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This test will show you how to detect a  fungal infection, to

determine which specific  fungus  or fungi are present, and

to help guide treatment. Use this test if you suspect that

you have a skin or  systemic  fungal infection and after you

successfully complete the Fungus Destroyer Protocol.


Fungal infections  represent the invasion of tissues by one or

more species of fungi and range from superficial skin infections

to serious deep tissue, blood, lung or  systemic  diseases.

This test will detect the presence of superficial fungal infections

that may cause nail infections or itchy red scaly skin infections

such as those commonly known as athlete’s foot, jock itch,

and ringworm, or yeast infections that cause white patches in

the mouth (thrush) or vaginal itching and discharge.

Fungal tests are used to detect and identify fungi in order

to diagnose infections and help to guide treatment. In more

than 78% of cases, the Fungal Destroyer Protocol destroys the

fungal infection on the first pass. However, in cases of persistent

infections when a more definitive diagnosis is needed, it may

be necessary to go through the protocol more than once. Be

sure to perform this test after every time through.


The collected sample depends upon the suspected location(s)

of the infection. For superficial infections, the sample may

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include clipped or shaved nail or hair, scrapings of the skin,

vaginal secretions collected with a swab.

Fungal cultures are used to identify the specific fungi present.

Many fungi are slow-growing, so this test takes 5 days for

you to be sure of the results. 

Additional methods may be performed to promote fungi

growth in culture in order to more quickly detect a fungus

directly in the sample collected. 


A test should always be taken after you complete the

Fungus Destroyer Protocol. Also, take the test if you suspect

you are suffering from  a superficial fungus infection. The

test will help you to determine treatment options when you

are experiencing symptoms involving skin, nails, or mucous

membranes appear, for example:

f Itchy, red, scaly areas of skin

f Nails that are thickened, brittle, and/or deformed

f White patches in the mouth (thrush)

f Vaginal itching and discharge (yeast infection)


Interpretation of fungal tests and examinations the affected

area do not require experience in the study of  fungi. The

test has been designed so that your results can be carefully

considered by you, along with  signs  and  symptoms  along

with taking into consideration factors such as your medical

history and travel history.

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Types of Infections to Test

When it comes to superficial  fungal infections, you might

not be sure your problem is fungal. This test is a great

way to diagnose the cause of your symptoms combined

with a common sense physical examination. In addition to

general symptoms, many skin infections have characteristic

signs (such as the appearance of infected nails) and typical

locations on the body (such as athlete’s foot between

the toes). This home evaluation will definitively tell you if

a fungal microorganism  is causing your infection. If you

have a microscope on hand, it might be useful to do a

microscopic examination of the  culture  sample when the 5

days are up, just to be sure. By detecting and confirming

a fungal infection early on, you can save yourself some

discomfort and misery.

Some examples of superficial infections include:

f Yeast infections caused by Candida species

f Athlete’s foot

f Jock itch

f Scalp or hair infection

f Finger or toenail infection

f Ringworm

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In general, a negative test result means that there is no

fungal infection present and any further symptoms are likely

due to another cause. A negative test after a person has

been treated for a fungal infection means that the therapy

has been successful.

Positive results generally indicate that a fungus is still present.

A positive antigen test means that it is likely that the fungus

tested is the cause of the person’s infection.

An inconclusive test results when you see positive antibody

on both Q-tips samples. This is the result of the control

sample having exposure to a specific fungus, but it does not

indicate whether the exposure was recent or in the past. On

the other hand, the fungus could have come from anywhere.

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20 Second Fungus Test

To perform this test, you will need the following items:

f A box of Q-tips

f A bottle of rubbing alcohol

f A roll of paper towels

f 2 small drinking glasses

f A box large enough to hold both drinking glasses

20 Second Fungus Test

To perform 20 Second Fungus Test, perform the following steps: Be sure to perform this test within 2 days of

completing the Fungus Destroyer Protocol

1. Take a Q-tip and rub it against the area that you suspect is

displaying the outward signs of a fungal infection or the area

where the fungal infection was before it was cured by the

Fungus Destroyer Protocol. NOTE: Be sure to rub the Q-tip

for at least 10 seconds.

2. Take another Q-tip and dip it in rubbing alcohol.

3. Place 2 paper towels directly in the sun. Label them with the

words: “Fungus Test Sample” and “Alcohol Control Sample.”

4. Place both Q-tips on the paper towels making sure to place

each one with its corresponding label.

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5. Take both drinking glasses and rinse them with water so they

have a wet residue.

6. Place a wet glass upside down over each of the Q-tips, being

sure to place the end that was either rubbed on the infected

area or dipped in alcohol is at the center of the glass.

7. Cover the glasses with the cardboard box.

8. Wait 5 days and remove the cardboard box.

9. Inspect the Q-tips.


f If both Q-tips are completely white, the fungal infection

has been cured by the Fungus Destroyer Protocol and

no further treatment is needed.

f If there is discoloration on both Q-tips, then the test is

inconclusive. You can either perform 20 Second Fungus Test again or simply do another round of the Fungus

Destroyer Protocol.

f If the Fungus Test Sample Q-tip has any discoloration

and the control sample does not, then the fungal

infection has persisted and you will have to perform

another round of the Fungus Destroyer Protocol.

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Frequently Asked Questions


If a  fungus  is causing an infection is not present in sufficient

amount in a sample, a test might fail to detect and identify

the fungus may be  falsely negative.

For fungus testing on some infected individuals with

weakened immune systems, their infection might not be as

intense as it has to be in a person with a healthy immune

system. Therefore, early tests taken in these individuals often

produce false negative results.

Fungal infections  must frequently be distinguished from

infections caused by other  microorganisms, such as  bacteria.

In many severe fungal infection cases, an infection may have

both bacteria and fungi present.

The problem is that fungi thrive in moist environments,

such as inside sweaty shoes, constrictive clothing, at public

swimming pool and gym lockers, and in skin folds. You can

minimize fungal skin infections by wearing flip-flops or sandals

to limit direct exposure, by drying out shoes, changing socks

frequently, and keeping moist areas of the body clean and dry.

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Some  fungi  are found in distinct geographical regions, such

in the southwestern U.S. or midwestern U.S. If you have been

traveling around excavation or spelunking in caves, you may

have been exposed to fungal spores. This can be true, even if

travel was not recent. Lung infections caused by some fungi

may emerge months to even years after exposure.

Additionally, if you go to the gym at the same time every

week, you may be getting repeated exposure to a particular

fungus because the person who routinely sits and sweats

where you do has a fungal infection and they are not doing

anything about it. Try mixing up your routine a little bit and

see if that helps


Many of the  signs  and  symptoms  associated with fungal

lung infections could also be due to a  tuberculosis  infection.

Generally, a doctor would order tuberculosis testing (such as an  AFB smear and culture) to rule out a mycobacterial

infection as the cause of your symptoms. The organisms that

cause both conditions tend to be slow-growing – both in the

body and in the laboratory. If you have any doubts about what your doctor is thinking, take 20 Second Fungus Test and

see for yourself.

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Some may, but most will continue to persist without treatment.

Lung and  systemic  infections may grow progressively worse

and cause permanent tissue and organ damage even when

symptoms are not severe. Some deep infections are almost

uniformly fatal without treatment. If you suspect you have

a deep infection, begin the Fungus Destroyer Protocol



Yes. Even if you start feeling better in a short period of

time, you should follow the protocol’s recommendations.

While something like yeast infections may resolve within a

few hours, some  fungal infections may require weeks or even

months of consistent treatment.

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With all the serious health dangers out there, like cancer and diabetes, having a yellowed nail from toenail fungus can seem pretty insignificant. Since fungus usually isn’t painful, many people often put off seeking treatment. While many people are otherwise healthy and may just think of it as a cosmetic problem, ignoring a fungal infection could have health consequences beyond appearances.

Over time, a fungus infection can become thick and misshapen, causing pain. Sometimes untreated fungus can spread to the surrounding skin. This may result in a deep infection, a condition marked by itchy, red, cracked skin. he fungus can also spread to the genitals, where it becomes jock itch or a yeast infection. And nobody wants that.

Widespread infection is of particular concern for people with diabetes and other chronic conditions that weaken the immune system. If the fungus spreads to the skin and causes it to crack, bacteria can get in. This may cause cellulitis, a condition that produces swollen, red, tender skin and must be treated with antibiotics. In severe cases of cellulitis, the infection can enter the bloodstream and be deadly.

That’s why 20 Second Fungus Test is so important. If you

are dealing with fungal symptoms, it will tell you if you are infected with a fungus. If not, you will know that your problems lie elsewhere and that you have to find a different solution. In any case, this test provides you with valuable information on how to proceed in order to find relief. And I think we can all agree that that is a good thing.