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  • 7/30/2019 Dissertion New


    A Study on Training and Development FORBANKINGSECTOR

    Amity Global Business School


    Submitted By:- Submitted To:-

    Aditee Jaiswal Dr . Chitra Bajpai

    MBA (IV -Sem)


  • 7/30/2019 Dissertion New


    Training is a systematic learning process

    that involves the acquisition andchanging of knowledge, skill, behaviourconcepts, rules, attitudes, andmotivation of the employees to enhancetheir performance on the job as per thebusiness goals and objectives of theorganisation.

    It is all about the acquisition ofknowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA)through professional development.

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    Individual Objectives- to help the employees inachieving their personal goals, which in turn,

    enhances the individual contribution to anorganization.

    Organizational Objectivesto assist the organizationwith its primary objective to adopt a major newstrategy, create a new product or service, undergo a

    large scale change programme, or developsignificant new relationships by having joint venturewith other business houses.

    Functional Objectivesto maintain the departmentscontribution at a level suitable to organizationsneeds.

    Societal Objectivesto ensure that an organization isethically and socially responsible to the needs andchallenges of the society.

  • 7/30/2019 Dissertion New


    Training and Development helps : in optimizing the utilization of human


    to provide an opportunity for thedevelopment of human resources

    in increasing the job knowledge and skills ofemployees

    in increasing the productivity of theemployees

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    Training need identification is a tool utilizedto identify what educational courses oractivities should be provided to employeesto improve their work productivity.

    people must know what they need to learnin order to achieve organisational goals.

    Therefore, to meet people's aspirations, the

    organization must provide effective andattractive learning resources andconditions.

  • 7/30/2019 Dissertion New


    India is emerging as an economy muchready to accept the challenges fromexternal environment being one of the most

    consistently called Developing countries. Areas of prime concern like industry,

    education and human resources still waitingfor the major changes to take place and to

    stand at par with international standards.

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    Nowadays, banking is no moreconventional sector because many privateand public banks are mushrooming with

    providing the best of banking under oneroof. With drastic growth of banks it calls forefficient and well trained staff members tohandle/deal with the consumer need.

    Banks are shaping up as financial hub fortheir clients to grow in size and wellrecognized in the world market.

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    On Banking Sector Reforms. The reform

    measures focused on strengthening the

    foundations of the banking system,

    streamlining procedures, upgradingtechnology and human resources

    development and further structural changes.

    47 Indian companies were listed in the Forbes

    Global 2000 ranking for 2009. The 10 leadingcompanies wherein State Bank of India placed

    world rank 150 and ICICI bank placed 329.

  • 7/30/2019 Dissertion New


    1. To study training and development

    programmes undertaken by banks for theiremployees.

    2. To analyze effectiveness of training anddevelopment programmes for employeesto discharge their duties.

    3. To study how training and developmentprogrammes helps to achieve customer


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    1. To get an insight of the job by the new

    employees and also to understand workculture followed in the organization.

    2. To acquire knowledge in order to adopt any

    change in technology or any changeaffecting the working of organization.

    In order to satisfy consumers from all walks oflife banks need to have efficient manpowerwhich can be possible by offering themquality training , training programme shouldkeep pace with changing times it must beunconventional

  • 7/30/2019 Dissertion New


    PRIVATE BANKS: There are as many asprivate banks in India working under theguide lines of RBI.

    The training need in the private banks areplaying very important role, thereforetraining programme in some of the privatebanks are discussed here

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    It is the largest private sector bank in India.It has a huge network of 2,528 branchesand about 6,000 ATMs in India and apresence in 19 countries including India. Itemploys around 36,000 employees.

    ICICI bank views and values humanresource as a key source of competitive


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    The Bank has built strong capabilities intraining and development to buildcompetencies across various sectors.

    Training on products and operations isimparted through internet-based trainingmodules. Special programmes onfunctional training and leadershipdevelopment are conducted to buildknowledge as well as management abilityat a dedicated training facility.

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    Training and Development in ICICI Bankis referred to the team of employees in

    the Human Resource department whoare responsible for such activities.Training and Development is headed bya senior-level officer (who is a member of

    the executive team) - Chief HumanCapital Officer (CHCO).

  • 7/30/2019 Dissertion New


    HDFC Bank was incorporated in August1994 and currently has an nationwide

    network of 2,776 Branches and 10,743ATM's in 1,568 Indian towns and cities.

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    Make them time-bound: At HDFC Bank with its induction, on-boarding

    and behavioural training programmes likeservice excellence and leadership

    programmes for various levels employees are mapped to a training

    manager and the learning graph of allemployees is tracked with updates available

    through intranet. The exercise ensures that all concerned

    participants invest time and effort in thetracking process.

  • 7/30/2019 Dissertion New


    IndusInd Bank is a fast growing, new-generation private-sector Bank was

    incorporated in 1994. It caters to the needsof both Consumer & Corporate clients andhas a robust technology platformsupporting multi-channel delivery


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    IndusInd Bank partners with IIFM for their nationwide training initiative 'DEAL

    International Institute of Financial Markets Ltd(IIFM), one of the most aggressive financialwarehouses of the country today signed an

    MOU with IndusInd Bank for their training DEAL(Drop Everything And Learn) initiative.

    DEAL initiative is for all the sales employees of

    the bank who would be provided weeklytraining on current economic and financialsystems and is based on the axiom ofknowledge first to service better.

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    PUBLIC SECTORS BANKS: There are many

    public sectors bank operating in Indiaunder the guide lines of RBI. Althoughthey are public sector bank, trainingplays an important role there, thus thetraining programme conducted in publicsector brands are discussed here

  • 7/30/2019 Dissertion New


    Bank of Baroda (BoB) is an Indian state-owned banking and financial servicescompany headquartered in Vadodara. Itoffers a range of banking products andfinancial services to corporate and retailcustomers through its branches and throughits specialised subsidiaries and affiliates in

    the areas of retail banking

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    Focused on EmployeesBank of Baroda focuses on its employees,offering a career rather than just a job.Various initiatives are in place to groomemployees throughout their life cycle.

    A best-in-class new hire on-boarding programThe program spans 6 months for officers and 2weekfor clerks. The program for officersconsists of classroom training sessions,

    covering basic aspects of operations, creditand forex, and comprehensive branchrotations which take you to a variety ofadvances-focussed.

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    Carefully crafted career path policyThe career path policy in the bank ensuresa rich variety of exposures in areas likeoperations, credit, forex, and

    administration/facilitation for all officersjoining the bank.

    Baroda Academy - a state of the art internal

    training systemBaroda Academy currently has 1 apexbody, 1 technical training center, and 13Zonal Training outfits

  • 7/30/2019 Dissertion New


    State Bank of India (SBI) is a

    multinational banking and

    financial services companybased in India. It is a

    government-owned corporation

    with its headquarters in Mumbai,Maharashtra

  • 7/30/2019 Dissertion New


    Training and awareness among employees: It isrecommended that State Bank of India should conductvarious training programmes for the employees, so thatthey will get aware with the terms of internet banking.

    Build an optimal operating model by understandingwhich activities to retain collaborate and outsource:-There should be clear sight of operations which needs tooutsource to other companies, this will lead to ease inwork for employees

    Bank should anticipate and get prepared for regulatorychanges: Laws regarding IT or cyber laws get change as

    per the need. SBI should anticipate such kind of changesand get loaded with various plans and actions.

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    Punjab National Bank (PNB) is an Indianfinancial services company based in NewDelhi, India. PNB is the third largest bank inIndia by assets. It was founded in 1894 byLala Lajpat Rai and is currently the secondlargest state-owned commercial bank inIndia ahead of Bank of Baroda with about

    5000 branches across 764 cities.

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    Centum Learning gets PNB contract to train employeeThe programme will equip the workforce with the necessary soft-skillsto better serve the Bank's customers, he added.

    Besides, helping staff communicate better with customers, it will alsoenhance team bonding between offi cers, clerical staff and sub-staff

    The content will be designed in consultation with PNB, conducting theprogramme through instructor-led-training mode and developingappropriate methodologies to monitor impact form importantcomponents of the training solution.

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    1. 97% employees received training relatedto their banking jobs.

    2. 85% employees said that the duration oftraining was adequate.

    3. 85% respondent believed that trainingprogramme boosts their morale todischarge their duties.

    4. 92% respondents said that trainingprogramme which received, affectedpositively on their work performance.

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    1. It is concluded that private and public

    indian banks undertake training and

    development programmes for theiremployees to increase their efficiency.

    2. Banks provide training programmes toenhance their knowledge and skills tosatisfy the customers.

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