z Sunday z October 18, 2020 4 DISTRICTS DISCLAIMER “STATE TIMES” does not take responsibility for the contents of the advertisements (Display/Classified) carried in this newspaper. The paper does not endorse the same. Readers are requested to verify the contents on their own before acting there upon.” STATE TIMES NEWS POONCH: J&K Pradesh Youth Congress staged a protest against the property law passed in the Parliament by BJP led government at Poonch Headquarters, where dozens of people and youth leaders marked their presence by raising slogans against the central dispensa- tion and termed the proper- ty law as black law for entire community. The protest was led by J&K Youth Congress President Poonch Fiaz Diwan, Assembly Co-coordi- nator Poonch Shahid Ahmed and District Vice President Sajad Khaki. While showing resentment over the law passed by BJP led government, Fiaz Diwan, President JKAYC said that these laws are going to cause the collapse of the system of whole state. Because of the interference of the centre, the states have to lose their constitutional rights. He further added that "these laws has pushed the people of Jammu and Kashmir into a critical situ- ation. If the ordinance had been in favour of the people the government would have discussed and revealed the contents of the law to the nation. These Acts will mean complete withdrawal of the Government from procurement and put people . Talking to reporters, Shahid Ahmed said that the Modi government's decision of demonetization, its faulty implementation of GST and the inept handling of the COVID-19 situation and lockdown have "destroyed" the country's economic struc- ture. "When Narendra Modi became the prime minister, he promised the youth of the country that he will give jobs to 2 crore youths every year. He sold a dream, but the reality is that 14 crore people have become unemployed due to the policies of Narendra Modi," Khaki alleged. "Because of wrong policies of Modi government, demon- etisation, faulty implementa- tion of GST and then lock- down have destroyed the eco- nomic structure of the coun- try and the truth now is that India cannot give employ- ment to its youth," Sajad Khaki said. Those who spoke were Layqet Kalis Assembly Working President, Mohd Akram Distt Gen Secretary Poonch, Shahnawaz Khawaja Block President Loran, Sajad Mir, Mohd Modi Govt destroyed country’s economic structure: Congress Congress workers staging protest at Poonch. STATE TIMES NEWS BHADARWAH: After keep- ing them out of bound for last 8 months in view of out- break of novel Corona Virus, much to the delight of devotees, the doors of ancient Mahakali and Maa Chandi Temples were opened for visitors on the auspicious occasion of 1st Navratra in Bhadarwah, while directions to follow all SOPs and Guidelines issued by Government and admin- istration. The much awaited Navaratri celebrations began here at the ancient Mahakali and Maa Chandi temple on Saturday. Devotees from Bhadarwah and it's peripheral areas started gathering from early morning at the ancient temple located at the hilltop in famous Bhadarwah Fort, to offer special prayers at the inaugural of the celebra- tions. On this auspicious occa- sion, Kalasastapa and hawan rituals followed by Puran-Aahoti and Bhandara (Community food) marked the beginning of the nine-day-long event in traditional way. Beside several groups of pilgrims from different parts of Bhadarwah Valley and elsewhere, the main Charri(Holly Mace) was taken from Atal Garh led by religious preacher Satya Devi Manhas. A devotee, Neeraj Singh Manhas of Atalgarh Bhadarwah said that due to COVID-19 threat, we cele- brated Navratras falling in March at our homes but now after some relaxation, we are here after a span of 8 months to take blessings of Mahakali. Mahakali temple situated in Bhadarwah fort is one of the most revered and oldest temple of the region build by the then King of Chamba, Himachal Pradesh, as at that time Bhadarwah was not a part of Jammu and Kashmir but was ruled by Chamba dynasty. A large number of devotees also thronged Maa Chandi Temple Chinote. "We have reached here early in the morning to seek the blessings of goddess. Although I am here for the first time but i was mesmer- ized to see ancient Idol of the holly diety and my gut feeling is that all our wishes will be answered here today," said a female devo- tee, Ronika Rajput of Radio Station Bhadarwah. To keep check on the fol- lowing of SOPs and Guidelines, beside to control the rush of devotees and to thwart any untoward inci- dent, elaborate security arrangements were made by the Additional District administration Bhadarwah by deploying troops of JKP, JKAP and CRPF. SDPO Bhadarwah Abdul Gafoor said that on the direction of seniors, we have deployed adequate security arrangements in and around all the temples where day functions and night Jagrans are being organised during Navratra festival. COVID-19: Ancient Mahakali, Maa Chandi Temples opened for devotees after 8 months Pooja being performed in a temple in Bhadarwah. INCENTIVES AVAILABLE FOR POST HARVEST MANAGEMENT UNDER VARIOUS DEPARTMENTAL SCHEMES OF HORTICULTURE SECTOR It is for the information of the concerned that under different schemes of Horticulture, assistance on fol- lowing components (Integrated Post Harvest Management) can be availed during the current financial year. The application form along with relevant documents (strictly as per check list) for availing assistance under any of the above component/activity can be submitted in the office of undersigned. The checklist of required documents can be downloaded from website www.hortijmu-jk.gov.in. Principle of first come first serve shall be applied in case more applications are received. For further details, entrepreneurs may contact on 9419261097 and 9419131943 during working hours. DIP/J-6000/20 Sd/- Dated: 17-10-2020 Director Horticulture, Jammu S.NO. NAME OF THE COMPONENT COST NORMS PATTERN OF ASSISTANCE 1 Pack House Rs.4.00 Lakh per unit with size of 9M x 6M 50% of the Capital Cost Max Rs 2.00 Lakhs 2 Integrated Pack House with facili- ties for conveyer Belt, Sorting, Grading Units, Washing, Drying and Weighing Rs.50.00 Lakh per unit with size of 9M x18M Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50% of cost. Max Rs 25.00 Lakhs 3 Pre-cooling Unit Rs.25.00 Lakh per unit with capacity of 6MT. Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50% of cost Max Rs 12.50 Lakhs 4 Cold room (Staging) Rs.15.00 lakh per unit of 30 MT capacity Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50% of cost Max Rs 7.50 Lakhs 5 Mobile Pre-cooling unit Rs 25.00 lakh Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50% of cost Max Rs 12.50 Lakhs 6 Cold Storage (Construction, Expansion and Modernization) i) Cold storage units Type 1- basic mezzanine structure with large chamber (of> 250MT) type with single temperature zone Rs.8000/MT (max 5000 MT capacity) Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50% of cost Max Rs 200.00 Lakhs ii) Cold Storage Unit Type 2- PEB structure for multiple tempera- ture and product use, more than 6 chambers (of <250 MT) and basic material handling equipment. Rs.10000/MT (max 5000 MT capacity) Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50% of cost Max Rs 250.00 Lakhs (MIDH) Additional Rs.725.00 Lakhs for 5000 MT (CAPEX) iii) Cold storage Unit Type 2- with add on technology for controlled Atmosphere Additional Rs.10,000/MT for add- on components of con- trolled atmosphere technology. Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50% of cost Max Rs 250.00 Lakhs (MIDH) Additional Rs.725.00 Lakhs for 5000 MT (CAPEX) 7 Refrigerated Transport vehicles Rs.26.00 lakh for 9MT and prorata basis for lesser capacity, but not below 4 MT Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50% of cost (MIDH) Max Rs 13.00 Lakhs and interest subven- tion for five years (CAPEX) 8 Primary/Mobile/ Minimal Processing Unit Rs.25.00 lakh /unit Credit linked back-ended subsidy @55% of the capital of project Max Rs 13.75 Lakhs 9 Ripening Chamber Rs 1.00 lakh/unit Credit linked back ended subsidy @ 50% of cost for a maximum of 300MT per beneficiary Max Rs 150.00 Lakhs 10 Preservation unit (Low Cost) Rs.2.00Lakh per unit for new unit and Rs.1.00 lakh per unit for up-gradation 50% of the total cost Maximium Rs 1.00 Lakhs (New Unit) Rs 0.50 Lakh (old unit) 11 Food Processing Units Rs.800 lakh/unit Credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 50% of cost Max Rs 400.00 Lakhs 12 Low Cost Onion Storage Structure (25MT) Rs 1.75 Lakh per unit 50% of the total cost Max Rs 0.875 Lakhs 13 Walnut Processing Unit Rs.800 Lakhs per unit Credit linked back ended subsidy @ 50% of cost (MIDH) and interest subvention for five years (CAPEX) UNION TERRITORY OF JAMMU & KASHMIR DIRECTORATE OF HORTICULTURE Gole Pully, Talab-Tillo, Jammu (Email ID: [email protected] Phone No. 0191-2505781) Jammu Women Credit Cooperative Ltd frames Adhoc body STATE TIMES NEWS VIJAYPUR : A meeting of delegates of Jammu Women Credit Cooperative Ltd. Was held at Vijaypur under the chairmanship of Ex- Chairperson Kailash Verma. The special guests were Labba Ram Gandhi and Deepak Pagotra - President MC, Vijaypur. Kailash Verma told that the general body meeting of delegates has been called and have framed the Adhoc committee of Jammu Women Credit Cooperative Ltd. Which include Kailash Verma, Nirmal Sambyal , Kanchan Sharma , R.K Suri, Rajkarni, Raj Bakhshi , Sato Dev, Kailash Verma. She told that soon the elec- tions will be held, the board of directors and Chairperson will be elected which will govern Jammu Women Credit Cooperative Ltd. She told that about 120 branches are func- tional in the entire Jammu Division. The mission of The Jammu Women Credit Cooperative is to provide Micro Loan to the needy women who are interested to set up their units for earning livelihood. STATE TIMES NEWS REASI: On World Food Day, Director Horticulture Jammu Ram Sevak started the programmes at Dansal after paying obeisance at Kol Kandoli Mata Shrine on the way, reached Jankha village and inter- acted with women at ICDS Center. He discussed important schemes of the department and stressed that con- sumption of fruit is impor- tant in daily diets as no diets is completes without fruits. He announced that every woman participating in the programme will be provid- ed four plants on 90 per cent subsidy so as boost production of fruits for homes consumption. He also announced that 30 women will be provided fruit preservation training and later will be provided Rs 1 lakh as subsided to the interested groups or individual for establish- ment of small scale preser- vation units where pickles, jams, preserves, squashes etc can be made. He later visited another ICDS Center Shurtah vil- lage where addressing gathering women he dis- cussed all majors schemes of department. He elabo- rated that for providing Irrigation facilities in the farm subsidy of about Rs. 90,000 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh can be provided as per fea- sibility. Programme was also attended by BDC Chairperson, Sarpanch concerned, CDPO Dansal, Chief Canning instructor Jammu, Chief Horticulture Officer Jammu, Pomologist, Entomologist and Horticulture Development Officer of Horticulture Department Jammu. Director Horticulture discusses various schemes of department Director Horticulture Jammu Ram Sevak planting a sapling. STATE TIMES NEWS UDHAMPUR: PHE Employees United Front held a bare chest protest at PHE station Barrian Udhampur, under the Chairmanship of Som Nath Senior Trade Union Leader Jammu Province, shouting the slogan against the UT Government, in the protest. Som Nath strongly criti- cized the attitude of the UT Government as Kam Shodo Hartal entered in 22nd day and Government showed non-seriousness about the strike and ling long to solve the genuine demands of the PHE workers. "All type of PHE daily wager workers serving in the department since 20-25 years with full dedication in full year, but wages they have received for one or two months only in a year" Nath said adding that for the year 2014-2017, no wages were paid to the workers, 2018 one month, 2019 one month. It was highlighted in the protest that regular policy should be framed immedi- ately, all pending wages should be cleared and regu- lar wages should be paid to the workers in future and immediately revoke the order for submission of 12 Boucher Rader. It was decided in the protest that until all the issues were not settled by the Government, Kam Shodo Hartal will be continue. They appealed LG Manoj Kumar Sinha to personally intervene into the matter and solve the issues in favour of the workers so they can work for department with full ded- ication. Som Nath Senior Trade Union Leader Jammu Province, appealed to work- ers be unite and stand for the fulfillment of genuine demands. Those who spoke on the occasion were Rajinder Sharma, Ajay Samarya, Kulbushan Bhat, Bantu, Sanjay Kumar, Madan Lal, Rattan and Arun, Sat Paul. PHE workers protest bare chest to highlight demands PHE workers staging protest at Udhampur. STATE TIMES NEWS KISHTWAR: Additional Deputy Commissioner, Pawan Parihar, who is also the CEO Kishtwar Development Authority (KDA) today inspected the ongoing Swachta Abhiyan lauched here at the historical Chowgan ground. The Swachta Abhiyan has been launched by KDA ahead of the commencement of the "My Town My Pride"programme which is going to be held on the 19th and 20th October 2020, informed the ADC. He further said that on the direction of during the two days senior officers are going to visit each dis- trict including district Kishtwar to redress the grievances of locals of urban areas . He appealed the masses to actively participate in the upcom- ing event and make it a grand success like the recently held Back to Village-edition 3 programme in the rural areas. ADC Kishtwar takes stock of Swacchta Abhiyan at Chowgan Ground STATE TIMES NEWS UDHAMPUR: A rank pin- ning ceremony of the newly promoted Assistant Sub Inspectors of Executive Police was held at SKPA Udhampur in which Dr. S.D Singh, IGP, Director SKPA Udhampur and Danesh Rana, IGP Armed/ IRP Zone Jammu (Chairman Examination Board of Prob. DySsP and Prob. SIs) pinned the ranks to newly promoted ASIs of SKPA Udhampur. The newly promoted offi- cers included ASI Jagdev Singh, ASI Rajinder Singh, ASI Zarina Malik and ASI Raghbir Singh of SKPA Udhampur. Faisal Qureshi, JKPS (SSP) Asstt. Director (Admn.), Ramesh Kataria, Administrative Officer, K. K Sharma, DySP (Q) and other officers of SKPA were pres- ent on the occasion. Dr. Jamwal congratulated all the newly promoted officers and advised them to work with enthusiasm and highest degree of dedication. He emphasized that the promotion not only upgrades the working status in the police department, but also adds more responsibilities and challenges in their new working field. He wished them good luck for a bright future career. Director SKPApins ranks to newly promoted officers Director SKPA, Dr. S.D Singh, pinning rank to a newly promoted officer. STATE TIMES NEWS REASI: Under the 'Jan Andolan' campaign launched by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to promote appropriate Covid-19 behav- iour, a COVID -19 pledge was taken by all regular and contractual employees of Salal Power Station . Keeping up with the com- mitment of being a socially responsible organisation in fighting against COVID-19, Head of Salal Power Station N. Ram administered COVID -19 Pledge to all the employees of Salal Power Station. On this occasion, N. Ram, stated that everyone in Salal Power Station is committed to being vigilant and follow the key message of the cam- paign - 'Wear Mask, follow physical distancing, main- tain hand hygiene'. He urged all the employees to collec- tively work towards encour- aging and motivating others around them to follow the key COVID-19 appropriate behaviours. On this occa- sion, Head of Power Station N Ram called upon everyone to be vigilant to prevent the spread of corona virus and informed about the ongoing activities against Covid-19 by Salal Power Station. Salal Power Station pledges to defeat coronavirus Salal officials taking pledge at Reasi. STATE TIMES NEWS POONCH: Legal Metrology Department Poonch today imposed a fine of Rs. 50000 on a Steel Products manufac- turing firm for charging and promoting extra GST over and above printed MRP on non-standard packs which is not only a penal Offence under Consumer Protection Laws but also under Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011. Assistant Controller, Kewal Krishan said that a case was registered against the firm after a routine Departmental inspection team detected that the general interest of con- sumers was being compro- mised and the purchasers were made to pay over and above MRP (Inclusive of all taxes) on some sealed packs of hardware which were offered for sale in the market carrying declarations of MRP with extra GST. He said as per provisions of Law, no amount over and above Maximum Retail Price (MRP) can be charged as the MRP itself is inclusive of all kinds of taxes including GS. Earlier, the firm was booked and taken to task by issuing legal notice for grossly violat- ing law and promoting deal- ers in open market adopting anti-consumer practices by charging over and above MRP on the pretext of Extra GST. The defaulting party admitted to the lapses and requested the depart- ment for compounding of the offence. The Assistant Controller on written submis- sion compounded the case and realized an amount of Rs.50000 into the govern- ment exchequer. LMD recovers Rs 50,000 fine from steel manufacturing firm for overcharging STATE TIMES NEWS REASI: District Development Commissioner Reasi, Indu Kanwal Chib, convened a meeting to dis- cuss and finalise the modal- ities regarding the upcom- ing 'My Town My Pride pro- gramme' to be held on 19th and 20th October in all the Municipal committees and Municipal councils of the district. The meeting was attended by ADC, Rajinder Kumar Sharma; ACR Reasi Sanjay Badyal and other concerned officers of the District Reasi. The District Development Commissioner said that 'My Town My Pride' has been launched by the LG admin- istration to further empow- er and strengthen the framework of the Urban Local Bodies and the 2-day programme will include closer review of their func- tioning besides taking up mobilisation of funds towards developmental activities in addition to the public outreach. Indu Kanwal emphanised that the two-day long flag- ship programme 'My Town My Pride' for the Urban areas shall be conducted on the lines of Back to Village programme during which camps would be set up to listen to their grievances and to provide them a num- ber of Government services at their doorsteps. She also asked the con- cerned officers to ensure that all the SOPs guidelines are followed while carrying out different activities relat- ed to the programme to avoid the risk of COVID19 infection. My Town, My Pride: DDC Reasi discusses modalities for urban outreach programme

Director Horticulture discusses various schemes of department...Poonch, Shahnawaz Khawaja Block President Loran, Sajad Mir, Mohd Modi Govt destroyed country’s economic structure:

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  • Sunday October 18, 20204 DISTRICTS


    does not take responsibility for thecontents of the advertisements

    (Display/Classified)carried in this

    newspaper. The paper does notendorse the same. Readers arerequested to verify the contents ontheir own before acting there upon.”

    STATE TIMES NEWS POONCH: J&K PradeshYouth Congress staged aprotest against the propertylaw passed in the Parliamentby BJP led government atPoonch Headquarters,where dozens of people andyouth leaders marked theirpresence by raising slogansagainst the central dispensa-tion and termed the proper-ty law as black law for entirecommunity.

    The protest was led byJ&K Youth CongressPresident Poonch FiazDiwan, Assembly Co-coordi-nator Poonch Shahid Ahmedand District Vice PresidentSajad Khaki.

    While showing resentment

    over the law passed by BJPled government, FiazDiwan, President JKAYCsaid that these laws aregoing to cause the collapseof the system of whole state.Because of the interferenceof the centre, the states haveto lose their constitutionalrights.

    He further added that"these laws has pushed thepeople of Jammu andKashmir into a critical situ-ation. If the ordinance hadbeen in favour of the peoplethe government would havediscussed and revealed thecontents of the law to thenation. These Acts willmean complete withdrawalof the Government from

    procurement and put people.

    Talking to reporters,Shahid Ahmed said that theModi government's decisionof demonetization, its faultyimplementation of GST andthe inept handling of theCOVID-19 situation andlockdown have "destroyed"the country's economic struc-ture.

    "When Narendra Modibecame the prime minister,he promised the youth of thecountry that he will give jobsto 2 crore youths every year.He sold a dream, but thereality is that 14 crore peoplehave become unemployed dueto the policies of NarendraModi," Khaki alleged.

    "Because of wrong policiesof Modi government, demon-etisation, faulty implementa-tion of GST and then lock-down have destroyed the eco-nomic structure of the coun-try and the truth now is thatIndia cannot give employ-ment to its youth," SajadKhaki said.

    Those who spoke wereLayqet Kalis AssemblyWorking President, MohdAkram Distt Gen SecretaryPoonch, ShahnawazKhawaja Block PresidentLoran, Sajad Mir, Mohd

    Modi Govt destroyed country’seconomic structure: Congress

    Congress workers staging protest at Poonch.

    STATE TIMES NEWSBHADARWAH: After keep-ing them out of bound forlast 8 months in view of out-break of novel CoronaVirus, much to the delightof devotees, the doors ofancient Mahakali and MaaChandi Temples wereopened for visitors on theauspicious occasion of 1stNavratra in Bhadarwah,while directions to follow allSOPs and Guidelines issuedby Government and admin-istration.

    The much awaitedNavaratri celebrationsbegan here at the ancientMahakali and Maa Chanditemple on Saturday.

    Devotees from Bhadarwahand it's peripheral areasstarted gathering fromearly morning at the ancienttemple located at the hilltopin famous Bhadarwah Fort,to offer special prayers atthe inaugural of the celebra-tions.

    On this auspicious occa-sion, Kalasastapa andhawan rituals followed byPuran-Aahoti and

    Bhandara (Communityfood) marked the beginningof the nine-day-long event intraditional way.

    Beside several groups ofpilgrims from differentparts of Bhadarwah Valleyand elsewhere, the mainCharri(Holly Mace) wastaken from Atal Garh led byreligious preacher SatyaDevi Manhas.

    A devotee, Neeraj SinghManhas of AtalgarhBhadarwah said that due toCOVID-19 threat, we cele-brated Navratras falling in

    March at our homes butnow after some relaxation,we are here after a span of 8months to take blessings ofMahakali. Mahakali templesituated in Bhadarwah fortis one of the most reveredand oldest temple of theregion build by the thenKing of Chamba, HimachalPradesh, as at that timeBhadarwah was not a partof Jammu and Kashmir butwas ruled by Chambadynasty.

    A large number ofdevotees also thronged Maa

    Chandi Temple Chinote."We have reached here earlyin the morning to seek theblessings of goddess.Although I am here for thefirst time but i was mesmer-ized to see ancient Idol ofthe holly diety and my gutfeeling is that all our wisheswill be answered heretoday," said a female devo-tee, Ronika Rajput of RadioStation Bhadarwah.

    To keep check on the fol-lowing of SOPs andGuidelines, beside to controlthe rush of devotees and tothwart any untoward inci-dent, elaborate securityarrangements were made bythe Additional Districtadministration Bhadarwahby deploying troops of JKP,JKAP and CRPF.

    SDPO BhadarwahAbdul Gafoor said that onthe direction of seniors, wehave deployed adequatesecurity arrangements inand around all the templeswhere day functions andnight Jagrans are beingorganised during Navratrafestival.

    COVID-19: Ancient Mahakali, Maa ChandiTemples opened for devotees after 8 months

    Pooja being performed in a temple in Bhadarwah.


    It is for the information of the concerned that under different schemes of Horticulture, assistance on fol-lowing components (Integrated Post Harvest Management) can be availed during the current financial year.

    The application form along with relevant documents (strictly as per check list) for availing assistanceunder any of the above component/activity can be submitted in the office of undersigned. The checklist ofrequired documents can be downloaded from website www.hortijmu-jk.gov.in.

    Principle of first come first serve shall be applied in case more applications are received. For furtherdetails, entrepreneurs may contact on 9419261097 and 9419131943 during working hours.

    DIP/J-6000/20 Sd/-Dated: 17-10-2020 Director Horticulture,



    with size of 9M x 6M50% of the Capital Cost Max Rs2.00 Lakhs

    2 Integrated Pack House with facili-ties for conveyer Belt, Sorting,Grading Units, Washing, Dryingand Weighing

    Rs.50.00 Lakh per unitwith size of 9M x18M

    Credit linked back-ended subsidy@ 50% of cost.Max Rs 25.00 Lakhs

    3 Pre-cooling Unit Rs.25.00 Lakh per unitwith capacity of 6MT.

    Credit linked back-ended subsidy@ 50% of cost Max Rs 12.50Lakhs

    4 Cold room (Staging) Rs.15.00 lakh per unitof 30 MT capacity

    Credit linked back-ended subsidy@ 50% of cost Max Rs 7.50 Lakhs

    5 Mobile Pre-cooling unit Rs 25.00 lakh Credit linked back-ended subsidy@ 50% of cost Max Rs 12.50Lakhs

    6 Cold Storage (Construction, Expansion andModernization) i) Cold storage units Type 1- basicmezzanine structure with largechamber (of> 250MT) type withsingle temperature zone

    Rs.8000/MT (max 5000MT capacity)

    Credit linked back-ended subsidy@ 50% of cost Max Rs 200.00Lakhs

    ii) Cold Storage Unit Type 2-PEB structure for multiple tempera-ture and product use, more than 6chambers (of /JPEG2000ColorACSImageDict > /JPEG2000ColorImageDict > /AntiAliasGrayImages false /CropGrayImages true /GrayImageMinResolution 300 /GrayImageMinResolutionPolicy /OK /DownsampleGrayImages true /GrayImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /GrayImageResolution 300 /GrayImageDepth -1 /GrayImageMinDownsampleDepth 2 /GrayImageDownsampleThreshold 1.50000 /EncodeGrayImages true /GrayImageFilter /DCTEncode /AutoFilterGrayImages true /GrayImageAutoFilterStrategy /JPEG /GrayACSImageDict > /GrayImageDict > /JPEG2000GrayACSImageDict > /JPEG2000GrayImageDict > /AntiAliasMonoImages false /CropMonoImages true /MonoImageMinResolution 1200 /MonoImageMinResolutionPolicy /OK /DownsampleMonoImages true /MonoImageDownsampleType /Bicubic /MonoImageResolution 1200 /MonoImageDepth -1 /MonoImageDownsampleThreshold 1.50000 /EncodeMonoImages true /MonoImageFilter /CCITTFaxEncode /MonoImageDict > /AllowPSXObjects false /CheckCompliance [ /None ] /PDFX1aCheck false /PDFX3Check false /PDFXCompliantPDFOnly false /PDFXNoTrimBoxError true /PDFXTrimBoxToMediaBoxOffset [ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ] /PDFXSetBleedBoxToMediaBox true /PDFXBleedBoxToTrimBoxOffset [ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 ] /PDFXOutputIntentProfile () /PDFXOutputConditionIdentifier () /PDFXOutputCondition () /PDFXRegistryName () /PDFXTrapped /False

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