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Local tourist guide for the Campo de Gibraltar

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Classified Pages21. Business & Professional

22. Leisure23. Accommodation

26. Property, Sales & Rentals30. Home Interiors

33. Map - La Linea Centre34. Map - Plaza de la Iglesia La Linea

32. Construction & Home Maintenance36. Animals37. Services

40. Fashion & Shopping43. Style & Beauty care45. Health Care47. Exercise & Dance

06. Videola Review67. Puzzles68. Places of Interest

48. Tapas Guide & Translations 51. Bars & Clubs52. Cafes & Confectionery55. Wine Review56. Restaurant Guide61. Take Away Guide

direct magazineTel. +34 627 585677

[email protected]

8. Bamboo Cafe a great place in the centre of town

10. Flamenco Nights at El Molino del Conde in Castellar

12. Original blends of spices in Bar Taurino

13. Celebrity Skin at Gina's Hair & Beauty Unisex Salon

14. Gibraltar Businesses Guide

16. Gibraltar Ocean Village Map & Businesses Guide

24. D.K. Curtains & L A Facilities Ltd expand their services

28. A style of life relaxed and refined at La Rueca

38. Tornasol Cafe, Internet services, games, books, etc...

42. Bizzybodies presents Men on Mats

44. Skiing & Snowboarding Advice from SPC

46. New Classes at Ruff 'n' Tumble in Pueblo Nuevo

54. La Marina Restaurant 3rd year in Michelin Guide

62. Bodeguita Garciolo offering you more choice

63. Real country food & good service at Venta Jarandilla

64. Walk - Rio Arillo

65. Birds - Dunlin, Sanderling & Little Stint

66. Castellar: Rural, Cultural & Golf Tourism

71. Two Cities united by History San Roque & Gibraltar


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The Duchess - Keira Knightley, Ralph Fiennes

Body of Lies - Leonardo DiCaprio, Russel Crowe

Ghost Town - Ricky Gervais, Téa Leoni, Greg Kinnear

La DuquesaBasada en la obra biográfica escrita por Amanda Foreman sobre la duquesa de Devonshire, aristócrata extravagante, derrochadora y promiscua, con una vida llena de intrigas políticas y románticas.

Like her direct descendent Princess Diana, Georgina Duchess of Devonshire was a glamorous royal, much loved by the public. While her attractiveness and charm afforded her popularity, the intelligent and vulnerable Duchess was trapped within a loveless marriage to one of the country’s richest men. Rebelling against the establishment, Georgina became active campaigner for the liberal party and in turn, romantically involved with Earl Grey, leading her through tragedy, self-discovery and redemption.

Though this thriller is the fourth collaboration between Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe, it marks the veteran director’s first pairing with Leonardo DiCaprio. In this adaptation of a novel by David Ignatius, DiCaprio plays a CIA agent who wants the help of a more experienced agent (Crowe) in his investigation of a Jordanian terrorist.

Red de MentirasRoger Ferris (Leonardo DiCaprio) es el mejor agente de campo del que dispone el

Servicio de Inteligencia de los Estados Unidos en lugares donde una vida humana vale tanto como la información que puede proporcionarte. En diferentes operaciones que le llevan por todo el mundo, la vida de Ferris depende a menudo de la voz que escucha

al otro lado de una línea de teléfono segura, el veterano de la CIA Ed Hoffman.

Deadpan hilarity and quirky charm come alive in Ghost Town, starring Britain’s favourite comedian Ricky Gervais (The Office) as social reject Bertram Pincus. Emmy award winner and seven times Bafta winner Gervais proves his Hollywood worth in this transatlantic feel good love story about a man, a woman and a ghost. Pincus is a New York City dentist with horrendous people skills. When a routine surgery goes awry, Pincus is pronounced dead, but is miraculously revived seven minutes later.

¡Me ha caído el muerto! Un dentista muere durante unos segundos durante una operación dental rutinaria. A partir de ese momento, tiene la habilidad de ver a gente muerta que le pide ayuda para contactar con los vivos.

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Bamboo café would like to accompany you throughout the day, offering you from delicious breakfasts to a drink amongst friends within a relaxed and different atmosphere.You can’t go without trying our English pastries; muffins, brownies, cookies, and doughnuts, you won’t regret it. We also have a tasty selection of cakes, croissants and baguettes accompanied with a great coffee, espresso, latte or why not try one of our fruit milkshakes.There are two rooms so you can decide which ambience you prefer, intimate and relaxed or cosy and familiar.We also have WIFI zone throughout the café.We await your visit on Calle del Sol, next to the church square, right in the middle of town, we couldn’t make it any easier for you.So you know where to find Bamboo, right in the middle of town, so there is no excuse not to visit. See you soon!

Bamboo café quiere acompañarte durante todo el día ofreciéndote desde un delicioso desayuno hasta una copa entre amigos en un ambiente relajado y diferente.No puedes dejar de probar su repostería inglesa, muffins, brownies, cookies y donuts, que no te dejaran indiferente, además de sus deliciosas tartas, croissants y baguettes. Acompáñalos con un buen café, expresso, café Latte, o un delicioso batido de frutas.Dispone de dos salones donde podrás decidir el ambiente que te apetece disfrutar en cada momento, intimo y relajado o acogedor y familiar. Además disponemos de zona WIFI en todo el local. Estamos esperándote en la calle del Sol, junto a la plaza de la iglesia, en pleno centro de La Línea, no lo puedes tener más fácil para visitarnos. Hasta prontoCalle Sol 44, La Linea

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The old Molino del Conde (The Count’s Mill) with recorded

references dating back to the XVII century, has been transformed into a group of buildings devoted to the enjoyment of the wonders of Andalusian gastronomy, a place where authentic settings and traditional cuisine join in perfect harmony.

This old flour mill and bakery, worked by the waters of the Arroyo Dulce, has been part of the Condado de Castellar (Castellar County) for four centuries, a title which is nowadays owned by the Casa Ducal de Medinaceli.

It was the privilege of Señorío de Castellar de la Frontera to grind wheat in this mill, both for the consumption of the Count himself and for the villagers, who were to pay for it in the form of

“maquila” (an old system of paying with flour). Today, after careful restoration, we can offer in either of our two dining-rooms, with open fireplaces and a cosy atmosphere, our delicious traditional Mediterranean gastronomy. We have chosen some of the dishes that represent a wide and significant range of Andalusian food.

El Antiguo Molino del Conde cuyas referencias documentadas datan del siglo XVII es actualmente un espacio dedicado al recreo

gastronómico en el que intentamos compaginar un tipo de cocina tradicional con un auténtico sabor autóctono.

Este Molino harinero y antigua Tahona impulsado por el agua del Arroyo Dulce ha formado parte desde hace cuatro siglos del Condado de Castellar, título que actualmente ostenta la casa Ducal de Medinaceli.

Privilegio concedido al Señorío de Castellar de la Frontera era el de moler grano en este molino, bien el perteneciente al conde, bien el de los propios vecinos mediante la antigua fórmula comercial de la

“Maquila” (pago con parte de la propia harina).

Hoy, después de una cuidadosa rehabilitación, podemos ofrecer en cualquiera de nuestros dos comidores y al abrigo del hogar de las chimeneas o si el tiempo lo permite, en nuestro patio, la desgustación de nuestra cocina mediterránea tradicional de la que hemos recogido algunos de los platos que componen el amplio abanico de la cocina andaluza.

También le ofrecemos la posibilidad de realizar todo tipo de celebraciones en el Jardín bajo las carpas que hemos dispuesto para esta clase de eventos.

Todos los viernes a paritr de las 21h Flamenco, a la luz de las velas, en la Taberna de Tapas del Molino del Conde.

The old grinding area is now a typical Andalusian bar (mesón) where one can try cured meats, cheese and other delicacies such as smoked foods, or simply have a drink in a cosy atmosphere. In summer, or weather permitting, you can enjoy the cool of the evening on our patio whilst your meal is being prepared on our charcoal grill.

In the garden, underneath our awning, we can also offer you the possibility of organising and celebrating any kind of events.

Come and enjoy our Flamenco nights- every Friday from 9pm.

Full pack includes drinks during the performance in the tavern, dinner in the mill’s dining room and transport in minibuses (min 4 pers) all for 55€

Ctra. Algeciras - Ronda Km. 82,5, Castellar de la Frontera. Tel: 956 236063 - 679 587389www.elmolinodelconde.comwww.elmolinodelconde.es

El Molino del Conde


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“The changing face of a restaurant“


How To ACHieve THe sKin Complexion oF THe sTARs?Does your skin deserve more, the Hollywood skin look, well GinA’s HAiR & BeAUTY have the solution and present to you the first corporal treatment based on mineral magnetotherapy, the skin all the Hollywood stars are boasting on the red carpet.

The formula incorporates diamond dust and gives all the benefits of gem-therapy.

¿CÓMO CONSEGUIR UNA PIEL DE CINE?Tu piel se merece un tratamiento de cine y GinA’s HAiR & BeAUTY tiene el placer de presentarle en primicia un tratamiento corporal basado en la magnoterapia mineral, del cual disfrutan las estrellas de Hollywood.

Su fórmula incorpora polvo de diamantes y todos los beneficios de la gemoterapia.

Disfruta de él y experimenta una piel purificada, espectacular y libre de estress.¡Y BRillA Como UnA esTRellA!

Para que su rostro brille igual que su cuerpo ¿Por qué no un facial que haga de su piel una joya? Le ofrecemos un Tratamiento Global Anti-edad, un exclusivo tratamiento facial creado para satisfacer las necesidades de la piel mas exigente.

sus resultados:Efecto tensor inmediatoEfecto lifting Bio-regenerador de larga duraciónRedibujando y Remodelando el óvalo facialReducción de las lineas de expresión y las arrugasVisible aumento de la Lozanía y Jugosidad cutaneaDisminución de los Signos de CansancioObtención de una Agradable sensación de confortMejora la Textura de la piel, sintiendose suave, tersa y aterciopelada.

Enjoy it and experience a purified, spectacular and stress-free skin. Glow liKe THe sTARs!

Make your face glow the same as your body, why can’t a facial make your skin feel like a jewel? We are offering you a Global Anti-aging Treatment, an exclusive facial treatment created to satisfy the needs of the most demanding skins.

The Results:Immediate tense effectLifting Bio-regenerator effect and long lastingRedefining and Remodelling the facial ovalReduction of fine lines & wrinklesMagnifying vision of a Vigorous and Juicy skin Diminishing Signs of TirednessObtain a Pleasant comfort sensationImprove your skin texture, feeling smooth, tight and velvety

The Art of the GastronomyArabic cuisine unites a style of refined vegetables and fruits, naturally ripened by the sun, fragrant spices and perfumes and combines them with tasty fish and meats…

The finest of oriental cuisines, famous all over the world.

Our main Arabic dishes for you to try at “Bar Taurino” are the Meat kebabs, a variety of pasties, Harira, Tagines, and Cus-cus, with an ample selection of vegetarian dishes. For desserts; try our Moroccan Tea, with mint or spearmint, and a wide variety of traditional Arabic pastries and confectionary.

All the dishes are prepared daily on the premises with the best quality, fresh ingredients.

El Arte de la Gastronomía

La cocina árabe reúne de un modo refinado las legumbres y los frutos impregnados de sol, especias extraordinarias y perfumadas, pescados y carnes sabrosas…

La mejor de las cocinas orientales, famosa en el mundo entero.

He aquí los principales platos árabes, que debe usted probar sin falta en nuestro “Bar Taurino”Pinchitos morunos, Pástelas variadas, Harira, Tajines, Cus-cus y un amplio menú vegetariano. Postres: Te con Hierbabuena y a la menta, y un gran surtido de dulces árabes.

Comida casera hecha con ingredientes frescas y de buena calidad.

C/ Clavel 82, La Linea - Tel: 956 173252

Take Away / Comida para llevarOpen from Tues to Sun:

Abierto de Lunes a Domingo: 12.30 to 16h & 20h to 00.00h

Specialising in Lamb Kebabs& Arabic food

Especialidad enPinchitos de Cordero y

Comida Arabe

Best quality: back from a successful culinary exhibition in

Turkey, Mohamed Mustafa brings us his authentic shish kebabs

made with twelve oriental spices.

Alto aquí: ha llegado Mohamed Mustafa con sus auténticos pinchitos morunos, hechas

con doce especias orientales y fueron un triunfo en la

exposición culinaria en Turquía

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Healing HomesOut with the old in with the new ……..

Are you fed up of feeling cold in your home?Do you have dampness coming through your walls? Or is it from the floor or roof?

Would you like under floor heating?Would you like smooth plastered walls?

Perhaps your property needs refurbishing or extending?Have you considered solar as a source of supplying your hot water and heating?

Does your home satisfy your family’s needs and are you making the best of the space available?

For a free survey and advice call Emma Surgenor at Rose & Thistle Constructionon 666 806 591 or e-mail: [email protected]

We can offer a complete service with easy to understand contracts in English from planning to a high quality furnished product. We offer our clients a fast, efficient and professional service.

Full references available.




Are you changing or upgrading your premises?Do you require more power or Air Conditioning?Are your new offices or homes cleaned to your requirements?Are your facilities in good order?Can you get help quickly if you need it?

Have you considered placing your facilities in the hands of a small yet highly experienced English business with over 30 years in the trade who would be readily on call and fully committed to providing you with a full and personal service and who have identified a need in industry and commerce for a quality company which would honour its obligations and contractual commitments and ensure that all operations carried out by the company would be of the highest quality?

With constant emphasis on quality, L A Facilities Management Ltd undertakes PLUMBING and ELECTRICAL WORKS, together with BUILDING SERVICES MAINTENANCE, AIR CONDITIONING,



Whether it’s just replacing Light Bulbs, Replacing Tap Washers, Repairing Leaks or Complete Installations we specialise in providing a personal and reliable service offering experience and concern that clients come to expect.

This sort of service is just a phone call away. If you have an immediate need for our services, why not give us a ring and find out what we can offer your company. Better still, we would be happy to survey your site and discuss our recommendations for hassle-free maintenance. In any event, I will personally attempt to follow up with you soon, as I feel confident that you would not regret switching your maintenance to L A Facilities Management Ltd.

D.K. Curtains


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A combination of the latest styles and practicalities.

This is how our collections start, with those little elements necessary for the general day to day needs within a household.

Dress your home with the personal touch you desire from the most original and exclusive ideas together with the latest styles.

Entre el estilo más actual y la funcionalidad más alta.

Así nacen nuestras colecciones dotadas con todos los elementos necesarios para que el día a día proporcione toda la comodidad necesaria en el hogar.

Muchas más soluciones originales, mucha más exclusividad y muchas novedades para vestir tu hogar con toda la personalidad que deseas.

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Tornasol CaféTranquility, calm, pleasure…

This is what we are offering at Tornasol, an ideal place to share an afternoon with friends, or partner… or with a book…

Along with their homemade cakes, freshly baked baguettes, large sandwiches or “the best hamburgers in the world”. They also offer a pioneering idea : The Library.

You can enjoy reading in any of our rooms whilst drinking a beer, we have 40 to choose from, or relax the body and mind with one of the refreshing infusions or teas, or just pop in for a coffee and chat to your friends abroad using our free WiFi service or using our mini-cyber area.

This is Tornasol: a temple for hobbies.Open every day from 4pm

Calle Sol, Esq Calle Lopez de AyalaLa Linea - Tel: 956 766189

Café TornasolTranquilidad, calma, placer…

Eso es lo que ofrecemos en Tornasol, un lugar donde compartir una tarde con los amigos, con tu pareja… o con un libro…

Junto a sus tartas caseras, sus baguettes con pan recién horneado, sus gigantescos sandwiches o las

“mejores hamburguesas del mundo” (Wikitravel), te ofrecemos una iniciativa pionera: La Biblioteca.

Podrás disfrutar de la mejor lectura en cualquiera de nuestras salas, mientras tomas una cerveza de entre los 40 tipos diferentes que ofrecemos, o reconfortar tu cuerpo y mente con una variedad infinita de infusiones y té, o, simplemente, un café, chateando con tu “amigo del extranjero” usando nuestra red wi-fi gratuita o en nuestro mini-cyberg

Esto es Tornasol: un templo para el ocio.Abierto todo los días desde las 16h

Internet CafeOnline GamingBoard Games


Live MusicMagic Shows

Tea & CoffeeInternational Beers

Burgers & BaguettesSandwiches


Internet CafeJuegos Online

Juegos de MesaLiteratura

Musica en VivoMagica

Té & CafeCervezas Internacional

Hamburguesas & BaguettesSandwiches


Calle sol, esq.

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Commencing Monday February 2nd 2009. 8.30pm Call now to reserve your ‘Mat’

Initial 10 week course with Andrea Young, UK qualified CVQ level 3 Pilates Instructor.Men on Mats is different from other workouts you may be trying. It focuses on the muscles men use most and strengthens those to give your body the power to get in shape and become fit. “Imagine your torso as a tree trunk”, and your arms and legs as the branches. When a tree is weak in the trunk, the branches tend to break when the tree sways. That’s why keeping your torso (your tree trunk) strong is essential to good quality of movement

Men on Mats is a Pilates Mat work class; done on the floor and standing. All the exercises are easy to do and are great for Pilates beginners or for those of you who have done Pilates before. There is a new way to exercise waiting just for you. All movement originates in the centre of your body, your Powerhouse. Every time you stand up, sit down, turn, twist or roll you engage your torso, abs, lower back, hips, inner thighs, and glutes. Pilates improves your posture and stamina. Every Pilates exercise strengthens and uses your Powerhouse for control and balance. If you’re not using your Powerhouse, it’s not Pilates! Men on Mats can improve posture, balance, stability, flexibility, coordination, endurance and functional strength.It is intrinsic to every move you make Your Powerhouse is at the centre of every movement you make. It’s this concentration on your Powerhouse that makes Pilates so unique and effective. Thousands of athletes, dancers and everyday people alike have discovered the benefits of developing their Powerhouse. Pilates promotes greater blood flow to the deep muscles that support your spine, thus improving your endurance, strength, and precision of motion.

Men who have incorporated Pilates into their routine have experienced greater flexibility in all their joints, heightened range of motion and improved accuracy and pliancy in every motion their everyday lives. Is Pilates for men different than Pilates for women? If you start learning Pilates by taking classes, you might find that women outnumber men by quite a bit. That demographic is changing, and there are many more men in Pilates now, but as yet it’s far from the norm which is a shame as it is often off-putting and misleading to men and has given rise to the myth that Pilates is a “woman only” exercise. People forget that Pilates was created by a man for men. The first practitioners of Pilates were soldiers, boxers, and athletes. There is nothing specifically different about Pilates training for men, especially in the beginning. The ‘Pilates method’ is the same for all, founded on healthy movement principles for the human body in general. The Male pelvis is slightly smaller than a female’s and men might find that their muscles are a little tighter than women’s, especially in the hips and hamstrings, but whilst men have some different physical structures than women, they still require the same benefits of regular exercise. This lack of range of motion could be why most men at some time in their lives experience some form of back pain. The good news is that, Pilates exercises can be easily modified to allow those areas to stretch out gradually. Modification of exercises is common place and good practise in Pilates, allowing it to meet a variety of needs in all participants, which includes men, even within a general group class.

Core strength, flexibility, balance, uniform development and efficient movement patterns are all hallmarks of Pilates training and highly relevant to men’s fitness. Pilates can be especially beneficial for men, whose workouts often emphasize a part-by-part approach to muscular development, such as one finds in weight training. Pilates, emphasises moving from the centre of the body, and developing core strength in the deep muscles of the centre to stabilise the trunk and protect the back. This kind of core training makes Pilates an excellent technique for whole-body fitness, as well as an excellent foundation for other kinds of sports and exercise. Increasing flexibility is a goal that Pilates addresses in a way that men can feel comfortable with. Pilates works toward functional fitness. That is, the ability to have the strength, balance, and flexibility that allows one to move through daily life and tasks with ease. To this end, Pilates exercises do seek to increase flexibility and range of motion, but one won’t find the kind of contortionist stretches in Pilates that one might find in gymnastics or some forms of yoga. Both men and women begin to notice a difference in how their bodies feel as they age and that they are unable to perform the same kind of exercise they did when younger. As such they can both benefit from more stretching to increase mobility; core strengthening for stronger backs and better posture and exercise that is gentle on their joints. Pilates can provide all these things.

Men specifically who are young and fit and already active and strong may have inadvertently traded bulking up for lack flexibility, and or seek to gain functional strength and mobility. Perhaps they want to improve performance in sport or their muscular endurance. Maybe they are bored with their routines and want to add some variety. Pilates can breathe some life back into their fitness regime.

Men, who have already made changes to their health routine and lost a large amount of weight, inevitably want to move on to the next step and tone their mid sections. Pilates, with all its attention to building stronger abs, is a perfect addition to their already successful weight loss. The reasons for seeking out Pilates for men may be different, but they can all benefit from a Pilates regime.

Men On Mats Men on Mats is a general class aimed at the average healthy adult male. Anyone with ongoing, serious and specific problems originating from trauma, surgery or other symptoms should consult their doctor and/or physiotherapist before undertaking a Pilates class.

Private, client specific training sessions are available by appointment.

In the case of those clients who have a specific biomechanical condition; you will need to have the permission of the relevant Medical Practitioner and provide a clear history of you particular condition and any medical guidelines you have received in relation to exercise, to ensure a safe and effective exercise experience.

For more details call Andrea on M: 690 691 371

Pilates - is it just for the Girls ? NOT ANYMORE

Introduces......... ‘Men on Mats’

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For more information, contact Sotogrande Physiotherapy ClinicPlaza Italica Nº13, Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro - Tel: 956 695 149 – 629 518160

E-Mail: [email protected]

When you hit the slopes this season the last thing on your mind is any thought of injury. Thinking just because you go to the

gym weekly means you are fit to ski/board is not correct. These are high risk sports and need correct preparation.

Types of injuries sustained:

Snowboards usually fall forwards or backwards, putting shoulders, wrists and spine at risk.Skies tend to fall sideways and backwards. The boots and bindings increase the torsional stress on the knees. Poles can also cause thumbs to be damaged during a fall. Skiing injuries can differ according to the expertise of the skier. Beginners in snowplough positions strain the ligaments of the inside knee. Those with more experience put huge pressure on their cartilages and knee caps by having to endure extreme ranges of flexion under load. At greater speeds turns produce rotational forces straining the crucial and lateral ligaments of the knee.

The preparation:

With both skiing and snowboarding, fitness requirements are multi-faceted, agility, endurance, strength, flexibility, quick reactions and balance are all needed. Any fitness for skiing regime must include good levels of cardio vascular fitness, strength training especially for the thigh or quadriceps muscle, upper limbs and core body (abdominal).

suggested exercises:

Static bicycling and step workouts

Strength training snowboarders especially, spend long periods of time in fixed flexion they need good

“holding” strength in their quadriceps (thighs). The best exercises for this is the sitting wall squat in different levels of flexion. Try to mimic the stance adopted while you are boarding or skiing, lean further forward away from the wall a little. Hold this stance for 30 seconds then 1min and finally 2mins.

Snowboarders can mimic their action also, using touch balance with their hands whilst squatting on the balls of their feet.

Step exercises to strengthen the medical part of the quadriceps. Remember strong quadriceps muscles give extra strength and stability to the knee.

Swiss ball exercises: (counteracts the falling backwards, loss of balance). Lie face upwards over a Swiss ball, curl upwards with head and body to neutral position.

Shoulder girdle exercises: reduces risk of injury to shoulders when falling forwards. Stand facing a wall and fall onto out-stretched arms, with arms slightly bent at the elbows.

Flexibility exercises: before and after skiing all the major muscles should be stretched i.e. front thigh, back thigh, calf, inner leg, lower back and shoulders.

listen to your body – Tips & Advice

Pace yourself. Fatigue plays a big part in injuries on the slopes.

Consider the day as a double gym session, warm up, work out and cool down during each session.

Do not save hardest run till last.

If something does not feel right, investigate, an ill fitting boot can cause injury to the front of your leg and ruin the rest of your holiday.

Consider lessons if you have not skied for awhile.

Learn how to fall correctly to prevent injury.

Skiing & Snowboarding

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Ruff ‘n’ Tumble’s popular Gym Play Classes are now in their 6th year and are about to be re-launched after a brief spell away due to the recent move to our new Children’s Centre in Pueblo Nuevo.These classes are unique and remain the only structured physical gym play class on the coast. Each action packed class utilises specially designed play equipment and gym apparatus, is supervised by qualified trained staff and provides structured play with music, action songs and rhymes and includes art and craft activities. The classes are available for children of all ages, from crawlers to walkers, to the more confident shakers and movers.

We are pleased to introduce Nuala, our Licensed Kindermusik Educator! Kindermusik’s Educators provide carefully researched, developmentallyAppropriate music and movement programs for children – newborn to age 7 – both in class at home. Initially, Nuala and Ruff ‘n’ Tumble will be co-hosting two classes:

KINDERMUSIK VILLAGE – for newborns to 18 months. Fulfilling your baby’s endless potential is an exciting opportunity that starts with Kindermusik Village. In class, learn how to stimulate your child’s learning through vocal play, object exploration and creative movement. We will provide you with all the tools you need to continue the enrichment at home through bonding with you baby by reading the Baby’s Literature Book or listening to the Home CD – just 2 of the resources included in the At Home Materials. The course runs for 8 weeks and requires the purchase of the At Home Materials.

KINDERMUSIK OUR TIME – for ages 18 months to 3 years. Introduces your child to a musical wold filled with singing, imitating sounds, rhyming, sound identification, instrument exploration and creative movement. With your help, your toddler can continue learning at home by working in her activity book, listening to her CD or playing with the other items in her At Home Materials. The course runs for 16 weeks and requires the purchase of the At Home Materials.

The lessons encourage your child to develop:1. Balance, co-ordination, agility and climbing.2. Fitness and health.3. Establishing routines, making choices.4. Numbers, shapes, space and patterns.5. Self esteem and independence. 6. Confidence and success.7. Language, vocabulary and listening skills.

Classes run in courses of 6 week duration, each covering a different area of development and theme and are designed not to repeat over a 12 month period.


Gym Babies: Crawling to walking 10amGym Pups: Walking to 2 years 11amGym Tots: 2 to 3 years 12md

CALL NOW TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE 680680820 OR EMAIL [email protected]

CALL NOW TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE 680680820 OR EMAIL [email protected]


Kindermusik Village: Newborn to 18 months 10amKindermusik Our Time: 18 months to 3 years 11am

The world’s most respected name in musical learning…


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48 49If you missed out on previous letters e-mail us at: [email protected]

Ta p a sA

Acelgas – Wild Spinach Agrio – Sour

Aguacate –Avocado Ahumado – Smoked

Ajo / Ajillo – Garlic / sauce Albóndigas – Meatballs Alcachofas – Artichokes

Alga – Seaweed Alioli – Garlic mayonnaise

Almejas – Clams Almendra – Almond

Alubias – White beans Anchoas – Anchovies Angulas – baby-eels

Apio – Celery Arroz – Rice Atún – Tuna

Avellanas – Hazelnuts Avena – Oats Aves – Poultry

Avestruz – Ostrich Azúcar – Sugar

B Bacaladilla – Blue whiting (Fish)

Bacalao – (salt) Cod Bandarillas – snacks

Barbo de Mar – Red Mullet

Barra – Loaf of Bread, baguette Béicon – Bacon Bellota – Acorn

Berberecho – Cockle Berenjena – Aubergine

Besugo – Sea Bream Bígaro – Winkle

Bizcocho – Sponge cake Bocadillo – Baguette Bocata – Sandwich

Bogavante – Lobster Black / Green Bollo – Bread Roll Bombon – Sweet

Boniato – Sweet Potato Bonito – Striped tunny (Tuna)

Boquerones – White Bait Brazo de Gitano – Swiss Roll

Buey – Ox or Beef

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B a r s i n l a l i n e a

Bars &CluBs

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cafe solo - small black coffee

cafe cortado - strong white coffee

cafe americano - large black coffee


An exCepTionAl vineYARdAfter running out of the 2006 grape variety and being left with a short supply for at least four months, the 2007 variety appeared from Tres Picos. The grape for this exceptional wine is a garnacha (purplish grape) unique from the old vineyards situated within the rugged foothills of Moncayo.Made with the cooperation of Borsao, this wine cellar is situated within the D.O. Campo of Borja which belongs to the community of Aragón, who grow the best of the garnacha grape, an indigenous variety spread throughout Spain, just like the tempranillo grape. The cooperation manages a widespread vineyard of 2500h. and from here they select the best vines for this wine. Once again this shows that managing a large volume can still have the means to create good produce and quality.A short process in the production, allows the development of an intense colour, rich and aromatic with a large concentration of flavours like blackberries, strawberries, vanilla and plums, with hints of leather. It is full bodied with a lingering after taste.

Un viÑedo exCepCionAlTras agotarse la añada 2006 y habiendo escaseado durante más de cuatro meses, aparece la añada del 2007 de Tres Picos. La uva de este excepcional vino es una garnacha única procedente de unos viñedos viejos situados en terrenos accidentados situados en las estribaciones del Moncayo. Elaborado por la cooperativa de Borsao, la bodega está instalada en la D.O. Campo de Borja perteneciente a la comunidad de Aragón, el imperio de la garnacha, la variedad autóctona más extendida en España junto al tempranillo. La cooperativa maneja una extensión de viñedo de 2500 hectáreas, del que se selecciona el mejor viñedo para este vino. Una vez más se demuestra que manejar volumen no tiene porque estar reñido con el buen hacer y la calidad.Un bajo rendimiento en la producción, proporciona un vino con color muy profundo, rico y aromático con una gran concentración de sabores a moras, fresas y tonos de cuero, vainilla y ciruelas. En boca se muestra con volumen, buen paso y largo.

marca: Tres picos.Tipo: Tinto.Bodega elaboradora: Bodegas Borsao s.A.origen: d.o.Campo de Borja.variedad: 100 % Garnacha.Alcohol: 15 %Temperatura servicio: 16 - 18º C.precio aproximado: 11.34 €


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For the third consecutive year the prestigious restaurant La Marina has been chosen for the BIB Gourmand award within the exclusive

Michelin gastronomic guide.

The BIB Gourmand is awarded to restaurants with high quality cuisine at good prices, helping as a reference for people who use the Michelin guide.

We say ‘well done’ to the well established restaurant La Marina (since1947) being the only restaurant in the Campo de Gibraltar area to achieve the award for constant innovation within the traditional marine gastronomy.

paseo maritimo s/n, la Atunara la linea

Tel: 956 171531www.rest-lamarina.es

Por tres años consecutivos el prestigoso restaurante La Marina consigue la distribucion BIB Gourmand en la más selecta

y exclusiva guia gastronomica como en la Michelin.

BIB Gourmand distinge a los restaurantes con una cocina de calidad al mejor precio siendo una de la referencias más buscados por los usarios de la Michelin.

Felicitamos al restaurante la Marina decano de los restaurante del campo de gibraltar (1947) por su constante innovacion dentro de la tradicion gastronomica mas marinera.

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Argentineanpatagonia C/ Isabel la Católica 43La Línea · Tel: 956 178021“The importance for us is not for you to come, but to return...”

patagonica TapasC/ Carboneros 5, La LineaFused Spanish tapas with an Argentinean grill. Prime quality beef exclusive to Patagonia

los CazadoresFrancisco Amado, GuadiaroMob. 666 858903Parrila / Grill Restaurant Tapas & Drinks

RelingueEdif.Plaza Mayor, P.N. de Guadiaro, Tel: 956 695168Argentinean Grill Parrilla Argentina

indianFlame’nGoC/ Sierra Bermeja 69, Pueblo Nuevo de GuadiaroTel: 956 695 322 Authentic Indian Cuisine, Pizzas & Kebabs

ivoryC/ Los Canos 32, Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro, Tel. 956 695611Authentic Indian Restaurant & BarOpen Tues to Sunday 7.30pm-12am

Tandoori nights iiPlaya Guadiaro, Torreguadiaro, Km.135 - 956 610056Authentic Indian Cuisine, Take Aways. Comida para Llevar

internationalAqa RestaurantPaseo Andres Vinas 7Avda. Pricipe Asturias, La LineaTel: 956 767844Bar, Restaurant & Terrace

montenegral innCtra. 513, San Martin de TesorilloTel:956 618453Specials, Grilled Meats, BBQ, Live Music on Sundays, Terrace

mytilus RestaurantPuerto Deportivo de SotograndeTel: 956 790212 - [email protected] Cuisine

italianel hornoCalle Punto Ribot s/n, La LineaTel: 634 687076Wood Fired Oven PizzasBreakfasts, Menu of the day

lombardo’sGalerías Paniagua, SotograndeTel: 956 795924Open 7 days from 7pm Pizza & Pasta - Take Away

mil pastasC/ Sagunto 3, La LineaTel: 956 764776Eat in or Take away - Comida paraLlevar, Products from Italy

osteria del BorgoPlz. Italica s/n, P.N. de GuadiaroTel: 956 794143Open every day - Take AwayComida para llevar

pizza CeroCalle Sol 49, La Linea Tel: 956 175 860Pizzas to eat in or take away for all the family to enjoy

Japanese / orientallittle BuddhaGalerias Paniagua, SotograndeTel: 956 796 217Thai Restaurant & Take awayOpen from 7pm until midnight

TengokuSotovila 1, Local 3, P.N. GuadiaroTel: 956 794 253Open 7.30pm to 11.30pmJapanese cuisine


spanish / mediterraneanel Fogón del ToroCalle Real 73, CampamentoTel: 956 697536Specialising in Meat dishesIberian & smoked dishes, Salads etc

Trasmallo de AgustinoAdva. del Mar, TorreguadiaroTel: 956 610 259Best quality fish & shellfishLa mejor pescado y mariscos

venta la CantinaCtra. Ronda, P.N. de CastellarTel: 956 693 202 / 659 646 247Specialities: Mountain Game & Seafood Casseroles, Celebrations.

venta JarandillaAcceso al Castillo de CastellarTel: 956 647030Specialities: Mountain Rabbit, Venison & Wild Boar

la perla del surPaseo Maritimo, Atunara, La LineaTel: 630 038396Cerveceria, Marisqueria, FreiduriaBeer, Seafood & Fish

meson ZiryabC/ Carrasca s/n Los BarriosTel: 956 620870Mediterranean & Moroccan CuisineCocina Mediterranea y Mozárabe

midas Bar & Restaurante Sotogrande - Tel: 956 790121Specialising in Mediterranean Cuisine, Fish, Shellfish, Grilled Meats & Homemade Desserts

molino del CondeCtra. Algeciras - Jimena Km. 82,5Castellar Tel. 956 236063Typical Andalusian DishesTipicos Platos Andaluza

Restaurante AlonsoCalle Ctra. s/n, GuadiaroTel: 956 614134Restaurant & TapasMon to Sat 7.30pm to 11pm

Restaurante la CabañaFinca Valderrama, Zona HipicaBehind Sotogrande HotelSotogrande - Tel: 956 795894Fine Mediterranean Cuisine

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Take Away Guide

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Venta Jarandilla, founded in 1952, lies on the access road to the castle of Castellar, situated within the natural park of Los Alcornocales and

surrounded by Holm and Cork oaks, making this culinary destination into a wonderful place for visitors.

Within their kitchen, they cook the unique flavours of their dishes ranging from Tagarninas (golden thistle asparagus), Gazpacho, and Callos to the outstanding meats of wild boar, venison, rabbit, partridge… Dishes which have become a reference for this characterful place “Venta Jarandilla”.

An area situated in the heart of nature, it offers the visitor a choice of two rooms, one interior and the other exterior, where you can enjoy the spectacular views and a garden-park area for games, reading a book or just simply relaxing and enjoying the surrounding natural area. Venta Jarandilla, fundada en 1.952, en la

Carretera de Acceso al Castillo de Castellar, situada en pleno corazón del Parque de los

Alcornocales, rodeada de encinas y alcornoques, se convierte en el destino culinario para los visitantes de este maravilloso paisaje.

En su cocina se elaboran los irrepetibles sabores de sus platos, como pueden ser las Tagarninas, el Gazpacho, los Callos y destacar la preparación y elaboración de sus carnes, como el Jabalí, el Venado, el Conejo, la Perdiz… Platos que a lo largo de estos años se han convertido en el referente caracteristico de la “Venta Jarandilla”.

Enclave situado en plena naturaleza que ofrece al visitante de sus instalaciones, dos salones, uno interior y otro exterior, desde el que se puede disfrutar de las espectaculares vistas y un Parque-Jardin anexo, para juegos, la lectura de un buen libro o simplemente para relajarse y disfrutar en pleno contacto con la natrualeza.

Entorno ideal para cualquier tipo de celebraciones, como Bodas, Bautizos y Comuniones.

“Venta Jarandilla” atiende a sus clientes con mayor dedicación y atención por parte de su personal, que cuida cada detalle e intenta que la visita de sus clientes sea de su mayor agrado.

Por ello, desde “Venta Jarandilla” agradecer a todos aquellos que nos visitan cada día y que disfrutan de los sabores y paisajes rodeados de amigos y familiares, haciendo de este lugar su destino para disfrutar de la buena cocina tradicional.

Venta Jarandilla (Fundada 1952)


It is an idyllic place for all kinds of celebrations, weddings, christenings, holy communions etc…

“Venta Jarandilla” have a dedicated staff who attend to their clients with the greatest attention to detail and to make the client feel as welcome as possible. So, Venta Jarandilla would like to thank everybody that visits each day and for them to enjoy the flavours and views surrounded by friends and family, making this a meeting place to come and enjoy good traditional food.

Bodeguita Garciolo is a typical Andalusian bar with a very friendly ambiance where you can enjoy authentic Mediterranean cuisine, tapas,

sandwiches, salads and the typical English breakfast, or try our burgers and baguettes. We can also prepare food for take away.

You can reserve our patio at the back of the premises for parties, BBQ’s, birthdays, or celebrations. Please ask for our special prices.

We are situated on Calle Atlamira Nº5, Edif. Ayala in Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro. Tel: 647 176593.

Opening hours are from 9am to 12am Monday to Saturday. Sundays Closed

En un ambiente familiar puedes disfrutar de una gran variedad de tapas, bocadillos, desayuno inglés, platos combinados y ensaladas. Un

lugar donde puedes degustar un menú con cocina mediterránea, tapas, ensaladas, hamburguesas, bocadillos etc. También tenemos servicios para llevar.

El Patio se puede reservar para sus fiestas, barbacoas o cumpleaños.

Estamos situado en Calle Altamira Nº5, Edif. Ayala en Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro. Tel: 647 176593Abierto de lunes a sábados de 9h a 24h. Domingos cerrado.

Bodeguita Garciolo


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BirdsContinuing direct magazine’s guide to the birds of the Campo de Gibraltar

Dunlin / Correlimos Común / Calidris Alpina

Abundant coastal winter visitor with some summer visitors. Winter plumage similar to that of a Sanderling. Easily recognised in summer plumage on account of its black belly and reddish-brown back. In flight white wing bars and black central band from back through to tail.

Little Stint / Correlimos Menudo / Calidris Minuta

Scarce winter visitor to coastal areas. The smallest of the stints, very similar to the Sanderling but smaller, with a shorter bill and less visible wing bars in flight. Rufous-orange summer plumage with white ‘V’ on mantle.

Sanderling / Correlimos Tridáctilo /Calidris Alba

Abundant coastal winter visitor with some summer visitors. Similar to Dunlin, but with shorter and straighter bill, without rear toe and broader white wing bars in flight. Summer plumage consists of rufous chest and upper body, similar to the little Stint.

Sendero: RioArilloEl antiguo

molino de marea del

Río Arillo es un atractivo cultural de este sendero que nos conduce por el límite de los términos municipales de Cádiz y San Fernando. El camino nos lo marca el caño, el curso de agua

The old mill of the river Arillo is an attractive cultural walk which takes us to the limits of Cadiz and San Fernando’s provincial borders. The

walk is defined by the stream, which is fed by the estuary Guadalete, and has been converted into an idyllic spot for numerous birds, native and migratory.You can observe flamingos, terns and wading birds; you might also spot a grey heron if you’re lucky.

creado fruto de la colmatación del estuario del Guadalete, que se ha convertido en el lugar ideal para la presencia de numerosas aves, sedentarias o migratorias. Pueden observarse flamencos, charrancitos y correlimos e incluso alguna garza real.

Provenientes de Cádiz, un Km. antes de llegar a San Fernando por la carretera N-IV, se encuentra la señal de inicio de sendero, junto a una casa salinera. También puede enlazarse a este sendero desde el que recorre la Salina de Tres Amigos.Coming from the direction of Cadiz, a kilometre

before reaching San Fernando along the road N-IV, you will find a signpost for the start of the walk next to a Salt Mine House. You can also join this walk from the Salina de Tres Amigos walk, which will be featured in the next issue of Direct Magazine.

Difficulty / Nivel: Low / BajaTime / Tiempo: 1H

Length / Longitud: 2.500m.

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Castellar de la Frontera is well known as a perfect area for the practise of rural tourism. Its location within Los Alcornocales Natural

Park makes this village an ideal place to enjoy this type of tourism and all the activities related to it: hiking, sports about nature, horse riding tracks, bird watching, excursions on bicycles and other activities held in the open air.

Along with rural tourism, cultural tourism can also be enjoyed, as Castellar has important monuments that belong to the past that are worth a visit, such as the castle, that dates back to the XIII century, or San Miguel de la Almoraima convent, which was built in the XVII century.

This village situated in the Campo de Gibraltar area also has good accommodation to offer all the visitors who either want to participate in all these activities or just to relax. This includes rural houses to rent and two hotels that are located in natural areas. In addition to this, a new hotel situated in the old Royal Palace of the castle will be opened very soon.

Now Castellar de la Frontera has a new challenge. This Gaditano white village wants also to be important in elite and quality tourism and therefore a golf course will be built very soon. Valderrama II will be a reality in the near future. The objective of this new golf course is to be one of the best in Europe, even surpassing the present one in Sotogrande built by the same company.

The owners want to celebrate important tournaments here and therefore a good infrastructure will be built. The complex will have an 18 hole course and a clubhouse. Apart form this, there is an area designated for an apart-hotel with 200 units to be built. This situation will be very beneficial for Castellar de la Frontera, since a lot of work will be created, and what is more, the image of this beautiful village will become known worldwide.

Without any doubt, Castellar de la Frontera is already a referent for those who like culture and nature, and in the near future, it will also be for those who love golf. Besides which, its location is only 13 kilometres from Sotogrande and its beaches, which makes it even more of a privileged area.

By Andres Herrera Moya

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You can see Dolphins & Whales on clear days along the coast around the Straits.

The list below indicates the Cetaceans that are seen Frequently (blue) Occasionally (green) and Rarely (yellow)

Visitor Centres

There are two visitors’ centres: Huerta Grande is south of Algeciras at Km 96 on the N340 coast road. El Aljibe is in Alcalá de los Gazules, on the road to Benalup at Km 1. For both centres, call 956 679 161.

There is a visitors’ centre in Cortes de la Frontera 952 154 599, with information on geology, flora and fauna of the park.

In El Bosque is the main park office 956 727 029, which has maps, walking routes and issues permits for walks. The tourist offices in Cadiz 956 258 646 and Malaga 952 213 445 can also provide information.

In Grazalema is an information office 956 132 225 that has walking maps and can obtain walking permits from El Bosque office for you.


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Tourist Offices Around Campo de Gibraltar

Algeciras Tourist OfficeJunta de AndaluciaJuan de la Cierva s/n11201, AlgecirasTel: 956 572 636www.algeciras.es

Castellar de la FronteraPlaza de Andalucia s/n11350, Castellar de la FronteraTel: 956 693001 www.castellardelafrontera.es

Jimena de la FronteraIglesia de la Misericordia s/n11330, Jimena de la FronteraTel: 956 640569www.jimenadelafrontera.es

La Línea de la ConcepciónAvda. Príncipe de Asturias s/n11300, La Línea de la ConcepciónTel: 956 696200www.lalinea.ws

Junta de AndalucíaAv. del Ejercito (esquina 20 de abril), s/n, 11300 LA LINEATelefonos: 956 784135 - 37 - 38e-mail: [email protected] a viernes 09:00 a 19:30 h Los BarriosAvda. José Chamizo de la Rubia11370, Los BarriosTel: 956 628013 www.losbarrios.es

San Roque Plaza de Andalucia s/n Esq. C/ San Felipe11360, San RoqueTel: 956 [email protected]

TarifaPaseo de la Alameda11380, TarifaTel: 956 680993www.tarifa.net


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Castles in Campo de GibraltarCastillo de Castellar de la Frontera

Castillo de Guzman el Bueno – Tarifa

Castillo de Jimena de la Frontera

ZOO BONTANICO JEREZ C/ Taxdirt s/n, Tel: 956 153 293 - Jerez de la Frontera

Zoos - Parks - Activites

LOBO PARk - WOLF PARkCtra. Antequera - Álora (A343) Km. 16Tel: 952 031107- Antequera, MalagaOpen daily from 10am to 6pm

Monday - TaraguillaTuesday - Algeciras El Saladillo Tarifa, Huerta del ReyWednesday - La Linea, Ciudad DeportivoThursday - Estación de San Roque Puente Mayorga TorrguadiaroFriday - Castellar, New Town Jimena, Recinto Ferial Guadiaro

CORTIJO RURAL LAS AvESCamino Fabrica de Pipas, Estación de Jimena, Tel: 956 640210

CROCODILES UPCLOSE Calle Cuba 14, Torremolinos, MalagaTel: 952 051782Guided tours, pets corner, and see the largest croc in Europe.

RUTAS DE CABALLOEach town has different companies, you can trek in land or on the beach, inquire in local tourist offices

RUTAS DE BUGGYCastillo de Castellar, Jarandilla recreational areaTel: 671 610233

CABLECARS - TELEFERICOSYou can catch a cablecar in Gibraltar to the top of the rock and also in Benalmádena to the peak of Calamorro. inquire in local tourist offices

DOLPhIN & WhALE BOAT TRIPSYou can take trips out in the bay from Gibraltar & Tarifa, inquire in local tourist offices

BOWLING & CINEMAPalmones Cinecite, Los Barrios

Saturday - Los Barrios, Recinto FerialSunday - Palmones, Recinto Ferial San Roque San Enrique de Guadiaro Rastro SotograndeSat & Sun - Castellar Castle, Rastro Jarandilla

Most towns have a daily market or an indoor market

street markets - mercadillos



Ver delfines en hábitat natural y disfruta de las maravillosas vistas del Peñón de Gibraltar desde el mar. Una excursión muy didáctica y completa de 1 hora y media de duración, saliendo a diario desde Marina Bay.


See the dolphins in its natural environment and the splendid views of the Rock of Gibraltar from the sea. An informative and most interesting tour (1hr30min.) departing daily from Marina Bay.

MUSEO DE GIBRALTAR Recomendamos visitar el Museo de Gibraltar.

GIBRALTAR MUSEUM Recommended you visit the Gibraltar museum.

Parodytur Travel Services-Est.1941, Cathedral Square, Gibraltar Tel: (+350) 20076070 Fax: (+350) 20040054www.parodyholidays.com

Oficina Municipal de TurismoBorough Tourist Information OfficePlaza de Andalucía, s/n. 11360 San Roque Tel: (+34) 956 694 005 Fax: (+34) 956 780 177E-mail: [email protected] www.sanroque.es/www.sanroque.es/tourism

GIBRALTAR Y SAN ROQUE “Dos Ciudades unidas por la historia”GIBRALTAR & SAN ROQUE “Two Cities united by history”

excursiones y visitas Turísticas Tours & sightseeing

EL TUR ORIGINAL DEL PEÑÓN Visita guiada en minibus (1 hora y media de duración) que incluye una parada en Punta Europa (donde confluyen el Mediterráneo y el Atlántico), entrada a la parte alta del Peñón con una visita a la Cueva de San Miguel y los famosos Monos de Gibraltar. Además, como opción adicional, podrá realizar una visita guiada a pie por los túneles de la Segunda Guerra Mundial (45 minutos).

THE ORIGINAL ROCK TOUR Introduction guided sightseeing Tour by Minibus (1hr30min.) including stop at Europa Point (where the Mediterranean & the Atlantic meets), entrance to The Upper Rock visiting St. Michaels Cave and the Famous Barbary Apes, in addition, (optional extra)

“Highly recommended”, you can visit the WWII Tunnels guided walking Tour (45min.).

VISITA GUIADA “SAN ROQUE MONUMENTAL”Visita guiada a pie a la histórica y señorial ciudad de San Roque (1 hora y media) que incluye el Conjunto Histórico, Iglesia Santa María La Coronada, Palacio de los Gobernadores, Plaza de Toros, calles y plazas típicamente andaluzas y tres museos. Opcionalmente, se puede hacer una visita al yacimiento arqueológico púnico-romano de Carteia (45 minutos) o una sabrosa degustación de tapas.

“MONUMENTAL” SAN ROQUE GUIDED TOURIntroductory guided walking tour around the historical & noble city of San Roque (1hr30min.), which includes the Old Quarter of the town: Saint Mary the Crowned Parish Church, The Governor’s Palace, The Bull Ring, typical Andalusian streets and squares, as well as 3 local museums. An optional extra is a visit to the Punic-Roman Carteya archaeological site (45 min.) or the mouth-watering tapas culinary experience.

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Adults only...

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Information National: 11818International Information: 11825Alarm Call: 902 111096Emergencias - Emergencies: 112Bomberos - Fire Station: 085Guardia Civil: 062Urgencias Sanitarias: 061Hospital La Linea: 956 026 500Hospital Algeciras: 956 025 000Policía Local: 092 / 956 176 000Policía Nacional: 091Cruz Roja - Red Cross: 915 222 222Emergencias Marítimas: 900 202 202 Guardia Civil Trafico - 956 261 611Road Traffic Information: 900 123 505Passport Office Malaga: 952 352 300Water Board - Agua: 956 762 076Electric Emergencies - Endesa: 902 516 516

Teléfonos de Transportes Automovlles - BusesAutomoviles Portillo: 956 172 396La Valenciana-Linesur: 956 667 649 Bacoma: 956 665 067Transportes Grles. Comes: 956 170 093

Aeropuertos - Airports Málaga: 952 048 838Gibraltar: (00350 200) 73026Jerez de la Frontera: 956 150 083Sevilla: 954 449 000

Ferrocarril - TrainsAlgeciras: 956 632 087 Jimena de la Frontera: 956 640 738 San Roque: 956 612 019RENFE - Train Station: 902 240 202

Radio TaxisLa Linea: 956 174 800San Roque: 956 782 222Guadiaro: 956 614383Algeciras: 956 655 512Los Barrios: 956 621 872Jimena: 956 640 293Tarifa: 956 685 076Gibraltar: (00350 200) 70052

direct magazineTel. +34 627 585677

[email protected]

sales / design & published by: Direct Magazine Administration & director: William Fryer d.l: MA-387-2003 photography & editorial Contribution: San Roque Tourist Office Carlos Jordan, Bodegas Collado, Andres Herrera Moya of Centro de Idiomas, Carol & Brian Fryer, David Rios de Ornitour, Grafisur, Carol Falconer SPC, Bodeguita Garciolo, Tornasol, La Rueca, Phoenix Solutions, Ruff n Tumble, Bamboo Cafe, Molino del Conde, Bar Taurino, Gina Hair & Beauty, Venta Jarandilla, La Marina Restaurant, Glynn, D.K. Curtains, & Bizzybodies.

special Thanks to:All the advertisers for their support.

Direct Magazine cannot accept responsibility for any claims made in this magazine including any inserts by advertisers or for the work, goods and services they may provide. The views and opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any other way without prior written consent of William Fryer. Every effort is made to ensure the contents of the magazine are correct, but cannot accept responsibility for the effects of any errors or omissions.



Gibraltar Emergency Numbers:(The code for Gibraltar is 00350 200)Directory Inquiries: 195 Tourist Office: 74950Police: 72500Hospital: 79700Ambulance: 50025Fire Brigade: 79507Custom Inquiries: 78879Passport Office: 51725Frontier Queue: 42777


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