Discussion on Legal Is Discussion on Legal Is sues of Corporation’s sues of Corporation’s Capital Decrease Capital Decrease Sun Bo Wuhan University Jiayi ng College

Discussion on Legal Issues of Corporation ’ s Capital Decrease Sun Bo Wuhan University Jiaying College

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Page 1: Discussion on Legal Issues of Corporation ’ s Capital Decrease Sun Bo Wuhan University Jiaying College

Discussion on Legal Issues Discussion on Legal Issues of Corporation’s Capital Dof Corporation’s Capital D

ecreaseecreaseSun Bo

Wuhan University Jiaying College

Page 2: Discussion on Legal Issues of Corporation ’ s Capital Decrease Sun Bo Wuhan University Jiaying College

1. Introduction1. Introduction Practice of Practice of Codes of CorporationCodes of Corporation has made has made

a capital mythologya capital mythology

Contradiction of Chinese Contradiction of Chinese Codes of CorporationCodes of Corporation

Page 3: Discussion on Legal Issues of Corporation ’ s Capital Decrease Sun Bo Wuhan University Jiaying College

2. Legislative condition 2. Legislative condition too loosetoo loose

Actual capital decreaseActual capital decrease Nominal capital decreaseNominal capital decrease Whether to reduce the capital and how are mostly Whether to reduce the capital and how are mostly

up to company’s free willup to company’s free will It may cause the right to be abused in practice It may cause the right to be abused in practice

because legislation appears excessively tolerantbecause legislation appears excessively tolerant As will harm creditors or shareholders’ interestAs will harm creditors or shareholders’ interest

Page 4: Discussion on Legal Issues of Corporation ’ s Capital Decrease Sun Bo Wuhan University Jiaying College

3. Substantial conditions 3. Substantial conditions of capital decreaseof capital decrease

Legal cause of must capital decreaseLegal cause of must capital decrease Regulations of specific capital decrease modeRegulations of specific capital decrease mode Protection of shareholders’ interest during Protection of shareholders’ interest during

capital decreasecapital decrease Legal liabilityLegal liability

Page 5: Discussion on Legal Issues of Corporation ’ s Capital Decrease Sun Bo Wuhan University Jiaying College

3.1 Legal cause of must 3.1 Legal cause of must capital decreasecapital decrease

Codes of Corporation

French Spanish Chinese

Net assets <1/2 total registered


Loss > 1/3 of its total registered capital

This state lasts more than two years


Page 6: Discussion on Legal Issues of Corporation ’ s Capital Decrease Sun Bo Wuhan University Jiaying College

3.2 Regulations of specific 3.2 Regulations of specific capital decrease modecapital decrease mode

To decrease total amount of shares To decrease the face value per share To decrease both, etc. Specified condition correspondent with certain

specific mode

Page 7: Discussion on Legal Issues of Corporation ’ s Capital Decrease Sun Bo Wuhan University Jiaying College

3.3 Protection of shareholders’ interest 3.3 Protection of shareholders’ interest during capital decreaseduring capital decrease

Shareholders’ equality principle may lead to actual inequality

Page 8: Discussion on Legal Issues of Corporation ’ s Capital Decrease Sun Bo Wuhan University Jiaying College

3.4 Legal liability3.4 Legal liability

Senior executives’ behavior is the common cause of substantial capital decrease

Chinese Codes of Corporation   blurs Definitude advised

Page 9: Discussion on Legal Issues of Corporation ’ s Capital Decrease Sun Bo Wuhan University Jiaying College

4. Actual practice 4. Actual practice too tighttoo tight

Too much operational cost Rigidification of shareholders’ equality principle Capital decrease procedure is severe Creditor's interests got protected, but how about

shareholders’ (especially minority shareholders) interests?

Page 10: Discussion on Legal Issues of Corporation ’ s Capital Decrease Sun Bo Wuhan University Jiaying College

5. Transformation of capital 5. Transformation of capital decreasedecrease

Withdraw and release & escape

No chance and mechanism to withdraw leads to unfair result

Buy back and mortgage

Capital issue system and profit distribution system

(To be conciliating, got revised )

Page 11: Discussion on Legal Issues of Corporation ’ s Capital Decrease Sun Bo Wuhan University Jiaying College

6. Co-partnership companies’ capit6. Co-partnership companies’ capital decreaseal decrease

Unwise to forbid capital decrease

Page 12: Discussion on Legal Issues of Corporation ’ s Capital Decrease Sun Bo Wuhan University Jiaying College

7. Conclusion7. Conclusion

Stipulate legal capital decrease reasons Specify modes in particular conditions Respect to principle of shareholders’ will

autonomy To define directors’ & managers’ liabilities To strengthen maneuverability Attention to transformation Taboo of Co-partnership companies’ capital de
