Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family! freedom-based lifestyle and business! Are you interested? Great, then let me share a bit more with you… My lifelong love of travel took a whole new twist in 1998, when an out-of- control classroom, heartbreak, and betrayal drove me to study with the international best-selling author of The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz. I felt like a 2x4 had hit me over the head! I was pretty miserable!!! With a broken heart and exhausted from teaching elementary school in inner-city Los Angeles for years, I was dying to break free from my regimented daily life and find a way to be in service but also free to travel the world and not wanderlustentrepreneur.com Meghan Gilroy Co-Director, Business Coach & Retreat Strategist at Wanderlust Entrepreneur Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family! (...and make great money doing so) Discover How to

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Does the idea of having the flexibility to create your own schedule so that it works for your family AND be able to run your business from anywhere in the world make your heart sing?

Would you love to be able to travel, take your clients – and your family – around the globe and make an extra $10,000-100,000 per trip?

Is your passion and purpose in life about making a difference in the world and creating deep and lasting transformation within your clients and your children?

If you answered yes to any of my questions – you’re obviously a savvy mom, heart-centered facilitator and entrepreneur and I’d love to share with you one of my favorite ways to have a

Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family!

freedom-based lifestyle and business! Are you interested?

Great, then let me share a bit more with you…

My lifelong love of travel took a whole new twist in 1998, when an out-of-control classroom, heartbreak, and betrayal drove me to study with the international best-selling author of The Four Agreements, don Miguel Ruiz.

I felt like a 2x4 had hit me over the head! I was pretty miserable!!!

With a broken heart and exhausted from teaching elementary school in inner-city Los Angeles for years, I was dying to break free from my regimented daily life and find a way to be in service but also free to travel the world and not


Meghan GilroyCo-Director, Business Coach & Retreat Strategist at Wanderlust Entrepreneur

Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family!(...and make great money doing so)

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Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family!

have my income be dependent on a salary as so many folks do. Yeesh!

A crazy leap of faith was required and so I quit teaching and over the next decade, I followed don Miguel around the world, eventually running his international retreat business, and even getting locked into Machu Picchu at night with the llamas! (Really! You just can’t make this up!) To put it mildly, I was hooked, and ever since then, travel and transformation have taken me around the globe.

I realized that anyone who teaches anything could take their material and turn it into alife-changing experiential event that their clients would rave about for years. I couldn’t believe that a person could travel as much or as little as they wanted and get paid to do so – it totally blew my mind! So much so that I started taking folks on retreats several times a year as part of my new coaching practice back in 2003.


Since then, retreats have affected every part of my life – my husband and I got married on a retreat two weeks after our first date, I became pregnant on a retreat I was leading in Ireland, my son’s first solid food was in Italy where he also sat up for the first time, he meditated on top of a pyramid at age 3, and now at age 8 can’t wait to take his two-year old sister on her first out-of-the-country trip. We are travel junkies for sure!

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Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family!

Now I coach moms and heart-based entrepreneurs on how to create the travel-based freedom lifestyle businesses of their dreams using retreats and journeys as major component. But before we get into that – I need to explain to you exactly what I mean by transformational destination retreats so that we’re both on the same wavelength, so to speak!

Well, a transformational destination retreat is a custom crafted, life-changing experience for your clients that takes place in a group format in a beautiful location. But it’s not just about taking them to a pretty place and simply teaching your normal material – that’s not the idea at all!


It’s about putting them into situations where they’re challenging themselves and what they believe so that they can evolve and expand beyond their current mindset. It’s about designing your activities and outings to enable them to embody your message at a cellular and soul level rather than simply taking in your message on an intellectual level.

That’s what makes retreats so life-changing AND so darn addictive!

So enough theory here – let me share with you my top five reasons why a freedom-based business that includes retreats is ideal for moms!

Meghan Gilroy

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Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family!

Retreats Will Get You Out of a 9-5 Job Mindset & into a FlexibleWork-Home Balance!There’s nothing wrong with a JOB for most folks – it’s relatively straightforward to be told when and where to show up every day and have someone tell you what to do and then you have to do it.

But us moms aren’t most folks!

We need the flexibility to volunteer at our kids’ school, stay home with our kids when they are sick

or cover their 2-hour start of school delay. We don’t want to spend our time commuting and be miles from home. No way! We’d rather work hours that fit into our family’s needs and are flexible to boot. Being able to be in control of your work schedule and where you choose to work from in the world is heaven on earth!

Take me as an example. I can work as little or as much as I like from my home office (20 steps from my front door!), and then make plans to travel and work from a different part of the world on school breaks and during the summer to expose my children to different ways of life and perspectives. I even have the option to have my clients come to me and run retreats out of my own home.

Now how awesome is that?



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Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family!

Some of my friends have grown kids and once they finally ditched their regular JOB they now have the freedom to live in different parts of the world for 2-3 months at a time – and run retreats and private intensives in that location, and then come home for a bit, regroup, and venture off to another part of the world. Pretty amazing right?

Others of us are blissfully happy to work out of our homes, but include a few destination retreats that take us to some of the most stunning locations on the planet.

We get the flexibility of setting our own schedule with the allure of travel!

There are no rules here – it’s totally up to you how you want to run your life! But you have to be clear

about what you want your life to look like, how work fits into family and spend the time reflecting on what you TRULY want in your heart-of-hearts.

Only want to travel once a year sans kiddos for some alone time? Fine. Want to travel during breaks with kids in tow? Great! Ready to live in another country for the summer? Cool! It’s your dream – so how do YOU want to lay out your life?


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Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family!


Retreats Can Add $10,000-100,000 to the Bottom Line of Your Biz!I know, most of my heart-centered entrepreneurs don’t like talking much about money since it’s rarely anyone’s ultimate motivation for why we work with our clients.

As moms, we’re generally a pretty nurturing and caring lot. Normally we feel compelled to teach and share what we have learned the hard way to save others the pain and suffering we’ve experienced. And that’s very powerful!

But that doesn’t mean we don’t require money to send our kids to a good college, go on a much-needed girlfriend getaway, save for our retirement, or to have some extra cash to help our parents out when they need it. I know for me it means the world to be able to send my kids to a Waldorf school for an amazing education or gift my mom a well-deserved

trip. And I’m sure there are reasons that having extra income could do the same for you.

So that said – a well-priced retreat can add significant funds to your bottom line that can be transformational for you and YOUR life. Not only can you easily net $10,000 on a retreat – but if you monetize your retreat – in other words, if you create a follow-up program that you know you are going to offer to your participants at the end of your event, you can easily double and even quadruple your net profit.


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Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family!

If you only netted $700 per person (what you make after all expenses are paid - and that’s a low-ball conservative net) and had 15 people to your event, then you would make $10,000 easily. If you then offered a six-month deep-dive, follow-up coaching program at $2000 per person and only 10 of the 15 people joined, you would still make an additional $20,000.

And what if one of the participants wanted to stay after the retreat for a couple of days and either do a VIP day with you or maybe a 3-day private intensive? That one client could add an additional $2500 to $5000 to your net.

Or what if some of the people on the trip decided they wanted a private session with you at $275 an hour? Again – I’m being modest here, it all depends on how you set up your retreat and if you create it with a follow-up program in mind.

The bottom line is that a transformational destination retreat can add to your yearly income in the most delightful way! And that makes a HUGE difference for you & your family.

Are you excited yet?


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Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family!


Retreats Give Your C hildren a Global EducationMy family is lucky enough to live in a cozy little valley in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. While we have an abundance of nature and a relatively simple way of life, we are certainly lacking in diversity and excitement. There are not a lot of options for ethnic cuisine, cultural outings or even a perspective that not everyone enjoys as many blessings as we do.

No matter where YOU and your family live, I can tell you with absolute certainty that travel changes lives. Yours, your family’s AND your clients. It’s that simple.

Being exposed to different cultures, foods, spiritual traditions, politics, and points of view, makes us and our children better people – more well-rounded, tolerant, and intelligent. Repetition in life makes us narrow-minded, fearful, and stagnant.

There’s nothing like seeing your children play a game of pick-up soccer with the local kids in Mexico, shyness and language barriers notwithstanding. Or to watch their mouths drop open the first time they see a medieval city like Assisi, Italy and suddenly their history books come to life. Or even to find the courage to be adventurous and snorkel off the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, struck by the absolute awesomeness of aquatic life.

When you travel with your children, you bond as a family in a whole new way and have the chance to just have fun outside of the daily grind of school and all those after-school activities. You create fascinating memories and foster values like tolerance, acceptance, adaptability, and flexibility. You teach your child to be a global citizen. Your kids become more responsible and receive a hands-on real-world planet-wide education.

And I know these are all qualities and values that you want to see nurtured in your kiddos!


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Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family!


Retreats Can Help Transform People’s L ives in a Huge WayBeyond changing your family’s lives, one of the most incredible blessings you can offer your clients is an environment conducive to profound transformation and personal and/or spiritual growth.

We’re all used to teaching people directly – by that I mean standing in front of them and sharing our information and wisdom. It’s a very classic way of imparting information to others whether it is one-on-one, to a group or on a stage to a larger audience.

But retreats allow you to engage in something utterly magical – using your location to help teach your material! Many locations have an interesting mythology associated with them and you can purposely chose a location that aligns with what you teach. Other locations have activities available that illustrate the important points that you are trying to

impart and can teach those lessons that you would normally struggle to verbally explain.

The best way to describe what I mean is by example.

Let’s say you’re a business coach for entrepreneurs and you want to teach them about innovation and encourage them to climb out of their box and be unique. You could talk about that all day long and it would simply be theory.

But what if you visited the top coolest businesses in Los Angeles, Chicago or NYC for example, and talked to the owners about what innovation means to them, and why they do what they do the way they do it? What if they shared their greatest challenges and successes?

Wouldn’t that experience stimulate your clients’ creativity in a way that a theoretical conversation could never do? And wouldn’t the experience be one they would never forget? That’s the way to build


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Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family!

your business and get raving fans – by designing experiences that get people thinking, taking action, and changing lives. They’ll always remember that it was YOU that instigated the changes they made in their lives.

Truly, the people and places we visit act as a mirror for us and they compel us to consider the important questions in life. Travel makes us ask are we living our lives the way we want to – or the way we’ve been told we should be living them? It begs us to consider what we truly have gratitude for, and what the most important values are in our lives. And more importantly, are we living those values?

So I ask you – what do YOU need to change to become the ultimate artist of your life and live your freedom-based lifestyle?


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Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family!


Retreats Can be The Foundation For Your Travel-Worthy Freedom-Based LifestyleOften folks will think about traveling on their time off and then working when they get back home – but to me a true freedom-based business allows you to work from anywhere in the world. There’s no reason why your entire business cannot function online and your team live anywhere worldwide these days.

The idea here is to structure your business so that as you travel, you can offer events in various locations. You might offer retreats - alongside the other seminars, workshops, 1:1 coaching, online programs or masterminds in your business.

And why not make it work for your family while you are at it? This year, I’ll be traveling alone to a weekend workshop in Sedona and tacking an extra day on to the trip for “me time” at a world-class spa. (Ahh! Being paid to go on vacation AND have a spa day? Pinch me!) During summer vacation, the whole family will decamp to San Diego for my live event (Sea World, Legoland, San Diego Zoo, the beach? You can bet my kids are excited!) In the fall when the kids are back in school, I’ll be jetting off to Morocco to lead our Mastermind retreat there. Then over Winter Break, we’ll all be going to Finland for another retreat where my husband will have no problem entertaining the fam with husky safaris, an outing to a reindeer farm, skiing, snowshoeing, and a visit to Santa Claus in the North Pole! ;)

If you structure travel to be part of your business, then it becomes a business expense instead of non-deductible vacation time. And that can make a


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Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family!

huge difference in your yearly income. (Of course you need to check with your accountant regarding the laws in your country on what’s deductible and what’s not!)

If you combine a variety of ways to work with you while you’re on the road, your clients will be able to benefit from lots of different interactions with you and you’ll be inspiring them to create their own freedom-based business.

So for example, you could create high-end one-on-one VIP days and multi-day Intensives at your top price point, you could have group mastermind retreats at a mid-level pricing, and group live events at a lower price point. This keeps enables your clients to work with you in a way that suits their individual needs and budget, while you and

your family have the freedom to work and travel!

And all of these experiences can easily fund your freedom-based lifestyle!

My life – as well as my family’s and clients’ lives, have been made infinitely richer by adding destination retreats into MY offerings.


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Create the Freedom Lifestyle of Your Dreams & Travel the World with Your Family!


A Few Final Words….I hope this e-book has given you fabulous ideas to dream about – and more than that – take action on. Because if you love travel and transformation and want to make a big positive impact on your family’s life, then you need to be adding retreats to your business – no doubt about it!

As a mom and businesswoman, you have so much to give. Understanding that you have an obligation to share your gifts will have you more open to embracing new ways of sharing those gifts with your clients. And if creating transformational destination retreats sounds exciting to you – I couldn’t be happier!

If you’d like to learn more about creating lucrative destination retreats stay with us - our weekly newsletter will keep you up to date with all our upcoming programs, retreats, workshops, and live events!

Meghan’s StoryMeghan Gilroy launches heart-based entrepreneurs, coaches and healers into profitable online businesses that include transformational destination retreats. Both she and

her clients pinch themselves over their freedom-based lifestyle, delighting in traveling the world, changing lives and making a fabulous income!

Based in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, she is the (mostly) mindful mama to a pre-schooler, grade-schooler and grad student. Shrieks of delight erupt in her house anytime suitcases or passports are pulled out.

In addition to being a sought-after business coach and a powerful shamanic healer, Meghan is the co-director of a thriving business called Wanderlust Entrepreneur. She is known as one of the most sought after retreat strategists for coaches, facilitators and authors.