack of Sno-King intergroup volunteers to answer phones and sell literature. Thank you for taking the message back to your home groups. A couple of new volunteers have signed up, but there are a lot more shifts that can be covered. The shifts are in 2 hour increments. 11am to 1pm, 1pm to 3pm, 3pm to 5pm and 5pm to 7pm. Because the phones do not ring off the hook and there are not yet swarms of alcoholics beating down the door, the shifts are great to have some quite time while being of service. Read a book, knit, catch up on your thank you cards, or better yet, write your Christmas list. We are trying to get the word out about Sno-King; what it does and who they are. A brochure is nearly finished with just a few design and wording tweaks. We believe this small pamphlet will help with generating buzz and educating the community. The brochure includes the address, website and a brief description of Sno-King. The positions for Treasurer, 12 step coordinator, volunteer coordinator and alt secretary are open.

If your group wants to make a donation to help keep the doors open the mailing address is

PO BOX 30 Mount Lake Terrace WA 98043. If you want to volunteer to answer the phones please

call Tom at 206-363-4082.

Thank you all for your service!

Chrissy Anderson


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Report Checking Account

Statement Aug19-Sep 17, 2015

Transaction Type/Number Pay To / Received From Explanation


April 17-May 16,

2014 Deposit Amt. (+)

Check book bal.

Account Beginning Balance 5180.18

Deposit Group Donation

31-Aug 1135 Lynnwood Study Group Group Donation

12.50 31-Aug 4778 Patience Group Group Donation



21-Aug 2930 US Postal Service PO Box 1 year rent 98.00 1-Sept

Auto Transfer to Savings


10-Sept 2935 Jim M. Business Cards 57.84 Bank Statement Ending Balance 305.84 42.50 4916.84

After the Statement Date

Outstanding Checks

1-Oct 2000 GSBS Tom L 610.07


5-Oct 1225 Edmonds Group Group Donation


5-Oct 104 Pyramid Group Group Donation


5-Oct 8354 Way of Life Group Donation



Transfer from Savings


Total 610.07 240.00

Cash on Hand


Reserve 2014 Gratitude Dinner expenses 1500.00

Reserve 2013 Picnic expense


Reserve 2013 50% schedules expense 250.00

Working balance 2,546.77

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1401 Poplar St.

Everett WA