1 Model A Ford Zenith Carburetor Restoration Tips 2007-2010 by Tom Endy

Discovering Nepal (20 days) - anderereisewelten€¦ · Annapurna and Manaslu mountain ranges are amazing - as is the warm local welcome. Our guest house is a restored village mansion

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Page 1: Discovering Nepal (20 days) - anderereisewelten€¦ · Annapurna and Manaslu mountain ranges are amazing - as is the warm local welcome. Our guest house is a restored village mansion

Discovering Nepal (20 days)

This journey includes everything that makes Nepal a classic travel destination. Discover

beautifully preserved palaces and temples, traditional Nepali life and timeless mountain

views. Add a tea-house trek, the jungle and wildlife and the buzz of Kathmandu for a trip

with adventure a-plenty.


Days 1-2 Kathmandu

Travellers arrive from all corners of the world at all different times during the day, so

there are no arranged activities on Day 1, however you should arrive by 18:00 for a

group meeting followed by an optional dinner. Please check our noticeboard in the hotel

to find out exactly where this important meeting will take place. Please note that your

leader will collect your local payment (USD 300,00 cash) today.

Kathmandu is a fascinating mixture of legend and modern development with a rich

artistic and cultural heritage. Narrow lanes lead to small squares and courtyards where

ornate carved balconies overlook shrines and temples. Crowded markets and bazaars are

the centre of Nepali life, where stalls and small hole-in-the-wall shops sell everything

from bangles to Buddhas to beetroot. Kathmandu has been a travellers' centre for many

years and this is reflected in the international flavour of the bright lights and 'Coca Cola

culture' of the central Thamel district.

Page 2: Discovering Nepal (20 days) - anderereisewelten€¦ · Annapurna and Manaslu mountain ranges are amazing - as is the warm local welcome. Our guest house is a restored village mansion

On Day 2 we make an early start to climb to the 'monkey temple' of Swayambunath.

Situated on a hill top, the instantly recognisable stupa, with its Buddha eyes, attracts a

steady stream of pilgrims, and the views out over the valley are superb. In the heart of

the Tibetan community, Bodhnath's stupa is the largest in Nepal. The area is a maze of

restaurants and workshops. There is free time during the afternoon before a guided walk

takes us through the heart of the old city to Durbar Square, home to the palace of the

Kumari Devi, who is considered to be a living goddess.

KEEP (Kathmandu Environmental Education Project) is a non-profit, non-governmental

organisation that aims to minimise the negative influences of tourism by advocating and

promoting 'minimum impact' trekking. Its aims are both to provide impartial and

independent information to travellers, and to ensure the future ecological and cultural

prosperity of Nepal through positive-impact tourism and outreach project work. At the

organisation's Information Centre we will get practical advice about conservation,

trekking and mountain safety, causes of deforestation, ecotourism, and the do's and

don'ts of Nepalese society.

Days 3-8 Helambu

Our teahouse trek takes us through the Helambu region, north of Kathmandu. This is a

land of diversity where steeply cut rice terraces and deep green valleys give way to

sparsely populated forests of oak and rhododendron, set against a horizon of mountain

peaks. This is the home of the Tamang and Sherpa people, friendly and hospitable

communities with strong family and cultural ties. Our trek takes us from the fields of the

lowlands where handmade tools and water buffalo are still used, past picturesque

monasteries and brightly painted gompas, to remote mountain villages. Though our walk

in over a steep elevation, we do not exceed 3500m, so acclimatisation should not be a

problem. Starting from Sundarijal, our journey takes us to the delightful Tamang village

of Gulbhanjyang, past the streams and meadows of Tharepati, the Sherpa village of

Tarke Gyang and finally Melamchi. Our planned route is as follows : Day 3 - Kathmandu

to Chisapani (2300m) Drive to Sundarijal (approximately 1 hour), where the trail starts

to climb through forests. Pass a Tamang settlement named Mulkharka at 1895m. The

trail continues to climb to Borlang Bhanjyang through oak and rhododendron forests. We

stay overnight at Chisapani. Day 4 - Chisapani to Khutumsang (2470m) The trail drops

from Chisapani, crossing meadows to reach Patibhanjyang and then Gul Bhanjyang

(2130m), a traditional Tamang village. We continue the walk through an oak forest that

Page 3: Discovering Nepal (20 days) - anderereisewelten€¦ · Annapurna and Manaslu mountain ranges are amazing - as is the warm local welcome. Our guest house is a restored village mansion

becomes a rhododendron and then fir forest. We pass several chortens with prayer flags,

before arriving in Khutumsang. Day 5 - Khutumsang to Tharepati (3490m) The trek

proceeds up to the Yurin Danda ridge, providing views of Gosaikund and Langtang.

Further on, it descends to Magen Goth, passing forests, traversing meadows and crossing

streams before reaching Tharepati. Day 6 - Tharepati to Tarke Gyang (2600m) The path

descends steeply to a ravine, then up to Melamchigaon. We continue to descend to

Melamchi Khola. The trail then begins the ascent at the other side of the valley towards

Tarke Gyang, where our overnight stay is arranged. Day 7 - Tarke Gyang to Sermathang

(2620m) We leave Tarke Gyang and make a sweep around a wide valley before following

the side of a ridge, crossing a number of streams and waterfalls to reach the large village

of Sermathang. Day 8 - Sermathang to Melamchi (830m) It's pretty much a full day of

downhill walking as the trail heads to Melamchi via Kakani and the attractive village of

Dubhachaur. A short walk along the banks of the river Indrawati brings us finally into

Melamchi and the end of our trek. Our trek is led by an experienced guide who is fully

qualified in all aspects of mountain safety and security. Two assistants help with the daily

logistics of the trek but they are not there as porters - you are expected to carry your

own bag. You may wish to hire a porter - allow USD10 per day, payable in Nepalese

rupees. Accommodation during the trek is at simple village teahouses. This is usually

multishare, with rudimentary toilet and washing facilities. The food available in the

teahouses is basic, filling and usually vegetarian.

Days 9-10 Bhaktapur

Leaving Melamchi we return to the Kathmandu Valley by bus for a 2-night stay in the

medieval town of Bhaktapur (approximately 3 hours). Crowded with visitors from

Kathmandu during the height of the day, the rest of the time this town offers a true

Nepali experience. Simply wander the narrow streets from square to square or down

cobblestone laneways to the temples on the river to watch the local traditions come alive

before your eyes, and appreciate the peaceful simplicity of this town. Bhaktapur has its

gem in the Durbar Square - a World Heritage site listed by UNESCO. The wooden palace

and the 5-storeyed pagoda temple are 2 of the most beautiful buildings in Nepal and the

people here live up to their town's name, which translates as 'town of devotees'. This

palatial enclave has bewitched pilgrims and travellers for centuries.

Page 4: Discovering Nepal (20 days) - anderereisewelten€¦ · Annapurna and Manaslu mountain ranges are amazing - as is the warm local welcome. Our guest house is a restored village mansion

Days 11-12 Pokhara

It's a very early start as we leave Bhaktapur by taxi for the run into Kathmandu to catch

the 7am bus to Pokhara. Pokhara enjoys a delightful setting on a lake beneath the snow-

capped peaks of the Annapurna range, making it an excellent place to relax. There may

be time to hire a small boat for a quick paddle on the lake for sunset. There are also

plenty of cafes where you can put your feet up and enjoy international cuisine, while the

main street is full of shops and stalls selling a wide range of Nepali and Tibetan

souvenirs. If you need to hire some extra trekking gear then there are numerous shops

available offering everything you could possibly need. Pokhara is part of a once vibrant

trade route extending between India and Tibet. To this day, mule trains can be seen

camped on the outskirts of the town, bringing goods to trade from remote regions of the

Himalayas. This is the land of Magars and Gurungs, hardworking farmers and valorous

warriors who have earned worldwide fame as Gurkha soldiers. The Thakalis, another

important ethnic group here, are known for their entrepreneurship.

Day 13 Bandipur

It's another very early start as we leave Pokhara by bus for Dumre. It's approximately a

2-hour ride before we arrive late morning. Transferring to jeeps, we take a further hour

to travel the final 7km up the mountain to Bandipur, an ancient Newari mountain town.

The road is a rough dirt track, so hang on tight! Bandipur is well off the main tourist trails

and located high on a ridge (1000m) above the road to Pokhara. The views of the

Annapurna and Manaslu mountain ranges are amazing - as is the warm local welcome.

Our guest house is a restored village mansion. Bandipur is a basic village but the

surrounding countryside makes for great walks and all the locals will want to talk to you

and guide you on your way. At the eastern part of the town is the pagoda-roofed

Bindabasini temple which acts as the abode of the goddess Durga, Bandipur's guadian

deity. The rich wooden carvings and detailed brass-work that adorn the temple are

replicas of those found in the many old pagoda structures of the Kathmandu Valley. The

other important temples and shrines in the vicinity include the Mahalaxmi temple with its

exquisite woodwork and the Khadka Devi temple which comes alive once a year during

the Dashain festival.

Days 14-15 Seti River

Transferring by jeep to Damauli, we meet up with our crew of rafting experts who lead us

safely through 2 days of river life. Perfect for beginners or intermediates, the Seti River

has plenty of easy rapids for us to race through surrounded by a green jungle corridor

full of birdlife. The water is warm, the camping is on white sandy beaches and the food is


Days 16-18 Chitwan National Park

Leaving the mountains behind, we travel down to Sauraha village on the edge of Royal

Chitwan National Park. We spend our first and last night in Chitwan here. Though the

village itself is now developing, there are still some perfect settings, particularly where

small restaurants look out over the river to the jungle beyond. We walk out to the

Elephant Breeding Centre which will give us a wonderful introduction to these incredible

animals - ideal, as we will have an opportunity to ride on one during our afternoon safari

Page 5: Discovering Nepal (20 days) - anderereisewelten€¦ · Annapurna and Manaslu mountain ranges are amazing - as is the warm local welcome. Our guest house is a restored village mansion

on the afternoon of Day 18. On Day 17, in the company of a local expert park guide we

spend a short while in the morning canoeing deeper into the park before we start our

walk to Gatgai, a village in another section of the park. The group splits, with no more

than 5 or 6 people plus a guide in each group. We walk slowly and quietly to maximise

our chances of seeing animals. Royal Chitwan Park offers some of the best wildlife-

viewing in Asia, with rhinos, deer, monkeys and a wide array of bird life including the

infamous Nepalese wild chickens. Accommodation in Gatgai is simple and may be

multishare. We return to our hotel at the edge of the National Park via Twenty Thousand

Lakes and will get the chance to visit a crocodile breeding centre.

Days 19-20 Kathmandu

It is a long bus journey back to Kathmandu (approximately 7 hours). Arriving in the early

afternoon, subject to road conditions, the rest of the day is free for you to explore more

of this legendary city. You are free to depart at any time on Day 20. Check-out time from

the hotel is 12 midday.


Group size: max. 12

Accomodation: Hotels/guesthouses (10 nights), basic guesthouse/hostel (1 night),

teahouses (6 nights), river camping (2 nights)

Single travellers: We believe single travellers should not have to pay more to travel so

our group trips are designed for shared accommodation and do not involve a single

supplement. Single travellers are usually paired in twin share accommodation with

someone of the same sex for the duration of the trip, with the exception of

accommodation on some of our trips which is on a mixed gender share basis. Prior to or

following the trip, single travellers must book pre and post trip accommodation on a

single room basis.

Transport: Bus, minibus, jeep, walking, cycling, rafting

Page 6: Discovering Nepal (20 days) - anderereisewelten€¦ · Annapurna and Manaslu mountain ranges are amazing - as is the warm local welcome. Our guest house is a restored village mansion

Activities included: This is a list of included activities on this trip. All other activities are

optional and at your own expense. If you choose not to participate in the included

activities on this itinerary, the cost will not be refunded. Entrance fees and English

speaking guide for Swayambhunath, Bodhnath, Pashupatinath, jungle walk and canoe

trip in Royal Chitwan National Park, English speaking guide and assistant for Helambu

trek. Full support team for white water rafting on Seti River.

Physical Rating: Activities include extended treks or of 8+ hours a day or extended bike

touring, often at altitude and over steep terrain. Even if you're in excellent shape, these

trips provide plenty of challenges.

Expect to rough it every now and again, whether it's very simple group share

accommodation at a homestay, a packed public bus where you are forced to stand, the

odd cold shower or an encounter with a squat toilet.

More important notes:

1. Weather conditions in the Himalayas can change rapidly and our group leader may be

forced to change the trip itinerary accordingly. Travellers need to be prepared for all

weather conditions. For more information please read the 'What to Take' section of this

trip notes.

2. The safety and security of our travellers is a priority. We have designed our itinerary

in accordance with the advice on safe travelling in Nepal provided by the Australian

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Should this advice change our itinerary may be


3. Please note that some western governments are currently recommending the deferral

of non-essential travel to Nepal. Please check your government's advice for their latest

travel information before both booking this trip and leaving home, as we want you to

travel fully informed.

4. Please note this trip is operated by our experienced local partners.

Travel insurance: Travel insurance is compulsory in order to participate on this trip.

Visas: It is your responsibility to arrange visas before you travel.

Health: There are no specific health requirements for this trip. However, you should

consult your doctor for up-to-date medical travel information about before departure. We

recommend that you carry a First Aid kit as well as any personal medical requirements .

Please be aware that we are in remote areas and away from medical facilities for some

time during this trip, and for legal reasons our leaders are prohibited from administering

any type of drug including headache tablets, antibiotics, etc.

Medical form: Our small group adventures bring together people of all ages. It is very

important you are aware that, as a minimum, an 'average level of fitness and mobility' is

required to undertake our easiest programs. Travellers must be able to walk without the

Page 7: Discovering Nepal (20 days) - anderereisewelten€¦ · Annapurna and Manaslu mountain ranges are amazing - as is the warm local welcome. Our guest house is a restored village mansion

aid of another person, climb 3-4 flights of stairs, step on and off small boats, and carry

their own luggage. Travellers over the age of 70, or travellers with a pre-existing medical

condition, are required to complete a short medical questionnaire, which must be signed

by their physician. This is to ensure that senior travellers have the necessary fitness and

mobility to comfortably complete their chosen trip. While our leaders work hard to ensure

that all our travellers are catered for equally, it is not their responsibility to help

individuals who cannot complete the day's activities unaided.

Physical preparation: For the trek on this trip, the general rule is the more preparation

you have done for it, the more you will enjoy it. Although we are not walking at altitude

or setting any distance records each day, the trek can still be demanding, as we walk

through hilly terrain with our packs, and the temperature is often hot. We recommend

that you undertake regular aerobic exercise in the weeks before you travel, particularly if

you are not in the habit of regular exercise. Walking, jogging, swimming or riding a bike

are all good ways to increase your aerobic fitness, which will allow you to enjoy the trek

to its fullest.

Spending money: Every traveller is different and therefore spending money

requirements will vary. Some travellers may drink more than others while other

travellers like to purchase more souvenirs than most. Please consider your own spending

habits when it comes to allowing for drinks, shopping and tipping. Please also remember

the following specific recommendations when planning your trip. You will need to allow

enough money for the following: US$200 for meals not included. US$30 for other

optional activities not included in the trip. Money for drinks and shopping. Tipping In

general a modest friendly tip is more or less expected by taxi drivers and in restaurants.

In regards to guides and local staff, for them tipping has as much to do with a sense of

recognition as it does with actual money. Travellers frequently ask for a guideline, but

tipping is always subject to personal satisfaction: 100-150NPR (approx US$2) per day to

be handed to the staff at the end of their services. Departure Tax For SAARC destinations

(India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Maldives, Sri Lanka & Pakistan) 1365NPR For Other

destinations 1695NPRThe amount comprises a Passenger Service Charge + Tourism

Service Fee plus VATT is payable at the relevant counter at the airport and should be

paid before check-in.

Please check the taxes at time of travel as they are subject to change without notice.

Please also make sure you have access to an additional US$150 as an 'emergency' fund,

Departure tax: All departure taxes should be included in your international flight ticket.

Meal inclusions: 2 Breakfasts, 2 Lunches, 1 Dinner


Sun 02 Apr 2006 - Fri 21 Apr 2006

Sun 10 Sep 2006 - Fri 29 Sep 2006

Sun 01 Oct 2006 - Fri 20 Oct 2006

Page 8: Discovering Nepal (20 days) - anderereisewelten€¦ · Annapurna and Manaslu mountain ranges are amazing - as is the warm local welcome. Our guest house is a restored village mansion

Sun 22 Oct 2006 - Fri 10 Nov 2006

Sun 12 Nov 2006 - Fri 01 Dec 2006

Sun 03 Dec 2006 - Fri 22 Dec 2006

Sun 24 Dec 2006 - Fri 12 Jan 2007

Sun 14 Jan 2007 - Fri 02 Feb 2007

Sun 04 Feb 2007 - Fri 23 Feb 2007

Sun 25 Feb 2007 - Fri 16 Mar 2007

Sun 18 Mar 2007 - Fri 06 Apr 2007

Sun 08 Apr 2007 - Fri 27 Apr 2007

Sun 29 Apr 2007 - Fri 18 May 2007

Price per person:

EUR 685,00

For local payment: USD 300,00

Extra accommodation in Kathmandu: EUR 16,00 pp twin/double, EUR 28,00 single