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DEC/JAN/FEB 2017-18





Until All Know

Minister atChristmas


Next Generation



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PA G E 4

Measuring the Spiritual Well-Being of the Next GenerationPA G E 6

Top 10 Ways to Minister at ChristmasPA G E 8

Until All KnowPA G E 1 0

Radiant Life ThemesPA G E 1 2

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4 Discipleship Ideas · Fall 2017


Measuring the

Spiritual Well-Being of the Next Generation

There are usually only two things about visits to the doctor that every child loves and anticipates. One is the lollipop at the end of the visit and the other is the chance to stand straight and tall against the wall. Sick or well, most every child beams from ear to ear when they are asked to stand with their feet flat on the floor, shoulders back, and head up straight. Now, that is not just any wall. It’s the one with the measuring stick picture that usually includes a fun design of a very, very tall giraffe. The anticipation of hearing that familiar and always accurate statement, “you’ve grown since the last time I saw you” makes every child smile. Immediately, they want to see how much they grew.

Many things in life get measured when it comes to a child’s physical growth. The amount of hours of sleep,

outdoor play time or the quantity of green vegetables consumed all contribute to successful growth when it comes to standing straight and strong against the towering giraffe who comes alive on an otherwise sterile wall.

As we raise the next generation, it is about more, however, than ensuring they are physically healthy, tall and strong. As parents, pastors and Christian leaders, it is our task to ensure they grow to be spiritual giants. Some of the most asked questions I receive relate to successful children’s ministries resources on the market today and how to best measure our effectiveness at discipling the next generation. There are many factors that play into my weighted response. Time spent with God and His Word would be at the top of the measuring chart. Flashy curriculum with lots of activity

Nobody really likes going on those scheduled visits to the family

doctor. Rooms are sterile. Needles are big. It always smells funny.

And the rooms they put you in are usually way too small, with

never enough chairs, especially when children are along. Not

much is inviting about a necessary trip to the doctor.

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but little biblical content concerns me, as does teaching without time allotted for solid, interactive discussion. Young minds are filled with questions that do need answers—ones that align with God’s Word. Children need time to ponder Scripture verses and stories, to ask questions, to connect what God is saying in His Word with their everyday lives and the world events that are happening. They need to be taught how to study the Word, and they need to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to them.

We must structure our teaching times with open space for dialogue, extended prayer and the sharing of needs, time for questions to be answered, thoughts to be shared, and self-discovery as children unpack God’s Word and spend time in it. Discipleship is more than pushing through a lesson and hoping children get what is being taught. It is facilitating the time that a group of children spend together with God and His Word, and you as the teacher, so that the Holy Spirit can impart spiritual truths that go deep into young hearts. It is helping the next generation listen

for and recognize the voice of the Spirit so they can apply what God is saying to them. Their lives will reflect the character and nature of Christ when discipleship is not rushed, but is a journey led with prayer, care, purpose and intentionality.

So, what are some good categories on the measuring stick of success when it comes to children being discipled in the ways of the Lord? What defines the well-being of a young, healthy and strong follower of Christ? I challenge you to create a “Spiritual Well-Being Chart” in your church or home – one that’s not determined by height but rather by what gets exhibited for others to see. The list provided can help to guide you. You may wish to add some additional “measurements” of your own, always ensuring they line up with God’s Word and what His expectations are for His followers.

NATALIE ROGGE is a voice and advocate for the need to reach and disciple children in all she does. Natalie gives leadership nationally with The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada and also locally as children’s pastor at New Life Church in Milton, Ontario, where she and her husband have pastored for 25 years.

Create a Spiritual Well-Being Chart to help define the characteristics of a healthy and strong follower of Christ. Here are some ideas to get you started:

• Worships only God

• Forgives others

• Asks for forgiveness

• Loves others, in word and deed

• Committed to Jesus

• Prays continuously

• Is generous with time, talents, and treasures

• Works hard at not judging others

• Has a gentle spirit

• Shows grace to others

• Thoughtful and kind

• Loves life—genuine joy is evident

• Is humble, not boastful or proud

• Is a peacemaker

• Selfless, always putting others first

• Values and respects other people and their possessions

• Honors parents

• Honest—always tells the truth

• Puts God first, and honors the Sabbath

• Will not lie

• Encourages and supports others

• Does not gossip about others

• Shows self-control

• Is faithful and obedient to God

6 Discipleship Ideas · Fall 2017

1. Start an Angel Tree ministry. Your church can sponsor low-income children from a local school or day care. Or you may want to combine efforts with another church to bless even more children with much-needed clothing and other gifts.

2. Take casseroles or other reheatable meals to the elderly, needy, or people who have suffered a recent loss such as the death of a relative or financial crisis. Pick the group you want to minister to and go for it. The idea is to provide an easy-to-assemble Christmas dinner. Be sure to note any special dietary needs of recipients when planning the meals.

3. Lead your Sunday School class in making a project of purchasing warm blankets, sweaters, gloves, and socks.Then schedule a day to pass them out to the homeless at a local shelter or mission, along with a cup of hot coffee, chocolate, and sandwiches. This will share the love of Christ in a tangible way.

Top 10 Ways to Minister at

ChristmasPump up your Christmas ministry projects with these

ideas. There’s one main theme throughout all 10 ideas.

Can you guess what it is? Giving!


4. Adopt a family in your neighborhood and provide Christmas gifts. Find out specifics about the family so that you can address not just their needs but touch their hearts with your gifts. Prepare a holiday meal for the family. Make it first class from start to finish, beginning with creative personal invitations that will make the guests feel honored, not intimidated.

5. Go caroling. Leave gifts at the homes you visit. They should be practical such as gift cards to area restaurants, coupons that may be redeemed for groceries, food baskets, or coupons redeemable for services from church members: oil changes, lawn care, handyman jobs, etc. Be sure to include a Bible and some information about your church.

6. Cater a meal or special event for people who must work on Christmas Day. Policemen, firefighters, nurses, newspaper staff, etc. You could arrange to have people actually bring in food to the places of work. The group can set up the food area and clean up afterward. And don’t forget to sing a few carols while you’re there!

7. Adopt college students who have nowhere to go. Foreign students, low-income students who may not be able to return home for the holidays. Invite families to house students in their homes over the holidays and include them in meals and celebrations. Contact local colleges or even high schools to find students who need a place to stay or would just like to participate in a family’s Christmas dinner.

8. Have a multicultural, missions-centered Christmas dinner sponsored by your church. Invite people in your community to come and enjoy a meal that features Christmas recipes from all over the world. Choose one or two special missions projects your church can adopt and present the need during this event.

9. Honor soldiers and their families. Work with the families to make and send care packages specific to soldiers’ needs. Write special

Christmas cards thanking each family for their sacrifice, and contact each family to find out what needs the church can meet. Some ideas include practical services such as car maintenance and handyman tasks to help wives whose husbands are deployed.

10. Contact a local shelter to identify and fill a need they are facing. There are always opportunities to support your local food pantry, Boys & Girls Clubs, pregnancy care center, or Salvation Army. And not all needs are financial. Many places simply need people willing to donate an hour or two of their time to read to children or help dole out soup to those who are hungry.

8 Discipleship Ideas · Fall 2017


Imagine what it was like to live in a home where your parents or grandparents stood on the shore of the Red Sea when God parted the waters. I have read that up to 50,000 horsemen and 200,000 of Pharaoh’s foot soldiers were killed that day while millions of Hebrews were set free from human trafficking and walked toward freedom. The Israelites watched as mankind partnered with the divine to change the course of history. What a remarkable and truly unforgettable experience!

When Moses died, God chose Joshua to lead the people. One of my favorite descriptions of Joshua is recorded in Exodus 33:11: “Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man

speaks to his friend. When Moses turned again into the camp, his assistant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, would not depart from the tent” (ESV). When no one else was looking, Joshua remained in God’s presence.

God encouraged Joshua to be strong and courageous, as the task in front of him would require just as much faith and believe as in the days of Moses. Built on a mound seventy feet high, Joshua was fortified with double walls. The outer wall, based on archaeological evidence, was about twenty-six feet high and sat atop a retaining wall that was ten to fifteen feet high. It was six feet thick. At the top of the earthen embankment sat the inner wall, which was forty-six feet

Until All Know

Some things that

are unforgettable

can be forgotten.

{we will never forget}

MyHealthyChurch.com/RadiantLife 9

A lot of people look at the dry

spiritual climate of our world and

feel like revival won’t come again.

Throughout history, revivals have

always involved believers from

every generation. But what if the

next generation isn't ready to take

its place in history?

In Until All Know, Heath Adamson

asks, What spiritual seeds are you planting in those around you? Explore the importance of

discipling students to be:

• Gospel-Centered

• Spirit-Empowered

• Personally-Responsible

for the mission of God

As you journey now is the time to

prepare them to respond to the

movement of the Spirit and take

their place in His story.

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• 4-week sermon series

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• Social media graphics

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Visit UntilAllKnow.com to sign up for your FREE leader resources!

This article is excerpted from Until All Know by Heath Adamson. © Gospel Publishing House. All rights reserved.

above the ground. Joshua 6 records how the God who brought water from the rock in the desert tore down walls that no one could break. On the seventh day, as the Israelites marched around the city they saw the vast walls crumble. God gave the city into their hands. What a truly unforgettable experience!

Joshua led the Israelites to one victory after another. They continued to witness God’s provision and power. But some things that are unforgettable can be forgotten.

And the people served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders who outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great work that the Lord had done for Israel. And Joshua the son

It’s up to us to take the next

generation by the hand and walk together in full

awareness of the power of God.

of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died at the age of 110 years. And they buried him within the boundaries of his inheritance in Timnath-heres, in the hill country of Ephraim north of the mountain of Gaash. And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel” (Judges 2:7—10).

This is unthinkable! How does a child grow up in a home with parents or grandparents who had firsthand knowledge of the miracles and wonders God performed in the days of Moses and Joshua without knowing about God? The Bible says they “did not know the Lord.” This is a travesty! The most basic human right in the world is the right to know Jesus. It doesn’t stop there, though. It says they did not know “the work that [God] had done for Israel.” They didn’t know the story of the great Jericho walls falling down. They didn’t know the story of the Red Sea parting. They didn’t know the story of God’s grace in providing manna on the desert floor. And worst of all, they didn’t even know the miracle-working God behind all the miracles.

We stand on the edge of yet another generation of young people who must know God as well as His works. These two are inseparable: His works reveal His character. We know what it’s like to see God provide for our needs. We were there when He took an impossible situation and turned it around. We know His miracles and presence are as real and accessible as ever. That’s why it’s up to us to take the next generation by the hand and walk together in full awareness of the power of God. This is nothing new. At the epicenter of revival during the days of Azusa Street, a radical and prophetic community of people dared to know God and His works. Our church movement was born as a faith community out of an encounter with Him, and the next generation was already there.

HEATH ADAMSON is the senior director of the Assemblies of God Youth Ministries and author of The Bush Always Burns.

10 Discipleship Ideas · Fall 2017

Check out our Winter 2017–18 unit themes. Radiant Life curriculum provides a proven way to

systematically disciple and educate believers of all ages.

Nursery · 1yr Cycle

· Baby Jesus

· Jesus and the Sick Boy

· Jesus Loves Children

Primary · 3yr Cycle

· Jesus Comes to Earth

· Jesus Begins His Ministry

· Jesus Loves Sinners

High School ·4yr Cycle

· That’s Not Natural

· Go and Tell

· We’ve Got Issues

Kindergarten · 2yr Cycle

· Christmas Is Good News

· God’s Word

· God Loves Everyone

Young Teen · 3yr Cycle

· Message across Time

· Crisis Points

· The Battles of David

Toddlers & Twos · 2yr Cycle

· Jesus Is Born

· Jesus Helps Peter

· Jesus Tells about a Shepherd

· Jesus Loves Zacchaeus

Middler · 2yr Cycle

· God with Us

· God Helps Us

· God’s House

Young Adult · 7yr Cycle

· Kings of Judah

· The Christian Family

Preschool · 2yr Cycle

· Jesus Comes

· Jesus’ Ministry

· Jesus Loves Children

Beginning Explorers · 2yr Cycle

· Jesus Comes

· Jesus’ Ministry

· Jesus Loves Children

PreTeen · 2yr Cycle

· Responses to Jesus

· Attitudes and Actions

· Prayer

Adult · 7yr Cycle

· Kings of Judah

· The Christian Family


Primeros Pasos · Ciclo De Dos Años

· El nacimiento de Jesús

· El ministerio de Jesús

· Jesús ama a los niños

Mis Amigos · Ciclo De Tres Años

· Jesús viene a la tierra

· Jesús comienza su ministerio

· Jesús ama a los pecadores

El Explorador · Ciclo De Cuatro Años

· No es natural: milagros en la Biblia y hoy

· Ve y diles: el llamado al evangelismo personal

· Asuntos pendientes: sabiduría bíblica a problemas sociales

Tesoros Del Rey · Ciclo De Dos Años

· La Navidad

· La Palabra de Dios

· Dios ama a todos

El Compañero · Ciclo De Cuatro Años

· Dios con nosotros

· Dios me ayuda

· La casa de Dios

El Embajador · Ciclo De Cinco Años

· Los milagros bíblicos

· Cómo tratar los cambios en la vida

· Transformación Cristiana

El Maestro · Ciclo De Siete Años

· Los reyes de Judá

· La familia cristiana

Revise los títulos de nuestras unidades diciembre 2017 a febrero 2018. El currículo paralelo Radiant Life/Vida Nueva provee el mismo discipulado

de excelente calidad para alumnos de habla hispana de toda edad. Para una

descripcíon de cada unidad, visite www.MyHealthyChurch.com/VidaNueva si

necesita ver la tabla de esquemas temáticos de Vida Nueva.


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1445 N. Boonville Avenue

Springfield, MO 65802-1894


Item No. Description Prev. Qty. New Qty. Unit Price Total Price

Preschool Children’s Church (ages 3 through 6, not in 1st grade)

58LS1274Beginning Explorers Resource Packet(Leader Guide not included) 14.99

58LS1281 Beginning Explorers Leader Guide 7.49

60LS1212 Preschool Beginning Explorers Visuals 12.99

58LS1285 BE Coloring & Activity Book 1.99

19LS0126 Rusty & Raspberry Puppets 29.99

19LS7771 Sycamore Sam 14" Puppet 90.00

# Artículo Descripción Orden Anterior Nueva Orden Precio Total

Vida Nueva (edición septiembre 2017 a febrero 2018)

60LS2101 Párvulos: Primeros Pasos (Edades 3-4)Guía del Maestro y Visuales / Preschool Teacher Materials 8.49

60LS2103 Párvulos: Primeros PasosAlumno / Preschool Student Materials 2.29

61LS2111Principiantes:Tesoros del Rey (Edades 5-6)Guía del Maestro y Visuales / Kindergarten Teacher Materials 8.49

61LS2113 Principiantes:Tesoros del ReyAlumno / Kindergarten Student Materials 2.29

62LS2121 Primarios: Mis Amigos (Edades 7-9)Guía del Maestro y Visuales / Primary Teacher Materials 8.49

62LS2125 Primarios: Mis AmigosAlumno / Primary Student Materials 2.29

63LS2131 Intermedios: El Compañero (Edades 10-12)Guía del Maestro y Visuales / Middler Teacher Materials 8.49

63LS2133 Intermedios: El CompañeroAlumno / Middler Student Materials 2.29

65LS2151 Adolescentes: El Explorador (Edades 13-16)Guía del Maestro / High School Teacher Guide 4.49

65LS2153 Adolescentes: El ExploradorAlumno / High School Student Guide 2.29

66LS2161 Jóvenes: El Embajador (Edades 17-21)Guía del Maestro / Young Adults Teacher Guide 4.49

66LS2163 Jóvenes: El EmbajadorAlumno / Young Adults Student Guide 2.29

67LS2171 Adulto: El Maestro/RústicaAdult Teacher Guide / softcover 8.99

67LS2179 Adulto: El Maestro/TelaAdult Teacher Guide / hardcover 11.99

67LS2173 Adulto: La Guía AdultoAlumno / Adult Student Guide 2.49

67LS2175 Adulto: Folleto de Ayudas y RecursosAdult Resource Packet 13.99

Adulto: Para ordenar formato descargable del Folleto de Ayudas y Recursos, visite www.MyHealthyChurch.com/VidaNueva

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Nursery (birth through age 2)

08LS1996 Sunlight Kids Kit (kit contents online) 124.9902LS0389 ➥ Sunlight Kids Lesson Guides (Winter) 5.9728LS0542 ➥ Sunlight Kids Music CD 16.9919LS0240 ➥ Sunlight Kids Bible Visuals 19.9902LS0268 Sunlight Kids Student Activity Book 8.99

Toddlers & Twos (walking through age 2)

59LS1296 Toddlers & Twos Teacher Guide 7.4959LS1274 Toddlers & Twos Resource Packet 14.9959LS1295 Toddlers & Twos Coloring Book 2.9959LS1298 Toddlers & Twos Bible Treasures 3.99

Preschool (ages 3 and 4)

60LS1211 Preschool Teacher Guide 7.4960LS1212 Preschool/Beginning Explorers Visuals 12.99

60LS1216 Preschool Resource Packet 13.99

60LS1213 Preschool Handwork Packet 3.99

60LS1214 Preschool Bibletime Stories 3.99

Kindergarten (ages 5 and 6, not in 1st grade)

61LS1221 Kindergarten Teacher Guide 7.4961LS1222 Kindergarten Bible Visuals 12.9961LS1226 Kindergarten Resource Packet 13.9961LS1224 Kindergarten Handwork Packet 3.9961LS1223 Kindergarten Lesson Pages 3.9961LS1225 Kidz Adventures 3.99

Primary (ages 6 and 7, grades 1 and 2)

62LS1221 Primary Teacher Guide 7.4962LS1223 Primary Bible Visuals 12.9962LS1222 Primary Resource Packet 13.9962LS1224 Primary Handwork Packet 3.9962LS1227 Primary Lesson Pages 3.9962LS1228 Kidz World (Grades 1 & 2) 3.99

Middler (ages 8 and 9, grades 3 and 4)

64LS1241 Middler Teacher Guide 7.4964LS1242 Middler Resource Packet 13.9964LS1243 Middler Student Guide 4.1964LS1245 Action Tracks 3.99

Item No. Description Prev. Qty. New Qty. Unit Price Total Price

PreTeen (ages 10 and 11, grades 5 and 6)

63LS1242 PreTeen Teacher Guide 7.4963LS1243 PreTeen Resource Packet 13.9963LS1241 PreTeen Student Guide 4.1963LS1234 Bible Explorer 3.9902LS0142 Welcome to Holsom Pack 2 (#4-6) 3.99

Young Teen (Middle School/Junior High)

65LS1251 Young Teen Teacher Guide 7.4965LS1254 Young Teen Resource Packet 13.9965LS1253 Young Teen Student Guide 4.19

69LS3204 Take Five Plus25-99, 3.75 ea.; 100 or more, 3.40 ea. 3.99

High School66LS1261 High School Teacher Guide 7.4966LS1265 High School Resource Packet 13.9966LS1263 High School Spirit Student Guide 4.19

69LS3204 Take Five Plus25-99, 3.75 ea.; 100 or more, 3.40 ea. 3.99

Young Adult (Graduates & Professionals/GAP)

67LS0200 GAP Leaders Guide 6.8967LS0201 GAP Student Users Guide 3.79

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My Healthy Church

1445 N. Boonville Avenue

Springfield, MO 65802-1894


Item No. Description Prev. Qty. New Qty. Unit Price Total Price

Preschool Children’s Church (ages 3 through 6, not in 1st grade)

58LS1274Beginning Explorers Resource Packet(Leader Guide not included) 14.99

58LS1281 Beginning Explorers Leader Guide 7.49

60LS1212 Preschool Beginning Explorers Visuals 12.99

58LS1285 BE Coloring & Activity Book 1.99

19LS0126 Rusty & Raspberry Puppets 29.99

19LS7771 Sycamore Sam 14" Puppet 90.00

# Artículo Descripción Orden Anterior Nueva Orden Precio Total

Vida Nueva (edición septiembre 2017 a febrero 2018)

60LS2101 Párvulos: Primeros Pasos (Edades 3-4)Guía del Maestro y Visuales / Preschool Teacher Materials 8.49

60LS2103 Párvulos: Primeros PasosAlumno / Preschool Student Materials 2.29

61LS2111Principiantes:Tesoros del Rey (Edades 5-6)Guía del Maestro y Visuales / Kindergarten Teacher Materials 8.49

61LS2113 Principiantes:Tesoros del ReyAlumno / Kindergarten Student Materials 2.29

62LS2121 Primarios: Mis Amigos (Edades 7-9)Guía del Maestro y Visuales / Primary Teacher Materials 8.49

62LS2125 Primarios: Mis AmigosAlumno / Primary Student Materials 2.29

63LS2131 Intermedios: El Compañero (Edades 10-12)Guía del Maestro y Visuales / Middler Teacher Materials 8.49

63LS2133 Intermedios: El CompañeroAlumno / Middler Student Materials 2.29

65LS2151 Adolescentes: El Explorador (Edades 13-16)Guía del Maestro / High School Teacher Guide 4.49

65LS2153 Adolescentes: El ExploradorAlumno / High School Student Guide 2.29

66LS2161 Jóvenes: El Embajador (Edades 17-21)Guía del Maestro / Young Adults Teacher Guide 4.49

66LS2163 Jóvenes: El EmbajadorAlumno / Young Adults Student Guide 2.29

67LS2171 Adulto: El Maestro/RústicaAdult Teacher Guide / softcover 8.99

67LS2179 Adulto: El Maestro/TelaAdult Teacher Guide / hardcover 11.99

67LS2173 Adulto: La Guía AdultoAlumno / Adult Student Guide 2.49

67LS2175 Adulto: Folleto de Ayudas y RecursosAdult Resource Packet 13.99

Adulto: Para ordenar formato descargable del Folleto de Ayudas y Recursos, visite www.MyHealthyChurch.com/VidaNueva

Item No. Description Prev. Qty. New Qty. Unit Price Total Price

Nursery (birth through age 2)

08LS1996 Sunlight Kids Kit (kit contents online) 124.9902LS0389 ➥ Sunlight Kids Lesson Guides (Winter) 5.9728LS0542 ➥ Sunlight Kids Music CD 16.9919LS0240 ➥ Sunlight Kids Bible Visuals 19.9902LS0268 Sunlight Kids Student Activity Book 8.99

Toddlers & Twos (walking through age 2)

59LS1296 Toddlers & Twos Teacher Guide 7.4959LS1274 Toddlers & Twos Resource Packet 14.9959LS1295 Toddlers & Twos Coloring Book 2.9959LS1298 Toddlers & Twos Bible Treasures 3.99

Preschool (ages 3 and 4)

60LS1211 Preschool Teacher Guide 7.4960LS1212 Preschool/Beginning Explorers Visuals 12.99

60LS1216 Preschool Resource Packet 13.99

60LS1213 Preschool Handwork Packet 3.99

60LS1214 Preschool Bibletime Stories 3.99

Kindergarten (ages 5 and 6, not in 1st grade)

61LS1221 Kindergarten Teacher Guide 7.4961LS1222 Kindergarten Bible Visuals 12.9961LS1226 Kindergarten Resource Packet 13.9961LS1224 Kindergarten Handwork Packet 3.9961LS1223 Kindergarten Lesson Pages 3.9961LS1225 Kidz Adventures 3.99

Primary (ages 6 and 7, grades 1 and 2)

62LS1221 Primary Teacher Guide 7.4962LS1223 Primary Bible Visuals 12.9962LS1222 Primary Resource Packet 13.9962LS1224 Primary Handwork Packet 3.9962LS1227 Primary Lesson Pages 3.9962LS1228 Kidz World (Grades 1 & 2) 3.99

Middler (ages 8 and 9, grades 3 and 4)

64LS1241 Middler Teacher Guide 7.4964LS1242 Middler Resource Packet 13.9964LS1243 Middler Student Guide 4.1964LS1245 Action Tracks 3.99

Item No. Description Prev. Qty. New Qty. Unit Price Total Price

PreTeen (ages 10 and 11, grades 5 and 6)

63LS1242 PreTeen Teacher Guide 7.4963LS1243 PreTeen Resource Packet 13.9963LS1241 PreTeen Student Guide 4.1963LS1234 Bible Explorer 3.9902LS0142 Welcome to Holsom Pack 2 (#4-6) 3.99

Young Teen (Middle School/Junior High)

65LS1251 Young Teen Teacher Guide 7.4965LS1254 Young Teen Resource Packet 13.9965LS1253 Young Teen Student Guide 4.19

69LS3204 Take Five Plus25-99, 3.75 ea.; 100 or more, 3.40 ea. 3.99

High School66LS1261 High School Teacher Guide 7.4966LS1265 High School Resource Packet 13.9966LS1263 High School Spirit Student Guide 4.19

69LS3204 Take Five Plus25-99, 3.75 ea.; 100 or more, 3.40 ea. 3.99

Young Adult (Graduates & Professionals/GAP)

67LS0200 GAP Leaders Guide 6.8967LS0201 GAP Student Users Guide 3.79

Adult67LS1216 Adult Complete Curriculum Kit 29.9967LS1271 ➥ Adult Teacher Guide 7.4967LS1275 ➥ Adult Resource Packet 13.9967LS1273 ➥ Adult Student Guide 5.1967LS1274 ➥ Large Print Adult Student Guide 5.49

67LS1277 ➥ Adult Lesson Folder(abbreviated 4-page version of Student Guide for guests) 3.99

69LS3201 ➥ God’s Word for Today25-99, 3.75 ea.; 100 or more, 3.40 ea. 3.99

67LS1278 ➥ Live 3.9902LS1528 Adult Teacher V.5 Book FA ‘17–SU ‘18 21.9928LS1613 Adult Teacher V.5 CD-ROM FA ‘17–SU ‘18 10.4902LS1527 Adult Teacher V.5 Set FA ‘17–SU ‘18 29.4903LS1419 Evangelical Commentary 15.9903LS7984 Evangelical Commentary Large Print 19.9903LS7971 Evangelical Commentary Spanish 17.99


If you have questions, contactCustomer Relations at 1.855.642.2011.

PREVIOUS QUANTITYSee your quantities

from last quarter.

NEW QUANTITYIf necessary, adjust quantity for new quarter.

Quantities listed in the PREVIOUS QUANTITY column

reflect Fall 2017 orders.

Order Totals Total Page A Total Página A

Total Page B Total Página B

Total Page C Total Página C

Total Page D Total Página D

Postage Estimate Cobro de envíoaproximado

Grand Total Total

NOTE: Curriculum is not returnable for credit, so please plan purchases carefully.

Prices subject to change without notice. For expedited orders, additional charges may apply. International orders billed actual postage charges. Postage charged on all items.

NOTA: No se da crédito por devoluciones; planee cuidadosamente su compra.

Los precios pueden cambiar sin aviso. Podría haber un cobro adicional para acelerar el envío de un pedido. Para pedidos internacionales, se cobra el valor real de envío. Se cobra envío por todos los artículos.

Postage Charges Cobro de envio8-14 business days 8 a 14 días hábiles

$0.01–$24.99 $5.99 $25.00–$49.99 $6.99 $50.00–$99.99 $7.99 $100.00–$249.99 10% $250.00 and over 9%

Due to changes in carrier costs, shipping rates are subject to change.

El valor del envío está sujeto a cambio, conforme cambie la tarifa de nuestro transportador.

Order one per student

Order one per teacher

Music CD/software CD-ROM


Spanish resource available

Included in kit

While supplies last

Quantity discount available

WEB MyHealthyChurch.com/RadiantLife · PHONE 1.855.642.2011

FAX 1.877.840.5100 · INTL. PHONE 417.866.8014 · INTL. FAX 417.862.0414

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See page C for important shipping information.

See the full scope and sequence of lessons for every age level. Available in English and Spanish.


To order in Canada:PHONE 1.905.542.7400 EXT 4248 FAX 1.905.542.1624E-MAIL [email protected] WEB www.wordcom.ca

To order the digital download of the Adult Resource Packet, visit MyHealthyChurch.com/RadiantLife.


Description QuantityUnitPrice




38LS2587God’s Promise Came True Activity Book (Ages 3-6)

12 or more, 0.59 ea.0.69

38LS2586God’s Promise Came True Activity Book (Ages 7-11)

12 or more, 0.59 ea.0.69

38LS2535 Build-Your-Own Nativity Kit 12 or more, 0.79 ea. 0.99

38LS2536 Starry, Starry Night Book 0.99

38LS1856 Christmas Activity Magnet* 5 for 0.97

42LS7038 The Christmas Story Book 5 for 0.97

38LS9858 ’Twas the Night Before Christmas 59.99

26LS0386Buck Denver Asks ... Why Do We Call It Christmas? Church Edition 3 or more, 63.99 ea.


26LS0398Buck Denver Asks ... Why Do We Call It Christmas? Home Edition 10 or more, 10.99 ea.


Handbells08LS0282 Handbells 24.99

08LS0284 Handbells Music Set 1 with Handbells** 59.99

28LS0168 Handbells Music Set 1** 49.99

08LS0290 Handbells Music Set 2 with Handbells 59.99

28LS0208 Handbells Music Set 2 49.99

08LS0291 Handbells Music Set 3 with Handbells 59.99

28LS0209 Handbells Music Set 3 49.99

08LS0462 Handbells Music Set 4 with Handbells** 59.99

28LS1582 Handbells Music Set 4** 49.99


Description QuantityUnitPrice


Teacher Appreciation

38LS2555With Heartfelt Thanks Pen and Bookmark Set 12 or more, 2.09 ea.


38LS2556With Heartfelt Thanks Ceramic Mug and Devotion 12 or more, 5.49 ea.


38LS2557With Heartfelt Thanks Clipboard with Notepad 12 or more, 3.99 ea.


38LS2523You Make an Eternal Difference Pen and Bookmark Set


38LS2522 You Make an Eternal Difference Tote Bag 3.99


NumberDescription Quantity



Children’s Ministry

MEGA Sports Camp® For more information, visit www.MEGASportsCamp.com

33LS0480 MEGA Sports Camp® Conquer the Day Starter Kit 149.99

Fire Bible for Kids

02LS7760Fire Bible for Kids 21 Devotions for Boys

10-49 for 1.99 ea.; 50-99 for 1.50 ea.; 100+ for 1.25 ea.2.99

02LS7761Fire Bible for Kids 21 Devotions for Girls

10-49 for 1.99 ea.; 50-99 for 1.50 ea.; 100+ for 1.25 ea.2.99

01LS0847 Fire Bible for Kids NIV, Hardcover 32.99

01LS0848 Fire Bible for Kids NIV, Paperback 22.99

Kingstone Comics and Graphic Novels03LS8289 The Christ Graphic Novel 12.99

50LS0245 The Christ Graphic Novel, Spanish 16.99

03LS8240 The Christ, Vol. 1 3.99

50LS0241 The Christ, Vol. 1, Spanish 3.99

03LS8241 The Christ, Vol. 2 3.99

50LS0242 The Christ, Vol. 2, Spanish 3.99

03LS8242 The Christ, Vol. 3 3.99

50LS0243 The Christ, Vol. 3, Spanish 3.99

03LS8294 The Christ, Vol. 4 3.99

50LS0244 The Christ, Vol. 4, Spanish 3.99

03LS8301 The Christ, Vol. 5 3.99

02LS8102 The Christ, Vol. 5, Spanish 3.99


Description QuantityUnitPrice


Featured New Releases

02LS4222Strong Enough to Last 10-49 for 10.99 ea.; 50 or more, 7.79 ea.


02LS42236 Children’s Ministry Essentials 10-49 for 10.99 ea.; 50 or more, 7.79 ea.


02LS4224 Foundations of Children’s Evangelism 21.99

02LS4111 Talk Now and Later Small Group Kit 119.99

02LS4221 Power for Life 10-49 for 10.99 ea.; 50 or more, 7.79 ea. 12.99

02LS7460 Trending Up 10-49 for 10.99 ea.; 50 or more, 7.79 ea. 12.99

02LS7464Trending Up, Spanish 10-49 for 10.99 ea.; 50 or more, 7.79 ea.


02LS8080 Shattering the Stained Glass Ceiling 14.99

02LS4226 How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles 9.99

02LS4227 The Pentecostal Blessing 7.99

To ensure timely delivery, place your order early and allow 8-14 business days. For normal shipping, provide address where postal mail is delivered. Rush orders MUST have street address. May generate additional charges.



Record Forms and SuppliesRecord Forms and Supplies (Loose-Leaf System)07LS5322 Class Record (6-ply) 50 for 16.95 ea.; 100 for 28.95 ea. 25 for 9.95

07LS5342 Class Folder 2.99

07LS5325 Visitor Record (without carbons) 100 for 9.50 ea. 25 for 2.75

07LS5323 Summary Sheets (without carbons) 100 for 6.95

Other Record Systems and Supplies07LS5316 Loose-Leaf Record Sample Packet 1.95

07LS5318 Secretary’s Record Book 3.49

07LS5303 Class Record Book 1.99

07LS5412 Registro general de la Escuela Dominical 3.49

07LS5411 Escuela Dominical Registro de clase 2.29

07LS5308 Envelope for Class Book and Offering (Pack of 10) 2.99

07LS5312 Enrollment Card 50 for 3.95

07LS5314 Individual Record Slip (100 per pad) .85 pad

08LS5835 My Offering Envelope 2½ x 4¼"500 for 12.95 ea.; 1,000 for 22.50 ea.

100 for 2.95

08LS5830 My Offering Envelope 2¾ x 5"500 for 15.95 ea.; 1,000 for 28.45 ea. 100 for 3.45

07LS5390 Visitor’s Welcome Card 100 for 5.90

Visit MyHealthyChurch.com/Kingstone for the complete list.

Visit MyHealthyChurch.com/NewReleases to fi nd out more

about these and other new resources!

Visit MyHealthyChurch.com/Christmas for more ways to

celebrate Christmas in your church.

Visit MyHealthyChurch.com/Handbells to see the list of

songs available in each set.

Visit MyHealthyChurch.com/TeacherAppreciation for

more gifts to thank your teachers and volunteers.

Valentine’s Day

38LS2540Amazing Love Pen and Bookmark Gift Set

12 or more, 1.99 ea.2.49

38LS2541God’s Amazing Love “Maze” Pen 12 or more, 0.79 ea.


38LS2539God’s Love Amazes Me Foam Activity Kit

12 or more, 0.79 ea.0.99

19LS8059 God Loves You! Tract (Pack of 25) 2.99

19LS7862 God Loves You! Tract, Spanish (Pack of 25) 2.99

Visit MyHealthyChurch.com/ValentinesDay for more

resources to celebrate God’s love.

Visit MyHealthyChurch.com/Youth for more youth ministry resources.

Youth Ministry02LS4220 Until All Know 10-49 for 7.99 ea.; 50 or more, 5.00 ea. 12.99

02LS4225 Until All Know, Spanish 10-49 for 7.99 ea.; 50 or more, 5.00 ea.


02LS3152 The Word and the Spirit 9.99

02LS0160 The Word and the Spirit, Spanish 9.99

02LS8006 The Human Right Journey Small Group Kit 18.99

02LS7053 Believe for Greater Things Small Group Kit: Youth 27.99

02LS7054 Believe for Greater Things Study Guide: Youth 10 or more, 8.99 ea.


* While Supplies Last

**Contains Christmas songs


Description QuantityUnitPrice




38LS2587God’s Promise Came True Activity Book (Ages 3-6)

12 or more, 0.59 ea.0.69

38LS2586God’s Promise Came True Activity Book (Ages 7-11)

12 or more, 0.59 ea.0.69

38LS2535 Build-Your-Own Nativity Kit 12 or more, 0.79 ea. 0.99

38LS2536 Starry, Starry Night Book 0.99

38LS1856 Christmas Activity Magnet* 5 for 0.97

42LS7038 The Christmas Story Book 5 for 0.97

38LS9858 ’Twas the Night Before Christmas 59.99

26LS0386Buck Denver Asks ... Why Do We Call It Christmas? Church Edition 3 or more, 63.99 ea.


26LS0398Buck Denver Asks ... Why Do We Call It Christmas? Home Edition 10 or more, 10.99 ea.


Handbells08LS0282 Handbells 24.99

08LS0284 Handbells Music Set 1 with Handbells** 59.99

28LS0168 Handbells Music Set 1** 49.99

08LS0290 Handbells Music Set 2 with Handbells 59.99

28LS0208 Handbells Music Set 2 49.99

08LS0291 Handbells Music Set 3 with Handbells 59.99

28LS0209 Handbells Music Set 3 49.99

08LS0462 Handbells Music Set 4 with Handbells** 59.99

28LS1582 Handbells Music Set 4** 49.99


Description QuantityUnitPrice


Teacher Appreciation

38LS2555With Heartfelt Thanks Pen and Bookmark Set 12 or more, 2.09 ea.


38LS2556With Heartfelt Thanks Ceramic Mug and Devotion 12 or more, 5.49 ea.


38LS2557With Heartfelt Thanks Clipboard with Notepad 12 or more, 3.99 ea.


38LS2523You Make an Eternal Difference Pen and Bookmark Set


38LS2522 You Make an Eternal Difference Tote Bag 3.99


NumberDescription Quantity



Children’s Ministry

MEGA Sports Camp® For more information, visit www.MEGASportsCamp.com

33LS0480 MEGA Sports Camp® Conquer the Day Starter Kit 149.99

Fire Bible for Kids

02LS7760Fire Bible for Kids 21 Devotions for Boys

10-49 for 1.99 ea.; 50-99 for 1.50 ea.; 100+ for 1.25 ea.2.99

02LS7761Fire Bible for Kids 21 Devotions for Girls

10-49 for 1.99 ea.; 50-99 for 1.50 ea.; 100+ for 1.25 ea.2.99

01LS0847 Fire Bible for Kids NIV, Hardcover 32.99

01LS0848 Fire Bible for Kids NIV, Paperback 22.99

Kingstone Comics and Graphic Novels03LS8289 The Christ Graphic Novel 12.99

50LS0245 The Christ Graphic Novel, Spanish 16.99

03LS8240 The Christ, Vol. 1 3.99

50LS0241 The Christ, Vol. 1, Spanish 3.99

03LS8241 The Christ, Vol. 2 3.99

50LS0242 The Christ, Vol. 2, Spanish 3.99

03LS8242 The Christ, Vol. 3 3.99

50LS0243 The Christ, Vol. 3, Spanish 3.99

03LS8294 The Christ, Vol. 4 3.99

50LS0244 The Christ, Vol. 4, Spanish 3.99

03LS8301 The Christ, Vol. 5 3.99

02LS8102 The Christ, Vol. 5, Spanish 3.99


Description QuantityUnitPrice


Featured New Releases

02LS4222Strong Enough to Last 10-49 for 10.99 ea.; 50 or more, 7.79 ea.


02LS42236 Children’s Ministry Essentials 10-49 for 10.99 ea.; 50 or more, 7.79 ea.


02LS4224 Foundations of Children’s Evangelism 21.99

02LS4111 Talk Now and Later Small Group Kit 119.99

02LS4221 Power for Life 10-49 for 10.99 ea.; 50 or more, 7.79 ea. 12.99

02LS7460 Trending Up 10-49 for 10.99 ea.; 50 or more, 7.79 ea. 12.99

02LS7464Trending Up, Spanish 10-49 for 10.99 ea.; 50 or more, 7.79 ea.


02LS8080 Shattering the Stained Glass Ceiling 14.99

02LS4226 How Pentecost Came to Los Angeles 9.99

02LS4227 The Pentecostal Blessing 7.99

To ensure timely delivery, place your order early and allow 8-14 business days. For normal shipping, provide address where postal mail is delivered. Rush orders MUST have street address. May generate additional charges.



Record Forms and SuppliesRecord Forms and Supplies (Loose-Leaf System)07LS5322 Class Record (6-ply) 50 for 16.95 ea.; 100 for 28.95 ea. 25 for 9.95

07LS5342 Class Folder 2.99

07LS5325 Visitor Record (without carbons) 100 for 9.50 ea. 25 for 2.75

07LS5323 Summary Sheets (without carbons) 100 for 6.95

Other Record Systems and Supplies07LS5316 Loose-Leaf Record Sample Packet 1.95

07LS5318 Secretary’s Record Book 3.49

07LS5303 Class Record Book 1.99

07LS5412 Registro general de la Escuela Dominical 3.49

07LS5411 Escuela Dominical Registro de clase 2.29

07LS5308 Envelope for Class Book and Offering (Pack of 10) 2.99

07LS5312 Enrollment Card 50 for 3.95

07LS5314 Individual Record Slip (100 per pad) .85 pad

08LS5835 My Offering Envelope 2½ x 4¼"500 for 12.95 ea.; 1,000 for 22.50 ea.

100 for 2.95

08LS5830 My Offering Envelope 2¾ x 5"500 for 15.95 ea.; 1,000 for 28.45 ea. 100 for 3.45

07LS5390 Visitor’s Welcome Card 100 for 5.90

Visit MyHealthyChurch.com/Kingstone for the complete list.

Visit MyHealthyChurch.com/NewReleases to fi nd out more

about these and other new resources!

Visit MyHealthyChurch.com/Christmas for more ways to

celebrate Christmas in your church.

Visit MyHealthyChurch.com/Handbells to see the list of

songs available in each set.

Visit MyHealthyChurch.com/TeacherAppreciation for

more gifts to thank your teachers and volunteers.

Valentine’s Day

38LS2540Amazing Love Pen and Bookmark Gift Set

12 or more, 1.99 ea.2.49

38LS2541God’s Amazing Love “Maze” Pen 12 or more, 0.79 ea.


38LS2539God’s Love Amazes Me Foam Activity Kit

12 or more, 0.79 ea.0.99

19LS8059 God Loves You! Tract (Pack of 25) 2.99

19LS7862 God Loves You! Tract, Spanish (Pack of 25) 2.99

Visit MyHealthyChurch.com/ValentinesDay for more

resources to celebrate God’s love.

Visit MyHealthyChurch.com/Youth for more youth ministry resources.

Youth Ministry02LS4220 Until All Know 10-49 for 7.99 ea.; 50 or more, 5.00 ea. 12.99

02LS4225 Until All Know, Spanish 10-49 for 7.99 ea.; 50 or more, 5.00 ea.


02LS3152 The Word and the Spirit 9.99

02LS0160 The Word and the Spirit, Spanish 9.99

02LS8006 The Human Right Journey Small Group Kit 18.99

02LS7053 Believe for Greater Things Small Group Kit: Youth 27.99

02LS7054 Believe for Greater Things Study Guide: Youth 10 or more, 8.99 ea.


* While Supplies Last

**Contains Christmas songs

Create a Christmas program that’s

easy for you and fun for kids. Our

simple, user-friendly music cards

and accompaniment CD make it

easy for anyone to direct a handbell

choir—no experience required!

Christmas songs featured in Handbell Music Sets 1 and 4.

1.855.642.2011 • MyHealthyChurch.com

with a joyful noise!

Celebrate Christmas
