discipline purnishment

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  • 8/10/2019 discipline purnishment


    Anh Tran 1

    Anh Tran

    Professor Marshall

    English 1302 (T-Th 11:30am-1:00pm)

    October 10, 2014

    Corporal Punishment in School

    Corporal punishment is one of the very controversial topics being discussed among

    educators nationwide because of the very serious influence on the development of the younger

    generation in the future. Besides, this is also very important to the development of a national.

    According to the Wikipedia, Corporal punishment is a form of physical punishment that

    involves the deliberate infliction of pain as retribution for an offence, or for the purpose of

    disciplining or reforming a wrongdoer, or to deter attitudes or behavior deemed unacceptable.

    In this case, corporal punishment refers to in schools. In the article Corporal Punishment Is

    Ineffective and Abusive by Melanie Barwick, the author points out some negative aspects of the

    corporal punishment at home but fail to consider this problem in school. Therefore, we have to

    analyze more clearly about this problem, especially in school to find out the causes and the


    Nowadays, students will immediately associate pain with what they would consider

    abuse. Thats why there are many students feel scared when they study in school. This makes

    them like studying at home more than studying with friends at school. Other students become

    heady and they do not want to obey to adult, especially their teacher or parents. This is

    particularly worrisome because they may become criminals in the future if they are not being

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    taught the right way. However, not all the penalties of teachers want to make students in pain

    or feel hurt. There is a quote in the article Corporal Punishment Is Ineffective and Abusive,

    Corporal punishment is the use of physical force with the intent of causing a child to

    experience pain but not injury for the purposes of correction or control of the child's behavior.

    Almost teachers love their students, even though take care students like their kids. On the

    other hands, some teachers abuse the using of corporal punishment for many different

    reasons; that is making this problem become more severe. In June last year, the workers

    newspapers published a news, there was a teacher for feeling so frustrating about many things

    of her family, then wreaking on a young girl by slapping her in the face when the teacher

    discovered the girl was talking to friends during school hours. That made the girl tinnitus for a

    long time and be afraid to go to school.

    One of the reasons that teachers often use corporal punishment to students that is pain

    has immediately results. When referring to school environment, everyone will think that is

    where the student can learn, cultivate knowledge, morality and ideology between teachers and

    students. Besides, that is also the healthy and environment, etc. However, in fact, it is not

    entirely like that. Recently, in some schools, the corporal punishment is happening in complex

    and diverse. Although in the United States there are still 19 states that have legalized physical

    punishment, some of the state is which it is illegal in public schools systems allow the practices

    in the private schools due to the fact that they make their own rules and enforce them. Many

    people think that it is wrong when teacher spank their student, and they consider that is abuse.

    On the other hands, there are many people think that applying corporal punishment is a good

    way to help students avoid bad habits. In the article Corporal Punishment Is Ineffective and

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    Abusive by Melanie Barwick, there is a quote The line between acceptable corporal

    punishment and dangerous physical abuse is usually drawn in the sand on a blustery day; there

    are no guidelines Yes, I think it is true because you have to draw the line between abuse and

    what is punishing your students but spanking students is not entirely abuse. Many schools

    sometimes use corporal punishment because it has immediate results. Adults have

    expectations for us and they feel that when a child did wrong physical punishment gave them

    reasoning and would teach them what not to do. (Krow, Shailynn) When students do

    something wrong and then they get the physical punishment for it from their teachers, they will

    quit because nobody wants to do the same actions that just caused them pain. Because of the

    nature of corporal punishment, most students who receive it will not do it again, afraid for

    further punishment. However, the main issue that people are concerned is sometime many

    teachers make the punishment unfair; They punish this race, or this sex more than the others,

    or this student is cuter than other students, which is wrong because everyone has the same

    opportunity and the same rules. Another thing is the older or stronger students will feel

    inhibited if they get more punishment than the others, so they may become cruel and like to

    bully other students. It is very dangerous if we let this thing happen because bullying is one of

    the top reasons causing increased crime rate of a country. There is an unfortunate case

    happened when I was in high school. This harrowing incident derived from applying the

    corporal punishment of the P.E teacher to a group of boys as they joke around during school

    hours. However, instead of punishing fairly for all students, the P.E teacher asked a boy who is

    tallest to push up more than the others. That thing made the student be inhibited and then,

    after the class ended, that student beat another student. Unluckily, that action of the tall

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    student accidentally made his friend bang head into the ground, and he died. After that, the

    teacher felt regret about his action I just wanted to punish them because I thought that this

    would be a good way to force them to obey immediately. I feel very sorry for this decision. The

    teacher said.

    Although the school does not have a responsibility to nurture and equip life skills and

    behavior for teachers, teachers have the responsibility to equip knowledge and skills for

    themselves. In ethical perspective, teachers must not only love, but also strict with students

    and with themselves. Teachers need to know that in the growing age, children and students

    cannot afford to completely aware of their actions are right or wrong. In the article The

    Advantages of Corporal Punishment in Schools | EHow by Krow, Shailynn, there is a quote The

    child acts out in classrooms and exhibits bad behavior because he does not know any better or

    he doesn't understand that there are consequences to certain actions. There fore, the

    phenomenon of violence, especially violence against children in schools is not acceptable

    whether in any form.

    Children are the future of the country, that's why teachers need to pay attention and

    care for them. Instead of applying corporal punishment, teachers should just talk to them to

    figure out what to do right or wrong. Maybe they will not hear you in the first time, but

    students will slowly realize that they themselves are wrong and then they will amend their

    personality or their actions.

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    Work Cited

    Barwick, Melanie. "Corporal Punishment Is Ineffective and Abusive." Parenting. Opposing

    Viewpoints. Web. 07 October. 2014.

    Krow, Shailynn. "The Advantages of Corporal Punishment in Schools | EHow." EHow. Demand

    Media, 03 Apr. 2011. Web. 07 October. 2014