Discrete Optimization of Decoupling Capacitors for Power Integrity

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  • 7/27/2019 Discrete Optimization of Decoupling Capacitors for Power Integrity


    Power Integrity Analysis and Discrete Optimization of Decoupling Capacitors

    on High Speed Power Planes by Particle Swarm Optimization

    Jai Narayan Tripathi1, Raj Kumar Nagpal2, Nitin Kumar Chhabra2, Rakesh Malik2, Jayanta Mukherjee1,

    Prakash R. Apte1

    1Dept. of EE, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, INDIA.2TR&D, STMicroelectronics Pvt. Ltd., Greater Noida, INDIA.

    E-mail1 : {jai,jayanta,apte}@ee.iitb.ac.inE-mail2 : {rajkumar.nagpal,nitin.chhabra,rakesh.malik}@st.com

    Abstract Power Integrity problem for a high speed powerplane is discussed in context of selection and placement ofdecoupling capacitors. The s-parameters data of power plane

    geometry and capacitors are used for the accurate analysisincluding bulk capacitors and VRM, for a real world problem.The optimal capacitors and their optimum locations on theboard are found using particle swarm optimization. A novel andaccurate methodology is presented which can be used for anyhigh speed Power delivery Network.

    Index Terms Power Integrity, Power Delivery Networks, De-coupling Capacitors, S-parameters, Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO).

    I. Introduction

    In high speed systems, the power delivery network design

    becomes critical in order to supply noise suppressed power

    to the core and i/o circuits. Power Integrity (PI) is a highspeed issue concerned with Power Delivery Networks (PDNs),

    which ensures sufficient and efficient power supply within a

    system [1]. If power integrity is not maintained in a high

    speed system, the power supply noise may exceed above the

    specified allowable ripple and thus may affect the functionality

    of the system which is designed to work for the predefined

    noise margins. To, maintain power integrity in a PDN, the

    maximum allowable impedance should be lesser than the target

    impedance, which is ratio of allowable voltage ripple to the

    maximum transient current of the system.

    Ztarget =(voltage(pp))(%ripple/100)


    A PDN consists of many components such as Voltage Reg-ulator Module (VRM), Bulk Capacitors, Board, Decoupling

    Capacitors, Package. Power is supplied from VRM, through

    board and package. There are capacitive and inductive effects

    associated with all of these components of PDN which impacts

    the system in different frequency ranges. The impedance

    of a PDN is defined by the the cumulative effect of all

    these impedances. These capacitive and inductive behaviors

    of components cause resonance and anti-resonance patterns

    in a PDN, which deteriorates the power supply quality and

    increases the ripples[2]. To avoid this, the impedance of the

    PDN should be lower than the target impedance.

    This paper takes into account the decoupling network in a

    PDN which consists of decoupling capacitors. The frequency

    ranges in which the decoupling network affects a PDN is typi-cally hundreds of MHz. Decoupling capacitors are convention-

    ally placed as near as possible, to the package pins [3]. Recent

    studies have shown that the best position to place decoupling

    capacitors are not always near to the package pins [4][5]. There

    are various papers available in literature which use stochastic

    methods such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm

    Optimization (PSO), Cuckoo Search etc., to find the optimum

    positions and values of decoupling capacitors [6][7][8]. Unlike

    the earlier work, this paper presents the practical solution of

    the industrial problem of discrete optimization for finding the

    suitable decoupling capacitors (provided with their s-parameter

    files) and their best positions from the available positions on

    the board. Novelties in this work are :

    1) The methodology for decoupling optimization is based

    on the s-parameters models of the decoupling capacitors

    as practically available from the various manufacturers

    instead of rlc models adopted in tandem.

    2) Using s-parameters data for board and package to take

    into account the effects of via, pad and anti-pads.

    3) Solving the optimization problem for PDN, after taking

    into effect of bulk capacitors, VRM, and package in

    order to increase the efficiency and accuracy.

    4) Finding the trajectory of the particles in PSO when the

    s-parameters data is used, unlike the r,l,c ranges taken

    in the earlier papers.5) Interpolating the data of capacitor bank before using it

    for optimization, if the frequency range of the board is

    not the same as that of the s-parameters file from the

    capacitor bank.

    6) Explaining the rationale behind choosing the frequency

    range of decoupling network analysis.

    The approximate rlc models of the decoupling capacitor do

    not take into account the nonlinear behavior of the capacitors

    at higher frequencies while s-parameters models do. The rlc

    models of the capacitors are defined at one spot frequency or

    a narrow band, instead of broader range.

    978-1-4673-4953-6/13/$31.00 2013 IEEE 670 14th Int'l Symposium on Quality Electronic Design

  • 7/27/2019 Discrete Optimization of Decoupling Capacitors for Power Integrity


    II . Power Delivery Network

    The main components of the power delivery network are

    the die, package, the PCB planes, decoupling capacitors, bulk

    capacitors, and the voltage regulator module. The decoupling

    capacitors help the voltage regulator supply current when there

    is high demand of current into the chip by supplying the charge

    stored in them. In a typical PDN, the electrolytic bulk capaci-

    tors are effective only at very low frequencies (

  • 7/27/2019 Discrete Optimization of Decoupling Capacitors for Power Integrity


    Fig. 4. Power delivery plane and nets in a typical package

    s-parameters and rlc values. This is the profile of capacitor

    LLR185C70G105ME01 from Murata Manufacturing Co. The

    r,l,c values (ESR of 100 m and ESL of 120 pH) are takenfrom the data sheet and the s-parameters file is obtained from

    vendors website [9][10]. There is clearly a difference betweenthe two profiles. The maximum difference is in hundreds of

    ohms at lower frequency range, even at high frequencies,

    second order effects will be visible only in s-parameter models

    and not in linear rlc models as generally adopted in analysis.To

    avoid the inaccuracies involved in rlc models, we have used

    s-parameters data in this analysis.

    Fig. 5. Impedance profiles of a cap obtained from s-parameters and rlcmodel

    III. Particle Swarm Optimization

    Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a metaheuristic op-

    timization technique belonging to the group of algorithms

    inspired by the nature. Introduced by Kennedy and Eberhart

    in 1995, PSO is inspired by the movement of fishes while

    schooling and the same of the birds while flocking. The

    fishes or birds follow the group behavior and the collective

    intelligence is used for the movement of the entire swarm. In

    this optimization technique, a basic entity is called particle,

    which follows a trajectory based on the past memory, to

    find the solution for the given problem. In PSO, there are

    P particles generated or defined randomly in a design space.

    Each particle is assigned a position and an initial velocity.

    Each particle claims to be a solution of the problem within

    the search space, intending to attain optimal position. After

    generating particles, the fitness of all the particles is calculated.

    Fitness is the output parameter of optimization problem, which

    we want to optimize. Particles move towards the fittest particle

    and by this process they reach to the optimal solution. After

    calculating fitness of all the particles, the one with the best

    fitness is dened as globally best particle gbest. The movement

    of all the particles is decided by the surrounding particles.

    After calculating the fitness of all the particles, particles are

    assigned new velocities and positions according to a set of

    equations, which are following :

    vi(t + t) = (t)vi(t) +p1r1(xl xi) +p2r2(xg xi) (1)

    xi(t + t) = xi(t) + vi(t + t)t (2)

    (t) = (i f).tmax t

    tmax+ f (3)

    In above equations, vi(t) is the velocity of a particle, xi(t)is the position of the particle, and (t) is weighing factor, all attime t. The velocity and position of a particle may be vector

    depending on the dimension of the particle. Equation 1 shows

    the calculation for new velocity of a particle for next iteration

    and equation 2 shows the same for the position of the particle

    in next iteration. Weighing factor is updated (reduced) after

    each iteration according equation 3. The bold characters in the

    above equations stand for vectors. For more details of PSO,

    readers are requested to refer [7], [11]-[14]. The dynamics of

    convergence of particles is elborated mathematically in [15].

    IV. Optimization Methodology

    A real world problem (industrial case study) is presented

    with the proposed methodology. The methodology aims to

    find the optimal number of capacitors, their values and their

    positions on the board, in order to meet the target impedance

    of the system. The methodology is based on impedance profile

    generation from s-parameters data for the complex geometry

    of the multilayer board and the given bank of capacitors. The

    steps followed in this methodology are :

    1) Extraction of s-parameters of multilayer board and pack-

    age from the design database.2) Including the effects of VRM, bulk capacitor, board and

    package to find composite system impedance profile.

    3) Generation of decoupling capacitor bank (z-profiles)

    from their given s-parameters profiles provided by dif-

    ferent vendors.

    4) Indexing and ordering the capacitor bank, according to

    the resonance points in their impedance profiles.

    5) Indexing the coordinates of the available ports on the

    board, based on their relative positioning.

    6) Applying PSO in iterative loop to achieve the target


  • 7/27/2019 Discrete Optimization of Decoupling Capacitors for Power Integrity


    The cumulative z-parameter matrix of a board loaded with

    decaps can be given by the following formula [4].

    Zeff = (Z1 + Z1decap)

    1 (4)

    Where the z-parameters matrix of the board is Z and Zdecapis the diagonal matrix in which the diagonal elements are

    associated with the impedance of the decoupling capacitors

    on the ports corresponding to the diagonal elements while all

    other elements are zero. The problem with the above formula

    appears when the decoupling capacitors on the board are lesser

    than the available number of ports. In that case, one or more

    number of diagonal elements of matrix Zdecap are zero, which

    will not allow the inverse of it. To avoid this problem, we

    used y-parameters for that step particularly. The analysis is

    carried out for a high speed serial link board. The extracted s-

    parameters file was having 39 ports. There are 39 ports in the

    board from which 4 ports are reserved, one for VRM and 3 for

    bulk capacitors, while one of the ports is the observation port

    where the package pin is connected. Thus, there are 34 ports

    available while defining or initializing the ports for decoupling

    capacitors. There are thousands of capacitors (3702 for this

    study) used for creating the bank. For defining the particles,

    the s-parameters data and the port numbers were used. Each

    particle has two dimensions corresponding to one capacitor,

    one for the capacitor number from the capacitor bank and

    one for the port number on the board. If the particle is using

    multiple capacitors, the dimension of it will be multiple of

    two to the number of capacitors.

    Suppose if each available port has one capacitor from the

    capacitor bank for meeting the target impedance of the system,

    the total possible combinations will be 370234 10121 whichwill be practically impossible for available computing systems.

    A. Movements of particlesThe particles in this case study are multidimensional and

    can have discrete values only. If one of the dimensions of

    a particle is some capacitor number or a port number, after

    the the next iteration it should avail only the feasible values

    which should be some port number (integer values between 5

    and 39 except 33) or capacitor number (integer value between

    1 and 3702) depending on the dimension. In PSO, in order

    to move the particles for iterations, there must be a varying

    directional vector depending upon locally best and globally

    best particles. Here, in the case of capacitors, they are sorted

    according to their resonance points. Each decoupling capacitor

    available in the market, has ESR and ESL values associated

    with it, which cause the resonance behavior. Fig. 6 shows theimpedance profiles of three capacitors with different resonance

    points. We have used the resonance points of the decoupling

    capacitors for the movement of the dimensions of the particle

    with which the capacitor numbers are associated. For example,

    if a capacitor as one of the dimensions of the globally best

    particle in one iteration is having resonance at 40 MHz and one

    of the dimensions of another particle is having its resonance

    as 180 MHz, the later one will move randomly towards the

    capacitors having value between 40 MHz and 180 MHz.

    In the case of particle dimensions concerned with the port

    numbers, the movement is decided by the distance between the

    Fig. 6. Resonance points of various capacitors defined for guiding themovement of particles

    ports which are found by the coordinates of them. A particle

    will move to the global best particle and it can avail any value

    or port number (based on random variables defined by PSO)

    which is having lesser distance than that from the globally

    best particle.

    B. Interpolation and other issues

    The S-parameters files of the capacitor provided by a vendor

    were having a set of frequency points, while the same was

    different in case of a different vendor. Additionally, the S-

    parameters files of the system (VRM, bulk, package, board)

    was having a different points of frequency. Thus to calculate

    the impedance of the system after placing capacitor became

    difficult. To solve this problem, interpolation was used and thefrequency points for the S-parameters for all the capacitors

    were defined according to the frequency points given in the

    S-parameters file of system.

    The combined impedance matrix Zeff, after placing the

    decoupling capacitor on a board can be found by the formula

    shown in the previous section. But if the number of capacitors

    are not equal to the number of ports or the dimension of the

    Z matrix, then all the diagonal elements in the matrix Zdecapwill not be non-zero. When taken inverse, this will provide

    the value of determinant zero resulting in a singular matrix.

    Thus this formula cant be used in its present form so Y-

    parameters based addition was used. The conversion from S-

    parameters to Y-parameters (for Zdecap) was also a problemin case of capacitor files though there are formulae available

    for the same. The capacitors S-parameters were given in shunt

    mode as shown in fig. 7. In shunt configuration all the four

    values of the Z-parameters for a capacitor are same thus the

    inverse is not possible if used as a matrix and thus the Y-

    parameters cant be found in that case. In that case, the value

    of the z11 was inversed.

    C. Experiments

    The maximum current of the system is 20 mA, supply

    voltage is 1.2 V and the tolerance is 3% so the target

  • 7/27/2019 Discrete Optimization of Decoupling Capacitors for Power Integrity


    Fig. 7. Finding S-parameters of a capacitor in shunt configuraion

    impedance for the system is 1.8 . The frequency rangeof interest for the analysis is 200 MHz as discussed in the

    previous section. Thus the impedance after placing decoupling

    capacitors should be lesser than 1.8 at all the frequencieslesser than 200 MHz. The optimal number of capacitors (N)

    needed to achieve this, their name from the capacitor bank and

    their optimum locations are to be found.

    For applying PSO to this problem, 50 particles were initialized

    with maximum number of iterations as 20. The coefficients

    p1 and p2 were taken as 1.49 each, from [11] and similarly

    i and f as 0.9 and 0.4. Each capacitor has two dimensions

    associated with it, one for its number in capacitor bank and the

    other one for its port number. Each particle was representing

    N capacitors s-parameters files and their corresponding port

    numbers. If the target is not met by N capacitors, PSO is

    repeated by expanding the dimensions of each particle (i.e.

    adding one more capacitor) till the target is met. The steps

    used for applying PSO are as following :

    Pseudo-Code for Optimization using PSO :

    1) Importing the cumulative S-parameters file of the board,

    VRM, bulk capacitor, and package; and arranging them

    in a matrix.2) Importing the S-parameters file from capacitor bank and

    arranging them in matrix form.

    3) Interpolating the S-parameters of the capacitors, ac-

    cording to the frequency points in the cumulative S-

    parameters file of the board, VRM, package and bulk


    4) Define maximum number of iterations Tmax, dimension

    D = 2, number of capacitors N = D/2.

    5) Loop 1 : While Zgbest ZT.6) For D dimensions , generate P particles, their respective

    positions x(i, j) and velocities v(i, j); i {1, 2, . , P }and j {1, 2, ....D}, within the lower and upper bounds.

    7) Calculate the impedance profiles for all the particles asZeffi = (Z

    1i +Z


    )1 where each particle containsdecoupling capacitors and their respective port numbers.

    8) Calculate the maximum impedance peak max imp(i)corresponding to all the Zeffi of all i particles.

    9) Loop 2 : while Number of iterations t = t Tmax.10) Loop 3 : for i = 1 to P

    11) Loop 4 : for j = 1 to D

    12) Update inertia, velocities and positions

    = (i f)(Tmax)t

    Tmax+ f

    v(i,j,t) = (t)v(i,j,t 1) + p1r1(lbest(i, j) x(i,j,t 1) + p2r2(gbest x(i, j)

    x(i,j,t) = x(i,j,t 1) + v(i,j,t)13) Limit the positions and velocities within the lower and

    upper bounds.

    14) Update lbest(i,j) for all the particles.

    15) END : Loop 4

    16) End : Loop 3

    17) Update gbest for each iteration.

    18) Increment the counter for next iteration t = t + 119) END : Loop 2

    20) Increase the Dimension of the particles D = D + 2, by

    adding one more capcitor N = N + 1.21) END:Loop 1

    22) Final Solution = gbest.

    D. Results

    The number of capacitors N needed to meet the target

    impedance were 4. The particles converged to a solution which

    is shown in table I. In the table, four capacitor and their

    best positions which were found by the algorithm, and their

    details like their serial numbers in capacitor bank and their

    manufacturers are given. When used these capacitors at thegiven ports, the profile of the PDN was below the target

    impedance 1.75 . The maximum impedance observed fromthe port 33 was 1.716 at 200 MHz.

    Thus, the optimization problem is solved by PSO. Fig.9 shows

    the flow used for this optimization process, which is generic

    methodology and can be used for high speed systems. The

    PSO based engine in fig. 9, is explained in the pseudo-code in

    previous section. For 4 capacitors, the possible combinations

    were > 1014.


    The capacitors and their locations

    Serial No.S.No. in Capacitor Capacitor Manufa Port

    Bank Name -cturer Number

    1. 1 GJ821BB31H105KA12 Murata 16

    2. 3702 TWAE687M050 AVX 36

    3. 2658 TPSB336K006R0450 AVX 16

    4. 65 GRM033B31C332KA87 Murata 26

    Fig. 8. PDN impedance with and without decaps

  • 7/27/2019 Discrete Optimization of Decoupling Capacitors for Power Integrity


    V. Conclusion

    A real world discrete optimization problem for power in-

    tegrity has been solved by particle swarm optimization. Opti-

    mum capacitors and their ports on the board are found. The

    analysis was done using by s-parameter files for more accuracy

    and to attain realistic approach. A generic methodology is

    developed for similar power integrity analysis and decoupling

    network design for any high speed system.

    Fig. 9. Generic Methodology for PDN Optimization


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