Disability Services Commission Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIPs) and State Govt Contracts

Disability Services Commission Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIPs) and State Govt Contracts

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Page 1: Disability Services Commission Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIPs) and State Govt Contracts

Disability Services Commission

Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIPs)

and State Govt Contracts

Page 2: Disability Services Commission Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIPs) and State Govt Contracts

Disability Services Commission

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP)

• As required by the Disability Services Act 1993 (amended 2004) a DAIP outlines how public authorities will make their services, buildings and information accessible for people with disabilities.

• Since 1996 public authorities have implemented Disability Services Plans and DAIPs now build on these original plans.

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Disability Services Commission

DAIP support

The Disability Services Commission has provided:

• 14 training sessions throughout the State;

• DAIP resource manual and a model DAIP to assist agencies develop their DAIP; and

• Ongoing support from Principal Officers to agencies.

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Disability Services Commission

Legislation supporting access

• Disability Services Act (1993) Amended 1999 and 2004

• WA Equal Opportunity Act (1984) Amended 1988

• Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act (1992)

Page 5: Disability Services Commission Disability Access and Inclusion Plans (DAIPs) and State Govt Contracts

Disability Services Commission

DAIP desired outcomes

DAIPs progress six outcomes, that people with disabilities have access to a public authority’s:

1. services and events;

2. buildings and other facilities;

3. information;

4. same level and quality of service (through

appropriately aware staff);

5. complaint mechanisms; and

6. consultations.

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Disability Services Commission

DAIP access activities undertaken by public authorities

Outcome 1 - Access services and events.

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Disability Services Commission

Ballajura Community College

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Disability Services Commission

WA Police Service

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Disability Services Commission

DAIP access activities undertaken by public authorities

Outcome 2 - Access buildings and other facilities.

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Disability Services Commission

City of Gosnells

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Disability Services Commission

DAIP access activities undertaken by public authorities

3.Access information.

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Disability Services Commission

Department of Environment and Conservation (formerly CALM)

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Disability Services Commission

DAIP access activities undertaken by public authorities

4.Same level and quality of service through appropriately aware staff.

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Disability Services Commission

Subiaco Primary School

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Disability Services Commission

Desired outcomes for DAIPs

5.Access complaints processes.

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Disability Services Commission



Improve staff knowledge so they can receive complaints from people with a disability.

Ensure that current grievance mechanisms are accessible for people with disabilities.

Examples include:

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Disability Services Commission

Desired outcomes for DAIPs

6.Access public consultations.

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Disability Services Commission



Improve service users’ awareness about consultation processes in place.

Improve access for people with disabilities to the established consultative processes.

Examples include:

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Disability Services Commission

Lodgement of DAIPs

Public authorities are currently developing DAIPs and will lodge them with the Disability Services Commission by 31 July 2007.

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Disability Services Commission

DAIP requirements for State Government agencies

“Take all practicable measures to implement the DAIP by its officers, employees, agents or contractors”; andReport to the Disability Services Commission each year on DAIP implementation progress, including progress by agents and contractors, and strategies used to inform agents and contractors about the DAIP.

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Disability Services Commission

DAIP requirements and contractors

When a public authority uses agents and contractors to provide a service to the public, those activities must be undertaken in an accessible manner.

Contractors will undertake their service consistent with DAIP outcomes relevant to their service.

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Disability Services Commission

The Special Condition

The State Solicitor’s Office has developed a special condition of contract to be inserted into tender documents to clarify DAIP requirements.Through the special condition contractors will:• implement the public authority’s DAIP; and

• provide a report to the public authority each year on the extent to which they have progressed the DAIP’s implementation.

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Disability Services Commission

The Special Condition


[Note: This clause should only be used if the Customer is required to have a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan under the Disability Services Act 1993.]


If the Contract involves the supply of Services to the public, then the successful Respondent will:

(i) to the extent practicable, implement the Customer's "Disability Access and Inclusion Plan" prepared under the Disability Services Act 1993; and

(ii) provide a report to the Customer by [ ] in each year of the Contract Term reporting on the extent to which the successful Respondent has implemented the Customer's Disability Access And Inclusion Plan.

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Disability Services Commission

The Special Condition applies to:

• New contracts or contract variations (including reassessment of ‘preferred provider’ status); and

• Contracts for the provision of services to the public operating under the Department of Treasury and Finance framework and the State Supply Commission’s funding and purchasing human services policy.

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Disability Services Commission

The Special Condition does not apply to:

Contracts where the agency is the only recipient of the services e.g. cleaning services, rewiring of office telephones etc.

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Disability Services Commission

DAIP requirements and contractors

Agents and contractors do not have to develop a DAIP but are to:

• conduct their business in a manner consistent with the public authority’s DAIP.

Public authorities are to:• promote their DAIP to contractors; and• report once a year on the DAIP

implementation, including progress by contractors.

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Disability Services Commission

Examples of access activities by contractors

• Choosing an accessible venue for events;

• Providing clear access in corridors and doorways free of boxes and other obstructions;

• Using printed text in a dark colour to significantly contrast with the background;

• Providing disability awareness training for staff Accepting complaints in a variety of formats; and

• Using different consultation strategies when dealing with the public.

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Disability Services Commission

DAIP reporting by agencies to the Commission

• Strategies to inform agents and contractors of the DAIP;

• Total number of contractors providing a service to the public;

• Total number of contractors that are progressing the DAIP (whether this is the progression of one DAIP outcome or many); and

• For each outcome area, the number of contractors progressing that outcome.

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Disability Services Commission

Contractors submit a report about DAIP outcomes supported

DAIP outcome Activities

1. People with disabilities have the same opportunities as other people to access services and events.

2. People with disabilities have the same opportunities as other people to access buildings and other facilities

3. People with disabilities receive information in a format that will enable them to access information as readily as other people are able to access it.

4. People with disabilities receive the same level and quality of service from staff as other people receive.

5. People with disabilities have the same opportunities as other people to make complaints.

6. People with disabilities have the same opportunities as other people to participate in any public consultation.

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Disability Services Commission

Stages of DAIP Reporting

Contractor – once a year, provides State Govt agency Contract Manager with a brief list of access activities undertaken to support the agency’s DAIP.

Contract Managers (under both the DTF and SSC framework) – once a year, provide the State Govt agency’s DAIP contact officer with the number of contractors that are undertaking access activities for each DAIP outcome area.

Agency’s DAIP contact officer – once a year, drafts the agency’s DAIP Progress Report for the Disability Services Commission, including contracting information.

Disability Services Commission - aggregates the DAIP Progress Reports of all State Government agencies and provides a statewide report to the Minister for Disability Services. Minister then tables report in Parliament.

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Disability Services Commission

Resources available

In addition to the written resources, $750,000 will be available later in the year for NGOs to analyse what they must do to bring their current service provision into alignment with their principal’s DAIP.

For example, funding could be used to develop organisational processes and broadly address elements of the desired DAIP outcomes.

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Disability Services Commission

Resources available

Principal Officers in the Commission’s Community Access and Information Branch can assist you with DAIP queries.

DAIP specific information, including electronic copies of the DAIP resource manual and agents and contractors information, is available at www.dsc.wa.gov.au