TUESDAY TORRANCE HERALD Three Thousand Attend Opening Of Beautiful New Hospita P.-T.A. CARD PARTY WELL ATTENDED The P.-T.A. card party at t of Mr Hitrum Re 1S«« Pont avcnuo on Saturday nv lionally delightful affair. Mrs. Carl Grnmllnp, Mrs. Fp Lincoln. Mrs. Supp and Mrs. Ree were n well chosen committee, Mi Uncoln being score-keeper. Thn evening was spent In playli fire hundred. The door priso was awarded Mrs. "Anna Batch, first honors f high scores were awarded J. : Sash and Mrs. Harry McMiuu; .nd second to Miss Ortman and A. McParland. Delicious home-made cakes we lirougbt by the P.-T.A. membe and served with coffee and tea. All prizes were donated by loe icrctuuits. Over $SO was cleared on tl party, which will be more than tV tint required to purchase a se of drama for the elementary schc i-chcstra, the purpose for will le party was given. FIRE VOLUNTEERS SURPRISE NEWLYWEDS Members of the Torrance volun er fire department-, surprised M und Mrs. Harry N. Warren at the! new home at 1912 222d street o -Saturday evening upon their re rn from their honeymoon. During the progress of the part Mr. and Mrs. Warren were pre ted with 12 beautiful pieces a liver from the department Other gruests at the Warren horn ero Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mal id Mr. Malone's mother, fr cusa. HILLIPS BROOKS IS HOST AT PARTY Phillips Brooks, son of Mr. rs. Willis M. Brooks of Eldoi reel was host last Friday nigh 40 schoolmates at a dun rnrty at the Episcopal Guild Way Pageant at High School Is Beautiful Sight i.ui'iante. Girls Dance on Lawn Before Mrs. Jared Sidney Torrance was deeply appreciative of the many flowers sent to the hospital far the public re- ception. This picture of Mrs. Torrance was taken the east solarium of the institution Saturday afternoon. (Continued from Pago 1) Among the physicians who were visitors were the following: Di. F. H. Racer and Dr. G. B. Fuller, of Lomlta; Dr. J. F. Hpencer. Dr. E. T. Hembree, Dr. Ernest Butt and Dr. Sclmeffcr, of Redondo Beach; Dr. Max Amlerson, Dr. M. jaynes and Dr. C. ! '. Schmid,' of Hcrmosa Beach; Dr. Covelle, of. Gardena; Dr. Hara, of Moneta Dr. Fitch C. B. Mattlson and Di W. H. Roberts, of Pasadena; am Dr. C. H. James, of Los Angelei The following hostesses receive, visitors at the hospital during th »wo days: Mrs. R. R. Smith, Mrs Willis M. Brooks, Mrs. J. S. Lan- caster, Mrs. George Neill,-Mrs. J W. Post, Mrs. K. F. Jamleson, Mrs George Welch, Mrs. Brian K Welch, Mrs. Charles Curtis, Mrs Cteorge P. Shldler. Mrs. Normar A. Leake, -Mrs. A. ''I'. Stevenson Mrs. F. A. Zeller, Mrs. B. H. Lin- senfelter, Mrs. 'Frederick M. ESHI;;, Mrs. F. D. Murray, Mrs. Carl L. Hyde. Mm. Guy Mowry. Mrs. W. L. Booth, Mrs. Wilfred Teal, Mrs. William E. Laven, Mrs. Louis J. Smith. Mrs. John C. Gainer, Mis. S. C. Collins, Mrs. Raymond Shuart, Mrs. Ellls Harder, Mrs. VV. Harold Kmgsley. Mrs. Nettle Steinhllber, Vim James M. Fitzhugh. Mrs. Francis Miller, Mrs. John Guyan, Mrs. G. H. Sapp, Mrs. E. N. Tom- kins. Will Open Soon Miss Esther Maxwell, superin- tendent of the hospital, announced today that It will be several days opened fo , liut i the rec e apparit s en rout via the n i* resatarly eption of :tiK taut yet to c by (wait from hospital stitution nrses on duty at t iuloutes, and the iJliiteH no training MaxwetV came Uf Torraac the Community hospital o Miss H. C: C ope&vfcsar o ted from UK Miebael il «rf Clricned KOI t tlie 'HJvet-KWt- hoc Fr« ity hospital at Mr M. K. tfo orglea.1 su- perintendent, is a graduate «f tbe Michael Reese hospital of (T Other Nurse The other nurses on duty at toe hospital here aro as follo E. B. Spcrry, surgical nn NVIlie l.uiu,, X-ray and laboratory technician; Miss EmiHe KjiB, su- pervisor of obstetrical" tfeBKrtmrnt; Mrs. Elizabeth O'Neil, night s««ier- . ispr; Miss Cecella MiclielSftn.nieht uirse: Mrs. C. B. ISond and Miss Jenevievo Anders-in, general duly lurses; and Miss Fix, relief nurse. Tin iwi-sonnel of thn employed itaff is as follows: Mrs. N. 13. Wheeler, formerly a nsldakt «C i-ance, cook; Mrs. l^r&nchi ASeis- . assistant cook; Mrs. Davis, ipitat assistant; E; eer unit gardener: J. K. house man. Oldest War, Insects vs. Man, Rages on. With U S One ot Chief Battle grounds t ,.f I) III.-' V Or. K ountrv ur in lusto ll III. i!IM-l imtliKlit, ul Howard, N M.-Imli wse- rv is still ruKinK lts thr fontfirt he I tribe. One of its ,-hwf tatile^wwds ml it requires constant > igiluwr <m -lie <-ln. I of tin uoicrnnu-iil )<ontiw ! -*> HI MIX) ulliers <>l liis ,iss<xfintriv_ t* pn- Tilt mr)>lum-. sliootuiK out rUwfc. ul aerially in tli(- li^lt nil tllu twUr >« <) Large Group of Spec- tators The an Torrance lual May page high school v school lawn nt of th is stagfii on the The pageant opened flower dance, and closed Maypole dance. May Wilson was featuri very pretty gypsy dance, Johanna Neehuids as a scarecrow, Geraldln Miller as the May queen, and Adel Greenfleld and -Mary LeClercq a the spring spirits. The large audience was com fortably seated in chairs on tlv plaza in front of the school. The pageant was an activity o the Girls' League, and all partici- pating were girls. Mrs. Morse and Miss Chase the faculty advisors. The schemes were worked out by Miss Chase's department. This depart- ment also designed th which were made in the home economics department in charge o lira. Caller. The eight flower girls represent ed California wild flowers. Eastern Star Will Give Educational Program Monthly Following the regular semi- monthly business meeting of the Eastern Star on Thursday eve- ilng there will be an educational iroRTum In charge of Mrs. Mabel Boyton, Torranco high school eacher and member of the local :hapter. A delightful treat Is promised. Mlaa Boyton, who was appointed tmirman of this new work in the rdcr, will have a different pro- Knun each month along educational lues. [nstall New Heads Of Moose Lodge Officers of, the Torrance Lodge, oyol Order of Moose, were in- tailed Thursday night. The new rflcera are us follows: Dictator, J. H. Bradford: vice-dictator, A. G. loron; prelate, J. |.\ junior; secretary, K H. Hughes; treasurer C. E.' Bailey; srr B eaiil-al-urms, J. Clark; inner guard, K. J. Hath; r guard, I'. Hensnii; trustees Charles Ininan, J. I.eiikln. J. W. ' leisher. number ul mi ml.. IH ul Ul. lo- cal lodge will attend I In, Institution seromonluH ut Uurlmnk Thursday Xoy Winters Makes 285-Yard Golf Hole In One Long Stroke J. R Wlnten. drove His way into ha Golfers' Hall of Fume the other Standing on L the lli-llt vi..v in trusty drive Ith tin, ball vur thu clubhi eighteenth tee me, Huy swung niui-ted sharply Bent It souring to land on the cen und roll Into th Hoy Is tilt) rlmt iillli win, hut) .'Ve.r undo thu eighteenth at Helleview ne stroke. The distance from Uw to cup Is 2S9 yards. urii nan,Kuril and a piece, of tin i III town. Wllut eould U Cet H at llutflu-y's Amerl Navy Traveling Recruiters Here All Tfiis Week Party After Young Men foi Uncle Sam's Sea Forces The United States navy is agai >en to applicants after a shut- >wn of over six months, ace. Louis M. Brooks, chief elec- trician's mate, 0. S. N., who is 1 charge of the traveling party from Los Angeles recruiting offlc he recruiting party will hav their headquarters at the Torrance postoffice all this Week, and ca 10 Interviewed there by prfrspectiv .ppllcants. j "The navy todu ks, "ha before. says Chief offer ttta one of th shut down, This Is ns why we had t e were filled to ou . We had so many re-enlist- ments that there were r incies for new applicants. "A young man entering tlv ce today has on opportunity to earn a trade that will fit him for rivil life, as well as a chance to lomplete his education. The free :tudy courses that can bo had in he training stations and aboard hip aro tho best that can lie pro- ured from the modern colleges. Officers are detailed to help the r-oung man in his studies so that nyone who is willing to help hlm- If can reach any goal lie may sire.' "Opportunity to enter tho Naval ademy, to open [listed map. After ono 1 y< ervice ho Is eligible to take lination for entrance to Bmy, provided he is ubde i of age at that time." Tuesday Evening Salvation Army Services Popular BRIEF NEWS Awnings and Tents Camping Outfits. Quality Reasonable Prices. Hawthorne Awning Co. Lock Box 267, Hawthorne, Calif. Over 300,000 "Suckers" of th amous Illinois brand are on watcli or this call, which goes out to from tho old Prairie State to r the picnic reunion In Sycamore Grove Park, Los Angeles, all day long Saturday, May 28. The regls- i will be posted at each county headquarters. Toasted Sandwiches for *. mid- night lunch. "Hughey" will send them to you. Just give him a ring. H. G. Meyer'a American Lunch. Carson St., Torrance. Adv. Mrs. Joseph Soddy and daughter Lylse Louise have gone to Long while Mr. Soddy Is visiting relu- s In the east. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas-, njoyed a day at Fullerton Sunday, Iso calling on Mrs. Thomas' sister n Redondo. Tho Ladles' Guild of the Central Evangelical church will conduct i food sale at Renn's Grocery Sat- ilay. May 16, at 2 p. m. Torrance Scouts Will Go to Camp Friday Afternoon Torrance Scouts are planning a weekend camp at the Portuguese Harbor camp site for Friday, Sat- urday and Sunday of the coming weekend. Tho party will leave In autos from the Methodist church Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, re- turning Sunday to arrive home by 6 p. m. Scouts making the trip are to take blankets In which to sleep, toilet articles, and necessary food the meals wiilln In camp. Scouts planning to make the trip to notify Scout Hnrwood Clark by Wednesday night, that sufficient transportation may he arranged for both tho going and returning trip. LEGION AUXILIARY There will be a special meeting of the local unit of the American Legion Auxiliary tonight at the e of Mrs. Annie Oreiner at Portola avenue, for the pur- of making popples to be sold tho unit on national Poppy Day. May 29. All members are equested to brin;,- with them all lopples and poppy material, tills icing the last evening which will be devoted to that work. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGuir pent the day with her sister, Mri French, at Qlejldalo Sunday. The regular meeting of the Bert Grassland Post, American Legion ill be held at the First National Rank tonight at 7:30. Tho Fiesta committee of the Le- ;on Is actively working on plans or the Fiesta and Exposition to 1 >Id here in July. Torrance. singers who won gold edals at the Eisteddfod held at on for the efforts of Mr M. Fitzhugh in trainin the ntest. of the Salvation I rmy is ntinuing the special The Shell Oil nine, of the Major immer League defeated tho lanslor-Canfiold Midway Oil Com- pany team Sunday at the park in hich uesday night services, :kly increasing in interest and ttendance. Tonight Capt. E. H. umon and Capt. H. V. Zelms, Wilmington, will be in char/re f the meeting. These officers are ilendid musicians, singers and 'Oakers, and will furnish an in- resting hour. Capt. Shannon has id wide Salvation Army experi- Dr. and Mrs. George P. Shldler and sons James and Frederick spent Saturday afternoon at the Falrhanks-Pickford studios in Hol- lywood, watching tho filming of Mary's forthcoming feature, "Annie Rooney." the and ntil is recent command of Wilming- >n was in the Charioteer Brigade, hich each summer visits all the utlying towns, far from rall- >ads and the general line of avel. telling the story of the hrist in music and song. Capt. Blma has recently come to 'Wil- ilngton from San Francisco". Harlequins Will Entertain Women At the meeting of the Women's Club to be held Thursday, May 14, at the auditorium of the ' high school, the-Harlequins will present a special program of one-act plays. All members and friends of the club are Invited to attend. OBSERVATIONS chmen bargained (Continued from Page One) like the shrewd bargainers that they are, Fre long before they even sought a business basis for the funding of the debt. » * »< * * T^HERE were other .reasons for the 'delay. In considering French x politics one must never forget that the strains of the French national song, born in a revolution, continually ring in the ears of French officials as an ominous threat that the people of that dynamic nation will rise up and turn things topsy-turvy if ag- gravated too much. The French government does not dare tax the French people oo heavily. The recent overturn in the government was brought bout in a large measure by fear on the part of high officials that erious trouble would follow the proposed capital levy. The grim shadow of the French revolution rules French polities. It delayed consideration of debt payments. A FRACTION OF A^ DOLLAR SAVED DAILY WILL KEEP THE WOLF'AWAY IN LATER YEARS The table below shows how small dally savings accumulate with 4% Interest compounded semirannuaUy: feally Savings Five Years t 19.98 1)9.91 199.88 499.58 999.16 Years $ 44.34 221.71 443.42 1108.56 2217.12 Twenty Years $ 110.28 B61.16 1102.20 U755.SS 5511.8T OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT TODAY THE COMMUNITY BANK" -WE PAY 4% ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS TORRANCE CALIF. Carson Street ^ r lu c I c i Expert Watch Work - $92.5« SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA <?A8 CO, Post and Cravens Torrance !!!! OUR WANT ADS. GET RESULTS Demonstration and Sale AT W. A. RENN'S Thursday and Friday-All Day 3 Bars, Mission Bell Soap...........................................................................25c 1 Small White King Washing Machine Soap—FREE 1 Large White King Washing Machine Soap ] 6 Bars White King Soap j- 3 Bars, Mission Bell Soap J 3 BARS, MISSION BELL SOAP—FREE 1 Large White King Washing Machine Soap / 3 Bars Mission Bell Soap ( 2 BARS MISSION BELL SOAP—FREE____ A special demonstrator from the White King Los Angeles Soap company will be here to give you many helpful hints on laundrying. Be sure and come Thurs day or ; Friday. 75c W. A. RENN 1929-31 Carson St. Torrance DINE and DANCE THIS EVENING To the Melodious Murmurings of the Danc-Tyriie Orchestra SING - - - and LAUGH - - - and EAT AT SMITH'S FERNCROFT CAFE o i «• Music c i o Special Menus 6 to 8 Special Souvenirs AND THEN GO AND DANCE AT THE DANC-TYME ORCHESTRA DANCE AT MOOSE HALL niiMiiiiiniiiui.il i

DINE and DANCE · TUESDAY TORRANCE HERALD Three Thousand Attend Opening Of Beautiful New Hospita P.-T.A. CARD PARTY WELL ATTENDED The P.-T.A. card party at t of Mr Hitrum Re 1S««

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Page 1: DINE and DANCE · TUESDAY TORRANCE HERALD Three Thousand Attend Opening Of Beautiful New Hospita P.-T.A. CARD PARTY WELL ATTENDED The P.-T.A. card party at t of Mr Hitrum Re 1S««


Three Thousand Attend OpeningOf Beautiful New Hospita P.-T.A. CARD PARTY

WELL ATTENDEDThe P.-T.A. card party at t

of Mr Hitrum Re1S«« Pont avcnuo on Saturday nv

lionally delightful affair.Mrs. Carl Grnmllnp, Mrs. Fp

Lincoln. Mrs. Supp and Mrs. Ree were n well chosen committee, Mi Uncoln being score-keeper.

Thn evening was spent In playli fire hundred.

The door priso was awarded Mrs. "Anna Batch, first honors f high scores were awarded J. : Sash and Mrs. Harry McMiuu; .nd second to Miss Ortman and

A. McParland.Delicious home-made cakes we

lirougbt by the P.-T.A. membe and served with coffee and tea.

All prizes were donated by loeicrctuuits.Over $SO was cleared on tl

party, which will be more than tV tint required to purchase a se

of drama for the elementary schc i-chcstra, the purpose for will le party was given.


Members of the Torrance volun er fire department-, surprised M

und Mrs. Harry N. Warren at the! new home at 1912 222d street o -Saturday evening upon their re

rn from their honeymoon. During the progress of the part

Mr. and Mrs. Warren were pre ted with 12 beautiful pieces a

liver from the department Other gruests at the Warren horn ero Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mal id Mr. Malone's mother, fr cusa.


Phillips Brooks, son of Mr.rs. Willis M. Brooks of Eldoireel was host last Friday nigh

40 schoolmates at a dun rnrty at the Episcopal Guild

Way Pageant at High School Is

Beautiful Sighti.ui'iante. Girls Dance on Lawn Before

Mrs. Jared Sidney Torrance was deeply appreciative of the many flowers sent to the hospital far the public re­ ception. This picture of Mrs. Torrance was taken the east solarium of the institution Saturday afternoon.

(Continued from Pago 1) Among the physicians who were visitors were the following: Di. F. H. Racer and Dr. G. B. Fuller, of Lomlta; Dr. J. F. Hpencer. Dr. E. T. Hembree, Dr. Ernest Butt and Dr. Sclmeffcr, of Redondo Beach; Dr. Max Amlerson, Dr. M. jaynes and Dr. C. ! '. Schmid,' of Hcrmosa Beach; Dr. Covelle, of. Gardena; Dr. Hara, of Moneta Dr. Fitch C. B. Mattlson and Di W. H. Roberts, of Pasadena; am Dr. C. H. James, of Los Angelei

The following hostesses receive, visitors at the hospital during th »wo days: Mrs. R. R. Smith, Mrs Willis M. Brooks, Mrs. J. S. Lan­ caster, Mrs. George Neill,-Mrs. J W. Post, Mrs. K. F. Jamleson, Mrs George Welch, Mrs. Brian K Welch, Mrs. Charles Curtis, Mrs Cteorge P. Shldler. Mrs. Normar A. Leake, -Mrs. A. ''I'. Stevenson Mrs. F. A. Zeller, Mrs. B. H. Lin- senfelter, Mrs. 'Frederick M. ESHI;;, Mrs. F. D. Murray, Mrs. Carl L. Hyde. Mm. Guy Mowry. Mrs. W. L. Booth, Mrs. Wilfred Teal, Mrs. William E. Laven, Mrs. Louis J. Smith. Mrs. John C. Gainer, Mis. S. C. Collins, Mrs. Raymond Shuart, Mrs. Ellls Harder, Mrs. VV. Harold Kmgsley. Mrs. Nettle Steinhllber, Vim James M. Fitzhugh. Mrs. Francis Miller, Mrs. John Guyan, Mrs. G. H. Sapp, Mrs. E. N. Tom- kins.

Will Open SoonMiss Esther Maxwell, superin­

tendent of the hospital, announced today that It will be several days

opened fo

, liut i

the rec e apparit s en rout via the

n i* resatarly eption of :tiK taut yet to c by (wait from

hospital stitution

nrses on duty at t iuloutes, and theiJliiteH no training MaxwetV came Uf Torraac

the Community hospital o

Miss H. C: C ope&vfcsar o ted from UK Miebael

il «rf Clricned KOI t tlie 'HJvet-KWt- hoc

Fr«ity hospital at

Mr M. K. tfo orglea.1 su­ perintendent, is a graduate «f tbe Michael Reese hospital of (T

Other Nurse The other nurses on duty at toe

hospital here aro as follo E. B. Spcrry, surgical nn NVIlie l.uiu,, X-ray and laboratory technician; Miss EmiHe KjiB, su­ pervisor of obstetrical" tfeBKrtmrnt; Mrs. Elizabeth O'Neil, night s««ier- . ispr; Miss Cecella MiclielSftn.nieht uirse: Mrs. C. B. ISond and Miss Jenevievo Anders-in, general duly lurses; and Miss Fix, relief nurse.

Tin iwi-sonnel of thn employed itaff is as follows: Mrs. N. 13. Wheeler, formerly a nsldakt «C

i-ance, cook; Mrs. l^r&nchi ASeis-. assistant cook; Mrs. Davis,ipitat assistant; E;eer unit gardener: J. K.

house man.

Oldest War, Insects vs. Man, Rages on. With U S One ot Chief Battle grounds

t ,.f I)

III.-' VOr. Kountrv

ur in lustoll III. i!IM-l

imtliKlit, ul Howard,

N M.-Imli

wse-rv is still ruKinK lts thr fontfirt he I tribe. One of its ,-hwf tatile^wwds ml it requires constant > igiluwr <m -lie <-ln. I of tin uoicrnnu-iil )<ontiw ! •-*>• HI MIX) ulliers <>l liis ,iss<xfintriv_ t* pn- Tilt mr)>lum-. sliootuiK out rUwfc. ul aerially in tli(- li^lt nil tllu twUr >« <)

Large Group of Spec­ tators

The an Torrance

lual May page high school v school lawn

nt of th is stagfii

on the

The pageant opened flower dance, and closed Maypole dance.

May Wilson was featuri very pretty gypsy dance, Johanna Neehuids as a scarecrow, Geraldln Miller as the May queen, and Adel Greenfleld and -Mary LeClercq a the spring spirits.

The large audience was com fortably seated in chairs on tlv plaza in front of the school.

The pageant was an activity o the Girls' League, and all partici­ pating were girls.

Mrs. Morse and Miss Chase the faculty advisors. The schemes were worked out by Miss Chase's department. This depart­ ment also designed th which were made in the home economics department in charge o lira. Caller.

The eight flower girls represent ed California wild flowers.

Eastern Star Will Give Educational

Program MonthlyFollowing the regular semi­

monthly business meeting of the Eastern Star on Thursday eve-ilng there will be an educationaliroRTum In charge of Mrs. Mabel

Boyton, Torranco high schooleacher and member of the local:hapter.

A delightful treat Is promised. Mlaa Boyton, who was appointedtmirman of this new work in the rdcr, will have a different pro-

Knun each month along educationallues.

[nstall New Heads Of Moose Lodge

Officers of, the Torrance Lodge, oyol Order of Moose, were in-

tailed Thursday night. The new rflcera are us follows: Dictator, J.

H. Bradford: vice-dictator, A. G. loron; prelate, J. |.\ junior;

secretary, K H. Hughes; treasurer C. E.' Bailey; srrB eaiil-al-urms, J. Clark; inner guard, K. J. Hath;

r guard, I'. Hensnii; trustees Charles Ininan, J. I.eiikln. J. W. ' leisher.

number ul mi ml.. IH ul Ul. lo­ cal lodge will attend I In, Institution seromonluH ut Uurlmnk Thursday

Xoy Winters Makes 285-Yard Golf Hole

In One Long StrokeJ. R Wlnten. drove His way into

ha Golfers' Hall of Fume the other

Standing on L the lli-llt vi..v in trusty drive Ith tin, ball

vur thu clubhi

eighteenth tee me, Huy swung niui-ted sharply Bent It souring to land on the

cen und roll Into th Hoy Is tilt) rlmt iillli win, hut) .'Ve.r

undo thu eighteenth at Helleview ne stroke. The distance from

Uw to cup Is 2S9 yards.

uriinan,Kuril and a piece, of tin i III town. Wllut eould U

Cet H at llutflu-y's Amerl

Navy Traveling Recruiters Here

All Tfiis WeekParty After Young Men foi

Uncle Sam's SeaForces

The United States navy is agai >en to applicants after a shut- >wn of over six months, ace.

Louis M. Brooks, chief elec­ trician's mate, 0. S. N., who is 1 charge of the traveling party from

Los Angeles recruiting offlc he recruiting party will hav

their headquarters at the Torrance postoffice all this Week, and ca

10 Interviewed there by prfrspectiv .ppllcants. j

"The navy toduks, "ha before.

says Chief offer ttta

one of th shut down,

This Isns why we had t e were filled to ou . We had so many re-enlist­

ments that there were r incies for new applicants. "A young man entering tlv

ce today has on opportunity to earn a trade that will fit him for rivil life, as well as a chance to lomplete his education. The free :tudy courses that can bo had in he training stations and aboard hip aro tho best that can lie pro- ured from the modern colleges.

Officers are detailed to help the r-oung man in his studies so that nyone who is willing to help hlm- If can reach any goal lie may sire.'

"Opportunity to enter tho Navalademy, to open

[listed map. After ono 1 y< ervice ho Is eligible to take

lination for entrance to Bmy, provided he is ubde i of age at that time."

Tuesday Evening Salvation Army

Services Popular

BRIEF NEWSAwnings and Tents

Camping Outfits. Quality Reasonable Prices.

Hawthorne Awning Co.Lock Box 267, Hawthorne, Calif.

Over 300,000 "Suckers" of th amous Illinois brand are on watcli or this call, which goes out to

from tho old Prairie State to rthe picnic reunion In Sycamore

Grove Park, Los Angeles, all day long Saturday, May 28. The regls-

i will be posted at each county headquarters.

Toasted Sandwiches for *. mid­ night lunch. "Hughey" will send them to you. Just give him a ring. H. G. Meyer'a American Lunch. Carson St., Torrance. Adv.

Mrs. Joseph Soddy and daughter Lylse Louise have gone to Long

while Mr. Soddy Is visiting relu- s In the east.

Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas-, njoyed a day at Fullerton Sunday, Iso calling on Mrs. Thomas' sister n Redondo.

Tho Ladles' Guild of the Central Evangelical church will conduct i food sale at Renn's Grocery Sat-

ilay. May 16, at 2 p. m.

Torrance Scouts Will Go to Camp

Friday AfternoonTorrance Scouts are planning a

weekend camp at the Portuguese Harbor camp site for Friday, Sat­ urday and Sunday of the coming weekend. Tho party will leave In autos from the Methodist church Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, re­ turning Sunday to arrive home by 6 p. m. Scouts making the trip are to take blankets In which to sleep, toilet articles, and necessary food

the meals wiilln In camp. Scouts planning to make the trip

to notify Scout Hnrwood Clark by Wednesday night, that sufficient transportation may he arranged for both tho going and returning trip.


There will be a special meeting of the local unit of the American Legion Auxiliary tonight at the

e of Mrs. Annie Oreiner at Portola avenue, for the pur- of making popples to be sold

tho unit on national Poppy Day. May 29. All members are equested to brin;,- with them all lopples and poppy material, tills icing the last evening which will

be devoted to that work.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McGuir pent the day with her sister, Mri

French, at Qlejldalo Sunday.

The regular meeting of the Bert Grassland Post, American Legionill be held at the First National

Rank tonight at 7:30.

Tho Fiesta committee of the Le- ;on Is actively working on plans

or the Fiesta and Exposition to 1 >Id here in July.

Torrance. singers who won gold edals at the Eisteddfod held at

on for the efforts of Mr M. Fitzhugh in trainin

the ntest.

of the Salvation Irmy is ntinuing the special

The Shell Oil nine, of the Major immer League defeated tho lanslor-Canfiold Midway Oil Com­

pany team Sunday at the park in

hichuesday night services,:kly increasing in interest and

ttendance. Tonight Capt. E. H. umon and Capt. H. V. Zelms, Wilmington, will be in char/re

f the meeting. These officers are ilendid musicians, singers and 'Oakers, and will furnish an in- resting hour. Capt. Shannon has id wide Salvation Army experi-

Dr. and Mrs. George P. Shldler and sons James and Frederick spent Saturday afternoon at the Falrhanks-Pickford studios in Hol­ lywood, watching tho filming of Mary's forthcoming feature, "Annie Rooney."

the and ntilis recent command of Wilming- >n was in the Charioteer Brigade, hich each summer visits all the utlying towns, far from rall- >ads and the general line of avel. telling the story of the hrist in music and song. Capt. Blma has recently come to 'Wil- ilngton from San Francisco".

Harlequins WillEntertain Women

At the meeting of the Women's Club to be held Thursday, May 14, at the auditorium of the ' high school, the-Harlequins will present a special program of one-act plays. All members and friends of the club are Invited to attend.

OBSERVATIONSchmen bargained

(Continued from Page One)like the shrewd bargainers that they are, Fre long before they even sought a business basis for the funding of the debt. »

* »< * *T^HERE were other .reasons for the 'delay. In considering French x politics one must never forget that the strains of the French national song, born in a revolution, continually ring in the ears of French officials as an ominous threat that the people of that dynamic nation will rise up and turn things topsy-turvy if ag­ gravated too much.

The French government does not dare tax the French people oo heavily. The recent overturn in the government was brought bout in a large measure by fear on the part of high officials that erious trouble would follow the proposed capital levy.

The grim shadow of the French revolution rules French polities. It delayed consideration of debt payments.



The table below shows how small dally savingsaccumulate with 4% Interest compounded


feally Savings


t 19.981)9.91

199.88 499.58 999.16

Years $ 44.34



Twenty Years

$ 110.28 B61.16

1102.20 U755.SS 5511.8T




Carson Street

^ r lu c I c iExpert Watch Work


Post and Cravens Torrance


Demonstration and Sale AT W. A. RENN'S

Thursday and Friday-All Day

3 Bars, Mission Bell Soap...........................................................................25c1 Small White King Washing Machine Soap—FREE1 Large White King Washing Machine Soap ] 6 Bars White King Soap j- 3 Bars, Mission Bell Soap J

3 BARS, MISSION BELL SOAP—FREE1 Large White King Washing Machine Soap / 3 Bars Mission Bell Soap (

2 BARS MISSION BELL SOAP—FREE____A special demonstrator from the White King Los

Angeles Soap company will be here to give you many helpful hints on laundrying. Be sure and come Thurs­ day or; Friday.


W. A. RENN 1929-31 Carson St.



To the Melodious Murmurings of the

Danc-Tyriie OrchestraSING - - - and LAUGH - - - and EAT

AT SMITH'S FERNCROFT CAFEo • i «• Music c • i oSpecial Menus 6 to 8 Special Souvenirs


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