PERSPECTIVE Discovering imaging endophenotypes for major depression G Hasler 1 and G Northoff 2 1 Psychiatric University Hospital, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland and 2 University of Ottawa Institute of Mental Health Research, Ottawa, ON, Canada Psychiatry research lacks an in-depth understanding of mood disorders phenotypes, leading to limited success of genetics studies of major depressive disorder (MDD). The dramatic progress in safe and affordable magnetic resonance-based imaging methods has the potential to identify subtle abnormalities of neural structures, connectivity and function in mood disordered subjects. This review paper presents strategies to improve the phenotypic definition of MDD by proposing imaging endophenotypes derived from magnetic resonance spectroscopy measures, such as cortical gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) and glutamate/glutamine concentrations, and from measures of resting-state activity and functional connectivity. The proposed endophenotypes are discussed regarding specificity, mood state-independence, heritability, familiarity, clinical relevance and possible associations with candidate genes. By improving phenotypic definitions, the discovery of new imaging endophenotypes will increase the power of candidate gene and genome-wide associations studies. It will also help to develop and evaluate novel therapeutic treatments and enable clinicians to apply individually tailored therapeutic approaches. Finally, improvements of the phenotypic definition of MDD based on neuroimaging measures will contribute to a new classification system of mood disorders based on etiology and pathophysiology. Molecular Psychiatry (2011) 0, 000–000. doi:10.1038/mp.2011.23 Keywords: affective disorders; genetics; intermediate phenotype; MRI; MRS; neuroimaging Twin and family studies have demonstrated that 31–42% of the risk factors for major depressive disorder (MDD) are genetic. 1 Although there has been progress in the search for risk genes for several complex diseases, 2 psychiatric conditions have turned out to be very resistant to robust gene identification. This resistance has been related to the restrictive nature of the definitions of psychiatric disorders according to ICD-10 and DSM-IV, which are not based on etiology or pathophysiolgy. 3,4 The endophenotype concept The term ‘endophenotype’ describes an internal, intermediate phenotype that fills the gap in the causal pathway from genetic variation to the distal diseases, 5 and therefore may help to resolve questions about etiology. The endophenotype concept assumes that the genetic determinants of endophenotypes, representing more elementary phenomena than psychopathological syndromes, is simpler than those involved in produc- ing the full disease. 6 The following criteria have been proposed to evaluate endophenotypes: 3 (1) An endophenotype is associated with illness in the population. (2) An endophenotype is heritable. (3) An endophenotype is state-independent (mani- fests in an individual whether or not illness is active), but age-normed, and may need to be elicited by a challenge, for example, glucose tolerance test in relatives of diabetics. (4) Within families, endophenotype and illness co- segregate. (5) An endophenotype identified in probands is found in their unaffected relatives at a higher rate than in the general population. The most important feature of a good endopheno- type is its simple genetics, that is, having a less complex relationship to risk genes than the disease phenotype. 7 The proof of this quality is that the association with risk genes is stronger for the endophenotype than for the disease phenotype. It is assumed that biological/molecular endophenotypes have simpler genetic determinants than higher level cognitive and psychopathological endophenotypes. 3 Selection of endophenotypes A meta-analysis has revealed that the most frequently proposed endophenotypes for schizophrenia do not meet the most important endophenotype criterion: simple genetics. 8 The effect sizes of genetic loci frequently examined in psychiatric research were not larger for endophenotypes, such as N-Back perfor- mance and Wisconsin Card Sorting Task preservative Received 5 November 2010; revised 19 January 2011; accepted 3 February 2011 Correspondence: Dr G Hasler, Psychiatric University Hospital, University of Berne, Bolligenstrasse 111, Berne 60 3000, Switzerland. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Molecular Psychiatry (2011), 1–16 & 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 1359-4184/11 www.nature.com/mp

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Discovering imaging endophenotypes for major depression.

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Discovering imaging endophenotypes for major depressionG Hasler1 and G Northoff2

1Psychiatric University Hospital, University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland and 2University of Ottawa Institute of Mental HealthResearch, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Psychiatry research lacks an in-depth understanding of mood disorders phenotypes, leading tolimited success of genetics studies of major depressive disorder (MDD). The dramatic progressin safe and affordable magnetic resonance-based imaging methods has the potential to identifysubtle abnormalities of neural structures, connectivity and function in mood disordered subjects.This review paper presents strategies to improve the phenotypic definition of MDD by proposingimaging endophenotypes derived from magnetic resonance spectroscopy measures, such ascortical gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) and glutamate/glutamine concentrations, and frommeasures of resting-state activity and functional connectivity. The proposed endophenotypesare discussed regarding specificity, mood state-independence, heritability, familiarity, clinicalrelevance and possible associations with candidate genes. By improving phenotypic definitions,the discovery of new imaging endophenotypes will increase the power of candidate gene andgenome-wide associations studies. It will also help to develop and evaluate novel therapeutictreatments and enable clinicians to apply individually tailored therapeutic approaches. Finally,improvements of the phenotypic definition of MDD based on neuroimaging measures will contributeto a new classification system of mood disorders based on etiology and pathophysiology.Molecular Psychiatry (2011) 0, 000–000. doi:10.1038/mp.2011.23

Keywords: affective disorders; genetics; intermediate phenotype; MRI; MRS; neuroimaging

Twin and family studies have demonstrated that 31–42%of the risk factors for major depressive disorder (MDD)are genetic.1 Although there has been progress in thesearch for risk genes for several complex diseases,2

psychiatric conditions have turned out to be very resistantto robust gene identification. This resistance has beenrelated to the restrictive nature of the definitions ofpsychiatric disorders according to ICD-10 and DSM-IV,which are not based on etiology or pathophysiolgy.3,4

The endophenotype concept

The term ‘endophenotype’ describes an internal,intermediate phenotype that fills the gap in the causalpathway from genetic variation to the distal diseases,5

and therefore may help to resolve questions aboutetiology. The endophenotype concept assumes that thegenetic determinants of endophenotypes, representingmore elementary phenomena than psychopathologicalsyndromes, is simpler than those involved in produc-ing the full disease.6 The following criteria have beenproposed to evaluate endophenotypes:3

(1) An endophenotype is associated with illness inthe population.

(2) An endophenotype is heritable.(3) An endophenotype is state-independent (mani-

fests in an individual whether or not illness isactive), but age-normed, and may need to beelicited by a challenge, for example, glucosetolerance test in relatives of diabetics.

(4) Within families, endophenotype and illness co-segregate.

(5) An endophenotype identified in probands isfound in their unaffected relatives at a higher ratethan in the general population.

The most important feature of a good endopheno-type is its simple genetics, that is, having a lesscomplex relationship to risk genes than the diseasephenotype.7 The proof of this quality is that theassociation with risk genes is stronger for theendophenotype than for the disease phenotype. It isassumed that biological/molecular endophenotypeshave simpler genetic determinants than higher levelcognitive and psychopathological endophenotypes.3

Selection of endophenotypes

A meta-analysis has revealed that the most frequentlyproposed endophenotypes for schizophrenia do notmeet the most important endophenotype criterion:simple genetics.8 The effect sizes of genetic locifrequently examined in psychiatric research werenot larger for endophenotypes, such as N-Back perfor-mance and Wisconsin Card Sorting Task preservative

Received 5 November 2010; revised 19 January 2011; accepted 3February 2011

Correspondence: Dr G Hasler, Psychiatric University Hospital,University of Berne, Bolligenstrasse 111, Berne 60 3000,Switzerland.E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Molecular Psychiatry (2011), 1–16& 2011 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 1359-4184/11


errors than for traditional disease phenotypes. Thesefindings may suggest that frequently used neuropsy-chological measures and behavioral experiments maynot provide useful phenotypes for psychiatric genet-ics because there is still a long road from gene actionsto neuropsychological functions. As a result, wepropose that neurophysiological and molecular mea-sures are superior over psychological measuresregarding ‘simple genetics’.

In this paper, we will focus on non-invasivemeasures derived from magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) because this method is safe, available andrelatively inexpensive, and can therefore be appliedto large samples. The selected putative endopheno-types are based on two MRI methods: (1) magneticresonance spectroscopy (MRS) and (2) functional MRI(Figures 1 and 2). MRS provides direct measures atthe molecular level that is thought to be close to gene

products, while functional MRI provides individual,rather than group-averaged neuroimaging data. Inaddition, functional MRI is appropriate because theneural substrate of the susceptibility to MDD, incontrast to neurodevelopmental disorders, such asschizophrenia and autism, is expected to be morefunctional than structural in nature (with structuralchanges as the consequence of depression).

Cortical GABA concentration

Neuroimaging of GABA in depressionThere is increasing evidence that MDD is associatedwith perturbations of the metabolism of the majorinhibitory neurotransmitters, gamma-amino butyricacid (GABA). Early studies reported abnormallydecreased GABA concentrations in the plasma ofpatients with unipolar depression.9 Recent advances

Figure 1 Heuristic model of the liability to depression. The figure displays a heuristic model of the liability to majordepressive disorder (MDD). Candidate genes, modulated by epigenetic and stochastic events, predispose in an age-relatedmanner to the development of depressive symptoms and major depressive disorder (MDD) as a response to stressful lifeevents. Along the continuum between genes and distal phenotype lie candidate depression endophenotypes. Theidentification of MDD endophenotypes will be useful for studies elucidating the neurobiology and genetics of MDD, and inpreclinical research, including the development of animal models of depression. This figure is not meant to be a definitiveportrait of depression genes and phenotypes. It is rather an example of how functional imaging abnormalities may relate toneurochemical abnormalities and candidate genes, and to psychopathological key components of MDD. Not all functionaldirections are indicated for the purpose of clarity of the figure.

MDD imaging endophenotypesG Hasler and G Northoff


Molecular Psychiatry

in proton MRS has allowed for direct, non-invasive,in vivo measurement of cerebral GABA concentra-tions in patients with depression. An early study oncortical GABA in depression10 applied an editingMRS protocol to assess brain GABA concentrations inthe occipital lobe (this region was selected because oftechnical limitations), and found that GABA levelswere lower in unmedicated patients with severe MDDthan in healthy controls. This finding was replicatedin a sample of moderately depressed patients. Thereduction in the replication study was less pro-nounced than in the severely depressed patients oftheir first study, and differences found with respect tocontrols were largely accounted for by depressedindividuals meeting criteria for the melancholicsubtype.11 The first study on prefrontal GABA indepression,12 included 20 moderately depressed sub-jects and 20 healthy controls. Subjects were scannedon a 3 Tesla GE whole body scanner (Waukesha,WI, USA) with a transmit-receive head coil providinga homogenous radiofrequency field, and the capabil-ity to obtain spectroscopic measurements in adorsomedial/dorsal anterolateral prefrontal region-of-interest and a ventromedial prefrontal region-of-interest. Results demonstrated that cortical GABAconcentration was reduced in the dorsomedialvoxel, whereas GABA levels were normal in theventromedial voxel.

Abnormalities of the GABAergic system have beenfound in a wide range of psychiatric conditions.However, while the association between MDD andlow cortical GABA concentration is quite consistent,

the associations between cortical GABA levels andbipolar disorder13 or schizophrenia14,15 are less ap-parent. Low GABA levels might also be reduced inpanic disorder16,17 and in alcohol dependence,18

possibly contributing to the considerable comorbidityamong these conditions.

The literature is in disagreement regarding themood-state independence of low cortical GABA indepression. Previous reports on an increase inoccipital GABA concentrations following successfulelectroconvulsive therapy,19 a decreased prefrontalGABA concentrations under acute psychologicalstress in healthy volunteers,20 and in preclinicalstress models21 suggest mood-state dependence ofcortical GABA levels. Normal prefrontal GABA con-centration have been found in unmedicated fully-remitted subjects with mild MDD22 and adds to theliterature suggesting that low GABA concentrations isa state marker of acute depressive episodes. However,this finding may be because of the inclusion ofsubjects with relatively mild depressive disordersreflected by a low number of relatively short depres-sive episodes, low levels of functional impairmentsand the capacity to remain in full-remission offmedication. In contrast, reduced occipital GABAconcentrations have been reported in unmedicated,fully-remitted subjects with MDD,23 suggesting thatlow cortical GABA is associated with the underlyingdepressive vulnerability and not just with acutedepressive symptoms. This is also suggested by theabsence of correlation between depression severityand GABA measures in all previous studies. Long-itudinal MRS studies are needed to address thespecificity of GABA abnormalities for mood-stateversus illness subtype in MDD. Lowered plasmaGABA levels, as mentioned above, were specificallyassociated with unipolar depression.9 The abnorm-ality in plasma GABA was not altered by antidepres-sant treatment24 and persisted at 4-year follow-up,25

adding to the evidence of low GABA as a trait markerin depression.

Further support for a role of GABA in MDD can befound when examining animal models of MDD. Arecent translational meta-analysis26 demonstrated thatin the perigenual anterior cingulate cortex (PACC), anarea considered to be homologous among rats andhumans, reduced concentration of GABA as well asdecreased density and affinity of GABA-A receptorshas been observed in various animals models of MDD.As the very same region showed hyperactivity in theresting state in both animals and humans, the animalfindings can be taken to further extend the rathersparse findings in human studies. As we describe inthe follow section, a further way of collecting moreevidence is to investigate the concentration of GABAunder functional conditions, such as stress.

Psychopathology of GABA deficit–increased stresssensitivity and negative affectAn important symptom of depression is an increasedsensitivity to stress. Subjects at risk of depression are

Abnormal Neural Activity duringEmotional and Cognitive Stimuli

Level of RegionalStimulus-inducedActivity and Connectivity

Level of RegionalResting State Activityin PACC (red) and leftDLPFC (blue)

Level of Molecular-Genetic and Bio-chemical RestingState Activity GABA, Glutamate, Serotonin, Dopamin

Figure 2 Resting state and stimulus-induced activity. Thefigure shows the different levels of resting state activity,molecular-genetic/biochemical and regional with regard tothe left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and theperigenual anterior cingulate cortex (PACC). Moreover, it isdisplayed how that translates into abnormal stimulus-induced activity and connectivity during emotional andcognitive stimulation, as observed in many imaging studies.

MDD imaging endophenotypesG Hasler and G Northoff


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more stress sensitive than subjects without such arisk, most likely because of genetic factors.27 Thedepressogenic effect of stressful life events declinessubstantially in the course of depressive disorders,28

which is consistent with the kindling hypothesis ofdepression. Neurotrophic and neurotoxic processeshave been proposed to account for these kindlingeffects. There is consistent evidence that the volumeloss of the hippocampus and other brain regions isrelated to the duration of depression,29 suggesting thatuntreated depression may result in increased stresssensitivity30 and increased risk of recurrence31 be-cause of hippocampal volume loss. Although menand women are equally sensitive to the depressogeniceffects of stressful life events, their responses varydepending upon the nature of the event itself. Menare more likely to have depressive episodes followingdivorce, separation and work difficulties, whereaswomen are more sensitive to events in their proximalsocial network, such as difficulty getting along withan individual, serious illness, or death.32

There are various types of evidence pointing to theimportant role of GABA in the stress response. Arecent MRS study demonstrated down-modulation ofthe prefrontal cortical GABA concentration underacute psychological stress induced by the threat ofelectric shocks. Self-reported anxiety levels signifi-cantly correlated with GABA concentrations in themedial prefrontal cortex,20 a finding consistent withexperimental studies in animals. In rats, forcedswimming in 25 1C water resulted in a 70% decreaseof extracellular GABA concentration.33 Acute andchronic cold stress led to reductions in cortical GABAconcentrations, reduced activity of the GABA-synthe-sizing enzyme glutamate decarboxlyse, and decreasedneuronal GABA uptake in various cortical andsubcortical brain regions in rats.34 Exposure of ratsto chornic mild stress led to reduced hippocampalGABA concentrations determined by microdialysis.35

In addition, there is abundant evidence that stress hasan impact on brain GABA receptors,36–40 partlymediated by stress-related alterations of neurosteroidsthat are active on the GABA-A receptors.41 A recentpositron emission tomography study found an inverserelationship between decreased GABA-A receptorbinding and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)axis activity in MDD, suggesting that depression-related HPA axis hyperactivity is partly because ofreduced GABAergic inhibition.42 The inverse correla-tion between plasma GABA levels and aggressivenessin healthy relatives of MDD patients43 suggests thatGABA-related stress sensitivity is associated with thegenetic risk of MDD.

Sex differences in the GABA system may accountfor sex differences in the human stress response. Inthe developing brain, estradiol’s effect on the excita-tory effects of GABA may significantly contribute toprofound sex differences found in the brain volumesof specific nuclei.44 In the rat hypothalamus, strikingsexual dimorphisms have been found in the rate ofGABA turnover,45 and stress-induced changes in

GABAA receptor binding at the orthosteric site werefound to be sexually dimorphic.46,47 Reduced corticalGABA concentration is likely paralleled by reducedGABAergic neuronal inhibition, possibly leading toincreased glutamatergic excitotoxicity.48 This me-chanism may account for reductions in gray mattervolume associated with increased stress sensitivityand increased risk of recurrence of major depressiveepisodes.

In addition to the role of GABA in the stressresponse, reduced GABAergic activity has been foundto be related to negative emotions and aggression. Therapid and robust anxiolytic effect of benzodiazepinesand the anxiogenic effect of the benzodiazepinereceptor antagonist flumazenil49 reflect a close anddirect relationship between GABA and anxiety.Dysregulation of the central GABAergic system hasbeen implicated in aggressive behavioral pheno-types,50,51 and GABAergic drugs may be effective inreducing rage and aggression.52 GABAergic neuro-transmission in local microcircuits in the nucleusaccumbens mediates hedonic reactions and motivatedbehavior.53 As a result, predispositional and stress-related abnormalities of the GABAergic system maydirectly contribute to negative affect and anhedoniain MDD. Given the relatively specific familial associa-tions between anxiety, aggression and suicide at-tempts,54 GABA-related genes may conceivably relateto the risk of suicidal behavior. In support of this,dysregulation of mRNA expression of GABA-Areceptor subunits has been found in the frontopolarcortex, hippocampus and amygdala of depressedsuicide victims.55,56 Suicide in MDD has also beenassociated with altered expression of DNA methyl-transferase, resulting in hypermethylation of theGABA-A receptor promoter in frontopolar cortex,amygdala and hypothalamus.57 Taken together, thisevidence points to the potentially important contri-bution of epigenetic mechanisms to the risk of MDD/suicide. Abnormal DNA methyltransferase activitycan also reduce the availability of glutamic aciddecarboxylase-67 (GAD1) protein expression bymethylation of the GAD1 promotor region,58 whichmay directly relate to reduced total cortical GABAconcentration as determined by MRS.

Genetics of GABA in depressionBrain GABA levels result from the dynamic balancebetween synthesis, re-uptake and degradation. Theseprocesses are regulated by the enzymes glutamatedecarboxylase and GABA-transaminase. A decreasein GABA synthesis or an increase in GABA degrada-tion by GABA transaminase intracellularly within themitochondria could result in reduced cortical GABAlevels.59

A small study of plasma GABA levels in mono-zygotic twins60 suggests that GABA concentration isunder genetic control. Specifically, a segregationanalysis of plasma GABA levels in a sample of 157individuals from 50 families revealed that familialtransmission of GABA levels is compatible with

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segregation of a recessive major gene.60 Particularlylow plasma GABA levels were found in patients withfamilial unipolar depression.61 Healthy relatives ofpatients with major depression had significantlylower plasma GABA levels than healthy controlswithout familial risk of depression,43 suggestingfamilial co-aggregation of the risk of MDD and lowplasma GABA concentration that is thought to reflectGABA levels in the central nervous system. Thecortical GABA-increasing effect of antidepressants62

suggests that low cortical GABA functions more as anendophenotype than simply a biomarker because itsmodification is likely related to altering the risk of thedisease.63

GAD1 is an excellent candidate gene for theputative cortical GABA endophenotype because glu-tamic acid decarboxylase synthesizes GABA andGAD1 knockout mice showed dramatically reducedbrain GABA concentrations.64 However, the behaviorof the knockout mice was unable to be examinedbecause they died of severe cleft palate shortly afterbirth. In addition, variation in the GAD1 gene hasbeen associated with neuroticism,65 which is a riskfactor of MDD. Associations between polymorphismswithin the GAD1 gene and cortical GABA levels inthe anterior cingulate cortex66 suggest that corticalGABA determined by MRS is heritable and useful asendophenotype for genetic studies.

Genetic factors associated with the risk of depres-sion, such as risk alleles within the GAD1 gene, mayconceivably explain the reduced concentration ofGAD1 found in a postmortem study of the prefrontalcortex of MDD subjects.67 Reductions in GAD1 likelylead to reduced cortical GABA concentrations.64

Alternatively, the genetic risk of depression may beassociated with the reduced density of calbindinimmunoreactive GABAergic neurons that has beenfound in postmortem prefrontal and occipital braintissue preparation of depressed individuals.68,69

GABA-A receptors are sensitive to subtle, sex-specific changes in the environment throughout thelifespan.70 The short- and long-term stress sensitivityof the GABAergic system suggests that GABA-Areceptors have a role in the non-genetic etiology ofdepression, and that this stress-sensitivity may inter-act with genes. Genetic variants coding for the GABAreceptor a-1, a-3, a-5 and a-6 subunits have beenassociated with the risk of depression.71–75 Serotoninexerts a complex modulatory control over GABA (andglutamate) neurotransmission. This modulation in-volves many subtypes of 5-HT receptors and a largevariety of effects.76 As a result, variants of thesereceptors as well as other genes related to theregulation of the serotonergic system may conceivablybe associated with the GABA endophenotype indepression. The serotonin-deficiency hypothesismatches well with the GABA-deficiency hypothesisof depression because 5-HT generally reduces neuro-nal excitability by increasing GABA neurotransmis-sion and decreasing glutamate neurotransmission.77,78

In addition, there is an important influence of

dopamine of the GABA system. D2 and D3 receptorswere reported to be mostly associated with non-pyramidal GABAergic interneurons.79 D2 stimulationwas found to presynaptically decrease GABA neuro-transmission in the striatum,80 and D1 and D2receptors were reported to modulate GABA activityin the prefrontal cortex.81 Genes associated with thedopaminergic system may therefore be associatedwith alteration of GABA neurotransmission in de-pression. In support of such an interaction, there ispreliminary evidence that genetic variance in thecatechol-o-methyltransferase gene, which regulatessynaptic dopamine in the cortex, interacts withGAD1 polymorphisms with regard to GABA concen-tration in the anterior cingulate cortex.66

Glutamate-related abnormalitiesGlutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter inthe brain, having an important role in neuronalplasticity, learning and memory. Glutamate neuro-transmitter release and recycling involves a series ofmetabolic interactions between glia cells and neu-rons. Glutamate can be synthesized de novo from thetransamination of a-oxogluturate through the Krebscycle. However, most of the neuronal glutamate isprovided by the glutamate/glutamine cycle. Glia cellstake up neuronal glutamate through excitatory aminoacid transporters (EAATs). In glia cells, glutamate isconverted into glutamine by the enzyme glutaminesynthetase. The inactive glutamine is then transferredback to the neuron where is converted to glutamateand stored in synaptic vesicles by the activity ofvesicular glutamate transporters. MRS studies haveshown that the glutamate/glutamine cycle is a majormetabolic pathway whose activity is directly corre-lated with neuronal activity,82 possibly accounting forthe majority of brain glucose uptake.83 As a result,glutamate neurotransmission contribute to the bloodoxygen level dependent signal as measured in fMRIstudies and to glucose uptake as measured bypositron emission tomography studies with radiola-beled fluorodesoxyglucose.

Depending on the sequence and editing methodsused, MRS studies quantify glutamate and glutamineseparately, or as a composite measure of glutamateand glutamine referred to as Glx. A series of MRSstudies in depression consistently found low pre-frontal and subcortical Glx.12,84–86 Glx reductions werefound in various brain regions including the anteriorcingulate cortex, the dorsolateral, dorsomedial anddorsoventral prefrontal cortex, the amygdala and thehippocampus. Studies that quantified glutamate andglutamine separately suggest that glutamine ratherthan glutamate is reduced in depression.84,86,87 How-ever, not all studies found reduced Glx in depression:some studies reported normal Glx levels in depres-sion,88,89 and increased glutamate concentration hasbeen reported in the occipital cortex of depressedpatients.11

Further evidence for alterations in glutamatergicmetabolism comes from animal models of MDD. In

MDD imaging endophenotypesG Hasler and G Northoff


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the PACC, the region showing the most consistentresting state hyperactivity, glutamine has been foundto be reduced in the various animal models ofdepression. Moreover, NMDA-receptors have beenobserved to be increased while AMPA-receptors werefound to be reduced in this region in the animalmodels of depression. Hence, taken together, thereseems to be some convergence between animal andhuman findings with the former extending theobserved glutamatergic abnormalities to the receptorlevel, that is, AMPA and NMDA.90,91

The glutamatergic system can have different roleswhen distinguishing between unipolar and bipolardepression. Reduced prefrontal and subcortical Glxhas appeared as a specific marker of unipolardepression. In bipolar disorder, Glx has found to beincreased in all mood states.92 Given the limitedreliability and validity of symptom-based diagnosticmethods to differentiate between unipolar and bipolardepression, glutamate-related MRS measures have thepotential to significantly improve precision andneurobiological validity of mood disorder subtyping.Such an improvement may have a direct impact onclinical practice as therapeutic approaches for uni-polar and bipolar depression differ considerably.

There is only limited data on mood-state indepen-dence of reduced Glx in depression. In the majority ofMRS studies in depression, Glx levels did notcorrelate with symptom severity,92 suggesting thatGlx is not directly associated with the experience ofacute depressive symptoms. Only two studies havebeen conducted in asymptomatic subjects with ahistory of MDD. One study did not find reduced Glxin fully remitted subjects with MDD;22 the relativelymild depressive disorders in the subjects includedmay have contributed to this negative finding. Thesecond study in remitted MDD cases showed in-creased Glx in the occipital cortex,23 which isconsistent with increased occipital Glx in acutedepression. The normalization of Glx after successfulelectroconvulsive therapy treatment93,94 may argueagainst low Glx as a mood-independent marker indepression. Glutamate may be an important mediatorof gene-by-environment interactions underlying de-pression. In animals, various types of stressors lead torapid increase in glutamate in the extra synapticspace of the medial prefrontal cortex,95 and theglutamate system has an important role in theadaptation to repeated stress.96 The excitatory gluta-matergic synaptic inputs identified in hypothalamiccorticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)-expressingneurons suggests that abnormal glutamatergic activitymay contribute to the altered HPA axis activity indepression.97 Moreover, one may hypothesize thatstress leads to abnormal glutamatergic inputs fromstress-sensitive brain regions (medial prefrontal cor-tex, amgygdala, hippocampus) into the dopamine-rich brain regions of the reward system (nucleusaccumbens, brain stem tegmentum).98,99 Such gluta-mate–dopamine interactions may represent the neuralsubstrate of stress-induced anhedonia, which has

been proposed as the core psychopathology ofdepression.4

Glutamate-related MRS measures may not beappropriate to study the rapid glutamatergic stressresponse in living human subjects.20 Aside fromdirect genetic influences, low Glx in depression mayreflect the neurotrophic long-term consequences ofchronic stress and depression, such as reducedprefrontal glia cell size and density, which is themost consistent neuropathological finding in depres-sion.100 In addition, metabolic influences on brainglutamate must be taken into account. For example,poor glycemic control in patients with type 1 diabeteshas been associated with increased prefrontal Glx.101

We are unaware of any family or twin studyexamining the familiality and heritability of gluta-mate/glutamine concentrations in the brain, and thereis a lack of data on the role of low Glx, glutamate andglutamine as risk factors of depression. Althoughthere is no solid evidence for associations betweenspecific glutamate-related genes and risk of depres-sion, there are promising leads for the involvement ofsuch genes in depressive vulnerability. A microarrayanalysis of prefrontal cortex from subjects whosuffered from MDD showed reduced expression ofthe genes SLC1A2, SLC1A3 and GLUL, which encodefor EAAT2, EAAT1 and glutamine synthetase, respec-tively.102 A recent postmortem study in the locuscoeruleus, the primary origin of noradrenergic neu-rons, confirmed that mRNA expression of SLC1A2,SLC1A3 and GLUL is specifically downregulated inMDD.103 A study on striatal expression of EAATsfound decreased SLC1A6 (EAAT4) mRNA expressionin MDD.104 Vesicular glutamate transporters-1-hetero-zygote mice that displayed increased anxiety anddepressive-like behavior also were found to have a35–45% reduction in frontal cortical GABA concen-tration.105 These findings have been confirmed by arecent study using a learned helplessness model ofdepression that demonstrated reduced EAAT2,EAAT4 and vesicular glutamate transporters-1 ex-pression in helpless animals.106

There is additional evidence for genes encodingglutamate receptor contributing to the risk of depres-sion. AMPA receptor subunit 1 knockout miceshowed behavioral and neurochemical features ofdepression including decreased serotonin and nor-epinephrine levels.107 Mice deficient in the NR2Asubunit of the NMDA receptor exhibited an anxioly-tic-like and antidepressant-like phenotype.108 Post-mortem studies in the prefrontal cortex foundreduced AMPA and NMDA receptor subunits inMDD, including GluR1, GluR3, GluR5, NR2A andNR2B.109,110 Abnormal expression of the metabotropicglutamate receptors 2, 3 and 5 have been reportedfrom studies using animal models of depression.111,112

In summary, glutamate-related imaging endophe-notypes have the potential to differentiate unipolarfrom bipolar disorders, which are genetically relevantmood disorder subtypes.3 There is growing evidencefrom animal studies that altered expression of

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glutamate-related proteins underlie behavioral andneurochemical characteristics of MDD includingmonoamine-deficiency, abnormal HPA axis activity,increased stress sensitivity and stress-induced anhe-donia. These studies provide a basis for the selectionof candidate genes to be tested in glutamate-relatedendophenotype studies. The many factors that mayinfluence brain’s glutamate and glutamine total con-centration, for example, glucose metabolism, limit theuse of current glutamate imaging measures as depres-sion endophenotypes. The development of in vivo13C-MRS, a novel imaging method developed tovisualize the flow of 13C-labeled metabolites in livinghumans, has the potential to provide refined gluta-mate-related endophenotypes by measuring specificaspects of the glutamate–glutamine cycling flux andits interaction with the GABA system.113

Resting-state activity

Resting-state activity accounts for a large part of brainenergy expenditure and activity,114 which is assumedto be under genetic control. Given that resting-stateactivity has been found to be abnormal in depression,it is plausible that candidate neural endophenotypesfor MDD can be derived from non-invasive functionalMRI measures of resting-state activity.

Neuroanatomy of resting-state activity in depressionThere have been several reviews about the structuraland functional brain changes in MDD.26,115–122 A meta-analysis of all resting-state activity studies in depres-sion revealed that the PACC, the ventromedialprefrontal cortex (VMPFC), the dorsomedial thala-mus, the pulvinar, pallidum/putamen and midbrainregions, such as the ventral tegmental area, substantianigra, the tectum and the periaqueductal gray, havefound to be hyperactive in depression; resting stateactivity was hypoactive and thus reduced in thedorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), the posteriorcingulated cortex (PCC) and adjacent precuneus/cuneus.26 These results are in accordance with thefindings of other groups.119–121 Drevets and colleaguesemphasized the role of the hippocampus, parahippo-campus and the amygdala where they also observedresting state hyperactivity.

Interestingly, the same regions and the PACC alsoshow structural abnormalities with reduced graymatter volume in imaging studies and reduced celldensity in postmortem studies.119,121 Recent reviewsshow that in addition to the PACC, the medialprefrontal cortex, regions in the medial and caudo-lateral orbital cortex, the amygdala, the hippocampusand ventromedial parts of the basal ganglia showstructural abnormalities in MDD. Hence, the func-tional resting state abnormalities seem to accompanystructural abnormalities in the same regions andnetworks.121,122 It remains unclear, however, whetherthe structural changes drive the functional restingstate activity abnormal or, conversely, whether thefunctional resting state abnormalities lead to structur-

al adaptations. This issue will also come into playwhen discussing the nature and classification of MDDas a potential neurodevelopmental disorder.123

Involvement of these regions in MDD is furthercorroborated by the investigation of resting stateactivity in animal models of MDD. Reviewing theregions showing resting state hyperactivity in thedifferent animal models yielded the anterior cingu-lated cortex, the central and basolateral nuclei of theamygdala, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, thedorsal raphe, the habenula, the hippocampus, thehypothalamus, the nucleus accumbens, the periaque-ductal gray, the dorsomedial thalamus, the nucleus ofthe solitary tract, and the piriform and prelimbiccortex.26 In contrast, evidence of hypoactive restingstate activity in animal models remains sparse withinconclusive results.

These findings indicate abnormally high restingstate activity in subcortical and cortical medialregions. This has led authors like Phillips, Maybergand Drevets to assume dysfunction in the limbicsystem in depression, or more specifically in the‘limbic-cortico-striato-pallido-thalamic circuit,’ withthe most important interactions between the medialprefrontal and limbic regions.115–117,121 This thoughmay need to be extended to include subcorticalregions on the mesencephalic level as it is suggestedby the animal data. There is recent evidence forconcurrent involvement of both cortical and subcor-tical regions in resting state hyperactivity.124 Specifi-cally, relying on evidence from tasks of pureperception rather than cognition, resting state hyper-activity was demonstrated indirectly through thedegree of stimulus-induced activity (for example,deactivation in resting state regions) on the corticallevel (for example, paralimbic and midline regions)and the subcortical level (for example, periaqueductalgray, thalamus, tectum).

Resting-state hyperactivity may not be mood-stateindependent. It has been suggested that the brainactivity patterns in acute depression reverse afterrecovery, with increased activity within dorsomedialand dorsolateral prefrontal cortices and decreasedactivity within the subgenual cingulate gyrus, hippo-campus, thalamus, ventral striatum and insula.115

Recent positron emission tomography study onglucose metabolism in fully remitted subjects withMDD demonstrated decreased metabolism in the rightDLPFC, right temporal cortex and ventromedialfrontal polar cortex, while metabolism was increasedsignificantly in the right parahippocampal cortex,dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and frontal polarcortex,125 which seems to be consistent withincreased paralimbic-midline hyperactivity as puta-tive imaging MDD endophenotype.

Psychopathology of resting state activity increased self-focus and hopelessnessIncreased self-focus reflects the heightened awarenessof the self in depressed patients and their decreasedfocused on the environment including ongoing

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events, persons and objects.126 The increased self-focus accompanies the abnormal attribution of pre-dominantly negative emotions to the self and in-creased cognitive processing of the self withsubsequent ruminations. Recent imaging studiesreported reduced signal changes during the presenta-tion of either self-related emotional words or emo-tional pictures.127–129 All studies demonstratedabnormal activity changes in the anterior paralim-bic-midline regions like the PACC, the VMPFC andthe DMPFC in depression. These anterior paralimbic-midline regions have been associated with self-related processing that describes the process bymeans of which personal relevance or meaning andthus self-relatedness is assigned to exteroceptive andinteroceptive stimuli.129–131 As self-relatedness isalready highly activated in the resting state, it mightbe expected to be abnormally low with regard toexternal stimuli, thus assuming reduced rest-stimulusinteraction even in the case of highly self-relatedexternal stimuli. In contrast, internally-generatedstimuli as related to the abnormally elevated restingstate activity may be assigned an abnormally highdegree of personal relevance as it is highly visible inthe ruminations of MDD patients. Hence, it can beassumed that there exists a disequilibrium betweeninternally and externally generated stimuli, with theformer showing increased resting state activity whilelatter demonstrates a decreased resting state. Symp-tomatically this disequilibrium in rest-stimulus inter-action between internally and externally generatedstimuli may correspond to the increased self-focus,and may also be associated with the environmentalcounterpart sometimes described as ‘decreased en-vironment-focus’.

Another central feature in MDD is hopelessness.Hopelessness is closely related to the ability to extendthe self and its expectations into the future. If anindividual is no longer able to extend and project theself into the future, he/she can no longer maintain anyfuture-oriented hopefulness. This is exactly whatseems to happen in MDD. Almost all items in theBeck Hopelessness scale (BHS) concern the ability toanticipate the self in the future and to project itforward in time. Recent studies demonstrated thatMDD patients do indeed show significantly increasedscores on the BHS when compared with healthysubjects.129 Moreover, these studies showed thatincreased resting state activity in the PACC and theVMPFC correlated with the BHS. Specifically, thehigher the resting state activity in the PACC andVMPFC, the higher the score in the BHS.

Resting state activity and GABA

A recent study combined MRS and functional MRI toinvestigate the level of GABA in a typical DMNregion, the PACC that, as part of the DMN, shows apredominantly negative blood oxygen level depen-dent response (NBR).132 As demonstrated in thisstudy, the resting state level of GABA in the PACC

correlated with the degree of NBR as induced by anemotional judgment task in the very same region.Thus, an increase in the resting state concentration ofGABA in the PACC was positively correlated with anincrease in the degree of NBR during stimulus-inducedactivity. This study showed that the resting stateconcentration of GABA in the PACC may indeedimpact stimulus-induced activity changes in thePACC, suggesting that the resting state activity level(that is, GABA) in a DMN region may impact thedegree of stimulus-induced activity in the same region.

Another study in healthy subjects investigated theresting state concentration of GABA in the visualcortex and its effects on subsequent stimulus-inducedactivity in the both visual cortex and g frequencybands.133 The investigators measured resting statelevels of GABA in the visual cortex with MRS andused fMRI and magnetoencephalography to measurestimulus-induced activity changes in the visualcortex. The resting state concentration of GABA inthe visual cortex predicted the degree of stimulus-induced activation (that is, positive blood oxygenlevel dependent response) and the g frequency in thevery same region.

Despite focusing on different regions, that is, PACCand visual cortex, both studies observed prediction ofstimulus-induced activity by resting state level ofGABA. In contrast, resting state levels of glutamate,an excitatory transmitter, were not related to rest-stimulus interaction. This suggests that the restingstate concentration of GABA as the major inhibitorytransmitter may have a crucial role in linking restingstate activity to stimulus-induced activity, therebymaking possible rest-stimulus interactions.134

Depressed patients show abnormally elevated rest-ing state activity, which could be assumed to alsoimpact stimulus-induced activity amounting to ab-normal rest-stimulus interaction. If rest-stimulusinteraction is mediated by GABA in healthy subjects,it has the potential to abnormally mediate rest-stimulus interaction in depression. One previousstudy tested this hypothesis by relating the stimu-lus-induced signal changes in the PACC as the typicaldefault-mode network region to the concentration ofGABA and glutamate in the same region.87 Asexpected, depressed patients observed decreasedsignal changes, for example, deactivation in thePACC, as being indicative of increased resting stateactivity. Most interestingly, the reduced deactivationwas no longer related to the concentration of GABA.Instead, deactivation in the PACC was predicted bythe glutamate concentration in the same region,which was not observed in the healthy group.

Although these findings have yet to be replicated,they nevertheless suggest that the increased restingstate activity in the midline regions and its impact onstimulus-induced activity, for example, rest-stimulusinteraction, may be mediated by lack of neuralinhibition as related to GABA. This, in turn, maythen lead to relatively increased neural excitation asmediated by glutamate. The crucial role of GABA and

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GABAergic-mediated inhibition in depression isfurther corroborated by results from transcranialmagnetic stimulation. Transcranial magnetic stimula-tion allows the study of resting state activity bymeasuring neural inhibition using silent period andpaired pulse techniques. Severely depressed MDDpatients demonstrated deficits in both silent periodand paired pulse in the motor cortex, which isindicative of a deficit of cortical inhibition asmediated by GABA-A and GABA-B receptors.135–137

However, it is important to note that these studiesconcern the motor cortex as part of the outer ring, thelateral cortical regions. Although there is a need forstudies of cortical excitability in paralimbic andmidline regions, currently these studies are difficult,if not impossible, to target with transcranial magneticstimulation.

Finally, it is necessary to discuss the relationshipbetween GABA/glutamate and serotonin as a keyplayer in depression. There is an abundance ofevidence for serotoninergic abnormalities in MDDconcerning the level of serotonin and specific serto-ninergic receptors (5HT-1a, 5HT-1b and so on) insubcortical and cortical paralimbic-midline re-gions,119,122, and such abnormalities can be relatedto GABA and glutamate. GABAergic and glutamater-gic systems are ubiquitous throughout the cortex andin most subcortical regions. This distinguishes thesereceptors from more specific neuromodulatory sys-tems, such as the serotonergic and adrenergic-nora-drenergic systems. These systems originate in thesubcortical regions (raphe nuclei, locus cerulous) andare connected through forebrain-limbic regions toparalimbic and midline regions in anterior parts ofthe cortex, such as the VMPFC and the PACC.138

However, serotoninergic neurons are connected toGABAergic interneurons on both subcortical andcortical levels, making it more likely that alterationsin the serotoninergic systems necessarily initiatechanges in the GABAergic and glutamatergic systems.

What remains unclear, however, is whether thepredominantly cortical GABAergic abnormalities inparalimbic brain regions (for example, the PACC)drive the serotoninergic system abnormal in a kind oftop-down modulation, or whether the subcorticalserotoninergic afferences impact cortical GABA inthe PACC through bottom-up modulation. Hence,future studies combining humans and animals maytest both options, top-down and bottom-up modula-tion, by causally interfering with serotoninergic andGABAergic systems in both subcortical and corticalregions (for example, through deep brain stimulationin PACC).

Functional connectivityPhenotypic definitions can by derived from any typeof imaging information, including measures of struc-tural measures of connectivity using diffusion tensorimaging and functional connectivity. Neural connec-tivity has been successfully used as a neural endo-phenotype to elucidate the impact of serotonergic and

dopaminergic genes on brain structure and func-tion.139 The use of endophenotypes derived fromabnormal functional connectivity has been particu-larly successful in psychosis research.140 For exam-ple, extensive imaging work in schizophrenia patientshas provided evidence for abnormal functional con-nectivity of the DLPFC and the hippocampus.141 Agenome-wide association study has identified anassociation between a single nucleotide polymorph-ism in the ZNF804A gene and psychosis. A recentlypublished imaging-genetics study in healthy volun-teers142 showed that this genetic variant relates toalterations in functional coupling of the DLPFC acrosshemispheres and with the hippocampus, mirroringthe findings in psychotic patients.

Functional connectivity during the resting stateSeveral studies investigated functional connectivityduring the resting state. Usually, subjects are requiredto keep their eyes closed in the fMRI while they areimaged for 5–10 min. Various multivariate techniquessuch as structural equation modeling, regression ofsingle voxel against all others, or Granger causalityestimation technique are used to analyze functionalconnectivity. Generally, studies are conducted inunmedicated patients so that medication can beexcluded as possible confounding factor.

Recently, fMRI has been used to examine restingstate connectivity in depression. These studies foundreduced resting state connectivity either between theamygdale and the PACC,143 between PACC andbilateral dorsomedial thalamus,144 and between pos-terior midline regions.145 These regions included thePACC, precuneus and bilateral caudate.145 Unfortu-nately, subcortical regions are rarely considered inthese studies. Because of the difficulty of locating theventral striatum or raphe in fMRI may account for thesole focus on the thalamus in these imaging studies. Apositron emission tomography study on resting stateconnectivity146 included seven nodes or core regions,the hippocampus, the DLPFC, the PACC, the sub-genual anterior cingulate cortex (SACC), the thala-mus, the MPFC and the OFC. The resting stateconnectivity pattern among these regions was foundto be predictive of subsequent treatment response inan untreated MDD sample. In a subsequent fMRIresting state study in 46 untreated MDD patients,147

the DLPFC was decoupled from the other midlineregions, such as the hippocampus, the PACC and theSACC, thus showing reduced connectivity. Moreover,reciprocal connectivity between PACC and SACC wasreduced or resolved in the MDD patients. However,this study did not include a healthy sample for directcomparison, which considerably reduces its scientificsignificance.

These findings of reduced resting state connectiv-ity contrasts with those studies showing increasedconnectivity in limbic, paralimbic and frontal brainregions. In a recent fMRI study, the connectivitypatterns of three seed regions, the PACC, precuneusand DLPFC, converged in the SACC with some

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extension into an area of the DMPFC described as the‘dorsal nexus’.148 The dorsal nexus showed increasedconnectivity with the PACC, the DLPFC, the VMPFCand the PCC in MDD patients when compared withhealthy subjects. Increased resting state connectivityin depression was also found between the DLPFC,the PCC and the MOFC,149 between the PACC and theleft anterior insula in severely depressed patients,150

and from the PACC to the thalamus.151 Increasedconnectivity pattern of both subgenual and pregenualanterior cingulated cortex was related to subsequentresponse to deep brain stimulation.152 Increasedresting state connectivity from the hippocampus tothe PACC and leading to the MPFC was interpretedas increased excitation within limbic/paralimbicregions, whereas decreased connectivity to and fromthe DLPFC was interpreted as increased neuralinhibition in lateral prefrontal cortex.153

Taken together, these results demonstrate bothincreased and decreased functional connectivity inthe resting state. In both cases, the core regionsinclude midline regions, such as the PACC, theDLPFC, the MPFC, the PCC and the dorsomedialthalamus, yet the direction of changes remainscontroversial. Whether the opposite findings arebecause of the different methods used to analyzeconnectivity or to differences in patient populationsremains unclear.

There has yet to be a consensus regarding therelationship between structural and functional con-nectivity. Some studies in healthy subjects154 ob-served the patterns in functional connectivity to beanalogous to those in structural connectivity asmeasured with diffusion tensor imaging. However,functional and structural connectivity patterns didnot map onto each other one-to-one and thus were notidentical. The mechanism of alteration in the struc-tural-functional relationship in MDD remains un-clear. For example, it could be theorized that thefunctional connectivity in the resting state divergesmore strongly from the structural connectivity inMDD, and that this divergence may be crucial inleading to the previously described changes in thelevel of the resting state activity. However, combinedstructural and functional resting state connectivitypatterns in MDD have yet to be investigated. Inaddition, relationship between resting state connec-tivity abnormalities and biochemical changes (such asin GABA and glutamate) remains unclear. One recentstudy found the abnormally increased resting stateactivity between the PACC and the left anterior insulato be predicted by the concentration of glutamate inthe PACC. Specifically, greater concentrations gluta-mate lead to increased connectivity from the PACC tothe insula in medicated MDD patients.150

There is a lack of data on mood-state independenceof resting-state connectivity. Some studies reportedcorrelations between abnormal resting-state connec-tivity and severity of depression,150 suggesting thatthese changes are partly mood-state dependent. In arandomly selected community sample, the heritabil-

ity of default-mode functional connectivity was42%.155 Although neuroanatomical variation in thedefault-mode network was also heritable, the geneticfactors that influenced functional connectivity andgray-matter density were distinct. Genetic correlationsbetween regions suggest that the same set of genescontribute to variation in functional connectivitythroughout the default-mode network. Interestingly,the parahippocampal region, which has appearedto have major roles in depression,4 was geneticallycorrelated with all other network regions. A study onfunctional connectivity in healthy subjects at risk ofMDD found decreased regional homogeneity in theright insula and the left cerebellum.156

Functional connectivity during affective or cognitivestimulationAnalogous to resting state connectivity, functionalconnectivity has also been investigated during stimu-lus-induced activity, such as during emotional orcognitive stimulation. Therefore, similar techniquesto those as mentioned above are used and similarregions are highlighted. Analogous to the resting stateconnectivity data, results are still uncertain withregard to increases or decreases in functional con-nectivity during stimulation.

Severely depressed patients with catatonic syn-drome showed significantly decreased connectivitybetween the MOFC/VMPFC and the premotor cortexin response to emotional stimuli.157 Reduced con-nectivity in response to emotional pictures of thePACC with the dorsomedial thalamus, the striatumand the amygdala was found in MDD patients.143

MDD patients also showed significantly decreasedconnectivity from the LOFC to the SACC/DACC andthe precuneus in an implicit and explicit facialrecognition paradigm,158 while connectivity was in-creased in MDD patients from the LOFC to the rightDLPFC, the right inferior operculum and the motorcortex. Increases in connectivity during an emotiontask were also observed in MDD, although in differentbrain regions: the amygdala, hippocampus and thecaudate/putamen.159 Increased functional connectiv-ity related to the MPFC was observed in two studiestesting for self-relatedness.128,160 In addition to emo-tional and self-related stimuli, functional connectiv-ity has also been investigated during cognitive tasks.One study found increased connectivity from thePACC to the SACC/DACC and the MPFC during acolor Stroop Task,161 whereas another study foundalmost the opposite, finding reduced connectivityand thus uncoupling between PACC and MPFCduring a working memory task.162

Taken together, analogous to the resting stateconnectivity, there are reports of both increases anddecreases of stimulation-induced connectivity, con-cerning almost the same regions as in the resting state.This suggests that resting state and stimulus-inducedactivity and connectivity may somehow be dependenton each other. There are promising preliminaryfindings studying the influence of resting state on

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stimulus-induced activity, for example, rest-stimulusinteraction.134 In contrast, we have seen no publishedresults concerning the relationship between func-tional connectivity during resting state and stimula-tion in either healthy or depressed subjects.

Methodological issues may have contributed to thedisagreements in the functional connectivity litera-ture in depression. The different studies rely ondifferent methods of analyzing functional connectiv-ity. Methods like structural equation modeling,regression analysis, independent component analy-sis, principal component analysis and dynamiccausal modeling are used. They all make differentpresuppositions and use different statistical methodsto analyze the effect of signal changes. Furthermore,the link between functional connectivity duringspecific tasks and structural connectivity remainsunclear. Whether functional connectivity is alteredindependent of structural connectivity in MDD orwhether functional changes reflect structural altera-tions remains open.

There is a paucity of data on the biochemical andgenetic modulation of functional connectivity duringstimulation. A recent study investigated MDD pa-tients with magnetoencephalography during a work-ing memory task during an NMDA-antagonistketamine challenge.163 This study found the connec-tivity between PACC and amygdale to be sensitive tomodulation by ketamine and, more importantly, itstherapeutic effects. This suggests that functionalconnectivity between these two regions during sti-mulation may be mediated by glutamate. As opposedto glutamate, functional connectivity during stimula-tion has not been related to GABA. The heritabilityand association of functional stimulation with therisk of MDD has yet to be investigated. One studyreported that the functional connectivity between thePACC and the amygdala during negative emotionalpictures is abnormally coupled to the expression of5-HTT low-expression risk alleles in MDD patients.164

Another issue that remains unclear in this context ishow the seemingly altered functional connectivity isrelated to the various neuropsychological abnormal-ities in such functions as attention, working memoryand executive function in MDD (see ref. 165 for areview). The question arising from the neurophysio-logical point of view is how the resting statehyperactivity impacts stimulus-induced activity andsubsequently the neuronal mechanisms underlyingthese various cognitive functions. Thus, before wewill be able to link the neuropsychological deficits inMDD to specific neural networks and their functionalconnectivity, we may need to better understand whathas been recently called ‘rest-stimulus interaction’134

in both healthy subjects and depressed patients.


The importance of the phenotypic definition for thesuccess of gene identification was precisely demon-strated by the discovery of the association between

the period gene and length of the circadian cycle.166

The choice of the circadian period among the measur-able circadian rhythm parameters including phase,period and amplitude was crucial. As period lengthscan be easily and accurately measured, this measure isalmost two orders of magnitude more precise thancommonly used behavioral assays, such as fearconditioning.167 In addition, period length reflects arate-limiting process, whereas amplitude is signifi-cantly influenced by output pathways. In addition,phase is influenced by changes in input pathways,which weakens the associations of these measures withspecific genetic factors. In psychiatry, we currently lacka deep understanding of the phenotype and, therefore,we do not know which aspects of psychiatric condi-tions reflect fundamental, rate-limiting processes. Notsurprisingly, the association between candidate genesand endophenotypes frequently used in psychiatricgenetics, such as P300 amplitude and latency, perfor-mance on working memory tasks and other cognitivemeasures, have not been found to be stronger thanthose between specific gene loci and traditionalpsychiatric disorder phenotypes.8

The aim of this perspective review was to proposeputative imaging endophenotypes derived from non-invasive, reasonably available imaging methods thatare presumably close to gene and gene products andmeet some of the endophenotype criteria. We did notreview findings from other, more invasive types ofneuroimaging, such as positron emission tomographyand single photon emission computed tomography,although these methods have provided importantinsight into the pathophysiology of depression. Aspossible associations between imaging endopheno-types and monoaminergic genes and genes related tothe HPA axis were included in a previous review,4

they were not discussed here. Many importantfunctional imaging findings in depression are basedon behavioral experiments related to higher-orderpsychological functions, such as the processing ofnegative feedback or the control of emotions. Assum-ing that there is a long road between genes andmeasures from these experiments, which reduces thelikelihood of identifying genetic associations, we didnot review the imaging literature related to higher-order psychological constructs.

MRS provides candidate endophenotypes that mayhave relatively close relationships to genes and geneproducts. Reduced cortical GABA is a consistent andrelatively specific neurobiological abnormality indepression, which may be partly mood-state inde-pendent. Studies on plasma GABA concentrationsprovide evidence for genetic control of GABAconcentration and for genetic associations betweenlow GABA and the risk of MDD. There is preliminaryevidence for variations within the GABAergic GAD1gene to be associated with cortical GABA andincreased stress sensitivity, leading to increaseddepressive vulnerability. Taken together, low corticalGABA has appeared to be the most promisingputative imaging endophenotype in MDD.

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Another promising MRS measure as possible mooddisorder endophenotype is prefrontal glutamate/glu-tamine concentration. Given that Glx was found to bereduced in unipolar depression and increased inbipolar depression, this marker has the potential todifferentiate between unipolar and bipolar disorder,which has important clinical implications. Theheritability of the Glx signal and associations betweenlow prefrontal Glx and the genetic risk of MDD arelargely unknown. However, animal and postmortemstudies have provided promising leads for glutamate-related MDD risk genes including SLC1A2, SLC1A3,GLUL and various glutamate receptor genes.

There is convergent support from human neuroi-maging studies and animal models of depression forthe role of increased resting-state activity in thepathophysiology of depression, possibly associatedwith increased self-focus, decreased environment-focus and hopelessness. Evidence for increased mid-line glucose metabolism in remitted depression andthe association among GABA, serotonin and resign-state activity contribute to the plausibility of increasedresting-state activity as putative imaging endophenotypein depression.

Functional connectivity measures were found to beheritable and were successfully used to elucidate theimpact of serotonergic and dopaminergic genes onbrain function. Abnormal functional resting-stateconnectivity has consistently been found in midlinebrain regions, although the direction of changeremains controversial. Functional connectivity dur-ing emotional or cognitive stimulation has found to beabnormal in almost the same brain regions as in theresting-state. Standardization of functional connec-tivity measures and studies on connectivity inasymptomatic subjects at risk of MDD are needed toevaluate functional and structural connectivity asdepression endophenotypes.

Future directions

The dramatic progress in MR-based imaging methodshas the potential to identify subtle abnormalities ofneural structures, connectivity and function in de-pressed patients and healthy subjects at familial riskof MDD. Well-designed twin, family and prospectivestudies in high-risk populations are needed to dis-cover and evaluate imaging measures as depressionendophenotypes. As these measures are relativelylow-cost and increasingly available, they will facil-itate the identification of MDD risk genes in candidategene and genome-wide association studies. In addi-tion, by reducing clinical heterogeneity, these mea-sures will help to develop and evaluate noveltherapeutic options and enable clinicians to applyindividual-tailored therapeutic approaches. Finally,improvements of the phenotypic definition of MDDwill contribute to a new classification system formood disorders based on etiology and pathophysiol-ogy. More specifically, one would need to investigatehow the suggested endophenotypes of increased self-

focus, anhedonia and increased stress-sensitivityrelate to the various psychopathological MDD symp-toms and syndromes. One might speculate thatanhedonia and reduced reward-induced activity andconnectivity underlie melancholic depressive symp-toms, that increased stress reactivity may be asso-ciated with interpersonal rejection sensitivity inatypical depression, and that increased self-focusmight show a relationship to what has been referredto as ‘narcissistic depression’. One must remember,however, that currently defined symptom-based MDDsubtypes do not breed true and should not be used asreference points in endophenotypic studies. Investi-gations must be done in a brain-based manner byinvestigating how the above-describe genetic, bio-chemical and neural changes supposed to be asso-ciated with the different endophenotypes lead to theneuronal changes underlying the different depressivesymptoms.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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