Distributed Systems Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X

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Page 1: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X





Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 2: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  CellularbasestaEons(antennas+cpu)withhexagonalcells

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 3: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  EachbasestaEonusesasetof“channels”(e.g.frequencies)tocommunicatewithmobilenodesinitscell

•  Usuallyadjacentcellsdonotusesamechannel– Toavoidinterference

•  ButsamechannelcanbeusedatdistantbasestaEons

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 4: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  Thisfeatureofusingthesamechannelindifferentcellsiscalled“spaEalreuse”– Samechannelcanbeusedindifferentpartsof“space”

•  DistancebetweenbasestaEonscanvary– Fewhundredmetersinurbanregion– Severalkilometersinopenspaces/ruralregions

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 5: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X

•  Oneantennahasafixednumberofchannels•  Ifitscellislarge,theremaybemanypeopleinit,andtheantennamaynotbeabletohandle

•  HencecloserantennaplacementinciEes•  ButsElllimitedcapacityduetointerferencefromotherantennasusingsamechannel

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 6: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  Inaregion,theremaybedifferentmobileoperators

•  Theyusuallybidforrightstousedifferentpartsofthespectrum– Dependingonwheretheyneedmorechannelsorlessetc

– SpectrumaucEons– Thendecidewhichchanneltouseinwhichcell

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 7: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  Whathappenswhenamobilephonemovesfromonecelltoanothercell?

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 8: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X

Terminology•  Mobilenode•  Homenetwork

–  Thenetworkthat“owns”themobilenumber•  Eg.EEorvodafoneorO2…•  Local

•  HomelocaEonregister–  Databaseofprofile,currentlocaEonetcofmobilenumbers

•  Visitednetwork– Wherethemobilecurrentlyresides–  VisitorlocaEonregister:databaseofnodescurrentlyinregion

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 9: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  Goesfirsttohomenetwork•  WhichreturnsthecurrentlocaEonofthemobile(itsvisitednetwork)

•  ThenthecallgoestotheactuallocaEon

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 10: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  Whenmobilemovesfromonecelltoanother–  It’scommunicaEonishandedofftothenewcell

•  Detectedbyweaksignalfromcell1butstrongsignalforcell2

•  Orforloadbalancing•  ExecutedbybasestaEonsandMSC

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Mobile Switching Center + VLR

Page 11: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 12: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  Cellularsystemsarefineforcalling,notforinternet

•  InternetrouEngisIP–based•  IPisgeographybased•  Whathappenswhenamobilephonemovestoadifferentarea?Orsimplytoadifferentcell?

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 13: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  SocommunicaEonfromMNisdisrupted.•  MNmaybeabletore-iniEalizeeverything,butthatisundesirable

•  WewantapacketforIPXtosEllbedeliveredtoMN

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 14: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  SupposeanMNhadIPaddressXinitsiniEalsubnet(localareanetwork)s1(incell1)

•  NowtheMNmovestoadifferentsubnets2– Xisnotavalidaddressins2– RoutersontheinternetwillsendpacketsforIPXtos1,nevertos2.

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 15: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  WhenMNmoves,itinformsvisitednetworkofitsIPX

•  Homeagent–  AprocessonhomenetworkthatinterceptspacketsforIPX

–  SendsittoIPY(IPofforeignagent)•  Foreignagent(correspondingprocessonvisitednetwork)–  Receivespacket–  UnpackstoseeitisintendedforX–  DeliversthroughMAClayeraddress

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

data X

Y data X

Page 16: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  SolvestherouEngproblem•  However,oniniEalmove,somepacketsoracksmaygetlost/delayed– TransportlayerthinksthereiscongesEon– Slowsdown– …

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 17: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  Withadvancingtechnology•  Newfeaturesarecroppingupinmobilenets•  Newissuesareappearing

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 18: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  Canbedonebasedonsignalstrengths– Decreaseswithdistance

•  TrilateraEon–threedistancessufficetolocateapoint– SignalstrengthfromthreeormorewirelesstransmiherswithknownlocaEon

– ApproximatelocalizaEonduetovariaEoninsignalpropagaEon,noiseetc

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 19: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  Canbedoneusingthreecellulartowers– Eitheratthemobilephone– Oratcellnetwork

•  NewpossibiliEes– PredicthandoffsfrommoEon,makepreparaEonsearly

– Learn/predictuserbehavior– GivelocaEonbasedrecommendaEonsetc…

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 20: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X

Privacyissues•  LocaEonisconsideredprivateinformaEon•  TrackinglocaEonalltheEmeisconsideredintrusive

•  Nowaytopreventcellcompaniesfromdoingit…•  Atthemobilephoneend,effortsarebeingmadetofuzzlocaEons– GivesomeinformaEonforlocaEonbasedservicestorun

– AvoidsomeotherinformaEon,oravoidpreciselocaEons

•  Context/acEvityinformaEonisalsoprivate…

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 21: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  Smallpersonalizedcellantennas(~10mrange)– Plugintoyourwirelessrouter

•  EvenbeherspaEalreuse•  Lessorganized,trickiertocoordinatechannelassignmentetc

•  Possibilityofchannelclashwithmacrocells

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

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•  SendssignalsinaparEculardirecEon– UsesmulEpleantennastogethertransmijngstdifferentphases

– DestrucEveinterferenceensuresthatsignaldoesnottravelinotherdirecEons

– EasytochangedirecEonsquickly•  Anglecanrangefrom20or30degreestoafewdegrees(narrowbeam)

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

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•  Usuallyaround60GHzfrequency•  Highsupportedbandwidth•  Goodforhidefvideo,largedatavolumesetc•  Atthisrange,signalhashighahenuaEonfromair– Shortrange(fewmetersto100meters)

•  TogetherwithdirecEonalityimpliesveryeffecEvespaEalreuse

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

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•  Challenges– Easilyaffectedbyobstacles– Bothtransmiherandreceiverneedtobe“looking”ateach-otherattherightEme

•  Mediumaccessbecomesharder

– Mobilitycancreateachallengeof“tracking”adevice

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016

Page 25: Distributed Systems Mobile networking€¦ · Mobile networking Rik Sarkar University of Edinburgh Fall 2016 Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, ... • Suppose an MN had IP address X


•  Mobilewirelessdevicesaregoingtobeevenmorepopular

•  Moreapps/services/media•  Greatneedforwirelessbeandwidth

– Currentinfrastructureisnotsufficient•  Newtechnologies•  Simultaneously,detecEonofcollecEvecontext,groupsetcforbeheradapEveservices

Distributed Systems, Edinburgh, 2016